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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Peyton Boswell Director 52 6.83万美元 3.33 2023-09-25
Richard Meeusen Director 68 4.62万美元 未持股 2023-09-25
Fei Chen Director and Chief Executive Officer 59 77.20万美元 未持股 2023-09-25
Martin Kunz Director 58 未披露 未持股 2023-09-25
Alexander J. Buehler Chairman of the Board 47 79.25万美元 3.33 2023-09-25



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Fei Chen Director and Chief Executive Officer 59 77.20万美元 未持股 2023-09-25
Simon Stadil Chief Financial Officer 40 77.07万美元 未持股 2023-09-25


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Peyton Boswell

Peyton Boswell自2017年8月11日起担任董事。Boswell自2010年9月起担任EnterSolar,LLC(一家商业太阳能光伏解决方案供应商)总经理。在加入EnterSolar之前,Boswell先生领导Fortistar的太阳能开发活动,并是Renewco V.I.的创始人,该公司是一家位于美属维尔京群岛的可再生能源开发公司。在进入太阳能行业之前,Boswell先生在摩根大通(J.P.Morgan)和美国银行(Bank of America)担任了15年的金融和投资银行专业人员,主要专注于私募股权交易,并购咨询服务以及覆盖一系列行业集团的企业客户。Boswell先生是特许金融分析师CFA,并拥有NABCEP技术销售认证。他在康奈尔大学(Cornell University)获得文学学士学位,在哥伦比亚商学院(Columbia Business School)获得工商管理硕士学位。

Peyton Boswell,has served as a Director since August 11, 2017 and currently serves as the Chairman of the Compensation Committee. Mr. Boswell is the Managing Director of Woodfield Renewables and previously served as the Chief Executive Officer of EnterSolar, LLC, a provider of commercial solar photovoltaic solutions that he co-founded in 2010. Prior to entering the solar industry, Mr. Boswell was a finance and investment banking professional for 15 years with J.P. Morgan and Bank of America. Mr. Boswell is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and has earned a BA from Cornell University and holds an MBA from Columbia Business School.
Peyton Boswell自2017年8月11日起担任董事。Boswell自2010年9月起担任EnterSolar,LLC(一家商业太阳能光伏解决方案供应商)总经理。在加入EnterSolar之前,Boswell先生领导Fortistar的太阳能开发活动,并是Renewco V.I.的创始人,该公司是一家位于美属维尔京群岛的可再生能源开发公司。在进入太阳能行业之前,Boswell先生在摩根大通(J.P.Morgan)和美国银行(Bank of America)担任了15年的金融和投资银行专业人员,主要专注于私募股权交易,并购咨询服务以及覆盖一系列行业集团的企业客户。Boswell先生是特许金融分析师CFA,并拥有NABCEP技术销售认证。他在康奈尔大学(Cornell University)获得文学学士学位,在哥伦比亚商学院(Columbia Business School)获得工商管理硕士学位。
Peyton Boswell,has served as a Director since August 11, 2017 and currently serves as the Chairman of the Compensation Committee. Mr. Boswell is the Managing Director of Woodfield Renewables and previously served as the Chief Executive Officer of EnterSolar, LLC, a provider of commercial solar photovoltaic solutions that he co-founded in 2010. Prior to entering the solar industry, Mr. Boswell was a finance and investment banking professional for 15 years with J.P. Morgan and Bank of America. Mr. Boswell is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and has earned a BA from Cornell University and holds an MBA from Columbia Business School.
Richard Meeusen

Richard Meeusen自2020年8月26日起担任董事。Meeusen先生最近担任BadgerMeter,Inc.的总裁、首席执行官和董事长,该公司是一家主要面向水行业的流量测量设备的公开上市国际制造商和销售商。Meeusen先生在担任公司首席执行官17年后,于2018年12月31日退休,不再担任首席执行官。在加入Badger Meter之前,Meeusen先生是Zenith烧结产品的首席财务官,在此之前曾在Arthur Andersen&Co担任高级经理。除了在Badger Meter的董事会服务外,Meeusen先生还担任Menasha Corporation的董事,该公司是一家价值20亿美元的私人包装和显示设备公司,此前曾在Serigraph Corporation的董事会任职8年。他于2007年创立the Water Council(由180名成员组成的公司行业贸易集团),在那里他仍担任董事。Meeusen先生在西北大学凯洛格管理学院(Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University)获得MBA学位。

Richard Meeusen,has served as a Director since August 26, 2020 and currently serves as the Chairman of the Audit Committee. Mr. Meeusen most recently served as President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Badger Meter, Inc., a publicly traded international manufacturer and seller of flow measurement equipment, primarily to the water industry. Mr. Meeusen retired as Chief Executive Officer on December 31, 2018 after serving 17 years as the company's Chief Executive Officer and, before that, 7 years as its Chief Financial Officer. Prior to Badger Meter, Mr. Meeusen was Chief Financial Officer of Zenith Sintered Products and, before that, worked for Arthur Andersen & Co as a Senior Manager. In addition to his board service at LiqTech, Mr. Meeusen previously served for 16 years as a director of Menasha Corporation, a $2 billion privately-held packaging and display equipment company and for 8 years on the board of Serigraph Corporation. Mr. Meeusen founded The Water Council in 2007, a 180-member industry trade group where he still serves as a director. Mr. Meeusen earned an MBA degree from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.
Richard Meeusen自2020年8月26日起担任董事。Meeusen先生最近担任BadgerMeter,Inc.的总裁、首席执行官和董事长,该公司是一家主要面向水行业的流量测量设备的公开上市国际制造商和销售商。Meeusen先生在担任公司首席执行官17年后,于2018年12月31日退休,不再担任首席执行官。在加入Badger Meter之前,Meeusen先生是Zenith烧结产品的首席财务官,在此之前曾在Arthur Andersen&Co担任高级经理。除了在Badger Meter的董事会服务外,Meeusen先生还担任Menasha Corporation的董事,该公司是一家价值20亿美元的私人包装和显示设备公司,此前曾在Serigraph Corporation的董事会任职8年。他于2007年创立the Water Council(由180名成员组成的公司行业贸易集团),在那里他仍担任董事。Meeusen先生在西北大学凯洛格管理学院(Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University)获得MBA学位。
Richard Meeusen,has served as a Director since August 26, 2020 and currently serves as the Chairman of the Audit Committee. Mr. Meeusen most recently served as President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Badger Meter, Inc., a publicly traded international manufacturer and seller of flow measurement equipment, primarily to the water industry. Mr. Meeusen retired as Chief Executive Officer on December 31, 2018 after serving 17 years as the company's Chief Executive Officer and, before that, 7 years as its Chief Financial Officer. Prior to Badger Meter, Mr. Meeusen was Chief Financial Officer of Zenith Sintered Products and, before that, worked for Arthur Andersen & Co as a Senior Manager. In addition to his board service at LiqTech, Mr. Meeusen previously served for 16 years as a director of Menasha Corporation, a $2 billion privately-held packaging and display equipment company and for 8 years on the board of Serigraph Corporation. Mr. Meeusen founded The Water Council in 2007, a 180-member industry trade group where he still serves as a director. Mr. Meeusen earned an MBA degree from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.
Fei Chen

陈菲,自2022年9月12日起担任董事兼首席执行官。陈女士最近担任Topsoe A/S(“Topsoe”)全球商业高级副总裁,该公司是清洁能源催化剂和化学工艺领域的全球领导者,收入62.25亿丹麦克朗(约8.5亿美元)。在担任Topsoe高级副总裁之前,陈女士曾担任该公司化学技术业务和销售副总裁(2017-2020年)和全球研发副总裁(2014-2017年)。此外,陈女士自2021年起担任Liquid Wind AB(瑞典)董事会成员,自2018年起担任江苏JiTRI-Topsoe清洁能源研究发展有限公司(中国)董事会成员。2013年至2018年,陈女士还担任Brunata International A/S(丹麦)董事会成员。陈女士在丹麦技术大学(DTU)获得高分子材料博士学位,并在中国浙江大学获得生物化学工程硕士学位和化学工程学士学位。她还曾就读于IMD商学院,在那里她获得了商业融资和高级高绩效领导力方面的证书。她还毕业于斯坦福大学商学院的斯坦福高管项目。

Fei Chen,has served as a Director and Chief Executive Officer since September 12, 2022. Ms. Chen most recently served as Senior Vice President, Global Commercials of Topsoe A/S ("Topsoe"), a world leader in catalysts and chemical processes for clean energy, with revenue of DKK 6.225 billion (approx. US$850 million) in 2021. Prior to serving as Senior Vice President of Topsoe, Ms. Chen served as its Vice President of Chemical Technology Business and Sales (2017-2020) and Vice President of Global Research and Development (2014-2017). Additionally, Ms. Chen has served as a Board Member of Liquid Wind AB (Sweden) since 2021 and a Board Member of Jiangsu JiTRI-Topsoe Clean Energy Research and Development Co. Ltd. (China) since 2018. From 2013 to 2018, Ms. Chen also served as a Board Member of Brunata International A/S (Denmark). Ms. Chen earned her Ph.D. in Polymer Materials from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and holds a Master of Biochemical Engineering degree and a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering from Zhejiang University in China. She also attended the IMD Business School where she received certificates in Business Financing and Advanced High-Performance Leadership. She also graduated from the Stanford Executive Program at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.
陈菲,自2022年9月12日起担任董事兼首席执行官。陈女士最近担任Topsoe A/S(“Topsoe”)全球商业高级副总裁,该公司是清洁能源催化剂和化学工艺领域的全球领导者,收入62.25亿丹麦克朗(约8.5亿美元)。在担任Topsoe高级副总裁之前,陈女士曾担任该公司化学技术业务和销售副总裁(2017-2020年)和全球研发副总裁(2014-2017年)。此外,陈女士自2021年起担任Liquid Wind AB(瑞典)董事会成员,自2018年起担任江苏JiTRI-Topsoe清洁能源研究发展有限公司(中国)董事会成员。2013年至2018年,陈女士还担任Brunata International A/S(丹麦)董事会成员。陈女士在丹麦技术大学(DTU)获得高分子材料博士学位,并在中国浙江大学获得生物化学工程硕士学位和化学工程学士学位。她还曾就读于IMD商学院,在那里她获得了商业融资和高级高绩效领导力方面的证书。她还毕业于斯坦福大学商学院的斯坦福高管项目。
Fei Chen,has served as a Director and Chief Executive Officer since September 12, 2022. Ms. Chen most recently served as Senior Vice President, Global Commercials of Topsoe A/S ("Topsoe"), a world leader in catalysts and chemical processes for clean energy, with revenue of DKK 6.225 billion (approx. US$850 million) in 2021. Prior to serving as Senior Vice President of Topsoe, Ms. Chen served as its Vice President of Chemical Technology Business and Sales (2017-2020) and Vice President of Global Research and Development (2014-2017). Additionally, Ms. Chen has served as a Board Member of Liquid Wind AB (Sweden) since 2021 and a Board Member of Jiangsu JiTRI-Topsoe Clean Energy Research and Development Co. Ltd. (China) since 2018. From 2013 to 2018, Ms. Chen also served as a Board Member of Brunata International A/S (Denmark). Ms. Chen earned her Ph.D. in Polymer Materials from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and holds a Master of Biochemical Engineering degree and a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering from Zhejiang University in China. She also attended the IMD Business School where she received certificates in Business Financing and Advanced High-Performance Leadership. She also graduated from the Stanford Executive Program at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.
Martin Kunz

Martin Kunz,自2023年6月23日起担任董事。Kunz先生目前担任Concentric AB的总裁兼首席执行官,该公司是一家在瑞典证券交易所上市的全球上市公司,专门提供流量控制和流体动力方面的创新解决方案。在担任Concentric AB总裁兼首席执行官之前,Kunz先生曾在2015年至2021年期间在全球领先的水技术公司Xylem Inc.(纽约证券交易所代码:XYL)担任多个高级商务和一般管理职务,在赛莱默之前担任滨特尔 PLC(纽约证券交易所代码:PNR)供应管理阀门和控制副总裁,该公司是一家水和流体解决方案、阀门和控制、设备保护和热管理产品的全球制造商。Kunz先生拥有德国凯泽斯劳滕大学工业工程学位。

Martin Kunz,has served as a Director since June 23, 2023. Mr. Kunz currently serves as the President and CEO of Concentric AB, a publicly traded globally operating company listed on the Swedish Stock Exchange that specializes in innovative solutions in flow control and fluid power. Prior to serving as President and CEO of Concentric AB, Mr. Kunz served between 2015 and 2021 in several Senior Commercial and General Management roles at Xylem Inc., (NYSE:XYL), a global leader in water technologies, and prior to Xylem as Vice President Supply Management Valves & Controls at Pentair PLC (NYSE:PNR), a global manufacturer of water and fluid solutions, valves and controls, equipment protection and thermal management products. Mr. Kunz holds a degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Martin Kunz,自2023年6月23日起担任董事。Kunz先生目前担任Concentric AB的总裁兼首席执行官,该公司是一家在瑞典证券交易所上市的全球上市公司,专门提供流量控制和流体动力方面的创新解决方案。在担任Concentric AB总裁兼首席执行官之前,Kunz先生曾在2015年至2021年期间在全球领先的水技术公司Xylem Inc.(纽约证券交易所代码:XYL)担任多个高级商务和一般管理职务,在赛莱默之前担任滨特尔 PLC(纽约证券交易所代码:PNR)供应管理阀门和控制副总裁,该公司是一家水和流体解决方案、阀门和控制、设备保护和热管理产品的全球制造商。Kunz先生拥有德国凯泽斯劳滕大学工业工程学位。
Martin Kunz,has served as a Director since June 23, 2023. Mr. Kunz currently serves as the President and CEO of Concentric AB, a publicly traded globally operating company listed on the Swedish Stock Exchange that specializes in innovative solutions in flow control and fluid power. Prior to serving as President and CEO of Concentric AB, Mr. Kunz served between 2015 and 2021 in several Senior Commercial and General Management roles at Xylem Inc., (NYSE:XYL), a global leader in water technologies, and prior to Xylem as Vice President Supply Management Valves & Controls at Pentair PLC (NYSE:PNR), a global manufacturer of water and fluid solutions, valves and controls, equipment protection and thermal management products. Mr. Kunz holds a degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Alexander J. Buehler

Alexander J. Buehler在2011年5月加入公司,并担任公司的首席财务官。Buehler先生是有高度影响力的业务执行官,有着在公司总体管理,战略计划和新产品开发,公司发展,业务管理和生产方面的多年经历。在加入Energy Recovery之前,他在Insituform Technologies, Inc.(现Aegion公司,纳斯达克:AEGN,一家全球性知名的城市和工业用水的基础设施和服务供应商)工作了7年,担任一些行政职位,并不断升职。在Insituform的时候,Buehler先生在美国和外国分公司担任了一些行政级职位,包括欧洲分公司的副总裁。Buehler先生在全球性用水行业有丰富的经历,并在石油和天然气市场上的收购案例有重要的贡献。Buehler先生曾获得美国西点陆军军官学校的土木工程学士学位和宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院的工商管理硕士学位。

Alexander J. Buehler,has served as a Director since August 11, 2017 and as Chairman of the Board of Directors since June 23, 2023. He currently serves as the President and CEO of Integrated Water Services, a PE-backed company focused on the design-build of water and wastewater treatment systems along with the provision of MBR (membrane bioreactor) products and technologies. Beforehand, he served as the Company's Interim CEO from March 17, 2022, to September 12, 2022, before which he served as President and CEO of the Brock Group, a leading industrial services provider to multiple industries. Prior thereto, Mr. Buehler served as the EVP of Global Resources for Intertek, the President and CEO of Energy Maintenance Services, and the CFO of Energy Recovery. Mr. Buehler also serves on the Board of Energy Recovery, and he has previously served on the Board of Viscount Systems. He received a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the United States Military Academy at West Point and an MBA in Finance from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.
Alexander J. Buehler在2011年5月加入公司,并担任公司的首席财务官。Buehler先生是有高度影响力的业务执行官,有着在公司总体管理,战略计划和新产品开发,公司发展,业务管理和生产方面的多年经历。在加入Energy Recovery之前,他在Insituform Technologies, Inc.(现Aegion公司,纳斯达克:AEGN,一家全球性知名的城市和工业用水的基础设施和服务供应商)工作了7年,担任一些行政职位,并不断升职。在Insituform的时候,Buehler先生在美国和外国分公司担任了一些行政级职位,包括欧洲分公司的副总裁。Buehler先生在全球性用水行业有丰富的经历,并在石油和天然气市场上的收购案例有重要的贡献。Buehler先生曾获得美国西点陆军军官学校的土木工程学士学位和宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院的工商管理硕士学位。
Alexander J. Buehler,has served as a Director since August 11, 2017 and as Chairman of the Board of Directors since June 23, 2023. He currently serves as the President and CEO of Integrated Water Services, a PE-backed company focused on the design-build of water and wastewater treatment systems along with the provision of MBR (membrane bioreactor) products and technologies. Beforehand, he served as the Company's Interim CEO from March 17, 2022, to September 12, 2022, before which he served as President and CEO of the Brock Group, a leading industrial services provider to multiple industries. Prior thereto, Mr. Buehler served as the EVP of Global Resources for Intertek, the President and CEO of Energy Maintenance Services, and the CFO of Energy Recovery. Mr. Buehler also serves on the Board of Energy Recovery, and he has previously served on the Board of Viscount Systems. He received a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the United States Military Academy at West Point and an MBA in Finance from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.


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Fei Chen

陈菲,自2022年9月12日起担任董事兼首席执行官。陈女士最近担任Topsoe A/S(“Topsoe”)全球商业高级副总裁,该公司是清洁能源催化剂和化学工艺领域的全球领导者,收入62.25亿丹麦克朗(约8.5亿美元)。在担任Topsoe高级副总裁之前,陈女士曾担任该公司化学技术业务和销售副总裁(2017-2020年)和全球研发副总裁(2014-2017年)。此外,陈女士自2021年起担任Liquid Wind AB(瑞典)董事会成员,自2018年起担任江苏JiTRI-Topsoe清洁能源研究发展有限公司(中国)董事会成员。2013年至2018年,陈女士还担任Brunata International A/S(丹麦)董事会成员。陈女士在丹麦技术大学(DTU)获得高分子材料博士学位,并在中国浙江大学获得生物化学工程硕士学位和化学工程学士学位。她还曾就读于IMD商学院,在那里她获得了商业融资和高级高绩效领导力方面的证书。她还毕业于斯坦福大学商学院的斯坦福高管项目。

Fei Chen,has served as a Director and Chief Executive Officer since September 12, 2022. Ms. Chen most recently served as Senior Vice President, Global Commercials of Topsoe A/S ("Topsoe"), a world leader in catalysts and chemical processes for clean energy, with revenue of DKK 6.225 billion (approx. US$850 million) in 2021. Prior to serving as Senior Vice President of Topsoe, Ms. Chen served as its Vice President of Chemical Technology Business and Sales (2017-2020) and Vice President of Global Research and Development (2014-2017). Additionally, Ms. Chen has served as a Board Member of Liquid Wind AB (Sweden) since 2021 and a Board Member of Jiangsu JiTRI-Topsoe Clean Energy Research and Development Co. Ltd. (China) since 2018. From 2013 to 2018, Ms. Chen also served as a Board Member of Brunata International A/S (Denmark). Ms. Chen earned her Ph.D. in Polymer Materials from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and holds a Master of Biochemical Engineering degree and a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering from Zhejiang University in China. She also attended the IMD Business School where she received certificates in Business Financing and Advanced High-Performance Leadership. She also graduated from the Stanford Executive Program at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.
陈菲,自2022年9月12日起担任董事兼首席执行官。陈女士最近担任Topsoe A/S(“Topsoe”)全球商业高级副总裁,该公司是清洁能源催化剂和化学工艺领域的全球领导者,收入62.25亿丹麦克朗(约8.5亿美元)。在担任Topsoe高级副总裁之前,陈女士曾担任该公司化学技术业务和销售副总裁(2017-2020年)和全球研发副总裁(2014-2017年)。此外,陈女士自2021年起担任Liquid Wind AB(瑞典)董事会成员,自2018年起担任江苏JiTRI-Topsoe清洁能源研究发展有限公司(中国)董事会成员。2013年至2018年,陈女士还担任Brunata International A/S(丹麦)董事会成员。陈女士在丹麦技术大学(DTU)获得高分子材料博士学位,并在中国浙江大学获得生物化学工程硕士学位和化学工程学士学位。她还曾就读于IMD商学院,在那里她获得了商业融资和高级高绩效领导力方面的证书。她还毕业于斯坦福大学商学院的斯坦福高管项目。
Fei Chen,has served as a Director and Chief Executive Officer since September 12, 2022. Ms. Chen most recently served as Senior Vice President, Global Commercials of Topsoe A/S ("Topsoe"), a world leader in catalysts and chemical processes for clean energy, with revenue of DKK 6.225 billion (approx. US$850 million) in 2021. Prior to serving as Senior Vice President of Topsoe, Ms. Chen served as its Vice President of Chemical Technology Business and Sales (2017-2020) and Vice President of Global Research and Development (2014-2017). Additionally, Ms. Chen has served as a Board Member of Liquid Wind AB (Sweden) since 2021 and a Board Member of Jiangsu JiTRI-Topsoe Clean Energy Research and Development Co. Ltd. (China) since 2018. From 2013 to 2018, Ms. Chen also served as a Board Member of Brunata International A/S (Denmark). Ms. Chen earned her Ph.D. in Polymer Materials from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and holds a Master of Biochemical Engineering degree and a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering from Zhejiang University in China. She also attended the IMD Business School where she received certificates in Business Financing and Advanced High-Performance Leadership. She also graduated from the Stanford Executive Program at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.
Simon Stadil

Simon Stadil,自2021年11月15日起担任LiqTech International,Inc.的首席财务官。在此之前,他曾担任Welltec的财务和投资者关系总监(2013-2016年)、美洲和非洲区域首席财务官(2017-2019年),以及全球金融副总裁(2019-2021年)。Welltec是一家为石油和天然气行业提供机器人油井解决方案的国际供应商,年收入约为2.5亿美元。此外,Stadil先生于2008年至2009年担任Orsted丹麦可再生能源和公用事业公司的助理融资经理,并于2010年至2012年担任伦敦巴克莱银行资本公司北欧投资银行部的助理副总裁。Stadil先生拥有哥本哈根商学院工商管理学士学位和经济学与金融学硕士学位(Cand.Merc.Fir)。施塔迪尔先生在公司融资、风险管理和资本市场方面的丰富经验,他在各种咨询职位上的深入管理经验,以及他在全球石油和能源领域垂直整合的技术驱动型公司的经验,使他成为公司首席财务官职位的有吸引力的候选人。

Simon Stadil,has served as Chief Financial Officer of LiqTech International, Inc. since November 15, 2021. Prior to such time, he served as Director of Treasury & Investor Relations (2013-2016), Regional CFO Americas and Africa (2017-2019), and Vice President of Global Finance (2019-2021) of Welltec, an international provider of robotic well solutions for the oil and gas industry with approximately $250 million in annual revenue. Additionally, Mr. Stadil served as Assistant Funding Manager within the Danish renewable & utility company of Orsted from 2008 to 2009, as well as Assistant Vice President within the Nordic Investment Banking Division at Barclays Capital in London from 2010 to 2012. Mr. Stadil holds a Bsc. in Business Administration and a Msc. in Economics and Finance (Cand.Merc.Fir) from Copenhagen Business School. Mr. Stadil's substantial experience within corporate finance, risk management, and capital markets, his in-depth management experience from a variety of advisory positions, and his experience with vertically integrated technology-driven companies within the global oil & energy sector made him an attractive candidate for the position of Chief Financial Officer of the Company.
Simon Stadil,自2021年11月15日起担任LiqTech International,Inc.的首席财务官。在此之前,他曾担任Welltec的财务和投资者关系总监(2013-2016年)、美洲和非洲区域首席财务官(2017-2019年),以及全球金融副总裁(2019-2021年)。Welltec是一家为石油和天然气行业提供机器人油井解决方案的国际供应商,年收入约为2.5亿美元。此外,Stadil先生于2008年至2009年担任Orsted丹麦可再生能源和公用事业公司的助理融资经理,并于2010年至2012年担任伦敦巴克莱银行资本公司北欧投资银行部的助理副总裁。Stadil先生拥有哥本哈根商学院工商管理学士学位和经济学与金融学硕士学位(Cand.Merc.Fir)。施塔迪尔先生在公司融资、风险管理和资本市场方面的丰富经验,他在各种咨询职位上的深入管理经验,以及他在全球石油和能源领域垂直整合的技术驱动型公司的经验,使他成为公司首席财务官职位的有吸引力的候选人。
Simon Stadil,has served as Chief Financial Officer of LiqTech International, Inc. since November 15, 2021. Prior to such time, he served as Director of Treasury & Investor Relations (2013-2016), Regional CFO Americas and Africa (2017-2019), and Vice President of Global Finance (2019-2021) of Welltec, an international provider of robotic well solutions for the oil and gas industry with approximately $250 million in annual revenue. Additionally, Mr. Stadil served as Assistant Funding Manager within the Danish renewable & utility company of Orsted from 2008 to 2009, as well as Assistant Vice President within the Nordic Investment Banking Division at Barclays Capital in London from 2010 to 2012. Mr. Stadil holds a Bsc. in Business Administration and a Msc. in Economics and Finance (Cand.Merc.Fir) from Copenhagen Business School. Mr. Stadil's substantial experience within corporate finance, risk management, and capital markets, his in-depth management experience from a variety of advisory positions, and his experience with vertically integrated technology-driven companies within the global oil & energy sector made him an attractive candidate for the position of Chief Financial Officer of the Company.