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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Darren Marks Chairman,Chief Executive Officer, President and Director 56 30.00万美元 未持股 2023-07-10
Norman Rosenthal -- Director 70 0.60万美元 未持股 2023-07-10
Robert Stevens Director 57 0.60万美元 未持股 2023-07-10
Thomas Rutherford Director 69 0.60万美元 未持股 2023-07-10



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Darren Marks Chairman,Chief Executive Officer, President and Director 56 30.00万美元 未持股 2023-07-10
Jason Williams -- Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Secretary -- 22.80万美元 未持股 2023-07-10


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Darren Marks

Darren Marks,自2012年6月起担任Grom Social Enterprises, Inc.首席执行官兼董事,自2017年8月17日起担任Grom Social Enterprises, Inc.总裁。从2015年7月6日到股票交易所,马克斯先生担任Grom Holdings,Inc.的董事长、首席执行官、总裁和董事。从2011年1月到2016年2月,马克斯先生担任DNA Brands,Inc.的总裁,该公司是一家饮料分销商,以前是一家在OTCBB(简称DNA Brands)上市的公司。马克斯先生拥有20多年的行政管理经验。1991年,马克斯先生与他人共同创立了Sims Communications,Inc.,并担任该公司的副总裁。Sims Communications,Inc.是一家电信公司,以前在纳斯达克(“Sims”)交易,在那里,他负责为Alamo Rental Car和美国汽车协会等客户创建、设计和资助一个全国性的电信项目。马克斯先生于1986年至1988年就读于佛罗里达大学/圣达菲社区学院。

Darren Marks,has served as Grom Social Enterprises, Inc. Chief Executive Officer and director since June 2012 and as Grom Social Enterprises, Inc. President since the Share Exchange on August 17, 2017. From July 6, 2015 until the Share Exchange, Mr. Marks was chairman, chief executive officer, president and a director of Grom Holdings, Inc. From January 2011 to February 2016, Mr. Marks was the President of DNA Brands, Inc., a beverage distributor and formerly a public company quoted on the OTCBB ("DNA Brands"). Mr. Marks has more than 20 years of executive management experience. In 1991, Mr. Marks co-founded and served as Vice-President of Sims Communications, Inc. a telecommunications company that formerly traded on Nasdaq ("Sims"), where he was responsible for the creation, design, and funding of a national telecommunications program for clients such as Alamo Rental Car and the American Automobile Association. Mr. Marks attended the University of Florida/Santa Fe Community College from 1986 to 1988.
Darren Marks,自2012年6月起担任Grom Social Enterprises, Inc.首席执行官兼董事,自2017年8月17日起担任Grom Social Enterprises, Inc.总裁。从2015年7月6日到股票交易所,马克斯先生担任Grom Holdings,Inc.的董事长、首席执行官、总裁和董事。从2011年1月到2016年2月,马克斯先生担任DNA Brands,Inc.的总裁,该公司是一家饮料分销商,以前是一家在OTCBB(简称DNA Brands)上市的公司。马克斯先生拥有20多年的行政管理经验。1991年,马克斯先生与他人共同创立了Sims Communications,Inc.,并担任该公司的副总裁。Sims Communications,Inc.是一家电信公司,以前在纳斯达克(“Sims”)交易,在那里,他负责为Alamo Rental Car和美国汽车协会等客户创建、设计和资助一个全国性的电信项目。马克斯先生于1986年至1988年就读于佛罗里达大学/圣达菲社区学院。
Darren Marks,has served as Grom Social Enterprises, Inc. Chief Executive Officer and director since June 2012 and as Grom Social Enterprises, Inc. President since the Share Exchange on August 17, 2017. From July 6, 2015 until the Share Exchange, Mr. Marks was chairman, chief executive officer, president and a director of Grom Holdings, Inc. From January 2011 to February 2016, Mr. Marks was the President of DNA Brands, Inc., a beverage distributor and formerly a public company quoted on the OTCBB ("DNA Brands"). Mr. Marks has more than 20 years of executive management experience. In 1991, Mr. Marks co-founded and served as Vice-President of Sims Communications, Inc. a telecommunications company that formerly traded on Nasdaq ("Sims"), where he was responsible for the creation, design, and funding of a national telecommunications program for clients such as Alamo Rental Car and the American Automobile Association. Mr. Marks attended the University of Florida/Santa Fe Community College from 1986 to 1988.
Norman Rosenthal

Norman Rosenthal,自2017年8月起担任Grom Social企业公司董事,自2015年7月起担任Grom Holdings Inc.董事。卢瑟福博士是一位肿瘤学家和国家癌症专家,在妇科癌症护理方面拥有30多年高度专业化的外科和临床专业知识。卢瑟福博士自2017年1月起担任佛罗里达州坦帕市南佛罗里达大学肿瘤学主任。在此之前,从2015年1月到2016年12月,卢瑟福博士是康涅狄格州肿瘤学的肿瘤学主任,康涅狄格州妇女健康部和西康涅狄格州健康网络癌症服务主任,领导着100多名内科专科医生,包括外科医生、肿瘤科医生和放射肿瘤科医生。卢瑟福博士曾担任耶鲁大学医学院妇科肿瘤科主任,直到2015年1月。卢瑟福博士曾在特拉华州公司Mira Dx,Inc.的战略顾问委员会任职。卢瑟福博士在耶鲁大学肿瘤学实习,并于1993年7月至2014年12月担任耶鲁大学医学院肿瘤学教授和肿瘤学研究金主任。卢瑟福博士于1976年在罗阿诺克学院获得理学学士学位,1979年在John Carroll大学获得理学硕士学位,1989年在俄亥俄医学院获得博士学位。

Norman Rosenthal,has served as a director of Grom Social Enterprises, Inc.since August 2017 and as a director of Grom Holdings Inc. since July 2015. Dr. Rutherford is an oncologist and a national expert in cancer, with more than 30 years of highly specialized surgical and clinical expertise in gynecologic cancer care. Dr. Rutherford has been the Director of Oncology for South Florida University in Tampa, Florida since January 2017. Prior thereto, from January 2015 through December 2016, Dr. Rutherford was the Director of Oncology for Connecticut Oncology, a Division of Women's Health of Connecticut and Director of Cancer Services for Western Connecticut Health Network leading more than 100 physician subspecialists including surgeons, medical oncologists and radiation oncologists. Dr. Rutherford served as Chair of Gynecological Oncology at Yale University Medical School until January 2015. Dr. Rutherford has served on the Strategic Advisory Board at Mira Dx, Inc., a Delaware corporation. Dr. Rutherford practiced at Yale Oncology and served as Professor of Oncology and Director of Oncology Fellowship at Yale University School of Medicine from July 1993 through December 2014. Dr. Rutherford received a Bachelor of Science degree in 1976 from Roanoke College, a Master of Science degree from John Carroll University in 1979 and a Ph.D. from the Medical College of Ohio in 1989.
Norman Rosenthal,自2017年8月起担任Grom Social企业公司董事,自2015年7月起担任Grom Holdings Inc.董事。卢瑟福博士是一位肿瘤学家和国家癌症专家,在妇科癌症护理方面拥有30多年高度专业化的外科和临床专业知识。卢瑟福博士自2017年1月起担任佛罗里达州坦帕市南佛罗里达大学肿瘤学主任。在此之前,从2015年1月到2016年12月,卢瑟福博士是康涅狄格州肿瘤学的肿瘤学主任,康涅狄格州妇女健康部和西康涅狄格州健康网络癌症服务主任,领导着100多名内科专科医生,包括外科医生、肿瘤科医生和放射肿瘤科医生。卢瑟福博士曾担任耶鲁大学医学院妇科肿瘤科主任,直到2015年1月。卢瑟福博士曾在特拉华州公司Mira Dx,Inc.的战略顾问委员会任职。卢瑟福博士在耶鲁大学肿瘤学实习,并于1993年7月至2014年12月担任耶鲁大学医学院肿瘤学教授和肿瘤学研究金主任。卢瑟福博士于1976年在罗阿诺克学院获得理学学士学位,1979年在John Carroll大学获得理学硕士学位,1989年在俄亥俄医学院获得博士学位。
Norman Rosenthal,has served as a director of Grom Social Enterprises, Inc.since August 2017 and as a director of Grom Holdings Inc. since July 2015. Dr. Rutherford is an oncologist and a national expert in cancer, with more than 30 years of highly specialized surgical and clinical expertise in gynecologic cancer care. Dr. Rutherford has been the Director of Oncology for South Florida University in Tampa, Florida since January 2017. Prior thereto, from January 2015 through December 2016, Dr. Rutherford was the Director of Oncology for Connecticut Oncology, a Division of Women's Health of Connecticut and Director of Cancer Services for Western Connecticut Health Network leading more than 100 physician subspecialists including surgeons, medical oncologists and radiation oncologists. Dr. Rutherford served as Chair of Gynecological Oncology at Yale University Medical School until January 2015. Dr. Rutherford has served on the Strategic Advisory Board at Mira Dx, Inc., a Delaware corporation. Dr. Rutherford practiced at Yale Oncology and served as Professor of Oncology and Director of Oncology Fellowship at Yale University School of Medicine from July 1993 through December 2014. Dr. Rutherford received a Bachelor of Science degree in 1976 from Roanoke College, a Master of Science degree from John Carroll University in 1979 and a Ph.D. from the Medical College of Ohio in 1989.
Robert Stevens

Robert Stevens,自2018年6月起担任Grom Social企业公司董事。史蒂文斯先生创立了私人资本公司Somerset Capital Ltd.,该公司利用行业特有的技能组合,在陷入困境和扭亏为盈的情况下进行战略投资,并对私人和上市前的公司进行合并和直接投资。自2001年以来,他一直担任该公司的总裁和董事总经理。史蒂文斯先生还担任法院指定的接管人。2010年至2013年,Stevens先生还担任私人股本和并购公司Technology Partners的董事总经理。

Robert Stevens,has served as a director of Grom Social Enterprises, Inc. since June 2018. Mr. Stevens founded Somerset Capital Ltd., a private capital firm that employs industry-specific skillsets to make strategic investments in distressed and turnaround situations as well as merger and direct investments in private and pre-public companies and has served as its president and managing director since 2001. Mr. Stevens also serves as a court-appointed receiver. Mr. Stevens also served as Managing Director of Technology Partners, a private equity and M&A firm, from 2010 to 2013.
Robert Stevens,自2018年6月起担任Grom Social企业公司董事。史蒂文斯先生创立了私人资本公司Somerset Capital Ltd.,该公司利用行业特有的技能组合,在陷入困境和扭亏为盈的情况下进行战略投资,并对私人和上市前的公司进行合并和直接投资。自2001年以来,他一直担任该公司的总裁和董事总经理。史蒂文斯先生还担任法院指定的接管人。2010年至2013年,Stevens先生还担任私人股本和并购公司Technology Partners的董事总经理。
Robert Stevens,has served as a director of Grom Social Enterprises, Inc. since June 2018. Mr. Stevens founded Somerset Capital Ltd., a private capital firm that employs industry-specific skillsets to make strategic investments in distressed and turnaround situations as well as merger and direct investments in private and pre-public companies and has served as its president and managing director since 2001. Mr. Stevens also serves as a court-appointed receiver. Mr. Stevens also served as Managing Director of Technology Partners, a private equity and M&A firm, from 2010 to 2013.
Thomas Rutherford

Thomas Rutherford,自2018年6月起担任Grom Social企业公司董事。罗森塔尔创立了技术咨询公司Tempest Systems Inc.,该公司提供业务发展、关系管理和竞争情报服务,自1986年以来一直担任首席执行官。罗森塔尔先生还曾在Micro Focus国际公司和国际计算机协会公司担任高级管理/顾问职务。

Thomas Rutherford,has served as a director of Grom Social Enterprises, Inc. since June 2018. Mr. Rosenthal founded Tempest Systems Inc., a technology consultancy firm which offers business development, relationship management and competitive intelligence services and has served as its chief executive officer since 1986. Mr. Rosenthal has also served in senior management/advisory positions at Micro Focus International plc and Computer Associates International, Inc.
Thomas Rutherford,自2018年6月起担任Grom Social企业公司董事。罗森塔尔创立了技术咨询公司Tempest Systems Inc.,该公司提供业务发展、关系管理和竞争情报服务,自1986年以来一直担任首席执行官。罗森塔尔先生还曾在Micro Focus国际公司和国际计算机协会公司担任高级管理/顾问职务。
Thomas Rutherford,has served as a director of Grom Social Enterprises, Inc. since June 2018. Mr. Rosenthal founded Tempest Systems Inc., a technology consultancy firm which offers business development, relationship management and competitive intelligence services and has served as its chief executive officer since 1986. Mr. Rosenthal has also served in senior management/advisory positions at Micro Focus International plc and Computer Associates International, Inc.


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Darren Marks

Darren Marks,自2012年6月起担任Grom Social Enterprises, Inc.首席执行官兼董事,自2017年8月17日起担任Grom Social Enterprises, Inc.总裁。从2015年7月6日到股票交易所,马克斯先生担任Grom Holdings,Inc.的董事长、首席执行官、总裁和董事。从2011年1月到2016年2月,马克斯先生担任DNA Brands,Inc.的总裁,该公司是一家饮料分销商,以前是一家在OTCBB(简称DNA Brands)上市的公司。马克斯先生拥有20多年的行政管理经验。1991年,马克斯先生与他人共同创立了Sims Communications,Inc.,并担任该公司的副总裁。Sims Communications,Inc.是一家电信公司,以前在纳斯达克(“Sims”)交易,在那里,他负责为Alamo Rental Car和美国汽车协会等客户创建、设计和资助一个全国性的电信项目。马克斯先生于1986年至1988年就读于佛罗里达大学/圣达菲社区学院。

Darren Marks,has served as Grom Social Enterprises, Inc. Chief Executive Officer and director since June 2012 and as Grom Social Enterprises, Inc. President since the Share Exchange on August 17, 2017. From July 6, 2015 until the Share Exchange, Mr. Marks was chairman, chief executive officer, president and a director of Grom Holdings, Inc. From January 2011 to February 2016, Mr. Marks was the President of DNA Brands, Inc., a beverage distributor and formerly a public company quoted on the OTCBB ("DNA Brands"). Mr. Marks has more than 20 years of executive management experience. In 1991, Mr. Marks co-founded and served as Vice-President of Sims Communications, Inc. a telecommunications company that formerly traded on Nasdaq ("Sims"), where he was responsible for the creation, design, and funding of a national telecommunications program for clients such as Alamo Rental Car and the American Automobile Association. Mr. Marks attended the University of Florida/Santa Fe Community College from 1986 to 1988.
Darren Marks,自2012年6月起担任Grom Social Enterprises, Inc.首席执行官兼董事,自2017年8月17日起担任Grom Social Enterprises, Inc.总裁。从2015年7月6日到股票交易所,马克斯先生担任Grom Holdings,Inc.的董事长、首席执行官、总裁和董事。从2011年1月到2016年2月,马克斯先生担任DNA Brands,Inc.的总裁,该公司是一家饮料分销商,以前是一家在OTCBB(简称DNA Brands)上市的公司。马克斯先生拥有20多年的行政管理经验。1991年,马克斯先生与他人共同创立了Sims Communications,Inc.,并担任该公司的副总裁。Sims Communications,Inc.是一家电信公司,以前在纳斯达克(“Sims”)交易,在那里,他负责为Alamo Rental Car和美国汽车协会等客户创建、设计和资助一个全国性的电信项目。马克斯先生于1986年至1988年就读于佛罗里达大学/圣达菲社区学院。
Darren Marks,has served as Grom Social Enterprises, Inc. Chief Executive Officer and director since June 2012 and as Grom Social Enterprises, Inc. President since the Share Exchange on August 17, 2017. From July 6, 2015 until the Share Exchange, Mr. Marks was chairman, chief executive officer, president and a director of Grom Holdings, Inc. From January 2011 to February 2016, Mr. Marks was the President of DNA Brands, Inc., a beverage distributor and formerly a public company quoted on the OTCBB ("DNA Brands"). Mr. Marks has more than 20 years of executive management experience. In 1991, Mr. Marks co-founded and served as Vice-President of Sims Communications, Inc. a telecommunications company that formerly traded on Nasdaq ("Sims"), where he was responsible for the creation, design, and funding of a national telecommunications program for clients such as Alamo Rental Car and the American Automobile Association. Mr. Marks attended the University of Florida/Santa Fe Community College from 1986 to 1988.
Jason Williams
