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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
周韶宁 Director, chairman and chief executive officer 61 未披露 4779.07 2023-05-23
周韶健 Director, chief strategy and investment officer 55 未披露 675.54 2023-05-23
李文飚 Director 56 未披露 未持股 2023-05-23
Xiao Hu Director 43 未披露 未持股 2023-05-23
Klaus Anker Petersen Director 50 未披露 未持股 2023-05-23
Chen Shen Director -- 未披露 未持股 2023-05-23
Ying Wu Director 63 未披露 未持股 2023-05-23



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
周韶宁 Director, chairman and chief executive officer 61 未披露 4779.07 2023-05-23
Gloria Fan Chief financial officer 58 未披露 未持股 2023-05-23
张芒粒 Senior vice president, general manager of supply chain management service line 66 未披露 未持股 2023-05-23
周韶健 Director, chief strategy and investment officer 55 未披露 675.54 2023-05-23
张砚冰 Senior vice president of engineering, general manager of cloud service line 47 未披露 未持股 2023-05-23
刘继美 Senior vice president of human resources and administration 51 未披露 未持股 2023-05-23
Tao Liu Senior vice president, general manager of freight service line 46 未披露 未持股 2023-05-23
Xiaoqing Wang Vice president, general manager of global service line 42 未披露 未持股 2023-05-23


中英对照 |  中文 |  英文

周韶宁是Best Inc.的创始人,自2007年以来一直担任Best Inc.的董事长兼首席执行官。在创立Best Inc.之前,他曾担任谷歌全球副总裁和大中华区总裁,负责谷歌在大中华区的销售和营销(2005年至2006年)。1996年至2005年,周先生担任UT斯达康中国总裁,负责中国业务。从1986年到1996年,周先生在美国电话电报贝尔实验室担任无线软件和系统开发总监。1978年至1980年,周先生在复旦大学学习计算机科学。周先生获得纽约城市学院电气工程理学学士学位、普林斯顿大学工程科学理学硕士学位和罗格斯大学工商管理硕士学位。根据百世物流科技(中国)有限公司经修订及重述的公司章程大纲及细则,周先生获提名为创办人董事。

Shao Ning Johnny Chou,is Best Inc. founder, and has served as Best Inc. chairman and chief executive officer since 2007. Prior to founding Best Inc. company, he served as a global vice president and Greater China president of Google with responsibility for Google's sales and marketing in Greater China from 2005 to 2006. From 1996 to 2005, Mr. Chou served as president of UTStarcom China with responsibility for China operations. From 1986 to 1996, Mr. Chou served as a director of wireless software and system development with AT&T Bell Laboratory. From 1978 to 1980, Mr. Chou studied computer science at Fudan University. Mr. Chou earned a bachelor's degree in science, specializing in electrical engineering, from City College of New York, a master's degree in science, specializing in engineering science, from Princeton University, and an MBA from Rutgers University. Mr. Chou was nominated by himself as a Founder Director under Best Inc. amended and restated memorandum and articles of incorporation.
周韶宁是Best Inc.的创始人,自2007年以来一直担任Best Inc.的董事长兼首席执行官。在创立Best Inc.之前,他曾担任谷歌全球副总裁和大中华区总裁,负责谷歌在大中华区的销售和营销(2005年至2006年)。1996年至2005年,周先生担任UT斯达康中国总裁,负责中国业务。从1986年到1996年,周先生在美国电话电报贝尔实验室担任无线软件和系统开发总监。1978年至1980年,周先生在复旦大学学习计算机科学。周先生获得纽约城市学院电气工程理学学士学位、普林斯顿大学工程科学理学硕士学位和罗格斯大学工商管理硕士学位。根据百世物流科技(中国)有限公司经修订及重述的公司章程大纲及细则,周先生获提名为创办人董事。
Shao Ning Johnny Chou,is Best Inc. founder, and has served as Best Inc. chairman and chief executive officer since 2007. Prior to founding Best Inc. company, he served as a global vice president and Greater China president of Google with responsibility for Google's sales and marketing in Greater China from 2005 to 2006. From 1996 to 2005, Mr. Chou served as president of UTStarcom China with responsibility for China operations. From 1986 to 1996, Mr. Chou served as a director of wireless software and system development with AT&T Bell Laboratory. From 1978 to 1980, Mr. Chou studied computer science at Fudan University. Mr. Chou earned a bachelor's degree in science, specializing in electrical engineering, from City College of New York, a master's degree in science, specializing in engineering science, from Princeton University, and an MBA from Rutgers University. Mr. Chou was nominated by himself as a Founder Director under Best Inc. amended and restated memorandum and articles of incorporation.

周韶健于2017年加入Best Inc.,担任首席战略和投资官,自2017年9月起担任Best Inc.董事。周先生在投资银行、交易和风险管理方面拥有超过22年的经验。2004年至2017年,他担任Credit Suisse董事总经理,曾在证券和投资银行部门担任过多个高级职位,包括最近担任Investment Banking and Capital Markets for Greater China联席主管。他还曾在UBS和Merrill Lynch工作。周先生获得了Stern School of Business at New York University的金融MBA学位。他是Shao-Ning Johnny Chou先生的哥哥。Shao-Ning Johnny Chou先生提名周先生为Best Inc.(经修订和重述的公司备忘录和章程)的创始人董事。

George Chow,joined as Best Inc. chief strategy and investment officer in 2017 and has served as Best Inc. director since September 2017. From 2004 to 2017, he served as a managing director at Credit Suisse, having held several senior positions in securities and investment banking division, including most recently the Co-Head of Investment Banking and Capital Markets for Greater China. He also worked for UBS and Merrill Lynch. Mr. Chow received an MBA in finance from the Stern School of Business at New York University. He is Mr. Shao-Ning Johnny Chou's brother. Mr. Chow was nominated by Mr. Shao-Ning Johnny Chou as a Founder Director under Best Inc. amended and restated memorandum and articles of incorporation.
周韶健于2017年加入Best Inc.,担任首席战略和投资官,自2017年9月起担任Best Inc.董事。周先生在投资银行、交易和风险管理方面拥有超过22年的经验。2004年至2017年,他担任Credit Suisse董事总经理,曾在证券和投资银行部门担任过多个高级职位,包括最近担任Investment Banking and Capital Markets for Greater China联席主管。他还曾在UBS和Merrill Lynch工作。周先生获得了Stern School of Business at New York University的金融MBA学位。他是Shao-Ning Johnny Chou先生的哥哥。Shao-Ning Johnny Chou先生提名周先生为Best Inc.(经修订和重述的公司备忘录和章程)的创始人董事。
George Chow,joined as Best Inc. chief strategy and investment officer in 2017 and has served as Best Inc. director since September 2017. From 2004 to 2017, he served as a managing director at Credit Suisse, having held several senior positions in securities and investment banking division, including most recently the Co-Head of Investment Banking and Capital Markets for Greater China. He also worked for UBS and Merrill Lynch. Mr. Chow received an MBA in finance from the Stern School of Business at New York University. He is Mr. Shao-Ning Johnny Chou's brother. Mr. Chow was nominated by Mr. Shao-Ning Johnny Chou as a Founder Director under Best Inc. amended and restated memorandum and articles of incorporation.

李文飚先生自 2017 年 9 月起担任 Best Inc. 的独立董事。李先生自 2008 年起担任华登国际董事总经理,自 2013 年起担任 Kaiwu Walden Capital, L.P. 的执行合伙人。自 2004 年至 2007 年 李曾担任谷歌的移动工程总监。 2000年至2003年,李先生担任Skire, Inc.工程副总裁。1997年至1999年,李先生担任Internet Image, Inc.工程总监。李先生获得华中计算机工程学士学位 科技大学,旧金山大学计算机科学硕士学位,金门大学EMBA学位。

Wenbiao Li,has served as Best Inc. independent director since September 2017. Mr. Li has served as a managing director of Walden International since 2008 and as a managing partner of Kaiwu Walden Capital, L.P. since 2013. From 2004 to 2007, Mr. Li served as a director of mobile engineering at Google. From 2000 to 2003, Mr. Li served as a vice president of engineering with Skire, Inc. From 1997 to 1999, Mr. Li served as a director of engineering at Internet Image, Inc. Mr. Li received a bachelor's degree in computer engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, a master's degree in computer science from the University of San Francisco, and an EMBA degree from Golden Gate University.
李文飚先生自 2017 年 9 月起担任 Best Inc. 的独立董事。李先生自 2008 年起担任华登国际董事总经理,自 2013 年起担任 Kaiwu Walden Capital, L.P. 的执行合伙人。自 2004 年至 2007 年 李曾担任谷歌的移动工程总监。 2000年至2003年,李先生担任Skire, Inc.工程副总裁。1997年至1999年,李先生担任Internet Image, Inc.工程总监。李先生获得华中计算机工程学士学位 科技大学,旧金山大学计算机科学硕士学位,金门大学EMBA学位。
Wenbiao Li,has served as Best Inc. independent director since September 2017. Mr. Li has served as a managing director of Walden International since 2008 and as a managing partner of Kaiwu Walden Capital, L.P. since 2013. From 2004 to 2007, Mr. Li served as a director of mobile engineering at Google. From 2000 to 2003, Mr. Li served as a vice president of engineering with Skire, Inc. From 1997 to 1999, Mr. Li served as a director of engineering at Internet Image, Inc. Mr. Li received a bachelor's degree in computer engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, a master's degree in computer science from the University of San Francisco, and an EMBA degree from Golden Gate University.
Xiao Hu

Xiao Hu 是阿里巴巴集团控股有限公司战略投资董事总经理。她于2017年加入阿里巴巴,此前担任战略投资部的投资总监。2012年至2017年,她在美林亚太有限公司担任副总裁兼董事,2008年至2012年,她在花旗集团全球市场亚洲有限公司担任副总裁兼副总裁。2003年至2006年,她还在中国国际资本有限公司担任助理股票研究分析师,2002年至2003年,她在毕马威华振会计师事务所担任审计师。Hu女士持有香港理工大学工商管理硕士学位,并获北京大学学士学位。

Xiao Hu,has been a director of Best Inc. since February 2022. Ms. Hu is a managing director of Strategic Investments at Alibaba Group Holding Limited. She joined Alibaba in 2017 and previously served as an investment director of Strategic Investments. She served as vice president and then director at Merrill Lynch (Asia Pacific) Limited from 2012 to 2017 and associate and then vice president at Citigroup Global Markets Asia Limited from 2008 to 2012. She also served as an assistant equity research analyst at China International Capital Corporation Limited from 2003 to 2006 and an auditor with KPMG Huazhen LLP from 2002 to 2003. Ms. Hu holds an MBA degree from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and a bachelor's degree from Peking University.
Xiao Hu 是阿里巴巴集团控股有限公司战略投资董事总经理。她于2017年加入阿里巴巴,此前担任战略投资部的投资总监。2012年至2017年,她在美林亚太有限公司担任副总裁兼董事,2008年至2012年,她在花旗集团全球市场亚洲有限公司担任副总裁兼副总裁。2003年至2006年,她还在中国国际资本有限公司担任助理股票研究分析师,2002年至2003年,她在毕马威华振会计师事务所担任审计师。Hu女士持有香港理工大学工商管理硕士学位,并获北京大学学士学位。
Xiao Hu,has been a director of Best Inc. since February 2022. Ms. Hu is a managing director of Strategic Investments at Alibaba Group Holding Limited. She joined Alibaba in 2017 and previously served as an investment director of Strategic Investments. She served as vice president and then director at Merrill Lynch (Asia Pacific) Limited from 2012 to 2017 and associate and then vice president at Citigroup Global Markets Asia Limited from 2008 to 2012. She also served as an assistant equity research analyst at China International Capital Corporation Limited from 2003 to 2006 and an auditor with KPMG Huazhen LLP from 2002 to 2003. Ms. Hu holds an MBA degree from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and a bachelor's degree from Peking University.
Klaus Anker Petersen

Klaus Anker Petersen 目前是 Lane House Limited 的董事长兼所有者,Lane House Limited公司是一家支持西方和中国公司在中国发展零售业务的多品牌专业零售商。 他还是植物性食品和饮料产品的创新者 Green Planet Foods 的首席执行官和联合创始人,以及 Brandhouse Group 的联合创始人和投资者,Brandhouse Group 是一家专注于跨境电子商务包裹递送业务的企业。 在斯堪的纳维亚市场。 2014 年至 2015 年,Petersen 先生担任保险、医疗保健和资产管理服务提供商阳光保险集团的董事总经理。 从 2004 年到 2014 年,他在伦敦和北京的摩根士丹利担任了多个职位,担任助理、副总裁和执行董事。 从 1998 年到 2003 年,他在麦肯锡公司担任助理和项目经理。 Petersen 先生于 2003 年获得丹麦技术大学工程和应用数学科学硕士学位,并于 2003 年获得欧洲工商管理学院工商管理硕士学位。

Klaus Anker Petersen,has served as Best Inc. independent director since May 2022. Mr. Petersen is currently the chairman and owner of Lane House Limited, a multi-brand specialty retailer that supports Western and Chinese companies develop retail presence in China. He is also the CEO and co-founder of Green Planet Foods, an innovator of plant-based food and beverage products, as well as a co-founder and investor in Brandhouse Group, a cross-border e-commerce parcel delivery business that focuses on Scandinavian markets. From 2014 to 2015, Mr. Petersen was a managing director of Sunshine Insurance Group, an insurance, healthcare and asset management services provider. From 2004 to 2014 he held various roles as associate, vice president and executive director at Morgan Stanley in London and Beijing. From 1998 to 2003, he worked as an associate and engagement manager with McKinsey & Company. Mr. Petersen earned a master's degree in science in engineering and applied mathematics from the Technical University of Denmark, and an MBA from INSEAD in 2003.
Klaus Anker Petersen 目前是 Lane House Limited 的董事长兼所有者,Lane House Limited公司是一家支持西方和中国公司在中国发展零售业务的多品牌专业零售商。 他还是植物性食品和饮料产品的创新者 Green Planet Foods 的首席执行官和联合创始人,以及 Brandhouse Group 的联合创始人和投资者,Brandhouse Group 是一家专注于跨境电子商务包裹递送业务的企业。 在斯堪的纳维亚市场。 2014 年至 2015 年,Petersen 先生担任保险、医疗保健和资产管理服务提供商阳光保险集团的董事总经理。 从 2004 年到 2014 年,他在伦敦和北京的摩根士丹利担任了多个职位,担任助理、副总裁和执行董事。 从 1998 年到 2003 年,他在麦肯锡公司担任助理和项目经理。 Petersen 先生于 2003 年获得丹麦技术大学工程和应用数学科学硕士学位,并于 2003 年获得欧洲工商管理学院工商管理硕士学位。
Klaus Anker Petersen,has served as Best Inc. independent director since May 2022. Mr. Petersen is currently the chairman and owner of Lane House Limited, a multi-brand specialty retailer that supports Western and Chinese companies develop retail presence in China. He is also the CEO and co-founder of Green Planet Foods, an innovator of plant-based food and beverage products, as well as a co-founder and investor in Brandhouse Group, a cross-border e-commerce parcel delivery business that focuses on Scandinavian markets. From 2014 to 2015, Mr. Petersen was a managing director of Sunshine Insurance Group, an insurance, healthcare and asset management services provider. From 2004 to 2014 he held various roles as associate, vice president and executive director at Morgan Stanley in London and Beijing. From 1998 to 2003, he worked as an associate and engagement manager with McKinsey & Company. Mr. Petersen earned a master's degree in science in engineering and applied mathematics from the Technical University of Denmark, and an MBA from INSEAD in 2003.
Chen Shen

Chen Shen是Alibaba Group Holding Limited战略投资总监。她于2018年加入Alibaba。此前,她于2017年至2018年担任世界银行集团国际金融公司高级投资官。她于2010年至2012年担任合伙人,并于2013年至2016年担任CDH的副总裁。从2004年到2008年,她还担任China International Capital Corporation Limited的投资分析师和合伙人。她持有哥伦比亚大学工商管理硕士学位和复旦大学学士学位。

Chen Shen is a director of Strategic Investments at Alibaba Group Holding Limited. She joined Alibaba in 2018. Previously she served as senior investment officer in International Finance Corporation at World Bank Group from 2017 to 2018. She was associate from 2010 to 2012 and then vice president of CDH from 2013 to 2016. She also served as an investment analyst and then associate at China International Capital Corporation Limited from 2004 to 2008. Ms. Shen holds an MBA degree from Columbia University and a bachelor's degree from Fudan University.
Chen Shen是Alibaba Group Holding Limited战略投资总监。她于2018年加入Alibaba。此前,她于2017年至2018年担任世界银行集团国际金融公司高级投资官。她于2010年至2012年担任合伙人,并于2013年至2016年担任CDH的副总裁。从2004年到2008年,她还担任China International Capital Corporation Limited的投资分析师和合伙人。她持有哥伦比亚大学工商管理硕士学位和复旦大学学士学位。
Chen Shen is a director of Strategic Investments at Alibaba Group Holding Limited. She joined Alibaba in 2018. Previously she served as senior investment officer in International Finance Corporation at World Bank Group from 2017 to 2018. She was associate from 2010 to 2012 and then vice president of CDH from 2013 to 2016. She also served as an investment analyst and then associate at China International Capital Corporation Limited from 2004 to 2008. Ms. Shen holds an MBA degree from Columbia University and a bachelor's degree from Fudan University.
Ying Wu

Ying Wu,自2022年5月起担任Best Inc.独立董事。Wu先生目前是The Nature Conservancy(TNC)的全球董事会成员,以及TNC China的董事会成员。Ying也是中国未来论坛的创始董事。2008年10月起任China Capital Management Limited总裁。Wu先生现为ZJBC Information Technology Co., Ltd.(深圳证券交易所代码:000889)董事长、京东健康国际有限公司(香港证券交易所代码:6618)独立非执行董事、Zall Smart Commerce Group Ltd. (香港证券交易所代码:2098)独立非执行董事、华谊兄弟传媒股份有限公司(深圳证券交易所代码:300027)监事会主席。Wu先生曾任Zhong An Online P&C Insurance Co., Ltd(香港证券交易所代码:6060)的独立非执行董事、HyUnion Holdings Co.,Ltd.(深圳证券交易所代码:002537)的董事、TCL Corporation Ltd. (深圳证券交易所代码:000100)的独立董事、九阳股份有限公司(深圳证券交易所代码:002242)的董事,以及Guangzhou TechLong Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd.(深圳证券交易所代码:002209)的独立董事。Wu先生还是UTStarcom(纳斯达克股票代码:UTSI)的联合创始人,UTStarcom 是一家全球性的电信基础设施公司,曾担任UTStarcom China的董事长兼首席执行官十二年。曾获北京理工大学电子工程学士学位、New Jersey Institute of Technology理学硕士学位和博士学位(荣誉学位)。

Ying Wu,has served as Best Inc. independent director since May 2022. Mr. Wu currently serves as a global board member of The Nature Conservancy (TNC), and a board member of TNC China. Ying also serves as a founding board member of the Future Forum in China. He has been the president of China Capital Management Limited since October 2008. Mr. Wu is currently the chairman of ZJBC Information Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE: 000889), an independent non-executive director of JD Health International Inc. (HKSE: 6618), an independent non-executive director of Zall Smart Commerce Group Ltd. (HKSE: 2098), and chairman of the board of supervisors of Huayi Brothers Media Corporation Ltd. (SZSE: 300027). Mr. Wu was an independent non-executive director of Zhong An Online P&C Insurance Co., Ltd, (HKSE: 6060), a director of HyUnion Holdings Co., Ltd. (SZSE: 002537), an independent director of TCL Corporation Ltd. (SZSE: 000100), a director of Joyoung Co., Ltd. (SZSE: 002242), and an independent director of Guangzhou TechLong Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. (SZSE: 002209). Mr. Wu was also the co-founder of UTStarcom (NASDAQ: UTSI), a global telecommunication infrastructure business and served as Chairman and CEO of UTStarcom China for twelve years. He obtained a bachelor's degree in electronic engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology, a master's degree in science and a doctor's degree (honoris causa) from New Jersey Institute of Technology.
Ying Wu,自2022年5月起担任Best Inc.独立董事。Wu先生目前是The Nature Conservancy(TNC)的全球董事会成员,以及TNC China的董事会成员。Ying也是中国未来论坛的创始董事。2008年10月起任China Capital Management Limited总裁。Wu先生现为ZJBC Information Technology Co., Ltd.(深圳证券交易所代码:000889)董事长、京东健康国际有限公司(香港证券交易所代码:6618)独立非执行董事、Zall Smart Commerce Group Ltd. (香港证券交易所代码:2098)独立非执行董事、华谊兄弟传媒股份有限公司(深圳证券交易所代码:300027)监事会主席。Wu先生曾任Zhong An Online P&C Insurance Co., Ltd(香港证券交易所代码:6060)的独立非执行董事、HyUnion Holdings Co.,Ltd.(深圳证券交易所代码:002537)的董事、TCL Corporation Ltd. (深圳证券交易所代码:000100)的独立董事、九阳股份有限公司(深圳证券交易所代码:002242)的董事,以及Guangzhou TechLong Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd.(深圳证券交易所代码:002209)的独立董事。Wu先生还是UTStarcom(纳斯达克股票代码:UTSI)的联合创始人,UTStarcom 是一家全球性的电信基础设施公司,曾担任UTStarcom China的董事长兼首席执行官十二年。曾获北京理工大学电子工程学士学位、New Jersey Institute of Technology理学硕士学位和博士学位(荣誉学位)。
Ying Wu,has served as Best Inc. independent director since May 2022. Mr. Wu currently serves as a global board member of The Nature Conservancy (TNC), and a board member of TNC China. Ying also serves as a founding board member of the Future Forum in China. He has been the president of China Capital Management Limited since October 2008. Mr. Wu is currently the chairman of ZJBC Information Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE: 000889), an independent non-executive director of JD Health International Inc. (HKSE: 6618), an independent non-executive director of Zall Smart Commerce Group Ltd. (HKSE: 2098), and chairman of the board of supervisors of Huayi Brothers Media Corporation Ltd. (SZSE: 300027). Mr. Wu was an independent non-executive director of Zhong An Online P&C Insurance Co., Ltd, (HKSE: 6060), a director of HyUnion Holdings Co., Ltd. (SZSE: 002537), an independent director of TCL Corporation Ltd. (SZSE: 000100), a director of Joyoung Co., Ltd. (SZSE: 002242), and an independent director of Guangzhou TechLong Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. (SZSE: 002209). Mr. Wu was also the co-founder of UTStarcom (NASDAQ: UTSI), a global telecommunication infrastructure business and served as Chairman and CEO of UTStarcom China for twelve years. He obtained a bachelor's degree in electronic engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology, a master's degree in science and a doctor's degree (honoris causa) from New Jersey Institute of Technology.


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周韶宁是Best Inc.的创始人,自2007年以来一直担任Best Inc.的董事长兼首席执行官。在创立Best Inc.之前,他曾担任谷歌全球副总裁和大中华区总裁,负责谷歌在大中华区的销售和营销(2005年至2006年)。1996年至2005年,周先生担任UT斯达康中国总裁,负责中国业务。从1986年到1996年,周先生在美国电话电报贝尔实验室担任无线软件和系统开发总监。1978年至1980年,周先生在复旦大学学习计算机科学。周先生获得纽约城市学院电气工程理学学士学位、普林斯顿大学工程科学理学硕士学位和罗格斯大学工商管理硕士学位。根据百世物流科技(中国)有限公司经修订及重述的公司章程大纲及细则,周先生获提名为创办人董事。

Shao Ning Johnny Chou,is Best Inc. founder, and has served as Best Inc. chairman and chief executive officer since 2007. Prior to founding Best Inc. company, he served as a global vice president and Greater China president of Google with responsibility for Google's sales and marketing in Greater China from 2005 to 2006. From 1996 to 2005, Mr. Chou served as president of UTStarcom China with responsibility for China operations. From 1986 to 1996, Mr. Chou served as a director of wireless software and system development with AT&T Bell Laboratory. From 1978 to 1980, Mr. Chou studied computer science at Fudan University. Mr. Chou earned a bachelor's degree in science, specializing in electrical engineering, from City College of New York, a master's degree in science, specializing in engineering science, from Princeton University, and an MBA from Rutgers University. Mr. Chou was nominated by himself as a Founder Director under Best Inc. amended and restated memorandum and articles of incorporation.
周韶宁是Best Inc.的创始人,自2007年以来一直担任Best Inc.的董事长兼首席执行官。在创立Best Inc.之前,他曾担任谷歌全球副总裁和大中华区总裁,负责谷歌在大中华区的销售和营销(2005年至2006年)。1996年至2005年,周先生担任UT斯达康中国总裁,负责中国业务。从1986年到1996年,周先生在美国电话电报贝尔实验室担任无线软件和系统开发总监。1978年至1980年,周先生在复旦大学学习计算机科学。周先生获得纽约城市学院电气工程理学学士学位、普林斯顿大学工程科学理学硕士学位和罗格斯大学工商管理硕士学位。根据百世物流科技(中国)有限公司经修订及重述的公司章程大纲及细则,周先生获提名为创办人董事。
Shao Ning Johnny Chou,is Best Inc. founder, and has served as Best Inc. chairman and chief executive officer since 2007. Prior to founding Best Inc. company, he served as a global vice president and Greater China president of Google with responsibility for Google's sales and marketing in Greater China from 2005 to 2006. From 1996 to 2005, Mr. Chou served as president of UTStarcom China with responsibility for China operations. From 1986 to 1996, Mr. Chou served as a director of wireless software and system development with AT&T Bell Laboratory. From 1978 to 1980, Mr. Chou studied computer science at Fudan University. Mr. Chou earned a bachelor's degree in science, specializing in electrical engineering, from City College of New York, a master's degree in science, specializing in engineering science, from Princeton University, and an MBA from Rutgers University. Mr. Chou was nominated by himself as a Founder Director under Best Inc. amended and restated memorandum and articles of incorporation.
Gloria Fan

Gloria Fan 目前担任 Best Inc. 的首席财务官。 在 2019 年 11 月加入 Best Inc. 之前,她从 2015 年 9 月起担任软件即服务公司 Corporate Visions, Inc. 的首席财务官。此前,范女士在多家清洁技术公司担任了近 10 年的首席财务官,包括 Bridgelux, Inc. 和 ClearEdge Powers, Inc. 从 1999 年到 2006 年,范女士在 UTStarcom Inc. 工作,担任高级管理职务,包括财务和全球业务运营副总裁,并监督该公司在纳斯达克上市。 范女士通过了美国注册会计师考试,拥有普渡大学理学硕士学位。

Gloria Fan,currently services as Best Inc. chief financial officer. Prior to joining Best Inc. in November 2019, she served as CFO of Corporate Visions, Inc., a software as a service company, from September 2015. Previously Ms. Fan spent nearly 10 years as CFO for a number of clean technology companies, including Bridgelux, Inc. and ClearEdge Powers, Inc. From 1999 to 2006, Ms. Fan worked at UTStarcom Inc. where she held senior management roles including Vice President of Finance and Global Business Operations and oversaw the company's listing on the NASDAQ. Ms. Fan passed the U.S. CPA exam, and she holds a Master of Science degree from Purdue University.
Gloria Fan 目前担任 Best Inc. 的首席财务官。 在 2019 年 11 月加入 Best Inc. 之前,她从 2015 年 9 月起担任软件即服务公司 Corporate Visions, Inc. 的首席财务官。此前,范女士在多家清洁技术公司担任了近 10 年的首席财务官,包括 Bridgelux, Inc. 和 ClearEdge Powers, Inc. 从 1999 年到 2006 年,范女士在 UTStarcom Inc. 工作,担任高级管理职务,包括财务和全球业务运营副总裁,并监督该公司在纳斯达克上市。 范女士通过了美国注册会计师考试,拥有普渡大学理学硕士学位。
Gloria Fan,currently services as Best Inc. chief financial officer. Prior to joining Best Inc. in November 2019, she served as CFO of Corporate Visions, Inc., a software as a service company, from September 2015. Previously Ms. Fan spent nearly 10 years as CFO for a number of clean technology companies, including Bridgelux, Inc. and ClearEdge Powers, Inc. From 1999 to 2006, Ms. Fan worked at UTStarcom Inc. where she held senior management roles including Vice President of Finance and Global Business Operations and oversaw the company's listing on the NASDAQ. Ms. Fan passed the U.S. CPA exam, and she holds a Master of Science degree from Purdue University.

张芒粒,目前担任Best Inc.供应链管理服务线的高级副总裁兼总经理,并于2007年至2011年担任Best Inc.运营副总裁。在2007年加入Best Inc.之前,她于1996年至2007年在UTStarcom中国担任合同执行部门经理、业务运营总监、中国业务运营副总裁等多个职位。从1993年到1996年,她担任浙江省经济建设发展咨询公司的部门经理。1982年至1993年,她担任杭州无线设备工厂技术部的产品开发工程师,并担任质量管理部副总裁。她持有浙江大学无线电子工程学士学位。

Mangli Zhang,currently serves as the senior vice president and general manager of Best Inc. supply chain management service line, and served as Best Inc. vice president of operations from 2007 to 2011. Prior to joining Best Inc. in 2007, Ms. Zhang held various positions with UTStarcom China as manager of the contract execution department, director of business operations, and vice president of business operations in China from 1996 to 2007. From 1993 to 1996, Ms. Zhang served as a department manager of Zhejiang Province Economic and Construction Development Consulting Company. From 1982 to 1993, Ms. Zhang served as a product development engineer in the technology division, and served as vice president of the quality management division, of Hangzhou Wireless Equipment Factory. Ms. Zhang received a bachelor's degree in wireless electronic engineering from Zhejiang University.
张芒粒,目前担任Best Inc.供应链管理服务线的高级副总裁兼总经理,并于2007年至2011年担任Best Inc.运营副总裁。在2007年加入Best Inc.之前,她于1996年至2007年在UTStarcom中国担任合同执行部门经理、业务运营总监、中国业务运营副总裁等多个职位。从1993年到1996年,她担任浙江省经济建设发展咨询公司的部门经理。1982年至1993年,她担任杭州无线设备工厂技术部的产品开发工程师,并担任质量管理部副总裁。她持有浙江大学无线电子工程学士学位。
Mangli Zhang,currently serves as the senior vice president and general manager of Best Inc. supply chain management service line, and served as Best Inc. vice president of operations from 2007 to 2011. Prior to joining Best Inc. in 2007, Ms. Zhang held various positions with UTStarcom China as manager of the contract execution department, director of business operations, and vice president of business operations in China from 1996 to 2007. From 1993 to 1996, Ms. Zhang served as a department manager of Zhejiang Province Economic and Construction Development Consulting Company. From 1982 to 1993, Ms. Zhang served as a product development engineer in the technology division, and served as vice president of the quality management division, of Hangzhou Wireless Equipment Factory. Ms. Zhang received a bachelor's degree in wireless electronic engineering from Zhejiang University.

周韶健于2017年加入Best Inc.,担任首席战略和投资官,自2017年9月起担任Best Inc.董事。周先生在投资银行、交易和风险管理方面拥有超过22年的经验。2004年至2017年,他担任Credit Suisse董事总经理,曾在证券和投资银行部门担任过多个高级职位,包括最近担任Investment Banking and Capital Markets for Greater China联席主管。他还曾在UBS和Merrill Lynch工作。周先生获得了Stern School of Business at New York University的金融MBA学位。他是Shao-Ning Johnny Chou先生的哥哥。Shao-Ning Johnny Chou先生提名周先生为Best Inc.(经修订和重述的公司备忘录和章程)的创始人董事。

George Chow,joined as Best Inc. chief strategy and investment officer in 2017 and has served as Best Inc. director since September 2017. From 2004 to 2017, he served as a managing director at Credit Suisse, having held several senior positions in securities and investment banking division, including most recently the Co-Head of Investment Banking and Capital Markets for Greater China. He also worked for UBS and Merrill Lynch. Mr. Chow received an MBA in finance from the Stern School of Business at New York University. He is Mr. Shao-Ning Johnny Chou's brother. Mr. Chow was nominated by Mr. Shao-Ning Johnny Chou as a Founder Director under Best Inc. amended and restated memorandum and articles of incorporation.
周韶健于2017年加入Best Inc.,担任首席战略和投资官,自2017年9月起担任Best Inc.董事。周先生在投资银行、交易和风险管理方面拥有超过22年的经验。2004年至2017年,他担任Credit Suisse董事总经理,曾在证券和投资银行部门担任过多个高级职位,包括最近担任Investment Banking and Capital Markets for Greater China联席主管。他还曾在UBS和Merrill Lynch工作。周先生获得了Stern School of Business at New York University的金融MBA学位。他是Shao-Ning Johnny Chou先生的哥哥。Shao-Ning Johnny Chou先生提名周先生为Best Inc.(经修订和重述的公司备忘录和章程)的创始人董事。
George Chow,joined as Best Inc. chief strategy and investment officer in 2017 and has served as Best Inc. director since September 2017. From 2004 to 2017, he served as a managing director at Credit Suisse, having held several senior positions in securities and investment banking division, including most recently the Co-Head of Investment Banking and Capital Markets for Greater China. He also worked for UBS and Merrill Lynch. Mr. Chow received an MBA in finance from the Stern School of Business at New York University. He is Mr. Shao-Ning Johnny Chou's brother. Mr. Chow was nominated by Mr. Shao-Ning Johnny Chou as a Founder Director under Best Inc. amended and restated memorandum and articles of incorporation.

张砚冰目前担任Best Inc.工程高级副总裁兼Best Inc.云服务线总经理。 在加入百世之前,张先生于2004年至2007年担任UT斯达康中国IT部门的高级项目经理。2003年至2004年,张先生担任中国中航信控股有限公司的项目经理。 张先生获得国防科技大学计算机科学学士学位和卡尔斯鲁厄大学(现称卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院)计算机科学硕士学位。

Yanbing Zhang,currently serves as Best Inc. senior vice president of engineering and the general manager of Best Inc. cloud service line. Prior to joining Best Inc. , Mr. Zhang served as a senior project manager at the IT department of UTStarcom China from 2004 to 2007. From 2003 to 2004, Mr. Zhang served as a project manager at China TravelSky Holding Company. Mr. Zhang received a bachelor's degree in computer science from the National University of Defense Technology and a master's degree in computer science from the University of Karlsruhe (now known as the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology).
张砚冰目前担任Best Inc.工程高级副总裁兼Best Inc.云服务线总经理。 在加入百世之前,张先生于2004年至2007年担任UT斯达康中国IT部门的高级项目经理。2003年至2004年,张先生担任中国中航信控股有限公司的项目经理。 张先生获得国防科技大学计算机科学学士学位和卡尔斯鲁厄大学(现称卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院)计算机科学硕士学位。
Yanbing Zhang,currently serves as Best Inc. senior vice president of engineering and the general manager of Best Inc. cloud service line. Prior to joining Best Inc. , Mr. Zhang served as a senior project manager at the IT department of UTStarcom China from 2004 to 2007. From 2003 to 2004, Mr. Zhang served as a project manager at China TravelSky Holding Company. Mr. Zhang received a bachelor's degree in computer science from the National University of Defense Technology and a master's degree in computer science from the University of Karlsruhe (now known as the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology).

刘继美目前担任 Best Inc. 的人力资源和行政高级副总裁。 在加入 Best Inc. 之前,刘女士于 2000 年至 2007 年担任 UT斯达康中国的人力资源总监。1996 年至 2000 年,刘女士担任顶新国际集团的培训主管。 刘女士获得中南大学机械设计与制造学士学位和德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校高级管理人员工商管理硕士学位。

Jimei Liu,currently serves as Best Inc. senior vice president of human resources and administration. Prior to joining Best Inc. , Ms. Liu served as the director of human resources at UTStarcom China from 2000 to 2007. From 1996 to 2000, Ms. Liu served as the training supervisor at Ting Hsin International Group. Ms. Liu received a bachelor's degree in machinery design and manufacturing from Central South University and an executive master of business administration degree from the University of Texas at Arlington.
刘继美目前担任 Best Inc. 的人力资源和行政高级副总裁。 在加入 Best Inc. 之前,刘女士于 2000 年至 2007 年担任 UT斯达康中国的人力资源总监。1996 年至 2000 年,刘女士担任顶新国际集团的培训主管。 刘女士获得中南大学机械设计与制造学士学位和德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校高级管理人员工商管理硕士学位。
Jimei Liu,currently serves as Best Inc. senior vice president of human resources and administration. Prior to joining Best Inc. , Ms. Liu served as the director of human resources at UTStarcom China from 2000 to 2007. From 1996 to 2000, Ms. Liu served as the training supervisor at Ting Hsin International Group. Ms. Liu received a bachelor's degree in machinery design and manufacturing from Central South University and an executive master of business administration degree from the University of Texas at Arlington.
Tao Liu

Tao Liu现任Best Inc.货运服务线高级副总裁兼总经理。在此之前,2009年至2017年期间,他曾在Best Inc.担任过多个职位,包括Best Inc.货运服务线副总经理、Best Inc.上海分公司总经理和Best Inc.山东分公司总经理。在加入Best Inc.之前,Liu先生于2007年至2009年担任Shandong Zitong International Logistics Company的副总经理。2000年至2004年,Liu先生在China Kejian Co., Ltd.智联物流集团公司担任总经理助理、济南分公司总经理、华北区总经理、然后是由智联物流和中铁济南集团合资成立的Shandong Zhongtie Modern Logistics and Technology Co. Ltd.的总经理。Liu先生获得山东财经大学国际工商管理学士学位。

Tao Liu,currently serves as the senior vice president and general manager of Best Inc. freight service line. Before that, between 2009 and 2017, he had held various positions with Best Inc. as deputy general manager of Best Inc. freight service line, general manager of Best Inc. Shanghai branch, and general manager of Best Inc. Shandong branch. Prior to joining Best Inc. , Mr. Liu served as a deputy general manager at Shandong Zitong International Logistics Company from 2007 to 2009. From 2000 to 2004, Mr. Liu held various positions with Zhilian Logistics (a group company of China Kejian Co., Ltd.) as assistant to general manager, general manager of its Jinan branch, general manager of the Northern China region, and then general manager of Shandong Zhongtie Modern Logistics and Technology Co. Ltd., a joint venture established by Zhilian Logistics and China Railway Jinan Group. Mr. Liu received a bachelor's degree in international business administration from Shandong University of Finance and Economics.
Tao Liu现任Best Inc.货运服务线高级副总裁兼总经理。在此之前,2009年至2017年期间,他曾在Best Inc.担任过多个职位,包括Best Inc.货运服务线副总经理、Best Inc.上海分公司总经理和Best Inc.山东分公司总经理。在加入Best Inc.之前,Liu先生于2007年至2009年担任Shandong Zitong International Logistics Company的副总经理。2000年至2004年,Liu先生在China Kejian Co., Ltd.智联物流集团公司担任总经理助理、济南分公司总经理、华北区总经理、然后是由智联物流和中铁济南集团合资成立的Shandong Zhongtie Modern Logistics and Technology Co. Ltd.的总经理。Liu先生获得山东财经大学国际工商管理学士学位。
Tao Liu,currently serves as the senior vice president and general manager of Best Inc. freight service line. Before that, between 2009 and 2017, he had held various positions with Best Inc. as deputy general manager of Best Inc. freight service line, general manager of Best Inc. Shanghai branch, and general manager of Best Inc. Shandong branch. Prior to joining Best Inc. , Mr. Liu served as a deputy general manager at Shandong Zitong International Logistics Company from 2007 to 2009. From 2000 to 2004, Mr. Liu held various positions with Zhilian Logistics (a group company of China Kejian Co., Ltd.) as assistant to general manager, general manager of its Jinan branch, general manager of the Northern China region, and then general manager of Shandong Zhongtie Modern Logistics and Technology Co. Ltd., a joint venture established by Zhilian Logistics and China Railway Jinan Group. Mr. Liu received a bachelor's degree in international business administration from Shandong University of Finance and Economics.
Xiaoqing Wang

Xiaoqing Wang自2009年起担任BEST江苏省分行总经理,在江苏省率先打造“最佳快件”等服务线。2004年至2009年,Wang先生任UTStarcom中国南京分公司高级销售经理。Wang先生获得南京农业大学经济管理学士学位和德克萨斯大学EMBA学位。

Xiaoqing Wang,currently serves as the vice president and general manager of Best Inc. global service line. Prior to that, he had been general manager of Best Inc. express service line since the end of 2020, general manager of Best Inc. company's Jiangsu province branch since 2009, spearheading BEST Express and other service lines in Jiangsu province, China. From 2004 to 2009, Mr. Wang was senior sales manager of the Nanjing branch of UTStarcom China. Mr. Wang received a bachelor's degree in economics and management from Nanjing Agricultural University and an EMBA degree from the University of Texas.
Xiaoqing Wang自2009年起担任BEST江苏省分行总经理,在江苏省率先打造“最佳快件”等服务线。2004年至2009年,Wang先生任UTStarcom中国南京分公司高级销售经理。Wang先生获得南京农业大学经济管理学士学位和德克萨斯大学EMBA学位。
Xiaoqing Wang,currently serves as the vice president and general manager of Best Inc. global service line. Prior to that, he had been general manager of Best Inc. express service line since the end of 2020, general manager of Best Inc. company's Jiangsu province branch since 2009, spearheading BEST Express and other service lines in Jiangsu province, China. From 2004 to 2009, Mr. Wang was senior sales manager of the Nanjing branch of UTStarcom China. Mr. Wang received a bachelor's degree in economics and management from Nanjing Agricultural University and an EMBA degree from the University of Texas.