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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
J. David Hansen Chairman of the Board of Directors, President and Chief Executive Officer 65 98.93万美元 未持股 2017-03-01
Jeffrey F. Eisenberg Director 51 5.56万美元 未持股 2017-03-01
Jeffrey V. Ravetch Director 65 10.04万美元 未持股 2017-03-01
Kenneth M. Cohen Director 61 6.63万美元 未持股 2017-03-01
Philip O. Livingston Director 74 230.00万美元 未持股 2017-03-01
Thomas C. Varvaro Director 47 5.28万美元 未持股 2017-03-01
Robert E. Hoffman Director 51 5.93万美元 未持股 2017-03-01
Paul V. Maier Director 69 6.63万美元 未持股 2017-03-01



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
J. David Hansen Chairman of the Board of Directors, President and Chief Executive Officer 65 98.93万美元 未持股 2017-03-01
Gregory P. Hanson Chief Financial Officer 70 45.36万美元 未持股 2017-03-01
Paul W. Maffuid Executive Vice President of Research and Development 61 46.60万美元 未持股 2017-03-01
Paul Resnick Vice President and Chief Business Officer 59 59.91万美元 未持股 2017-03-01


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J. David Hansen

J. David Hansen,公司总裁、首席执行官兼董事长;在2014年7月8日与Telik, Inc.合并之前,自2006年联合成立MabVax Therapeutics, Inc.起担任其总裁、首席执行官兼董事长。他是一名资深的生物制药领域高管,有着超过30年的行业经验。他担任过私营初创公司和中小型上市公司的高管职位。他的高级经验包括执行管理、财会、企业开发、销售与营销等。在他的事业中,他负责了多个许可协议的出入、研发协调、合资企业、资产剥离和收购事务。他在免疫、肿瘤和传染病治疗领域都有专业知识。他在联合成立公司之前获得了数个生命科学公司的执行管理经验,这使他特别适应公司的领导职位,例如,他是Avanir Pharmaceuticals的高管,担任商业发展副总裁、企业开发高级副总裁、the Avanir Subsidiary Xenerex Biosciences的总裁兼首席运营官等。在Avanir之前,他在Dura Pharmaceuticals担任国内销售主管、营销主管、业务开发主管等多个职位。他还有在Merck & Co. (Schering-Plough), Key Pharmaceuticals, 和Bristol Myers Squibb的管理经验。

J. David Hansen serves as our President, Chief Executive Officer “CEO”, and as Chairman of our Board of Directors and, prior to the merger with Telik, Inc. on July 8 2014 (the “Merger”), served as President, CEO, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of MabVax Therapeutics, Inc. after co-founding the Company in 2006. Mr. Hansen is an experienced biopharmaceutical executive with more than 30 years of industry experience. He has held senior management roles in both private start-up companies as well as small to mid-sized public companies. His senior level experience includes executive management, finance and accounting, corporate development, sales and marketing. During his career, Mr. Hansen has executed a wide variety of in and out licensing agreements, research and development collaborations, joint ventures, divestitures, and acquisitions. Mr. Hansen has developed expertise in the therapeutic areas of immunology, oncology, and infectious disease. Mr. Hansen gained executive management experience at several life sciences companies prior to co-founding the Company that make him particularly suited for his leadership role in the Company. For example, he was a corporate officer of Avanir Pharmaceuticals where he held the titles of Vice President of Commercial Development, Senior Vice President of Corporate Development, and President and Chief Operations Officer of the Avanir Subsidiary Xenerex Biosciences. Prior to Avanir, Mr. Hansen served in multiple roles at Dura Pharmaceuticals including National Sales Director, Director of Marketing, and Director of Business Development. He has additional management experience with Merck & Co. (Schering-Plough), Key Pharmaceuticals, and Bristol Myers Squibb.
J. David Hansen,公司总裁、首席执行官兼董事长;在2014年7月8日与Telik, Inc.合并之前,自2006年联合成立MabVax Therapeutics, Inc.起担任其总裁、首席执行官兼董事长。他是一名资深的生物制药领域高管,有着超过30年的行业经验。他担任过私营初创公司和中小型上市公司的高管职位。他的高级经验包括执行管理、财会、企业开发、销售与营销等。在他的事业中,他负责了多个许可协议的出入、研发协调、合资企业、资产剥离和收购事务。他在免疫、肿瘤和传染病治疗领域都有专业知识。他在联合成立公司之前获得了数个生命科学公司的执行管理经验,这使他特别适应公司的领导职位,例如,他是Avanir Pharmaceuticals的高管,担任商业发展副总裁、企业开发高级副总裁、the Avanir Subsidiary Xenerex Biosciences的总裁兼首席运营官等。在Avanir之前,他在Dura Pharmaceuticals担任国内销售主管、营销主管、业务开发主管等多个职位。他还有在Merck & Co. (Schering-Plough), Key Pharmaceuticals, 和Bristol Myers Squibb的管理经验。
J. David Hansen serves as our President, Chief Executive Officer “CEO”, and as Chairman of our Board of Directors and, prior to the merger with Telik, Inc. on July 8 2014 (the “Merger”), served as President, CEO, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of MabVax Therapeutics, Inc. after co-founding the Company in 2006. Mr. Hansen is an experienced biopharmaceutical executive with more than 30 years of industry experience. He has held senior management roles in both private start-up companies as well as small to mid-sized public companies. His senior level experience includes executive management, finance and accounting, corporate development, sales and marketing. During his career, Mr. Hansen has executed a wide variety of in and out licensing agreements, research and development collaborations, joint ventures, divestitures, and acquisitions. Mr. Hansen has developed expertise in the therapeutic areas of immunology, oncology, and infectious disease. Mr. Hansen gained executive management experience at several life sciences companies prior to co-founding the Company that make him particularly suited for his leadership role in the Company. For example, he was a corporate officer of Avanir Pharmaceuticals where he held the titles of Vice President of Commercial Development, Senior Vice President of Corporate Development, and President and Chief Operations Officer of the Avanir Subsidiary Xenerex Biosciences. Prior to Avanir, Mr. Hansen served in multiple roles at Dura Pharmaceuticals including National Sales Director, Director of Marketing, and Director of Business Development. He has additional management experience with Merck & Co. (Schering-Plough), Key Pharmaceuticals, and Bristol Myers Squibb.
Jeffrey F. Eisenberg

Jeffrey F. Eisenberg自2016年12月2日起担任首席运营官,于2017年10月26日被任命为Xenetic Biosciences, Inc.首席执行官,并自2016年7月起担任Xenetic Biosciences, Inc.董事会成员。Eisenberg先生以前曾在久光制药公司的子公司诺文制药公司(“诺文”)工作,在那里他担任过越来越多的职务,最近在2009-2016年期间担任诺文公司总裁、首席执行官和董事会成员。Eisenberg先生此前于2016年2月起担任Mabvax Therapeutics Holdings独立董事,至2018年7月辞职。Eisenberg先生在哥伦比亚大学法学院获得法学博士学位,在宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院获得经济学学士学位。

Jeffrey F. Eisenberg,was appointed Xenetic Biosciences, Inc. Chief Executive Officer on October 26, 2017, after serving as Chief Operating Officer since December 2, 2016, and has served as a member of Xenetic Biosciences, Inc. Board since July 2016. Mr. Eisenberg previously worked at Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ("Noven"), a subsidiary of Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical, Inc., where he held various positions of increasing responsibility, most recently serving from 2009-2016 as Noven's president, chief executive officer and as a member of its board of directors. Mr. Eisenberg previously served as an independent director for Mabvax Therapeutics Holdings, Inc. from February 2016 until his resignation in July 2018. Mr. Eisenberg obtained his J.D. at Columbia University Law School and a B.S. in Economics from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.
Jeffrey F. Eisenberg自2016年12月2日起担任首席运营官,于2017年10月26日被任命为Xenetic Biosciences, Inc.首席执行官,并自2016年7月起担任Xenetic Biosciences, Inc.董事会成员。Eisenberg先生以前曾在久光制药公司的子公司诺文制药公司(“诺文”)工作,在那里他担任过越来越多的职务,最近在2009-2016年期间担任诺文公司总裁、首席执行官和董事会成员。Eisenberg先生此前于2016年2月起担任Mabvax Therapeutics Holdings独立董事,至2018年7月辞职。Eisenberg先生在哥伦比亚大学法学院获得法学博士学位,在宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院获得经济学学士学位。
Jeffrey F. Eisenberg,was appointed Xenetic Biosciences, Inc. Chief Executive Officer on October 26, 2017, after serving as Chief Operating Officer since December 2, 2016, and has served as a member of Xenetic Biosciences, Inc. Board since July 2016. Mr. Eisenberg previously worked at Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ("Noven"), a subsidiary of Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical, Inc., where he held various positions of increasing responsibility, most recently serving from 2009-2016 as Noven's president, chief executive officer and as a member of its board of directors. Mr. Eisenberg previously served as an independent director for Mabvax Therapeutics Holdings, Inc. from February 2016 until his resignation in July 2018. Mr. Eisenberg obtained his J.D. at Columbia University Law School and a B.S. in Economics from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.
Jeffrey V. Ravetch

Jeffrey V. Ravetch担任董事会成员,在合并之前,自2014年3月起担任MabVax Therapeutics,Inc。董事会成员。Ravetch博士曾担任Theresa和Eugene Lang洛克菲勒大学教授,1997年以来担任伦纳德·瓦格纳分子遗传学和免疫学实验室负责人。拉维奇博士是纽约市人,他在耶鲁大学接受了分子生物物理学和生物化学的本科培训,并获得了理学学士学位。 1973年与Donald M. Crothers一起获得博士学位,研究合成寡核糖核苷酸的热力学和动力学性质。 Ravetch博士在洛克菲勒大学-康奈尔医学院获得医学博士学位。 1978年获得诺顿·辛德(Norton Zinder)和彼得·彼得(Peter Model)的遗传学博士学位,研究单链DNA噬菌体f1的病毒复制和基因表达的遗传学,并于1979年获得了康奈尔大学医学院的医学博士学位。 Ravetch博士与Phil Leder一起在NIH从事博士后研究,在那里他鉴定并鉴定了人类抗体的基因以及涉及开关重组的DNA元素。从1982年到1996年,Ravetch博士是斯隆·凯特琳纪念癌症中心和康奈尔医学院的成员。他的实验室侧重于抗体在体内介导其多种生物学活性的机制,确立了FcR途径在宿主防御,炎症和耐受中的优越性,并描述了新颖的抑制性信号传导途径,以解释抗体在促进和防御中的悖论作用。抑制炎症。他的工作扩展到了肿瘤,炎症和感染性疾病的临床应用。 Ravetch博士获得了无数奖项,包括Burroughs-Wellcome学者奖,Pew学者奖,Boyer奖,NIH优异奖,Lee C. Howley资深奖-2004,AAI-Huang基金会杰出职业奖-2005。 William B. Coley奖-2007赛诺菲-巴斯德奖-2012和Gairdner国际奖-2012他举办了无数次演讲,包括Kunkel演讲,Ecker演讲,Goidl演讲,Grabar演讲,Dyer演讲以及海德堡/卡巴特讲座。他获得了纽伦堡/埃尔兰根市弗雷德里希-亚历山大大学的名誉博士学位。他是美国国家科学院院士-2006医学研究所-2007美国艺术与科学研究院院士-2008和美国科学促进会院士-2009 Ravetch博士为通过担任癌症研究所,欧文顿医学研究所和戴蒙·鲁尼恩基金会的科学顾问委员会成员来发展科学界。在过去的二十年中,他一直活跃于生物技术领域,曾担任千年制药公司,Exelexis制药公司,Regeneron制药公司,Medimmune,Genentech,诺华,默克,Micromet,Xencor,Suppremol,Igenica, Portola制药公司和Momenta制药公司。

Jeffrey V. Ravetch serves as a member of our Board of Directors and, prior to the Merger, served as a member of the Board of Directors of MabVax Therapeutics, Inc. since March 2014. Dr. Ravetch has served as the Theresa and Eugene Lang Professor at the Rockefeller University and Head of the Leonard Wagner Laboratory of Molecular Genetics and Immunology since 1997. Dr. Ravetch, a native of New York City, received his undergraduate training in molecular biophysics and biochemistry at Yale University, earning his B.S. degree in 1973 working with Donald M. Crothers on the thermodynamic and kinetic properties of synthetic oligoribonucleotides. Dr. Ravetch continued his training at the Rockefeller University-Cornell Medical School MD/Ph.D. program, earning his doctorate in 1978 in genetics with Norton Zinder and Peter Model, investigating the genetics of viral replication and gene expression for the single stranded DNA bacteriophage f1 and in 1979 he earned his M.D. from Cornell University Medical School. Dr. Ravetch pursued postdoctoral studies at the NIH with Phil Leder where he identified and characterized the genes for human antibodies and the DNA elements involved in switch recombination. From 1982 to 1996 Dr. Ravetch was a member of the faculty of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Cornell Medical College. His laboratory has focused on the mechanisms by which antibodies mediate their diverse biological activities in vivo, establishing the pre-eminence of FcR pathways in host defense, inflammation and tolerance and describing novel inhibitory signaling pathways to account for the paradoxical roles of antibodies as promoting and suppressing inflammation. His work extended into clinical applications for the treatment of neoplastic, inflammatory and infectious diseases. Dr. Ravetch has received numerous awards including the Burroughs-Wellcome Scholar Award, the Pew Scholar Award, the Boyer Award, the NIH Merit Award, the Lee C. Howley, Sr. Prize -2004 the AAI-Huang Foundation Meritorious Career Award -2005 the William B. Coley Award -2007 the Sanofi-Pasteur Award -2012 and the Gairdner International Prize -2012 He has presented numerous named lectures including the Kunkel Lecture, the Ecker Lecture, the Goidl Lecture, the Grabar Lecture, the Dyer Lecture and the Heidelberger/Kabat Lecture. He has received an honorary doctorate from Freidrich-Alexander University, Nuremberg/Erlangen. He is a member of National Academy of Sciences -2006 the Institute of Medicine -2007 a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences -2008 and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science -2009 Dr. Ravetch has contributed extensively to the scientific community by serving as a member of the Scientific Advisory Boards of the Cancer Research Institute, the Irvington Institute for Medical Research and the Damon Runyon Foundation. He has been active in biotechnology for the last two decades, having served as a consultant or member of the Scientific Advisory Boards of Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Exelexis Pharmaceuticals, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Medimmune, Genentech, Novartis, Merck, Micromet, Xencor, Suppremol, Igenica, Portola Pharmaceuticals and Momenta Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Jeffrey V. Ravetch担任董事会成员,在合并之前,自2014年3月起担任MabVax Therapeutics,Inc。董事会成员。Ravetch博士曾担任Theresa和Eugene Lang洛克菲勒大学教授,1997年以来担任伦纳德·瓦格纳分子遗传学和免疫学实验室负责人。拉维奇博士是纽约市人,他在耶鲁大学接受了分子生物物理学和生物化学的本科培训,并获得了理学学士学位。 1973年与Donald M. Crothers一起获得博士学位,研究合成寡核糖核苷酸的热力学和动力学性质。 Ravetch博士在洛克菲勒大学-康奈尔医学院获得医学博士学位。 1978年获得诺顿·辛德(Norton Zinder)和彼得·彼得(Peter Model)的遗传学博士学位,研究单链DNA噬菌体f1的病毒复制和基因表达的遗传学,并于1979年获得了康奈尔大学医学院的医学博士学位。 Ravetch博士与Phil Leder一起在NIH从事博士后研究,在那里他鉴定并鉴定了人类抗体的基因以及涉及开关重组的DNA元素。从1982年到1996年,Ravetch博士是斯隆·凯特琳纪念癌症中心和康奈尔医学院的成员。他的实验室侧重于抗体在体内介导其多种生物学活性的机制,确立了FcR途径在宿主防御,炎症和耐受中的优越性,并描述了新颖的抑制性信号传导途径,以解释抗体在促进和防御中的悖论作用。抑制炎症。他的工作扩展到了肿瘤,炎症和感染性疾病的临床应用。 Ravetch博士获得了无数奖项,包括Burroughs-Wellcome学者奖,Pew学者奖,Boyer奖,NIH优异奖,Lee C. Howley资深奖-2004,AAI-Huang基金会杰出职业奖-2005。 William B. Coley奖-2007赛诺菲-巴斯德奖-2012和Gairdner国际奖-2012他举办了无数次演讲,包括Kunkel演讲,Ecker演讲,Goidl演讲,Grabar演讲,Dyer演讲以及海德堡/卡巴特讲座。他获得了纽伦堡/埃尔兰根市弗雷德里希-亚历山大大学的名誉博士学位。他是美国国家科学院院士-2006医学研究所-2007美国艺术与科学研究院院士-2008和美国科学促进会院士-2009 Ravetch博士为通过担任癌症研究所,欧文顿医学研究所和戴蒙·鲁尼恩基金会的科学顾问委员会成员来发展科学界。在过去的二十年中,他一直活跃于生物技术领域,曾担任千年制药公司,Exelexis制药公司,Regeneron制药公司,Medimmune,Genentech,诺华,默克,Micromet,Xencor,Suppremol,Igenica, Portola制药公司和Momenta制药公司。
Jeffrey V. Ravetch serves as a member of our Board of Directors and, prior to the Merger, served as a member of the Board of Directors of MabVax Therapeutics, Inc. since March 2014. Dr. Ravetch has served as the Theresa and Eugene Lang Professor at the Rockefeller University and Head of the Leonard Wagner Laboratory of Molecular Genetics and Immunology since 1997. Dr. Ravetch, a native of New York City, received his undergraduate training in molecular biophysics and biochemistry at Yale University, earning his B.S. degree in 1973 working with Donald M. Crothers on the thermodynamic and kinetic properties of synthetic oligoribonucleotides. Dr. Ravetch continued his training at the Rockefeller University-Cornell Medical School MD/Ph.D. program, earning his doctorate in 1978 in genetics with Norton Zinder and Peter Model, investigating the genetics of viral replication and gene expression for the single stranded DNA bacteriophage f1 and in 1979 he earned his M.D. from Cornell University Medical School. Dr. Ravetch pursued postdoctoral studies at the NIH with Phil Leder where he identified and characterized the genes for human antibodies and the DNA elements involved in switch recombination. From 1982 to 1996 Dr. Ravetch was a member of the faculty of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Cornell Medical College. His laboratory has focused on the mechanisms by which antibodies mediate their diverse biological activities in vivo, establishing the pre-eminence of FcR pathways in host defense, inflammation and tolerance and describing novel inhibitory signaling pathways to account for the paradoxical roles of antibodies as promoting and suppressing inflammation. His work extended into clinical applications for the treatment of neoplastic, inflammatory and infectious diseases. Dr. Ravetch has received numerous awards including the Burroughs-Wellcome Scholar Award, the Pew Scholar Award, the Boyer Award, the NIH Merit Award, the Lee C. Howley, Sr. Prize -2004 the AAI-Huang Foundation Meritorious Career Award -2005 the William B. Coley Award -2007 the Sanofi-Pasteur Award -2012 and the Gairdner International Prize -2012 He has presented numerous named lectures including the Kunkel Lecture, the Ecker Lecture, the Goidl Lecture, the Grabar Lecture, the Dyer Lecture and the Heidelberger/Kabat Lecture. He has received an honorary doctorate from Freidrich-Alexander University, Nuremberg/Erlangen. He is a member of National Academy of Sciences -2006 the Institute of Medicine -2007 a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences -2008 and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science -2009 Dr. Ravetch has contributed extensively to the scientific community by serving as a member of the Scientific Advisory Boards of the Cancer Research Institute, the Irvington Institute for Medical Research and the Damon Runyon Foundation. He has been active in biotechnology for the last two decades, having served as a consultant or member of the Scientific Advisory Boards of Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Exelexis Pharmaceuticals, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Medimmune, Genentech, Novartis, Merck, Micromet, Xencor, Suppremol, Igenica, Portola Pharmaceuticals and Momenta Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Kenneth M. Cohen

Kenneth M. Cohen,曾担任Mabvax Therapeutics Holdings, Inc.的董事会成员。公司合并之前,他曾担任MabVax Therapeutics, Inc.的董事会成员(2014年7月以来)。2007年以来,他曾一直担任生命科学领域的多家公司、企业家和投资者的董事会成员、执行官和顾问。从2011年1月到2014年8月,他曾担任Adamis Pharmaceuticals Corporation(一个公共制药公司)的董事会成员。他曾担任Somaxon Pharmaceuticals(私人公司)的联席创始人,也曾担任其总裁兼首席执行官(2003年至2007年),继续担任董事(直到2008年6月)。他曾担任Synbiotics Corporation的总裁兼首席执行官、Canji Incorporated(人类基因治疗公司,被 Schering-Plough Corporation收购)的执行副总裁兼首席运营官、 Schering-Plough Corporation的业务事务副总裁,以及LifeCell Corporation的市场及商业开发副总裁。他的职业生涯始于任职Eli Lilly and Company,在那里他曾担任多种职务10年以上,并领导医疗器械系统分部的企业规划,并管理Prozac公司的发布。他持有达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)的生物学和化学学士学位,以及宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania)的工商管理硕士学位。

Kenneth M. Cohen serves as a member of our Board of Directors and, prior to the Merger, served as a member of the Board of Directors of MabVax Therapeutics, Inc. since July of 2014. Since 2007 Mr. Cohen has served either as a board member, executive officer or advisor to various companies, entrepreneurs and investors in the life sciences area. From January 2011 to August 2014 he served as a member of the Board of Directors of Adamis Pharmaceuticals Corporation Nasdaq: ADMP. He was a co-founder of publicly held Somaxon Pharmaceuticals, and served as its President and CEO from 2003 through 2007 and continued as a director until June 2008. Prior to Somaxon Pharmaceuticals, Mr. Cohen gained executive management and board experience through various executive positions that make him suitable for membership on the Board of Directors of the Company. For example, he was President and CEO of Synbiotics Corporation; Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for Canji Incorporated, a human gene-therapy company that was acquired by Schering-Plough Corporation; Vice President of Business Affairs at Argus Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; and Vice President of Marketing and Business Development for LifeCell Corporation. Mr. Cohen began his career at Eli Lilly and Company where, among many different responsibilities over ten years, he directed business planning for the Medical Instrument Systems Division and managed the launch of Prozac. He received an A.B. in biology and chemistry from Dartmouth College and an M.B.A. from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Kenneth M. Cohen,曾担任Mabvax Therapeutics Holdings, Inc.的董事会成员。公司合并之前,他曾担任MabVax Therapeutics, Inc.的董事会成员(2014年7月以来)。2007年以来,他曾一直担任生命科学领域的多家公司、企业家和投资者的董事会成员、执行官和顾问。从2011年1月到2014年8月,他曾担任Adamis Pharmaceuticals Corporation(一个公共制药公司)的董事会成员。他曾担任Somaxon Pharmaceuticals(私人公司)的联席创始人,也曾担任其总裁兼首席执行官(2003年至2007年),继续担任董事(直到2008年6月)。他曾担任Synbiotics Corporation的总裁兼首席执行官、Canji Incorporated(人类基因治疗公司,被 Schering-Plough Corporation收购)的执行副总裁兼首席运营官、 Schering-Plough Corporation的业务事务副总裁,以及LifeCell Corporation的市场及商业开发副总裁。他的职业生涯始于任职Eli Lilly and Company,在那里他曾担任多种职务10年以上,并领导医疗器械系统分部的企业规划,并管理Prozac公司的发布。他持有达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)的生物学和化学学士学位,以及宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania)的工商管理硕士学位。
Kenneth M. Cohen serves as a member of our Board of Directors and, prior to the Merger, served as a member of the Board of Directors of MabVax Therapeutics, Inc. since July of 2014. Since 2007 Mr. Cohen has served either as a board member, executive officer or advisor to various companies, entrepreneurs and investors in the life sciences area. From January 2011 to August 2014 he served as a member of the Board of Directors of Adamis Pharmaceuticals Corporation Nasdaq: ADMP. He was a co-founder of publicly held Somaxon Pharmaceuticals, and served as its President and CEO from 2003 through 2007 and continued as a director until June 2008. Prior to Somaxon Pharmaceuticals, Mr. Cohen gained executive management and board experience through various executive positions that make him suitable for membership on the Board of Directors of the Company. For example, he was President and CEO of Synbiotics Corporation; Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for Canji Incorporated, a human gene-therapy company that was acquired by Schering-Plough Corporation; Vice President of Business Affairs at Argus Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; and Vice President of Marketing and Business Development for LifeCell Corporation. Mr. Cohen began his career at Eli Lilly and Company where, among many different responsibilities over ten years, he directed business planning for the Medical Instrument Systems Division and managed the launch of Prozac. He received an A.B. in biology and chemistry from Dartmouth College and an M.B.A. from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Philip O. Livingston

Philip O. Livingston,曾担任我们的董事会成员兼首席科学官。公司合并之前,他曾担任MabVax Therapeutics, Inc.的董事会成员兼首席科学官(2012年以来)。他持有Harvard Medical School的医学博士学位,也曾担任Cornell University的the Joan and Sanford Weill Medical College的医学教授、Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center的主治医生和成员,在那里他曾治疗黑色素瘤患者,并经营癌症疫苗学实验室研究实验室30年以上,直到2011年10月1日退任MSK公司。他的研究专注于适合各种癌症的免疫治疗的目标识别、建设专门针对这些目标增强抗体反应的多价结合疫苗,以及识别最佳的免疫佐剂,从而进一步增强这些疫苗的效力。他有超过108的出版物,以及有关癌症疫苗的4项专利和3项正在申请的专利。最近,他曾帮助创立MabVax Therapeutics, Inc.,以及Adjuvance Technologies, Inc(其生物技术公司)。MabVax公司支持这些MSK多价疫苗的两种随机二期试验,以及建立免疫血液病的人类单克隆抗体。

Philip O. Livingston serves as a member of our Board of Directors and our Chief Science Officer and, prior to the Merger, served as a member of the Board of Directors and Chief Science Officer of MabVax Therapeutics, Inc. since 2012. He received his MD degree from Harvard Medical School and was Professor of Medicine in the Joan and Sanford Weill Medical College at Cornell University and Attending Physician and Member in Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center where he treated melanoma patients and ran the Cancer Vaccinology Laboratory research lab for over 30 years until his retirement from MSK October 1 2011. Dr. Livingston’s research focused on: identification of suitable targets for immunotherapy of a variety of cancers, construction of polyvalent conjugate vaccines specifically designed to augment antibody responses against these targets, and identification of optimal immunological adjuvants to further augment the potency of these vaccines. He has over 108 publications and 4 issued and 3 pending patents concerning cancer vaccines. Recently, Dr. Livingston helped establish MabVax Therapeutics, Inc., and another biotech company, Adjuvance Technologies, Inc. MabVax supports two randomized Phase II trials with these MSK polyvalent vaccines and establishment of human monoclonal antibodies from the blood of immunized patients.
Philip O. Livingston,曾担任我们的董事会成员兼首席科学官。公司合并之前,他曾担任MabVax Therapeutics, Inc.的董事会成员兼首席科学官(2012年以来)。他持有Harvard Medical School的医学博士学位,也曾担任Cornell University的the Joan and Sanford Weill Medical College的医学教授、Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center的主治医生和成员,在那里他曾治疗黑色素瘤患者,并经营癌症疫苗学实验室研究实验室30年以上,直到2011年10月1日退任MSK公司。他的研究专注于适合各种癌症的免疫治疗的目标识别、建设专门针对这些目标增强抗体反应的多价结合疫苗,以及识别最佳的免疫佐剂,从而进一步增强这些疫苗的效力。他有超过108的出版物,以及有关癌症疫苗的4项专利和3项正在申请的专利。最近,他曾帮助创立MabVax Therapeutics, Inc.,以及Adjuvance Technologies, Inc(其生物技术公司)。MabVax公司支持这些MSK多价疫苗的两种随机二期试验,以及建立免疫血液病的人类单克隆抗体。
Philip O. Livingston serves as a member of our Board of Directors and our Chief Science Officer and, prior to the Merger, served as a member of the Board of Directors and Chief Science Officer of MabVax Therapeutics, Inc. since 2012. He received his MD degree from Harvard Medical School and was Professor of Medicine in the Joan and Sanford Weill Medical College at Cornell University and Attending Physician and Member in Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center where he treated melanoma patients and ran the Cancer Vaccinology Laboratory research lab for over 30 years until his retirement from MSK October 1 2011. Dr. Livingston’s research focused on: identification of suitable targets for immunotherapy of a variety of cancers, construction of polyvalent conjugate vaccines specifically designed to augment antibody responses against these targets, and identification of optimal immunological adjuvants to further augment the potency of these vaccines. He has over 108 publications and 4 issued and 3 pending patents concerning cancer vaccines. Recently, Dr. Livingston helped establish MabVax Therapeutics, Inc., and another biotech company, Adjuvance Technologies, Inc. MabVax supports two randomized Phase II trials with these MSK polyvalent vaccines and establishment of human monoclonal antibodies from the blood of immunized patients.
Thomas C. Varvaro

Thomas C. Varvaro,他担任我们的董事会成员(2015年4月以来)。他曾担任ChromaDex Corp的首席财务官(2004年1月以来),以及秘书(2006年3月以来)。从2006年3月到2010年5月,他担任ChromaDex Corporation的董事。他负责监督ChromaDex公司的会计、信息技术、知识产权管理和人力资源管理的各个方面。他拥有丰富的广泛的流程映射和业务流程改进技能,以及信息技术的坚实背景,其中包括管理和实施经验,从定制的应用程序设计到企业范围系统部署。他拥有实践经验,涉及整合并购和新设施初创公司。与制造企业合作时,他监督工厂自动化、报告和条形码跟踪实现。他也有丰富的法律经验,涉及知识产权、合同和就业法。任职ChromaDex之前,他担任多种职务,获得了丰富管理经验,这使他适合担任公司的董事会成员。其中,他曾任职Fast Heat Inc.(伊利诺斯州芝加哥的塑料、空调系统、包装和食品加工行业的全球供应商),在那里他曾开始担任总会计师,并当选首席信息官,随后担任首席财务官。他负责所有财务事项,包括会计、风险管理和人力资源。他曾任职Maple Leaf Bakery, Inc(位于伊利诺斯州芝加哥),并晋升为专业烘焙产品国家领导人。期间,他曾担任信息技术和会计职务,帮助指导公司从单一设备公司发展成为专业食品国家领导人。他持有伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)的会计学士学位,也是注册会计师。

Thomas C. Varvaro has served as a member of our Board of Directors since April 2015. Mr. Varvaro has served as the CFO of ChromaDex Corp. Nasdaq: CDXC since January 2004 and as its Secretary since March 2006. He also has served as a director of ChromaDex Corporation from March 2006 until May 2010. Mr. Varvaro is responsible for overseeing all aspects of ChromaDex’s accounting, information technology, intellectual property management and human resources management. Mr. Varvaro has extensive process-mapping and business process improvement skills, along with a solid information technology background that includes management and implementation experiences ranging from custom application design to enterprise wide system deployment. Mr. Varvaro also has hands-on experience in integrating acquisitions and in new facility startups. In working with manufacturing organizations, Mr. Varvaro has overseen plant automation, reporting and bar code tracking implementations. Mr. Varvaro also has broad legal experience in intellectual property, contract and employment law. Prior to ChromaDex, Mr. Varvaro gained substantial management experience in a number of positions that make him suitable for membership on the Board of Directors of the Company. For example, he was employed by Fast Heat Inc., a Chicago, Illinois based Global supplier to the plastics, HVAC, packaging, and food processing industries, where he began as controller and was promoted to chief information officer and then chief financial officer during his tenure. During his time there Mr. Varvaro was responsible for all financial matters including accounting, risk management and human resources. Earlier in his career Mr. Varvaro gained additional experience in other areas of information technology and accounting roles. For example, Mr. Varvaro was employed by Maple Leaf Bakery, Inc., Chicago, Illinois, during its rise to becoming a national leader in specialty bakery products. During his tenure, Mr. Varvaro served in information technology and accounting roles, helping to shepherd the company from a single facility to national leader in specialty food products. Mr. Varvaro has a B.S. in Accounting from University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and is a Certified Public Accountant.
Thomas C. Varvaro,他担任我们的董事会成员(2015年4月以来)。他曾担任ChromaDex Corp的首席财务官(2004年1月以来),以及秘书(2006年3月以来)。从2006年3月到2010年5月,他担任ChromaDex Corporation的董事。他负责监督ChromaDex公司的会计、信息技术、知识产权管理和人力资源管理的各个方面。他拥有丰富的广泛的流程映射和业务流程改进技能,以及信息技术的坚实背景,其中包括管理和实施经验,从定制的应用程序设计到企业范围系统部署。他拥有实践经验,涉及整合并购和新设施初创公司。与制造企业合作时,他监督工厂自动化、报告和条形码跟踪实现。他也有丰富的法律经验,涉及知识产权、合同和就业法。任职ChromaDex之前,他担任多种职务,获得了丰富管理经验,这使他适合担任公司的董事会成员。其中,他曾任职Fast Heat Inc.(伊利诺斯州芝加哥的塑料、空调系统、包装和食品加工行业的全球供应商),在那里他曾开始担任总会计师,并当选首席信息官,随后担任首席财务官。他负责所有财务事项,包括会计、风险管理和人力资源。他曾任职Maple Leaf Bakery, Inc(位于伊利诺斯州芝加哥),并晋升为专业烘焙产品国家领导人。期间,他曾担任信息技术和会计职务,帮助指导公司从单一设备公司发展成为专业食品国家领导人。他持有伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)的会计学士学位,也是注册会计师。
Thomas C. Varvaro has served as a member of our Board of Directors since April 2015. Mr. Varvaro has served as the CFO of ChromaDex Corp. Nasdaq: CDXC since January 2004 and as its Secretary since March 2006. He also has served as a director of ChromaDex Corporation from March 2006 until May 2010. Mr. Varvaro is responsible for overseeing all aspects of ChromaDex’s accounting, information technology, intellectual property management and human resources management. Mr. Varvaro has extensive process-mapping and business process improvement skills, along with a solid information technology background that includes management and implementation experiences ranging from custom application design to enterprise wide system deployment. Mr. Varvaro also has hands-on experience in integrating acquisitions and in new facility startups. In working with manufacturing organizations, Mr. Varvaro has overseen plant automation, reporting and bar code tracking implementations. Mr. Varvaro also has broad legal experience in intellectual property, contract and employment law. Prior to ChromaDex, Mr. Varvaro gained substantial management experience in a number of positions that make him suitable for membership on the Board of Directors of the Company. For example, he was employed by Fast Heat Inc., a Chicago, Illinois based Global supplier to the plastics, HVAC, packaging, and food processing industries, where he began as controller and was promoted to chief information officer and then chief financial officer during his tenure. During his time there Mr. Varvaro was responsible for all financial matters including accounting, risk management and human resources. Earlier in his career Mr. Varvaro gained additional experience in other areas of information technology and accounting roles. For example, Mr. Varvaro was employed by Maple Leaf Bakery, Inc., Chicago, Illinois, during its rise to becoming a national leader in specialty bakery products. During his tenure, Mr. Varvaro served in information technology and accounting roles, helping to shepherd the company from a single facility to national leader in specialty food products. Mr. Varvaro has a B.S. in Accounting from University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and is a Certified Public Accountant.
Robert E. Hoffman

Robert E. Hoffman,2018年起担任公司董事长。2012年6月起,他在Arena担任高级副主席(负责财务)和首席财政官职务;2011年8月至2012年6月和2005年12月至2011年3月两段时期,他在Arena担任副主席(负责财务)和首席财政官职务;2004年6月至2005年10月,他担任副主席(负责财务)和首席会计师;2000年4月至2004年6月,他担任副主席(负责财务);1997 年8月至2000年4月,他担任财务总监。2011年3月至8月,他在Polaris Group(生物药物制药公司)担任首席财政官。他是CombiMatrix公司(分子诊断公司)的董事会成员。他还在Financial Accounting Standards Board、Small Business Advisory Committee、the steering committee of the Association of Bioscience Financial Officers工作。此外,他还是San Diego Chapter of Financial Executives International的成员、前董事和总裁。他获有圣文德大学工商管理学士学位,并被授权为不活跃在加利福尼亚州的注册会计师。

Robert E. Hoffman,has served as Kintara Therapeutics, Inc. director since April 2018, as Kintara Therapeutics, Inc. Chairman since June 2018, as Kintara Therapeutics, Inc. Chief Executive Officer and President since November 2021, and as Kintara Therapeutics, Inc. interim Chief Financial Officer since June 1, 2023. He has served as a member of board of directors of ASLAN Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a publicly-held, clinical-stage immunology focused biopharmaceutical company, since October 2018, and as a member of the board of directors of FibroGenesis, a clinical-stage regenerative medicine company, since April 2021. He has also served as a member of board of directors, on the Audit Committee, and on the Human Resources and Compensation Committee of Antibe Therapeutics Inc. ("Antibe"), a publicly-held clinical-stage biotechnology company, since November 2020, and as Chairman of Antibe's board of directors since May 2022. Mr. Hoffman served as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Heron Therapeutics, Inc., a publicly-held pharmaceutical company, from April 2017 to October 2020. From July 2015 to September 2016, Mr. Hoffman served as Chief Financial Officer of AnaptysBio, Inc., a publicly-held biotechnology company. From June 2012 to July 2015, Mr. Hoffman served as the Senior Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer of Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ("Arena"), a biopharmaceutical company, prior to its acquisition by Pfizer Inc. in March 2022. From August 2011 to June 2012 and previously from December 2005 to March 2011, he served as Arena's Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer and in a number of various roles of increasing responsibility from 1997 to December 2005. Mr. Hoffman formerly served as a member of the board of directors of Saniona AB, a biopharmaceutical company, from September 2021 to May 2022, and as a member of the board of directors of Kura Oncology, Inc., a cancer research company, from March 2015 to August 2021. He also previously served as a member of the board of directors of CombiMatrix Corporation, a molecular diagnostics company, MabVax Therapeutics Holdings, Inc., a biopharmaceutical company, and Aravive, Inc., a clinical stage biotechnology company. Mr. Hoffman serves as a member of the steering committee of the Association of Bioscience Financial Officers. Mr. Hoffman formerly served as a director and President of the San Diego Chapter of Financial Executives International and was an advisor to the Financial Accounting Standard Board (FASB) for 10 years (2010 to 2020) advising the United States accounting rulemaking organization on emerging issues and new financial guidance. Mr. Hoffman holds a B.B.A. from St. Bonaventure University.
Robert E. Hoffman,2018年起担任公司董事长。2012年6月起,他在Arena担任高级副主席(负责财务)和首席财政官职务;2011年8月至2012年6月和2005年12月至2011年3月两段时期,他在Arena担任副主席(负责财务)和首席财政官职务;2004年6月至2005年10月,他担任副主席(负责财务)和首席会计师;2000年4月至2004年6月,他担任副主席(负责财务);1997 年8月至2000年4月,他担任财务总监。2011年3月至8月,他在Polaris Group(生物药物制药公司)担任首席财政官。他是CombiMatrix公司(分子诊断公司)的董事会成员。他还在Financial Accounting Standards Board、Small Business Advisory Committee、the steering committee of the Association of Bioscience Financial Officers工作。此外,他还是San Diego Chapter of Financial Executives International的成员、前董事和总裁。他获有圣文德大学工商管理学士学位,并被授权为不活跃在加利福尼亚州的注册会计师。
Robert E. Hoffman,has served as Kintara Therapeutics, Inc. director since April 2018, as Kintara Therapeutics, Inc. Chairman since June 2018, as Kintara Therapeutics, Inc. Chief Executive Officer and President since November 2021, and as Kintara Therapeutics, Inc. interim Chief Financial Officer since June 1, 2023. He has served as a member of board of directors of ASLAN Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a publicly-held, clinical-stage immunology focused biopharmaceutical company, since October 2018, and as a member of the board of directors of FibroGenesis, a clinical-stage regenerative medicine company, since April 2021. He has also served as a member of board of directors, on the Audit Committee, and on the Human Resources and Compensation Committee of Antibe Therapeutics Inc. ("Antibe"), a publicly-held clinical-stage biotechnology company, since November 2020, and as Chairman of Antibe's board of directors since May 2022. Mr. Hoffman served as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Heron Therapeutics, Inc., a publicly-held pharmaceutical company, from April 2017 to October 2020. From July 2015 to September 2016, Mr. Hoffman served as Chief Financial Officer of AnaptysBio, Inc., a publicly-held biotechnology company. From June 2012 to July 2015, Mr. Hoffman served as the Senior Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer of Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ("Arena"), a biopharmaceutical company, prior to its acquisition by Pfizer Inc. in March 2022. From August 2011 to June 2012 and previously from December 2005 to March 2011, he served as Arena's Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer and in a number of various roles of increasing responsibility from 1997 to December 2005. Mr. Hoffman formerly served as a member of the board of directors of Saniona AB, a biopharmaceutical company, from September 2021 to May 2022, and as a member of the board of directors of Kura Oncology, Inc., a cancer research company, from March 2015 to August 2021. He also previously served as a member of the board of directors of CombiMatrix Corporation, a molecular diagnostics company, MabVax Therapeutics Holdings, Inc., a biopharmaceutical company, and Aravive, Inc., a clinical stage biotechnology company. Mr. Hoffman serves as a member of the steering committee of the Association of Bioscience Financial Officers. Mr. Hoffman formerly served as a director and President of the San Diego Chapter of Financial Executives International and was an advisor to the Financial Accounting Standard Board (FASB) for 10 years (2010 to 2020) advising the United States accounting rulemaking organization on emerging issues and new financial guidance. Mr. Hoffman holds a B.B.A. from St. Bonaventure University.
Paul V. Maier

Paul V. Maier, 他拥有工商管理硕士学位。2009年11月以来,他一直担任我们的首席财务官。他曾担任Ligand Pharmaceuticals Incorporated公司的高级副总裁兼首席财务官,在那里他帮助Ligand公司从一个商业风险阶段公司转变为一个集成生物制药的组织(从1992年到2007年1月)。任职Ligand公司之前,他曾任职ICN Pharmaceuticals公司6年,担任多种管理和财务职务。他目前担任International Stem Cell Corporation和Apricus Biosciences公司的董事。他持有哈佛大学(Harvard University)的工商管理硕士学位。

Paul V. Maier has served as a member of our board of directors since September 2017. Mr. Maier has over 25 years of experience as a senior executive in biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies and more than 15 years of experience as a director of multiple life science public and private company Boards. In addition to his Board positions, Mr. Maier also currently serves as an advisor to the life science industry. In June 2014 Mr. Maier retired after serving since November 2009 as Chief Financial Officer of Sequenom, Inc., a publicly held company serving the discovery, clinical research, and molecular diagnostics market. From February 2007 until November 2009 Mr. Maier served as an independent financial consultant. Previously, Mr. Maier was Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Ligand Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a commercial stage biopharmaceutical company, a position he held from 1992 to 2007. From 1990 to 1992 Mr. Maier served as Vice President, Finance of DFW West, a division of DFS Group, LP a private multinational retailer. From 1984 to 1990 Mr. Maier was employed by ICN Pharmaceuticals, a pharmaceutical and biotechnology research products company, where he held various executive positions in finance and general management in ICN as well as SPI Pharmaceuticals, a publicly held subsidiary. Mr. Maier currently serves on the Board of Directors of International Stem Cell Corporation, Biological Dynamics, and Ritter Pharmaceuticals. He also serves as Vice Chairman of the Board of Lackey Clinic, a non-profit providing healthcare to those without insurance. Mr. Maier received an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BS from Pennsylvania State University. Mr. Maier is currently an Executive Partner at The College of William and Mary’s Mason School of Business.
Paul V. Maier, 他拥有工商管理硕士学位。2009年11月以来,他一直担任我们的首席财务官。他曾担任Ligand Pharmaceuticals Incorporated公司的高级副总裁兼首席财务官,在那里他帮助Ligand公司从一个商业风险阶段公司转变为一个集成生物制药的组织(从1992年到2007年1月)。任职Ligand公司之前,他曾任职ICN Pharmaceuticals公司6年,担任多种管理和财务职务。他目前担任International Stem Cell Corporation和Apricus Biosciences公司的董事。他持有哈佛大学(Harvard University)的工商管理硕士学位。
Paul V. Maier has served as a member of our board of directors since September 2017. Mr. Maier has over 25 years of experience as a senior executive in biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies and more than 15 years of experience as a director of multiple life science public and private company Boards. In addition to his Board positions, Mr. Maier also currently serves as an advisor to the life science industry. In June 2014 Mr. Maier retired after serving since November 2009 as Chief Financial Officer of Sequenom, Inc., a publicly held company serving the discovery, clinical research, and molecular diagnostics market. From February 2007 until November 2009 Mr. Maier served as an independent financial consultant. Previously, Mr. Maier was Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Ligand Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a commercial stage biopharmaceutical company, a position he held from 1992 to 2007. From 1990 to 1992 Mr. Maier served as Vice President, Finance of DFW West, a division of DFS Group, LP a private multinational retailer. From 1984 to 1990 Mr. Maier was employed by ICN Pharmaceuticals, a pharmaceutical and biotechnology research products company, where he held various executive positions in finance and general management in ICN as well as SPI Pharmaceuticals, a publicly held subsidiary. Mr. Maier currently serves on the Board of Directors of International Stem Cell Corporation, Biological Dynamics, and Ritter Pharmaceuticals. He also serves as Vice Chairman of the Board of Lackey Clinic, a non-profit providing healthcare to those without insurance. Mr. Maier received an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BS from Pennsylvania State University. Mr. Maier is currently an Executive Partner at The College of William and Mary’s Mason School of Business.


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J. David Hansen

J. David Hansen,公司总裁、首席执行官兼董事长;在2014年7月8日与Telik, Inc.合并之前,自2006年联合成立MabVax Therapeutics, Inc.起担任其总裁、首席执行官兼董事长。他是一名资深的生物制药领域高管,有着超过30年的行业经验。他担任过私营初创公司和中小型上市公司的高管职位。他的高级经验包括执行管理、财会、企业开发、销售与营销等。在他的事业中,他负责了多个许可协议的出入、研发协调、合资企业、资产剥离和收购事务。他在免疫、肿瘤和传染病治疗领域都有专业知识。他在联合成立公司之前获得了数个生命科学公司的执行管理经验,这使他特别适应公司的领导职位,例如,他是Avanir Pharmaceuticals的高管,担任商业发展副总裁、企业开发高级副总裁、the Avanir Subsidiary Xenerex Biosciences的总裁兼首席运营官等。在Avanir之前,他在Dura Pharmaceuticals担任国内销售主管、营销主管、业务开发主管等多个职位。他还有在Merck & Co. (Schering-Plough), Key Pharmaceuticals, 和Bristol Myers Squibb的管理经验。

J. David Hansen serves as our President, Chief Executive Officer “CEO”, and as Chairman of our Board of Directors and, prior to the merger with Telik, Inc. on July 8 2014 (the “Merger”), served as President, CEO, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of MabVax Therapeutics, Inc. after co-founding the Company in 2006. Mr. Hansen is an experienced biopharmaceutical executive with more than 30 years of industry experience. He has held senior management roles in both private start-up companies as well as small to mid-sized public companies. His senior level experience includes executive management, finance and accounting, corporate development, sales and marketing. During his career, Mr. Hansen has executed a wide variety of in and out licensing agreements, research and development collaborations, joint ventures, divestitures, and acquisitions. Mr. Hansen has developed expertise in the therapeutic areas of immunology, oncology, and infectious disease. Mr. Hansen gained executive management experience at several life sciences companies prior to co-founding the Company that make him particularly suited for his leadership role in the Company. For example, he was a corporate officer of Avanir Pharmaceuticals where he held the titles of Vice President of Commercial Development, Senior Vice President of Corporate Development, and President and Chief Operations Officer of the Avanir Subsidiary Xenerex Biosciences. Prior to Avanir, Mr. Hansen served in multiple roles at Dura Pharmaceuticals including National Sales Director, Director of Marketing, and Director of Business Development. He has additional management experience with Merck & Co. (Schering-Plough), Key Pharmaceuticals, and Bristol Myers Squibb.
J. David Hansen,公司总裁、首席执行官兼董事长;在2014年7月8日与Telik, Inc.合并之前,自2006年联合成立MabVax Therapeutics, Inc.起担任其总裁、首席执行官兼董事长。他是一名资深的生物制药领域高管,有着超过30年的行业经验。他担任过私营初创公司和中小型上市公司的高管职位。他的高级经验包括执行管理、财会、企业开发、销售与营销等。在他的事业中,他负责了多个许可协议的出入、研发协调、合资企业、资产剥离和收购事务。他在免疫、肿瘤和传染病治疗领域都有专业知识。他在联合成立公司之前获得了数个生命科学公司的执行管理经验,这使他特别适应公司的领导职位,例如,他是Avanir Pharmaceuticals的高管,担任商业发展副总裁、企业开发高级副总裁、the Avanir Subsidiary Xenerex Biosciences的总裁兼首席运营官等。在Avanir之前,他在Dura Pharmaceuticals担任国内销售主管、营销主管、业务开发主管等多个职位。他还有在Merck & Co. (Schering-Plough), Key Pharmaceuticals, 和Bristol Myers Squibb的管理经验。
J. David Hansen serves as our President, Chief Executive Officer “CEO”, and as Chairman of our Board of Directors and, prior to the merger with Telik, Inc. on July 8 2014 (the “Merger”), served as President, CEO, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of MabVax Therapeutics, Inc. after co-founding the Company in 2006. Mr. Hansen is an experienced biopharmaceutical executive with more than 30 years of industry experience. He has held senior management roles in both private start-up companies as well as small to mid-sized public companies. His senior level experience includes executive management, finance and accounting, corporate development, sales and marketing. During his career, Mr. Hansen has executed a wide variety of in and out licensing agreements, research and development collaborations, joint ventures, divestitures, and acquisitions. Mr. Hansen has developed expertise in the therapeutic areas of immunology, oncology, and infectious disease. Mr. Hansen gained executive management experience at several life sciences companies prior to co-founding the Company that make him particularly suited for his leadership role in the Company. For example, he was a corporate officer of Avanir Pharmaceuticals where he held the titles of Vice President of Commercial Development, Senior Vice President of Corporate Development, and President and Chief Operations Officer of the Avanir Subsidiary Xenerex Biosciences. Prior to Avanir, Mr. Hansen served in multiple roles at Dura Pharmaceuticals including National Sales Director, Director of Marketing, and Director of Business Development. He has additional management experience with Merck & Co. (Schering-Plough), Key Pharmaceuticals, and Bristol Myers Squibb.
Gregory P. Hanson

Gregory P. Hanson担任我们的首席财务官。在合并前,先生自2014年2月起担任MabVax Therapeutics, Inc.的首席财务官。Hanson先生在公众和私人生物技术和高科技公司拥有超过30年的财务总监/财务主管。2008年1月至2014年2月,Hanson先生担任First Cornerstone(为公司和高管在国际企业发展,融资策略,技术和产品的商业化以及并购咨询服务领域提供广泛的管理咨询服务)的董事总经理。自2009年11月起,Hanson先生担任Menon International, Inc.(参与生物传感器装置和分析及可再生产品的商业化)的顾问委员会成员。自2011年10月起,Hanson先生加入Brinson Patrick Securities(一家精品投资银行)生命科学咨询委员会,同时也是几家其他科技和生命科学公司的导师和保密顾问。 Hanson先生是 San Diego Financial Executives International FEI的前总裁和9年董事会成员,自2011年起担任BIOCOM的资本形成委员会成员。例如,他担任Brinson Patrick Securities的高级副总裁,他在那里开设了圣地亚哥分公司,并向公共生命科学公司推出了市场融资策略。在加入Brinson Patrick Securities之前,Hanson先生曾担任Mast Therapeutics(MSTX-NYSE MKT)的高级副总裁兼首席财务官; Mast Therapeutics 之前,担任Avanir Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (由 Otsuka Holdings Co., Ltd.收购)的副总裁兼首席财务官,合规官和公司秘书, Abreva , and Neudexta 冷疮产品的开发商,用于治疗中枢神经系统障碍假单胞菌病。在他的职业生涯过程中,Hanson先生完成了约10亿美元的融资,许可和合作安排。 Hanson先生是财务会计准则委员会的创始成员和6年小企业咨询委员会的成员,曾在各种国家会议,行业组织和融资战略及兼并和收购的专家小组上发表过演讲,并且两次在美国证券交易委员会向财务报告改进。 Hanson先生已通过注册会计师考试,并为注册管理会计师。他拥有University of Michigan学的工商管理硕士学位, Kansas State University的机械工程学士学位。自2008年以来,Hanson先生维持7系列和63系列证券执照。

Gregory P. Hanson serves as our CFO, and prior to the Merger served as CFO of MabVax Therapeutics, Inc. since February of 2014. Mr. Hanson has over 30 years serving as CFO/financial executive/board member of public and private life sciences and hi tech companies. From January 2008 to February 2014 Mr. Hanson was Managing Director of First Cornerstone, a board and management advisory service to companies and executives. From November 2009 to November 2016 Mr. Hanson served as Advisory Board Member of Menon International, Inc., and from October 2011 to September 2016 served on the Life Sciences Advisory Board of Brinson Patrick Securities, a boutique investment bank. He also serves either as a board member, mentor or confidential advisor to several other tech and life sciences companies. Mr. Hanson is Past-President and 10-year Member of the Board of Directors of San Diego Financial Executives International FEI, and a member of the Capital Formation Committee at BIOCOM since 2011. Earlier in his career Mr. Hanson was able to gain substantial executive management experience that help qualify him in his role as CFO. For example, he served as Senior Vice President of Brinson Patrick Securities, where he opened up the San Diego branch and introduced at-the-market financing strategies to public life sciences companies. Prior to Brinson Patrick Securities, Mr. Hanson served as Senior Vice President and CFO of Mast Therapeutics (MSTX-NYSE MKT), and prior to Mast Therapeutics was Vice President and CFO, Chief Accounting Officer, Compliance Officer and Corporate Secretary of Avanir Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (acquired by Otsuka Holdings Co., Ltd.), the developer of the cold sore product Abreva™, and Neudexta™, for the treatment of Pseudobulbar Affect, a central nervous system disorder. During the course of his career, Mr. Hanson has completed approximately $1 billion in financing, licensing and partnering arrangements. Mr. Hanson was a founding and 6-year member of the Small Business Advisory Committee to the Financial Accounting Standards Board, and has spoken at various national conferences, industry organizations and panels on financing strategy and mergers and acquisitions, and twice spoken to the SEC’s Committee on Improvements to Financial Reporting. Mr. Hanson has passed the examination for Certified Public Accountants and is a Certified Management Accountant. He has an MBA with distinction from the University of Michigan, and a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Kansas State University. From 2008 to September 2016 Mr. Hanson maintained Series 7 & Series 63 securities licenses.
Gregory P. Hanson担任我们的首席财务官。在合并前,先生自2014年2月起担任MabVax Therapeutics, Inc.的首席财务官。Hanson先生在公众和私人生物技术和高科技公司拥有超过30年的财务总监/财务主管。2008年1月至2014年2月,Hanson先生担任First Cornerstone(为公司和高管在国际企业发展,融资策略,技术和产品的商业化以及并购咨询服务领域提供广泛的管理咨询服务)的董事总经理。自2009年11月起,Hanson先生担任Menon International, Inc.(参与生物传感器装置和分析及可再生产品的商业化)的顾问委员会成员。自2011年10月起,Hanson先生加入Brinson Patrick Securities(一家精品投资银行)生命科学咨询委员会,同时也是几家其他科技和生命科学公司的导师和保密顾问。 Hanson先生是 San Diego Financial Executives International FEI的前总裁和9年董事会成员,自2011年起担任BIOCOM的资本形成委员会成员。例如,他担任Brinson Patrick Securities的高级副总裁,他在那里开设了圣地亚哥分公司,并向公共生命科学公司推出了市场融资策略。在加入Brinson Patrick Securities之前,Hanson先生曾担任Mast Therapeutics(MSTX-NYSE MKT)的高级副总裁兼首席财务官; Mast Therapeutics 之前,担任Avanir Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (由 Otsuka Holdings Co., Ltd.收购)的副总裁兼首席财务官,合规官和公司秘书, Abreva , and Neudexta 冷疮产品的开发商,用于治疗中枢神经系统障碍假单胞菌病。在他的职业生涯过程中,Hanson先生完成了约10亿美元的融资,许可和合作安排。 Hanson先生是财务会计准则委员会的创始成员和6年小企业咨询委员会的成员,曾在各种国家会议,行业组织和融资战略及兼并和收购的专家小组上发表过演讲,并且两次在美国证券交易委员会向财务报告改进。 Hanson先生已通过注册会计师考试,并为注册管理会计师。他拥有University of Michigan学的工商管理硕士学位, Kansas State University的机械工程学士学位。自2008年以来,Hanson先生维持7系列和63系列证券执照。
Gregory P. Hanson serves as our CFO, and prior to the Merger served as CFO of MabVax Therapeutics, Inc. since February of 2014. Mr. Hanson has over 30 years serving as CFO/financial executive/board member of public and private life sciences and hi tech companies. From January 2008 to February 2014 Mr. Hanson was Managing Director of First Cornerstone, a board and management advisory service to companies and executives. From November 2009 to November 2016 Mr. Hanson served as Advisory Board Member of Menon International, Inc., and from October 2011 to September 2016 served on the Life Sciences Advisory Board of Brinson Patrick Securities, a boutique investment bank. He also serves either as a board member, mentor or confidential advisor to several other tech and life sciences companies. Mr. Hanson is Past-President and 10-year Member of the Board of Directors of San Diego Financial Executives International FEI, and a member of the Capital Formation Committee at BIOCOM since 2011. Earlier in his career Mr. Hanson was able to gain substantial executive management experience that help qualify him in his role as CFO. For example, he served as Senior Vice President of Brinson Patrick Securities, where he opened up the San Diego branch and introduced at-the-market financing strategies to public life sciences companies. Prior to Brinson Patrick Securities, Mr. Hanson served as Senior Vice President and CFO of Mast Therapeutics (MSTX-NYSE MKT), and prior to Mast Therapeutics was Vice President and CFO, Chief Accounting Officer, Compliance Officer and Corporate Secretary of Avanir Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (acquired by Otsuka Holdings Co., Ltd.), the developer of the cold sore product Abreva™, and Neudexta™, for the treatment of Pseudobulbar Affect, a central nervous system disorder. During the course of his career, Mr. Hanson has completed approximately $1 billion in financing, licensing and partnering arrangements. Mr. Hanson was a founding and 6-year member of the Small Business Advisory Committee to the Financial Accounting Standards Board, and has spoken at various national conferences, industry organizations and panels on financing strategy and mergers and acquisitions, and twice spoken to the SEC’s Committee on Improvements to Financial Reporting. Mr. Hanson has passed the examination for Certified Public Accountants and is a Certified Management Accountant. He has an MBA with distinction from the University of Michigan, and a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Kansas State University. From 2008 to September 2016 Mr. Hanson maintained Series 7 & Series 63 securities licenses.
Paul W. Maffuid

Paul W. Maffuid,研发执行副总裁。2014年7月加入公司。2011年至2014年6月,他供职于AAIPHARMA Services Corporation,担任药品运营执行副总裁等多个领导职位。他主要负责为生物和小分子疗法开发领域客户提供配方、工艺流程开发、技术转化、稳定性和分析服务。他曾是执行团队的一员,该团队将一根即将破产的企业变为了生物制药领域世界最大的综合开发服务提供商之一。例如,在加入AAIPHARMA之前,他是Biopharmalogics, Inc.(咨询服务公司,为药品开发提供化学制造与控制(CMC)和药物代谢动力学(DMPK)服务)的创始人,2008年至2011年间营业。在他事业早期,他担任了Irvine Pharmaceutical Services, Inc.的高级副总裁,以及Arena Pharmaceuticals的药品研发副总裁。在Arena Pharmaceuticals期间,他担任其执行管理团队成员,负责所有的CMC和DMPK获得,以支持药品发现、开发和商业化运营。他领导了一个占地40000平方英尺的cGMP合规试点制造工厂的设计和建造。他曾担任Magellan Laboratories, Cabrillo Laboratories,和Amylin Pharmaceuticals的领导职位。

Paul W. Maffuid serves as Executive Vice President of Research and Development. Dr. Maffuid joined the Company in July 2014. From 2011 to June 2014 he worked for AAIPHARMA Services Corporation where he held various management positions including Executive Vice President, Pharma Operations. His responsibilities included formulation, process development, technology transfer, stability and analytical services for clients developing biologic and small molecule therapeutics. He was a member of the Executive Team that transformed a declining business into one of the world’s leading providers of integrated development services for the biopharmaceutical sector. Dr. Maffuid has been able to gain extensive experience to qualify him in his executive leadership role over research and development at the Company. For example, prior to joining AAIPHARMA he was the founder of Biopharmalogics, Inc. a consulting service providing Chemistry Manufacturing and Controls CMC as well as Drug Metabolism-Pharmacokinetics (DMPK) services for the development of pharmaceutical products which he operated from 2008 to 2011. Earlier in his career Dr. Maffuid was Senior Vice President of Irvine Pharmaceutical Services, Inc., and Vice President of Pharmaceutical Development for Arena Pharmaceuticals. While at Arena Pharmaceuticals Dr. Maffuid was a member of the Executive Management team responsible for all CMC and DMPK in support of discovery, development, and commercial operations. He led the design and construction of a 40000 sq. ft. cGMP compliant pilot manufacturing facility. Dr. Maffuid had management roles at Magellan Laboratories, Cabrillo Laboratories, and Amylin Pharmaceuticals.
Paul W. Maffuid,研发执行副总裁。2014年7月加入公司。2011年至2014年6月,他供职于AAIPHARMA Services Corporation,担任药品运营执行副总裁等多个领导职位。他主要负责为生物和小分子疗法开发领域客户提供配方、工艺流程开发、技术转化、稳定性和分析服务。他曾是执行团队的一员,该团队将一根即将破产的企业变为了生物制药领域世界最大的综合开发服务提供商之一。例如,在加入AAIPHARMA之前,他是Biopharmalogics, Inc.(咨询服务公司,为药品开发提供化学制造与控制(CMC)和药物代谢动力学(DMPK)服务)的创始人,2008年至2011年间营业。在他事业早期,他担任了Irvine Pharmaceutical Services, Inc.的高级副总裁,以及Arena Pharmaceuticals的药品研发副总裁。在Arena Pharmaceuticals期间,他担任其执行管理团队成员,负责所有的CMC和DMPK获得,以支持药品发现、开发和商业化运营。他领导了一个占地40000平方英尺的cGMP合规试点制造工厂的设计和建造。他曾担任Magellan Laboratories, Cabrillo Laboratories,和Amylin Pharmaceuticals的领导职位。
Paul W. Maffuid serves as Executive Vice President of Research and Development. Dr. Maffuid joined the Company in July 2014. From 2011 to June 2014 he worked for AAIPHARMA Services Corporation where he held various management positions including Executive Vice President, Pharma Operations. His responsibilities included formulation, process development, technology transfer, stability and analytical services for clients developing biologic and small molecule therapeutics. He was a member of the Executive Team that transformed a declining business into one of the world’s leading providers of integrated development services for the biopharmaceutical sector. Dr. Maffuid has been able to gain extensive experience to qualify him in his executive leadership role over research and development at the Company. For example, prior to joining AAIPHARMA he was the founder of Biopharmalogics, Inc. a consulting service providing Chemistry Manufacturing and Controls CMC as well as Drug Metabolism-Pharmacokinetics (DMPK) services for the development of pharmaceutical products which he operated from 2008 to 2011. Earlier in his career Dr. Maffuid was Senior Vice President of Irvine Pharmaceutical Services, Inc., and Vice President of Pharmaceutical Development for Arena Pharmaceuticals. While at Arena Pharmaceuticals Dr. Maffuid was a member of the Executive Management team responsible for all CMC and DMPK in support of discovery, development, and commercial operations. He led the design and construction of a 40000 sq. ft. cGMP compliant pilot manufacturing facility. Dr. Maffuid had management roles at Magellan Laboratories, Cabrillo Laboratories, and Amylin Pharmaceuticals.
Paul Resnick

Paul Resnick,他担任副总裁兼首席商业官。他于2016年3月加入公司。2013年1月至2016年3月,他曾担任Juventas Therapeutics的高级副总裁,负责商业开发,在那里他负责商业和商业战略,也曾从事执行管理,并监管公司临床开发、财务和商业战略。2012年2月至2012年12月,他曾担任生命科学领域的几家公司的顾问。2008年1月至2012年1月,他曾担任Intellikine, Inc.(被Takeda Pharmaceuticals收购)的商业开发副总裁,负责管理联盟和主要业务发展战略,从而引导Takeda Pharmaceuticals公司收购。他曾担任Pfizer Inc.的全球业务开发、战略联盟的高级主管,在那里他曾负责生物技术公司、大学和研究机构领袖网络,从而早期洞察新兴技术、领导Pfizer公司的生物技术和生物创新中心的技术和业务尽职调查、谈判、科技活动的联盟管理。任职Pfizer公司之前,他曾担任董事兼高级主管,任职于Rinat Neuroscience (被Pfizer收购)、Intermune, Inc.、Roche Pharmaceuticals。他持有The Medical College of Wisconsin的医学博士学位,以及宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania)的工商管理硕士学位。

Paul Resnick serves as Vice President and Chief Business Officer. Dr. Resnick joined the Company in March 2016. From January 2013 to March 2016 Dr. Resnick was Senior Vice President, Business Development for Juventas Therapeutics, where he was responsible for business and commercial strategy and working with executive management overseeing corporate clinical development, and financial and business strategies. From February 2012 to December 2012 Dr. Resnick was an advisor to several companies in the life sciences area. From January 2008 to January 2012 he was Vice President, Business Development for Intellikine, Inc. acquired by Takeda Pharmaceuticals, responsible for managing alliances and leading the business development strategy that resulted in securing an acquisition by Takeda Pharmaceuticals. During the course of Dr. Resnick’s career, he has been able to gain extensive experience to qualify him in his executive leadership role for business development for the Company. For example, Dr. Resnick held Senior Director positions for Worldwide Business Development, and for Strategic Alliances, at Pfizer Inc., where he was responsible for networking with leaders from biotechnology companies, universities, and research institutions to gain early insights into emerging technologies, and for leading technical and business diligence, negotiations, and alliance management of science and technology initiatives for Pfizer’s Biotechnology and Bio-innovation Center. Prior to Pfizer Dr. Resnick held Director and Senior Director positions at Rinat Neuroscience (acquired by Pfizer), Intermune, Inc. and Roche Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Resnick has an M.D. from The Medical College of Wisconsin and an MBA from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Paul Resnick,他担任副总裁兼首席商业官。他于2016年3月加入公司。2013年1月至2016年3月,他曾担任Juventas Therapeutics的高级副总裁,负责商业开发,在那里他负责商业和商业战略,也曾从事执行管理,并监管公司临床开发、财务和商业战略。2012年2月至2012年12月,他曾担任生命科学领域的几家公司的顾问。2008年1月至2012年1月,他曾担任Intellikine, Inc.(被Takeda Pharmaceuticals收购)的商业开发副总裁,负责管理联盟和主要业务发展战略,从而引导Takeda Pharmaceuticals公司收购。他曾担任Pfizer Inc.的全球业务开发、战略联盟的高级主管,在那里他曾负责生物技术公司、大学和研究机构领袖网络,从而早期洞察新兴技术、领导Pfizer公司的生物技术和生物创新中心的技术和业务尽职调查、谈判、科技活动的联盟管理。任职Pfizer公司之前,他曾担任董事兼高级主管,任职于Rinat Neuroscience (被Pfizer收购)、Intermune, Inc.、Roche Pharmaceuticals。他持有The Medical College of Wisconsin的医学博士学位,以及宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania)的工商管理硕士学位。
Paul Resnick serves as Vice President and Chief Business Officer. Dr. Resnick joined the Company in March 2016. From January 2013 to March 2016 Dr. Resnick was Senior Vice President, Business Development for Juventas Therapeutics, where he was responsible for business and commercial strategy and working with executive management overseeing corporate clinical development, and financial and business strategies. From February 2012 to December 2012 Dr. Resnick was an advisor to several companies in the life sciences area. From January 2008 to January 2012 he was Vice President, Business Development for Intellikine, Inc. acquired by Takeda Pharmaceuticals, responsible for managing alliances and leading the business development strategy that resulted in securing an acquisition by Takeda Pharmaceuticals. During the course of Dr. Resnick’s career, he has been able to gain extensive experience to qualify him in his executive leadership role for business development for the Company. For example, Dr. Resnick held Senior Director positions for Worldwide Business Development, and for Strategic Alliances, at Pfizer Inc., where he was responsible for networking with leaders from biotechnology companies, universities, and research institutions to gain early insights into emerging technologies, and for leading technical and business diligence, negotiations, and alliance management of science and technology initiatives for Pfizer’s Biotechnology and Bio-innovation Center. Prior to Pfizer Dr. Resnick held Director and Senior Director positions at Rinat Neuroscience (acquired by Pfizer), Intermune, Inc. and Roche Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Resnick has an M.D. from The Medical College of Wisconsin and an MBA from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.