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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Carlos Gustavo Cano Sanz Director 73 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
German Eduardo Quintero Rojas Director 44 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Orlando Ayala Lozano Director 63 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Luis Guillermo Echeverri Velez Director and Chairman 62 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Juan Emilio Posada Echeverri Director 61 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Santiago Perdomo Maldonado Director 62 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Esteban Piedrahita Uribe Director 48 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Hernando Ramirez Plazas Director 66 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Sergio Restrepo Isaza Director 58 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Alejandro Arango Vice-President of Human Resources 60 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Felipe Bayon Pardo Chief Executive Officer 54 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Fernan Ignacio Bejarano Arias Vice-President of Legal Affairs and General Counsel 64 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Maria Juliana Alban Compliance Vice-President and Compliance Officer 44 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Alberto Consuegra Granger Chief Operating Officer 60 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Monica Jimenez Gonzalez Secretary General 44 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Jaime Caballero Uribe Chief Financial Officer 45 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Jorge Elman Osorio Franco Development and Production Vice-President 58 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Jorge Arturo Calvache Archila Vice-President of Exploration 59 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Ruben Dario Moreno Rojas Vice-President of Transport Operations and Maintenance 54 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Jurgen Gerardo Loeber Rojas Projects & Engineering Vice-President 62 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Pedro Fernando Manrique Gutierrez Commercial and Marketing Vice President 55 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Juan Manuel Rojas Payan Vice-President for Strategy and New Business 48 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Andres Eduardo Mantilla Zarate Director of the Colombian Petroleum Institute 49 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Carlos Andres Santos Nieto Vice-President of Supply and Services 42 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Ernesto Gutierrez de Pineres Digital Vice-President 46 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Orlando Diaz Vice-President of Transformation 64 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Yeimy Baez Gas Vice-President 40 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Mauricio Jaramillo Galvis Vice-President of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) -- 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Walter Fabian Canova Vice-President of Refining and Industrial Processes 53 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Isabel Cristina Ampudia Rendon interim Vice-President of Sustainable Development 52 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01
Hector Manosalva CEO of Cenit S.A.S., Ecopetrol’s midstream subsidiary 57 未披露 未持股 2020-04-01


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Carlos Gustavo Cano Sanz

Carlos Gustavo Cano Sanz曾担任哥伦比亚农业协会SAC主席、哥伦比亚国际公司(CCI)创始人兼董事、农业银行行长和《特别报》(El Espectador)社长。他曾于2002年8月7日至2005年2月3日担任农业部长,并于2005年2月4日至2017年1月31日担任Banco de la Rep&250;Blica的联席董事。他是波哥大安第斯大学(Universidad de los Andes)的经济学家,在英国兰开斯特大学(University of Lancaster)获得经济学硕士学位,并获得政府研究生学位,毕业于波士顿哈佛大学商业和国际经济学专业,并在波哥大高等商学院(INALDE)进修研究生课程。他目前任教于CESA University的公司财务硕士课程,以及Universidad de los Andes的商学院。他是the Eafit University of Medell&237;n(Bancolombia的农业咨询委员会)的高级理事会成员。Cano先生自2017年3月31日起担任Ecopetrol’;董事会独立董事。

Carlos Gustavo Cano Sanz has been President of the Colombian Agriculture Association SAC, Founder and Director of Corporación Colombia Internacional (CCI), President of the Agrarian Bank, and President of the newspaper El Espectador. He was the Minister of Agriculture between August 7 2002 and February 3 2005 and the Co-Director of Banco de la República between February 4 2005 and January 31 2017. He is an Economist from the Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá with a master’s degree in economics from the University of Lancaster in England and a postgraduate degree in government, business and international economics from Harvard University in Boston and undertook further postgraduate studies at the Instituto de Alta Dirección Empresarial (INALDE) of Bogotá. He currently teaches in the Master of Corporate Finance program at CESA University and in the Business School at Universidad de los Andes. He is a member of the Superior Council of the EAFIT University of Medellín, the Consultative Committee for Agriculture of Bancolombia. Mr. Cano has served as an independent Director in Ecopetrol’s Board of Directors, since March 31 2017.
Carlos Gustavo Cano Sanz曾担任哥伦比亚农业协会SAC主席、哥伦比亚国际公司(CCI)创始人兼董事、农业银行行长和《特别报》(El Espectador)社长。他曾于2002年8月7日至2005年2月3日担任农业部长,并于2005年2月4日至2017年1月31日担任Banco de la Rep&250;Blica的联席董事。他是波哥大安第斯大学(Universidad de los Andes)的经济学家,在英国兰开斯特大学(University of Lancaster)获得经济学硕士学位,并获得政府研究生学位,毕业于波士顿哈佛大学商业和国际经济学专业,并在波哥大高等商学院(INALDE)进修研究生课程。他目前任教于CESA University的公司财务硕士课程,以及Universidad de los Andes的商学院。他是the Eafit University of Medell&237;n(Bancolombia的农业咨询委员会)的高级理事会成员。Cano先生自2017年3月31日起担任Ecopetrol’;董事会独立董事。
Carlos Gustavo Cano Sanz has been President of the Colombian Agriculture Association SAC, Founder and Director of Corporación Colombia Internacional (CCI), President of the Agrarian Bank, and President of the newspaper El Espectador. He was the Minister of Agriculture between August 7 2002 and February 3 2005 and the Co-Director of Banco de la República between February 4 2005 and January 31 2017. He is an Economist from the Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá with a master’s degree in economics from the University of Lancaster in England and a postgraduate degree in government, business and international economics from Harvard University in Boston and undertook further postgraduate studies at the Instituto de Alta Dirección Empresarial (INALDE) of Bogotá. He currently teaches in the Master of Corporate Finance program at CESA University and in the Business School at Universidad de los Andes. He is a member of the Superior Council of the EAFIT University of Medellín, the Consultative Committee for Agriculture of Bancolombia. Mr. Cano has served as an independent Director in Ecopetrol’s Board of Directors, since March 31 2017.
German Eduardo Quintero Rojas

German Eduardo Quintero Rojas曾任Fogafin公司总经理、国家碳氢化合物机构主席、贸易、工业和旅游部秘书长兼顾问、矿业和能源部秘书长。他曾一直担任哥伦比亚共和国总统办公室秘书长的顾问、内政部秘书长、ACCI&243;N Fiduciaria S.A.的总干事兼总书记,以及财政和公共信贷部法律办公室负责人。Quintero先生是Sergio Arboleda University的律师,曾学习行政法,并获得Javeriana Pontifical University的学位。他还在马德里圣巴勃罗塞乌大学(San Pablo CEU University of Madrid)进行行政法课程博士学习,在那里他是一名博士候选人。迄今为止,他是Financiera de Desarrollo Nacional FDN和GECELCA S.A.E.S.P.的董事会成员,目前,作为财政和公共信贷部的秘书长,金特罗先生是Ecopetrol’;s董事会的非独立成员。

German Eduardo Quintero Rojas has served as Managing Director of Fogafin, President of the National Hydrocarbons Agency, General Secretary and Advisor to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism, and General Secretary of the Ministry of Mines and Energy. He has been an advisor to the General Secretary of the Office of the President of the Republic of Colombia, General Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, General Director and General Secretary of Acción Fiduciaria S.A., and Head of the Legal Office of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit. Mr. Quintero is a lawyer from Sergio Arboleda University, having studied administrative law and received a degree from Javeriana Pontifical University. He also carried out studies for a doctorate in an administrative law program from San Pablo CEU University of Madrid, where he was a doctorate candidate. To date, he is a member of the board of directors at Financiera de Desarrollo Nacional FDN and Gecelca S.A. E.S.P. Currently, as the General Secretary of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, Mr. Quintero is a non-independent member of Ecopetrol’s Board of Directors.
German Eduardo Quintero Rojas曾任Fogafin公司总经理、国家碳氢化合物机构主席、贸易、工业和旅游部秘书长兼顾问、矿业和能源部秘书长。他曾一直担任哥伦比亚共和国总统办公室秘书长的顾问、内政部秘书长、ACCI&243;N Fiduciaria S.A.的总干事兼总书记,以及财政和公共信贷部法律办公室负责人。Quintero先生是Sergio Arboleda University的律师,曾学习行政法,并获得Javeriana Pontifical University的学位。他还在马德里圣巴勃罗塞乌大学(San Pablo CEU University of Madrid)进行行政法课程博士学习,在那里他是一名博士候选人。迄今为止,他是Financiera de Desarrollo Nacional FDN和GECELCA S.A.E.S.P.的董事会成员,目前,作为财政和公共信贷部的秘书长,金特罗先生是Ecopetrol’;s董事会的非独立成员。
German Eduardo Quintero Rojas has served as Managing Director of Fogafin, President of the National Hydrocarbons Agency, General Secretary and Advisor to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism, and General Secretary of the Ministry of Mines and Energy. He has been an advisor to the General Secretary of the Office of the President of the Republic of Colombia, General Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, General Director and General Secretary of Acción Fiduciaria S.A., and Head of the Legal Office of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit. Mr. Quintero is a lawyer from Sergio Arboleda University, having studied administrative law and received a degree from Javeriana Pontifical University. He also carried out studies for a doctorate in an administrative law program from San Pablo CEU University of Madrid, where he was a doctorate candidate. To date, he is a member of the board of directors at Financiera de Desarrollo Nacional FDN and Gecelca S.A. E.S.P. Currently, as the General Secretary of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, Mr. Quintero is a non-independent member of Ecopetrol’s Board of Directors.
Orlando Ayala Lozano

Orlando Ayala Lozano在全球科技行业拥有40年的经验,其中25年在华盛顿州西雅图的微软(Microsoft)工作,担任过多个管理职位,包括负责南半球所有国家的洲际地区的Vice President、负责销售、营销和支持的执行世界Vice President,以及负责新兴市场的世界总裁。加入Microsoft公司之前,他曾任职NCR Corp.,在那里他曾担任NCR Mexico公司的销售董事,以及俄亥俄州代顿的高级产品经理。他于1981年在波哥大Jorge Tadeo Lozano University学习信息系统管理,并于1998年获得该校授予的荣誉博士学位,在那里他是管理委员会成员。Ayala先生于2013年获得安蒂奥基亚《哥伦比亚报》(El Colombiano)颁发的第18届年度海外哥伦比亚公民模范奖。Ayala先生目前是Centene Corp.执行委员会的独立董事。CNC。目前,Ayala先生担任Ecopetrol’;的董事会独立成员,还担任领导和技术趋势事务的国际顾问和演讲人。

Orlando Ayala Lozano has 40 years of experience in the global technology industry, 25 years of which he spent working for Microsoft in Seattle, Washington, where he served in a number of managerial positions, including Vice President for the Intercontinental Region where he covered all countries in the southern hemisphere, Executive World Vice President for Sales, Marketing and Support, and World President for Emerging Markets. Before joining Microsoft, he worked for NCR Corp., where he held the position of Sales Director for NCR Mexico and Senior Product Manager in Dayton, Ohio. His studied information systems administration at Jorge Tadeo Lozano University in Bogotá in 1981 and received a Doctorate Honoris Causa granted by the same university in 1998 where he is member of the Management Board. Mr. Ayala was honored by the Antioquia newspaper El Colombiano with its 18th annual “Exemplary Colombian Citizen Living Abroad” award in 2013. Mr. Ayala is currently an independent director of the Executive Council of Centene Corp. CNC. Currently, Mr. Ayala serves as an independent member of Ecopetrol’s Board of Directors and also serves as an international consultant and speaker on matters of leadership and technology trends.
Orlando Ayala Lozano在全球科技行业拥有40年的经验,其中25年在华盛顿州西雅图的微软(Microsoft)工作,担任过多个管理职位,包括负责南半球所有国家的洲际地区的Vice President、负责销售、营销和支持的执行世界Vice President,以及负责新兴市场的世界总裁。加入Microsoft公司之前,他曾任职NCR Corp.,在那里他曾担任NCR Mexico公司的销售董事,以及俄亥俄州代顿的高级产品经理。他于1981年在波哥大Jorge Tadeo Lozano University学习信息系统管理,并于1998年获得该校授予的荣誉博士学位,在那里他是管理委员会成员。Ayala先生于2013年获得安蒂奥基亚《哥伦比亚报》(El Colombiano)颁发的第18届年度海外哥伦比亚公民模范奖。Ayala先生目前是Centene Corp.执行委员会的独立董事。CNC。目前,Ayala先生担任Ecopetrol’;的董事会独立成员,还担任领导和技术趋势事务的国际顾问和演讲人。
Orlando Ayala Lozano has 40 years of experience in the global technology industry, 25 years of which he spent working for Microsoft in Seattle, Washington, where he served in a number of managerial positions, including Vice President for the Intercontinental Region where he covered all countries in the southern hemisphere, Executive World Vice President for Sales, Marketing and Support, and World President for Emerging Markets. Before joining Microsoft, he worked for NCR Corp., where he held the position of Sales Director for NCR Mexico and Senior Product Manager in Dayton, Ohio. His studied information systems administration at Jorge Tadeo Lozano University in Bogotá in 1981 and received a Doctorate Honoris Causa granted by the same university in 1998 where he is member of the Management Board. Mr. Ayala was honored by the Antioquia newspaper El Colombiano with its 18th annual “Exemplary Colombian Citizen Living Abroad” award in 2013. Mr. Ayala is currently an independent director of the Executive Council of Centene Corp. CNC. Currently, Mr. Ayala serves as an independent member of Ecopetrol’s Board of Directors and also serves as an international consultant and speaker on matters of leadership and technology trends.
Luis Guillermo Echeverri Velez

Luis Guillermo Echeverri Velez在发展、销售、推广和经营国际业务、进出口、制订和执行公共和公司政策、发展和执行传统项目和信息技术企业、战略规划等方面拥有20多年的经验。资助公共和私人项目,并筹集合作资金。他曾代表哥伦比亚、秘鲁和厄瓜多尔政府担任美洲开发银行、美洲投资公司和多边投资基金的执行董事。他曾担任哥伦比亚驻美国外交使团商务参赞和Proexport迈阿密地区办事处主任。Echeverri先生是一名律师,毕业于玻利瓦尔麦德尔宗座大学(Bolial Pontifical University of Medell),并在纽约康奈尔大学(Cornell University)获得农业经济学硕士学位。Echeverri先生是国际业务的顾问,并成功地领导了业务计划和流程,涉及各种规模的公司和大型组织的变革以及方法和技术创新与实施。他目前担任Primero Colombia Association(致力于促进民主价值观和年轻领导的非政府协会)的总裁、波哥大商会(Chamber of Commerce of Bogota)的董事会主席,以及Telefonica公司和Pragma公司的董事会成员。目前,Echeverri先生是Ecopetrol’;的董事会主席和独立成员。

Luis Guillermo Echeverri Velez has over 20 years of experience in the development, marketing, promotion and conducting of international business, imports and exports, the formulation and implementation of public and corporate policies, the development and implementation of conventional projects and information technology ventures, strategic planning, the financing of public and private projects and raising cooperation funds. He served as Executive Director of the Inter-American Development Bank, the Inter-American Investment Corporation and the Multilateral Investment Fund on behalf of the governments of Colombia, Peru and Ecuador. He served as Commercial Attaché in Colombia’s diplomatic mission to the US and as Director of Proexport’s Miami Regional Office. Mr. Echeverri is an attorney who graduated from the Bolivarian Pontifical University of Medellín and earned a Master’s degree in Agricultural Economics from Cornell University, New York. Mr. Echeverri is an advisor in international businesses and has successfully led business initiatives and processes involving change and methodological and technological innovation and implementation in companies of various sizes and large organizations. He is currently serving as President of Primero Colombia Association, a non-governmental association dedicated to the promotion of democratic values and young leadership, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogota, and a member of the Boards of Directors of Telefonica and Pragma. Currently, Mr. Echeverri is Chairman and independent member of Ecopetrol’s Board of Directors.
Luis Guillermo Echeverri Velez在发展、销售、推广和经营国际业务、进出口、制订和执行公共和公司政策、发展和执行传统项目和信息技术企业、战略规划等方面拥有20多年的经验。资助公共和私人项目,并筹集合作资金。他曾代表哥伦比亚、秘鲁和厄瓜多尔政府担任美洲开发银行、美洲投资公司和多边投资基金的执行董事。他曾担任哥伦比亚驻美国外交使团商务参赞和Proexport迈阿密地区办事处主任。Echeverri先生是一名律师,毕业于玻利瓦尔麦德尔宗座大学(Bolial Pontifical University of Medell),并在纽约康奈尔大学(Cornell University)获得农业经济学硕士学位。Echeverri先生是国际业务的顾问,并成功地领导了业务计划和流程,涉及各种规模的公司和大型组织的变革以及方法和技术创新与实施。他目前担任Primero Colombia Association(致力于促进民主价值观和年轻领导的非政府协会)的总裁、波哥大商会(Chamber of Commerce of Bogota)的董事会主席,以及Telefonica公司和Pragma公司的董事会成员。目前,Echeverri先生是Ecopetrol’;的董事会主席和独立成员。
Luis Guillermo Echeverri Velez has over 20 years of experience in the development, marketing, promotion and conducting of international business, imports and exports, the formulation and implementation of public and corporate policies, the development and implementation of conventional projects and information technology ventures, strategic planning, the financing of public and private projects and raising cooperation funds. He served as Executive Director of the Inter-American Development Bank, the Inter-American Investment Corporation and the Multilateral Investment Fund on behalf of the governments of Colombia, Peru and Ecuador. He served as Commercial Attaché in Colombia’s diplomatic mission to the US and as Director of Proexport’s Miami Regional Office. Mr. Echeverri is an attorney who graduated from the Bolivarian Pontifical University of Medellín and earned a Master’s degree in Agricultural Economics from Cornell University, New York. Mr. Echeverri is an advisor in international businesses and has successfully led business initiatives and processes involving change and methodological and technological innovation and implementation in companies of various sizes and large organizations. He is currently serving as President of Primero Colombia Association, a non-governmental association dedicated to the promotion of democratic values and young leadership, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogota, and a member of the Boards of Directors of Telefonica and Pragma. Currently, Mr. Echeverri is Chairman and independent member of Ecopetrol’s Board of Directors.
Juan Emilio Posada Echeverri

Juan Emilio Posada Echeverri曾担任多家大型公司的首席执行官,目前既是专业的董事会成员,也是一名企业家。他曾任职保险、航空旅行、酒店、基础设施、电信、银行、技术初创企业、贸易公司、贸易协会、国际和国内商会以及地方和国际非政府协会等领域的公司的董事会。他也是Grupo Fast S.A.和Fast Colombia S.A.S.-Vivaair(前身为VivaColombia,哥伦比亚第一家低成本航空公司)的创始人、董事长、执行主席和首席执行官;(基础设施项目)Synergy Aerospace的Corporate Director。Posada先生也是Avianca Holdings的董事会成员,之前是Avianca Airlines、Alianza Summa(Avianca-ACES-SAM)和ACES Airlines的首席执行官。Posada先生目前担任Tá;Ximo Ltd.的执行主席,Direktio and Fundacion Plan的主席,哥伦比亚Allianz Life and Allianz General,Sociedad Hotelera Tequendama(哥伦比亚七家酒店)的董事,Plan International(巴西)和Plan International全球大会提名和治理委员会成员。Posada先生拥有哥伦比亚麦德林EAFIT大学工商管理学位,纽约佩斯大学工商管理硕士学位和伦敦经济学院国际金融法学位。他在审计和风险方面的经验是通过在不同公司的董事会财务和审计委员会以及在Banco Nacional del Comercio,Corredores Asociados(哥伦比亚的一家证券经纪公司)等活动中的时间获得的。他也是Grupo Empresarial del Sector Defensa(GESED),DIS&225;N(国际化肥和化学品贸易公司),Flores de la Campi&241;A(鲜花的生产商和出口商)的顾问委员会成员,YPO Gold Colombia(首席执行官的全球网络)和NT3(房地产项目的开发商,他也是其创始人)、Polymath Ventures、AMROP-Top Management和the Orchestra of the Americas的董事。目前,Posada先生担任Ecopetrol’;的董事会独立成员。

Juan Emilio Posada Echeverri has been the CEO of several large companies and is currently both a professional board member and an entrepreneur. He has sat on the boards of companies in the fields of insurance, air travel, hotels, infrastructure, telecoms, banks, technology start-ups, trading companies, trade associations, international and domestic chambers of commerce and local and international non-governmental associations. He was also the Founder, Chairman, Executive Chairman and CEO of Grupo Fast S.A. and Fast Colombia S.A.S. - VivaAir formerly VivaColombia the first low cost airline in Colombia; Founder and CEO of Stratis Ltda. (infrastructure projects) Corporate Director-in-Chief of Synergy Aerospace. Mr. Posada is also a member of the board of Avianca Holdings and was formerly the CEO of Avianca Airlines, Alianza Summa (Avianca-Aces-Sam) and Aces airlines. Mr. Posada currently serves as Executive Chairman of Táximo Ltd., Chairman of Direktio and Fundacion Plan, director of Allianz Life and Allianz General in Colombia, Sociedad Hotelera Tequendama (seven hotels in Colombia), Plan International (Brazil) and a member of the nominations and governance committee of the Global Assembly of Plan International. Mr. Posada holds a degree in Business Administration from EAFIT University in Medellin, Colombia, an MBA from Pace University in New York and a degree in International Financial Law from the London School of Economics. His experience in audit and risks has been acquired through his time on the finance and audit committees of the boards of directors at different companies and at the Banco Nacional del Comercio, Corredores Asociados (a securities brokerage house in Colombia), among other activities. He is also a member of the advisory councils of Grupo Empresarial del Sector Defensa (GESED), Disán (international fertilizer and chemicals trading company), Flores de la Campiña (producer and exporter of fresh flowers), of YPO Gold Colombia (global network of CEO’s) and NT3 (developers of real estate projects of which he is also a founder), Polymath Ventures, AMROP-Top Management and the Orchestra of the Americas. Currently, Mr. Posada serves as an independent member of Ecopetrol’s Board of Directors.
Juan Emilio Posada Echeverri曾担任多家大型公司的首席执行官,目前既是专业的董事会成员,也是一名企业家。他曾任职保险、航空旅行、酒店、基础设施、电信、银行、技术初创企业、贸易公司、贸易协会、国际和国内商会以及地方和国际非政府协会等领域的公司的董事会。他也是Grupo Fast S.A.和Fast Colombia S.A.S.-Vivaair(前身为VivaColombia,哥伦比亚第一家低成本航空公司)的创始人、董事长、执行主席和首席执行官;(基础设施项目)Synergy Aerospace的Corporate Director。Posada先生也是Avianca Holdings的董事会成员,之前是Avianca Airlines、Alianza Summa(Avianca-ACES-SAM)和ACES Airlines的首席执行官。Posada先生目前担任Tá;Ximo Ltd.的执行主席,Direktio and Fundacion Plan的主席,哥伦比亚Allianz Life and Allianz General,Sociedad Hotelera Tequendama(哥伦比亚七家酒店)的董事,Plan International(巴西)和Plan International全球大会提名和治理委员会成员。Posada先生拥有哥伦比亚麦德林EAFIT大学工商管理学位,纽约佩斯大学工商管理硕士学位和伦敦经济学院国际金融法学位。他在审计和风险方面的经验是通过在不同公司的董事会财务和审计委员会以及在Banco Nacional del Comercio,Corredores Asociados(哥伦比亚的一家证券经纪公司)等活动中的时间获得的。他也是Grupo Empresarial del Sector Defensa(GESED),DIS&225;N(国际化肥和化学品贸易公司),Flores de la Campi&241;A(鲜花的生产商和出口商)的顾问委员会成员,YPO Gold Colombia(首席执行官的全球网络)和NT3(房地产项目的开发商,他也是其创始人)、Polymath Ventures、AMROP-Top Management和the Orchestra of the Americas的董事。目前,Posada先生担任Ecopetrol’;的董事会独立成员。
Juan Emilio Posada Echeverri has been the CEO of several large companies and is currently both a professional board member and an entrepreneur. He has sat on the boards of companies in the fields of insurance, air travel, hotels, infrastructure, telecoms, banks, technology start-ups, trading companies, trade associations, international and domestic chambers of commerce and local and international non-governmental associations. He was also the Founder, Chairman, Executive Chairman and CEO of Grupo Fast S.A. and Fast Colombia S.A.S. - VivaAir formerly VivaColombia the first low cost airline in Colombia; Founder and CEO of Stratis Ltda. (infrastructure projects) Corporate Director-in-Chief of Synergy Aerospace. Mr. Posada is also a member of the board of Avianca Holdings and was formerly the CEO of Avianca Airlines, Alianza Summa (Avianca-Aces-Sam) and Aces airlines. Mr. Posada currently serves as Executive Chairman of Táximo Ltd., Chairman of Direktio and Fundacion Plan, director of Allianz Life and Allianz General in Colombia, Sociedad Hotelera Tequendama (seven hotels in Colombia), Plan International (Brazil) and a member of the nominations and governance committee of the Global Assembly of Plan International. Mr. Posada holds a degree in Business Administration from EAFIT University in Medellin, Colombia, an MBA from Pace University in New York and a degree in International Financial Law from the London School of Economics. His experience in audit and risks has been acquired through his time on the finance and audit committees of the boards of directors at different companies and at the Banco Nacional del Comercio, Corredores Asociados (a securities brokerage house in Colombia), among other activities. He is also a member of the advisory councils of Grupo Empresarial del Sector Defensa (GESED), Disán (international fertilizer and chemicals trading company), Flores de la Campiña (producer and exporter of fresh flowers), of YPO Gold Colombia (global network of CEO’s) and NT3 (developers of real estate projects of which he is also a founder), Polymath Ventures, AMROP-Top Management and the Orchestra of the Americas. Currently, Mr. Posada serves as an independent member of Ecopetrol’s Board of Directors.
Santiago Perdomo Maldonado

Santiago Perdomo Maldonado在哥伦比亚银行业拥有30多年的高级管理经验,包括担任加拿大丰业银行(Scotiabank Group)ColPatria银行行长。他曾一直担任哥伦比亚和拉丁美洲公司的多种董事会成员,涉及多种经济部门,例如金融、矿业和农业,包括Bladex公司、Deceval公司、CESA公司、the Asociaci&243;n Nacional de Empresarios de Colombia Andi公司、the Asociaci&243;n Nacional de Instituciones Financial公司(ANIF),以及他曾是Colombia Institute of Corporate Governance的创始成员。Perdomo先生拥有CESA行政高级研究学院的工商管理学位。他目前是ColPatria Group和Mineros S.A.的执行董事,目前,Perdomo先生担任Ecopetrol’;的董事会独立成员。

Santiago Perdomo Maldonado has over 30 years of senior management experience in the Colombian banking industry, including as President of Banco Colpatria, Scotiabank Group. He has been a member of various boards of directors at Colombian and Latin American companies in a range of economic sectors, such as finance and mining and agriculture, including Bladex, Deceval, CESA, the Asociación Nacional de Empresarios de Colombia ANDI, and the Asociación Nacional de Instituciones Financieras (ANIF), and he was a founding member of the Colombian Institute of Corporate Governance. Mr. Perdomo holds a degree in business administration from the CESA School of Advanced Studies in Administration. He is currently the Executive Director of the Colpatria Group and Mineros S.A. Currently, Mr. Perdomo serves as an independent member of Ecopetrol’s Board of Directors.
Santiago Perdomo Maldonado在哥伦比亚银行业拥有30多年的高级管理经验,包括担任加拿大丰业银行(Scotiabank Group)ColPatria银行行长。他曾一直担任哥伦比亚和拉丁美洲公司的多种董事会成员,涉及多种经济部门,例如金融、矿业和农业,包括Bladex公司、Deceval公司、CESA公司、the Asociaci&243;n Nacional de Empresarios de Colombia Andi公司、the Asociaci&243;n Nacional de Instituciones Financial公司(ANIF),以及他曾是Colombia Institute of Corporate Governance的创始成员。Perdomo先生拥有CESA行政高级研究学院的工商管理学位。他目前是ColPatria Group和Mineros S.A.的执行董事,目前,Perdomo先生担任Ecopetrol’;的董事会独立成员。
Santiago Perdomo Maldonado has over 30 years of senior management experience in the Colombian banking industry, including as President of Banco Colpatria, Scotiabank Group. He has been a member of various boards of directors at Colombian and Latin American companies in a range of economic sectors, such as finance and mining and agriculture, including Bladex, Deceval, CESA, the Asociación Nacional de Empresarios de Colombia ANDI, and the Asociación Nacional de Instituciones Financieras (ANIF), and he was a founding member of the Colombian Institute of Corporate Governance. Mr. Perdomo holds a degree in business administration from the CESA School of Advanced Studies in Administration. He is currently the Executive Director of the Colpatria Group and Mineros S.A. Currently, Mr. Perdomo serves as an independent member of Ecopetrol’s Board of Directors.
Esteban Piedrahita Uribe

Esteban Piedrahita Uribe是卡利商会会长,曾任哥伦比亚国家计划部部长、总统顾问、美洲开发银行高级专家、《塞马纳》杂志经济学编辑等职。他曾任职Banco Agrario公司、Metrocali公司、Amalfi S.A.Carvajal Educació;n公司和Alianza Valores公司的董事会。Piedrahita先生毕业于哈佛大学(Harvard University),获得经济学学位,并在伦敦经济与政治学院(London School of Economics and Political Science)获得哲学和科学史硕士学位。Piedrahita先生目前是Cementos Argos和Centro de Eventos Valle del PAC&237;FICO的董事会成员,是Fedesarrollo的董事会成员和哥伦比亚Panthera Foundation的咨询委员会成员,他此前曾任职于大自然保护协会的当地咨询委员会。目前,Piedrahita先生担任Ecopetrol’;的董事会独立成员。

Esteban Piedrahita Uribe is President of the Commerce Chamber of Cali and previously served as General Director of Colombia’s National Planning Department, advisor to the President and Senior Specialist at the Inter-American Development Bank and Economics Editor of the Semana’s magazine, among other positions. He has served on the boards of directors of Banco Agrario, Metrocali, Amalfi S.A. Carvajal Educación and Alianza Valores. Mr. Piedrahita graduated with a degree in economics from Harvard University and earned a master’s degree in philosophy and history of science from the London School of Economics and Political Science. Mr. Piedrahita is currently a member of the Boards of Directors of Cementos Argos and Centro de Eventos Valle del Pacífico, a member of the Board of Fedesarrollo and the Advisory Council of Panthera Foundation in Colombia, and he previously served on the local Advisory Council of The Nature Conservancy. Currently, Mr. Piedrahita serves as an independent member of Ecopetrol’s Board of Directors.
Esteban Piedrahita Uribe是卡利商会会长,曾任哥伦比亚国家计划部部长、总统顾问、美洲开发银行高级专家、《塞马纳》杂志经济学编辑等职。他曾任职Banco Agrario公司、Metrocali公司、Amalfi S.A.Carvajal Educació;n公司和Alianza Valores公司的董事会。Piedrahita先生毕业于哈佛大学(Harvard University),获得经济学学位,并在伦敦经济与政治学院(London School of Economics and Political Science)获得哲学和科学史硕士学位。Piedrahita先生目前是Cementos Argos和Centro de Eventos Valle del PAC&237;FICO的董事会成员,是Fedesarrollo的董事会成员和哥伦比亚Panthera Foundation的咨询委员会成员,他此前曾任职于大自然保护协会的当地咨询委员会。目前,Piedrahita先生担任Ecopetrol’;的董事会独立成员。
Esteban Piedrahita Uribe is President of the Commerce Chamber of Cali and previously served as General Director of Colombia’s National Planning Department, advisor to the President and Senior Specialist at the Inter-American Development Bank and Economics Editor of the Semana’s magazine, among other positions. He has served on the boards of directors of Banco Agrario, Metrocali, Amalfi S.A. Carvajal Educación and Alianza Valores. Mr. Piedrahita graduated with a degree in economics from Harvard University and earned a master’s degree in philosophy and history of science from the London School of Economics and Political Science. Mr. Piedrahita is currently a member of the Boards of Directors of Cementos Argos and Centro de Eventos Valle del Pacífico, a member of the Board of Fedesarrollo and the Advisory Council of Panthera Foundation in Colombia, and he previously served on the local Advisory Council of The Nature Conservancy. Currently, Mr. Piedrahita serves as an independent member of Ecopetrol’s Board of Directors.
Hernando Ramirez Plazas

Hernando Ramirez Plazas曾在Surcolombiana大学担任工程学院院长、学术副院长、校长和教授。他曾任职the National Institute of Health、the Ministry of Health。他曾担任Colciencias公司的天然气领域的技术开发和创新项目的外部评估师。此外,他曾担任Canacol Energy Inc.的生产人员的天然气问题培训师,目前他为Comfamily Huila提供专业服务。Ramirez先生是一名化学工程师,毕业于哥伦比亚国立大学(Universidad Nacional de Colombia),在同一所大学获得公共卫生硕士学位,并在委内瑞拉祖利亚大学(Universidad de Zulia Venezuela)获得天然气工程专业学位。

Hernando Ramirez Plazas has held positions at Universidad Surcolombiana as Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Academic Vice-Principal, Principal, and Professor. He has worked at the National Institute of Health and at the Ministry of Health. He had a role as an external evaluator for Colciencias in technology development and innovation projects in the area of natural gas. Additionally, he has acted as a trainer in gas issues for production personnel at Canacol Energy Inc., and he currently provides professional services to Comfamiliar Huila. Mr. Ramirez is a chemical engineer who graduated from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, with a master’s degree in public health from the same university, and a specialization in gas engineering from the Universidad de Zulia Venezuela.
Hernando Ramirez Plazas曾在Surcolombiana大学担任工程学院院长、学术副院长、校长和教授。他曾任职the National Institute of Health、the Ministry of Health。他曾担任Colciencias公司的天然气领域的技术开发和创新项目的外部评估师。此外,他曾担任Canacol Energy Inc.的生产人员的天然气问题培训师,目前他为Comfamily Huila提供专业服务。Ramirez先生是一名化学工程师,毕业于哥伦比亚国立大学(Universidad Nacional de Colombia),在同一所大学获得公共卫生硕士学位,并在委内瑞拉祖利亚大学(Universidad de Zulia Venezuela)获得天然气工程专业学位。
Hernando Ramirez Plazas has held positions at Universidad Surcolombiana as Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Academic Vice-Principal, Principal, and Professor. He has worked at the National Institute of Health and at the Ministry of Health. He had a role as an external evaluator for Colciencias in technology development and innovation projects in the area of natural gas. Additionally, he has acted as a trainer in gas issues for production personnel at Canacol Energy Inc., and he currently provides professional services to Comfamiliar Huila. Mr. Ramirez is a chemical engineer who graduated from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, with a master’s degree in public health from the same university, and a specialization in gas engineering from the Universidad de Zulia Venezuela.
Sergio Restrepo Isaza

Sergio Restrepo Isaza生于1961年。他自2011年12月以来是Bancolombia资本市场的副总裁。之前他是公司发展的副总裁(自2005年7月30日Conavi和Corfinsura合并完成以来)。他自2004年以来是Corfinsura的总裁和首席执行官,在Corfinsura担任各种管理职位,例如从1996年到2004年担任投资银行业务的副总裁,从1993年到1996年担任投资和国际事务的副总裁,在此之前担任首席执行官助理,区域经理,国际副经理和项目主管。他持有Universidad EAFIT的学士学位和斯坦福大学(Stanford University)的管理硕士学位。

Sergio Restrepo Isaza served in the Bancolombia Group as Vice President for Capital Markets and Executive Vice President for Corporate Development. He initiated his professional career at Corporación Financiera Corfinsura, where he held the positions of Company President, Vice President for Investment Banking and Vice President for Investments and International. He also served in several boards including Cementos Argos, Compañía Nacional de Chocolates, Conavi, Asobancaria, Bolsa de Valores de Colombia, Conglomerado Financiero Internacional Banagrícola S.A., Suramericana Asset Management SUAM and several others in the community sector. Mr. Restrepo graduated with a degree in Business Administration from EAFIT University of Medellín, with a master’s degree in Business Administration from Stanford University in California. He has extensive experience in the areas of audit and risk, and during his time in the financial sector, he was a member of the finance and audit committees of the boards of directors at different companies where he took a very active role in the analysis of financial statements and was in charge of the investor’s relations of many of these companies. He is currently a partner at Exponencial Banca de Inversión S.A.S., a member and Chairman of the Board of directors of the BIOS SAS Group, and a member of the boards of directors of Odinsa S.A. and Consorcio Financiero. Currently, Mr. Restrepo serves as an independent member of Ecopetrol’s Board of Directors.
Sergio Restrepo Isaza生于1961年。他自2011年12月以来是Bancolombia资本市场的副总裁。之前他是公司发展的副总裁(自2005年7月30日Conavi和Corfinsura合并完成以来)。他自2004年以来是Corfinsura的总裁和首席执行官,在Corfinsura担任各种管理职位,例如从1996年到2004年担任投资银行业务的副总裁,从1993年到1996年担任投资和国际事务的副总裁,在此之前担任首席执行官助理,区域经理,国际副经理和项目主管。他持有Universidad EAFIT的学士学位和斯坦福大学(Stanford University)的管理硕士学位。
Sergio Restrepo Isaza served in the Bancolombia Group as Vice President for Capital Markets and Executive Vice President for Corporate Development. He initiated his professional career at Corporación Financiera Corfinsura, where he held the positions of Company President, Vice President for Investment Banking and Vice President for Investments and International. He also served in several boards including Cementos Argos, Compañía Nacional de Chocolates, Conavi, Asobancaria, Bolsa de Valores de Colombia, Conglomerado Financiero Internacional Banagrícola S.A., Suramericana Asset Management SUAM and several others in the community sector. Mr. Restrepo graduated with a degree in Business Administration from EAFIT University of Medellín, with a master’s degree in Business Administration from Stanford University in California. He has extensive experience in the areas of audit and risk, and during his time in the financial sector, he was a member of the finance and audit committees of the boards of directors at different companies where he took a very active role in the analysis of financial statements and was in charge of the investor’s relations of many of these companies. He is currently a partner at Exponencial Banca de Inversión S.A.S., a member and Chairman of the Board of directors of the BIOS SAS Group, and a member of the boards of directors of Odinsa S.A. and Consorcio Financiero. Currently, Mr. Restrepo serves as an independent member of Ecopetrol’s Board of Directors.


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Alejandro Arango

Alejandro Arango,2014年10月14日担任Ecopetrol S.A.人力资源副总裁。有着超过20年的在全世界的经验,曾在哥伦比亚Banco Santander担任人力资源副总裁,还担任西班牙Banco Santander消费者财务部、战略部和卡部担任人力资源总监。还曾担任Banco Santander(香港)亚太地区人力资源总监;以及担任T&O全球人力资源总监。持有CESA商学院的战略营销学位、Universidad Hochschule Sankt Georgen Frankfurt的神学学士学位,以及Javeriana大学的哲学学士学位。

Alejandro Arango has served as Vice-President of Human Resources at Ecopetrol S.A. since October 2014. Mr. Arango has also served as Human Resources Director for the Asia Pacific region at Banco Santander in Hong Kong and as a Global Human Resources Division T&O, among others. Mr. Arango holds a degree in Strategic Marketing from CESA School of Business and a bachelor’s degree in Theology from the Universidad Hochschule Sankt Georgen Frankfurt and a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from Javeriana University.
Alejandro Arango,2014年10月14日担任Ecopetrol S.A.人力资源副总裁。有着超过20年的在全世界的经验,曾在哥伦比亚Banco Santander担任人力资源副总裁,还担任西班牙Banco Santander消费者财务部、战略部和卡部担任人力资源总监。还曾担任Banco Santander(香港)亚太地区人力资源总监;以及担任T&O全球人力资源总监。持有CESA商学院的战略营销学位、Universidad Hochschule Sankt Georgen Frankfurt的神学学士学位,以及Javeriana大学的哲学学士学位。
Alejandro Arango has served as Vice-President of Human Resources at Ecopetrol S.A. since October 2014. Mr. Arango has also served as Human Resources Director for the Asia Pacific region at Banco Santander in Hong Kong and as a Global Human Resources Division T&O, among others. Mr. Arango holds a degree in Strategic Marketing from CESA School of Business and a bachelor’s degree in Theology from the Universidad Hochschule Sankt Georgen Frankfurt and a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from Javeriana University.
Felipe Bayon Pardo

Felipe Bayon Pardo自2016年2月起曾担任Ecopetrol的执行副总裁。Bayon先生持有Universidad de los Andes的机械工程学位。他拥有超过24年的石油和天然气行业的经验。在过去的20年中,他曾在BP公司任职,最近担任BP美国公司高级副总裁兼全球深水响应主管。2005年至2010年,他是BP Southern Cone South America的区域总裁;并在2005年之前,他曾在BP总部勘探和生产担任首席执行官的参谋长和执行主管。1995年,他在BP Colombia开始职业生涯,担任项目工程师,他在那里担任过各种职务,直至成为哥伦比亚的运营副总裁。

Felipe Bayon Pardo has served as the Chief Executive Officer of Ecopetrol since September 2017. Prior to being appointed Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Bayón served as Chief Operating Officer of Ecopetrol from February 2016 overseeing the upstream, midstream, downstream, technology, engineering, projects and marketing operations, as well as the research and innovation areas. Mr. Bayon holds a degree in mechanical engineering from Universidad de Los Andes Bogotá, Colombia. He has over 27 years of experience in the oil and gas industry. For more than 20 years, he worked at BP plc, most recently as Senior Vice-President of BP America and Head of Global Deepwater Response. From 2005 to 2010 he was the Regional President of BP Southern Cone (South America), and, prior to 2005 he worked in BP’s headquarters as Chief of Staff to the Upstream CEO and Head of the Executive Office for Exploration and Production. He began his career in 1995 in BP Colombia, as a Project Engineer, where he held various positions until becoming Vice-President of Operations in Colombia. Prior to this, he worked for Shell.
Felipe Bayon Pardo自2016年2月起曾担任Ecopetrol的执行副总裁。Bayon先生持有Universidad de los Andes的机械工程学位。他拥有超过24年的石油和天然气行业的经验。在过去的20年中,他曾在BP公司任职,最近担任BP美国公司高级副总裁兼全球深水响应主管。2005年至2010年,他是BP Southern Cone South America的区域总裁;并在2005年之前,他曾在BP总部勘探和生产担任首席执行官的参谋长和执行主管。1995年,他在BP Colombia开始职业生涯,担任项目工程师,他在那里担任过各种职务,直至成为哥伦比亚的运营副总裁。
Felipe Bayon Pardo has served as the Chief Executive Officer of Ecopetrol since September 2017. Prior to being appointed Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Bayón served as Chief Operating Officer of Ecopetrol from February 2016 overseeing the upstream, midstream, downstream, technology, engineering, projects and marketing operations, as well as the research and innovation areas. Mr. Bayon holds a degree in mechanical engineering from Universidad de Los Andes Bogotá, Colombia. He has over 27 years of experience in the oil and gas industry. For more than 20 years, he worked at BP plc, most recently as Senior Vice-President of BP America and Head of Global Deepwater Response. From 2005 to 2010 he was the Regional President of BP Southern Cone (South America), and, prior to 2005 he worked in BP’s headquarters as Chief of Staff to the Upstream CEO and Head of the Executive Office for Exploration and Production. He began his career in 1995 in BP Colombia, as a Project Engineer, where he held various positions until becoming Vice-President of Operations in Colombia. Prior to this, he worked for Shell.
Fernan Ignacio Bejarano Arias

Fernan Ignacio Bejarano Ariashas自2016年3月起曾担任Ecopetrol法律事务副总裁和法律总顾问。Bejarano Arias先生持有Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá法学学士学位和American University Washington D.C。的法学硕士学位。在他三十多年的专业经验里,他一直担任Estudios Palacios Lleras S.A、Bejarano Cárdenas y Ospina y Asociados Ltda and OPEBSA Compaía de Abogados S.A.S。 律师事务所的合伙人;一直在公共部门担任几年的重要职位,如副外交部长,货币委员会的秘书,共和国银行(哥伦比亚中央银行)董事会秘书,哥伦比亚共和国总裁的法律顾问,哥伦比亚财务部法律部副部长和总顾问。Bejarano Arias先生一直在Universidad Javeriana担任法学院教授;在波哥大商会仲裁中心和商务部调解之前,一直担任仲裁员。

Fernan Ignacio Bejarano Arias has served as Vice-President of Legal Affairs and General Counsel at Ecopetrol since March 2016. Mr. Bejarano Arias holds a bachelor's degree in law from Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá and an LLM from American University in Washington D.C. In his more than thirty years of professional experience, he has been a partner at the law firms of Estudios Palacios Lleras S.A, Bejarano Cárdenas y Ospina y Asociados Ltda and OPEBSA Compaía de Abogados S.A.S. and has worked for several years in important positions in the public sector, such as the Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Secretary of the Monetary Board, Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Banco de la República Colombian Central Bank, Office of Legal Affairs Counselor at the Presidency of the Republic of Colombia, and Vice-President of Legal Affairs and General Counsel at Corporación Finaciera Colombiana. Mr. Bejarano Arias has been a professor at the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Javeriana, and has been an arbitrator before the Center for Arbitration and Conciliation of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce.
Fernan Ignacio Bejarano Ariashas自2016年3月起曾担任Ecopetrol法律事务副总裁和法律总顾问。Bejarano Arias先生持有Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá法学学士学位和American University Washington D.C。的法学硕士学位。在他三十多年的专业经验里,他一直担任Estudios Palacios Lleras S.A、Bejarano Cárdenas y Ospina y Asociados Ltda and OPEBSA Compaía de Abogados S.A.S。 律师事务所的合伙人;一直在公共部门担任几年的重要职位,如副外交部长,货币委员会的秘书,共和国银行(哥伦比亚中央银行)董事会秘书,哥伦比亚共和国总裁的法律顾问,哥伦比亚财务部法律部副部长和总顾问。Bejarano Arias先生一直在Universidad Javeriana担任法学院教授;在波哥大商会仲裁中心和商务部调解之前,一直担任仲裁员。
Fernan Ignacio Bejarano Arias has served as Vice-President of Legal Affairs and General Counsel at Ecopetrol since March 2016. Mr. Bejarano Arias holds a bachelor's degree in law from Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá and an LLM from American University in Washington D.C. In his more than thirty years of professional experience, he has been a partner at the law firms of Estudios Palacios Lleras S.A, Bejarano Cárdenas y Ospina y Asociados Ltda and OPEBSA Compaía de Abogados S.A.S. and has worked for several years in important positions in the public sector, such as the Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Secretary of the Monetary Board, Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Banco de la República Colombian Central Bank, Office of Legal Affairs Counselor at the Presidency of the Republic of Colombia, and Vice-President of Legal Affairs and General Counsel at Corporación Finaciera Colombiana. Mr. Bejarano Arias has been a professor at the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Javeriana, and has been an arbitrator before the Center for Arbitration and Conciliation of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce.
Maria Juliana Alban

Maria Juliana Alban自2015年7月起曾担任合规副总裁兼合规官。Alban女士持有Universidad Sergio Arboleda法律学位,专业是同一机构的商业和金融法。自2007年以来,Alban女士在总检察长办公室 Procuraduría General de la Nacion ,担任法律事务办公室的秘书长及其他职务。

Maria Juliana Alban has served as Compliance Vice-President and Compliance Officer since July 2015. Ms. Alban holds a law degree from Universidad Sergio Arboleda with a specialization in Commercial and Financial Law from the same institution. Since 2007 Ms. Alban has worked in the Attorney General''s Office Procuraduria General de la Nacion as Attorney General for State Contracts, General Secretary and Chief of Legal Office, among other positions within the institution.
Maria Juliana Alban自2015年7月起曾担任合规副总裁兼合规官。Alban女士持有Universidad Sergio Arboleda法律学位,专业是同一机构的商业和金融法。自2007年以来,Alban女士在总检察长办公室 Procuraduría General de la Nacion ,担任法律事务办公室的秘书长及其他职务。
Maria Juliana Alban has served as Compliance Vice-President and Compliance Officer since July 2015. Ms. Alban holds a law degree from Universidad Sergio Arboleda with a specialization in Commercial and Financial Law from the same institution. Since 2007 Ms. Alban has worked in the Attorney General''s Office Procuraduria General de la Nacion as Attorney General for State Contracts, General Secretary and Chief of Legal Office, among other positions within the institution.
Alberto Consuegra Granger

Alberto Consuegra Granger自2019年3月1日起担任Ecopetrol首席运营官。在此之前,他自2018年2月起担任Ecopetrol&8217;中游子公司Cenit S.A.S.的临时首席执行官,自2016年8月起担任EcopetrolS.A.供应和服务副总裁。Consuegra先生拥有卡塔赫纳大学(Universidad de Cartagena)土木工程学位和得克萨斯农工大学(Texas A&M University)路面与施工管理硕士学位。加入Ecopetrol公司之前,他曾担任Equion Energia Limited的勘探和生产副总裁,在那里他也曾担任负责项目和生产的副总裁(2011年至2016年)。Consuegra先生于1984年在Morrison Knudsen International开始他的职业生涯,在Cerrejon项目建设期间担任合同协调员。1993年,他加入EcopetrolS.A.,在该项目集团工作,随后进入英国石油勘探公司(BP Exploration),在那里工作了16年,先是担任合同协调员,然后担任采购与合同经理,最后担任安第斯地区人力资源经理,并最终担任哥伦比亚表演单元的领导,直到2010年底。

Alberto Consuegra Granger has served as Chief Operating Officer of Ecopetrol since March 1 2019. Prior to this role, he was interim CEO of Cenit S.A.S., Ecopetrol’s midstream subsidiary, since February 2018 and Vice-President of Supply and Services of Ecopetrol S.A. since August 2016. Mr. Consuegra holds a degree in civil engineering from the Universidad de Cartagena and a master’s degree in pavements and construction management from Texas A&M University. Before joining Ecopetrol, he was Vice-President of Exploration and Production at Equion Energia Limited, where he also served as the Vice-President for Projects and Production between 2011 and 2016. Mr. Consuegra began his professional career in 1984 at Morrison Knudsen International as a contract coordinator during the construction of the Cerrejon project. In 1993 he joined Ecopetrol S.A., working in the Projects Group, and then went to BP Exploration, where he worked for 16 years, first as a contract coordinator, then as procurement and contract manager, then human resource manager for the Andean area, and finally as leader of the Colombian Performance Unit until end of 2010.
Alberto Consuegra Granger自2019年3月1日起担任Ecopetrol首席运营官。在此之前,他自2018年2月起担任Ecopetrol&8217;中游子公司Cenit S.A.S.的临时首席执行官,自2016年8月起担任EcopetrolS.A.供应和服务副总裁。Consuegra先生拥有卡塔赫纳大学(Universidad de Cartagena)土木工程学位和得克萨斯农工大学(Texas A&M University)路面与施工管理硕士学位。加入Ecopetrol公司之前,他曾担任Equion Energia Limited的勘探和生产副总裁,在那里他也曾担任负责项目和生产的副总裁(2011年至2016年)。Consuegra先生于1984年在Morrison Knudsen International开始他的职业生涯,在Cerrejon项目建设期间担任合同协调员。1993年,他加入EcopetrolS.A.,在该项目集团工作,随后进入英国石油勘探公司(BP Exploration),在那里工作了16年,先是担任合同协调员,然后担任采购与合同经理,最后担任安第斯地区人力资源经理,并最终担任哥伦比亚表演单元的领导,直到2010年底。
Alberto Consuegra Granger has served as Chief Operating Officer of Ecopetrol since March 1 2019. Prior to this role, he was interim CEO of Cenit S.A.S., Ecopetrol’s midstream subsidiary, since February 2018 and Vice-President of Supply and Services of Ecopetrol S.A. since August 2016. Mr. Consuegra holds a degree in civil engineering from the Universidad de Cartagena and a master’s degree in pavements and construction management from Texas A&M University. Before joining Ecopetrol, he was Vice-President of Exploration and Production at Equion Energia Limited, where he also served as the Vice-President for Projects and Production between 2011 and 2016. Mr. Consuegra began his professional career in 1984 at Morrison Knudsen International as a contract coordinator during the construction of the Cerrejon project. In 1993 he joined Ecopetrol S.A., working in the Projects Group, and then went to BP Exploration, where he worked for 16 years, first as a contract coordinator, then as procurement and contract manager, then human resource manager for the Andean area, and finally as leader of the Colombian Performance Unit until end of 2010.
Monica Jimenez Gonzalez

Monica Jimenez Gonzalez自2016年7月起担任EcopetrolS.A.秘书长。Jim&233;Nez女士拥有安第斯大学波哥大分校(University of the Andes Bogot&225;)的法律学位,并在加拿大担任外国律师。她曾在一家专门从事国际法的精品律师事务所担任律师,随后在不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华的一家主要加拿大律师事务所担任律师。Jimenez女士在哥伦比亚和加拿大从事与企业社会责任、跨境交易和公司法相关的事务。她持有the Universidad Externado de Colombia的民事和国家责任研究生学位,以及the London School of Economics and Political Science的发展研究理学硕士学位。她在《国际商会规则》、《解决投资争端中心规则》和《贸易法委员会规则》下的商业和投资仲裁方面拥有丰富的律师和法庭秘书经验。Jimenez女士也是国际商会(ICC)国际仲裁法院的成员。

Monica Jimenez Gonzalez has served as Secretary General of Ecopetrol S.A. since July 2016. Ms. Jiménez holds a law degree from University of the Andes Bogotá and has practiced as a foreign lawyer in Canada. She worked as a lawyer in a boutique law firm that specialized in international law and then in a major Canadian law firm in Vancouver, BC. Ms. Jimenez has practiced in Colombia and Canada on matters related to corporate social responsibility, cross-border transactions, and corporate law. She holds a post-graduate degree in Civil and State Responsibility from the Universidad Externado de Colombia and a Master of Science in Development Studies from the London School of Economics and Political Science. She has extensive experience as counsel and tribunal secretary in commercial and investment arbitrations under the rules of the ICC, ICSID and UNCITRAL. Ms. Jimenez is also a Member of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).
Monica Jimenez Gonzalez自2016年7月起担任EcopetrolS.A.秘书长。Jim&233;Nez女士拥有安第斯大学波哥大分校(University of the Andes Bogot&225;)的法律学位,并在加拿大担任外国律师。她曾在一家专门从事国际法的精品律师事务所担任律师,随后在不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华的一家主要加拿大律师事务所担任律师。Jimenez女士在哥伦比亚和加拿大从事与企业社会责任、跨境交易和公司法相关的事务。她持有the Universidad Externado de Colombia的民事和国家责任研究生学位,以及the London School of Economics and Political Science的发展研究理学硕士学位。她在《国际商会规则》、《解决投资争端中心规则》和《贸易法委员会规则》下的商业和投资仲裁方面拥有丰富的律师和法庭秘书经验。Jimenez女士也是国际商会(ICC)国际仲裁法院的成员。
Monica Jimenez Gonzalez has served as Secretary General of Ecopetrol S.A. since July 2016. Ms. Jiménez holds a law degree from University of the Andes Bogotá and has practiced as a foreign lawyer in Canada. She worked as a lawyer in a boutique law firm that specialized in international law and then in a major Canadian law firm in Vancouver, BC. Ms. Jimenez has practiced in Colombia and Canada on matters related to corporate social responsibility, cross-border transactions, and corporate law. She holds a post-graduate degree in Civil and State Responsibility from the Universidad Externado de Colombia and a Master of Science in Development Studies from the London School of Economics and Political Science. She has extensive experience as counsel and tribunal secretary in commercial and investment arbitrations under the rules of the ICC, ICSID and UNCITRAL. Ms. Jimenez is also a Member of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).
Jaime Caballero Uribe

Jaime Caballero Uribe自2018年8月起担任Ecopetrol的首席财务官。Caballero先生在石油和天然气领域拥有超过20年的国际经验。他于2016年加入Ecopetrol Group,在被任命为Ecopetrol Group首席财务官之前,他是下游部门的首席财务官。此前,他的经验包括任职BP公司17年,在那里他曾担任北美和南美、非洲和欧洲的领导职务,最近担任巴西、乌拉圭、哥伦比亚和委内瑞拉的区域首席财务官。Caballero先生拥有安第斯大学(Universidad de los Andes Bogotá;)的法律学位,Funda&231;ã;o Getulio Vargas(里约热内卢)的能源业务工商管理硕士学位,并完成了杜克大学(Duke University)和沃顿商学院(Wharton School of Business)的高级财务管理执行课程。

Jaime Caballero Uribe has served as the Chief Financial Officer of Ecopetrol since August 2018. Mr. Caballero has over 20 years of international experience in the oil and gas sector. He joined the Ecopetrol Group in 2016 and was the Chief Financial Officer for the Downstream Segment prior to his appointment as the Ecopetrol Group CFO. Previously, his experience includes 17 years at BP, where he held leadership positions in North and South America, Africa and Europe, and most recently as Regional CFO for Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia and Venezuela. Mr. Caballero holds a law degree from Universidad de los Andes Bogotá, an MBA in energy business from Fundação Getulio Vargas (Rio de Janeiro) and has completed executive programs in advanced financial management from Duke University and the Wharton School of Business.
Jaime Caballero Uribe自2018年8月起担任Ecopetrol的首席财务官。Caballero先生在石油和天然气领域拥有超过20年的国际经验。他于2016年加入Ecopetrol Group,在被任命为Ecopetrol Group首席财务官之前,他是下游部门的首席财务官。此前,他的经验包括任职BP公司17年,在那里他曾担任北美和南美、非洲和欧洲的领导职务,最近担任巴西、乌拉圭、哥伦比亚和委内瑞拉的区域首席财务官。Caballero先生拥有安第斯大学(Universidad de los Andes Bogotá;)的法律学位,Funda&231;ã;o Getulio Vargas(里约热内卢)的能源业务工商管理硕士学位,并完成了杜克大学(Duke University)和沃顿商学院(Wharton School of Business)的高级财务管理执行课程。
Jaime Caballero Uribe has served as the Chief Financial Officer of Ecopetrol since August 2018. Mr. Caballero has over 20 years of international experience in the oil and gas sector. He joined the Ecopetrol Group in 2016 and was the Chief Financial Officer for the Downstream Segment prior to his appointment as the Ecopetrol Group CFO. Previously, his experience includes 17 years at BP, where he held leadership positions in North and South America, Africa and Europe, and most recently as Regional CFO for Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia and Venezuela. Mr. Caballero holds a law degree from Universidad de los Andes Bogotá, an MBA in energy business from Fundação Getulio Vargas (Rio de Janeiro) and has completed executive programs in advanced financial management from Duke University and the Wharton School of Business.
Jorge Elman Osorio Franco

Jorge Elman Osorio Franco自2019年3月1日起担任Ecopetrol的开发和生产副总裁。在担任现任职务之前,他于2017年6月至2019年2月担任区域开发和生产副总裁。他持有哥伦比亚国立大学(National University of Colombia)的化学工程学位,在石油和天然气行业的工程、项目和运营方面拥有超过31年的经验。他在BP度过了24年的职业生涯,在那里他担任运营经理,重大项目的高级运营经理,技术总监和卓越运营总监,以及其他领导职位,包括哥伦比亚,特立尼达和多巴哥和印度尼西亚的管理职位。

Jorge Elman Osorio Franco has served as the Development and Production Vice-President of Ecopetrol since March 1 2019. Prior to his current assignment, he served as Regional Development and Production Vice-President from June 2017 to February 2019. He holds a degree in chemical engineering from the National University of Colombia and has over 31 years of experience in engineering, projects and operations in the oil and gas industry. He spent 24 years of his career at BP, where he served as Operations Manager, Senior Operations Manager in Major Projects, Technical Director and Operations Excellence Director, among other leadership positions including managerial positions in Colombia, Trinidad & Tobago and Indonesia.
Jorge Elman Osorio Franco自2019年3月1日起担任Ecopetrol的开发和生产副总裁。在担任现任职务之前,他于2017年6月至2019年2月担任区域开发和生产副总裁。他持有哥伦比亚国立大学(National University of Colombia)的化学工程学位,在石油和天然气行业的工程、项目和运营方面拥有超过31年的经验。他在BP度过了24年的职业生涯,在那里他担任运营经理,重大项目的高级运营经理,技术总监和卓越运营总监,以及其他领导职位,包括哥伦比亚,特立尼达和多巴哥和印度尼西亚的管理职位。
Jorge Elman Osorio Franco has served as the Development and Production Vice-President of Ecopetrol since March 1 2019. Prior to his current assignment, he served as Regional Development and Production Vice-President from June 2017 to February 2019. He holds a degree in chemical engineering from the National University of Colombia and has over 31 years of experience in engineering, projects and operations in the oil and gas industry. He spent 24 years of his career at BP, where he served as Operations Manager, Senior Operations Manager in Major Projects, Technical Director and Operations Excellence Director, among other leadership positions including managerial positions in Colombia, Trinidad & Tobago and Indonesia.
Jorge Arturo Calvache Archila

Jorge Arturo Calvache Archila自2019年2月1日起担任勘探副总裁。他拥有超过30年的经验。他曾任职Shell公司和Hocol公司,在那里他曾领导荷兰、美国和哥伦比亚的勘探项目。Calvache先生拥有Universidad Nacional地质学学位,同一所大学地球物理学硕士学位,并在安第斯大学(Universidad de los Andes)学习管理。

Jorge Arturo Calvache Archila has served as Vice-President of Exploration since February 1 2019. He has more than 30 years of experience. He has served in companies such as Shell and Hocol, where he led exploration projects in the Netherlands, the United States and Colombia. Mr. Calvache holds a degree in geology from Universidad Nacional, a master’s degree in geophysics from the same university, and studied management at the Universidad de Los Andes.
Jorge Arturo Calvache Archila自2019年2月1日起担任勘探副总裁。他拥有超过30年的经验。他曾任职Shell公司和Hocol公司,在那里他曾领导荷兰、美国和哥伦比亚的勘探项目。Calvache先生拥有Universidad Nacional地质学学位,同一所大学地球物理学硕士学位,并在安第斯大学(Universidad de los Andes)学习管理。
Jorge Arturo Calvache Archila has served as Vice-President of Exploration since February 1 2019. He has more than 30 years of experience. He has served in companies such as Shell and Hocol, where he led exploration projects in the Netherlands, the United States and Colombia. Mr. Calvache holds a degree in geology from Universidad Nacional, a master’s degree in geophysics from the same university, and studied management at the Universidad de Los Andes.
Ruben Dario Moreno Rojas

Ruben Dario Moreno Rojas自2019年3月1日起担任运输运营和维护副总裁。在被任命为运输运营和维护副总裁之前,他自2018年4月起担任运输运营和维护副总裁。他在EcopetrolS.A.有30年的职业生涯,在那里他曾担任运输副总裁的多个管理职位,包括运营经理、技术总监、维护主管和运营主管。Moreno先生持有the Universidad Antonio Nari&241;o的电子工程学位,以及the Universidad La Sabana的执行工商管理硕士学位。

Ruben Dario Moreno Rojas has served as Vice-President of Transport Operations and Maintenance since March 1 2019. Prior to his appointment as Vice-President of Transport Operations and Maintenance, he had served as deputy Vice-President of Transport Operations and Maintenance since April 2018. He has a 30-year career at Ecopetrol S.A., where he has held several managerial positions in the Vice-Presidency of Transportation including Operations Manager, Technical Superintendent, Head of Maintenance and Head of Operations. Mr. Moreno holds a degree in electronic engineering from the Universidad Antonio Nariño and an executive MBA from the Universidad la Sabana.
Ruben Dario Moreno Rojas自2019年3月1日起担任运输运营和维护副总裁。在被任命为运输运营和维护副总裁之前,他自2018年4月起担任运输运营和维护副总裁。他在EcopetrolS.A.有30年的职业生涯,在那里他曾担任运输副总裁的多个管理职位,包括运营经理、技术总监、维护主管和运营主管。Moreno先生持有the Universidad Antonio Nari&241;o的电子工程学位,以及the Universidad La Sabana的执行工商管理硕士学位。
Ruben Dario Moreno Rojas has served as Vice-President of Transport Operations and Maintenance since March 1 2019. Prior to his appointment as Vice-President of Transport Operations and Maintenance, he had served as deputy Vice-President of Transport Operations and Maintenance since April 2018. He has a 30-year career at Ecopetrol S.A., where he has held several managerial positions in the Vice-Presidency of Transportation including Operations Manager, Technical Superintendent, Head of Maintenance and Head of Operations. Mr. Moreno holds a degree in electronic engineering from the Universidad Antonio Nariño and an executive MBA from the Universidad la Sabana.
Jurgen Gerardo Loeber Rojas

Jurgen Gerardo Loeber Rojas自2016年5月起担任Ecopetrol的项目与工程副总裁。Loeber先生拥有the Universidad del Norte的工商管理学位和项目管理专业学位。他加入陆军工程兵部队,担任预备役军官,并达到上尉军衔。他在石油和天然气行业有着超过30年的经验。他的职业生涯始于1985年任职Exxon公司,担任财务分析师。从1992年到2001年,他曾任职BP公司的多个国家,担任项目经理、施工经理和项目控制工程师。最后10年,他在Equion Limited前身是BP Exploration Colombia工作,担任项目总监。从2001年到2006年,他担任Wood Group Colombia的项目总监。

Jurgen Gerardo Loeber Rojas has served as the Projects & Engineering Vice-President of Ecopetrol since May 2016. Mr. Loeber holds a degree in business administration from the Universidad del Norte and a specialization in project management. He joined the Army Corps of Engineers as reserve officer and reached the rank of captain. He has over 30 years of experience in the oil and gas industry. He began his career in 1985 in Exxon as financial analyst. From 1992 to 2001 he worked for BP in various countries as project manager, construction manager and project control engineer. For the last 10 years, he worked at Equion Limited formerly BP Exploration Colombia as Project Director. From 2001 to 2006 he was Project Director for Wood Group Colombia.
Jurgen Gerardo Loeber Rojas自2016年5月起担任Ecopetrol的项目与工程副总裁。Loeber先生拥有the Universidad del Norte的工商管理学位和项目管理专业学位。他加入陆军工程兵部队,担任预备役军官,并达到上尉军衔。他在石油和天然气行业有着超过30年的经验。他的职业生涯始于1985年任职Exxon公司,担任财务分析师。从1992年到2001年,他曾任职BP公司的多个国家,担任项目经理、施工经理和项目控制工程师。最后10年,他在Equion Limited前身是BP Exploration Colombia工作,担任项目总监。从2001年到2006年,他担任Wood Group Colombia的项目总监。
Jurgen Gerardo Loeber Rojas has served as the Projects & Engineering Vice-President of Ecopetrol since May 2016. Mr. Loeber holds a degree in business administration from the Universidad del Norte and a specialization in project management. He joined the Army Corps of Engineers as reserve officer and reached the rank of captain. He has over 30 years of experience in the oil and gas industry. He began his career in 1985 in Exxon as financial analyst. From 1992 to 2001 he worked for BP in various countries as project manager, construction manager and project control engineer. For the last 10 years, he worked at Equion Limited formerly BP Exploration Colombia as Project Director. From 2001 to 2006 he was Project Director for Wood Group Colombia.
Pedro Fernando Manrique Gutierrez

Pedro Fernando Manrique Gutierrez自2017年4月起担任Ecopetrol的商业和营销Vice President。Manrique先生也是Reficar,Cenit和Invercolsa的董事会成员。他持有桑坦德工业大学(the Industrial University of Santander)的电气工程学士学位、美国佛罗里达大学(the University of Florida)的工业和系统工程硕士学位(他曾是富布赖特学者),以及西班牙马德里IE商学院(the IE Business School)的工商管理硕士学位。他拥有29年的石油和天然气行业经验,此前曾任职Chevron Petroleum Company(位于不同地点)的上游业务15年,最后的任务是担任Chevron Latin America公司的商业和业务规划经理,他也曾担任Chevron Latin America公司的领导团队成员。职业生涯中,他也曾任职Enron Energy Services公司,担任风险经理,也曾任职Enron International公司,担任业务开发经理,均位于德克萨斯州休斯顿。

Pedro Fernando Manrique Gutierrez has served as the Commercial and Marketing Vice President of Ecopetrol since April 2017. Mr. Manrique is also a member of the boards of directors of Reficar, Cenit and Invercolsa. He holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the Industrial University of Santander, a master’s degree in industrial and systems engineering from the University of Florida in the United States where he was a Fulbright Scholar, and an MBA from the IE Business School in Madrid, Spain. He has 29 years of experience in the oil and gas industry and previously spent 15 years in the upstream business with Chevron Petroleum Company in different locations, with his last assignment being as the Commercial and Business Planning Manager for Chevron Latin America, where he also served as a member of the Leadership Team for Chevron Latin America. During his career he has also worked at Enron Energy Services as a Risk Manager and at Enron International as a Business Development Manager, each based in Houston, Texas.
Pedro Fernando Manrique Gutierrez自2017年4月起担任Ecopetrol的商业和营销Vice President。Manrique先生也是Reficar,Cenit和Invercolsa的董事会成员。他持有桑坦德工业大学(the Industrial University of Santander)的电气工程学士学位、美国佛罗里达大学(the University of Florida)的工业和系统工程硕士学位(他曾是富布赖特学者),以及西班牙马德里IE商学院(the IE Business School)的工商管理硕士学位。他拥有29年的石油和天然气行业经验,此前曾任职Chevron Petroleum Company(位于不同地点)的上游业务15年,最后的任务是担任Chevron Latin America公司的商业和业务规划经理,他也曾担任Chevron Latin America公司的领导团队成员。职业生涯中,他也曾任职Enron Energy Services公司,担任风险经理,也曾任职Enron International公司,担任业务开发经理,均位于德克萨斯州休斯顿。
Pedro Fernando Manrique Gutierrez has served as the Commercial and Marketing Vice President of Ecopetrol since April 2017. Mr. Manrique is also a member of the boards of directors of Reficar, Cenit and Invercolsa. He holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the Industrial University of Santander, a master’s degree in industrial and systems engineering from the University of Florida in the United States where he was a Fulbright Scholar, and an MBA from the IE Business School in Madrid, Spain. He has 29 years of experience in the oil and gas industry and previously spent 15 years in the upstream business with Chevron Petroleum Company in different locations, with his last assignment being as the Commercial and Business Planning Manager for Chevron Latin America, where he also served as a member of the Leadership Team for Chevron Latin America. During his career he has also worked at Enron Energy Services as a Risk Manager and at Enron International as a Business Development Manager, each based in Houston, Texas.
Juan Manuel Rojas Payan

Juan Manuel Rojas Payan自2018年8月起担任战略与新业务副总裁。任职之前,他曾担任公司的新业务经理(2016年以来)。他毕业于安第斯大学(Universidad de los Andes),持有哈佛大学(Harvard University)的公共政策硕士学位,以及安第斯大学(Universidad de los Andes)的经济学硕士学位。此前,他曾担任矿业和能源部副部长、Bridas Corporation的首席执行官、Pan American Energy公司的新业务经理、Sideco Americana/SOCMA公司的能源董事。他一直担任不同国家的不同公用事业公司、石油化工公司和拉丁美洲的石油和天然气公司的董事会成员。此外,他曾担任亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲能源行业的顾问。在学术领域,他一直担任阿根廷University Torcuato di Tella的公共政策硕士项目教授,以及哥伦比亚the University of the Andes的经济思想Pistory教授。

Juan Manuel Rojas Payan has served as Vice-President for Strategy and New Business since August 2018. Prior to his appointment, he served as Corporate Manager for New Business since 2016. He graduated with a degree in Economics from Universidad de los Andes and holds a master’s degree in Public Policy from Harvard University and a master’s degree in Economics from Universidad de los Andes. Previously he was Vice-Minister of Mines and Energy, Chief Executive Officer of Bridas Corporation, Manager of New Business at Pan American Energy, and Director of Energy at Sideco Americana/Socma, among other positions. He has been a member of the boards of directors of different utilities companies in various countries, a petrochemical company, and of oil and gas companies in Latin America. In addition, he worked as a consultant for the energy industry in Asia, Africa and Latin America. In the academic field, he has been professor of the master of public policy program at the University Torcuato di Tella in Argentina and the professor of pistory of economic thought at the University of the Andes in Colombia.
Juan Manuel Rojas Payan自2018年8月起担任战略与新业务副总裁。任职之前,他曾担任公司的新业务经理(2016年以来)。他毕业于安第斯大学(Universidad de los Andes),持有哈佛大学(Harvard University)的公共政策硕士学位,以及安第斯大学(Universidad de los Andes)的经济学硕士学位。此前,他曾担任矿业和能源部副部长、Bridas Corporation的首席执行官、Pan American Energy公司的新业务经理、Sideco Americana/SOCMA公司的能源董事。他一直担任不同国家的不同公用事业公司、石油化工公司和拉丁美洲的石油和天然气公司的董事会成员。此外,他曾担任亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲能源行业的顾问。在学术领域,他一直担任阿根廷University Torcuato di Tella的公共政策硕士项目教授,以及哥伦比亚the University of the Andes的经济思想Pistory教授。
Juan Manuel Rojas Payan has served as Vice-President for Strategy and New Business since August 2018. Prior to his appointment, he served as Corporate Manager for New Business since 2016. He graduated with a degree in Economics from Universidad de los Andes and holds a master’s degree in Public Policy from Harvard University and a master’s degree in Economics from Universidad de los Andes. Previously he was Vice-Minister of Mines and Energy, Chief Executive Officer of Bridas Corporation, Manager of New Business at Pan American Energy, and Director of Energy at Sideco Americana/Socma, among other positions. He has been a member of the boards of directors of different utilities companies in various countries, a petrochemical company, and of oil and gas companies in Latin America. In addition, he worked as a consultant for the energy industry in Asia, Africa and Latin America. In the academic field, he has been professor of the master of public policy program at the University Torcuato di Tella in Argentina and the professor of pistory of economic thought at the University of the Andes in Colombia.
Andres Eduardo Mantilla Zarate

Andres Eduardo Mantilla Zarate自2013年9月起担任哥伦比亚石油公司技术开发中心Ecopetrol研究所所长。他持有哥伦比亚Universidad Industrial de Santander的石油工程学位、Stanford University的石油工程理学硕士学位,以及Stanford University的地球物理学博士学位。他的专业工作包括石油和天然气技术开发、示范和实施团队的领导和管理。他此前曾任职Ecopetrol公司,担任多种职务(1994年至2006年)。2013年重新加入Ecopetrol公司之前,他曾任职BP Colombia公司、Marathon Oil Company、Maersk Oil公司。职业生涯中,他曾接触哥伦比亚、墨西哥湾、北海、西非、南美和中东的勘探和生产项目,以及新企业的评估。

Andres Eduardo Mantilla Zarate has served as the Director of the Colombian Petroleum Institute of Ecopetrol, the technology development center of the company, since September 2013. He holds a degree in Petroleum Engineering from Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia, a Master of Science degree in Petroleum Engineering from Stanford University, and a Ph.D. in Geophysics from Stanford University. His professional work includes the leadership and management of oil and gas technology development, demonstration and implementation teams. He had previously worked for Ecopetrol holding various positions between 1994 and 2006. Before rejoining Ecopetrol in 2013 he worked for BP Colombia, Marathon Oil Company and Maersk Oil. During his professional career, he has had exposure to exploration and production projects and the evaluation of new ventures in Colombia, the Gulf of Mexico, the North Sea, West Africa, South America and the Middle East.
Andres Eduardo Mantilla Zarate自2013年9月起担任哥伦比亚石油公司技术开发中心Ecopetrol研究所所长。他持有哥伦比亚Universidad Industrial de Santander的石油工程学位、Stanford University的石油工程理学硕士学位,以及Stanford University的地球物理学博士学位。他的专业工作包括石油和天然气技术开发、示范和实施团队的领导和管理。他此前曾任职Ecopetrol公司,担任多种职务(1994年至2006年)。2013年重新加入Ecopetrol公司之前,他曾任职BP Colombia公司、Marathon Oil Company、Maersk Oil公司。职业生涯中,他曾接触哥伦比亚、墨西哥湾、北海、西非、南美和中东的勘探和生产项目,以及新企业的评估。
Andres Eduardo Mantilla Zarate has served as the Director of the Colombian Petroleum Institute of Ecopetrol, the technology development center of the company, since September 2013. He holds a degree in Petroleum Engineering from Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia, a Master of Science degree in Petroleum Engineering from Stanford University, and a Ph.D. in Geophysics from Stanford University. His professional work includes the leadership and management of oil and gas technology development, demonstration and implementation teams. He had previously worked for Ecopetrol holding various positions between 1994 and 2006. Before rejoining Ecopetrol in 2013 he worked for BP Colombia, Marathon Oil Company and Maersk Oil. During his professional career, he has had exposure to exploration and production projects and the evaluation of new ventures in Colombia, the Gulf of Mexico, the North Sea, West Africa, South America and the Middle East.
Carlos Andres Santos Nieto

Carlos Andres Santos Nieto自2018年8月7日起担任供应和服务副总裁。被任命为供应和服务副总裁之前,他曾担任Ecopetrol公司的采购和供应链经理。Santos先生是Universidad Externado de Colombia的经济学家,持有同一机构的国际经济学研究生学位和Universidad CESA的高级谈判学院文凭课程,并完成了BP在哥伦比亚、阿拉斯加和伦敦提供的其他谈判培训。加入公司之前,他曾担任Coremar Group的离岸业务部门总经理,以及Equion Energia Limited(原BP Exploration Colombia)的采购&供应链经理,负责钻井、井、地下和离岸。他也曾担任Merck Sharp&Dohme公司的拉丁美洲采购采购经理,以及Quala Colombia S.A.公司的采购和供应链经理专家,也曾担任BP公司的多种职务,担任PSCM Drilling&Wells Category Lead,位于伦敦的伊拉克SPU,PSCM市场情报主管和通货紧缩项目主管,PSCM专家D&W在阿拉斯加,PSCM专家O&M在哥伦比亚,PSCM商业分析师在哥伦比亚,PSCM专家业务支持在哥伦比亚。

Carlos Andres Santos Nieto has served as Vice-President of Supply and Services since August 7 2018. Prior to his appointment as Vice-President of Supply and Services, he was Procurement and Supply Chain Manager at Ecopetrol. Mr. Santos is an economist from Universidad Externado de Colombia and holds a postgraduate degree in international economics from the same institution and a college diploma course in advanced negotiations from Universidad CESA, and has completed other negotiations training provided by BP in Colombia, Alaska and London. Prior to joining the Company, he served as Offshore Business Unit General Manager in Coremar Group and Procurement & Supply Chain Manager Drilling, Wells, Subsurface and Offshore in Equion Energia Limited Former BP Exploration Colombia. He also served as Latin America Procurement Sourcing Manager for Merck Sharp & Dohme and Procurement & Supply Chain Manager Specialist for Quala Colombia S.A. He has held various positions within BP as PSCM Drilling & Wells Category Lead, Iraq SPU in London, PSCM Market Intelligence Lead & Deflation Project Lead in Alaska, PSCM Specialist D&W in Alaska, PSCM Specialist O&M in Colombia, PSCM Commercial Analyst in Colombia and PSCM Specialist Business Support in Colombia.
Carlos Andres Santos Nieto自2018年8月7日起担任供应和服务副总裁。被任命为供应和服务副总裁之前,他曾担任Ecopetrol公司的采购和供应链经理。Santos先生是Universidad Externado de Colombia的经济学家,持有同一机构的国际经济学研究生学位和Universidad CESA的高级谈判学院文凭课程,并完成了BP在哥伦比亚、阿拉斯加和伦敦提供的其他谈判培训。加入公司之前,他曾担任Coremar Group的离岸业务部门总经理,以及Equion Energia Limited(原BP Exploration Colombia)的采购&供应链经理,负责钻井、井、地下和离岸。他也曾担任Merck Sharp&Dohme公司的拉丁美洲采购采购经理,以及Quala Colombia S.A.公司的采购和供应链经理专家,也曾担任BP公司的多种职务,担任PSCM Drilling&Wells Category Lead,位于伦敦的伊拉克SPU,PSCM市场情报主管和通货紧缩项目主管,PSCM专家D&W在阿拉斯加,PSCM专家O&M在哥伦比亚,PSCM商业分析师在哥伦比亚,PSCM专家业务支持在哥伦比亚。
Carlos Andres Santos Nieto has served as Vice-President of Supply and Services since August 7 2018. Prior to his appointment as Vice-President of Supply and Services, he was Procurement and Supply Chain Manager at Ecopetrol. Mr. Santos is an economist from Universidad Externado de Colombia and holds a postgraduate degree in international economics from the same institution and a college diploma course in advanced negotiations from Universidad CESA, and has completed other negotiations training provided by BP in Colombia, Alaska and London. Prior to joining the Company, he served as Offshore Business Unit General Manager in Coremar Group and Procurement & Supply Chain Manager Drilling, Wells, Subsurface and Offshore in Equion Energia Limited Former BP Exploration Colombia. He also served as Latin America Procurement Sourcing Manager for Merck Sharp & Dohme and Procurement & Supply Chain Manager Specialist for Quala Colombia S.A. He has held various positions within BP as PSCM Drilling & Wells Category Lead, Iraq SPU in London, PSCM Market Intelligence Lead & Deflation Project Lead in Alaska, PSCM Specialist D&W in Alaska, PSCM Specialist O&M in Colombia, PSCM Commercial Analyst in Colombia and PSCM Specialist Business Support in Colombia.
Ernesto Gutierrez de Pineres

Ernesto Gutierrez de Pineres自2018年10月起担任Digital副总裁。Gutierrez de Pi&241;eres先生是北巴兰基利亚大学(University of Norte de Barranquilla)的系统工程师和信息系统管理专家,并持有洛斯安第斯大学(Los Andes University)的执行工商管理硕士学位。他拥有超过19年的经验,担任多个行业部门的不同跨国公司的信息技术领域的董事兼经理首席信息官,领导和发展哥伦比亚、美国、中美洲和南美洲的高性能团队。Gutierrez de Pi&241;eres先生是一位高管,在通过基于技术的创新,团队发展和利用公司战略和竞争性业务的技术战略将技术领域转变为业务合作伙伴和组织价值创造者方面具有经验。

Ernesto Gutierrez de Pineres has served as Digital Vice-President since October 2018. Mr. Gutierrez de Piñeres is a Systems Engineer and Information Systems Management Specialist from University of Norte de Barranquilla, and holds an Executive MBA from Los Andes University. He has more than 19 years of experience as Director and Manager CIO of information technology areas in different multinational companies on multiple industry sectors, leading and developing high performance teams in Colombia, USA, Central and South America. Mr. Gutierrez de Piñeres is an executive with experience in transforming technology areas into business partners and generators of value for the organizations through technology-based innovation, team development and technology strategies that leverage corporate strategy and competitive business.
Ernesto Gutierrez de Pineres自2018年10月起担任Digital副总裁。Gutierrez de Pi&241;eres先生是北巴兰基利亚大学(University of Norte de Barranquilla)的系统工程师和信息系统管理专家,并持有洛斯安第斯大学(Los Andes University)的执行工商管理硕士学位。他拥有超过19年的经验,担任多个行业部门的不同跨国公司的信息技术领域的董事兼经理首席信息官,领导和发展哥伦比亚、美国、中美洲和南美洲的高性能团队。Gutierrez de Pi&241;eres先生是一位高管,在通过基于技术的创新,团队发展和利用公司战略和竞争性业务的技术战略将技术领域转变为业务合作伙伴和组织价值创造者方面具有经验。
Ernesto Gutierrez de Pineres has served as Digital Vice-President since October 2018. Mr. Gutierrez de Piñeres is a Systems Engineer and Information Systems Management Specialist from University of Norte de Barranquilla, and holds an Executive MBA from Los Andes University. He has more than 19 years of experience as Director and Manager CIO of information technology areas in different multinational companies on multiple industry sectors, leading and developing high performance teams in Colombia, USA, Central and South America. Mr. Gutierrez de Piñeres is an executive with experience in transforming technology areas into business partners and generators of value for the organizations through technology-based innovation, team development and technology strategies that leverage corporate strategy and competitive business.
Orlando Diaz

Orlando Diaz自2019年6月起担任转型副总裁。担任现任职务之前,他曾担任Barrancabermeja Refinery公司的总经理(1986年以来)。他持有Universidad Industrial de Santander的化学工程学位,以及Universidad de los Andes的执行工商管理硕士学位。作为总经理,他实施了转型战略,专注于从人的技术和人力能力的角度实现人的整体发展,同时指导纳入现代管理和领导概念的运营。此外,Diaz先生执行了与创新,创造力和集体领导有关的举措,使Barrancabermeja炼油厂能够提高其经济利润率以及设施的可靠性和可用性。目前,Diaz先生领导敏捷方法的整合,以加速我们主要业务战略的实施。

Orlando Diaz has served as Vice-President of Transformation since June 2019. Prior to his current assignment, he served as Barrancabermeja Refinery’s General Manager since 1986. He holds a degree in chemical engineering from Universidad Industrial de Santander and executive MBA from Universidad de los Andes. As General Manager, he implemented transformation strategies focused on the integral development of people from the perspectives of their technical and human competences, while directing the incorporation into the operation of modern concepts of management and leadership. In addition, Mr. Diaz executed initiatives related to innovation, creativity and collective leadership that allowed the Barrancabermeja Refinery to improve its economic margins and the reliability and availability of the facilities. Currently, Mr. Diaz leads the incorporation of agile methodologies to accelerate the implementation of our main business strategies.
Orlando Diaz自2019年6月起担任转型副总裁。担任现任职务之前,他曾担任Barrancabermeja Refinery公司的总经理(1986年以来)。他持有Universidad Industrial de Santander的化学工程学位,以及Universidad de los Andes的执行工商管理硕士学位。作为总经理,他实施了转型战略,专注于从人的技术和人力能力的角度实现人的整体发展,同时指导纳入现代管理和领导概念的运营。此外,Diaz先生执行了与创新,创造力和集体领导有关的举措,使Barrancabermeja炼油厂能够提高其经济利润率以及设施的可靠性和可用性。目前,Diaz先生领导敏捷方法的整合,以加速我们主要业务战略的实施。
Orlando Diaz has served as Vice-President of Transformation since June 2019. Prior to his current assignment, he served as Barrancabermeja Refinery’s General Manager since 1986. He holds a degree in chemical engineering from Universidad Industrial de Santander and executive MBA from Universidad de los Andes. As General Manager, he implemented transformation strategies focused on the integral development of people from the perspectives of their technical and human competences, while directing the incorporation into the operation of modern concepts of management and leadership. In addition, Mr. Diaz executed initiatives related to innovation, creativity and collective leadership that allowed the Barrancabermeja Refinery to improve its economic margins and the reliability and availability of the facilities. Currently, Mr. Diaz leads the incorporation of agile methodologies to accelerate the implementation of our main business strategies.
Yeimy Baez

Yeimy Baez自2020年3月起担任天然气副总裁。在该职位上,B&225;ez女士将负责领导,加强和执行一项开发天然气的综合战略,天然气是一种清洁能源,对于能源转型和Ecopetrol Group的可持续性至关重要。她在石油和天然气行业拥有超过16年的经验,在那里她成功地履行了广泛的技术,商业,战略和财务角色;包括担任Ecopetrol的财务规划和业务绩效的公司经理。她持有桑坦德工业大学(the Industrial University of Santander)的石油工程学位、哥伦比亚大学(Externado of Colombia University)的工商管理硕士学位,以及高度熟练的项目管理PMP认证。担任现任职务之前,她曾任职Equion公司、BP公司和Weatherford公司等业内公认的公司;她的成就包括在Ecopetrol公司的战略投资组合管理方面发挥决定性的领导作用,利用纪律严明的投资决策以及3年业务计划的设计。

Yeimy Baez has served as Gas Vice-President since March 2020. In this position, Ms. Báez will be responsible for leading, strengthening and executing an integrated strategy to develop gas, which being a clean energy source, is fundamental for energy transition and Ecopetrol Group’s sustainability. She has over 16 years of experience in the oil and gas industry, where she successfully fulfilled a broad range of technical, commercial, strategic and financial roles; including as the Corporate Manager of Financial Planning and Business Performance in Ecopetrol. She holds a degree in Petroleum Engineering from the Industrial University of Santander, an MBA degree from Externado of Colombia University and is highly-skillful in Project Management PMP certified. Prior to her current assignment, she served for recognized players in the industry such as Equion, BP and Weatherford; her achievements include a decisive leadership in the strategic portfolio management in Ecopetrol, leveraging disciplined and rigorous investment decisions as well as the design of the 3-year business plan.
Yeimy Baez自2020年3月起担任天然气副总裁。在该职位上,B&225;ez女士将负责领导,加强和执行一项开发天然气的综合战略,天然气是一种清洁能源,对于能源转型和Ecopetrol Group的可持续性至关重要。她在石油和天然气行业拥有超过16年的经验,在那里她成功地履行了广泛的技术,商业,战略和财务角色;包括担任Ecopetrol的财务规划和业务绩效的公司经理。她持有桑坦德工业大学(the Industrial University of Santander)的石油工程学位、哥伦比亚大学(Externado of Colombia University)的工商管理硕士学位,以及高度熟练的项目管理PMP认证。担任现任职务之前,她曾任职Equion公司、BP公司和Weatherford公司等业内公认的公司;她的成就包括在Ecopetrol公司的战略投资组合管理方面发挥决定性的领导作用,利用纪律严明的投资决策以及3年业务计划的设计。
Yeimy Baez has served as Gas Vice-President since March 2020. In this position, Ms. Báez will be responsible for leading, strengthening and executing an integrated strategy to develop gas, which being a clean energy source, is fundamental for energy transition and Ecopetrol Group’s sustainability. She has over 16 years of experience in the oil and gas industry, where she successfully fulfilled a broad range of technical, commercial, strategic and financial roles; including as the Corporate Manager of Financial Planning and Business Performance in Ecopetrol. She holds a degree in Petroleum Engineering from the Industrial University of Santander, an MBA degree from Externado of Colombia University and is highly-skillful in Project Management PMP certified. Prior to her current assignment, she served for recognized players in the industry such as Equion, BP and Weatherford; her achievements include a decisive leadership in the strategic portfolio management in Ecopetrol, leveraging disciplined and rigorous investment decisions as well as the design of the 3-year business plan.
Mauricio Jaramillo Galvis

Mauricio Jaramillo Galvis自2020年1月起担任健康、安全和环境HSE副总裁。Jaramillo先生在哥伦比亚和拉丁美洲的石油和天然气私营部门拥有25年的经验。他曾被任命担任BP Colombia公司的负责HSE的副总裁、BP公司的安第斯战略规划部门的负责HSE和工程的副总裁、负责公司事务和HSE的副总裁,以及Equi&243;n公司的负责人力资源和可持续性的副总裁等多种领导职务。Jaramillo先生拥有哈韦里亚纳大学(Universidad Javeriana)硕士学位,博斯克大学(Universidad El Bosque)职业健康与安全专业学位和麻省理工学院(MIT)运营学院学位。

Mauricio Jaramillo Galvis has served as Vice-President of Health, Safety and Environment HSE since January 2020. Mr Jaramillo has 25 years of experience in the oil and gas private sector in Colombia and Latin America. He has been appointed to several leadership roles as Vice-President of HSE of BP Colombia, Vice-President of HSE and Engineering at the Andean Strategic Planning Unit of BP, Vice-President of Corporate Affairs and HSE, and Vice-President of Human Resources and Sustainability at Equión, among others. Mr. Jaramillo holds a master’s degree from Universidad Javeriana, a specialization in Occupational Health and Safety from Universidad El Bosque and a degree from the Operations Academy at MIT.
Mauricio Jaramillo Galvis自2020年1月起担任健康、安全和环境HSE副总裁。Jaramillo先生在哥伦比亚和拉丁美洲的石油和天然气私营部门拥有25年的经验。他曾被任命担任BP Colombia公司的负责HSE的副总裁、BP公司的安第斯战略规划部门的负责HSE和工程的副总裁、负责公司事务和HSE的副总裁,以及Equi&243;n公司的负责人力资源和可持续性的副总裁等多种领导职务。Jaramillo先生拥有哈韦里亚纳大学(Universidad Javeriana)硕士学位,博斯克大学(Universidad El Bosque)职业健康与安全专业学位和麻省理工学院(MIT)运营学院学位。
Mauricio Jaramillo Galvis has served as Vice-President of Health, Safety and Environment HSE since January 2020. Mr Jaramillo has 25 years of experience in the oil and gas private sector in Colombia and Latin America. He has been appointed to several leadership roles as Vice-President of HSE of BP Colombia, Vice-President of HSE and Engineering at the Andean Strategic Planning Unit of BP, Vice-President of Corporate Affairs and HSE, and Vice-President of Human Resources and Sustainability at Equión, among others. Mr. Jaramillo holds a master’s degree from Universidad Javeriana, a specialization in Occupational Health and Safety from Universidad El Bosque and a degree from the Operations Academy at MIT.
Walter Fabian Canova

Walter Fabian Canova将从2020年4月16日起担任炼油和工业流程副总裁。自2017年3月加入Ecopetrol Group,最初担任卡塔赫纳炼油厂运营副总裁,后来担任总经理以来,Canova先生一直是Ecopetrol转型过程的一部分。Canova先生在公共和私人石油和天然气部门拥有近30年的经验,主要在炼油和物流领域,并强烈关注战略和运营。他持有Universidad Nacional del Litoral,Argentina的化学工程师学位,完成North Caroline和Houston University的项目管理和管理项目研究生学习,以及Universidad de Belgrano,in Argentina的工商管理硕士学位。加入Ecopetrol公司之前,他曾任职ExxonMobil公司、Axion Energy公司和Puma Energy公司等公司的几个炼油厂和总部,在那里他曾担任运营经理、项目经理和总经理等职务。

Walter Fabian Canova will serve as Vice-President of Refining and Industrial Processes starting April 16 2020. Since joining the Ecopetrol Group in March 2017 first as Operations Vice-President and later General Manager for the Cartagena Refinery, Mr Canova has been part of the Ecopetrol transformation process. Mr. Canova has almost 30 years of experience in the public and private oil and gas sector, mainly in refining and logistic with a strong focus on strategy and operations. He holds a degree in Chemical Engineer from Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina, completed post-graduate studies in Project Management and Management Program at North Caroline and Houston Universities, and an MBA at Universidad de Belgrano, in Argentina. Prior to joining Ecopetrol, he has worked in several refineries and headquarters for companies such as ExxonMobil, Axion Energy and Puma Energy, where he held positions such as Operations Manager, Project Manager and General Manager.
Walter Fabian Canova将从2020年4月16日起担任炼油和工业流程副总裁。自2017年3月加入Ecopetrol Group,最初担任卡塔赫纳炼油厂运营副总裁,后来担任总经理以来,Canova先生一直是Ecopetrol转型过程的一部分。Canova先生在公共和私人石油和天然气部门拥有近30年的经验,主要在炼油和物流领域,并强烈关注战略和运营。他持有Universidad Nacional del Litoral,Argentina的化学工程师学位,完成North Caroline和Houston University的项目管理和管理项目研究生学习,以及Universidad de Belgrano,in Argentina的工商管理硕士学位。加入Ecopetrol公司之前,他曾任职ExxonMobil公司、Axion Energy公司和Puma Energy公司等公司的几个炼油厂和总部,在那里他曾担任运营经理、项目经理和总经理等职务。
Walter Fabian Canova will serve as Vice-President of Refining and Industrial Processes starting April 16 2020. Since joining the Ecopetrol Group in March 2017 first as Operations Vice-President and later General Manager for the Cartagena Refinery, Mr Canova has been part of the Ecopetrol transformation process. Mr. Canova has almost 30 years of experience in the public and private oil and gas sector, mainly in refining and logistic with a strong focus on strategy and operations. He holds a degree in Chemical Engineer from Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina, completed post-graduate studies in Project Management and Management Program at North Caroline and Houston Universities, and an MBA at Universidad de Belgrano, in Argentina. Prior to joining Ecopetrol, he has worked in several refineries and headquarters for companies such as ExxonMobil, Axion Energy and Puma Energy, where he held positions such as Operations Manager, Project Manager and General Manager.
Isabel Cristina Ampudia Rendon

Isabel Cristina Ampudia Rendon自2020年2月起担任Ecopetrol可持续发展临时副总裁。她是哥伦比亚国立大学(Universidad Nacional de Colombia)的农学家兼动物学家,并持有哈韦里亚纳大学(Universidad Javeriana)的政治研究硕士学位,以及山谷大学(Universidad del Valle)的工商管理硕士学位。她也是Alcalá;de Henares University of Spain的社会发展公共管理专家。她曾担任哥伦比亚考卡省咖啡种植者部门委员会全国咖啡种植者联合会领土咨询中心协调员,考卡省发展与和平公司项目主任,作为国家和平与发展区域方案网络的国家主任,以及石油基金会协会的执行主任。她还曾在学术领域工作,在哥伦比亚公认的大学任教。

Isabel Cristina Ampudia Rendon has served as interim Vice-President of Sustainable Development at Ecopetrol since February 2020. She is an agronomist - zootechnist from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and holds a master’s degree in political studies from Universidad Javeriana, an MBA from the Universidad del Valle. She is also a specialist in public management for social development at Alcalá de Henares University of Spain. She has worked as Coordinator at the National Center for Territorial Advice of the National Federation of Coffee Growers in the Departamental Committee of Coffee Growers of Valle del Cauca Colombia, as Project Director at the Corporation for Development and Peace of Valle del Cauca, as National Director of the National Network of Regional Programs of Peace and Development, and as Executive Director of the Association of Petroleum Foundations. She has also worked in the academic arena, teaching at recognized universities in Colombia.
Isabel Cristina Ampudia Rendon自2020年2月起担任Ecopetrol可持续发展临时副总裁。她是哥伦比亚国立大学(Universidad Nacional de Colombia)的农学家兼动物学家,并持有哈韦里亚纳大学(Universidad Javeriana)的政治研究硕士学位,以及山谷大学(Universidad del Valle)的工商管理硕士学位。她也是Alcalá;de Henares University of Spain的社会发展公共管理专家。她曾担任哥伦比亚考卡省咖啡种植者部门委员会全国咖啡种植者联合会领土咨询中心协调员,考卡省发展与和平公司项目主任,作为国家和平与发展区域方案网络的国家主任,以及石油基金会协会的执行主任。她还曾在学术领域工作,在哥伦比亚公认的大学任教。
Isabel Cristina Ampudia Rendon has served as interim Vice-President of Sustainable Development at Ecopetrol since February 2020. She is an agronomist - zootechnist from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and holds a master’s degree in political studies from Universidad Javeriana, an MBA from the Universidad del Valle. She is also a specialist in public management for social development at Alcalá de Henares University of Spain. She has worked as Coordinator at the National Center for Territorial Advice of the National Federation of Coffee Growers in the Departamental Committee of Coffee Growers of Valle del Cauca Colombia, as Project Director at the Corporation for Development and Peace of Valle del Cauca, as National Director of the National Network of Regional Programs of Peace and Development, and as Executive Director of the Association of Petroleum Foundations. She has also worked in the academic arena, teaching at recognized universities in Colombia.
Hector Manosalva

Hector Manosalva 于 1986 年加入 Ecopetrol,自 2014 年 7 月起担任开发和生产副总裁。Manosalva 先生拥有美国波哥大大学的石油工程学位,并在 EAFIT 大学完成了金融研究生课程,并在 洛斯安第斯大学的行政管理。 在 Ecopetrol 的职业生涯中,Manosalva 先生担任过多个职位,包括生产和勘探执行副总裁、生产副总裁、中部地区生产经理、哥伦比亚国家安全和安保顾问总裁 能源基础设施,HSE和企业社会责任总监,南部地区生产经理和生产计划部负责人。

Hector Manosalva joined Ecopetrol in 1986 and has served as Vice-President for Development and Production since July, 2014. Mr. Manosalva holds a degree in Petroleum Engineering from the Universidad de America Bogota, completed post-graduate studies in finance at the Universidad EAFIT and Executive Management at the Universidad de los Andes. Over the course of his career at Ecopetrol, Mr. Manosalva has held various positions, including Executive Vice-President for Production and Exploration, Vice-President of Production, Production Manager of the Central Region, President of Colombia's Advisor for Safety and Security of National Energy Infrastructure, Director of HSE and Corporate Social Responsibility, Production Manager of the Southern Region and Head of the Production Planning Division.
Hector Manosalva 于 1986 年加入 Ecopetrol,自 2014 年 7 月起担任开发和生产副总裁。Manosalva 先生拥有美国波哥大大学的石油工程学位,并在 EAFIT 大学完成了金融研究生课程,并在 洛斯安第斯大学的行政管理。 在 Ecopetrol 的职业生涯中,Manosalva 先生担任过多个职位,包括生产和勘探执行副总裁、生产副总裁、中部地区生产经理、哥伦比亚国家安全和安保顾问总裁 能源基础设施,HSE和企业社会责任总监,南部地区生产经理和生产计划部负责人。
Hector Manosalva joined Ecopetrol in 1986 and has served as Vice-President for Development and Production since July, 2014. Mr. Manosalva holds a degree in Petroleum Engineering from the Universidad de America Bogota, completed post-graduate studies in finance at the Universidad EAFIT and Executive Management at the Universidad de los Andes. Over the course of his career at Ecopetrol, Mr. Manosalva has held various positions, including Executive Vice-President for Production and Exploration, Vice-President of Production, Production Manager of the Central Region, President of Colombia's Advisor for Safety and Security of National Energy Infrastructure, Director of HSE and Corporate Social Responsibility, Production Manager of the Southern Region and Head of the Production Planning Division.