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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
H. Lee Hastings -- Director -- 未披露 未持股 2020-03-31
William Dillard, II Director,Chief Executive Officer 75 327.60万美元 223.11 2020-03-31
Frank R. Mori Director 83 21.62万美元 1.81 2020-03-31
Nick White Director 79 21.62万美元 4.81 2020-03-31
Robert C. Connor Director 82 24.12万美元 6.30 2020-03-31
Alex Dillard Director, President 70 326.44万美元 229.72 2020-03-31
Mike Dillard Director, Executive Vice President 68 178.67万美元 171.67 2020-03-31
James I. Freeman Director 74 21.62万美元 27.80 2020-03-31
Drue Matheny Director, Executive Vice President 73 175.62万美元 48.52 2020-03-31
J. C. Watts, Jr. Director 66 21.62万美元 0.63 2020-03-31
Warren A. Stephens Director 67 21.62万美元 13.26 2020-03-31
Reynie Rutledge Director 74 24.12万美元 0.94 2020-03-31



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Chris B. Johnson Senior Vice President, Co-Principal Financial Officer 48 91.58万美元 0.95 2020-03-31
Phillip R. Watts Senior Vice President, Co-Principal Financial Officer 57 101.43万美元 1.20 2020-03-31
Dean L. Worley Vice President, General Counsel 54 未披露 未持股 2020-03-31
Mike Litchford -- Vice President 54 未披露 未持股 2020-03-31
Tom Bolin -- Vice President 57 未披露 未持股 2020-03-31
Annemarie Jazic -- Vice President 36 未披露 未持股 2020-03-31
Alexandra Lucie -- Vice President 36 未披露 未持股 2020-03-31
Tony Bolte -- Vice President 61 未披露 未持股 2020-03-31
James D. Stockman -- Vice President 63 未披露 未持股 2020-03-31
William Dillard, II Director,Chief Executive Officer 75 327.60万美元 223.11 2020-03-31
Alex Dillard Director, President 70 326.44万美元 229.72 2020-03-31
Mike Dillard Director, Executive Vice President 68 178.67万美元 171.67 2020-03-31
Drue Matheny Director, Executive Vice President 73 175.62万美元 48.52 2020-03-31
William Dillard, III -- Senior Vice President 49 未披露 未持股 2020-03-31
Denise Mahaffy -- Senior Vice President 62 未披露 未持股 2020-03-31
Mike McNiff -- Vice President 67 未披露 未持股 2020-03-31
Brant Musgrave Vice President 47 未披露 未持股 2020-03-31


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H. Lee Hastings

William Dillard, II

William Dillard, II 他是Dillard公司的董事会主席及行政总裁;担任执行委员会成员。在过去的5年中,这一直是他的主要职业。自1967年以来,他一直担任董事会成员。他几乎一直参与公司经营的每一个方面,同时在学生时代从事兼职工作、全职工作40多年。他曾任公司的总裁兼首席营运官。他也是Acxiom公司和Barnes&Noble公司的董事会成员。通过他对公司很多年的服务,他在公司经营和零售行业整体利益上拥有无人能及的知识。

William Dillard, II has been a director of the Company since November 1993. Mr. Dillard serves on the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee. Mr. Dillard has been the Chief Executive Officer of Dillard’s, Inc. “Dillard’s”, a national department store and retailer of luxury goods, since May 1998 and he has been a director of Dillard’s since 1968. He was appointed Chairman of Dillard’s in May 2002. Mr. Dillard is also a director of Acxiom Corporation (“Acxiom”), a company that provides marketing services focused on the use of technology.
William Dillard, II 他是Dillard公司的董事会主席及行政总裁;担任执行委员会成员。在过去的5年中,这一直是他的主要职业。自1967年以来,他一直担任董事会成员。他几乎一直参与公司经营的每一个方面,同时在学生时代从事兼职工作、全职工作40多年。他曾任公司的总裁兼首席营运官。他也是Acxiom公司和Barnes&Noble公司的董事会成员。通过他对公司很多年的服务,他在公司经营和零售行业整体利益上拥有无人能及的知识。
William Dillard, II has been a director of the Company since November 1993. Mr. Dillard serves on the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee. Mr. Dillard has been the Chief Executive Officer of Dillard’s, Inc. “Dillard’s”, a national department store and retailer of luxury goods, since May 1998 and he has been a director of Dillard’s since 1968. He was appointed Chairman of Dillard’s in May 2002. Mr. Dillard is also a director of Acxiom Corporation (“Acxiom”), a company that provides marketing services focused on the use of technology.
Frank R. Mori

Frank R. Mori 自2008年起,他担任本公司董事。在过去5年中任何时候,他一直担任Takihyo有限责任公司的联席行政总裁,总部设在纽约市的一家私人投资公司。 Takihyo有限责任公司不是公司的附属公司或其他子公司。他曾担任唐娜·凯伦国际公司和安妮·克莱因公司的首席执行官兼董事。2007年之前他还担任Stride Rite公司的董事会成员。

Frank R. Mori has served as a director since September, 2014. Mr. Mori is the Co-Chief Executive of Takihyo, LLC, a private investment firm headquartered in New York City. From 1986 to 2000 he served as a director of Donna Karan International, Inc. and served for part of this time as the company’s first Chief Executive Officer. From 1975 to 2002 he served as Chief Executive Officer and director of Anne Klein & Co., Inc. Mr. Mori has been a member of the Board of Directors of Dillard’s, Inc. since 2008 where he serves as a member of the Board's Stock Option and Executive Compensation Committee. From 2002 to 2007 Mr. Mori served as a member of the Board of Directors of The Stride Rite Corporation, where he served from 2005 to 2007 as lead outside director and spearheaded the sale of the company in 2007 to Collective Brands, Inc.
Frank R. Mori 自2008年起,他担任本公司董事。在过去5年中任何时候,他一直担任Takihyo有限责任公司的联席行政总裁,总部设在纽约市的一家私人投资公司。 Takihyo有限责任公司不是公司的附属公司或其他子公司。他曾担任唐娜·凯伦国际公司和安妮·克莱因公司的首席执行官兼董事。2007年之前他还担任Stride Rite公司的董事会成员。
Frank R. Mori has served as a director since September, 2014. Mr. Mori is the Co-Chief Executive of Takihyo, LLC, a private investment firm headquartered in New York City. From 1986 to 2000 he served as a director of Donna Karan International, Inc. and served for part of this time as the company’s first Chief Executive Officer. From 1975 to 2002 he served as Chief Executive Officer and director of Anne Klein & Co., Inc. Mr. Mori has been a member of the Board of Directors of Dillard’s, Inc. since 2008 where he serves as a member of the Board's Stock Option and Executive Compensation Committee. From 2002 to 2007 Mr. Mori served as a member of the Board of Directors of The Stride Rite Corporation, where he served from 2005 to 2007 as lead outside director and spearheaded the sale of the company in 2007 to Collective Brands, Inc.
Nick White

Nick White 自2008年起,他担任公司董事。他也是Pep Boys-Manny、 Moe & Jack的董事会成员。自2000年以来,他一直担任White联营公司的总裁兼首席执行官,一家国际零售解决方案公司,提供零售客户的咨询服务,包括战略、合作伙伴关系、物流和概念。White联营公司并非公司的附属公司或其他子公司。1968年他开始了他在Spartan-Atlantic百货的零售职业生涯,同时还就读大学,接着跟随越南旅游进入美国的海军陆战队。 1973年,他加入了沃尔玛百货有限公司,担任助理店务经理。1985年至1990年,他是山姆俱乐部的总经理,1990年,他被任命为沃尔玛公司的执行副总裁和它的超级购物中心事业部总经理,2000年退休前一直担任此职务。而在沃尔玛沃尔玛,他是执行委员会和房地产委员会成员。

Nick White has served as a Director of the Company since 2008. Since 2000 Mr. White has served as Chief Executive Officer and President of White and Associates, an international retail solutions firm offering retail clients consulting services encompassing strategy, partnerships, logistics and concepts. White and Associates is not a subsidiary or other affiliate of the Company. Following a tour in Vietnam with the United States Marine Corps, Mr. White began his retail career in 1968 with Spartan-Atlantic Department Stores while still attending college. In 1973 he joined Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. as an Assistant Store Manager. From 1985 to 1990 he was General Manager of Sam's Clubs, and in 1990 he was named an Executive Vice President of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and General Manager of its Supercenter Division, positions he held until his retirement in 2000. While at Wal-Mart, he served on both the Executive Committee and the Real Estate Committee.
Nick White 自2008年起,他担任公司董事。他也是Pep Boys-Manny、 Moe & Jack的董事会成员。自2000年以来,他一直担任White联营公司的总裁兼首席执行官,一家国际零售解决方案公司,提供零售客户的咨询服务,包括战略、合作伙伴关系、物流和概念。White联营公司并非公司的附属公司或其他子公司。1968年他开始了他在Spartan-Atlantic百货的零售职业生涯,同时还就读大学,接着跟随越南旅游进入美国的海军陆战队。 1973年,他加入了沃尔玛百货有限公司,担任助理店务经理。1985年至1990年,他是山姆俱乐部的总经理,1990年,他被任命为沃尔玛公司的执行副总裁和它的超级购物中心事业部总经理,2000年退休前一直担任此职务。而在沃尔玛沃尔玛,他是执行委员会和房地产委员会成员。
Nick White has served as a Director of the Company since 2008. Since 2000 Mr. White has served as Chief Executive Officer and President of White and Associates, an international retail solutions firm offering retail clients consulting services encompassing strategy, partnerships, logistics and concepts. White and Associates is not a subsidiary or other affiliate of the Company. Following a tour in Vietnam with the United States Marine Corps, Mr. White began his retail career in 1968 with Spartan-Atlantic Department Stores while still attending college. In 1973 he joined Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. as an Assistant Store Manager. From 1985 to 1990 he was General Manager of Sam's Clubs, and in 1990 he was named an Executive Vice President of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and General Manager of its Supercenter Division, positions he held until his retirement in 2000. While at Wal-Mart, he served on both the Executive Committee and the Real Estate Committee.
Robert C. Connor

Robert C. Connor 自1987年起,他一直担任公司董事,并担任薪酬委员会主席。在过去5年中任何时候,他的主要职业是并且一直是自己帐户的私人投资者。他在得克萨斯州达拉斯市商业国家银行开始了他的银行事业,1970年并当选阿肯色州琼斯波罗的公民银行副行长。1976年,他当选为阿肯色州联盟国家银行和阿肯色州公司联盟的总裁。此前,他曾在德克萨斯州艾伦担任Sage电信的董事会成员。

Robert C. Connor has served as a Director of the Company since 1987. At all times during the past five years, Mr. Connor's principal occupation is and has been a private investor for his own account. He began his banking career in Dallas, Texas at the Mercantile National Bank and was elected Vice President of the Citizens Bank of Jonesboro, Arkansas in 1970. He was elected President of The Union National Bank of Arkansas and The Union of Arkansas Corporation in 1976. He previously served on the Board of Sage Telecom in Allen, Texas. Mr. Connor currently serves as Chairman of the Compensation Committee.
Robert C. Connor 自1987年起,他一直担任公司董事,并担任薪酬委员会主席。在过去5年中任何时候,他的主要职业是并且一直是自己帐户的私人投资者。他在得克萨斯州达拉斯市商业国家银行开始了他的银行事业,1970年并当选阿肯色州琼斯波罗的公民银行副行长。1976年,他当选为阿肯色州联盟国家银行和阿肯色州公司联盟的总裁。此前,他曾在德克萨斯州艾伦担任Sage电信的董事会成员。
Robert C. Connor has served as a Director of the Company since 1987. At all times during the past five years, Mr. Connor's principal occupation is and has been a private investor for his own account. He began his banking career in Dallas, Texas at the Mercantile National Bank and was elected Vice President of the Citizens Bank of Jonesboro, Arkansas in 1970. He was elected President of The Union National Bank of Arkansas and The Union of Arkansas Corporation in 1976. He previously served on the Board of Sage Telecom in Allen, Texas. Mr. Connor currently serves as Chairman of the Compensation Committee.
Alex Dillard

Alex Dillard 他是Dillard公司的总裁,自1975年以来一直是董事会成员,并担任董事会执行委员会成员。在过去的5年,这一直是他的主要职业。40多年来,他曾几乎参与公司的经营及采购的每一个方面,并曾担任本公司执行副总裁。他曾担任阿肯色大学医学科学基金会基金、菲兰德史密斯学院,联合银行和小石城Worthen银行、德克萨斯州福和市第一国民银行的董事会成员。

Alex Dillard is President of the Company, has been a member of the Board since 1975 and serves on the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors the "Executive Committee". This has been his principal occupation for the last five years. Mr. Dillard has been involved in virtually every aspect of operations and merchandising for the Company for over 40 years and previously served as Executive Vice President of the Company. He has served as a board member of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Foundation Fund, Philander Smith College, Union Bank and Worthen Bank in Little Rock and First National Bank of Ft. Worth, Texas.
Alex Dillard 他是Dillard公司的总裁,自1975年以来一直是董事会成员,并担任董事会执行委员会成员。在过去的5年,这一直是他的主要职业。40多年来,他曾几乎参与公司的经营及采购的每一个方面,并曾担任本公司执行副总裁。他曾担任阿肯色大学医学科学基金会基金、菲兰德史密斯学院,联合银行和小石城Worthen银行、德克萨斯州福和市第一国民银行的董事会成员。
Alex Dillard is President of the Company, has been a member of the Board since 1975 and serves on the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors the "Executive Committee". This has been his principal occupation for the last five years. Mr. Dillard has been involved in virtually every aspect of operations and merchandising for the Company for over 40 years and previously served as Executive Vice President of the Company. He has served as a board member of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Foundation Fund, Philander Smith College, Union Bank and Worthen Bank in Little Rock and First National Bank of Ft. Worth, Texas.
Mike Dillard

Mike Dillard 他是公司的执行副总裁,现任公司最大采购部分之一业务的主管。在过去的5年中,这一直是他的主要职业。自1976年以来,他一直是董事会成员。他先后在公司担任许多职务,在学生时代从事兼职工作,在Dillard公司奉献自己的整个职业生涯。

Mike Dillard is an Executive Vice President of the Company and currently heads one of the largest merchandising portions of the Company's business. This has been his principal occupation for the last five years. He has been a member of the Board since 1976. Mr. Dillard has played many roles for the Company, devoting his entire professional career to Dillard's, Inc.
Mike Dillard 他是公司的执行副总裁,现任公司最大采购部分之一业务的主管。在过去的5年中,这一直是他的主要职业。自1976年以来,他一直是董事会成员。他先后在公司担任许多职务,在学生时代从事兼职工作,在Dillard公司奉献自己的整个职业生涯。
Mike Dillard is an Executive Vice President of the Company and currently heads one of the largest merchandising portions of the Company's business. This has been his principal occupation for the last five years. He has been a member of the Board since 1976. Mr. Dillard has played many roles for the Company, devoting his entire professional career to Dillard's, Inc.
James I. Freeman

James I. Freeman 他是公司的高级副总裁兼首席财务官。在过去的5年中,这一直是他的主要职业。自1991年以来,他一直是董事会成员,并担任董事会执行委员会成员。1988年他加入公司。1972年他进入了会计专业。他执业为执业会计师,曾任BKD律师事务所管理委员会的成员——这是全国最大的会计师事务所之一。

James I. Freeman was Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the Company until his retirement effective February 1 2015. During the past year, his principal occupation is and has been a private investor for his own account. He has been a member of the Board since 1991. Mr. Freeman joined the Company in 1988. He entered the accounting profession in 1972 and practiced as a certified public accountant and formerly served as a member of the Management Committee of BKD, LLP, one of the largest accounting firms in the nation.
James I. Freeman 他是公司的高级副总裁兼首席财务官。在过去的5年中,这一直是他的主要职业。自1991年以来,他一直是董事会成员,并担任董事会执行委员会成员。1988年他加入公司。1972年他进入了会计专业。他执业为执业会计师,曾任BKD律师事务所管理委员会的成员——这是全国最大的会计师事务所之一。
James I. Freeman was Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the Company until his retirement effective February 1 2015. During the past year, his principal occupation is and has been a private investor for his own account. He has been a member of the Board since 1991. Mr. Freeman joined the Company in 1988. He entered the accounting profession in 1972 and practiced as a certified public accountant and formerly served as a member of the Management Committee of BKD, LLP, one of the largest accounting firms in the nation.
Drue Matheny

Drue Matheny 自1994年以来她一直是董事会成员。在过去5年中,她的主要职业一直是,而且目前是公司的执行副总裁。她在德克萨斯州福和市和指导公司最大商品部分之一。自1968年加入公司起,她一直负责公司各个方面的各种营销职能。

Drue Matheny has been a member of the Board since 1994. For the past five years, her principal occupation has been, and currently is, an Executive Vice President of the Company. She is based in Ft. Worth, Texas and directs one of the largest merchandising portions of the Company. Since joining the Company in 1968 Ms. Matheny has overseen every aspect of the Company's various merchandising functions.
Drue Matheny 自1994年以来她一直是董事会成员。在过去5年中,她的主要职业一直是,而且目前是公司的执行副总裁。她在德克萨斯州福和市和指导公司最大商品部分之一。自1968年加入公司起,她一直负责公司各个方面的各种营销职能。
Drue Matheny has been a member of the Board since 1994. For the past five years, her principal occupation has been, and currently is, an Executive Vice President of the Company. She is based in Ft. Worth, Texas and directs one of the largest merchandising portions of the Company. Since joining the Company in 1968 Ms. Matheny has overseen every aspect of the Company's various merchandising functions.
J. C. Watts, Jr.

J. C. Watts, Jr.自2016年11月起担任Paycom Software, Inc.的董事会成员。Watts先生是Watts Partners的总裁兼首席执行官,Watts Partners是一家精品企业和政府事务咨询公司,他于2003年共同创立,并且是The Black News Channel的董事长。之前从2003年到2008年担任董事;现任审计委员会成员。Watts于2009年8月重新被任命为董事。他还担任CSX Corporation and ITC Holdings Corp董事。他之前曾担任Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corporation, Clear Channel Communications, Inc. 和 Terex Corporation董事。在过去5年里,Watts还担任J.C. Watts Companies(提供咨询和代言服务)董事长。The J.C. Watts Companies不是任何公司的子公司或者公司的其他附属公司。Watts于1994年被选为俄克拉何马州第四区美国议会成员。1998年他被选为美国众议院(U.S. House of Representatives)共和党大会主席。他曾担任8年的众议院军事委员会成员。他授权立法,创建众议院国土安全委员会,后担任该委员会成员。他还担任众议院运输和基础设施委员会以及众议院银行委员会成员。他曾领导两个国会贸易代表团访问非洲。Watts联合著作了the American Community Renewal and New Markets Act法案,并著作了the Community Solutions Act2001年度法案。他还与国会议员John Lewis共同制定立法,建立非裔美国人历史Smithsonian博物馆。他还担任国内和国际电视新闻项目分析师。Watts应总统George W. Bush和国务卿Colin Powell的要求。带领美国代表团去往奥地利维也纳;欧洲种族主义、歧视和排外情绪议会的欧洲安全与合作组织,并陪伴总统Bush前往非洲进行历史访问。他联合创立了非洲the Coalition for AIDS Relief并担任Africare董事。他还创立了J.C. and Frankie Watts Foundation,关注城市更新和其他慈善活动。Watts先生于1981年获得俄克拉荷马大学新闻与公共关系学士学位。

J. C. Watts, Jr.,is the president and chief executive officer of Watts Partners, a boutique corporate and government affairs consulting firm he co-founded in 2003. Mr. Watts has served on the board of directors of Dillard's, Inc. ("Dillard's"), a public company, since August 2009, and previously served on the Dillard's board of directors and as a member of its audit committee from 2003 to 2008. Mr. Watts also served on the boards of directors of CSX Corporation from March 2011 to May 2014 and ITC Holdings Corp. from August 2011 to February 2014. Mr. Watts was elected to the United States House of Representatives in 1994 and served from January 1995 to January 2003. During his time in Congress, Mr. Watts was chairman of the Republican Conference from January 1999 to January 2003, and also served on the United States House Committees on Armed Services, Financial Services, and Transportation and Infrastructure. Mr. Watts earned his bachelor's degree in journalism and public relations from the University of Oklahoma in 1981. Mr. Watts was selected to serve on Paycom Software, Inc. Board of Directors due to his senior leadership experience in business and as a public servant, his experience serving on other public company boards and his understanding of regulatory issues.
J. C. Watts, Jr.自2016年11月起担任Paycom Software, Inc.的董事会成员。Watts先生是Watts Partners的总裁兼首席执行官,Watts Partners是一家精品企业和政府事务咨询公司,他于2003年共同创立,并且是The Black News Channel的董事长。之前从2003年到2008年担任董事;现任审计委员会成员。Watts于2009年8月重新被任命为董事。他还担任CSX Corporation and ITC Holdings Corp董事。他之前曾担任Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corporation, Clear Channel Communications, Inc. 和 Terex Corporation董事。在过去5年里,Watts还担任J.C. Watts Companies(提供咨询和代言服务)董事长。The J.C. Watts Companies不是任何公司的子公司或者公司的其他附属公司。Watts于1994年被选为俄克拉何马州第四区美国议会成员。1998年他被选为美国众议院(U.S. House of Representatives)共和党大会主席。他曾担任8年的众议院军事委员会成员。他授权立法,创建众议院国土安全委员会,后担任该委员会成员。他还担任众议院运输和基础设施委员会以及众议院银行委员会成员。他曾领导两个国会贸易代表团访问非洲。Watts联合著作了the American Community Renewal and New Markets Act法案,并著作了the Community Solutions Act2001年度法案。他还与国会议员John Lewis共同制定立法,建立非裔美国人历史Smithsonian博物馆。他还担任国内和国际电视新闻项目分析师。Watts应总统George W. Bush和国务卿Colin Powell的要求。带领美国代表团去往奥地利维也纳;欧洲种族主义、歧视和排外情绪议会的欧洲安全与合作组织,并陪伴总统Bush前往非洲进行历史访问。他联合创立了非洲the Coalition for AIDS Relief并担任Africare董事。他还创立了J.C. and Frankie Watts Foundation,关注城市更新和其他慈善活动。Watts先生于1981年获得俄克拉荷马大学新闻与公共关系学士学位。
J. C. Watts, Jr.,is the president and chief executive officer of Watts Partners, a boutique corporate and government affairs consulting firm he co-founded in 2003. Mr. Watts has served on the board of directors of Dillard's, Inc. ("Dillard's"), a public company, since August 2009, and previously served on the Dillard's board of directors and as a member of its audit committee from 2003 to 2008. Mr. Watts also served on the boards of directors of CSX Corporation from March 2011 to May 2014 and ITC Holdings Corp. from August 2011 to February 2014. Mr. Watts was elected to the United States House of Representatives in 1994 and served from January 1995 to January 2003. During his time in Congress, Mr. Watts was chairman of the Republican Conference from January 1999 to January 2003, and also served on the United States House Committees on Armed Services, Financial Services, and Transportation and Infrastructure. Mr. Watts earned his bachelor's degree in journalism and public relations from the University of Oklahoma in 1981. Mr. Watts was selected to serve on Paycom Software, Inc. Board of Directors due to his senior leadership experience in business and as a public servant, his experience serving on other public company boards and his understanding of regulatory issues.
Warren A. Stephens

Warren A. Stephens 自2002年以来,他曾担任公司董事。在过去5年任何时候,他的主要职业一直是,且目前是Stephens公司的主席、总裁兼首席执行官。Stephens公司不是公司的附属公司或其他关联公司。1981年,他加入Stephens公司,并在1986年成为总裁。2006年他收购100%Stephens公司的流通股。Stephens公司侧重于投资银行、财富管理、资金管理、私募股权、机构销售和交易、研究和保险。

Warren A. Stephens has served as a Director of the Company since 2002. At all times during the past five years, Mr. Stephens' principal occupation has been Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and President of Stephens Inc. He is also Co-Chairman of SF Holding Corporation. Stephens Inc. and SF Holding Corporation are not subsidiaries or other affiliates of the Company. In 1981 Mr. Stephens joined Stephens Inc. In 2006 Mr. Stephens acquired 100 of the outstanding shares of Stephens Inc. Stephens Inc. focuses on investment banking, wealth management, capital management, private equity, institutional sales and trading, research, and insurance.
Warren A. Stephens 自2002年以来,他曾担任公司董事。在过去5年任何时候,他的主要职业一直是,且目前是Stephens公司的主席、总裁兼首席执行官。Stephens公司不是公司的附属公司或其他关联公司。1981年,他加入Stephens公司,并在1986年成为总裁。2006年他收购100%Stephens公司的流通股。Stephens公司侧重于投资银行、财富管理、资金管理、私募股权、机构销售和交易、研究和保险。
Warren A. Stephens has served as a Director of the Company since 2002. At all times during the past five years, Mr. Stephens' principal occupation has been Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and President of Stephens Inc. He is also Co-Chairman of SF Holding Corporation. Stephens Inc. and SF Holding Corporation are not subsidiaries or other affiliates of the Company. In 1981 Mr. Stephens joined Stephens Inc. In 2006 Mr. Stephens acquired 100 of the outstanding shares of Stephens Inc. Stephens Inc. focuses on investment banking, wealth management, capital management, private equity, institutional sales and trading, research, and insurance.
Reynie Rutledge

Reynie Rutledge 在过去5年中,他一直担任第一个安全合众银行的董事长,总部设在阿肯色州瑟西的一家金融服务控股公司。第一安全合众银行并非公司的附属公司或其他子公司。他拥有超过40年的银行业经验,他一直从事财务和管理的各个方面,而领导第一安全合众银行成为总部设在阿肯色州最大的银行控股公司,拥有超过45亿美元的资产,在国家有73个分行。第一安全合众银行是由第一安全银行、第一安全克鲁斯联营投资银行公司和第一保障公共财政组成。他是阿肯色州银行家协会的前任主席,并担任阿肯色大学的董事会成员,过去阿肯色大学医学科学基金会董事会成员和山姆沃尔顿商学院院长的执行顾问委员会。

Reynie Rutledge has served as a Director of the Company since 2013. Mr. Rutledge is the Chairman of First Security Bancorp, a financial services holding company headquartered in Searcy, Arkansas. With over 40 years of experience in banking, Mr. Rutledge has been involved with all aspects of finance and management while leading First Security Bancorp to become the fifth largest bank holding company based in Arkansas with over $4.7 billion in assets and 74 locations throughout the state. First Security Bancorp consists of First Security Bank, First Security Crews & Associates investment banking firm, and First Security Public Finance. First Security Bancorp is not a subsidiary or other affiliate of the Company. He is a graduate of the University of Arkansas with a degree in industrial engineering where he also earned his Master of Business Administration "MBA". Mr. Rutledge is a past Chairman of the Arkansas Bankers Association and the Business Advisory Board of Harding University. He is a member of the Arkansas Academy of Industrial Engineering, a member and past chairman of the Dean's Executive Advisory Board for the Sam M. Walton College of Business, a member of the Campaign Arkansas Executive Committee, a past chairman of the Arkansas Business Hall of Fame Selection Committee, the University of Arkansas 2000 Volunteer of the Year, a 2012 recipient of the University of Arkansas Distinguished Alumni Award, and the current Chairman of the University of Arkansas Board of Trustees.
Reynie Rutledge 在过去5年中,他一直担任第一个安全合众银行的董事长,总部设在阿肯色州瑟西的一家金融服务控股公司。第一安全合众银行并非公司的附属公司或其他子公司。他拥有超过40年的银行业经验,他一直从事财务和管理的各个方面,而领导第一安全合众银行成为总部设在阿肯色州最大的银行控股公司,拥有超过45亿美元的资产,在国家有73个分行。第一安全合众银行是由第一安全银行、第一安全克鲁斯联营投资银行公司和第一保障公共财政组成。他是阿肯色州银行家协会的前任主席,并担任阿肯色大学的董事会成员,过去阿肯色大学医学科学基金会董事会成员和山姆沃尔顿商学院院长的执行顾问委员会。
Reynie Rutledge has served as a Director of the Company since 2013. Mr. Rutledge is the Chairman of First Security Bancorp, a financial services holding company headquartered in Searcy, Arkansas. With over 40 years of experience in banking, Mr. Rutledge has been involved with all aspects of finance and management while leading First Security Bancorp to become the fifth largest bank holding company based in Arkansas with over $4.7 billion in assets and 74 locations throughout the state. First Security Bancorp consists of First Security Bank, First Security Crews & Associates investment banking firm, and First Security Public Finance. First Security Bancorp is not a subsidiary or other affiliate of the Company. He is a graduate of the University of Arkansas with a degree in industrial engineering where he also earned his Master of Business Administration "MBA". Mr. Rutledge is a past Chairman of the Arkansas Bankers Association and the Business Advisory Board of Harding University. He is a member of the Arkansas Academy of Industrial Engineering, a member and past chairman of the Dean's Executive Advisory Board for the Sam M. Walton College of Business, a member of the Campaign Arkansas Executive Committee, a past chairman of the Arkansas Business Hall of Fame Selection Committee, the University of Arkansas 2000 Volunteer of the Year, a 2012 recipient of the University of Arkansas Distinguished Alumni Award, and the current Chairman of the University of Arkansas Board of Trustees.


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Chris B. Johnson

Chris B. Johnson2006至2012年担任会计的副总裁。2012年至2015年,他担任房地产的副总裁。2015年他被晋升为高级副总裁兼联席首席财务总监。自2008年以来,Johnson先生还曾担任CDI的财务总监。CDI是本公司的全资施工总承包分公司。

Chris B. Johnson served as Vice President of Accounting from 2006 to 2012 and served as Vice President of Real Estate from 2012 to 2015. In 2015 he was promoted to Senior Vice President and Co-Principal Financial Officer. Since 2008 Mr. Johnson has also served as Chief Financial Officer of CDI, the Company's wholly-owned general contracting construction subsidiary.
Chris B. Johnson2006至2012年担任会计的副总裁。2012年至2015年,他担任房地产的副总裁。2015年他被晋升为高级副总裁兼联席首席财务总监。自2008年以来,Johnson先生还曾担任CDI的财务总监。CDI是本公司的全资施工总承包分公司。
Chris B. Johnson served as Vice President of Accounting from 2006 to 2012 and served as Vice President of Real Estate from 2012 to 2015. In 2015 he was promoted to Senior Vice President and Co-Principal Financial Officer. Since 2008 Mr. Johnson has also served as Chief Financial Officer of CDI, the Company's wholly-owned general contracting construction subsidiary.
Phillip R. Watts

Phillip R. Watts2002年至2015年担任税务部副总裁。2015年他被晋升为高级副总裁、联席首席财务总监和首席会计官。

Phillip R. Watts served as Vice President of Tax from 2002 to 2015. In 2015 he was promoted to Senior Vice President, Co-Principal Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer.
Phillip R. Watts2002年至2015年担任税务部副总裁。2015年他被晋升为高级副总裁、联席首席财务总监和首席会计官。
Phillip R. Watts served as Vice President of Tax from 2002 to 2015. In 2015 he was promoted to Senior Vice President, Co-Principal Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer.
Dean L. Worley

Dean L. Worley1996年至2012年 担任助理总法律顾问。2012年,他被晋升为副总裁兼法律总顾问。

Dean L. Worley served as Assistant General Counsel from 1996 to 2012. In 2012 he was promoted to Vice President and General Counsel.
Dean L. Worley1996年至2012年 担任助理总法律顾问。2012年,他被晋升为副总裁兼法律总顾问。
Dean L. Worley served as Assistant General Counsel from 1996 to 2012. In 2012 he was promoted to Vice President and General Counsel.
Mike Litchford

Tom Bolin

Annemarie Jazic

Alexandra Lucie

Tony Bolte

James D. Stockman

William Dillard, II

William Dillard, II 他是Dillard公司的董事会主席及行政总裁;担任执行委员会成员。在过去的5年中,这一直是他的主要职业。自1967年以来,他一直担任董事会成员。他几乎一直参与公司经营的每一个方面,同时在学生时代从事兼职工作、全职工作40多年。他曾任公司的总裁兼首席营运官。他也是Acxiom公司和Barnes&Noble公司的董事会成员。通过他对公司很多年的服务,他在公司经营和零售行业整体利益上拥有无人能及的知识。

William Dillard, II has been a director of the Company since November 1993. Mr. Dillard serves on the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee. Mr. Dillard has been the Chief Executive Officer of Dillard’s, Inc. “Dillard’s”, a national department store and retailer of luxury goods, since May 1998 and he has been a director of Dillard’s since 1968. He was appointed Chairman of Dillard’s in May 2002. Mr. Dillard is also a director of Acxiom Corporation (“Acxiom”), a company that provides marketing services focused on the use of technology.
William Dillard, II 他是Dillard公司的董事会主席及行政总裁;担任执行委员会成员。在过去的5年中,这一直是他的主要职业。自1967年以来,他一直担任董事会成员。他几乎一直参与公司经营的每一个方面,同时在学生时代从事兼职工作、全职工作40多年。他曾任公司的总裁兼首席营运官。他也是Acxiom公司和Barnes&Noble公司的董事会成员。通过他对公司很多年的服务,他在公司经营和零售行业整体利益上拥有无人能及的知识。
William Dillard, II has been a director of the Company since November 1993. Mr. Dillard serves on the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee. Mr. Dillard has been the Chief Executive Officer of Dillard’s, Inc. “Dillard’s”, a national department store and retailer of luxury goods, since May 1998 and he has been a director of Dillard’s since 1968. He was appointed Chairman of Dillard’s in May 2002. Mr. Dillard is also a director of Acxiom Corporation (“Acxiom”), a company that provides marketing services focused on the use of technology.
Alex Dillard

Alex Dillard 他是Dillard公司的总裁,自1975年以来一直是董事会成员,并担任董事会执行委员会成员。在过去的5年,这一直是他的主要职业。40多年来,他曾几乎参与公司的经营及采购的每一个方面,并曾担任本公司执行副总裁。他曾担任阿肯色大学医学科学基金会基金、菲兰德史密斯学院,联合银行和小石城Worthen银行、德克萨斯州福和市第一国民银行的董事会成员。

Alex Dillard is President of the Company, has been a member of the Board since 1975 and serves on the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors the "Executive Committee". This has been his principal occupation for the last five years. Mr. Dillard has been involved in virtually every aspect of operations and merchandising for the Company for over 40 years and previously served as Executive Vice President of the Company. He has served as a board member of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Foundation Fund, Philander Smith College, Union Bank and Worthen Bank in Little Rock and First National Bank of Ft. Worth, Texas.
Alex Dillard 他是Dillard公司的总裁,自1975年以来一直是董事会成员,并担任董事会执行委员会成员。在过去的5年,这一直是他的主要职业。40多年来,他曾几乎参与公司的经营及采购的每一个方面,并曾担任本公司执行副总裁。他曾担任阿肯色大学医学科学基金会基金、菲兰德史密斯学院,联合银行和小石城Worthen银行、德克萨斯州福和市第一国民银行的董事会成员。
Alex Dillard is President of the Company, has been a member of the Board since 1975 and serves on the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors the "Executive Committee". This has been his principal occupation for the last five years. Mr. Dillard has been involved in virtually every aspect of operations and merchandising for the Company for over 40 years and previously served as Executive Vice President of the Company. He has served as a board member of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Foundation Fund, Philander Smith College, Union Bank and Worthen Bank in Little Rock and First National Bank of Ft. Worth, Texas.
Mike Dillard

Mike Dillard 他是公司的执行副总裁,现任公司最大采购部分之一业务的主管。在过去的5年中,这一直是他的主要职业。自1976年以来,他一直是董事会成员。他先后在公司担任许多职务,在学生时代从事兼职工作,在Dillard公司奉献自己的整个职业生涯。

Mike Dillard is an Executive Vice President of the Company and currently heads one of the largest merchandising portions of the Company's business. This has been his principal occupation for the last five years. He has been a member of the Board since 1976. Mr. Dillard has played many roles for the Company, devoting his entire professional career to Dillard's, Inc.
Mike Dillard 他是公司的执行副总裁,现任公司最大采购部分之一业务的主管。在过去的5年中,这一直是他的主要职业。自1976年以来,他一直是董事会成员。他先后在公司担任许多职务,在学生时代从事兼职工作,在Dillard公司奉献自己的整个职业生涯。
Mike Dillard is an Executive Vice President of the Company and currently heads one of the largest merchandising portions of the Company's business. This has been his principal occupation for the last five years. He has been a member of the Board since 1976. Mr. Dillard has played many roles for the Company, devoting his entire professional career to Dillard's, Inc.
Drue Matheny

Drue Matheny 自1994年以来她一直是董事会成员。在过去5年中,她的主要职业一直是,而且目前是公司的执行副总裁。她在德克萨斯州福和市和指导公司最大商品部分之一。自1968年加入公司起,她一直负责公司各个方面的各种营销职能。

Drue Matheny has been a member of the Board since 1994. For the past five years, her principal occupation has been, and currently is, an Executive Vice President of the Company. She is based in Ft. Worth, Texas and directs one of the largest merchandising portions of the Company. Since joining the Company in 1968 Ms. Matheny has overseen every aspect of the Company's various merchandising functions.
Drue Matheny 自1994年以来她一直是董事会成员。在过去5年中,她的主要职业一直是,而且目前是公司的执行副总裁。她在德克萨斯州福和市和指导公司最大商品部分之一。自1968年加入公司起,她一直负责公司各个方面的各种营销职能。
Drue Matheny has been a member of the Board since 1994. For the past five years, her principal occupation has been, and currently is, an Executive Vice President of the Company. She is based in Ft. Worth, Texas and directs one of the largest merchandising portions of the Company. Since joining the Company in 1968 Ms. Matheny has overseen every aspect of the Company's various merchandising functions.
William Dillard, III

Denise Mahaffy

Mike McNiff

Brant Musgrave

Brant Musgrave从2007年到2014年担任商店的区域Vice President。2014年,他被提升为商店的企业Vice President。

Brant Musgrave served as a Regional Vice President of Stores from 2007 to 2014. In 2014 he was promoted to Corporate Vice President of Stores.
Brant Musgrave从2007年到2014年担任商店的区域Vice President。2014年,他被提升为商店的企业Vice President。
Brant Musgrave served as a Regional Vice President of Stores from 2007 to 2014. In 2014 he was promoted to Corporate Vice President of Stores.