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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Hao Liang Director, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer 43 未披露 910.55 2023-07-25
Yingzhi Tang Director, co-Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer 42 未披露 472.50 2023-07-25
Su Zhang Independent Director 50 未披露 未持股 2023-07-25
李东 Independent Director 46 未披露 未持股 2023-07-25



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Hao Liang Director, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer 43 未披露 910.55 2023-07-25
Yingzhi Tang Director, co-Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer 42 未披露 472.50 2023-07-25
Chao Guo Senior Vice President 38 未披露 未持股 2023-07-25


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Hao Liang

Hao Liang 自2012年起担任Boqii Holding Limited 董事、董事长兼首席执行官,目前负责Boqii Holding Limited 整体战略规划和管理工作。 Liang 先生拥有15年的管理和战略经验,对互联网、宠物和媒体行业有着深刻的理解。 在加入Boqii Holding Limited 之前,Liang 先生曾任PPLive Inc.首席运营官、腾讯视频总监、QQ最早的产品经理之一。Liang 先生获得桂林电子科技大学计算机科学学士学位。

Hao Liang,has served as Boqii Holding Limited Director, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer since 2012, and is currently in charge of Boqii Holding Limited overall strategic planning and management. Mr. Liang has 15 years of experience in management and strategy, and deep understanding of internet, pet and media industries. Prior to joining Boqii Holding Limited , Mr. Liang was the chief operational officer of PPLive Inc., director of Tencent Video and one of the earliest product managers of QQ. Mr. Liang obtained his bachelor's degree in computer science from Guilin Electronic Technology University.
Hao Liang 自2012年起担任Boqii Holding Limited 董事、董事长兼首席执行官,目前负责Boqii Holding Limited 整体战略规划和管理工作。 Liang 先生拥有15年的管理和战略经验,对互联网、宠物和媒体行业有着深刻的理解。 在加入Boqii Holding Limited 之前,Liang 先生曾任PPLive Inc.首席运营官、腾讯视频总监、QQ最早的产品经理之一。Liang 先生获得桂林电子科技大学计算机科学学士学位。
Hao Liang,has served as Boqii Holding Limited Director, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer since 2012, and is currently in charge of Boqii Holding Limited overall strategic planning and management. Mr. Liang has 15 years of experience in management and strategy, and deep understanding of internet, pet and media industries. Prior to joining Boqii Holding Limited , Mr. Liang was the chief operational officer of PPLive Inc., director of Tencent Video and one of the earliest product managers of QQ. Mr. Liang obtained his bachelor's degree in computer science from Guilin Electronic Technology University.
Yingzhi Tang

Yingzhi Tang 自 2012 年起担任Boqii Holding Limited 董事、Boqii Holding Limited 联席首席执行官兼首席财务官,目前负责Boqii Holding Limited 自有品牌业务、在线社区、MCN 和内容营销、外部合作和人力资源 管理。 Tang 女士拥有14年互联网、宠物、媒体行业从业经验,擅长金融投资和并购。 在加入博Boqii Holding Limited 之前,唐女士曾担任PPLive Inc.的营销总监和腾讯商务服务部的负责人。 Tang 女士获得同济大学计算机科学学士学位。

Yingzhi Tang,has served as Boqii Holding Limited Director and Boqii Holding Limited co-Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer since 2012, and is currently in charge of Boqii Holding Limited private labels business, online community, MCN & content marketing, external cooperation and human resources management. Ms. Tang has 14 years of experience in internet, pet, media industries and expertise in financial investment and mergers and acquisitions. Prior to joining Boqii Holding Limited , Ms. Tang was the marketing director of PPLive Inc. and the head of Tencent's business services department. Ms. Tang obtained her bachelor's degree in computer science from Tongji University.
Yingzhi Tang 自 2012 年起担任Boqii Holding Limited 董事、Boqii Holding Limited 联席首席执行官兼首席财务官,目前负责Boqii Holding Limited 自有品牌业务、在线社区、MCN 和内容营销、外部合作和人力资源 管理。 Tang 女士拥有14年互联网、宠物、媒体行业从业经验,擅长金融投资和并购。 在加入博Boqii Holding Limited 之前,唐女士曾担任PPLive Inc.的营销总监和腾讯商务服务部的负责人。 Tang 女士获得同济大学计算机科学学士学位。
Yingzhi Tang,has served as Boqii Holding Limited Director and Boqii Holding Limited co-Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer since 2012, and is currently in charge of Boqii Holding Limited private labels business, online community, MCN & content marketing, external cooperation and human resources management. Ms. Tang has 14 years of experience in internet, pet, media industries and expertise in financial investment and mergers and acquisitions. Prior to joining Boqii Holding Limited , Ms. Tang was the marketing director of PPLive Inc. and the head of Tencent's business services department. Ms. Tang obtained her bachelor's degree in computer science from Tongji University.
Su Zhang

Su Zhang,拥有超过28年的科技和互联网行业经验,在国际知名科技企业工作超过20年。

Su Zhang,has served as Boqii Holding Limited Independent Director since May 2023. Mr. Zhang, with over 28 years of experience in the technology and internet industry, has worked at international well-known technology enterprises for more than 20 years. Mr. Zhang obtained his bachelor's degree in automatic control in the Information and Control Engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong University in 1995.
Su Zhang,拥有超过28年的科技和互联网行业经验,在国际知名科技企业工作超过20年。
Su Zhang,has served as Boqii Holding Limited Independent Director since May 2023. Mr. Zhang, with over 28 years of experience in the technology and internet industry, has worked at international well-known technology enterprises for more than 20 years. Mr. Zhang obtained his bachelor's degree in automatic control in the Information and Control Engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong University in 1995.

李东自本招股说明书签署之日起开始担任波奇宠物独立董事。李先生自2018年3月起担任Green Tree Hospitality Group Ltd.(NYSE:GHG)的独立董事。李先生目前担任Ximalaya,Inc.的首席财务官。在2019年9月加入Ximalaya,Inc.之前,李先生曾担任多家公司的首席财务官,包括2017年至2019年的精锐国际教育集团有限公司(NYSE:ONE),2016年至2017年的飞马传媒集团有限公司和2015年至2016年的Ecovacs 机器人控股有限公司(SHA:603486)。2008至2015年间,李先生在美国美林银行和香港工商银行国际银行担任投资银行副总裁和后副总裁。在此之前,李东曾于1999年至2006年分别在毕马威审计实务集团北京办事处和硅谷办事处工作。李先生获得清华大学经济与管理学院会计学学士学位,以及西北大学凯洛格管理学院金融工商管理硕士学位。李先生是中国注册会计师协会和加拿大注册总会计师协会会员。于2021年8月31日获委任为海伦司国际控股有限公司独立非执行董事。于2023年2月1日获委任为中国擎天软件科技集团有限公司独立非执行董事。于2021年10月1日获委任为合肥维天运通信息科技股份有限公司独立非执行董事。于2023年4月27日获委任为珍酒李渡集团有限公司独立非执行董事。

Dong Li,has served as Boqii Holding Limited Independent Director since September 2020. Mr. Li is currently serving as the chief financial officer of Tim Hortons China, a premium coffee chain network in China since September 2021. Mr. Li has also served as an independent director of GreenTree Hospitality Group Ltd. (a leading hospitality management group in China listed on the NYSE, ticker symbol: GHG) since March 2018, as an independent nonexecutive director of Helens International Holdings Company Limited (China's largest bar chain network listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, ticker symbol: 09869) since August 2021, as an independent non-executive director of Sinosoft Technology Group Limited, a leading government big data and related services provider listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEx: 01297) since February 2023; as an independent non-executive director of Logory Logistics Technology Co., Ltd., a leading end-to-end digital freight transportation services provider in China listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEx: 02482) since March 2023; and as an independent non-executive director of ZJLD Group Inc, a leading baijiu company in China offering premium baijiu products featuring sauce aroma profile and listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEx: 06979) since April 2023. Prior to joining Tim Hortons China, Mr. Li served as the chief financial officer for several companies, including Ximalaya Inc., one of China's largest online audio platforms from September 2019 to September 2021; OneSmart International Education Group Limited, a diversified premium K through 12 education company in China listed on the New York Stock Exchange (ticker symbol: ONE) from July 2017 to June 2019; Pegasus Media Group Limited, a company focusing on movie and TV show production, investment, licensing, marketing and derivatives from April 2016 to April 2017; and Ecovacs Robotics Holdings Limited, a consumer robotics company in China listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (ticker symbol: 603486) from March 2015 to February 2016. From September 2008 to February 2015, Mr. Li worked as an associate and later vice president in investment banking at Bank of America Merrill Lynch and ICBC International in Hong Kong. Prior to that, Mr. Li worked in KPMG's auditing practice group from August 1999 to April 2006 in its Beijing and Silicon Valley offices, respectively. Mr. Li received a bachelor's degree in accounting from School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University in July 1999, as well as a master's degree in business administration in finance from Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University in June 2008. Mr. Li is a member of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Certified General Accountants Association of Canada.
李东自本招股说明书签署之日起开始担任波奇宠物独立董事。李先生自2018年3月起担任Green Tree Hospitality Group Ltd.(NYSE:GHG)的独立董事。李先生目前担任Ximalaya,Inc.的首席财务官。在2019年9月加入Ximalaya,Inc.之前,李先生曾担任多家公司的首席财务官,包括2017年至2019年的精锐国际教育集团有限公司(NYSE:ONE),2016年至2017年的飞马传媒集团有限公司和2015年至2016年的Ecovacs 机器人控股有限公司(SHA:603486)。2008至2015年间,李先生在美国美林银行和香港工商银行国际银行担任投资银行副总裁和后副总裁。在此之前,李东曾于1999年至2006年分别在毕马威审计实务集团北京办事处和硅谷办事处工作。李先生获得清华大学经济与管理学院会计学学士学位,以及西北大学凯洛格管理学院金融工商管理硕士学位。李先生是中国注册会计师协会和加拿大注册总会计师协会会员。于2021年8月31日获委任为海伦司国际控股有限公司独立非执行董事。于2023年2月1日获委任为中国擎天软件科技集团有限公司独立非执行董事。于2021年10月1日获委任为合肥维天运通信息科技股份有限公司独立非执行董事。于2023年4月27日获委任为珍酒李渡集团有限公司独立非执行董事。
Dong Li,has served as Boqii Holding Limited Independent Director since September 2020. Mr. Li is currently serving as the chief financial officer of Tim Hortons China, a premium coffee chain network in China since September 2021. Mr. Li has also served as an independent director of GreenTree Hospitality Group Ltd. (a leading hospitality management group in China listed on the NYSE, ticker symbol: GHG) since March 2018, as an independent nonexecutive director of Helens International Holdings Company Limited (China's largest bar chain network listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, ticker symbol: 09869) since August 2021, as an independent non-executive director of Sinosoft Technology Group Limited, a leading government big data and related services provider listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEx: 01297) since February 2023; as an independent non-executive director of Logory Logistics Technology Co., Ltd., a leading end-to-end digital freight transportation services provider in China listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEx: 02482) since March 2023; and as an independent non-executive director of ZJLD Group Inc, a leading baijiu company in China offering premium baijiu products featuring sauce aroma profile and listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEx: 06979) since April 2023. Prior to joining Tim Hortons China, Mr. Li served as the chief financial officer for several companies, including Ximalaya Inc., one of China's largest online audio platforms from September 2019 to September 2021; OneSmart International Education Group Limited, a diversified premium K through 12 education company in China listed on the New York Stock Exchange (ticker symbol: ONE) from July 2017 to June 2019; Pegasus Media Group Limited, a company focusing on movie and TV show production, investment, licensing, marketing and derivatives from April 2016 to April 2017; and Ecovacs Robotics Holdings Limited, a consumer robotics company in China listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (ticker symbol: 603486) from March 2015 to February 2016. From September 2008 to February 2015, Mr. Li worked as an associate and later vice president in investment banking at Bank of America Merrill Lynch and ICBC International in Hong Kong. Prior to that, Mr. Li worked in KPMG's auditing practice group from August 1999 to April 2006 in its Beijing and Silicon Valley offices, respectively. Mr. Li received a bachelor's degree in accounting from School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University in July 1999, as well as a master's degree in business administration in finance from Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University in June 2008. Mr. Li is a member of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Certified General Accountants Association of Canada.


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Hao Liang

Hao Liang 自2012年起担任Boqii Holding Limited 董事、董事长兼首席执行官,目前负责Boqii Holding Limited 整体战略规划和管理工作。 Liang 先生拥有15年的管理和战略经验,对互联网、宠物和媒体行业有着深刻的理解。 在加入Boqii Holding Limited 之前,Liang 先生曾任PPLive Inc.首席运营官、腾讯视频总监、QQ最早的产品经理之一。Liang 先生获得桂林电子科技大学计算机科学学士学位。

Hao Liang,has served as Boqii Holding Limited Director, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer since 2012, and is currently in charge of Boqii Holding Limited overall strategic planning and management. Mr. Liang has 15 years of experience in management and strategy, and deep understanding of internet, pet and media industries. Prior to joining Boqii Holding Limited , Mr. Liang was the chief operational officer of PPLive Inc., director of Tencent Video and one of the earliest product managers of QQ. Mr. Liang obtained his bachelor's degree in computer science from Guilin Electronic Technology University.
Hao Liang 自2012年起担任Boqii Holding Limited 董事、董事长兼首席执行官,目前负责Boqii Holding Limited 整体战略规划和管理工作。 Liang 先生拥有15年的管理和战略经验,对互联网、宠物和媒体行业有着深刻的理解。 在加入Boqii Holding Limited 之前,Liang 先生曾任PPLive Inc.首席运营官、腾讯视频总监、QQ最早的产品经理之一。Liang 先生获得桂林电子科技大学计算机科学学士学位。
Hao Liang,has served as Boqii Holding Limited Director, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer since 2012, and is currently in charge of Boqii Holding Limited overall strategic planning and management. Mr. Liang has 15 years of experience in management and strategy, and deep understanding of internet, pet and media industries. Prior to joining Boqii Holding Limited , Mr. Liang was the chief operational officer of PPLive Inc., director of Tencent Video and one of the earliest product managers of QQ. Mr. Liang obtained his bachelor's degree in computer science from Guilin Electronic Technology University.
Yingzhi Tang

Yingzhi Tang 自 2012 年起担任Boqii Holding Limited 董事、Boqii Holding Limited 联席首席执行官兼首席财务官,目前负责Boqii Holding Limited 自有品牌业务、在线社区、MCN 和内容营销、外部合作和人力资源 管理。 Tang 女士拥有14年互联网、宠物、媒体行业从业经验,擅长金融投资和并购。 在加入博Boqii Holding Limited 之前,唐女士曾担任PPLive Inc.的营销总监和腾讯商务服务部的负责人。 Tang 女士获得同济大学计算机科学学士学位。

Yingzhi Tang,has served as Boqii Holding Limited Director and Boqii Holding Limited co-Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer since 2012, and is currently in charge of Boqii Holding Limited private labels business, online community, MCN & content marketing, external cooperation and human resources management. Ms. Tang has 14 years of experience in internet, pet, media industries and expertise in financial investment and mergers and acquisitions. Prior to joining Boqii Holding Limited , Ms. Tang was the marketing director of PPLive Inc. and the head of Tencent's business services department. Ms. Tang obtained her bachelor's degree in computer science from Tongji University.
Yingzhi Tang 自 2012 年起担任Boqii Holding Limited 董事、Boqii Holding Limited 联席首席执行官兼首席财务官,目前负责Boqii Holding Limited 自有品牌业务、在线社区、MCN 和内容营销、外部合作和人力资源 管理。 Tang 女士拥有14年互联网、宠物、媒体行业从业经验,擅长金融投资和并购。 在加入博Boqii Holding Limited 之前,唐女士曾担任PPLive Inc.的营销总监和腾讯商务服务部的负责人。 Tang 女士获得同济大学计算机科学学士学位。
Yingzhi Tang,has served as Boqii Holding Limited Director and Boqii Holding Limited co-Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer since 2012, and is currently in charge of Boqii Holding Limited private labels business, online community, MCN & content marketing, external cooperation and human resources management. Ms. Tang has 14 years of experience in internet, pet, media industries and expertise in financial investment and mergers and acquisitions. Prior to joining Boqii Holding Limited , Ms. Tang was the marketing director of PPLive Inc. and the head of Tencent's business services department. Ms. Tang obtained her bachelor's degree in computer science from Tongji University.
Chao Guo

Chao Guo 自2019年起担任 Boqii Holding Limited 高级副总裁,目前负责南京星木的管理工作。 Guo 先生在宠物保健行业拥有16年的经验。 加入 Boqii Holding Limited 前,Guo 先生曾任南京千元浩生物制药厂技术员、中牧南京动物药业有限公司业务员。Guo 先生自2013年起担任南京星牧总经理。 江苏海洋大学生物技术学士学位。

Chao Guo,has served as Boqii Holding Limited Senior Vice President since 2019, and is currently in charge of management of Nanjing Xingmu. Mr. Guo has 16 years of experience in pet healthcare industry. Prior to joining Boqii Holding Limited , Mr. Guo served as the technician of Qianyuanhao Nanjing Biopharmaceutical Factory, salesman of Zhongmu Nanjing Animal Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Mr. Guo serves as the general manager of Nanjing Xingmu since 2013. Mr. Guo obtained his bachelor's degree in biotechnology from Jiangsu Ocean University.
Chao Guo 自2019年起担任 Boqii Holding Limited 高级副总裁,目前负责南京星木的管理工作。 Guo 先生在宠物保健行业拥有16年的经验。 加入 Boqii Holding Limited 前,Guo 先生曾任南京千元浩生物制药厂技术员、中牧南京动物药业有限公司业务员。Guo 先生自2013年起担任南京星牧总经理。 江苏海洋大学生物技术学士学位。
Chao Guo,has served as Boqii Holding Limited Senior Vice President since 2019, and is currently in charge of management of Nanjing Xingmu. Mr. Guo has 16 years of experience in pet healthcare industry. Prior to joining Boqii Holding Limited , Mr. Guo served as the technician of Qianyuanhao Nanjing Biopharmaceutical Factory, salesman of Zhongmu Nanjing Animal Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Mr. Guo serves as the general manager of Nanjing Xingmu since 2013. Mr. Guo obtained his bachelor's degree in biotechnology from Jiangsu Ocean University.