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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Christopher A. Wright Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer 58 574.75万美元 未持股 2023-03-07
William F. Kimble Independent Director 63 27.00万美元 未持股 2023-03-07
Gale A. Norton Independent Director 68 24.00万美元 未持股 2023-03-07
Cary D. Steinbeck Independent Director 51 23.00万美元 未持股 2023-03-07
Ken Babcock Independent Director 66 23.00万美元 未持股 2023-03-07
James R. Mcdonald Independent Director 44 未披露 未持股 2023-03-07
Audrey Robertson Director 42 23.00万美元 未持股 2023-03-07
Peter A. Dea Independent Director 69 24.50万美元 未持股 2023-03-07
Simon Ayat Independent Director 68 23.00万美元 未持股 2023-03-07



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Christopher A. Wright Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer 58 574.75万美元 未持股 2023-03-07
Ryan T. Gosney Chief Accounting Officer 49 145.97万美元 未持股 2023-03-07
Michael Stock Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer 61 290.38万美元 未持股 2023-03-07
Ron Gusek President 51 303.44万美元 未持股 2023-03-07
R. Sean Elliott Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary 48 207.17万美元 未持股 2023-03-07


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Christopher A. Wright

Christopher A. Wright,自2016年12月起担任Liberty Energy股份有限公司首席执行官,自2011年成立以来担任Liberties Energy股份有限公司前身公司的首席执行官。Wright先生是Liberty Resources LLC的执行主席,Liberty Resources LLC是一家专注于威利斯顿盆地的石油和天然气勘探和生产公司,从2010年9月成立到2017年3月,他一直担任首席执行官。Wright先生创立了Pinnacle Technologies,这家公司开发并商业化了倾斜仪和微震裂缝测绘,并于1992年至2006年担任Pinnacle Technology的首席执行官。2000年至2006年,Wright先生担任页岩天然气生产商斯特劳德能源股份有限公司(Stroud Energy,Inc.)董事长。Wright先生目前担任Urban Solution Group、US Ceramics,LLC(均为私人公司)和堪萨斯城联邦储备银行丹佛分行董事会成员。他还担任认可收购公司董事会成员。Wright先生拥有麻省理工学院(“MIT”)机械工程理学士学位,并在加州大学伯克利分校和麻省理工大学从事电气工程研究生工作。

Christopher A. Wright,has served as Liberty Energy Inc. Chief Executive Officer since December 2016 and as the Chief Executive Officer of Liberty Energy Inc. predecessor company since its founding in 2011. Mr. Wright is the Executive Chairman of Liberty Resources LLC, an oil and natural gas exploration and production company focused in the Williston Basin, and was the Chief Executive Officer from its formation in September 2010 until March 2017. Mr. Wright founded Pinnacle Technologies, a company that developed and commercialized tiltmeter and microseismic fracture mapping and served as Chief Executive Officer of Pinnacle Technologies from 1992 to 2006. From 2000 to 2006, Mr. Wright served as Chairman of Stroud Energy, Inc., a shale natural gas producer. Mr. Wright currently serves on the Board of Directors for Urban Solution Group, US Ceramics, LLC (both of which are private companies) and the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Denver Branch. He also serves on the Board of Directors of Accretion Acquisition Corp. Mr. Wright has a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ("MIT") and conducted graduate work in electrical engineering at both the University of California-Berkeley and MIT.
Christopher A. Wright,自2016年12月起担任Liberty Energy股份有限公司首席执行官,自2011年成立以来担任Liberties Energy股份有限公司前身公司的首席执行官。Wright先生是Liberty Resources LLC的执行主席,Liberty Resources LLC是一家专注于威利斯顿盆地的石油和天然气勘探和生产公司,从2010年9月成立到2017年3月,他一直担任首席执行官。Wright先生创立了Pinnacle Technologies,这家公司开发并商业化了倾斜仪和微震裂缝测绘,并于1992年至2006年担任Pinnacle Technology的首席执行官。2000年至2006年,Wright先生担任页岩天然气生产商斯特劳德能源股份有限公司(Stroud Energy,Inc.)董事长。Wright先生目前担任Urban Solution Group、US Ceramics,LLC(均为私人公司)和堪萨斯城联邦储备银行丹佛分行董事会成员。他还担任认可收购公司董事会成员。Wright先生拥有麻省理工学院(“MIT”)机械工程理学士学位,并在加州大学伯克利分校和麻省理工大学从事电气工程研究生工作。
Christopher A. Wright,has served as Liberty Energy Inc. Chief Executive Officer since December 2016 and as the Chief Executive Officer of Liberty Energy Inc. predecessor company since its founding in 2011. Mr. Wright is the Executive Chairman of Liberty Resources LLC, an oil and natural gas exploration and production company focused in the Williston Basin, and was the Chief Executive Officer from its formation in September 2010 until March 2017. Mr. Wright founded Pinnacle Technologies, a company that developed and commercialized tiltmeter and microseismic fracture mapping and served as Chief Executive Officer of Pinnacle Technologies from 1992 to 2006. From 2000 to 2006, Mr. Wright served as Chairman of Stroud Energy, Inc., a shale natural gas producer. Mr. Wright currently serves on the Board of Directors for Urban Solution Group, US Ceramics, LLC (both of which are private companies) and the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Denver Branch. He also serves on the Board of Directors of Accretion Acquisition Corp. Mr. Wright has a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ("MIT") and conducted graduate work in electrical engineering at both the University of California-Berkeley and MIT.
William F. Kimble

William F. Kimble,曾担任KPMG的亚特兰大办事处管理合伙人、美国东南地区管理合伙人,负责审计、咨询、税务业务,任期自2009年直到2015年初退休。他还曾负责主任该公司的 Audit Committee Institute ACI 、Audit Committee Chair Sessions。他从1986年起,任职于KPMG及其前身Peat, Marwick, Main & Co,担任过许多高级领导职务,其中包括工业市场全球主席。他在该公司担任了10年的能源行业领导人,也曾是Global Energy Institute的执行委员。

William F. Kimble,has served on Liberty Energy Inc. Board since the initial public offering of Liberty Energy Inc. Common Stock (the "IPO") and as Lead Director since October 2018. From 2009 until his retirement in 2015, Mr. Kimble served as the Office Managing Partner for the Atlanta office and Managing Partner - Southeastern United States at KPMG LLP ("KPMG"), one of the largest audit, tax and advisory services firms in the world. Mr. Kimble was also responsible for moderating KPMG's Audit Committee Institute and Audit Committee Chair Sessions. Until his retirement, Mr. Kimble had been with KPMG or its predecessor firm since 1986. During his tenure with KPMG, Mr. Kimble also held numerous senior leadership positions, including Global Chairman of Industrial Markets. Mr. Kimble served as KPMG's Energy Sector Leader for ten (10) years and was the executive director of KPMG's Global Energy Institute. Mr. Kimble serves on the board of directors and is the chair of the audit committee of Northern Oil and Gas, Inc. Mr. Kimble also serves on the board of directors, the special committee, and is chair of the audit committee of DCP Midstream Partners, LP. Mr. Kimble has a Bachelor of Accounting and Business Administration from Southern Methodist University.
William F. Kimble,曾担任KPMG的亚特兰大办事处管理合伙人、美国东南地区管理合伙人,负责审计、咨询、税务业务,任期自2009年直到2015年初退休。他还曾负责主任该公司的 Audit Committee Institute ACI 、Audit Committee Chair Sessions。他从1986年起,任职于KPMG及其前身Peat, Marwick, Main & Co,担任过许多高级领导职务,其中包括工业市场全球主席。他在该公司担任了10年的能源行业领导人,也曾是Global Energy Institute的执行委员。
William F. Kimble,has served on Liberty Energy Inc. Board since the initial public offering of Liberty Energy Inc. Common Stock (the "IPO") and as Lead Director since October 2018. From 2009 until his retirement in 2015, Mr. Kimble served as the Office Managing Partner for the Atlanta office and Managing Partner - Southeastern United States at KPMG LLP ("KPMG"), one of the largest audit, tax and advisory services firms in the world. Mr. Kimble was also responsible for moderating KPMG's Audit Committee Institute and Audit Committee Chair Sessions. Until his retirement, Mr. Kimble had been with KPMG or its predecessor firm since 1986. During his tenure with KPMG, Mr. Kimble also held numerous senior leadership positions, including Global Chairman of Industrial Markets. Mr. Kimble served as KPMG's Energy Sector Leader for ten (10) years and was the executive director of KPMG's Global Energy Institute. Mr. Kimble serves on the board of directors and is the chair of the audit committee of Northern Oil and Gas, Inc. Mr. Kimble also serves on the board of directors, the special committee, and is chair of the audit committee of DCP Midstream Partners, LP. Mr. Kimble has a Bachelor of Accounting and Business Administration from Southern Methodist University.
Gale A. Norton

GaleA.Norton自2019年7月起担任董事会成员。她自2011年起担任咨询公司Norton Regulatory Strategies的总裁。从2007年到2010年,她曾担任Royal Dutch Shell公司(国际石油和天然气公司“;Shell公司)的非常规石油总法律顾问。在加入壳牌之前,Norton女士于2001年至2006年担任乔治·W·布什总统领导下的美国内政部长,并于1991年至1999年担任科罗拉多州总检察长。Norton女士是美国输电公司(American Transmission Company)的董事,这是一家电力公用事业行业的私人公司,她一直是美国公司董事协会(National Association of Corporate Directors)的治理研究员。Norton女士拥有丹佛大学(University of Denver)文学学士学位和法学博士学位。

Gale A. Norton,has been the President of Norton Regulatory Strategies, a consulting firm, since 2011. From 2007 to 2010, she served as General Counsel, Unconventional Oil, of Royal Dutch Shell, an international oil and natural gas company ("Shell"). Prior to joining Shell, Ms. Norton served as the Secretary of the Interior of the United States under President George W. Bush from 2001 until 2006 and as the Attorney General of the State of Colorado from 1991 until 1999. Ms. Norton is a director of American Transmission Company, a private company in the electric utility industry and she has been a Governance Fellow of the National Association of Corporate Directors. Ms. Norton holds Bachelor of Arts and Juris Doctorate degrees from the University of Denver.
GaleA.Norton自2019年7月起担任董事会成员。她自2011年起担任咨询公司Norton Regulatory Strategies的总裁。从2007年到2010年,她曾担任Royal Dutch Shell公司(国际石油和天然气公司“;Shell公司)的非常规石油总法律顾问。在加入壳牌之前,Norton女士于2001年至2006年担任乔治·W·布什总统领导下的美国内政部长,并于1991年至1999年担任科罗拉多州总检察长。Norton女士是美国输电公司(American Transmission Company)的董事,这是一家电力公用事业行业的私人公司,她一直是美国公司董事协会(National Association of Corporate Directors)的治理研究员。Norton女士拥有丹佛大学(University of Denver)文学学士学位和法学博士学位。
Gale A. Norton,has been the President of Norton Regulatory Strategies, a consulting firm, since 2011. From 2007 to 2010, she served as General Counsel, Unconventional Oil, of Royal Dutch Shell, an international oil and natural gas company ("Shell"). Prior to joining Shell, Ms. Norton served as the Secretary of the Interior of the United States under President George W. Bush from 2001 until 2006 and as the Attorney General of the State of Colorado from 1991 until 1999. Ms. Norton is a director of American Transmission Company, a private company in the electric utility industry and she has been a Governance Fellow of the National Association of Corporate Directors. Ms. Norton holds Bachelor of Arts and Juris Doctorate degrees from the University of Denver.
Cary D. Steinbeck

CaryD.Steinbeck自首次公开募股以来一直在我们的董事会任职。Steinbeck先生于2016年10月至首次公开募股期间担任Liberty Oilfield Services Holdings LLC“Liberty Holdings”(公司先前的子公司)的董事会成员。Steinbeck自2014年10月起担任Shea Ventures(一家投资公司)总经理。从2007年到2014年,他担任Oakmont Corporation(投资公司)的董事总经理。Steinbeck先生也是Liberty Resources LLC的董事,也是特许金融分析师特许持有人。Steinbeck先生拥有加州大学圣巴巴拉分校(University of California,Santa Barbara)经济学文学学士学位,以及南加州大学(University of Southern California)工商管理硕士学位。

Cary D. Steinbeck,was appointed to Accretion Acquisition Corp. Board in July 2021. He has served as a Managing Director at Shea Ventures, an investment firm, since October 2014. From 2007 to 2014, he served as a Managing Director at Oakmont Corporation, an investment firm. Mr. Steinbeck is also a director at Liberty Oilfield Services Inc. (NYSE: LBRT) and Liberty Resources LLC and is a Chartered Financial Analyst charterholder. Mr. Steinbeck has a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Southern California.
CaryD.Steinbeck自首次公开募股以来一直在我们的董事会任职。Steinbeck先生于2016年10月至首次公开募股期间担任Liberty Oilfield Services Holdings LLC“Liberty Holdings”(公司先前的子公司)的董事会成员。Steinbeck自2014年10月起担任Shea Ventures(一家投资公司)总经理。从2007年到2014年,他担任Oakmont Corporation(投资公司)的董事总经理。Steinbeck先生也是Liberty Resources LLC的董事,也是特许金融分析师特许持有人。Steinbeck先生拥有加州大学圣巴巴拉分校(University of California,Santa Barbara)经济学文学学士学位,以及南加州大学(University of Southern California)工商管理硕士学位。
Cary D. Steinbeck,was appointed to Accretion Acquisition Corp. Board in July 2021. He has served as a Managing Director at Shea Ventures, an investment firm, since October 2014. From 2007 to 2014, he served as a Managing Director at Oakmont Corporation, an investment firm. Mr. Steinbeck is also a director at Liberty Oilfield Services Inc. (NYSE: LBRT) and Liberty Resources LLC and is a Chartered Financial Analyst charterholder. Mr. Steinbeck has a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Southern California.
Ken Babcock

Ken Babcock自2018年公司首次公开募股(IPO)以来一直在我们的董事会任职。Babcock先生目前是Abaco Energy Technologies LLC(“;Abaco”;)的首席执行官,该公司是Riverstone Holdings LLC(一家专注于能源的私募股权公司)位于休斯敦的私人投资组合公司,成立于2013年,专注于与北美钻探,完井相关的制造和服务机会,和生产以及相关的基础设施。加入Abaco之前,Babcock从2008年到2011年9月Titan Specialties,Ltd.(“;Titan”;)出售给Hunting plc担任总裁和首席执行官。出售后,Babcock先生留在Titan直到2012年6月。加入Titan之前,Babcock从2005年到2008年担任International Logging总裁和首席执行官,公司(“;ILI”;),在那里他在两年多的时间里带领一家仅有300多名员工的狭隘专注的录井公司来到了一个拥有1800多名员工的多元化井场服务组织,遍布60个国家和地区。在加入ILI之前,Babcock先生是贝克休斯Inteq公司的战略销售总监和Noble Technology Services公司的业务发展Vice President。Babcock先生于1980年在Exlog开始他的职业生涯。Babcock先生拥有佛罗里达州立大学(Florida State University)地质学理学学士学位。

Ken Babcock,is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Abaco Energy Technologies LLC ("Abaco"), a private Houston-based portfolio company of Riverstone Holdings LLC, an energy-focused private equity firm ("Riverstone"), that was formed in 2013 to focus on opportunities in manufacturing and services related to North American drilling, completion, and production, and associated infrastructure. Prior to joining Abaco, Mr. Babcock was the President and Chief Executive Officer of Titan Specialties, Ltd. ("Titan") from 2008 until its sale to Hunting PLC in September 2011. Following the sale, Mr. Babcock remained at Titan until June 2012. Prior to joining Titan, from 2005 until 2008, Mr. Babcock served as President and Chief Executive Officer of International Logging, Inc. ("ILI") where he took a narrowly-focused mud logging company of over 300 employees to a diverse well site services organization of over 1,800 employees spread over 60 countries in a little over two years. Prior to joining ILI, Mr. Babcock was Director of Strategic Sales at Baker Hughes INTEQ and Vice President of Business Development at Noble Technology Services. Mr. Babcock began his career with EXLOG in 1980. Mr. Babcock has a Bachelor of Science in Geology from Florida State University.
Ken Babcock自2018年公司首次公开募股(IPO)以来一直在我们的董事会任职。Babcock先生目前是Abaco Energy Technologies LLC(“;Abaco”;)的首席执行官,该公司是Riverstone Holdings LLC(一家专注于能源的私募股权公司)位于休斯敦的私人投资组合公司,成立于2013年,专注于与北美钻探,完井相关的制造和服务机会,和生产以及相关的基础设施。加入Abaco之前,Babcock从2008年到2011年9月Titan Specialties,Ltd.(“;Titan”;)出售给Hunting plc担任总裁和首席执行官。出售后,Babcock先生留在Titan直到2012年6月。加入Titan之前,Babcock从2005年到2008年担任International Logging总裁和首席执行官,公司(“;ILI”;),在那里他在两年多的时间里带领一家仅有300多名员工的狭隘专注的录井公司来到了一个拥有1800多名员工的多元化井场服务组织,遍布60个国家和地区。在加入ILI之前,Babcock先生是贝克休斯Inteq公司的战略销售总监和Noble Technology Services公司的业务发展Vice President。Babcock先生于1980年在Exlog开始他的职业生涯。Babcock先生拥有佛罗里达州立大学(Florida State University)地质学理学学士学位。
Ken Babcock,is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Abaco Energy Technologies LLC ("Abaco"), a private Houston-based portfolio company of Riverstone Holdings LLC, an energy-focused private equity firm ("Riverstone"), that was formed in 2013 to focus on opportunities in manufacturing and services related to North American drilling, completion, and production, and associated infrastructure. Prior to joining Abaco, Mr. Babcock was the President and Chief Executive Officer of Titan Specialties, Ltd. ("Titan") from 2008 until its sale to Hunting PLC in September 2011. Following the sale, Mr. Babcock remained at Titan until June 2012. Prior to joining Titan, from 2005 until 2008, Mr. Babcock served as President and Chief Executive Officer of International Logging, Inc. ("ILI") where he took a narrowly-focused mud logging company of over 300 employees to a diverse well site services organization of over 1,800 employees spread over 60 countries in a little over two years. Prior to joining ILI, Mr. Babcock was Director of Strategic Sales at Baker Hughes INTEQ and Vice President of Business Development at Noble Technology Services. Mr. Babcock began his career with EXLOG in 1980. Mr. Babcock has a Bachelor of Science in Geology from Florida State University.
James R. Mcdonald

James R.McDonald,因收购Onestim公司而加入我们的董事会。McDonald先生自2020年7月起担任国际油田服务和技术公司斯伦贝谢(Schlumberger)的美洲土地总裁。在此之前,他曾在斯伦贝谢(Schlumberger)担任多个执行职位,包括从2018年4月至2020年6月担任油井服务总裁,从2017年6月至2018年3月担任北美近海油藏表征集团运营主管,北美有线Vice President,2016年1月至2017年6月,Vice President于2015年1月至2015年12月在北美陆地套管孔电缆。McDonald先生持有麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)化学工程理学士学位。根据本委托书稍后所述的经修订和重述的《股东协议》,斯伦贝谢(Schlumberger)已提名McDonald先生担任董事会成员。

James R. Mcdonald,has been President Americas Land of SLB, overseeing onshore operations in North and South America, since 2020. Previously, he served as President of Well Services running SLB's global stimulation, coiled tubing intervention, cementing and offshore vessel operations. In addition, Mr. McDonald held multiple leadership roles in line management, operations, quality and safety, and business development at SLB over the past 21 years. His assignments spanned North and South America, North Africa and the Middle East in both land and offshore environments that included unconventional and deep water. Mr. McDonald graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a degree in chemical engineering. He is actively engaged within the energy industry and community, and currently serves on the Board of Directors of Permian Strategic Partnership, the Energy Workforce and Technology Council, and he is on the Upstream and Service Supply and Technology Committees of the American Petroleum Institute. Mr. McDonald was initially nominated to serve on Liberty Energy Inc. Board by SLB pursuant to the amended and restated stockholders agreement described later in this Proxy Statement.
James R.McDonald,因收购Onestim公司而加入我们的董事会。McDonald先生自2020年7月起担任国际油田服务和技术公司斯伦贝谢(Schlumberger)的美洲土地总裁。在此之前,他曾在斯伦贝谢(Schlumberger)担任多个执行职位,包括从2018年4月至2020年6月担任油井服务总裁,从2017年6月至2018年3月担任北美近海油藏表征集团运营主管,北美有线Vice President,2016年1月至2017年6月,Vice President于2015年1月至2015年12月在北美陆地套管孔电缆。McDonald先生持有麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)化学工程理学士学位。根据本委托书稍后所述的经修订和重述的《股东协议》,斯伦贝谢(Schlumberger)已提名McDonald先生担任董事会成员。
James R. Mcdonald,has been President Americas Land of SLB, overseeing onshore operations in North and South America, since 2020. Previously, he served as President of Well Services running SLB's global stimulation, coiled tubing intervention, cementing and offshore vessel operations. In addition, Mr. McDonald held multiple leadership roles in line management, operations, quality and safety, and business development at SLB over the past 21 years. His assignments spanned North and South America, North Africa and the Middle East in both land and offshore environments that included unconventional and deep water. Mr. McDonald graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a degree in chemical engineering. He is actively engaged within the energy industry and community, and currently serves on the Board of Directors of Permian Strategic Partnership, the Energy Workforce and Technology Council, and he is on the Upstream and Service Supply and Technology Committees of the American Petroleum Institute. Mr. McDonald was initially nominated to serve on Liberty Energy Inc. Board by SLB pursuant to the amended and restated stockholders agreement described later in this Proxy Statement.
Audrey Robertson

Audrey Robertson,自2018年9月起担任Franklin Mountain Energy,LLC的联合创始人兼首席财务官,该公司是一家在二叠纪盆地运营的私营石油和天然气公司。2017年11月至2021年12月,她还担任了总部位于丹佛的私募股权平台Copper Trail Partners,LLC的联合创始人和管理合伙人。2005年至2016年,她在Kayne Anderson Capital Advisors担任合伙人兼高级董事总经理。在此之前,她是高盛萨克斯公司的投资银行家。罗伯逊女士于2020年1月至2021年11月担任Bonanza Creek Energy,LLC董事,并于2019年9月至2021年1月担任Extraction Oil and Gas,LLC董事会董事。她曾在多家私营公司和非营利组织的董事会任职。她拥有康奈尔大学应用经济学和管理学理学学士学位和南加州大学会计学硕士学位。

Audrey Robertson,has served as the co-founder and Chief Financial Officer of Franklin Mountain Energy, LLC, a private oil and gas company operating in the Permian Basin since September 2018. She also served as a co-founder and Managing Partner of Copper Trail Partners, LLC, a private equity platform based in Denver from November 2017 until December 2021. From 2005 to 2016, she served as a Partner and Senior Managing Director at Kayne Anderson Capital Advisors. Prior to that time, she was an investment banker with Goldman Sachs & Co. Ms. Robertson was a Director of Bonanza Creek Energy, LLC from January 2020 until November 2021 and served on the board of directors of Extraction Oil and Gas, LLC from September 2019 to January 2021. She has served on the boards of several private companies and not-for-profit organizations. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Economics and Management from Cornell University and a Master of Accounting degree from the University of Southern California.
Audrey Robertson,自2018年9月起担任Franklin Mountain Energy,LLC的联合创始人兼首席财务官,该公司是一家在二叠纪盆地运营的私营石油和天然气公司。2017年11月至2021年12月,她还担任了总部位于丹佛的私募股权平台Copper Trail Partners,LLC的联合创始人和管理合伙人。2005年至2016年,她在Kayne Anderson Capital Advisors担任合伙人兼高级董事总经理。在此之前,她是高盛萨克斯公司的投资银行家。罗伯逊女士于2020年1月至2021年11月担任Bonanza Creek Energy,LLC董事,并于2019年9月至2021年1月担任Extraction Oil and Gas,LLC董事会董事。她曾在多家私营公司和非营利组织的董事会任职。她拥有康奈尔大学应用经济学和管理学理学学士学位和南加州大学会计学硕士学位。
Audrey Robertson,has served as the co-founder and Chief Financial Officer of Franklin Mountain Energy, LLC, a private oil and gas company operating in the Permian Basin since September 2018. She also served as a co-founder and Managing Partner of Copper Trail Partners, LLC, a private equity platform based in Denver from November 2017 until December 2021. From 2005 to 2016, she served as a Partner and Senior Managing Director at Kayne Anderson Capital Advisors. Prior to that time, she was an investment banker with Goldman Sachs & Co. Ms. Robertson was a Director of Bonanza Creek Energy, LLC from January 2020 until November 2021 and served on the board of directors of Extraction Oil and Gas, LLC from September 2019 to January 2021. She has served on the boards of several private companies and not-for-profit organizations. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Economics and Management from Cornell University and a Master of Accounting degree from the University of Southern California.
Peter A. Dea

自2007年5月起,Peter A. Dea任Cirque Resources LP 的总裁兼首席执行官, 这是一家私人石油天然气公司。自2001年11月至2006年8月,他任西部天然气资源(上市天然气公司于2006年售出约合53亿美金)总裁兼首席执行官和董事。他在1993年11月加入了Barrett Resources 公司(这是一家上市天然气公司于2001年售出约合27亿美金),1999年11月,他曾任首席执行官和董事。2000年2月至2001年8月,任主席。在此之前,他曾任美国Exxon公司的管理和地质方面职位。

Peter A. Dea,has been the Executive Chairman of Confluence Resources LP ("Confluence") since September 2016. Mr. Dea has served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Cirque Resources LP ("Cirque") since May 2007. Both Confluence and Cirque are private oil and gas companies. From November 2001 through August 2006, Mr. Dea was President and Chief Executive Officer and a director of Western Gas Resources, Inc. ("Western Gas"). Mr. Dea joined Barrett Resources Corporation ("Barrett") in November 1993 and served as Chief Executive Officer and director from November 1999 and as Chairman from February 2000 through August 2001. Western Gas and Barrett were public oil and gas companies. Prior to that, Mr. Dea served in several geologic positions with Exxon Company, U.S.A. Mr. Dea currently serves as the Chairman of the Board of Ovintiv Inc. and has served as a director of Antero Midstream Corporation since the closing of its simplification transaction in March 2019. Prior to the simplification, Mr. Dea served as a director of the general partner of Antero Midstream GP LP beginning in April 2018. Mr. Dea has a Bachelor of Arts in Geology from Western State Colorado University and a Masters of Science in Geology from the University of Montana. Mr. Dea also attended the Harvard Business School, Advanced Management Program.
自2007年5月起,Peter A. Dea任Cirque Resources LP 的总裁兼首席执行官, 这是一家私人石油天然气公司。自2001年11月至2006年8月,他任西部天然气资源(上市天然气公司于2006年售出约合53亿美金)总裁兼首席执行官和董事。他在1993年11月加入了Barrett Resources 公司(这是一家上市天然气公司于2001年售出约合27亿美金),1999年11月,他曾任首席执行官和董事。2000年2月至2001年8月,任主席。在此之前,他曾任美国Exxon公司的管理和地质方面职位。
Peter A. Dea,has been the Executive Chairman of Confluence Resources LP ("Confluence") since September 2016. Mr. Dea has served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Cirque Resources LP ("Cirque") since May 2007. Both Confluence and Cirque are private oil and gas companies. From November 2001 through August 2006, Mr. Dea was President and Chief Executive Officer and a director of Western Gas Resources, Inc. ("Western Gas"). Mr. Dea joined Barrett Resources Corporation ("Barrett") in November 1993 and served as Chief Executive Officer and director from November 1999 and as Chairman from February 2000 through August 2001. Western Gas and Barrett were public oil and gas companies. Prior to that, Mr. Dea served in several geologic positions with Exxon Company, U.S.A. Mr. Dea currently serves as the Chairman of the Board of Ovintiv Inc. and has served as a director of Antero Midstream Corporation since the closing of its simplification transaction in March 2019. Prior to the simplification, Mr. Dea served as a director of the general partner of Antero Midstream GP LP beginning in April 2018. Mr. Dea has a Bachelor of Arts in Geology from Western State Colorado University and a Masters of Science in Geology from the University of Montana. Mr. Dea also attended the Harvard Business School, Advanced Management Program.
Simon Ayat

Simon Ayat,自2007年3月起,他是公司的执行副总裁兼首席财务官。

Simon Ayat,served as Senior Strategic Advisor to the Chief Executive Officer for Schlumberger ("SLB"), an international oilfield services and technology company, from January 2020 until January 2022. From March 2007 until January 2020, he served as the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of SLB. Mr. Ayat has held several financial and operational positions in SLB, where he commenced his career in 1982. He was based in Paris, Houston and Dallas, as well as in the Middle East and Far East regions, serving as group treasurer, controller, Geomarket manager for Indonesia and drilling regional vice president for Asia Pacific. Mr. Ayat is also a member of the board of directors of Tenaris S.A., a manufacturer of pipes and related services for energy and industrial applications. He is a French and Lebanese citizen. Mr. Ayat was initially nominated to serve on Liberty Energy Inc. Board by SLB pursuant to the amended and restated stockholders agreement described later in this Proxy Statement.
Simon Ayat,自2007年3月起,他是公司的执行副总裁兼首席财务官。
Simon Ayat,served as Senior Strategic Advisor to the Chief Executive Officer for Schlumberger ("SLB"), an international oilfield services and technology company, from January 2020 until January 2022. From March 2007 until January 2020, he served as the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of SLB. Mr. Ayat has held several financial and operational positions in SLB, where he commenced his career in 1982. He was based in Paris, Houston and Dallas, as well as in the Middle East and Far East regions, serving as group treasurer, controller, Geomarket manager for Indonesia and drilling regional vice president for Asia Pacific. Mr. Ayat is also a member of the board of directors of Tenaris S.A., a manufacturer of pipes and related services for energy and industrial applications. He is a French and Lebanese citizen. Mr. Ayat was initially nominated to serve on Liberty Energy Inc. Board by SLB pursuant to the amended and restated stockholders agreement described later in this Proxy Statement.


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Christopher A. Wright

Christopher A. Wright,自2016年12月起担任Liberty Energy股份有限公司首席执行官,自2011年成立以来担任Liberties Energy股份有限公司前身公司的首席执行官。Wright先生是Liberty Resources LLC的执行主席,Liberty Resources LLC是一家专注于威利斯顿盆地的石油和天然气勘探和生产公司,从2010年9月成立到2017年3月,他一直担任首席执行官。Wright先生创立了Pinnacle Technologies,这家公司开发并商业化了倾斜仪和微震裂缝测绘,并于1992年至2006年担任Pinnacle Technology的首席执行官。2000年至2006年,Wright先生担任页岩天然气生产商斯特劳德能源股份有限公司(Stroud Energy,Inc.)董事长。Wright先生目前担任Urban Solution Group、US Ceramics,LLC(均为私人公司)和堪萨斯城联邦储备银行丹佛分行董事会成员。他还担任认可收购公司董事会成员。Wright先生拥有麻省理工学院(“MIT”)机械工程理学士学位,并在加州大学伯克利分校和麻省理工大学从事电气工程研究生工作。

Christopher A. Wright,has served as Liberty Energy Inc. Chief Executive Officer since December 2016 and as the Chief Executive Officer of Liberty Energy Inc. predecessor company since its founding in 2011. Mr. Wright is the Executive Chairman of Liberty Resources LLC, an oil and natural gas exploration and production company focused in the Williston Basin, and was the Chief Executive Officer from its formation in September 2010 until March 2017. Mr. Wright founded Pinnacle Technologies, a company that developed and commercialized tiltmeter and microseismic fracture mapping and served as Chief Executive Officer of Pinnacle Technologies from 1992 to 2006. From 2000 to 2006, Mr. Wright served as Chairman of Stroud Energy, Inc., a shale natural gas producer. Mr. Wright currently serves on the Board of Directors for Urban Solution Group, US Ceramics, LLC (both of which are private companies) and the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Denver Branch. He also serves on the Board of Directors of Accretion Acquisition Corp. Mr. Wright has a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ("MIT") and conducted graduate work in electrical engineering at both the University of California-Berkeley and MIT.
Christopher A. Wright,自2016年12月起担任Liberty Energy股份有限公司首席执行官,自2011年成立以来担任Liberties Energy股份有限公司前身公司的首席执行官。Wright先生是Liberty Resources LLC的执行主席,Liberty Resources LLC是一家专注于威利斯顿盆地的石油和天然气勘探和生产公司,从2010年9月成立到2017年3月,他一直担任首席执行官。Wright先生创立了Pinnacle Technologies,这家公司开发并商业化了倾斜仪和微震裂缝测绘,并于1992年至2006年担任Pinnacle Technology的首席执行官。2000年至2006年,Wright先生担任页岩天然气生产商斯特劳德能源股份有限公司(Stroud Energy,Inc.)董事长。Wright先生目前担任Urban Solution Group、US Ceramics,LLC(均为私人公司)和堪萨斯城联邦储备银行丹佛分行董事会成员。他还担任认可收购公司董事会成员。Wright先生拥有麻省理工学院(“MIT”)机械工程理学士学位,并在加州大学伯克利分校和麻省理工大学从事电气工程研究生工作。
Christopher A. Wright,has served as Liberty Energy Inc. Chief Executive Officer since December 2016 and as the Chief Executive Officer of Liberty Energy Inc. predecessor company since its founding in 2011. Mr. Wright is the Executive Chairman of Liberty Resources LLC, an oil and natural gas exploration and production company focused in the Williston Basin, and was the Chief Executive Officer from its formation in September 2010 until March 2017. Mr. Wright founded Pinnacle Technologies, a company that developed and commercialized tiltmeter and microseismic fracture mapping and served as Chief Executive Officer of Pinnacle Technologies from 1992 to 2006. From 2000 to 2006, Mr. Wright served as Chairman of Stroud Energy, Inc., a shale natural gas producer. Mr. Wright currently serves on the Board of Directors for Urban Solution Group, US Ceramics, LLC (both of which are private companies) and the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Denver Branch. He also serves on the Board of Directors of Accretion Acquisition Corp. Mr. Wright has a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ("MIT") and conducted graduate work in electrical engineering at both the University of California-Berkeley and MIT.
Ryan T. Gosney

RyanT.Gosney自2017年3月以来一直担任我们的首席会计官。2016年7月至2017年2月,高斯尼担任油气勘探和生产公司Vantage EnergyInc.“;Vantage”;的首席会计官。在加入Vantage之前,高斯尼先生于2012年1月至2016年1月担任石油和天然气公司Dorado E&P Partners,LLC的首席财务官。他的职业生涯始于1995年9月担任Arthur Andersen,LLP的审计师,在那里他曾担任越来越多的职务,直到2002年6月担任审计经理。Gosney先生还从2002年10月到2005年10月担任Patina Oil&Gas Corporation的财务总监,从2005年10月到2012年1月担任Delta Petroleum Corporation的财务总监。Gosney先生拥有德州基督教大学(Texas Christian University)的工商管理学士学位。

Ryan T. Gosney,has been Liberty Energy Inc. Chief Accounting Officer since March 2017. Between July 2016 and February 2017, Mr. Gosney served as the Chief Accounting Officer of Vantage Energy Inc. ("Vantage"), an oil and gas exploration and production company. Prior to joining Vantage, Mr. Gosney served as Chief Financial Officer for Dorado E&P Partners, LLC, an oil and gas company, from January 2012 to January 2016. Mr. Gosney began his career as an auditor with Arthur Andersen, LLP in September 1995 where he served in increasing roles of responsibility up to Audit Manager until June 2002. Mr. Gosney has also served as Controller for Patina Oil & Gas Corporation from October 2002 to October 2005 and Delta Petroleum Corporation from October 2005 to January 2012. Mr. Gosney has a Bachelor of Business Administration from Texas Christian University.
RyanT.Gosney自2017年3月以来一直担任我们的首席会计官。2016年7月至2017年2月,高斯尼担任油气勘探和生产公司Vantage EnergyInc.“;Vantage”;的首席会计官。在加入Vantage之前,高斯尼先生于2012年1月至2016年1月担任石油和天然气公司Dorado E&P Partners,LLC的首席财务官。他的职业生涯始于1995年9月担任Arthur Andersen,LLP的审计师,在那里他曾担任越来越多的职务,直到2002年6月担任审计经理。Gosney先生还从2002年10月到2005年10月担任Patina Oil&Gas Corporation的财务总监,从2005年10月到2012年1月担任Delta Petroleum Corporation的财务总监。Gosney先生拥有德州基督教大学(Texas Christian University)的工商管理学士学位。
Ryan T. Gosney,has been Liberty Energy Inc. Chief Accounting Officer since March 2017. Between July 2016 and February 2017, Mr. Gosney served as the Chief Accounting Officer of Vantage Energy Inc. ("Vantage"), an oil and gas exploration and production company. Prior to joining Vantage, Mr. Gosney served as Chief Financial Officer for Dorado E&P Partners, LLC, an oil and gas company, from January 2012 to January 2016. Mr. Gosney began his career as an auditor with Arthur Andersen, LLP in September 1995 where he served in increasing roles of responsibility up to Audit Manager until June 2002. Mr. Gosney has also served as Controller for Patina Oil & Gas Corporation from October 2002 to October 2005 and Delta Petroleum Corporation from October 2005 to January 2012. Mr. Gosney has a Bachelor of Business Administration from Texas Christian University.
Michael Stock

Michael Stock自2016年12月起担任首席财务官,自2018年3月起担任财务主管,自2012年4月至首次公开募股期间担任Liberty Holdings首席财务官。Stock先生自2016年12月起担任公司董事,直到首次公开募股。加入Liberty Holdings公司之前,他曾任职TAS Energy公司(工业能源技术公司)(从2009年到2012年)。在他任职期间,他担任首席财务官,是从凯鹏华盈(Kleiner Perkins)、Element Partners、Natural Gas Partners和瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)等主要投资集团筹集资金的关键部分。Stock从1997年到2009年担任Pinnacle Technologies首席财务官。

Michael Stock,has served as Liberty Energy Inc. Chief Financial Officer since December 2016, Liberty Energy Inc. Treasurer since March 2018 and as the Chief Financial Officer of Liberty Holdings from April 2012 until Liberty Energy Inc. IPO. Mr. Stock served as a director of the Company from December 2016 up until January 2018 and resigned upon completion of Liberty Energy Inc. IPO. Prior to joining Liberty Holdings, from 2009 to 2012, he was employed by TAS Energy Inc., an industrial energy technology company. During his tenure, he served as Chief Financial Officer and was a key part of the raising of equity from leading investment groups including Kleiner Perkins, Element Partners, Natural Gas Partners and Credit Suisse. From 1997 to 2009, Mr. Stock served as Chief Financial Officer for Pinnacle Technologies.
Michael Stock自2016年12月起担任首席财务官,自2018年3月起担任财务主管,自2012年4月至首次公开募股期间担任Liberty Holdings首席财务官。Stock先生自2016年12月起担任公司董事,直到首次公开募股。加入Liberty Holdings公司之前,他曾任职TAS Energy公司(工业能源技术公司)(从2009年到2012年)。在他任职期间,他担任首席财务官,是从凯鹏华盈(Kleiner Perkins)、Element Partners、Natural Gas Partners和瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)等主要投资集团筹集资金的关键部分。Stock从1997年到2009年担任Pinnacle Technologies首席财务官。
Michael Stock,has served as Liberty Energy Inc. Chief Financial Officer since December 2016, Liberty Energy Inc. Treasurer since March 2018 and as the Chief Financial Officer of Liberty Holdings from April 2012 until Liberty Energy Inc. IPO. Mr. Stock served as a director of the Company from December 2016 up until January 2018 and resigned upon completion of Liberty Energy Inc. IPO. Prior to joining Liberty Holdings, from 2009 to 2012, he was employed by TAS Energy Inc., an industrial energy technology company. During his tenure, he served as Chief Financial Officer and was a key part of the raising of equity from leading investment groups including Kleiner Perkins, Element Partners, Natural Gas Partners and Credit Suisse. From 1997 to 2009, Mr. Stock served as Chief Financial Officer for Pinnacle Technologies.
Ron Gusek

Ron Gusek自2016年12月起担任Liberty Energy股份有限公司总裁,自2016年11月至首次公开募股(IPO)期间担任Liberties Holdings总裁。Gusek先生从2014年起担任Liberty Holdings的技术和发展副总裁,直至晋升为总裁。在加入Liberty Holdings之前,2011年至2014年,Gusek先生担任全球能源服务公司Sanjel Corporation的公司工程和技术副总裁。在2009年至2011年加入Sanjel Corporation之前,Gusek先生是Zodiac Exploration的工程总监,Zodiac是一家石油和天然气勘探和生产公司,位于加利福尼亚州的圣华金河谷中部。2003年至2008年,Gusek先生担任Pinnacle Technologies的加拿大区域经理。Gusek先生拥有阿尔伯塔大学机械工程学士学位。

Ron Gusek,has served as Liberty Energy Inc. President since December 2016 and as the President of Liberty Holdings from November 2016 until the IPO. Mr. Gusek served as the Vice President of Technology and Development of Liberty Holdings, from 2014 until his promotion to President. Prior to joining Liberty Holdings, from 2011 to 2014, Mr. Gusek served as Vice President, Corporate Engineering and Technology of Sanjel Corporation, a global energy service company. Prior to joining Sanjel Corporation, from 2009 to 2011, Mr. Gusek was Director of Engineering for Zodiac Exploration, an oil and natural gas exploration and production company working in the central San Joaquin valley in California. From 2003 to 2008, Mr. Gusek was the Canadian Regional Manager of Pinnacle Technologies. Mr. Gusek has a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Alberta.
Ron Gusek自2016年12月起担任Liberty Energy股份有限公司总裁,自2016年11月至首次公开募股(IPO)期间担任Liberties Holdings总裁。Gusek先生从2014年起担任Liberty Holdings的技术和发展副总裁,直至晋升为总裁。在加入Liberty Holdings之前,2011年至2014年,Gusek先生担任全球能源服务公司Sanjel Corporation的公司工程和技术副总裁。在2009年至2011年加入Sanjel Corporation之前,Gusek先生是Zodiac Exploration的工程总监,Zodiac是一家石油和天然气勘探和生产公司,位于加利福尼亚州的圣华金河谷中部。2003年至2008年,Gusek先生担任Pinnacle Technologies的加拿大区域经理。Gusek先生拥有阿尔伯塔大学机械工程学士学位。
Ron Gusek,has served as Liberty Energy Inc. President since December 2016 and as the President of Liberty Holdings from November 2016 until the IPO. Mr. Gusek served as the Vice President of Technology and Development of Liberty Holdings, from 2014 until his promotion to President. Prior to joining Liberty Holdings, from 2011 to 2014, Mr. Gusek served as Vice President, Corporate Engineering and Technology of Sanjel Corporation, a global energy service company. Prior to joining Sanjel Corporation, from 2009 to 2011, Mr. Gusek was Director of Engineering for Zodiac Exploration, an oil and natural gas exploration and production company working in the central San Joaquin valley in California. From 2003 to 2008, Mr. Gusek was the Canadian Regional Manager of Pinnacle Technologies. Mr. Gusek has a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Alberta.
R. Sean Elliott

R. Sean Elliott,2007年11月,他加入该公司,担任法律总顾问;2008年1月,他被任命为企业秘书和首席合规官;2011年5月,他担任公司副总裁。此前,2004年至2007年,他在Aviall公司(一家国际航空公司)担任法律顾问,他最后担任的职务是助理法律顾问和助理秘书。1999年至2004年,他在Haynes and Boone(一家位于德克萨斯州,达拉斯的法律公司)进行法律实习。

R. Sean Elliott,served as Liberty Energy Inc. Vice President and General Counsel from March 2017 to January 2023, as Liberty Energy Inc. Corporate Secretary since 2018 and was appointed Chief Legal Officer in January 2023. Between September 2016 and March 2017, Mr. Elliott worked as Assistant General Counsel at USAA Real Estate Company, a real estate investment firm. Between June 2015 and September 2016, Mr. Elliott served as Counsel at Haynes and Boone, LLP, an international corporate law firm. Between November 2007 and May 2015, Mr. Elliott served as Vice President, General Counsel, Corporate Secretary and Chief Compliance Officer of CARBO Ceramics Inc., an oilfield services production enhancement company. Mr. Elliott has a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Business Administration from Austin College and a Doctor in Jurisprudence degree from the University of Texas at Austin.
R. Sean Elliott,2007年11月,他加入该公司,担任法律总顾问;2008年1月,他被任命为企业秘书和首席合规官;2011年5月,他担任公司副总裁。此前,2004年至2007年,他在Aviall公司(一家国际航空公司)担任法律顾问,他最后担任的职务是助理法律顾问和助理秘书。1999年至2004年,他在Haynes and Boone(一家位于德克萨斯州,达拉斯的法律公司)进行法律实习。
R. Sean Elliott,served as Liberty Energy Inc. Vice President and General Counsel from March 2017 to January 2023, as Liberty Energy Inc. Corporate Secretary since 2018 and was appointed Chief Legal Officer in January 2023. Between September 2016 and March 2017, Mr. Elliott worked as Assistant General Counsel at USAA Real Estate Company, a real estate investment firm. Between June 2015 and September 2016, Mr. Elliott served as Counsel at Haynes and Boone, LLP, an international corporate law firm. Between November 2007 and May 2015, Mr. Elliott served as Vice President, General Counsel, Corporate Secretary and Chief Compliance Officer of CARBO Ceramics Inc., an oilfield services production enhancement company. Mr. Elliott has a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Business Administration from Austin College and a Doctor in Jurisprudence degree from the University of Texas at Austin.