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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
叶国富 Founder, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer 45 未披露 78954.11 2023-10-19
徐黎黎 Independent Non-executive Director 42 未披露 未持股 2023-10-19
朱拥华 Independent Non-executive Director 42 未披露 未持股 2023-10-19
王永平 Independent Non-executive Director 54 未披露 未持股 2023-10-19



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
叶国富 Founder, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer 45 未披露 78954.11 2023-10-19
Minxin Li Executive Vice President 51 未披露 3415.15 2023-10-19
Na Dou Executive Vice President 38 未披露 4262.87 2023-10-19
杨云云 Vice President 46 未披露 78954.11 2023-10-19
张靖京 Chief Financial Officer and Vice President 36 未披露 未持股 2023-10-19


中英对照 |  中文 |  英文

叶国富是Miniso Group Holding Limited的创始人,自成立以来一直担任Miniso Group Holding Limited的董事长兼首席执行官。叶先生于2009年8月成立Miniso Group Holding Limited的前身公司Miniso Corporation,并一直担任该公司的首席执行官,该公司将其几乎所有业务和资产转让给了Miniso Group Holding Limited。叶先生在中国经济转型时期以时尚的方式积累了巨大的掌握力,并抓住机会改善了社会质量的消费模式,为中国带来了新的商业模式。叶先生从中国中南财经政法大学获得经济管理大专学历。

Guofu Ye,has served as a director of Miniso Group Holding Limited since January 2020 and was re-designated as executive director upon the listing of Miniso Group Holding Limited ordinary shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in July 2022. Mr. Ye is Miniso Group Holding Limited founder and has served as the chairman of Miniso Group Holding Limited and the chief executive officer of Miniso Group Holding Limited since February 2020. Mr. Ye is responsible for the overall strategy, business development and management of Miniso Group Holding Limited operations. Mr. Ye founded Miniso Corporation, Miniso Group Holding Limited predecessor, in August 2009 and has since then served as the chief executive officer of Miniso Corporation until August 2018. After Miniso Guangzhou, Miniso Group Holding Limited PRC holding entity before established Miniso Group Holding Limited offshore holding structure, was established in October 2017, Mr. Ye has since then been serving as a director and the general manager of Miniso Guangzhou. Mr. Ye accumulated immense mastery in trendy fashion during the period of Chinese economic transformation and seized the opportunity to improve the social quality consumption patterns, bringing a new business model in China. Mr. Ye received his junior college diploma in economic management from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in China in July 2001.
叶国富是Miniso Group Holding Limited的创始人,自成立以来一直担任Miniso Group Holding Limited的董事长兼首席执行官。叶先生于2009年8月成立Miniso Group Holding Limited的前身公司Miniso Corporation,并一直担任该公司的首席执行官,该公司将其几乎所有业务和资产转让给了Miniso Group Holding Limited。叶先生在中国经济转型时期以时尚的方式积累了巨大的掌握力,并抓住机会改善了社会质量的消费模式,为中国带来了新的商业模式。叶先生从中国中南财经政法大学获得经济管理大专学历。
Guofu Ye,has served as a director of Miniso Group Holding Limited since January 2020 and was re-designated as executive director upon the listing of Miniso Group Holding Limited ordinary shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in July 2022. Mr. Ye is Miniso Group Holding Limited founder and has served as the chairman of Miniso Group Holding Limited and the chief executive officer of Miniso Group Holding Limited since February 2020. Mr. Ye is responsible for the overall strategy, business development and management of Miniso Group Holding Limited operations. Mr. Ye founded Miniso Corporation, Miniso Group Holding Limited predecessor, in August 2009 and has since then served as the chief executive officer of Miniso Corporation until August 2018. After Miniso Guangzhou, Miniso Group Holding Limited PRC holding entity before established Miniso Group Holding Limited offshore holding structure, was established in October 2017, Mr. Ye has since then been serving as a director and the general manager of Miniso Guangzhou. Mr. Ye accumulated immense mastery in trendy fashion during the period of Chinese economic transformation and seized the opportunity to improve the social quality consumption patterns, bringing a new business model in China. Mr. Ye received his junior college diploma in economic management from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in China in July 2001.

徐黎黎自2014年3月起担任Tongdao Liepin Group香港交易所(6100)的首席财务官,自2018年3月起担任执行董事。在此之前,徐女士在通用电气公司(NYSE:GE)担任过多个职位,包括首席财务官。 2005年1月至2014年3月,担任GE发电服务中国公司财务总监。徐女士于2003年6月获得南京大学国际商务学士学位,并于2004年11月获得伦敦政治经济学院的当地经济发展理学硕士学位。徐女士是美国华盛顿州会计委员会认证的公共会计师。

Lili Xu,has served as Miniso Group Holding Limited independent director since October 2020 and was re-designated as an independent non-executive director upon Miniso Group Holding Limited listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on July 13, 2022. Ms. Xu has served as an independent director of Yalla Group Limited (NYSE: YALA), a social networking and entertainment platform company listed on the New York Stock Exchange, since February 2021. In addition, Ms. Xu has served as the chief financial officer of ClouDr Group Limited (HKEX: 9955), a chronic condition management solution provider in China listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, since October 2020. Prior to that, Ms. Xu served as the chief financial officer of Tongdao Liepin Group (HKEX: 6100), a company engaging in the provision of a variety of talent acquisition services to individual, businesses and head hunters listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, from March 2014 to September 2020 and an executive director from March 2018 to September 2020. Prior to that, Ms. Xu held various positions at General Electric Company (NYSE: GE), a high-tech industrial company listed on the New York Stock Exchange, including as the chief financial officer of GE Power Generation Services China, from January 2005 to March 2014. Ms. Xu received a bachelor's degree in international business from Nanjing University in China in June 2003 and a master of science degree in local economic development from the London School of Economics and Political Science in the United Kingdom in November 2004. Ms. Xu is a public accountant certified by the Board of Accountancy of Washington State of the United States since June 2012.
徐黎黎自2014年3月起担任Tongdao Liepin Group香港交易所(6100)的首席财务官,自2018年3月起担任执行董事。在此之前,徐女士在通用电气公司(NYSE:GE)担任过多个职位,包括首席财务官。 2005年1月至2014年3月,担任GE发电服务中国公司财务总监。徐女士于2003年6月获得南京大学国际商务学士学位,并于2004年11月获得伦敦政治经济学院的当地经济发展理学硕士学位。徐女士是美国华盛顿州会计委员会认证的公共会计师。
Lili Xu,has served as Miniso Group Holding Limited independent director since October 2020 and was re-designated as an independent non-executive director upon Miniso Group Holding Limited listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on July 13, 2022. Ms. Xu has served as an independent director of Yalla Group Limited (NYSE: YALA), a social networking and entertainment platform company listed on the New York Stock Exchange, since February 2021. In addition, Ms. Xu has served as the chief financial officer of ClouDr Group Limited (HKEX: 9955), a chronic condition management solution provider in China listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, since October 2020. Prior to that, Ms. Xu served as the chief financial officer of Tongdao Liepin Group (HKEX: 6100), a company engaging in the provision of a variety of talent acquisition services to individual, businesses and head hunters listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, from March 2014 to September 2020 and an executive director from March 2018 to September 2020. Prior to that, Ms. Xu held various positions at General Electric Company (NYSE: GE), a high-tech industrial company listed on the New York Stock Exchange, including as the chief financial officer of GE Power Generation Services China, from January 2005 to March 2014. Ms. Xu received a bachelor's degree in international business from Nanjing University in China in June 2003 and a master of science degree in local economic development from the London School of Economics and Political Science in the United Kingdom in November 2004. Ms. Xu is a public accountant certified by the Board of Accountancy of Washington State of the United States since June 2012.


Yonghua Zhu,has served as Miniso Group Holding Limited independent director since October 2020 and was re-designated as an independent non-executive director upon Miniso Group Holding Limited listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on July 13, 2022. Mr. Zhu has been the founding partner of Long-Z (formerly Meituan DragonBall Capital), a venture capital fund, since January 2017 in charge of the overall investment of Long-Z and a vice president of Meituan (HKEX: 3690) (formerly known as Meituan Dianping). Mr. Zhu served as an executive director of the department of investment in modern agriculture and food at Legend Holdings Corporation (HKEX: 3396), a leading industrial investment and operations company in China listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, from November 2014 to December 2016. Mr. Zhu worked at Tiantu Capital, an investment management company, from July 2007 to October 2014, including as a partner from December 2013 to October 2014. Mr. Zhu received a master's degree in finance from Newcastle University in the United Kingdom in December 2005.
Yonghua Zhu,has served as Miniso Group Holding Limited independent director since October 2020 and was re-designated as an independent non-executive director upon Miniso Group Holding Limited listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on July 13, 2022. Mr. Zhu has been the founding partner of Long-Z (formerly Meituan DragonBall Capital), a venture capital fund, since January 2017 in charge of the overall investment of Long-Z and a vice president of Meituan (HKEX: 3690) (formerly known as Meituan Dianping). Mr. Zhu served as an executive director of the department of investment in modern agriculture and food at Legend Holdings Corporation (HKEX: 3396), a leading industrial investment and operations company in China listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, from November 2014 to December 2016. Mr. Zhu worked at Tiantu Capital, an investment management company, from July 2007 to October 2014, including as a partner from December 2013 to October 2014. Mr. Zhu received a master's degree in finance from Newcastle University in the United Kingdom in December 2005.

王永平自2021年11月起担任Miniso Group Holding Limited的独立董事,并于2022年7月13日Miniso集团控股有限公司在香港联交所上市时被重新指定为独立非执行董事。王先生自2016年8月起担任中国商业房地产协会会长,自2018年4月起任中国商业经济协会副会长。王先生还担任易和新零售集团有限公司(有限公司)的独立董事。深交所:0785,一家总部位于中国的从事投资、开发、商品分销的公司,自2019年12月起,担任家居建材行业的营销和服务,并在深圳证券交易所上市,同时担任SCE Intelligent Commercial Management Holdings Limited(香港交易所:0606)的独立非执行董事,该公司是一家总部位于中国的投资控股公司,主要提供在香港证券交易所主板上市的综合物业管理服务,自2021 6月起,2017年4月至2020年5月,他在深圳证券交易所上市的数据运营服务提供商Winner Technology Co.,Inc.(深交所:300609)担任独立董事。王先生于2016年3月至2019年3月担任上海优游托投资发展有限公司的独立董事,该公司是一家在中国成立的有限责任公司,主要从事儿童室内游乐园的运营,主要负责就其运营和管理提供独立意见。加入Miniso Group Holding Limited之前,王先生在多家国家商业房地产机构担任过各种高级管理职位。王先生于2014年3月至2020年2月担任北京斯派瑞房地产经纪有限公司(有限公司)董事。2011年4月至2020.12月担任中商联盟(北京)房地产咨询有限公司(Ltd.)执行总经理,主要负责该公司的日常管理。王先生担任执行副秘书长,2003年11月至2010年7月任中国城市商业网点建设管理联合会副主席兼秘书长,2011年9月至2017年7月担任中商联盟(北京)商业投资有限公司董事。2002年5月至2018年9月,王先生还担任《商业经济学杂志》的执行主编和主编,1990年9月至2002年4月,他还担任《中国商业先驱报》的记者和首席记者,主要负责商业新闻的收集和编辑。王先生于1990年7月在中国杭州商学院(现称浙江工商大学)获得经济学学士学位。

Yongping Wang,has served as Miniso Group Holding Limited independent director since November 2021 and was re-designated as an independent non-executive director upon Miniso Group Holding Limited listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on July 13, 2022. Mr. Wang has served as the president of China Commercial Real Estate Association since August 2016 and as a vice chairman of the Commerce Economy Association of China since April 2018. Mr. Wang has also served as an independent director of Easyhome New Retail Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE: 0785), a China-based company engaging in investment, development, merchandize distributorship, marketing and service of the home building material industry and listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, since December 2019, and an independent non-executive director of SCE Intelligent Commercial Management Holdings Limited (HKEX: 0606), a China-based investment holding company that mainly provides integrated property management services listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, since June 2021, and an independent director of Winner Technology Co., Ltd., or Winner Technology (SZSE: 300609), a China-based company principally engaged in offline consumer behavior data analysis, and listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, since May 2023. From April 2017 to May 2020, he served as an independent director at Winner Technology. Mr. Wang was an independent director of Shanghai Youyouto Investment Development Co., Ltd., a limited liability company established in China principally engaged in the operation of children's indoor amusement park, from March 2016 to March 2019, where he was primarily responsible for providing independent advice on its operations and management. Before joining Miniso Group Holding Limited , Mr. Wang held various senior management positions in several national commercial real estate institutions. Mr. Wang served as director at Beijing Sperry Real Estate Brokerage Co., Ltd. from March 2014 to February 2020. He also served as an executive general manager mainly responsible for its daily management at Zhongshang Lianmeng (Beijing) Real Estate Consulting Co., Ltd. from April 2011 to December 2020. Mr. Wang served as an executive vice secretary-general, vice chairman and secretary-general at China Federation of Urban Commercial Outlets Construction Administration from November 2003 to July 2010. He served as a director at Zhongshang Lianmeng (Beijing) Commercial Investment Co., Ltd. from September 2011 to July 2017. Mr. Wang also served as an executive editor-in-chief and editor-in-chief at Journal of Commercial Economics from May 2002 to September 2018 and as a reporter and a chief reporter, mainly responsible for business news gathering and editing at China Business Herald from September 1990 to April 2002. Mr. Wang received his bachelor's degree in economics from Hangzhou College of Commerce (now known as Zhejiang Gongshang University) in China in July 1990.
王永平自2021年11月起担任Miniso Group Holding Limited的独立董事,并于2022年7月13日Miniso集团控股有限公司在香港联交所上市时被重新指定为独立非执行董事。王先生自2016年8月起担任中国商业房地产协会会长,自2018年4月起任中国商业经济协会副会长。王先生还担任易和新零售集团有限公司(有限公司)的独立董事。深交所:0785,一家总部位于中国的从事投资、开发、商品分销的公司,自2019年12月起,担任家居建材行业的营销和服务,并在深圳证券交易所上市,同时担任SCE Intelligent Commercial Management Holdings Limited(香港交易所:0606)的独立非执行董事,该公司是一家总部位于中国的投资控股公司,主要提供在香港证券交易所主板上市的综合物业管理服务,自2021 6月起,2017年4月至2020年5月,他在深圳证券交易所上市的数据运营服务提供商Winner Technology Co.,Inc.(深交所:300609)担任独立董事。王先生于2016年3月至2019年3月担任上海优游托投资发展有限公司的独立董事,该公司是一家在中国成立的有限责任公司,主要从事儿童室内游乐园的运营,主要负责就其运营和管理提供独立意见。加入Miniso Group Holding Limited之前,王先生在多家国家商业房地产机构担任过各种高级管理职位。王先生于2014年3月至2020年2月担任北京斯派瑞房地产经纪有限公司(有限公司)董事。2011年4月至2020.12月担任中商联盟(北京)房地产咨询有限公司(Ltd.)执行总经理,主要负责该公司的日常管理。王先生担任执行副秘书长,2003年11月至2010年7月任中国城市商业网点建设管理联合会副主席兼秘书长,2011年9月至2017年7月担任中商联盟(北京)商业投资有限公司董事。2002年5月至2018年9月,王先生还担任《商业经济学杂志》的执行主编和主编,1990年9月至2002年4月,他还担任《中国商业先驱报》的记者和首席记者,主要负责商业新闻的收集和编辑。王先生于1990年7月在中国杭州商学院(现称浙江工商大学)获得经济学学士学位。
Yongping Wang,has served as Miniso Group Holding Limited independent director since November 2021 and was re-designated as an independent non-executive director upon Miniso Group Holding Limited listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on July 13, 2022. Mr. Wang has served as the president of China Commercial Real Estate Association since August 2016 and as a vice chairman of the Commerce Economy Association of China since April 2018. Mr. Wang has also served as an independent director of Easyhome New Retail Group Co., Ltd. (SZSE: 0785), a China-based company engaging in investment, development, merchandize distributorship, marketing and service of the home building material industry and listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, since December 2019, and an independent non-executive director of SCE Intelligent Commercial Management Holdings Limited (HKEX: 0606), a China-based investment holding company that mainly provides integrated property management services listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, since June 2021, and an independent director of Winner Technology Co., Ltd., or Winner Technology (SZSE: 300609), a China-based company principally engaged in offline consumer behavior data analysis, and listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, since May 2023. From April 2017 to May 2020, he served as an independent director at Winner Technology. Mr. Wang was an independent director of Shanghai Youyouto Investment Development Co., Ltd., a limited liability company established in China principally engaged in the operation of children's indoor amusement park, from March 2016 to March 2019, where he was primarily responsible for providing independent advice on its operations and management. Before joining Miniso Group Holding Limited , Mr. Wang held various senior management positions in several national commercial real estate institutions. Mr. Wang served as director at Beijing Sperry Real Estate Brokerage Co., Ltd. from March 2014 to February 2020. He also served as an executive general manager mainly responsible for its daily management at Zhongshang Lianmeng (Beijing) Real Estate Consulting Co., Ltd. from April 2011 to December 2020. Mr. Wang served as an executive vice secretary-general, vice chairman and secretary-general at China Federation of Urban Commercial Outlets Construction Administration from November 2003 to July 2010. He served as a director at Zhongshang Lianmeng (Beijing) Commercial Investment Co., Ltd. from September 2011 to July 2017. Mr. Wang also served as an executive editor-in-chief and editor-in-chief at Journal of Commercial Economics from May 2002 to September 2018 and as a reporter and a chief reporter, mainly responsible for business news gathering and editing at China Business Herald from September 1990 to April 2002. Mr. Wang received his bachelor's degree in economics from Hangzhou College of Commerce (now known as Zhejiang Gongshang University) in China in July 1990.


中英对照 |  中文 |  英文

叶国富是Miniso Group Holding Limited的创始人,自成立以来一直担任Miniso Group Holding Limited的董事长兼首席执行官。叶先生于2009年8月成立Miniso Group Holding Limited的前身公司Miniso Corporation,并一直担任该公司的首席执行官,该公司将其几乎所有业务和资产转让给了Miniso Group Holding Limited。叶先生在中国经济转型时期以时尚的方式积累了巨大的掌握力,并抓住机会改善了社会质量的消费模式,为中国带来了新的商业模式。叶先生从中国中南财经政法大学获得经济管理大专学历。

Guofu Ye,has served as a director of Miniso Group Holding Limited since January 2020 and was re-designated as executive director upon the listing of Miniso Group Holding Limited ordinary shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in July 2022. Mr. Ye is Miniso Group Holding Limited founder and has served as the chairman of Miniso Group Holding Limited and the chief executive officer of Miniso Group Holding Limited since February 2020. Mr. Ye is responsible for the overall strategy, business development and management of Miniso Group Holding Limited operations. Mr. Ye founded Miniso Corporation, Miniso Group Holding Limited predecessor, in August 2009 and has since then served as the chief executive officer of Miniso Corporation until August 2018. After Miniso Guangzhou, Miniso Group Holding Limited PRC holding entity before established Miniso Group Holding Limited offshore holding structure, was established in October 2017, Mr. Ye has since then been serving as a director and the general manager of Miniso Guangzhou. Mr. Ye accumulated immense mastery in trendy fashion during the period of Chinese economic transformation and seized the opportunity to improve the social quality consumption patterns, bringing a new business model in China. Mr. Ye received his junior college diploma in economic management from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in China in July 2001.
叶国富是Miniso Group Holding Limited的创始人,自成立以来一直担任Miniso Group Holding Limited的董事长兼首席执行官。叶先生于2009年8月成立Miniso Group Holding Limited的前身公司Miniso Corporation,并一直担任该公司的首席执行官,该公司将其几乎所有业务和资产转让给了Miniso Group Holding Limited。叶先生在中国经济转型时期以时尚的方式积累了巨大的掌握力,并抓住机会改善了社会质量的消费模式,为中国带来了新的商业模式。叶先生从中国中南财经政法大学获得经济管理大专学历。
Guofu Ye,has served as a director of Miniso Group Holding Limited since January 2020 and was re-designated as executive director upon the listing of Miniso Group Holding Limited ordinary shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in July 2022. Mr. Ye is Miniso Group Holding Limited founder and has served as the chairman of Miniso Group Holding Limited and the chief executive officer of Miniso Group Holding Limited since February 2020. Mr. Ye is responsible for the overall strategy, business development and management of Miniso Group Holding Limited operations. Mr. Ye founded Miniso Corporation, Miniso Group Holding Limited predecessor, in August 2009 and has since then served as the chief executive officer of Miniso Corporation until August 2018. After Miniso Guangzhou, Miniso Group Holding Limited PRC holding entity before established Miniso Group Holding Limited offshore holding structure, was established in October 2017, Mr. Ye has since then been serving as a director and the general manager of Miniso Guangzhou. Mr. Ye accumulated immense mastery in trendy fashion during the period of Chinese economic transformation and seized the opportunity to improve the social quality consumption patterns, bringing a new business model in China. Mr. Ye received his junior college diploma in economic management from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in China in July 2001.
Minxin Li

Minxin Li自2018年12月起担任Miniso Group Holding Limited的董事,自2018年8月起担任负责业务发展的执行副总裁。Li先生自2010年2月至2018年8月担任Miniso Corporation投资与发展中心的执行副总裁。Li先生从中国湖北省丹江口市商业技术学院获得电子技术专业的中学文凭。

Minxin Li,has served as an executive vice president of Miniso Group Holding Limited since February 2020. Mr. Li served as a director of Miniso Group Holding Limited from February 2020 to May 2023. Mr. Li is responsible for legal and business development of Miniso Group Holding Limited operations. Mr. Li served as an executive vice president in charge of business development at Miniso Corporation, Miniso Group Holding Limited predecessor, from February 2010 to August 2018. After Miniso Guangzhou was established in October 2017, Mr. Li has served as an executive vice president of Miniso Guangzhou in charge of business development since August 2018 and served as a director of Miniso Guangzhou from December 2018 to March 2020. Before that, Mr. Li operated his own franchisee business in the apparel industry and accumulated substantial industry experience.
Minxin Li自2018年12月起担任Miniso Group Holding Limited的董事,自2018年8月起担任负责业务发展的执行副总裁。Li先生自2010年2月至2018年8月担任Miniso Corporation投资与发展中心的执行副总裁。Li先生从中国湖北省丹江口市商业技术学院获得电子技术专业的中学文凭。
Minxin Li,has served as an executive vice president of Miniso Group Holding Limited since February 2020. Mr. Li served as a director of Miniso Group Holding Limited from February 2020 to May 2023. Mr. Li is responsible for legal and business development of Miniso Group Holding Limited operations. Mr. Li served as an executive vice president in charge of business development at Miniso Corporation, Miniso Group Holding Limited predecessor, from February 2010 to August 2018. After Miniso Guangzhou was established in October 2017, Mr. Li has served as an executive vice president of Miniso Guangzhou in charge of business development since August 2018 and served as a director of Miniso Guangzhou from December 2018 to March 2020. Before that, Mr. Li operated his own franchisee business in the apparel industry and accumulated substantial industry experience.
Na Dou

Na Dou从2018年8月开始担任Miniso Group Holding Limited的执行副总裁,负责产品设计和开发。Dou女士从2018年8月至2020年9月担任Miniso Group Holding Limited的董事,并于2009年9月至2018年8月担任Miniso Corporation的执行副总裁。Dou在中国江南大学获得产品设计学士学位。

Na Dou,has served as an executive vice president of Miniso Group Holding Limited since February 2020. Ms. Dou is responsible for product design and development of Miniso Group Holding Limited operations. Ms. Dou served as an executive vice president of Miniso Corporation from September 2009 to August 2018 in charge of product design and development. After Miniso Guangzhou was established, Ms. Dou has served as an executive vice president of Miniso Guangzhou in charge of product development since August 2018 and served as a director of Miniso Guangzhou from December 2018 to March 2020. Ms. Dou received her specialist degree in clinical medicine from Wuhan University in China in July 2004 and her bachelor's degree in product design from Jiangnan University in China in July 2021.
Na Dou从2018年8月开始担任Miniso Group Holding Limited的执行副总裁,负责产品设计和开发。Dou女士从2018年8月至2020年9月担任Miniso Group Holding Limited的董事,并于2009年9月至2018年8月担任Miniso Corporation的执行副总裁。Dou在中国江南大学获得产品设计学士学位。
Na Dou,has served as an executive vice president of Miniso Group Holding Limited since February 2020. Ms. Dou is responsible for product design and development of Miniso Group Holding Limited operations. Ms. Dou served as an executive vice president of Miniso Corporation from September 2009 to August 2018 in charge of product design and development. After Miniso Guangzhou was established, Ms. Dou has served as an executive vice president of Miniso Guangzhou in charge of product development since August 2018 and served as a director of Miniso Guangzhou from December 2018 to March 2020. Ms. Dou received her specialist degree in clinical medicine from Wuhan University in China in July 2004 and her bachelor's degree in product design from Jiangnan University in China in July 2021.


Yunyun Yang,has served as a vice president of Miniso Group Holding Limited since February 2020. Ms. Yang is responsible for the risk management and internal controls of Miniso Group Holding Limited operations. Ms. Yang has been serving as a director of Miniso Corporation since August 2009 and served as an executive vice president of the risk management center of Miniso Corporation from September 2009 to August 2018. After Miniso Guangzhou was established, Ms. Yang has served as an executive vice president of Miniso Guangzhou in charge of risk management since August 2018 and served as a director of Miniso Guangzhou from December 2018 to March 2020. Ms. Yang completed a specialist online course on mental health education at Beijing Normal University in July 2020.
Yunyun Yang,has served as a vice president of Miniso Group Holding Limited since February 2020. Ms. Yang is responsible for the risk management and internal controls of Miniso Group Holding Limited operations. Ms. Yang has been serving as a director of Miniso Corporation since August 2009 and served as an executive vice president of the risk management center of Miniso Corporation from September 2009 to August 2018. After Miniso Guangzhou was established, Ms. Yang has served as an executive vice president of Miniso Guangzhou in charge of risk management since August 2018 and served as a director of Miniso Guangzhou from December 2018 to March 2020. Ms. Yang completed a specialist online course on mental health education at Beijing Normal University in July 2020.

张靖京自2023年1月起担任名创优品集团控股有限公司首席财务官。在晋升为首席财务官之前,张先生自2022年9月起担任名创优品集团控股有限公司资本市场副总裁,负责名创优品集团控股有限公司的资本市场事务,包括投资者关系,战略投资和收购,以及企业战略和财务。他于2021年1月加入名创优品集团控股有限公司,担任资本市场总监。他在资本市场拥有超过10年的经验。在加入名创优品集团控股有限公司之前,张先生的职业生涯始于普华永道会计师事务所(PricewaterhouseCoopers)的审计师,之后他在中国的几家TMT公司担任投资者关系领域的各种职务,包括趣头条公司(纳斯达克股票代码:QTT)和微博公司(纳斯达克股票代码:WB)。他于2011年6月获得南开大学世界历史和工商管理双学士学位。张先生目前是中欧国际工商学院(China Europe International Business School)执行项目的FMBA候选人。他是特许金融分析师和中国注册会计师协会的非执业成员。

Jingjing Zhang,has served as the chief financial officer of Miniso Group Holding Limited since January 2023. Prior to his promotion as the chief financial officer, Mr. Zhang served as the vice president of capital markets of Miniso Group Holding Limited from September 2022, in charge of Miniso Group Holding Limited company's capital markets matters, including investor relations, strategic investment and acquisitions, as well as corporate strategy and treasury. Mr. Zhang joined Miniso Group Holding Limited in January 2021 as the director of capital markets. Mr. Zhang has over 10 years of experience in capital markets. Before joining Miniso Group Holding Limited , Mr. Zhang started his career as an auditor at PricewaterhouseCoopers, after which he served in various roles in investor relations area at several TMT companies in China, including Qutoutiao Inc. (NASDAQ: QTT) and Weibo Corp. (NASDAQ: WB). Mr. Zhang received his dual bachelor degrees in World History and Business Administration from Nankai University in June 2011. Mr. Zhang currently is an FMBA candidate of the executive program at China Europe International Business School. Mr. Zhang is a Chartered Financial Analyst and a non-practicing member of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
张靖京自2023年1月起担任名创优品集团控股有限公司首席财务官。在晋升为首席财务官之前,张先生自2022年9月起担任名创优品集团控股有限公司资本市场副总裁,负责名创优品集团控股有限公司的资本市场事务,包括投资者关系,战略投资和收购,以及企业战略和财务。他于2021年1月加入名创优品集团控股有限公司,担任资本市场总监。他在资本市场拥有超过10年的经验。在加入名创优品集团控股有限公司之前,张先生的职业生涯始于普华永道会计师事务所(PricewaterhouseCoopers)的审计师,之后他在中国的几家TMT公司担任投资者关系领域的各种职务,包括趣头条公司(纳斯达克股票代码:QTT)和微博公司(纳斯达克股票代码:WB)。他于2011年6月获得南开大学世界历史和工商管理双学士学位。张先生目前是中欧国际工商学院(China Europe International Business School)执行项目的FMBA候选人。他是特许金融分析师和中国注册会计师协会的非执业成员。
Jingjing Zhang,has served as the chief financial officer of Miniso Group Holding Limited since January 2023. Prior to his promotion as the chief financial officer, Mr. Zhang served as the vice president of capital markets of Miniso Group Holding Limited from September 2022, in charge of Miniso Group Holding Limited company's capital markets matters, including investor relations, strategic investment and acquisitions, as well as corporate strategy and treasury. Mr. Zhang joined Miniso Group Holding Limited in January 2021 as the director of capital markets. Mr. Zhang has over 10 years of experience in capital markets. Before joining Miniso Group Holding Limited , Mr. Zhang started his career as an auditor at PricewaterhouseCoopers, after which he served in various roles in investor relations area at several TMT companies in China, including Qutoutiao Inc. (NASDAQ: QTT) and Weibo Corp. (NASDAQ: WB). Mr. Zhang received his dual bachelor degrees in World History and Business Administration from Nankai University in June 2011. Mr. Zhang currently is an FMBA candidate of the executive program at China Europe International Business School. Mr. Zhang is a Chartered Financial Analyst and a non-practicing member of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants.