姓名 | 性别 | 职位 | 年龄 | 薪酬 | 持股数(万股) | 截止日期 |
Timothy D. Cook | 男 | Director and Chief Executive Officer | 64 | 7460.98万美元 | 328.02 | 2025-01-10 |
Sue Wagner | 女 | Director | 63 | 41.63万美元 | 6.85 | 2025-01-10 |
Monica Lozano | 女 | Director | 68 | 38.11万美元 | 0.86 | 2025-01-10 |
Wanda Austin | 男 | Director | 70 | 37.60万美元 | 0.16 | 2025-01-10 |
Wanda Austin | 男 | Director | 70 | 未披露 | 未持股 | 2025-01-10 |
Arthur D. Levinson | 男 | Director and Chairman of the Board | 74 | 56.27万美元 | 421.71 | 2025-01-10 |
Andrea Jung | 女 | Director | 66 | 42.55万美元 | 7.60 | 2025-01-10 |
Ronald D. Sugar | 男 | Director | 76 | 43.66万美元 | 10.93 | 2025-01-10 |
Alex Gorsky | 男 | Director | 64 | 38.00万美元 | 0.55 | 2025-01-10 |
姓名 | 性别 | 职位 | 年龄 | 薪酬 | 持股数(万股) | 截止日期 |
Timothy D. Cook | 男 | Director and Chief Executive Officer | 64 | 7460.98万美元 | 328.02 | 2025-01-10 |
Kevan Parekh | -- | Chief Financial Officer | 53 | 未披露 | 未持股 | 2025-01-10 |
Kate Adams | 女 | Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary | 61 | 2717.93万美元 | 17.90 | 2025-01-10 |
Deirdre O'Brien | 女 | Senior Vice President, Retail | 58 | 2717.93万美元 | 13.66 | 2025-01-10 |
Jeffrey E. Williams | 男 | Chief Operating Officer | 61 | 2717.78万美元 | 38.99 | 2025-01-10 |
Luca Maestri | 男 | Senior Vice President | 61 | 2717.93万美元 | 10.78 | 2025-01-10 |
中英对照 | 中文 | 英文- Timothy D. Cook
Timothy D. Cook,是公司的首席独立董事,也是苹果公司(Apple Inc.)的首席执行官。库克于1998年3月加入苹果公司,担任全球运营高级副总裁,也曾担任全球销售和运营执行副总裁和首席运营官。1997年至1998年,库克担任Compaq Computer Corporation的企业材料副总裁。在Compaq Computer Corporation工作之前,他曾担任Intelligent Electronics的执行高级副总裁兼经销商部门首席运营官(从1994年到1997年)。从1983年到1994年,他还在International Business Machines Corporation工作,最近担任北美履行董事。库克是苹果公司董事会成员。除了这家上市公司的董事会服务,他也是国家足球基金会(the National Football Foundation)和杜克大学(Duke University)董事会的董事会成员。
Timothy D. Cook,has served as Apple's Chief Executive Officer since 2011, having previously served as Apple's Chief Operating Officer from October 2005.Mr. Cook joined Apple in March 1998 and served as Executive Vice President, Worldwide Sales and Operations from February 2002 to October 2005. From October 2000 to February 2002, Mr. Cook served as Senior Vice President, Worldwide Operations, Sales, Service and Support. From March 1998 to October 2000, Mr. Cook served as Senior Vice President, Worldwide Operations.Mr. Cook serves on the Board of Directors of The National Football Foundation & College Hall of Fame, Inc., the Board of Trustees of Duke University, and on the Leadership Council for the Malala Fund, an international non-profit organization that advocates for girls' education. - Timothy D. Cook,是公司的首席独立董事,也是苹果公司(Apple Inc.)的首席执行官。库克于1998年3月加入苹果公司,担任全球运营高级副总裁,也曾担任全球销售和运营执行副总裁和首席运营官。1997年至1998年,库克担任Compaq Computer Corporation的企业材料副总裁。在Compaq Computer Corporation工作之前,他曾担任Intelligent Electronics的执行高级副总裁兼经销商部门首席运营官(从1994年到1997年)。从1983年到1994年,他还在International Business Machines Corporation工作,最近担任北美履行董事。库克是苹果公司董事会成员。除了这家上市公司的董事会服务,他也是国家足球基金会(the National Football Foundation)和杜克大学(Duke University)董事会的董事会成员。
- Timothy D. Cook,has served as Apple's Chief Executive Officer since 2011, having previously served as Apple's Chief Operating Officer from October 2005.Mr. Cook joined Apple in March 1998 and served as Executive Vice President, Worldwide Sales and Operations from February 2002 to October 2005. From October 2000 to February 2002, Mr. Cook served as Senior Vice President, Worldwide Operations, Sales, Service and Support. From March 1998 to October 2000, Mr. Cook served as Senior Vice President, Worldwide Operations.Mr. Cook serves on the Board of Directors of The National Football Foundation & College Hall of Fame, Inc., the Board of Trustees of Duke University, and on the Leadership Council for the Malala Fund, an international non-profit organization that advocates for girls' education.
- Sue Wagner
Sue Wagner从2012年10月开始一直担任贝莱德(BlackRock, Inc)的董事,她在该公司担任风险委员会委员。Wagner女士是BlackRock的联合创始人,在这之前,从2006年担任董事会副主席,并担任BlackRock的全球执行委员会委员,和全球经营委员会委员直到2012年7月退休。在 BlackRock任职期间,她还领导了战略与公司发展部和另类投资及国际客户业务。Wagner女士从2014年4月开始还担任Swiss Re Ltd和Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd.的董事。Wagner女士担任瑞士再保险公司(Swiss Re Ltd.)的财务与风险委员会和投资委员会委员。Wagner女士还担任DSP BlackRock Investment Managers Pvt. Ltd.、 Wellesley College和Hackley School的董事。
Sue Wagner,is a co-founder of BlackRock, Inc., an asset management company. Ms. Wagner served as BlackRock's Vice Chair from January 2006 until her retirement in July 2012, and also served as a member of BlackRock's Global Executive Committee and Global Operating Committee. During her tenure at BlackRock, Ms. Wagner served as BlackRock's Chief Operating Officer and Head of Corporate Strategy, and led the alternative investments and international client businesses.Ms. Wagner also serves on the Board of Directors of Color Health, Inc., a privately held health technology company. - Sue Wagner从2012年10月开始一直担任贝莱德(BlackRock, Inc)的董事,她在该公司担任风险委员会委员。Wagner女士是BlackRock的联合创始人,在这之前,从2006年担任董事会副主席,并担任BlackRock的全球执行委员会委员,和全球经营委员会委员直到2012年7月退休。在 BlackRock任职期间,她还领导了战略与公司发展部和另类投资及国际客户业务。Wagner女士从2014年4月开始还担任Swiss Re Ltd和Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd.的董事。Wagner女士担任瑞士再保险公司(Swiss Re Ltd.)的财务与风险委员会和投资委员会委员。Wagner女士还担任DSP BlackRock Investment Managers Pvt. Ltd.、 Wellesley College和Hackley School的董事。
- Sue Wagner,is a co-founder of BlackRock, Inc., an asset management company. Ms. Wagner served as BlackRock's Vice Chair from January 2006 until her retirement in July 2012, and also served as a member of BlackRock's Global Executive Committee and Global Operating Committee. During her tenure at BlackRock, Ms. Wagner served as BlackRock's Chief Operating Officer and Head of Corporate Strategy, and led the alternative investments and international client businesses.Ms. Wagner also serves on the Board of Directors of Color Health, Inc., a privately held health technology company.
- Monica Lozano
Monica Lozano自2017年12月起担任学院未来基金会(College Futures Foundation)总裁兼首席执行官,该基金会致力于提高加州低收入学生的大学毕业率。Lozano女士此前曾于2014年6月至2016年1月担任西班牙裔新闻和信息公司Impremedia,LLC的母公司美国西班牙裔媒体公司的董事会主席。Lozano女士此前于2012年7月至2016年1月担任Impremedia,LLC的董事长,并于2010年5月至2014年5月担任Impremedia,LLC的首席执行官。
Monica Lozano,is the retired President and Chief Executive Officer of the College Futures Foundation, a charitable foundation working to increase the rate of college graduation for low-income California students. Ms. Lozano served in this role from December 2017 to August 2022. Ms. Lozano also co-founded The Aspen Institute Latinos and Society Program and served as Chair of its Advisory Board from January 2015 to October 2019. Her career in media spanned more than 30 years, including as Chair of the Board of Directors of U.S. Hispanic Media, Inc., the parent company of ImpreMedia, a national Hispanic news and information company, from June 2014 to January 2016, and as Chair of ImpreMedia from July 2012 to January 2016 and Chief Executive Officer from May 2010 to May 2014. She also served as Publisher of La Opinión from 2004 to May 2014 and Chief Executive Officer from 2004 to July 2012.Ms. Lozano serves on the Board of the Weingart Foundation, a private grantmaking foundation advancing racial, social, and economic justice in Southern California, and is a Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. - Monica Lozano自2017年12月起担任学院未来基金会(College Futures Foundation)总裁兼首席执行官,该基金会致力于提高加州低收入学生的大学毕业率。Lozano女士此前曾于2014年6月至2016年1月担任西班牙裔新闻和信息公司Impremedia,LLC的母公司美国西班牙裔媒体公司的董事会主席。Lozano女士此前于2012年7月至2016年1月担任Impremedia,LLC的董事长,并于2010年5月至2014年5月担任Impremedia,LLC的首席执行官。
- Monica Lozano,is the retired President and Chief Executive Officer of the College Futures Foundation, a charitable foundation working to increase the rate of college graduation for low-income California students. Ms. Lozano served in this role from December 2017 to August 2022. Ms. Lozano also co-founded The Aspen Institute Latinos and Society Program and served as Chair of its Advisory Board from January 2015 to October 2019. Her career in media spanned more than 30 years, including as Chair of the Board of Directors of U.S. Hispanic Media, Inc., the parent company of ImpreMedia, a national Hispanic news and information company, from June 2014 to January 2016, and as Chair of ImpreMedia from July 2012 to January 2016 and Chief Executive Officer from May 2010 to May 2014. She also served as Publisher of La Opinión from 2004 to May 2014 and Chief Executive Officer from 2004 to July 2012.Ms. Lozano serves on the Board of the Weingart Foundation, a private grantmaking foundation advancing racial, social, and economic justice in Southern California, and is a Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
- Wanda Austin
Wanda Austin自2019年10月起担任公司董事会成员。Austin博士于2018年8月至2019年7月担任南加州大学临时校长,自2007年以来担任该大学Viterbi学院工业和系统工程系的兼职研究教授,并于2020年成为终身受托人。Austin博士自2016年12月和2017年10月分别担任Chevron Corporation和Amgen Inc.的董事。2008年1月至2016年10月,他担任The Aerospace Corporation的总裁兼首席执行官,该公司是一家独立的非营利公司,运营着唯一由联邦政府资助的航天企业研发中心,并为各种政府、民用和商业客户进行技术分析和评估。在成为总裁兼首席执行官之前,他曾担任公司的国家系统集团和工程技术集团的高级副总裁。从2015年到2017年1月,他在总统科学技术顾问委员会任职,在对科学、技术和创新的理解是形成有效美国政策的关键的领域为美国总统提供咨询。他也是MakingSpace, Inc.的联合创始人,专注于创造包容性的合作机会,并于2009年至2010年在美国载人航天审查委员会任职,2010年至2016年在国防科学委员会任职,2013年至2015年在空间基金会任职,2008年至2013年在加州科学技术委员会任职,2005年至2007年,2014年至2017年在NASA咨询委员会任职。他是美国航空航天研究所的研究员,也是国际宇航科学院和国家工程院的成员。Austin博士是World50的执行顾问,World50是一个由来自全球知名组织的高级管理人员组成的社区。他持有Franklin & Marshall College的数学学士学位,Pittsburgh大学的系统工程和数学硕士学位,以及Southern California大学的系统工程博士学位。
Wanda Austin has served on the Company's Board of Directors since October 2019. Dr. Austin served as Interim President of the University of Southern California from August 2018 to July 2019 has held an adjunct Research Professor appointment at the University's Viterbi School's Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering since 2007 and became a Life Trustee in 2020. Dr. Austin has been a director of Chevron Corporation and Amgen Inc. since December 2016 and October 2017 respectively. From January 2008 to October 2016 Dr. Austin served as President and Chief Executive Officer of The Aerospace Corporation, an independent nonprofit corporation operating the only federally funded research and development center for the space enterprise and performing technical analyses and assessments for a variety of government, civil and commercial customers. Before becoming President and Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Austin served as Senior Vice President of the corporation's National Systems Group and Engineering and Technology Group. From 2015 to January 2017 Dr. Austin served on the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, advising the President of the United States in areas where an understanding of science, technology and innovation was key to forming effective U.S. policy. Dr. Austin is also a co-founder of MakingSpace, Inc., focused on creating inclusive opportunities for collaboration, and served on the U.S. Human Spaceflight Review Committee from 2009 to 2010 the Defense Science Board from 2010 to 2016 the Space Foundation from 2013 to 2015 the California Council on Science and Technology from 2008 to 2013 and the NASA Advisory Council from 2005 to 2007 and 2014 to 2017. Dr. Austin is a fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and a member of the International Academy of Astronautics and the National Academy of Engineering. Dr. Austin is an executive advisor for World50 a community of senior executives from globally respected organizations. Dr. Austin holds a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Franklin & Marshall College, master's degrees in systems engineering and mathematics from the University of Pittsburgh and a doctorate in systems engineering from the University of Southern California. - Wanda Austin自2019年10月起担任公司董事会成员。Austin博士于2018年8月至2019年7月担任南加州大学临时校长,自2007年以来担任该大学Viterbi学院工业和系统工程系的兼职研究教授,并于2020年成为终身受托人。Austin博士自2016年12月和2017年10月分别担任Chevron Corporation和Amgen Inc.的董事。2008年1月至2016年10月,他担任The Aerospace Corporation的总裁兼首席执行官,该公司是一家独立的非营利公司,运营着唯一由联邦政府资助的航天企业研发中心,并为各种政府、民用和商业客户进行技术分析和评估。在成为总裁兼首席执行官之前,他曾担任公司的国家系统集团和工程技术集团的高级副总裁。从2015年到2017年1月,他在总统科学技术顾问委员会任职,在对科学、技术和创新的理解是形成有效美国政策的关键的领域为美国总统提供咨询。他也是MakingSpace, Inc.的联合创始人,专注于创造包容性的合作机会,并于2009年至2010年在美国载人航天审查委员会任职,2010年至2016年在国防科学委员会任职,2013年至2015年在空间基金会任职,2008年至2013年在加州科学技术委员会任职,2005年至2007年,2014年至2017年在NASA咨询委员会任职。他是美国航空航天研究所的研究员,也是国际宇航科学院和国家工程院的成员。Austin博士是World50的执行顾问,World50是一个由来自全球知名组织的高级管理人员组成的社区。他持有Franklin & Marshall College的数学学士学位,Pittsburgh大学的系统工程和数学硕士学位,以及Southern California大学的系统工程博士学位。
- Wanda Austin has served on the Company's Board of Directors since October 2019. Dr. Austin served as Interim President of the University of Southern California from August 2018 to July 2019 has held an adjunct Research Professor appointment at the University's Viterbi School's Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering since 2007 and became a Life Trustee in 2020. Dr. Austin has been a director of Chevron Corporation and Amgen Inc. since December 2016 and October 2017 respectively. From January 2008 to October 2016 Dr. Austin served as President and Chief Executive Officer of The Aerospace Corporation, an independent nonprofit corporation operating the only federally funded research and development center for the space enterprise and performing technical analyses and assessments for a variety of government, civil and commercial customers. Before becoming President and Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Austin served as Senior Vice President of the corporation's National Systems Group and Engineering and Technology Group. From 2015 to January 2017 Dr. Austin served on the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, advising the President of the United States in areas where an understanding of science, technology and innovation was key to forming effective U.S. policy. Dr. Austin is also a co-founder of MakingSpace, Inc., focused on creating inclusive opportunities for collaboration, and served on the U.S. Human Spaceflight Review Committee from 2009 to 2010 the Defense Science Board from 2010 to 2016 the Space Foundation from 2013 to 2015 the California Council on Science and Technology from 2008 to 2013 and the NASA Advisory Council from 2005 to 2007 and 2014 to 2017. Dr. Austin is a fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and a member of the International Academy of Astronautics and the National Academy of Engineering. Dr. Austin is an executive advisor for World50 a community of senior executives from globally respected organizations. Dr. Austin holds a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Franklin & Marshall College, master's degrees in systems engineering and mathematics from the University of Pittsburgh and a doctorate in systems engineering from the University of Southern California.
- Wanda Austin
Wanda Austin是the Aerospace Corporation的退休总裁兼首席执行官,该公司是一家独立的非营利组织,为各种政府、民用和商业客户进行客观的技术分析和评估,运营着唯一一家由联邦政府资助的专门致力于航天企业的研发中心。2008年1月至2016年10月,他担任该职位。Austin博士于1979年加入The Aerospace Corporation,担任过各种职位,职责越来越重。Austin也是美国国家工程院的成员,也是MakingSpace, Inc.(领导力和科学、技术、工程和数学(STEM)咨询公司)的联合创始人。Austin博士从2018年到2019年担任南加州大学的临时校长,并自2017年以来担任美国能源创新委员会(American Energy Innovation Council)成员。Austin博士还在国防政策委员会(2017年至2019年)、总统科学技术顾问委员会(2015年至2017年)、国防科学委员会(2009年至2017年)和NASA咨询委员会(2005年至2007年和2014年至2016年)任职。
Wanda Austin,is the retired President and Chief Executive Officer of The Aerospace Corporation, an independent, non-profit organization performing objective technical analyses and assessments for a variety of government, civil, and commercial customers, operating the only federally funded research and development center committed exclusively to the space enterprise. Dr. Austin served in this role from January 2008 until October 2016. Dr. Austin joined The Aerospace Corporation in 1979, serving in various positions of increasing responsibility.Dr. Austin is also a Member of the National Academy of Engineering and is a co-founder of MakingSpace, Inc., a leadership and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) consulting firm. Dr. Austin was the Interim President of the University of Southern California from 2018 to 2019 and has served on the American Energy Innovation Council since 2017. Dr. Austin also served on the Defense Policy Board from 2017 to 2019, the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology from 2015 to 2017, the Defense Science Board from 2009 to 2017, and the NASA Advisory Council from 2005 to 2007 and 2014 to 2016. - Wanda Austin是the Aerospace Corporation的退休总裁兼首席执行官,该公司是一家独立的非营利组织,为各种政府、民用和商业客户进行客观的技术分析和评估,运营着唯一一家由联邦政府资助的专门致力于航天企业的研发中心。2008年1月至2016年10月,他担任该职位。Austin博士于1979年加入The Aerospace Corporation,担任过各种职位,职责越来越重。Austin也是美国国家工程院的成员,也是MakingSpace, Inc.(领导力和科学、技术、工程和数学(STEM)咨询公司)的联合创始人。Austin博士从2018年到2019年担任南加州大学的临时校长,并自2017年以来担任美国能源创新委员会(American Energy Innovation Council)成员。Austin博士还在国防政策委员会(2017年至2019年)、总统科学技术顾问委员会(2015年至2017年)、国防科学委员会(2009年至2017年)和NASA咨询委员会(2005年至2007年和2014年至2016年)任职。
- Wanda Austin,is the retired President and Chief Executive Officer of The Aerospace Corporation, an independent, non-profit organization performing objective technical analyses and assessments for a variety of government, civil, and commercial customers, operating the only federally funded research and development center committed exclusively to the space enterprise. Dr. Austin served in this role from January 2008 until October 2016. Dr. Austin joined The Aerospace Corporation in 1979, serving in various positions of increasing responsibility.Dr. Austin is also a Member of the National Academy of Engineering and is a co-founder of MakingSpace, Inc., a leadership and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) consulting firm. Dr. Austin was the Interim President of the University of Southern California from 2018 to 2019 and has served on the American Energy Innovation Council since 2017. Dr. Austin also served on the Defense Policy Board from 2017 to 2019, the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology from 2015 to 2017, the Defense Science Board from 2009 to 2017, and the NASA Advisory Council from 2005 to 2007 and 2014 to 2016.
- Arthur D. Levinson
Arthur D. Levinson自1999年9月以来担任Genentech, Inc. “Genentech”的主席,自2010年3月以来是Roche Holding Ltd.的董事会成员。他之前从1995年7月到2009年4月担任Genentech的首席执行官。他自2010年3月以来担任F. Hoffman-La Roche Ltd的董事,服务于薪酬委员会(Remuneration Committee),并于2013年9月被任命为Calico LLC(专注于健康、衰老和幸福的公司)的首席执行官。他是Amyris, Inc.的董事长,NGM Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.的董事,哈佛大学(Harvard)和麻省理工学院(MIT)研究所的主任。他服务于Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center科学顾问委员会,California Institute for Quantitative Biomedical Research产业咨询委员会,Princeton University Department of Molecular Biology咨询委员会和ewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics咨询委员会。从2009年5月到2013年9月他担任Genentech研究和早期发展中心的顾问,是Genentech外部咨询团队——科学资源董事会(Scientific Resource Board)的成员。他之前从2004年4月到2009年10月担任Google Inc.的董事。
Arthur D. Levinson,has served as the Chief Executive Officer of Calico, a company focused on health, aging, and well-being, since September 2013.Dr. Levinson previously served as Chief Executive Officer of Genentech, Inc., a medical drug developer, from July 1995 to April 2009, and served as Genentech's Chairman from September 1999 to September 2014.Dr. Levinson also serves on the Board of Directors of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard and on the Board of Scientific Consultants at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.Dr. Levinson was awarded the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, the nation's highest honor for achievement and leadership in advancing the fields of science and technology, and the Biotechnology Heritage Award from the Biotechnology Industry Organization and the Chemical Heritage Foundation. Dr. Levinson has been inducted into the Biotech Hall of Fame. - Arthur D. Levinson自1999年9月以来担任Genentech, Inc. “Genentech”的主席,自2010年3月以来是Roche Holding Ltd.的董事会成员。他之前从1995年7月到2009年4月担任Genentech的首席执行官。他自2010年3月以来担任F. Hoffman-La Roche Ltd的董事,服务于薪酬委员会(Remuneration Committee),并于2013年9月被任命为Calico LLC(专注于健康、衰老和幸福的公司)的首席执行官。他是Amyris, Inc.的董事长,NGM Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.的董事,哈佛大学(Harvard)和麻省理工学院(MIT)研究所的主任。他服务于Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center科学顾问委员会,California Institute for Quantitative Biomedical Research产业咨询委员会,Princeton University Department of Molecular Biology咨询委员会和ewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics咨询委员会。从2009年5月到2013年9月他担任Genentech研究和早期发展中心的顾问,是Genentech外部咨询团队——科学资源董事会(Scientific Resource Board)的成员。他之前从2004年4月到2009年10月担任Google Inc.的董事。
- Arthur D. Levinson,has served as the Chief Executive Officer of Calico, a company focused on health, aging, and well-being, since September 2013.Dr. Levinson previously served as Chief Executive Officer of Genentech, Inc., a medical drug developer, from July 1995 to April 2009, and served as Genentech's Chairman from September 1999 to September 2014.Dr. Levinson also serves on the Board of Directors of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard and on the Board of Scientific Consultants at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.Dr. Levinson was awarded the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, the nation's highest honor for achievement and leadership in advancing the fields of science and technology, and the Biotechnology Heritage Award from the Biotechnology Industry Organization and the Chemical Heritage Foundation. Dr. Levinson has been inducted into the Biotech Hall of Fame.
- Andrea Jung
Andrea Jung自2018年5月起担任Wayfair Inc.的董事会成员。Jung女士自2014年4月起担任非营利小额信贷组织Grameen America LLC的总裁兼首席执行官,并在董事会任职。Jung女士曾于2012年4月至2012年12月担任个人护理产品公司雅芳产品有限公司的执行主席,并于2001年9月至2012年4月担任雅芳董事会主席。Jung女士于1999年11月至2012年4月担任雅芳首席执行官,并于1998年1月至2012年12月担任雅芳董事会成员。Jung女士自2008年1月起担任苹果公司董事会成员,自2018年5月起担任联合利华股份有限公司和联合利华N.V。董事会成员,此前曾于1998年7月至2018年3月担任通用电气公司董事会成员,并于2013年4月至2018年4月担任戴姆勒公司董事会成员。Jung女士毕业于普林斯顿大学。
Andrea Jung,has served as the President and Chief Executive Officer and a member of the Board of Grameen America LLC, a nonprofit microfinance organization helping women who live in poverty build small businesses, since April 2014.Ms. Jung previously served as Executive Chairman of Avon Products, Inc., a personal care products company, from April 2012 to December 2012, and as Chairman of the Board of Avon from September 2001 to April 2012. Ms. Jung served as Chief Executive Officer of Avon from November 1999 to April 2012, and served as a member of Avon's Board from January 1998 to December 2012.Ms. Jung also serves on the Board of Rockefeller Capital Management. - Andrea Jung自2018年5月起担任Wayfair Inc.的董事会成员。Jung女士自2014年4月起担任非营利小额信贷组织Grameen America LLC的总裁兼首席执行官,并在董事会任职。Jung女士曾于2012年4月至2012年12月担任个人护理产品公司雅芳产品有限公司的执行主席,并于2001年9月至2012年4月担任雅芳董事会主席。Jung女士于1999年11月至2012年4月担任雅芳首席执行官,并于1998年1月至2012年12月担任雅芳董事会成员。Jung女士自2008年1月起担任苹果公司董事会成员,自2018年5月起担任联合利华股份有限公司和联合利华N.V。董事会成员,此前曾于1998年7月至2018年3月担任通用电气公司董事会成员,并于2013年4月至2018年4月担任戴姆勒公司董事会成员。Jung女士毕业于普林斯顿大学。
- Andrea Jung,has served as the President and Chief Executive Officer and a member of the Board of Grameen America LLC, a nonprofit microfinance organization helping women who live in poverty build small businesses, since April 2014.Ms. Jung previously served as Executive Chairman of Avon Products, Inc., a personal care products company, from April 2012 to December 2012, and as Chairman of the Board of Avon from September 2001 to April 2012. Ms. Jung served as Chief Executive Officer of Avon from November 1999 to April 2012, and served as a member of Avon's Board from January 1998 to December 2012.Ms. Jung also serves on the Board of Rockefeller Capital Management.
- Ronald D. Sugar
Ronald D. Sugar,诺斯罗普·格鲁门公司的董事会退休主席以及首席执行官。自2003年至2010年,他担任诺斯罗普·格鲁门公司的董事会主席兼行政总裁。于2001年至2003年,担任利顿工业公司的总裁兼首席营运官。从2000年,担任公司的总裁兼首席营运官,直到于2001年公司被诺斯罗普·格鲁门公司收购。他担任TRW公司的早期财务总监。自2010年,他担任航空租赁公司的董事。自2010年7月以来,他担任安进公司的董事。2005年4月,担任雪佛龙公司的董事。他担任美国国家工程院院士、南加州。洛杉矶爱乐协会主任、男孩和美国女孩俱乐部的国家受托人大学的受托人的一员。在其他的职位上,他为董事会带来了在主要的上市公司担任主席以及首席执行官的执行领导经验,以及担任前首席财务官带来的财务专业知识,先进技术的了解,并从他的其它董事会服务的全球业务角度。
Ronald D. Sugar,is the retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Northrop Grumman Corporation, a global security company. Dr. Sugar served in this role from April 2003 to June 2010 and served as President and Chief Operating Officer from 2001 to 2003. Before joining Northrop Grumman, he held executive positions at Litton Industries and TRW Inc., where he served as Chief Financial Officer.Dr. Sugar is a Member of the National Academy of Engineering and serves on the Board of Trustees of the University of Southern California and on the Board of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Association. Dr. Sugar was elected as a member of the National Academy of Engineering for major contributions to advanced space communication systems and leadership in aerospace innovation. - Ronald D. Sugar,诺斯罗普·格鲁门公司的董事会退休主席以及首席执行官。自2003年至2010年,他担任诺斯罗普·格鲁门公司的董事会主席兼行政总裁。于2001年至2003年,担任利顿工业公司的总裁兼首席营运官。从2000年,担任公司的总裁兼首席营运官,直到于2001年公司被诺斯罗普·格鲁门公司收购。他担任TRW公司的早期财务总监。自2010年,他担任航空租赁公司的董事。自2010年7月以来,他担任安进公司的董事。2005年4月,担任雪佛龙公司的董事。他担任美国国家工程院院士、南加州。洛杉矶爱乐协会主任、男孩和美国女孩俱乐部的国家受托人大学的受托人的一员。在其他的职位上,他为董事会带来了在主要的上市公司担任主席以及首席执行官的执行领导经验,以及担任前首席财务官带来的财务专业知识,先进技术的了解,并从他的其它董事会服务的全球业务角度。
- Ronald D. Sugar,is the retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Northrop Grumman Corporation, a global security company. Dr. Sugar served in this role from April 2003 to June 2010 and served as President and Chief Operating Officer from 2001 to 2003. Before joining Northrop Grumman, he held executive positions at Litton Industries and TRW Inc., where he served as Chief Financial Officer.Dr. Sugar is a Member of the National Academy of Engineering and serves on the Board of Trustees of the University of Southern California and on the Board of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Association. Dr. Sugar was elected as a member of the National Academy of Engineering for major contributions to advanced space communication systems and leadership in aerospace innovation.
- Alex Gorsky
Alex Gorsky,1988年在强生工作,由于业务责任增加,被提升为首席执行官,2012年进入董事会。他为公司的董事会带来了各种战略管理专业技能,对保健行业的跨国业务的全面理解以及公司业务、历史和文化的深入了解使他担任董事会主席一职。2012年12月,他担任董事会主席的职位。2012年4月,他被任命为首席执行官、执行委员会主席并加入了董事会。1988年,他开始了在强生的职业生涯,首先担任在简森制药公司的销售代表。在后来的15年中,他经历了在销售、营销和管理职位上的提升。2001年,他担任简森只要公司的总裁,2003年,担任强生在欧洲、中东和非洲制药业务的公司集团主席。2004年,他离开强生,进入了诺瓦提斯制药公司担任公司在北美制药业务的领导。2008年,他重新回到强生担任爱惜康的公司集团主席。2009年早期,他被任命为外科医疗集团的全球总裁,成为执行委员会的成员。2009年9月,担任医疗设备和诊断集团的全球总裁。2011年1月成为执行委员会副主席。他还是特拉维斯曼尼基金会的董事会成员以及过会荣誉勋章基金会成员。
Alex Gorsky,is the former chairman and chief executive officer of Johnson & Johnson, and one of just seven leaders to have served in the dual role of chairman and chief executive officer since the company was listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1944. He joined Johnson & Johnson in 1988 as a sales representative with Janssen Pharmaceutica. In 2003, he was named company group chairman of the Johnson & Johnson pharmaceutical business in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Mr. Gorsky left Johnson & Johnson in 2004 to join the Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, where he served as head of the company's pharmaceutical business in North America. Mr. Gorsky returned to Johnson & Johnson in 2008 as company group chairman for Ethicon. In early 2009, he was appointed worldwide chairman of the Surgical Care Group and member of the executive committee. In September 2009, he was appointed worldwide chairman of the Medical Devices and Diagnostics Group and became vice chairman of the executive committee in January 2011. He was named chief executive officer and joined the board of directors in April 2012, and was named chairman of the board of directors in December 2012. Mr. Gorsky remained chief executive officer until he transitioned to executive chairman at the end of 2021. He currently sits on the boards of Apple, JPMorgan Chase and the Travis Manion Foundation, and serves on the Board of Advisors for the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. - Alex Gorsky,1988年在强生工作,由于业务责任增加,被提升为首席执行官,2012年进入董事会。他为公司的董事会带来了各种战略管理专业技能,对保健行业的跨国业务的全面理解以及公司业务、历史和文化的深入了解使他担任董事会主席一职。2012年12月,他担任董事会主席的职位。2012年4月,他被任命为首席执行官、执行委员会主席并加入了董事会。1988年,他开始了在强生的职业生涯,首先担任在简森制药公司的销售代表。在后来的15年中,他经历了在销售、营销和管理职位上的提升。2001年,他担任简森只要公司的总裁,2003年,担任强生在欧洲、中东和非洲制药业务的公司集团主席。2004年,他离开强生,进入了诺瓦提斯制药公司担任公司在北美制药业务的领导。2008年,他重新回到强生担任爱惜康的公司集团主席。2009年早期,他被任命为外科医疗集团的全球总裁,成为执行委员会的成员。2009年9月,担任医疗设备和诊断集团的全球总裁。2011年1月成为执行委员会副主席。他还是特拉维斯曼尼基金会的董事会成员以及过会荣誉勋章基金会成员。
- Alex Gorsky,is the former chairman and chief executive officer of Johnson & Johnson, and one of just seven leaders to have served in the dual role of chairman and chief executive officer since the company was listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1944. He joined Johnson & Johnson in 1988 as a sales representative with Janssen Pharmaceutica. In 2003, he was named company group chairman of the Johnson & Johnson pharmaceutical business in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Mr. Gorsky left Johnson & Johnson in 2004 to join the Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, where he served as head of the company's pharmaceutical business in North America. Mr. Gorsky returned to Johnson & Johnson in 2008 as company group chairman for Ethicon. In early 2009, he was appointed worldwide chairman of the Surgical Care Group and member of the executive committee. In September 2009, he was appointed worldwide chairman of the Medical Devices and Diagnostics Group and became vice chairman of the executive committee in January 2011. He was named chief executive officer and joined the board of directors in April 2012, and was named chairman of the board of directors in December 2012. Mr. Gorsky remained chief executive officer until he transitioned to executive chairman at the end of 2021. He currently sits on the boards of Apple, JPMorgan Chase and the Travis Manion Foundation, and serves on the Board of Advisors for the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
中英对照 | 中文 | 英文- Timothy D. Cook
Timothy D. Cook,是公司的首席独立董事,也是苹果公司(Apple Inc.)的首席执行官。库克于1998年3月加入苹果公司,担任全球运营高级副总裁,也曾担任全球销售和运营执行副总裁和首席运营官。1997年至1998年,库克担任Compaq Computer Corporation的企业材料副总裁。在Compaq Computer Corporation工作之前,他曾担任Intelligent Electronics的执行高级副总裁兼经销商部门首席运营官(从1994年到1997年)。从1983年到1994年,他还在International Business Machines Corporation工作,最近担任北美履行董事。库克是苹果公司董事会成员。除了这家上市公司的董事会服务,他也是国家足球基金会(the National Football Foundation)和杜克大学(Duke University)董事会的董事会成员。
Timothy D. Cook,has served as Apple's Chief Executive Officer since 2011, having previously served as Apple's Chief Operating Officer from October 2005.Mr. Cook joined Apple in March 1998 and served as Executive Vice President, Worldwide Sales and Operations from February 2002 to October 2005. From October 2000 to February 2002, Mr. Cook served as Senior Vice President, Worldwide Operations, Sales, Service and Support. From March 1998 to October 2000, Mr. Cook served as Senior Vice President, Worldwide Operations.Mr. Cook serves on the Board of Directors of The National Football Foundation & College Hall of Fame, Inc., the Board of Trustees of Duke University, and on the Leadership Council for the Malala Fund, an international non-profit organization that advocates for girls' education.- Timothy D. Cook,是公司的首席独立董事,也是苹果公司(Apple Inc.)的首席执行官。库克于1998年3月加入苹果公司,担任全球运营高级副总裁,也曾担任全球销售和运营执行副总裁和首席运营官。1997年至1998年,库克担任Compaq Computer Corporation的企业材料副总裁。在Compaq Computer Corporation工作之前,他曾担任Intelligent Electronics的执行高级副总裁兼经销商部门首席运营官(从1994年到1997年)。从1983年到1994年,他还在International Business Machines Corporation工作,最近担任北美履行董事。库克是苹果公司董事会成员。除了这家上市公司的董事会服务,他也是国家足球基金会(the National Football Foundation)和杜克大学(Duke University)董事会的董事会成员。
- Timothy D. Cook,has served as Apple's Chief Executive Officer since 2011, having previously served as Apple's Chief Operating Officer from October 2005.Mr. Cook joined Apple in March 1998 and served as Executive Vice President, Worldwide Sales and Operations from February 2002 to October 2005. From October 2000 to February 2002, Mr. Cook served as Senior Vice President, Worldwide Operations, Sales, Service and Support. From March 1998 to October 2000, Mr. Cook served as Senior Vice President, Worldwide Operations.Mr. Cook serves on the Board of Directors of The National Football Foundation & College Hall of Fame, Inc., the Board of Trustees of Duke University, and on the Leadership Council for the Malala Fund, an international non-profit organization that advocates for girls' education.
- Kevan Parekh
- 暂无中文简介
暂无英文简介 - 暂无中文简介
- 暂无英文简介
- Kate Adams
Kate Adams负责监督所有法律事务,包括公司治理,知识产权,诉讼,合规,全球安全和隐私。Kate于2017年11月加入Apple担任总法律顾问。在加入Apple之前,Kate曾担任霍尼韦尔国际公司的法律总顾问。 自2008年9月加入霍尼韦尔之前,凯特是Sidley Austin LLP律师事务所的合伙人。
Kate Adams, oversees all legal matters, including corporate governance, intellectual property, litigation, compliance, global security, and privacy.Kate joined Apple as General Counsel in November 2017. Prior to joining Apple, Kate served as General Counsel of Honeywell International Inc., a diversified technology and manufacturing company, from September 2008. Prior to joining Honeywell in 2003 Kate was a partner at the law firm of Sidley Austin LLP.- Kate Adams负责监督所有法律事务,包括公司治理,知识产权,诉讼,合规,全球安全和隐私。Kate于2017年11月加入Apple担任总法律顾问。在加入Apple之前,Kate曾担任霍尼韦尔国际公司的法律总顾问。 自2008年9月加入霍尼韦尔之前,凯特是Sidley Austin LLP律师事务所的合伙人。
- Kate Adams, oversees all legal matters, including corporate governance, intellectual property, litigation, compliance, global security, and privacy.Kate joined Apple as General Counsel in November 2017. Prior to joining Apple, Kate served as General Counsel of Honeywell International Inc., a diversified technology and manufacturing company, from September 2008. Prior to joining Honeywell in 2003 Kate was a partner at the law firm of Sidley Austin LLP.
- Deirdre O'Brien
Deirdre O'Brien是苹果公司零售与人事高级副总裁,向首席执行官Tim Cook汇报工作。作为Apple零售和在线团队的负责人,Deirdre支持他们的工作,以每年丰富数百万Apple客户的生活。专注于客户与人员之间的联系以及为客户服务的流程,Deirdre及其团队创造了可教育和启发零售经验。Deirdre在领导人员团队的工作中,致力于帮助Apple与员工建立联系,发展和关怀,并帮助这些员工尽其所能。她的团队负责监督广泛的职能,包括人才发展和苹果大学,招聘,员工关系和经验,业务合作伙伴关系,福利,薪酬,包容性和多样性。Deirdre在苹果公司工作了30年,拥有密歇根州立大学运营管理学士学位和圣何塞州立大学工商管理硕士学位。
Deirdre O'Brien is Apple's senior vice president of Retail + People, reporting to CEO Tim Cook. As the leader of Apple's retail and online teams, Deirdre supports their work to enrich the lives of millions of Apple customers every year. With a laser focus on the connection between customers and the people and processes that serve them, Deirdre and her team create retail experiences that educate and inspire. In her role leading the People team, Deirdre works to help Apple connect, develop and care for its employees — and to help those employees do the best work of their lives. Her teams oversee a broad range of functions including talent development and Apple University, recruiting, employee relations and experience, business partnership, benefits, compensation, and inclusion and diversity. A 30-year Apple veteran, Deirdre holds a bachelor's degree in Operations Management from Michigan State University and an MBA from San Jose State University.- Deirdre O'Brien是苹果公司零售与人事高级副总裁,向首席执行官Tim Cook汇报工作。作为Apple零售和在线团队的负责人,Deirdre支持他们的工作,以每年丰富数百万Apple客户的生活。专注于客户与人员之间的联系以及为客户服务的流程,Deirdre及其团队创造了可教育和启发零售经验。Deirdre在领导人员团队的工作中,致力于帮助Apple与员工建立联系,发展和关怀,并帮助这些员工尽其所能。她的团队负责监督广泛的职能,包括人才发展和苹果大学,招聘,员工关系和经验,业务合作伙伴关系,福利,薪酬,包容性和多样性。Deirdre在苹果公司工作了30年,拥有密歇根州立大学运营管理学士学位和圣何塞州立大学工商管理硕士学位。
- Deirdre O'Brien is Apple's senior vice president of Retail + People, reporting to CEO Tim Cook. As the leader of Apple's retail and online teams, Deirdre supports their work to enrich the lives of millions of Apple customers every year. With a laser focus on the connection between customers and the people and processes that serve them, Deirdre and her team create retail experiences that educate and inspire. In her role leading the People team, Deirdre works to help Apple connect, develop and care for its employees — and to help those employees do the best work of their lives. Her teams oversee a broad range of functions including talent development and Apple University, recruiting, employee relations and experience, business partnership, benefits, compensation, and inclusion and diversity. A 30-year Apple veteran, Deirdre holds a bachelor's degree in Operations Management from Michigan State University and an MBA from San Jose State University.
- Jeffrey E. Williams
Jeffrey E. Williams,高级副总裁。1998年6月,加入公司。2010年7月,确认了他现在的职位。他还担任负责公司全球采购的主管以及运营总裁。在加入公司之前,1985年至1998年,他就职于国际商业机器公司(IBM)并担任很多操作工程职位。
Jeffrey E. Williams, oversees Apple's entire worldwide operations, as well as customer service and support. He leads Apple's renowned design team and the software and hardware engineering for Apple Watch. Mr. Williams also drives the company's health initiatives.Jeff joined Apple in June 1998 and assumed his current position in December 2015. Jeff's previous positions with Apple include Senior Vice President, Operations and Head of Worldwide Procurement. Prior to joining Apple, Jeff worked in a number of operations and engineering roles at IBM from 1985 to 1998.- Jeffrey E. Williams,高级副总裁。1998年6月,加入公司。2010年7月,确认了他现在的职位。他还担任负责公司全球采购的主管以及运营总裁。在加入公司之前,1985年至1998年,他就职于国际商业机器公司(IBM)并担任很多操作工程职位。
- Jeffrey E. Williams, oversees Apple's entire worldwide operations, as well as customer service and support. He leads Apple's renowned design team and the software and hardware engineering for Apple Watch. Mr. Williams also drives the company's health initiatives.Jeff joined Apple in June 1998 and assumed his current position in December 2015. Jeff's previous positions with Apple include Senior Vice President, Operations and Head of Worldwide Procurement. Prior to joining Apple, Jeff worked in a number of operations and engineering roles at IBM from 1985 to 1998.
- Luca Maestri
Luca Maestri,2013年3月起,担任Apple的企业财务总监,该公司从事设计和销售移动通信、媒体设备、个人计算机。2011年2月至2013年2月,他是Xerox Corporation 的首席财务官、执行副总裁;2008年至2011年2月,担任Nokia Siemens Networks的首席财务官。加入Nokia之前,他在General Motors Corporation担任过一些高级行政财务职务。他在GM工作了20年,曾担任该公司欧洲、巴西地区的首席财务官,还曾在瑞士担任GM欧洲的高管,负责菲亚特联盟。职业生涯早期,他曾担任GM泰国的首席财务官、GM亚太的运营分析总监、GM爱尔兰的首席财务官。
Luca Maestri, oversees Apple's accounting, business support, financial planning and analysis, treasury, real estate, investor relations, internal audit, and tax functions.Luca joined Apple in March 2013 and assumed his current position in May 2014 after previously serving as Apple's Vice President and Corporate Controller. Prior to joining Apple, Luca was Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer of Xerox Corporation, a business services and technology company, from February 2011 to February 2013; Chief Financial Officer at Nokia Siemens Networks; and had a 20-year career with General Motors Corporation, including serving as Chief Financial Officer of GM Europe and GM Brazil.- Luca Maestri,2013年3月起,担任Apple的企业财务总监,该公司从事设计和销售移动通信、媒体设备、个人计算机。2011年2月至2013年2月,他是Xerox Corporation 的首席财务官、执行副总裁;2008年至2011年2月,担任Nokia Siemens Networks的首席财务官。加入Nokia之前,他在General Motors Corporation担任过一些高级行政财务职务。他在GM工作了20年,曾担任该公司欧洲、巴西地区的首席财务官,还曾在瑞士担任GM欧洲的高管,负责菲亚特联盟。职业生涯早期,他曾担任GM泰国的首席财务官、GM亚太的运营分析总监、GM爱尔兰的首席财务官。
- Luca Maestri, oversees Apple's accounting, business support, financial planning and analysis, treasury, real estate, investor relations, internal audit, and tax functions.Luca joined Apple in March 2013 and assumed his current position in May 2014 after previously serving as Apple's Vice President and Corporate Controller. Prior to joining Apple, Luca was Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer of Xerox Corporation, a business services and technology company, from February 2011 to February 2013; Chief Financial Officer at Nokia Siemens Networks; and had a 20-year career with General Motors Corporation, including serving as Chief Financial Officer of GM Europe and GM Brazil.