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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Daniel Skovronsky Director 47 未披露 未持股 2020-10-15
Colleen F. Reitan Director 60 37.33万美元 未持股 2020-10-15
Lee N. Newcomer Director 67 37.03万美元 未持股 2020-10-15
Rashmi Kumar Director 51 未披露 未持股 2020-10-15
Daniel M. Skovronsky Director 47 未披露 未持股 2020-10-15
Dennis H. Langer Director 68 38.84万美元 未持股 2020-10-15
Daniel K. Spiegelman Director 61 30.92万美元 未持股 2020-10-15
John T. Henderson Director 76 45.82万美元 未持股 2020-10-15
Walter Gilbert Director 88 37.13万美元 未持股 2020-10-15
Heiner Dreismann Director 67 38.44万美元 未持股 2020-10-15
Dennis H. Langer Director 68 未披露 未持股 2020-10-15
S. Louise Phanstiel Chair of the Board, Director 62 40.18万美元 未持股 2020-10-15
Lawrence C. Best Director 71 37.95万美元 未持股 2020-10-15
Paul J. Diaz President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 58 未披露 未持股 2020-10-15



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
R. Bryan Riggsbee Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer 49 420.33万美元 未持股 2020-10-15
Mark Verratti President, Myriad Neuroscience 52 未披露 未持股 2020-10-15
Benjamin G. Jackson Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary 41 未披露 未持股 2020-10-15
Nicole Lambert President of Myriad Womens Health, Oncology, and International 46 170.47万美元 未持股 2020-10-15
Paul C. Parkinson Executive Vice President for Reimbursement Strategy 54 未披露 未持股 2020-10-15
Jerry S. Lanchbury Chief Scientific Officer 61 182.92万美元 未持股 2020-10-15
Paul J. Diaz President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 58 未披露 未持股 2020-10-15
Jayne B. Hart Executive Vice President of Human Resources 60 未披露 未持股 2020-10-15


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Daniel Skovronsky

Daniel Skovronsky,科学与技术高级副总裁兼礼来研究实验室总裁,于2018年6月生效。2010年加入公司之前,Skovronsky博士是Avid Radiopharmaceutical公司的首席执行官和创始人。

Daniel Skovronsky,Prior to assuming his current role, Dr. Skovronsky served as Executive Vice President, Chief Scientific and Medical Officer, and President, Lilly Research Laboratories since 2018. Dr. Skovronsky has held other leadership roles with Lilly, including as senior vice president, clinical and product development and vice president, diabetes research. Dr. Skovronsky has 13 years of service with Lilly.
Daniel Skovronsky,科学与技术高级副总裁兼礼来研究实验室总裁,于2018年6月生效。2010年加入公司之前,Skovronsky博士是Avid Radiopharmaceutical公司的首席执行官和创始人。
Daniel Skovronsky,Prior to assuming his current role, Dr. Skovronsky served as Executive Vice President, Chief Scientific and Medical Officer, and President, Lilly Research Laboratories since 2018. Dr. Skovronsky has held other leadership roles with Lilly, including as senior vice president, clinical and product development and vice president, diabetes research. Dr. Skovronsky has 13 years of service with Lilly.
Colleen F. Reitan

ColleenF.Reitan于2019年9月被任命为董事会成员。Reitan女士曾在Health Care Services Corporation HCSC担任多个高级领导职位,包括最近担任执行Vice President和计划运营总裁以及首席运营官。在HCSC工作之前,Reitan女士在Blue Cross和Blue Shield of Minnesota担任过许多高级管理职位,包括首席运营官。总的来说,Reitan女士在管理式护理行业拥有超过35年的经验。Reitan女士拥有明尼苏达州立大学曼卡托分校(Minnesota State University at Mankato)的学士学位和明尼苏达大学双子城分校(University of Minnesota-Twin Cities)的医疗保健管理硕士学位。她目前在AlnylamPharmaceuticals,Inc.董事会任职。

Colleen F. Reitan was appointed as a member of the Board of Directors in September of 2019. Ms. Reitan previously held numerous senior leadership positions at Health Care Services Corporation HCSC including most recently as the Executive Vice President and President of Plan Operations and as the Chief Operating Officer. Prior to working at HCSC, Ms. Reitan held numerous senior management positions at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota including Chief Operating Officer. In aggregate, Ms. Reitan has over 35 years of experience in the managed care industry. Ms. Reitan holds a B.A. from Minnesota State University at Mankato and a M.S. in Health Care Administration from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. She currently serves on the board of Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
ColleenF.Reitan于2019年9月被任命为董事会成员。Reitan女士曾在Health Care Services Corporation HCSC担任多个高级领导职位,包括最近担任执行Vice President和计划运营总裁以及首席运营官。在HCSC工作之前,Reitan女士在Blue Cross和Blue Shield of Minnesota担任过许多高级管理职位,包括首席运营官。总的来说,Reitan女士在管理式护理行业拥有超过35年的经验。Reitan女士拥有明尼苏达州立大学曼卡托分校(Minnesota State University at Mankato)的学士学位和明尼苏达大学双子城分校(University of Minnesota-Twin Cities)的医疗保健管理硕士学位。她目前在AlnylamPharmaceuticals,Inc.董事会任职。
Colleen F. Reitan was appointed as a member of the Board of Directors in September of 2019. Ms. Reitan previously held numerous senior leadership positions at Health Care Services Corporation HCSC including most recently as the Executive Vice President and President of Plan Operations and as the Chief Operating Officer. Prior to working at HCSC, Ms. Reitan held numerous senior management positions at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota including Chief Operating Officer. In aggregate, Ms. Reitan has over 35 years of experience in the managed care industry. Ms. Reitan holds a B.A. from Minnesota State University at Mankato and a M.S. in Health Care Administration from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. She currently serves on the board of Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Lee N. Newcomer

LeeN.Newcomer医学博士于2019年9月被任命为董事会成员。Newcomer博士目前管理着自己的咨询公司LeeN.Newcomer Consulting,LLC,此前曾在联合梦百合担任高级执行职务,包括肿瘤和遗传学高级副总裁、首席医疗官以及联合健康集团健康政策和战略高级副总裁。Newcomer博士还曾在Vivius,Inc.工作,该公司是一家面向消费者的健康计划公司,担任执行Vice President和首席医疗官。Newcomer博士在麦迪逊威斯康星大学(University of Wisconsin)获得梦百合管理硕士学位,在奥马哈的内布拉斯加大学(University of Nebraska)获得医学博士学位,在内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学(Nebraska Wesleyan University)获得工商管理硕士学位。Newcomer博士目前任职于Cellworks Group Inc.的董事会,这是一家私人精准医疗公司和Intervention Insights,这是一家基因组测试决策支持公司。他也曾任职Park Nicollet Health Systems公司(医院医疗保健系统,拥有大约1000名医生和400张床)的董事会10年,包括担任主席两年。

Lee N. Newcomer, M.D., was appointed as a member of the Board of Directors in September 2019. Dr. Newcomer currently manages his own consulting business, Lee N. Newcomer Consulting, LLC, and previously held senior executive roles at United Healthcare including Senior Vice President for Oncology and Genetics, Chief Medical Officer and Senior Vice President of Health Policy and Strategy for UnitedHealth Group. Dr. Newcomer also worked for Vivius, Inc., a consumer directed health plan, holding the position of Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer. Dr. Newcomer received a Master’s Degree in Healthcare Administration & Management from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, an M.D. from the University of Nebraska, Omaha, and a B.S. from Nebraska Wesleyan University. Dr. Newcomer currently serves on the Board of Cellworks Group Inc., a private precision medicine company and Intervention Insights, a genomic test decision support company. He also served on the Board of Directors of Park Nicollet Health Systems, a hospital health care system with approximately 1000 physicians and 400 beds, for 10 years including two years as Chairman.
LeeN.Newcomer医学博士于2019年9月被任命为董事会成员。Newcomer博士目前管理着自己的咨询公司LeeN.Newcomer Consulting,LLC,此前曾在联合梦百合担任高级执行职务,包括肿瘤和遗传学高级副总裁、首席医疗官以及联合健康集团健康政策和战略高级副总裁。Newcomer博士还曾在Vivius,Inc.工作,该公司是一家面向消费者的健康计划公司,担任执行Vice President和首席医疗官。Newcomer博士在麦迪逊威斯康星大学(University of Wisconsin)获得梦百合管理硕士学位,在奥马哈的内布拉斯加大学(University of Nebraska)获得医学博士学位,在内布拉斯加州卫斯理大学(Nebraska Wesleyan University)获得工商管理硕士学位。Newcomer博士目前任职于Cellworks Group Inc.的董事会,这是一家私人精准医疗公司和Intervention Insights,这是一家基因组测试决策支持公司。他也曾任职Park Nicollet Health Systems公司(医院医疗保健系统,拥有大约1000名医生和400张床)的董事会10年,包括担任主席两年。
Lee N. Newcomer, M.D., was appointed as a member of the Board of Directors in September 2019. Dr. Newcomer currently manages his own consulting business, Lee N. Newcomer Consulting, LLC, and previously held senior executive roles at United Healthcare including Senior Vice President for Oncology and Genetics, Chief Medical Officer and Senior Vice President of Health Policy and Strategy for UnitedHealth Group. Dr. Newcomer also worked for Vivius, Inc., a consumer directed health plan, holding the position of Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer. Dr. Newcomer received a Master’s Degree in Healthcare Administration & Management from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, an M.D. from the University of Nebraska, Omaha, and a B.S. from Nebraska Wesleyan University. Dr. Newcomer currently serves on the Board of Cellworks Group Inc., a private precision medicine company and Intervention Insights, a genomic test decision support company. He also served on the Board of Directors of Park Nicollet Health Systems, a hospital health care system with approximately 1000 physicians and 400 beds, for 10 years including two years as Chairman.
Rashmi Kumar

Rashmi Kumar自2020年9月起担任公司董事。目前,Kumar女士担任休斯敦惠普企业(Hewlett Packard Enterprise)的全球IT高级副总裁。她是一位经验丰富的技术领导者,在IT领导、梦百合、咨询服务、电力公用事业、金融服务、信息技术、媒体和娱乐以及钢铁行业有着广泛的经验。Kumar女士拥有超过25年的经验,其主要关注领域包括数字化转型,AI/ML,数据&分析,战略规划,企业架构和大规模业务流程转型。Rashmi Kumar&8217;s于2018年加入HPE,担任全球IT副总裁,专注于应用程序运营和支持,NGIT计划的构建和部署以及技术领导,以使HPE业务实现转型目标。Kumar女士曾担任许多财富50强公司的首席信息官和首席技术官,例如,McKesson,南加州爱迪生,丰田,HPE和塔塔钢铁。Rashmi Kumar在印度辛德里的比哈尔理工学院获得中国中冶工程学士学位。她还持有the University of California,Irvine;Paul Merage School of Business工商管理硕士学位。

Rashmi Kumar has been a Director of the Company since September 2020. Currently, Ms. Kumar serves as the SVP CIO - Global IT with Hewlett Packard Enterprise in Houston. She is a seasoned technology leader with wide ranging experience in IT Leadership, healthcare, consulting services, electric utilities, financial services, information technology, media & entertainment and steel industries. With more than 25 years of experience, Ms. Kumar’s primary areas of focus include Digital Transformation, AI/ML, Data & Analytics, strategic planning, Enterprise Architecture, and large-scale business process transformations. Rashmi Kumar’s joined HPE in 2018 as VP Global IT to focus on Applications Operations, and Support, NGIT Program Build and Deployment, and technology leadership to enable HPE business to achieve transformation goals. Ms. Kumar has served as CIO and CTO for many Fortune 50 companies like, McKesson, Southern California Edison, Toyota, HPE, and Tata Steel. Rashmi Kumar earned a bachelor’s degree in Metallurgical Engineering from the Bihar Institute of Technology in Sindri, India. She also holds an MBA from the University of California, Irvine; Paul Merage School of Business.
Rashmi Kumar自2020年9月起担任公司董事。目前,Kumar女士担任休斯敦惠普企业(Hewlett Packard Enterprise)的全球IT高级副总裁。她是一位经验丰富的技术领导者,在IT领导、梦百合、咨询服务、电力公用事业、金融服务、信息技术、媒体和娱乐以及钢铁行业有着广泛的经验。Kumar女士拥有超过25年的经验,其主要关注领域包括数字化转型,AI/ML,数据&分析,战略规划,企业架构和大规模业务流程转型。Rashmi Kumar&8217;s于2018年加入HPE,担任全球IT副总裁,专注于应用程序运营和支持,NGIT计划的构建和部署以及技术领导,以使HPE业务实现转型目标。Kumar女士曾担任许多财富50强公司的首席信息官和首席技术官,例如,McKesson,南加州爱迪生,丰田,HPE和塔塔钢铁。Rashmi Kumar在印度辛德里的比哈尔理工学院获得中国中冶工程学士学位。她还持有the University of California,Irvine;Paul Merage School of Business工商管理硕士学位。
Rashmi Kumar has been a Director of the Company since September 2020. Currently, Ms. Kumar serves as the SVP CIO - Global IT with Hewlett Packard Enterprise in Houston. She is a seasoned technology leader with wide ranging experience in IT Leadership, healthcare, consulting services, electric utilities, financial services, information technology, media & entertainment and steel industries. With more than 25 years of experience, Ms. Kumar’s primary areas of focus include Digital Transformation, AI/ML, Data & Analytics, strategic planning, Enterprise Architecture, and large-scale business process transformations. Rashmi Kumar’s joined HPE in 2018 as VP Global IT to focus on Applications Operations, and Support, NGIT Program Build and Deployment, and technology leadership to enable HPE business to achieve transformation goals. Ms. Kumar has served as CIO and CTO for many Fortune 50 companies like, McKesson, Southern California Edison, Toyota, HPE, and Tata Steel. Rashmi Kumar earned a bachelor’s degree in Metallurgical Engineering from the Bihar Institute of Technology in Sindri, India. She also holds an MBA from the University of California, Irvine; Paul Merage School of Business.
Daniel M. Skovronsky

Daniel M.Skovronsky,医学博士,博士,于2020年7月加入公司担任董事。目前,他担任礼来公司礼来研究实验室的首席科学官和总裁。此前,他曾担任Avid RadioPharmaceuticals公司(他于2004年创立的公司)的首席执行官。Skovronsky博士在宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院(Perelman School of Medicine)获得医学博士学位,在宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)获得神经科学博士学位,在耶鲁大学(Yale University)获得分子生物物理和生物化学学士学位。

Daniel M. Skovronsky, M.D., Ph.D., joined the Company as a Director in July 2020. Currently, he serves as Chief Science Officer and President of Lilly Research Laboratories at Eli Lilly and Company. Previously, he was Chief Executive Officer of Avid Radiopharmaceuticals Inc., a company he founded in 2004. Dr. Skovronsky earned his M.D. from the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, his Ph.D. in neuroscience from University of Pennsylvania and a B.S. in molecular biophysics and biochemistry from Yale University.
Daniel M.Skovronsky,医学博士,博士,于2020年7月加入公司担任董事。目前,他担任礼来公司礼来研究实验室的首席科学官和总裁。此前,他曾担任Avid RadioPharmaceuticals公司(他于2004年创立的公司)的首席执行官。Skovronsky博士在宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院(Perelman School of Medicine)获得医学博士学位,在宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)获得神经科学博士学位,在耶鲁大学(Yale University)获得分子生物物理和生物化学学士学位。
Daniel M. Skovronsky, M.D., Ph.D., joined the Company as a Director in July 2020. Currently, he serves as Chief Science Officer and President of Lilly Research Laboratories at Eli Lilly and Company. Previously, he was Chief Executive Officer of Avid Radiopharmaceuticals Inc., a company he founded in 2004. Dr. Skovronsky earned his M.D. from the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, his Ph.D. in neuroscience from University of Pennsylvania and a B.S. in molecular biophysics and biochemistry from Yale University.
Dennis H. Langer

Dennis H. Langer,自2021年5月起担任NTN Buzztime, Inc.的董事。从2013年到2014年,他曾担任AdvanDx, Inc.的董事长兼首席执行官。2005年至2010年担任Phoenix IP Ventures, LLC的管理合伙人;从2004年到2005年,Reddy 's Laboratories, Inc.的北美总裁;从1994年到2004年,在GlaxoSmithKline和SmithKline Beecham担任研发高级副总裁;从1991年到1994年担任Neose Technologies, Inc.的首席执行官。在Lilly, Abbott和Searle担任研发和营销职位。哥伦比亚大学生物学学士,哈佛大学法学院法学博士,乔治城大学医学院医学博士。

Dennis H. Langer,has served as a director of Quoin Inc. since 2019. Dr. Langer has served as a director of Quoin Ltd. Since October 28, 2021. From 2005 to 2010, Dr. Langer served as the Managing Partner at Phoenix IP Ventures, LLC, a private equity and venture capital fund specializing in life sciences companies. From 2004 to 2005, Dr. Langer was the President, North America for Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Inc., a multi-national pharmaceutical company. Dr. Langer was with GlaxoSmithKline, a multi-national pharmaceutical and biotechnology company, from 1994-2004, where he served as Senior Vice President, Project, Portfolio and Alliance Management, Senior Vice President, Product Development Strategy, and Senior Vice President, Healthcare Services R&D. From 1991 to 1994, he served as President and Chief Executive Officer at Neose Technologies, Inc., a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company. From 2004 to June 2022, Dr. Langer served as a director of Myriad Genetics, Inc. (Nasdaq: MYGN), a genetic testing and precision medicine company. From 2021 to June 2022, Dr. Langer served as a director of Brooklyn ImmunoTherapeutics, Inc. (n/k/a Eterna Therapeutics Inc., Nasdaq: ERNA), a biotechnology company. From 2007 to 2019, Dr. Langer served as a director of Dicerna Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Nasdaq: DRNA), a biopharmaceutical company. Dr. Langer serves on the Dean's Advisory Board of Harvard Law School. He received an M.D. from Georgetown University School of Medicine, a J.D. from Harvard Law School, and a B.A. in Biology from Columbia University.
Dennis H. Langer,自2021年5月起担任NTN Buzztime, Inc.的董事。从2013年到2014年,他曾担任AdvanDx, Inc.的董事长兼首席执行官。2005年至2010年担任Phoenix IP Ventures, LLC的管理合伙人;从2004年到2005年,Reddy 's Laboratories, Inc.的北美总裁;从1994年到2004年,在GlaxoSmithKline和SmithKline Beecham担任研发高级副总裁;从1991年到1994年担任Neose Technologies, Inc.的首席执行官。在Lilly, Abbott和Searle担任研发和营销职位。哥伦比亚大学生物学学士,哈佛大学法学院法学博士,乔治城大学医学院医学博士。
Dennis H. Langer,has served as a director of Quoin Inc. since 2019. Dr. Langer has served as a director of Quoin Ltd. Since October 28, 2021. From 2005 to 2010, Dr. Langer served as the Managing Partner at Phoenix IP Ventures, LLC, a private equity and venture capital fund specializing in life sciences companies. From 2004 to 2005, Dr. Langer was the President, North America for Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Inc., a multi-national pharmaceutical company. Dr. Langer was with GlaxoSmithKline, a multi-national pharmaceutical and biotechnology company, from 1994-2004, where he served as Senior Vice President, Project, Portfolio and Alliance Management, Senior Vice President, Product Development Strategy, and Senior Vice President, Healthcare Services R&D. From 1991 to 1994, he served as President and Chief Executive Officer at Neose Technologies, Inc., a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company. From 2004 to June 2022, Dr. Langer served as a director of Myriad Genetics, Inc. (Nasdaq: MYGN), a genetic testing and precision medicine company. From 2021 to June 2022, Dr. Langer served as a director of Brooklyn ImmunoTherapeutics, Inc. (n/k/a Eterna Therapeutics Inc., Nasdaq: ERNA), a biotechnology company. From 2007 to 2019, Dr. Langer served as a director of Dicerna Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Nasdaq: DRNA), a biopharmaceutical company. Dr. Langer serves on the Dean's Advisory Board of Harvard Law School. He received an M.D. from Georgetown University School of Medicine, a J.D. from Harvard Law School, and a B.A. in Biology from Columbia University.
Daniel K. Spiegelman

Daniel K. Spiegelman, 自2010年2月担任公司董事。自2012年5月起他开始担任执行BIOMARIN制药公司(纳斯达克股票代码: BMRN )副总裁和首席财务官;从2009年5月到2012年5月担任一家生物技术公司的投资组合金融顾问和董事;从1998年1月到2009年5月他担任CV Therapeutics公司(一家生物制药公司,2009年4月被吉利德科学公司收购)高级副总裁和首席财务官;从1991年7月到1998年1月他在基因泰克公司任职,最近的职位包括风险官。他现任ONCOTHYREON公司(纳斯达克股票代码: ONTY )董事。他持有斯坦福大学经济学士学位以及斯坦福研究生商学院工商管理硕士学位。

Daniel K. Spiegelman,has served as a member of Kyverna Therapeutics, Inc. board of directors since April 2021. Mr. Spiegelman has over 25 years of Biotech finance experience. Mr. Spiegelman was most recently Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President of BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. (Nasdaq: BMRN), a biotechnology company focused on developing, manufacturing and commercializing treatments for rare genetic disorders, from 2012 to 2020. Mr. Spiegelman oversaw growth from $500M in revenues to $2.0B in revenues with sales in 70 countries and from $4B market cap to $15B. Prior to BioMarin, Mr. Spiegelman served as Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President of CV Therapeutics, Inc. for 11 years from 1998 through its sale in 2009 to Gilead Sciences, Inc. From July 1991 to January 1998, Mr. Spiegelman served in various roles at Genentech, Inc. (now a member of the Roche Group) most recently as Treasurer. Mr. Spiegelman currently provides consulting and board services to various life sciences companies. He currently serves as a member of the board of directors and audit committee chair of Myriad Genetics (Nasdaq: MYGN), Spruce Biosciences (Nasdaq: SPRB) and Opthea Limited (Nasdaq: OPT), and serves on the board of directors of several private biotechnology companies, including Tizona Therapeutics, Inc. and Maze Therapeutics Inc. Mr. Spiegelman also serves as venture partner at Samsara BioCapital. Mr. Spiegelman received his Master's in Business Administration from the Stanford Graduate School of Business and a Bachelor's in Economics from Stanford University.
Daniel K. Spiegelman, 自2010年2月担任公司董事。自2012年5月起他开始担任执行BIOMARIN制药公司(纳斯达克股票代码: BMRN )副总裁和首席财务官;从2009年5月到2012年5月担任一家生物技术公司的投资组合金融顾问和董事;从1998年1月到2009年5月他担任CV Therapeutics公司(一家生物制药公司,2009年4月被吉利德科学公司收购)高级副总裁和首席财务官;从1991年7月到1998年1月他在基因泰克公司任职,最近的职位包括风险官。他现任ONCOTHYREON公司(纳斯达克股票代码: ONTY )董事。他持有斯坦福大学经济学士学位以及斯坦福研究生商学院工商管理硕士学位。
Daniel K. Spiegelman,has served as a member of Kyverna Therapeutics, Inc. board of directors since April 2021. Mr. Spiegelman has over 25 years of Biotech finance experience. Mr. Spiegelman was most recently Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President of BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. (Nasdaq: BMRN), a biotechnology company focused on developing, manufacturing and commercializing treatments for rare genetic disorders, from 2012 to 2020. Mr. Spiegelman oversaw growth from $500M in revenues to $2.0B in revenues with sales in 70 countries and from $4B market cap to $15B. Prior to BioMarin, Mr. Spiegelman served as Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President of CV Therapeutics, Inc. for 11 years from 1998 through its sale in 2009 to Gilead Sciences, Inc. From July 1991 to January 1998, Mr. Spiegelman served in various roles at Genentech, Inc. (now a member of the Roche Group) most recently as Treasurer. Mr. Spiegelman currently provides consulting and board services to various life sciences companies. He currently serves as a member of the board of directors and audit committee chair of Myriad Genetics (Nasdaq: MYGN), Spruce Biosciences (Nasdaq: SPRB) and Opthea Limited (Nasdaq: OPT), and serves on the board of directors of several private biotechnology companies, including Tizona Therapeutics, Inc. and Maze Therapeutics Inc. Mr. Spiegelman also serves as venture partner at Samsara BioCapital. Mr. Spiegelman received his Master's in Business Administration from the Stanford Graduate School of Business and a Bachelor's in Economics from Stanford University.
John T. Henderson

John T. Henderson,医学士,化学士,2009年2月以来担任我们董事会成员。2000年12月以来,Henderson博士担任Futurepharm公司制药行业顾问兼总裁。直到他2000年12月退休,Henderson博士在辉瑞公司工作了25年多,最后一个职位是辉瑞制药集团的副总裁。Henderson博士之前在欧洲的辉瑞研究开发集团担任副总裁级别职位,之后在日本担任相同的职位。他也曾是辉瑞欧洲,美国和国际制药集团的副总裁,负责医疗项目。Henderson博士2004年以来担任Myriad Genetics,一家医疗诊断公司担任董事会成员,2005年4月以来担任Myriad董事会主席。2009年6月到2013年1月,他担任Myrexis,原Myriad制药公司的董事会成员。他也担任一家私营制药研究开发公司的董事会主席。Henderson博士拥有爱丁堡大学的科学和医学学士学位,是英国皇家医学院的研究员和制药医学专业的教师。

John T. Henderson has served as a member of our Board of Directors since February 2009. Since December 2000 Dr. Henderson has served as a consultant to the pharmaceutical industry as president of Futurepharm LLC. Dr. Henderson consulted for NeuroVia, Inc. as Chief Development Officer and was an executive officer of this privately held company until October 2018. Until his retirement in December 2000 Dr. Henderson was with Pfizer Inc. for over 25 years, most recently as a Vice President in the Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Group. Dr. Henderson previously held Vice Presidential level positions with Pfizer in Research and Development in Europe and later in Japan. He was also Vice President, Medical for Pfizer's Europe, U.S. and International Pharmaceuticals groups. Dr. Henderson has served on the Board of Directors of Myriad Genetics, Inc., a healthcare diagnostics company, since 2004 and has served as the Chairman of Myriad's Board of Directors since April 2005. Dr. Henderson earned his bachelor of science and medical degrees from the University of Edinburgh and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians Ed. and the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine.
John T. Henderson,医学士,化学士,2009年2月以来担任我们董事会成员。2000年12月以来,Henderson博士担任Futurepharm公司制药行业顾问兼总裁。直到他2000年12月退休,Henderson博士在辉瑞公司工作了25年多,最后一个职位是辉瑞制药集团的副总裁。Henderson博士之前在欧洲的辉瑞研究开发集团担任副总裁级别职位,之后在日本担任相同的职位。他也曾是辉瑞欧洲,美国和国际制药集团的副总裁,负责医疗项目。Henderson博士2004年以来担任Myriad Genetics,一家医疗诊断公司担任董事会成员,2005年4月以来担任Myriad董事会主席。2009年6月到2013年1月,他担任Myrexis,原Myriad制药公司的董事会成员。他也担任一家私营制药研究开发公司的董事会主席。Henderson博士拥有爱丁堡大学的科学和医学学士学位,是英国皇家医学院的研究员和制药医学专业的教师。
John T. Henderson has served as a member of our Board of Directors since February 2009. Since December 2000 Dr. Henderson has served as a consultant to the pharmaceutical industry as president of Futurepharm LLC. Dr. Henderson consulted for NeuroVia, Inc. as Chief Development Officer and was an executive officer of this privately held company until October 2018. Until his retirement in December 2000 Dr. Henderson was with Pfizer Inc. for over 25 years, most recently as a Vice President in the Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Group. Dr. Henderson previously held Vice Presidential level positions with Pfizer in Research and Development in Europe and later in Japan. He was also Vice President, Medical for Pfizer's Europe, U.S. and International Pharmaceuticals groups. Dr. Henderson has served on the Board of Directors of Myriad Genetics, Inc., a healthcare diagnostics company, since 2004 and has served as the Chairman of Myriad's Board of Directors since April 2005. Dr. Henderson earned his bachelor of science and medical degrees from the University of Edinburgh and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians Ed. and the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine.
Walter Gilbert

Walter Gilbert,他担任公司董事会副主席。1992年3月,他作为创始科学家和董事加入本公司。他在1980年获得诺贝尔化学奖,源于他对DNA测序技术的发展作出了贡献。他是Biogen(现Biogen Idec)的创始人之一,并从1981年至1985年担任其董事会主席兼首席执行官。他曾担任Harvard University的物理系,生物物理系,生物系,生物化学与分子生物学,以及分子和细胞生物学的教授。他在哈佛大学退休后,担任Carl M. Loeb University的教授。他曾任职于Memory Pharmaceuticals Corp.的董事会,并且是BioVentures Investors(一个投资基金)的普通合伙人。

Walter Gilbert joined Myriad as a founder and director in March 1992. Dr. Gilbert won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1980 for his contributions to the development of DNA sequencing technology. He was a founder of Biogen, Inc. and its Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer from 1981 to 1985. Dr. Gilbert has held professorships at Harvard University in the departments of Physics, Biophysics, Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and Molecular and Cellular Biology. He is a Carl M. Loeb University Professor Emeritus at Harvard University. Dr. Gilbert founded and served on the Board of Directors of both Memory Pharmaceuticals Corp. and Paratek Pharmaceuticals, Inc. He also currently serves on the board of Amylyx Pharmaceuticals and is a General Partner of BioVentures Investors, an investment fund.
Walter Gilbert,他担任公司董事会副主席。1992年3月,他作为创始科学家和董事加入本公司。他在1980年获得诺贝尔化学奖,源于他对DNA测序技术的发展作出了贡献。他是Biogen(现Biogen Idec)的创始人之一,并从1981年至1985年担任其董事会主席兼首席执行官。他曾担任Harvard University的物理系,生物物理系,生物系,生物化学与分子生物学,以及分子和细胞生物学的教授。他在哈佛大学退休后,担任Carl M. Loeb University的教授。他曾任职于Memory Pharmaceuticals Corp.的董事会,并且是BioVentures Investors(一个投资基金)的普通合伙人。
Walter Gilbert joined Myriad as a founder and director in March 1992. Dr. Gilbert won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1980 for his contributions to the development of DNA sequencing technology. He was a founder of Biogen, Inc. and its Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer from 1981 to 1985. Dr. Gilbert has held professorships at Harvard University in the departments of Physics, Biophysics, Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and Molecular and Cellular Biology. He is a Carl M. Loeb University Professor Emeritus at Harvard University. Dr. Gilbert founded and served on the Board of Directors of both Memory Pharmaceuticals Corp. and Paratek Pharmaceuticals, Inc. He also currently serves on the board of Amylyx Pharmaceuticals and is a General Partner of BioVentures Investors, an investment fund.
Heiner Dreismann

Heiner Dreismann,他自2010年6月担任Myriad的董事。1985年至2006年,他在Roche Group拥有成功的职业生涯,担任过多个高级职务,包括担任Roche Molecular Systems的总裁兼首席执行官, Roche Diagnostics的全球业务发展部主管,以及Roche的全球诊断执行委员会的成员。从2006年至2009年,他担任Vectrant Technologies的首席执行官。他担任GeneNews Limited的临时首席执行官直到今年。他目前任职于GeneNews Limited 和MedBioGene的董事会。在过去的五年中,他曾任职于Nanogen和Shrink Nanotechnologies的董事会。他以优异的成绩毕业于德国的Westfaelische Wilhelms University(The University of Münster),并获得了生物学硕士学位和微生物学/分子生物学博士学位。

Heiner Dreismann, Ph.D., joined as a Director of Myriad in June 2010 had a successful career at the Roche Group from 1985 to 2006 where he held several senior positions, including President and CEO of Roche Molecular Systems, Head of Global Business Development for Roche Diagnostics and member of Roche’s Global Diagnostic Executive Committee. From 2006 to 2009 Dr. Dreismann served as the CEO of Vectrant Technologies, Inc., and until 2013 was the Interim CEO for GeneNews Limited. During the past five years, Dr. Dreismann served on the Board of Directors of Med BioGene, Inc., Genenews Limited, Interpace Diagnostics and Ignyta, Inc.. He earned a M.S. degree in biology and his Ph.D. in microbiology/molecular biology summa cum laude from Westfaelische Wilhelms University The University of Münster in Germany.
Heiner Dreismann,他自2010年6月担任Myriad的董事。1985年至2006年,他在Roche Group拥有成功的职业生涯,担任过多个高级职务,包括担任Roche Molecular Systems的总裁兼首席执行官, Roche Diagnostics的全球业务发展部主管,以及Roche的全球诊断执行委员会的成员。从2006年至2009年,他担任Vectrant Technologies的首席执行官。他担任GeneNews Limited的临时首席执行官直到今年。他目前任职于GeneNews Limited 和MedBioGene的董事会。在过去的五年中,他曾任职于Nanogen和Shrink Nanotechnologies的董事会。他以优异的成绩毕业于德国的Westfaelische Wilhelms University(The University of Münster),并获得了生物学硕士学位和微生物学/分子生物学博士学位。
Heiner Dreismann, Ph.D., joined as a Director of Myriad in June 2010 had a successful career at the Roche Group from 1985 to 2006 where he held several senior positions, including President and CEO of Roche Molecular Systems, Head of Global Business Development for Roche Diagnostics and member of Roche’s Global Diagnostic Executive Committee. From 2006 to 2009 Dr. Dreismann served as the CEO of Vectrant Technologies, Inc., and until 2013 was the Interim CEO for GeneNews Limited. During the past five years, Dr. Dreismann served on the Board of Directors of Med BioGene, Inc., Genenews Limited, Interpace Diagnostics and Ignyta, Inc.. He earned a M.S. degree in biology and his Ph.D. in microbiology/molecular biology summa cum laude from Westfaelische Wilhelms University The University of Münster in Germany.
Dennis H. Langer

Dennis H. Langer,他自2004年5月担任Myriad的董事。自2013年1月,他担任AdvanDx的董事长兼首席执行官。从2005年8月至2010年5月,他担任Phoenix IP Ventures的任事股东。从2004年1月至2005年7月,他担任Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories的北美地区总裁。从1994年9月至2004年1月,他在GlaxoSmithKline及其前身SmithKline Beecham担任过多个高级职位,其中最近的是担任研发部高级副总裁。他在创新研发公司拥有广泛的基础,比如Eli Lilly, Abbott 和GD Searle。他也是Georgetown University School of Medicine的精神病学系临床教授。他以优异的成绩毕业于Harvard Law School,并获得了法学博士学位,在Georgetown University School of Medicine获得了医学博士学位,并在Columbia University获得了生物学学士学位。在过去的五年中,他曾任职于Myrexis, Auxilium Pharmaceuticals, Cytogen Corporation 和Pharmacopeia的董事会。

Dennis H. Langer, M.D., J.D., has been a Director of Myriad since May 2004. From January 2013 to July 2014 he served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of AdvanDx, Inc. From August 2005 to May 2010 Dr. Langer served as Managing Partner of Phoenix IP Ventures, LLC. From January 2004 to July 2005 he was President, North America for Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories, Inc. From September 1994 until January 2004 Dr. Langer held several high-level positions at GlaxoSmithKline, and its predecessor, SmithKline Beecham, including most recently as a Senior Vice President of Research and Development. He has a broad base of experience in innovative R&D companies such as Eli Lilly, Abbott and Searle. He is also a clinical professor at the Department of Psychiatry, Georgetown University School of Medicine. Dr. Langer received a J.D. from Harvard Law School, an M.D. from Georgetown University School of Medicine, and a B.A. in Biology from Columbia University. During the past five years, Dr. Langer served on the Board of Pernix Therapeutics Holdings, Inc., Delcath Systems, Inc. and Dicerna Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Dr. Langer is also a Director of the Whitehead Institute of Biomedical Research.
Dennis H. Langer,他自2004年5月担任Myriad的董事。自2013年1月,他担任AdvanDx的董事长兼首席执行官。从2005年8月至2010年5月,他担任Phoenix IP Ventures的任事股东。从2004年1月至2005年7月,他担任Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories的北美地区总裁。从1994年9月至2004年1月,他在GlaxoSmithKline及其前身SmithKline Beecham担任过多个高级职位,其中最近的是担任研发部高级副总裁。他在创新研发公司拥有广泛的基础,比如Eli Lilly, Abbott 和GD Searle。他也是Georgetown University School of Medicine的精神病学系临床教授。他以优异的成绩毕业于Harvard Law School,并获得了法学博士学位,在Georgetown University School of Medicine获得了医学博士学位,并在Columbia University获得了生物学学士学位。在过去的五年中,他曾任职于Myrexis, Auxilium Pharmaceuticals, Cytogen Corporation 和Pharmacopeia的董事会。
Dennis H. Langer, M.D., J.D., has been a Director of Myriad since May 2004. From January 2013 to July 2014 he served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of AdvanDx, Inc. From August 2005 to May 2010 Dr. Langer served as Managing Partner of Phoenix IP Ventures, LLC. From January 2004 to July 2005 he was President, North America for Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories, Inc. From September 1994 until January 2004 Dr. Langer held several high-level positions at GlaxoSmithKline, and its predecessor, SmithKline Beecham, including most recently as a Senior Vice President of Research and Development. He has a broad base of experience in innovative R&D companies such as Eli Lilly, Abbott and Searle. He is also a clinical professor at the Department of Psychiatry, Georgetown University School of Medicine. Dr. Langer received a J.D. from Harvard Law School, an M.D. from Georgetown University School of Medicine, and a B.A. in Biology from Columbia University. During the past five years, Dr. Langer served on the Board of Pernix Therapeutics Holdings, Inc., Delcath Systems, Inc. and Dicerna Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Dr. Langer is also a Director of the Whitehead Institute of Biomedical Research.
S. Louise Phanstiel

S. Louise Phanstiel, 她自2009年9月担任Myriad的董事。1996年至2007年,她在WellPoint担任多个重要职务,包括特色产品的总裁(2003年-2007年),高级副总裁和董事长办公室主任,负责企业策划(2000年-2003年),在WellPoint所有子公司担任高级副总裁,首席会计官,财务主管以及首席财务官,包括Blue Cross of California(1996年-2000年)。此前,她是国际服务公司Coopers & Lybrand的合伙人,服务的客户主要涵盖生命和财产/伤亡保险,高科技和高等教育。她目前任职于Verastem和 Cedar Sinai Health System的董事会,此前任职于Inveresk Research Group和 Charles River Laboratories的董事会。她在Golden Gate University获得了会计学士学位。她是一名注册会计师。

S. Louise Phanstiel, Chair of the Board of Directors, has been a Director of Myriad since September 2009 held several executive positions at Anthem, Inc., formerly WellPoint, Inc. from 1996 to 2007. She was President, Specialty Products which included behavioral health services; Senior Vice President, Chief of Staff and Corporate Planning in the Office of the Chairman; and Chief Accounting Officer, Controller and Chief Financial Officer for all WellPoint, Inc. subsidiaries. Previously, Ms. Phanstiel was a partner at the international services firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP, formerly Coopers & Lybrand, LLP where she specialized in insurance. Ms. Pantile's life science experience includes having previously served on the Board of Directors and Chair of the Audit Committees at publicly traded companies, Inveresk Research Group, Inc. and Verastem, Inc.
S. Louise Phanstiel, 她自2009年9月担任Myriad的董事。1996年至2007年,她在WellPoint担任多个重要职务,包括特色产品的总裁(2003年-2007年),高级副总裁和董事长办公室主任,负责企业策划(2000年-2003年),在WellPoint所有子公司担任高级副总裁,首席会计官,财务主管以及首席财务官,包括Blue Cross of California(1996年-2000年)。此前,她是国际服务公司Coopers & Lybrand的合伙人,服务的客户主要涵盖生命和财产/伤亡保险,高科技和高等教育。她目前任职于Verastem和 Cedar Sinai Health System的董事会,此前任职于Inveresk Research Group和 Charles River Laboratories的董事会。她在Golden Gate University获得了会计学士学位。她是一名注册会计师。
S. Louise Phanstiel, Chair of the Board of Directors, has been a Director of Myriad since September 2009 held several executive positions at Anthem, Inc., formerly WellPoint, Inc. from 1996 to 2007. She was President, Specialty Products which included behavioral health services; Senior Vice President, Chief of Staff and Corporate Planning in the Office of the Chairman; and Chief Accounting Officer, Controller and Chief Financial Officer for all WellPoint, Inc. subsidiaries. Previously, Ms. Phanstiel was a partner at the international services firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP, formerly Coopers & Lybrand, LLP where she specialized in insurance. Ms. Pantile's life science experience includes having previously served on the Board of Directors and Chair of the Audit Committees at publicly traded companies, Inveresk Research Group, Inc. and Verastem, Inc.
Lawrence C. Best

Lawrence C. Best是Best.OXO Capital, LLC董事会董事长。Myriad Genetics, Inc(公共分子诊断公司)的董事会成员。Massachusetts General Hospital的经理委员会成员。1992 年到 2007年在Boston Scientific(全球公共医疗设备制造商)担任执行副总裁兼首席财务官。1979年到1981年在Ernst & Young LLC(在高技术和生命科学领域的会计师事务所专业服务跨国公司)和Partner.U.S(证券交易委员会)工作并获得奖金。在白宫被总统任命担任一年交换执行。他也是Biogen, Idec, Inc的董事会成员。

Lawrence C. Best is the Chairman and Founder of OXO Capital LLC, an investment firm focused on life sciences and therapeutic medical device companies, since 2007. He joined Boston Scientific Corporation in 1992 and served for 15 years as the Executive Vice President-Finance & Administration and Chief Financial Officer. Prior to joining Boston Scientific, Mr. Best was a partner in the accounting firm of Ernst & Young, where he specialized in serving multinational companies in the high technology and life sciences fields. He served a two-year fellowship at the SEC from 1979 to 1981 and a one-year term as a White House-appointed Presidential Exchange Executive in Washington, D.C. He is a founding director of the President’s Council at Massachusetts General Hospital. Within the past five years Mr. Best also has served on the Board of Directors of Haemonetics Corp, Biogen, Inc. and as Executive Chairman of Cardiovalve Ltd., a privately held medical device company based in Tel Aviv, Israel. He received a B.B.A. degree from Kent State University.
Lawrence C. Best是Best.OXO Capital, LLC董事会董事长。Myriad Genetics, Inc(公共分子诊断公司)的董事会成员。Massachusetts General Hospital的经理委员会成员。1992 年到 2007年在Boston Scientific(全球公共医疗设备制造商)担任执行副总裁兼首席财务官。1979年到1981年在Ernst & Young LLC(在高技术和生命科学领域的会计师事务所专业服务跨国公司)和Partner.U.S(证券交易委员会)工作并获得奖金。在白宫被总统任命担任一年交换执行。他也是Biogen, Idec, Inc的董事会成员。
Lawrence C. Best is the Chairman and Founder of OXO Capital LLC, an investment firm focused on life sciences and therapeutic medical device companies, since 2007. He joined Boston Scientific Corporation in 1992 and served for 15 years as the Executive Vice President-Finance & Administration and Chief Financial Officer. Prior to joining Boston Scientific, Mr. Best was a partner in the accounting firm of Ernst & Young, where he specialized in serving multinational companies in the high technology and life sciences fields. He served a two-year fellowship at the SEC from 1979 to 1981 and a one-year term as a White House-appointed Presidential Exchange Executive in Washington, D.C. He is a founding director of the President’s Council at Massachusetts General Hospital. Within the past five years Mr. Best also has served on the Board of Directors of Haemonetics Corp, Biogen, Inc. and as Executive Chairman of Cardiovalve Ltd., a privately held medical device company based in Tel Aviv, Israel. He received a B.B.A. degree from Kent State University.
Paul J. Diaz

Paul J. Diaz自2002年5月以来担任公司董事,自2004年1月1日以来担任公司的首席执行官。他从2002年1月到2012年5月担任公司的总裁,从2002年1月至2003年12月31日担任公司的首席运营官。他是Davita Health Care Partners, Inc.(NYSE:DVA)(美国和海外肾脏保健和其他医疗保健服务的领先供应商)的董事,在那里他是公共政策委员会(public policy committee)的主席,服务于提名和治理委员会(the nominating and governance committee)。

Paul J. Diaz, has served as the President, CEO and member of the Board of Directors for Myriad Genetics, Inc., a molecular diagnostic company since August 2020. From September 2017 to August 2020 Mr. Diaz was a Partner at Cressey & Company LP "Cressey", a private equity firm focused exclusively on investing in and building healthcare businesses, and currently serves as a Partner Emeritus and a member of its Distinguished Executive Council. Since August 2014 Mr. Diaz has served as a Partner at Guidon Partners LP, a private investment partnership. He served as Executive Vice Chairman of Kindred Healthcare, Inc. (“Kindred”), a post-acute provider in the United States, which includes transitional care and rehabilitation hospitals, sub-acute units, and home healthcare and hospice agencies, from March 2015 to March 2016 CEO from January 2004 to March 2015 President from January 2002 to May 2012 and COO from January 2002 to December 2003. Prior to joining Kindred, Mr. Diaz was the Managing Member of Falcon Capital Partners, LLC, a private investment and consulting firm, and from 1996 to July 1998 Mr. Diaz served in various executive capacities, including as Executive Vice President and COO, with Mariner Health Group, Inc., a national provider of long-term care facilities, rehabilitation services and institutional pharmacies. Mr. Diaz serves on the Board of Trustees of Johns Hopkins Medicine. Mr. Diaz formerly served on the Board of Directors of PharMerica Corporation, Kindred, the Federation of American Hospitals and the Bloomberg School of Public Health at John Hopkins University.
Paul J. Diaz自2002年5月以来担任公司董事,自2004年1月1日以来担任公司的首席执行官。他从2002年1月到2012年5月担任公司的总裁,从2002年1月至2003年12月31日担任公司的首席运营官。他是Davita Health Care Partners, Inc.(NYSE:DVA)(美国和海外肾脏保健和其他医疗保健服务的领先供应商)的董事,在那里他是公共政策委员会(public policy committee)的主席,服务于提名和治理委员会(the nominating and governance committee)。
Paul J. Diaz, has served as the President, CEO and member of the Board of Directors for Myriad Genetics, Inc., a molecular diagnostic company since August 2020. From September 2017 to August 2020 Mr. Diaz was a Partner at Cressey & Company LP "Cressey", a private equity firm focused exclusively on investing in and building healthcare businesses, and currently serves as a Partner Emeritus and a member of its Distinguished Executive Council. Since August 2014 Mr. Diaz has served as a Partner at Guidon Partners LP, a private investment partnership. He served as Executive Vice Chairman of Kindred Healthcare, Inc. (“Kindred”), a post-acute provider in the United States, which includes transitional care and rehabilitation hospitals, sub-acute units, and home healthcare and hospice agencies, from March 2015 to March 2016 CEO from January 2004 to March 2015 President from January 2002 to May 2012 and COO from January 2002 to December 2003. Prior to joining Kindred, Mr. Diaz was the Managing Member of Falcon Capital Partners, LLC, a private investment and consulting firm, and from 1996 to July 1998 Mr. Diaz served in various executive capacities, including as Executive Vice President and COO, with Mariner Health Group, Inc., a national provider of long-term care facilities, rehabilitation services and institutional pharmacies. Mr. Diaz serves on the Board of Trustees of Johns Hopkins Medicine. Mr. Diaz formerly served on the Board of Directors of PharMerica Corporation, Kindred, the Federation of American Hospitals and the Bloomberg School of Public Health at John Hopkins University.


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R. Bryan Riggsbee

R. Bryan Riggsbee,首席财务官,于2014年10月加入本公司。此前,他在Laboratory Corporation of America LabCorp工作了10年,最后的是企业财务高级副总裁,负责财务规划与分析、司库工作。加入 LabCorp之前,他在General Electric担任过各种财务职位,在KPMG的审计部门开启职业生涯。他在North Carolina State University获得会计学士学位,在University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill获得政治学士学位,在Northwestern University获得工商管理硕士学位。他是北卡罗莱纳州的注册会计师。

R. Bryan Riggsbee, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, and Interim President and Chief Executive Officer from February 6 to August 12 2020 joined us in October 2014. He previously served 10 years with Laboratory Corporation of America LabCorp where his most recent position was as Senior Vice President of Corporate Finance with responsibility for the financial planning and analysis and treasury functions. Prior to LabCorp, Mr. Riggsbee served in various finance roles with General Electric and began his career in the audit division of KPMG. He received a B.A. in Accounting from North Carolina State University, a B.A. in political science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an M.B.A. from Northwestern University. Mr. Riggsbee is a Certified Public Accountant licensed in the State of North Carolina.
R. Bryan Riggsbee,首席财务官,于2014年10月加入本公司。此前,他在Laboratory Corporation of America LabCorp工作了10年,最后的是企业财务高级副总裁,负责财务规划与分析、司库工作。加入 LabCorp之前,他在General Electric担任过各种财务职位,在KPMG的审计部门开启职业生涯。他在North Carolina State University获得会计学士学位,在University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill获得政治学士学位,在Northwestern University获得工商管理硕士学位。他是北卡罗莱纳州的注册会计师。
R. Bryan Riggsbee, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, and Interim President and Chief Executive Officer from February 6 to August 12 2020 joined us in October 2014. He previously served 10 years with Laboratory Corporation of America LabCorp where his most recent position was as Senior Vice President of Corporate Finance with responsibility for the financial planning and analysis and treasury functions. Prior to LabCorp, Mr. Riggsbee served in various finance roles with General Electric and began his career in the audit division of KPMG. He received a B.A. in Accounting from North Carolina State University, a B.A. in political science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an M.B.A. from Northwestern University. Mr. Riggsbee is a Certified Public Accountant licensed in the State of North Carolina.
Mark Verratti

Mark Verratti,Myriad Neuroscience and Myriad AutoImmune.的总裁,自2017年8月1日起担任现任职务。他此前曾担任Assurex公司的高级副总裁、首席销售和业务开发官(2016年1月以来)。他也曾担任Cyberonics公司(现称为Livanova公司)的高级领导职务(2005年至2016年),此前曾任职Forest Pharmaceuticals公司,在那里他曾领导商业团队,其收入接近5亿美元。他在宾夕法尼亚州立大学(Pennsylvania State University)获得生命科学学士学位,辅修生理学。

Mark Verratti, President of Myriad Neuroscience and Myriad Autoimmune., and has served in his current role since August 1 2017. He previously served as SVP, Chief Sales and Business Development officer at Assurex since January 2016. Mr. Verratti also held senior leadership positions with Cyberonics now known as LivaNova from 2005-2016 and earlier with Forest Pharmaceuticals where he led commercial teams with revenues approaching $500 million dollars. He received a B.S. in Life Sciences with a minor in Physiology from The Pennsylvania State University.
Mark Verratti,Myriad Neuroscience and Myriad AutoImmune.的总裁,自2017年8月1日起担任现任职务。他此前曾担任Assurex公司的高级副总裁、首席销售和业务开发官(2016年1月以来)。他也曾担任Cyberonics公司(现称为Livanova公司)的高级领导职务(2005年至2016年),此前曾任职Forest Pharmaceuticals公司,在那里他曾领导商业团队,其收入接近5亿美元。他在宾夕法尼亚州立大学(Pennsylvania State University)获得生命科学学士学位,辅修生理学。
Mark Verratti, President of Myriad Neuroscience and Myriad Autoimmune., and has served in his current role since August 1 2017. He previously served as SVP, Chief Sales and Business Development officer at Assurex since January 2016. Mr. Verratti also held senior leadership positions with Cyberonics now known as LivaNova from 2005-2016 and earlier with Forest Pharmaceuticals where he led commercial teams with revenues approaching $500 million dollars. He received a B.S. in Life Sciences with a minor in Physiology from The Pennsylvania State University.
Benjamin G. Jackson

BenjaminG.Jackson,执行Vice President,总法律顾问兼秘书,于2006年2月加入Myriad。他曾担任Myriad’;的法律部门的多种职务,包括担任副总法律顾问(担任总法律顾问之前)。Jackson先生在杨百翰大学(Brigham Young University)的J.Reuben Clark法学院获得法学博士学位,并在加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California Los Angeles)获得微生物学、免疫学和分子遗传学的B.S.学位。

Benjamin G. Jackson has served as our General Counsel since April 2021. From February 2006 to March 2021 Mr. Jackson was employed by Myriad Genetics, most recently serving as Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary. Mr. Jackson held various positions in Myriad’s Legal Department, including serving as associate general counsel prior to assuming the role of general counsel. Mr. Jackson received his J.D. from the J. Reuben Clark Law School at Brigham Young University and a B.S. in microbiology, immunology and molecular genetics from the University of California, Los Angeles.
BenjaminG.Jackson,执行Vice President,总法律顾问兼秘书,于2006年2月加入Myriad。他曾担任Myriad’;的法律部门的多种职务,包括担任副总法律顾问(担任总法律顾问之前)。Jackson先生在杨百翰大学(Brigham Young University)的J.Reuben Clark法学院获得法学博士学位,并在加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California Los Angeles)获得微生物学、免疫学和分子遗传学的B.S.学位。
Benjamin G. Jackson has served as our General Counsel since April 2021. From February 2006 to March 2021 Mr. Jackson was employed by Myriad Genetics, most recently serving as Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary. Mr. Jackson held various positions in Myriad’s Legal Department, including serving as associate general counsel prior to assuming the role of general counsel. Mr. Jackson received his J.D. from the J. Reuben Clark Law School at Brigham Young University and a B.S. in microbiology, immunology and molecular genetics from the University of California, Los Angeles.
Nicole Lambert

Nicole Lambert,Myriad Womens Health,Oncology and International的总裁,自2019年4月1日起担任现任职务。Lambert女士于2001年6月加入公司。在担任现职之前,她曾担任肿瘤科和泌尿科业务部总经理以及皮肤科Vice President。加入Myriad公司之前,她曾担任LabCorp的遗传顾问。Lambert女士在波士顿学院(Boston College)获得生物学和社会学学士学位,在纽约大学西奈山医学院(Mt.Sinai School of Medicine)获得遗传咨询硕士学位。

Nicole Lambert, President of Myriad Womens Health, Oncology, and International, has served in her current role since April 1 2019. Ms. Lambert joined the Company in June 2001. Prior to her current position, she served as General Manager for the Oncology and Urology business units and Vice President of Dermatology. Prior to joining Myriad, she was a genetic councilor at LabCorp. Ms. Lambert received her Bachelor’s degree in Biology and Sociology from Boston College and her Master’s degree in Genetic Counseling from Mt. Sinai School of Medicine at New York University.
Nicole Lambert,Myriad Womens Health,Oncology and International的总裁,自2019年4月1日起担任现任职务。Lambert女士于2001年6月加入公司。在担任现职之前,她曾担任肿瘤科和泌尿科业务部总经理以及皮肤科Vice President。加入Myriad公司之前,她曾担任LabCorp的遗传顾问。Lambert女士在波士顿学院(Boston College)获得生物学和社会学学士学位,在纽约大学西奈山医学院(Mt.Sinai School of Medicine)获得遗传咨询硕士学位。
Nicole Lambert, President of Myriad Womens Health, Oncology, and International, has served in her current role since April 1 2019. Ms. Lambert joined the Company in June 2001. Prior to her current position, she served as General Manager for the Oncology and Urology business units and Vice President of Dermatology. Prior to joining Myriad, she was a genetic councilor at LabCorp. Ms. Lambert received her Bachelor’s degree in Biology and Sociology from Boston College and her Master’s degree in Genetic Counseling from Mt. Sinai School of Medicine at New York University.
Paul C. Parkinson

Paul C.Parkinson,报销策略执行Vice President,于2016年加入公司。此前,他是Omedarx的总裁、Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield Health Plans的首席药剂官。在这个职位上,Parkinson先生负责管理Regence Blue Cross蓝盾健康计划在犹他州,华盛顿州,俄勒冈州和爱达荷州的17亿美元的年度药房支出,这些地区拥有超过200万的会员。此前,他曾担任Myriad公司的Vice President、管理市场和泌尿外科总经理。任职期间,Prolaris被纳入NCCN前列腺癌指南,并获得Medicare报销。加入Myriad公司之前,他曾担任辉瑞公司公司的管理和管理式护理领导职务。Parkinson先生在韦伯州立大学(Weber State University)获得传播学B.S.学位。

Paul C. Parkinson, Executive Vice President for Reimbursement Strategy, joined the Company in 2016. Previously, he was president of OmedaRx and chief pharmacy officer of Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield health plans. In this role, Mr. Parkinson was responsible for managing $1.7 billion in annual pharmacy spending for the Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield health plans in Utah, Washington, Oregon and Idaho, which have more than two million members. Prior to that, he was vice president, Managed Markets and general manager, Urology at Myriad. During his tenure, Prolaris was included in the NCCN Guidelines for prostate cancer and received Medicare reimbursement. Before joining Myriad, he served in management and managed care leadership roles at Pfizer Inc. Mr. Parkinson received his B.S. degree in Communications from Weber State University.
Paul C.Parkinson,报销策略执行Vice President,于2016年加入公司。此前,他是Omedarx的总裁、Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield Health Plans的首席药剂官。在这个职位上,Parkinson先生负责管理Regence Blue Cross蓝盾健康计划在犹他州,华盛顿州,俄勒冈州和爱达荷州的17亿美元的年度药房支出,这些地区拥有超过200万的会员。此前,他曾担任Myriad公司的Vice President、管理市场和泌尿外科总经理。任职期间,Prolaris被纳入NCCN前列腺癌指南,并获得Medicare报销。加入Myriad公司之前,他曾担任辉瑞公司公司的管理和管理式护理领导职务。Parkinson先生在韦伯州立大学(Weber State University)获得传播学B.S.学位。
Paul C. Parkinson, Executive Vice President for Reimbursement Strategy, joined the Company in 2016. Previously, he was president of OmedaRx and chief pharmacy officer of Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield health plans. In this role, Mr. Parkinson was responsible for managing $1.7 billion in annual pharmacy spending for the Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield health plans in Utah, Washington, Oregon and Idaho, which have more than two million members. Prior to that, he was vice president, Managed Markets and general manager, Urology at Myriad. During his tenure, Prolaris was included in the NCCN Guidelines for prostate cancer and received Medicare reimbursement. Before joining Myriad, he served in management and managed care leadership roles at Pfizer Inc. Mr. Parkinson received his B.S. degree in Communications from Weber State University.
Jerry S. Lanchbury

Jerry S. Lanchbury, 他目前担任本公司的首席科学官。他自2002年9月加入本公司,并担任高级研发副总裁。2005年7月到2010年2月,他被任命为研发执行副总裁。他在2010年2月被任命为首席科学官。他离开King’s College的GKT School of Medicine后加入本公司。他曾在GKT School of Medicine担任分子免疫学读者,并自1997年担任分子免疫组负责人。他在University of Newcastle upon Tyne获得了博士学位,并获得一等荣誉。他还在University of Aston获得了人与环境的生物学学士学位。

Jerry S. Lanchbury, Ph.D., Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer, joined the Company in September 2002 as Senior Vice President of Research. In July 2005 he was appointed Executive Vice President of Research, a position he held until he was named to his current position in February 2010. Dr. Lanchbury came to us from GKT School of Medicine, King’s College where he had served as Reader in Molecular Immunogenetics and Head of Molecular Immunogenetics Unit since 1997. Dr. Lanchbury earned his Ph.D. from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne and 1st Class Honours, B.Sc. ‘‘Biology of Man & his Environment’’ degree from the University of Aston.
Jerry S. Lanchbury, 他目前担任本公司的首席科学官。他自2002年9月加入本公司,并担任高级研发副总裁。2005年7月到2010年2月,他被任命为研发执行副总裁。他在2010年2月被任命为首席科学官。他离开King’s College的GKT School of Medicine后加入本公司。他曾在GKT School of Medicine担任分子免疫学读者,并自1997年担任分子免疫组负责人。他在University of Newcastle upon Tyne获得了博士学位,并获得一等荣誉。他还在University of Aston获得了人与环境的生物学学士学位。
Jerry S. Lanchbury, Ph.D., Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer, joined the Company in September 2002 as Senior Vice President of Research. In July 2005 he was appointed Executive Vice President of Research, a position he held until he was named to his current position in February 2010. Dr. Lanchbury came to us from GKT School of Medicine, King’s College where he had served as Reader in Molecular Immunogenetics and Head of Molecular Immunogenetics Unit since 1997. Dr. Lanchbury earned his Ph.D. from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne and 1st Class Honours, B.Sc. ‘‘Biology of Man & his Environment’’ degree from the University of Aston.
Paul J. Diaz

Paul J. Diaz自2002年5月以来担任公司董事,自2004年1月1日以来担任公司的首席执行官。他从2002年1月到2012年5月担任公司的总裁,从2002年1月至2003年12月31日担任公司的首席运营官。他是Davita Health Care Partners, Inc.(NYSE:DVA)(美国和海外肾脏保健和其他医疗保健服务的领先供应商)的董事,在那里他是公共政策委员会(public policy committee)的主席,服务于提名和治理委员会(the nominating and governance committee)。

Paul J. Diaz, has served as the President, CEO and member of the Board of Directors for Myriad Genetics, Inc., a molecular diagnostic company since August 2020. From September 2017 to August 2020 Mr. Diaz was a Partner at Cressey & Company LP "Cressey", a private equity firm focused exclusively on investing in and building healthcare businesses, and currently serves as a Partner Emeritus and a member of its Distinguished Executive Council. Since August 2014 Mr. Diaz has served as a Partner at Guidon Partners LP, a private investment partnership. He served as Executive Vice Chairman of Kindred Healthcare, Inc. (“Kindred”), a post-acute provider in the United States, which includes transitional care and rehabilitation hospitals, sub-acute units, and home healthcare and hospice agencies, from March 2015 to March 2016 CEO from January 2004 to March 2015 President from January 2002 to May 2012 and COO from January 2002 to December 2003. Prior to joining Kindred, Mr. Diaz was the Managing Member of Falcon Capital Partners, LLC, a private investment and consulting firm, and from 1996 to July 1998 Mr. Diaz served in various executive capacities, including as Executive Vice President and COO, with Mariner Health Group, Inc., a national provider of long-term care facilities, rehabilitation services and institutional pharmacies. Mr. Diaz serves on the Board of Trustees of Johns Hopkins Medicine. Mr. Diaz formerly served on the Board of Directors of PharMerica Corporation, Kindred, the Federation of American Hospitals and the Bloomberg School of Public Health at John Hopkins University.
Paul J. Diaz自2002年5月以来担任公司董事,自2004年1月1日以来担任公司的首席执行官。他从2002年1月到2012年5月担任公司的总裁,从2002年1月至2003年12月31日担任公司的首席运营官。他是Davita Health Care Partners, Inc.(NYSE:DVA)(美国和海外肾脏保健和其他医疗保健服务的领先供应商)的董事,在那里他是公共政策委员会(public policy committee)的主席,服务于提名和治理委员会(the nominating and governance committee)。
Paul J. Diaz, has served as the President, CEO and member of the Board of Directors for Myriad Genetics, Inc., a molecular diagnostic company since August 2020. From September 2017 to August 2020 Mr. Diaz was a Partner at Cressey & Company LP "Cressey", a private equity firm focused exclusively on investing in and building healthcare businesses, and currently serves as a Partner Emeritus and a member of its Distinguished Executive Council. Since August 2014 Mr. Diaz has served as a Partner at Guidon Partners LP, a private investment partnership. He served as Executive Vice Chairman of Kindred Healthcare, Inc. (“Kindred”), a post-acute provider in the United States, which includes transitional care and rehabilitation hospitals, sub-acute units, and home healthcare and hospice agencies, from March 2015 to March 2016 CEO from January 2004 to March 2015 President from January 2002 to May 2012 and COO from January 2002 to December 2003. Prior to joining Kindred, Mr. Diaz was the Managing Member of Falcon Capital Partners, LLC, a private investment and consulting firm, and from 1996 to July 1998 Mr. Diaz served in various executive capacities, including as Executive Vice President and COO, with Mariner Health Group, Inc., a national provider of long-term care facilities, rehabilitation services and institutional pharmacies. Mr. Diaz serves on the Board of Trustees of Johns Hopkins Medicine. Mr. Diaz formerly served on the Board of Directors of PharMerica Corporation, Kindred, the Federation of American Hospitals and the Bloomberg School of Public Health at John Hopkins University.
Jayne B. Hart

Jayne B. Hart, 她在2011年5月加入本公司,担任人力资源执行副总裁。她拥有超过二十年的人力资源领域的专业经验。在加入Myriad之前,从2005年至2011年5月,她在LANDesk Software(一家全球性的软件公司)担任人力资源副总裁。她之前还在360networks(一家大规模的电信公司)和AT&T Wireless(一家全球性的电信公司)担任人力资源副总裁。她的职业生涯始于AT&T Wireless。

Jayne B. Hart, Executive Vice President of Human Resources, joined Myriad in May 2011. She has more than twenty years of professional experience in the human resources field. Prior to joining Myriad, Ms. Hart served as vice president of human resources at LANDesk Software, a global software company. Before that, she was vice president of human resources for 360networks, a wholesale telecommunications company, and at AT&T Wireless, a global telecommunications company, where she began her career.
Jayne B. Hart, 她在2011年5月加入本公司,担任人力资源执行副总裁。她拥有超过二十年的人力资源领域的专业经验。在加入Myriad之前,从2005年至2011年5月,她在LANDesk Software(一家全球性的软件公司)担任人力资源副总裁。她之前还在360networks(一家大规模的电信公司)和AT&T Wireless(一家全球性的电信公司)担任人力资源副总裁。她的职业生涯始于AT&T Wireless。
Jayne B. Hart, Executive Vice President of Human Resources, joined Myriad in May 2011. She has more than twenty years of professional experience in the human resources field. Prior to joining Myriad, Ms. Hart served as vice president of human resources at LANDesk Software, a global software company. Before that, she was vice president of human resources for 360networks, a wholesale telecommunications company, and at AT&T Wireless, a global telecommunications company, where she began her career.