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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
James Buchan Director 51 8.93万美元 未持股 2018-04-26
Donna Millar Director 65 未披露 未持股 2018-04-26
John Ritota Director 67 4.61万美元 未持股 2018-04-26
Russell Manock Director 70 5.61万美元 未持股 2018-04-26
Danny Montgomery Director,Senior Vice President of Alpha ProTech Engineered Products, Inc. and Senior Vice President of Manufacturing 69 61.99万美元 未持股 2018-04-26
Lloyd Hoffman Director,Chief Executive Officer and President 57 63.50万美元 未持股 2018-04-26
David R. Garcia Director 69 4.51万美元 未持股 2018-04-26



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Colleen McDonald Chief Financial Officer 47 22.90万美元 未持股 2018-04-26
Danny Montgomery Director,Senior Vice President of Alpha ProTech Engineered Products, Inc. and Senior Vice President of Manufacturing 69 61.99万美元 未持股 2018-04-26
Lloyd Hoffman Director,Chief Executive Officer and President 57 63.50万美元 未持股 2018-04-26


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James Buchan

James Buchan自2017年4月起担任公司董事。自2016年8月以来,Buchan先生一直担任加拿大贝尔公司(Bell Canada)的房地产关键和关键设施管理高级经理,该公司是加拿大最大的电信和媒体公司之一BceInc.的子公司,他在该公司为关键设施运营提供领导和技术专业知识。2013年9月至2016年8月,Buchan先生担任Bell的运营经理。任职Bell公司之前,Buchan先生曾担任Urbacon公司(Bell公司的承包商)的经理(2012年9月至2013年9月),以及Brookfield Global Integrated Solutions公司的设施经理(2009年9月至2012年9月)。

James Buchan has been a director of the Company since April 2017. Since August 2016 Mr. Buchan has served as a Senior Manager - Real Estate Critical and Key Facility Management for Bell Canada, a subsidiary of BCE Inc., one of the largest telecom and media companies in Canada “Bell”, where he provides leadership and technical expertise to critical facility operations. From September 2013 until August 2016 Mr. Buchan served as Operations Manager for Bell. Prior to working for Bell, Mr. Buchan worked as a manager for Urbacon, a contractor for Bell, from September 2012 until September 2013 and as a facility manager for Brookfield Global Integrated Solutions from September 2009 until September 2012.
James Buchan自2017年4月起担任公司董事。自2016年8月以来,Buchan先生一直担任加拿大贝尔公司(Bell Canada)的房地产关键和关键设施管理高级经理,该公司是加拿大最大的电信和媒体公司之一BceInc.的子公司,他在该公司为关键设施运营提供领导和技术专业知识。2013年9月至2016年8月,Buchan先生担任Bell的运营经理。任职Bell公司之前,Buchan先生曾担任Urbacon公司(Bell公司的承包商)的经理(2012年9月至2013年9月),以及Brookfield Global Integrated Solutions公司的设施经理(2009年9月至2012年9月)。
James Buchan has been a director of the Company since April 2017. Since August 2016 Mr. Buchan has served as a Senior Manager - Real Estate Critical and Key Facility Management for Bell Canada, a subsidiary of BCE Inc., one of the largest telecom and media companies in Canada “Bell”, where he provides leadership and technical expertise to critical facility operations. From September 2013 until August 2016 Mr. Buchan served as Operations Manager for Bell. Prior to working for Bell, Mr. Buchan worked as a manager for Urbacon, a contractor for Bell, from September 2012 until September 2013 and as a facility manager for Brookfield Global Integrated Solutions from September 2009 until September 2012.
Donna Millar

Donna Millar自2017年12月27日起担任公司董事,自1989年起担任公司及其前身的员工。2000年以来,她一直担任公司的投资者关系的主要联系人。此前,她曾于1981年至1991年担任国际销售总监,并于1991年至2000年担任各种会计,客户服务和投资者关系职务,并于2000年至2017年担任总裁助理。她最近去世的丈夫AlexanderW.Millar是该公司的前总裁兼董事长。

Donna Millar has been a director of the Company since December 27 2017 and an employee of the Company and its predecessor since 1989. Since 2000 she has served as the primary point of contact for investor relations for the Company. Previously, she served as Director of International Sales from 1981 to 1991 in various accounting, customer service and investor relations roles from 1991 to 2000 and as Assistant to the President from 2000 to 2017. Her recently deceased husband, Alexander W. Millar, was the former President and Chairman of the Company.
Donna Millar自2017年12月27日起担任公司董事,自1989年起担任公司及其前身的员工。2000年以来,她一直担任公司的投资者关系的主要联系人。此前,她曾于1981年至1991年担任国际销售总监,并于1991年至2000年担任各种会计,客户服务和投资者关系职务,并于2000年至2017年担任总裁助理。她最近去世的丈夫AlexanderW.Millar是该公司的前总裁兼董事长。
Donna Millar has been a director of the Company since December 27 2017 and an employee of the Company and its predecessor since 1989. Since 2000 she has served as the primary point of contact for investor relations for the Company. Previously, she served as Director of International Sales from 1981 to 1991 in various accounting, customer service and investor relations roles from 1991 to 2000 and as Assistant to the President from 2000 to 2017. Her recently deceased husband, Alexander W. Millar, was the former President and Chairman of the Company.
John Ritota

John Ritota,1991年12月18日起担任本公司董事。1981年起,与他的兄弟一起在佛罗里达德拉海滩的Ritota and Ritota从事牙医的工作。2004-2008,他曾是Maxim TEP(即Conquest Petroleum)的董事,这是一个总部在德克萨斯州休斯敦郊外的Woodlands的石油天然气勘探、开发和生产公司。

John Ritota has been a director of the Company since December 18 1991. Dr. Ritota has operated a general dentistry practice, Ritota and Ritota, with his brother in Delray Beach, Florida since 1981 where he currently serves as President and a director. From 2004 until 2008 Dr. Ritota served as a director of Maxim TEP, Inc., now known as Conquest Petroleum Inc., an oil and natural gas exploration, development and production company headquartered in The Woodlands, Texas, a suburb of Houston.
John Ritota,1991年12月18日起担任本公司董事。1981年起,与他的兄弟一起在佛罗里达德拉海滩的Ritota and Ritota从事牙医的工作。2004-2008,他曾是Maxim TEP(即Conquest Petroleum)的董事,这是一个总部在德克萨斯州休斯敦郊外的Woodlands的石油天然气勘探、开发和生产公司。
John Ritota has been a director of the Company since December 18 1991. Dr. Ritota has operated a general dentistry practice, Ritota and Ritota, with his brother in Delray Beach, Florida since 1981 where he currently serves as President and a director. From 2004 until 2008 Dr. Ritota served as a director of Maxim TEP, Inc., now known as Conquest Petroleum Inc., an oil and natural gas exploration, development and production company headquartered in The Woodlands, Texas, a suburb of Houston.
Russell Manock

Russell Manock,2000年6月10起担任本公司董事。他一名特许会计师,自1976年起担任加拿大安大略多伦多的会计师事务所Snow & Manock担任高级合伙人。

Russell Manock has been a director of the Company since June 10 2000. Mr. Manock has been a independent chartered professional accountant sole practitioner since September 1 2017. He was previously a senior partner in the public accounting firm Snow & Manock in Toronto, Ontario, Canada from 1976 until September 1 2017.
Russell Manock,2000年6月10起担任本公司董事。他一名特许会计师,自1976年起担任加拿大安大略多伦多的会计师事务所Snow & Manock担任高级合伙人。
Russell Manock has been a director of the Company since June 10 2000. Mr. Manock has been a independent chartered professional accountant sole practitioner since September 1 2017. He was previously a senior partner in the public accounting firm Snow & Manock in Toronto, Ontario, Canada from 1976 until September 1 2017.
Danny Montgomery

Danny Montgomery,2005年起担任Alpha ProTech工程产品高级副总裁;2007年起担任高级制造副总裁及本公司董事。他在种塑料和聚合物的行业,有着40年的制造和销售经验。他于1994年7月加入本公司,当时他创办并经营的公司Ludan Corp被Alpha ProTech收购。

Danny Montgomery has been the Senior Vice President of Alpha ProTech Engineered Products, Inc. a subsidiary of the Company since 2005 the Senior Vice President of Manufacturing of the Company since 2007 and a director of the Company since 2007. Mr. Montgomery joined the Company in July 1994 when the assets of Ludan Corp., a company that he founded and managed, were acquired by Alpha Pro Tech, Inc.
Danny Montgomery,2005年起担任Alpha ProTech工程产品高级副总裁;2007年起担任高级制造副总裁及本公司董事。他在种塑料和聚合物的行业,有着40年的制造和销售经验。他于1994年7月加入本公司,当时他创办并经营的公司Ludan Corp被Alpha ProTech收购。
Danny Montgomery has been the Senior Vice President of Alpha ProTech Engineered Products, Inc. a subsidiary of the Company since 2005 the Senior Vice President of Manufacturing of the Company since 2007 and a director of the Company since 2007. Mr. Montgomery joined the Company in July 1994 when the assets of Ludan Corp., a company that he founded and managed, were acquired by Alpha Pro Tech, Inc.
Lloyd Hoffman

Lloyd Hoffman,1991年11月15日起受聘于本公司,起先是担任会计师,后来于1999-2002年间担任高级财务与行政副总裁,从2002年起担任首席财务官。1987-1991,他担任协会和杂志出版社软件开发商Software Concepts的财务与行政总监。他的父亲Sheldon Hoffman是本公司首席执行官和董事。

Lloyd Hoffman has been employed by the Company since November 15 1991 first in the capacity of Accountant, then as Senior Vice President of Finance and Administration from 1999 until 2002 as Chief Financial Officer from 2002 until December 2015 as Chief Executive Officer beginning January 4 2016 and as Chief Executive Officer and President since December 27 2017. He has been a director of the Company since January 4 2016. From 1987 until 1991 Mr. Hoffman was in charge of finance and administration at Software Concepts, Inc., a developer of software for association and magazine publishers.
Lloyd Hoffman,1991年11月15日起受聘于本公司,起先是担任会计师,后来于1999-2002年间担任高级财务与行政副总裁,从2002年起担任首席财务官。1987-1991,他担任协会和杂志出版社软件开发商Software Concepts的财务与行政总监。他的父亲Sheldon Hoffman是本公司首席执行官和董事。
Lloyd Hoffman has been employed by the Company since November 15 1991 first in the capacity of Accountant, then as Senior Vice President of Finance and Administration from 1999 until 2002 as Chief Financial Officer from 2002 until December 2015 as Chief Executive Officer beginning January 4 2016 and as Chief Executive Officer and President since December 27 2017. He has been a director of the Company since January 4 2016. From 1987 until 1991 Mr. Hoffman was in charge of finance and administration at Software Concepts, Inc., a developer of software for association and magazine publishers.
David R. Garcia

David R. Garcia,2010年10月起担任本公司董事。目前是一名私人投资者。1983-2008,他曾是一名持牌经纪人/生产经理。进行金融行业之前,1979-1983,他曾受聘于CF&I Steel Corp,在其劳工关系部门工作。1973-1979,他担任Wyoming Department of Labor的分部Wyoming Fair Employment Commission的执行总监。

David R. Garcia has been a director of the Company since October 2010. Mr. Garcia has been retired since January 2009. He was a licensed stockbroker/producing manager with Cantella & Co. from 1983 until his retirement. Prior to entering the financial industry, he was employed by CF&I Steel Corp. in the Labor Relations Department from 1979 to 1983. Mr. Garcia was the Executive Director of the Wyoming Fair Employment Commission, a division of the Wyoming Department of Labor, from 1973 to 1979.
David R. Garcia,2010年10月起担任本公司董事。目前是一名私人投资者。1983-2008,他曾是一名持牌经纪人/生产经理。进行金融行业之前,1979-1983,他曾受聘于CF&I Steel Corp,在其劳工关系部门工作。1973-1979,他担任Wyoming Department of Labor的分部Wyoming Fair Employment Commission的执行总监。
David R. Garcia has been a director of the Company since October 2010. Mr. Garcia has been retired since January 2009. He was a licensed stockbroker/producing manager with Cantella & Co. from 1983 until his retirement. Prior to entering the financial industry, he was employed by CF&I Steel Corp. in the Labor Relations Department from 1979 to 1983. Mr. Garcia was the Executive Director of the Wyoming Fair Employment Commission, a division of the Wyoming Department of Labor, from 1973 to 1979.


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Colleen McDonald

Colleen McDonald,她一直担任公司的首席财务官(2016年4月1日以来)。她于1995年加入公司,担任顾问,也曾于2012年被任命为助理公司总会计师,直到她成为首席财务官。

Colleen McDonald has been the Chief Financial Officer of the Company since January 4 2016. Ms. McDonald joined the Company’s accounting department in 1995 and was named Assistant Corporate Controller in 2002. She then held the position of Corporate Controller from 2003 until she became Chief Financial Officer in 2016.
Colleen McDonald,她一直担任公司的首席财务官(2016年4月1日以来)。她于1995年加入公司,担任顾问,也曾于2012年被任命为助理公司总会计师,直到她成为首席财务官。
Colleen McDonald has been the Chief Financial Officer of the Company since January 4 2016. Ms. McDonald joined the Company’s accounting department in 1995 and was named Assistant Corporate Controller in 2002. She then held the position of Corporate Controller from 2003 until she became Chief Financial Officer in 2016.
Danny Montgomery

Danny Montgomery,2005年起担任Alpha ProTech工程产品高级副总裁;2007年起担任高级制造副总裁及本公司董事。他在种塑料和聚合物的行业,有着40年的制造和销售经验。他于1994年7月加入本公司,当时他创办并经营的公司Ludan Corp被Alpha ProTech收购。

Danny Montgomery has been the Senior Vice President of Alpha ProTech Engineered Products, Inc. a subsidiary of the Company since 2005 the Senior Vice President of Manufacturing of the Company since 2007 and a director of the Company since 2007. Mr. Montgomery joined the Company in July 1994 when the assets of Ludan Corp., a company that he founded and managed, were acquired by Alpha Pro Tech, Inc.
Danny Montgomery,2005年起担任Alpha ProTech工程产品高级副总裁;2007年起担任高级制造副总裁及本公司董事。他在种塑料和聚合物的行业,有着40年的制造和销售经验。他于1994年7月加入本公司,当时他创办并经营的公司Ludan Corp被Alpha ProTech收购。
Danny Montgomery has been the Senior Vice President of Alpha ProTech Engineered Products, Inc. a subsidiary of the Company since 2005 the Senior Vice President of Manufacturing of the Company since 2007 and a director of the Company since 2007. Mr. Montgomery joined the Company in July 1994 when the assets of Ludan Corp., a company that he founded and managed, were acquired by Alpha Pro Tech, Inc.
Lloyd Hoffman

Lloyd Hoffman,1991年11月15日起受聘于本公司,起先是担任会计师,后来于1999-2002年间担任高级财务与行政副总裁,从2002年起担任首席财务官。1987-1991,他担任协会和杂志出版社软件开发商Software Concepts的财务与行政总监。他的父亲Sheldon Hoffman是本公司首席执行官和董事。

Lloyd Hoffman has been employed by the Company since November 15 1991 first in the capacity of Accountant, then as Senior Vice President of Finance and Administration from 1999 until 2002 as Chief Financial Officer from 2002 until December 2015 as Chief Executive Officer beginning January 4 2016 and as Chief Executive Officer and President since December 27 2017. He has been a director of the Company since January 4 2016. From 1987 until 1991 Mr. Hoffman was in charge of finance and administration at Software Concepts, Inc., a developer of software for association and magazine publishers.
Lloyd Hoffman,1991年11月15日起受聘于本公司,起先是担任会计师,后来于1999-2002年间担任高级财务与行政副总裁,从2002年起担任首席财务官。1987-1991,他担任协会和杂志出版社软件开发商Software Concepts的财务与行政总监。他的父亲Sheldon Hoffman是本公司首席执行官和董事。
Lloyd Hoffman has been employed by the Company since November 15 1991 first in the capacity of Accountant, then as Senior Vice President of Finance and Administration from 1999 until 2002 as Chief Financial Officer from 2002 until December 2015 as Chief Executive Officer beginning January 4 2016 and as Chief Executive Officer and President since December 27 2017. He has been a director of the Company since January 4 2016. From 1987 until 1991 Mr. Hoffman was in charge of finance and administration at Software Concepts, Inc., a developer of software for association and magazine publishers.