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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
马永生 Chairman 60 7.15万元 未持股 2022-04-28
Ng, Kar Ling Johnny Independent Director 61 4.17万元 未持股 2022-04-28
刘宏斌 Director, Senior Vice President 59 未披露 未持股 2022-04-28
凌逸群 Director, Senior Vice President 59 70.96万元 1.30 2022-04-28
喻宝才 Director, President 57 4.42万元 未持股 2022-04-28
史丹 Independent Director 60 3.00万元 未持股 2022-04-28
蔡洪滨 Independent Director 54 4.17万元 未持股 2022-04-28
赵东 Director 51 未披露 未持股 2022-04-28
李永林 Director, Senior Vice President 55 未披露 未持股 2022-04-28
毕明建 Independent Director 66 3.00万元 未持股 2022-04-28



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
寿东华 Chief Financial Officer 52 12.92万元 未持股 2022-04-28
刘宏斌 Director, Senior Vice President 59 未披露 未持股 2022-04-28
陈革 Senior Vice President 59 15.87万元 未持股 2022-04-28
黄文生 Vice President,Secretary to the Board 55 14.08万元 未持股 2022-04-28
凌逸群 Director, Senior Vice President 59 70.96万元 1.30 2022-04-28
喻宝才 Director, President 57 4.42万元 未持股 2022-04-28
余夕志 Vice President 59 14.11万元 未持股 2022-04-28
赵日峰 Vice President 59 14.52万元 未持股 2022-04-28
李永林 Director, Senior Vice President 55 未披露 未持股 2022-04-28


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Ma Yongsheng, Chairman of the Board of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Ma is a professor level senior engineer with a Ph.D. degree. Mr. Ma is a member of the 13th National Committee of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference “CPPCC” and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. In April 2002 he was appointed as Chief Geologist of Sinopec Southern Exploration and Production Company; in April 2006 he was appointed as Executive Deputy Manager (in charge of overall management), Chief Geologiest of Sinopec Southern Exploration and Production Company; in January 2007 he was appointed as General Manager and Party Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Southern Exploration and Production Company; in March 2007 he served as General Manager and Deputy Party Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Exploration Company; in May 2007 he was appointed as Deputy Commander of Sichuan-East China Gas Pipeline Project Headquarter of Sinopec Corp.; in May 2008 he was appointed as Deputy Director General of Exploration and Production Department of Sinopec Corp. (Director General Level); in July 2010 he served as Deputy Chief Geologist of Sinopec Corp.; in August 2013 he was appointed as Chief Geologist of Sinopec Corp.; in December 2015 he served as Vice President of China Petrochemical Corporation and was appointed as Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp.; in January 2017 he was appointed as Member of the Leading Party Member Group of China Petrochemical Corporation; in October 2018 he was appointed as President of Sinopec Corp; in April 2019 he was appointed as Director, President and Vice Secretary of the Leading Party Member Group of China Petrochemical Corporation; in November 2021 he was appointed as Chairman and Secretary of the Leading Party Member Group of China Petrochemical Corporation. Mr. Ma was elected as Director of Sinopec Corp. in February 2016 and was elected as the Chairman of the Board of Sinopec Corp. in November 2021.
Ma Yongsheng, Chairman of the Board of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Ma is a professor level senior engineer with a Ph.D. degree. Mr. Ma is a member of the 13th National Committee of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference “CPPCC” and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. In April 2002 he was appointed as Chief Geologist of Sinopec Southern Exploration and Production Company; in April 2006 he was appointed as Executive Deputy Manager (in charge of overall management), Chief Geologiest of Sinopec Southern Exploration and Production Company; in January 2007 he was appointed as General Manager and Party Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Southern Exploration and Production Company; in March 2007 he served as General Manager and Deputy Party Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Exploration Company; in May 2007 he was appointed as Deputy Commander of Sichuan-East China Gas Pipeline Project Headquarter of Sinopec Corp.; in May 2008 he was appointed as Deputy Director General of Exploration and Production Department of Sinopec Corp. (Director General Level); in July 2010 he served as Deputy Chief Geologist of Sinopec Corp.; in August 2013 he was appointed as Chief Geologist of Sinopec Corp.; in December 2015 he served as Vice President of China Petrochemical Corporation and was appointed as Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp.; in January 2017 he was appointed as Member of the Leading Party Member Group of China Petrochemical Corporation; in October 2018 he was appointed as President of Sinopec Corp; in April 2019 he was appointed as Director, President and Vice Secretary of the Leading Party Member Group of China Petrochemical Corporation; in November 2021 he was appointed as Chairman and Secretary of the Leading Party Member Group of China Petrochemical Corporation. Mr. Ma was elected as Director of Sinopec Corp. in February 2016 and was elected as the Chairman of the Board of Sinopec Corp. in November 2021.
Ng, Kar Ling Johnny

Ng, Kar Ling Johnny, 中国石化股份有限公司独立董事。Ng先生目前是中国香港执业会计师,澳门执业审计师和注册会计师,中国香港会计师公会资深会员, 特许公认会计师公会(FCCA)的资深会员,以及英格兰和威尔士特许会计师协会(FCA)的高级会员。 Ng先生分别于1984年和1999年在香港中文大学获得工商管理学士学位和硕士学位。 Ng先生于1984年加入毕马威(中国香港),并于1996年成为合伙人。他于2000年6月至2015年9月担任执行合伙人,并于2015年10月至2016年3月担任毕马威(中国)副董事长。 担任中国万科股份有限公司和方德网络集团有限公司的独立非执行董事。2018年5月,Ng先生担任中国石化的独立董事。

Ng, Kar Ling Johnny, Independent Director of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Ng currently is a practicing Certified Public Accountant in Hong Kong, a practicing auditor and accountant in Macau, a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants FCPA, a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountant (FCCA), and a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (FCA). Mr. Ng obtained a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in business administration from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1984 and 1999 respectively. Mr. Ng joined KPMG (Hong Kong) in 1984 and became a Partner in 1996. He acted as a Managing Partner from June 2000 to September 2015 and Vice Chairman of KPMG China from October 2015 to March 2016. Mr. Ng currently serves as Independent Nonexecutive Director of China Vanke Co., Ltd., Fangdd Network Group Ltd. and Metallurgical Corporation of China Ltd. In May 2018 he was elected as Independent Director of Sinopec Corp.
Ng, Kar Ling Johnny, 中国石化股份有限公司独立董事。Ng先生目前是中国香港执业会计师,澳门执业审计师和注册会计师,中国香港会计师公会资深会员, 特许公认会计师公会(FCCA)的资深会员,以及英格兰和威尔士特许会计师协会(FCA)的高级会员。 Ng先生分别于1984年和1999年在香港中文大学获得工商管理学士学位和硕士学位。 Ng先生于1984年加入毕马威(中国香港),并于1996年成为合伙人。他于2000年6月至2015年9月担任执行合伙人,并于2015年10月至2016年3月担任毕马威(中国)副董事长。 担任中国万科股份有限公司和方德网络集团有限公司的独立非执行董事。2018年5月,Ng先生担任中国石化的独立董事。
Ng, Kar Ling Johnny, Independent Director of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Ng currently is a practicing Certified Public Accountant in Hong Kong, a practicing auditor and accountant in Macau, a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants FCPA, a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountant (FCCA), and a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (FCA). Mr. Ng obtained a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in business administration from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1984 and 1999 respectively. Mr. Ng joined KPMG (Hong Kong) in 1984 and became a Partner in 1996. He acted as a Managing Partner from June 2000 to September 2015 and Vice Chairman of KPMG China from October 2015 to March 2016. Mr. Ng currently serves as Independent Nonexecutive Director of China Vanke Co., Ltd., Fangdd Network Group Ltd. and Metallurgical Corporation of China Ltd. In May 2018 he was elected as Independent Director of Sinopec Corp.


Liu Hongbin, Director and Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Liu is a senior engineer with a bachelor's degree. In June 1995 he was appointed as Chief Engineer of Tuha Petroleum Exploration & Development Headquarters; in July 1999 he was appointed as Deputy General Manager of PetroChina Tuha Oilfield Company; in July 2000 he was appointed as Commander and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of Tuha Petroleum Exploration & Development Headquarters; in March 2002 he served as General Manager of the Planning Department of PetroChina Company Limited; in September 2005 he served as Director of the Planning Department of CNPC; in June 2007 he was appointed as Vice President of PetroChina Company Limited, and in November 2007 he served concurrently as General Manager and Secretary of CPC Committee of the Marketing Branch of PetroChina Company Limited; in June 2009 he served concurrently as General Manager and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of the Marketing Branch of PetroChina Company Limited; in July 2013 he was appointed as Member of the Leading Party Member Group and Deputy General Manager of CNPC and in August 2013 he served concurrently as an Executive Director and General Manager of Daqing Oilfield Company Limited, Head of enterprise Coordination in Heilongjiang Province, Director of Daqing Petroleum Administration Bureau and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of Daqing Oilfield; in May 2014 he served concurrently as Director of PetroChina Company Limited; in November 2019 he was appointed as a member of the Leading Party Member Group of China Petrochemical Corporation; in December 2019 he was appointed as Vice President of China Petrochemical Corporation. In March 2020 he was appointed as Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp. In May 2020 he was elected as Director of Sinopec Corp.
Liu Hongbin, Director and Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Liu is a senior engineer with a bachelor's degree. In June 1995 he was appointed as Chief Engineer of Tuha Petroleum Exploration & Development Headquarters; in July 1999 he was appointed as Deputy General Manager of PetroChina Tuha Oilfield Company; in July 2000 he was appointed as Commander and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of Tuha Petroleum Exploration & Development Headquarters; in March 2002 he served as General Manager of the Planning Department of PetroChina Company Limited; in September 2005 he served as Director of the Planning Department of CNPC; in June 2007 he was appointed as Vice President of PetroChina Company Limited, and in November 2007 he served concurrently as General Manager and Secretary of CPC Committee of the Marketing Branch of PetroChina Company Limited; in June 2009 he served concurrently as General Manager and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of the Marketing Branch of PetroChina Company Limited; in July 2013 he was appointed as Member of the Leading Party Member Group and Deputy General Manager of CNPC and in August 2013 he served concurrently as an Executive Director and General Manager of Daqing Oilfield Company Limited, Head of enterprise Coordination in Heilongjiang Province, Director of Daqing Petroleum Administration Bureau and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of Daqing Oilfield; in May 2014 he served concurrently as Director of PetroChina Company Limited; in November 2019 he was appointed as a member of the Leading Party Member Group of China Petrochemical Corporation; in December 2019 he was appointed as Vice President of China Petrochemical Corporation. In March 2020 he was appointed as Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp. In May 2020 he was elected as Director of Sinopec Corp.


LING Yiqun, Director and Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Ling is a professor level senior engineer with a Ph.D. degree. From August 1983 he worked in the refinery of Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Company and the Refining Department of Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Company Ltd.; in February 2000 he was appointed as Deputy Director General of Refining Department of Sinopec Corp.; in June 2003 he was appointed as Director General of Refining Department of Sinopec Corp.; in July 2010 he was appointed as Vice President of Sinopec Corp.; in May 2012 he was appointed concurrently as Executive Director, President and Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Refinery Product Sales Company Limited; in August 2013 he was appointed concurrently as President and Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Qilu Petrochemical Company, and President of Sinopec Qilu Company; in March 2017 he was appointed as Vice President of China Petrochemical Corporation; since April 2019 he has been a member of the Leading Party Member Group of China Petrochemical Corporation. In February 2018 he was appointed as Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp.; in May 2018 he was elected as Director of Sinopec Corp.
LING Yiqun, Director and Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Ling is a professor level senior engineer with a Ph.D. degree. From August 1983 he worked in the refinery of Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Company and the Refining Department of Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Company Ltd.; in February 2000 he was appointed as Deputy Director General of Refining Department of Sinopec Corp.; in June 2003 he was appointed as Director General of Refining Department of Sinopec Corp.; in July 2010 he was appointed as Vice President of Sinopec Corp.; in May 2012 he was appointed concurrently as Executive Director, President and Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Refinery Product Sales Company Limited; in August 2013 he was appointed concurrently as President and Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Qilu Petrochemical Company, and President of Sinopec Qilu Company; in March 2017 he was appointed as Vice President of China Petrochemical Corporation; since April 2019 he has been a member of the Leading Party Member Group of China Petrochemical Corporation. In February 2018 he was appointed as Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp.; in May 2018 he was elected as Director of Sinopec Corp.


Yu Baocai, Director and President of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Yu is a senior engineer with a master's degree in economics. In September 1999 Mr. Yu was appointed as Deputy General Manager of Daqing Petrochemical Company; in December 2001 he was appointed as General Manager and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of Daqing Petrochemical Company; in September 2003 he was appointed as General Manager and Secretary of CPC Committee of Lanzhou Petrochemical Company; in June 2007 he was appointed as General Manager and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of Lanzhou Petrochemical Company and General Manager of Lanzhou Petroleum & Chemical Company; in September 2008 he was appointed as a member of the Leading Party Member Group and Deputy General Manager of China National Petroleum Corporation “CNPC” and since May 2011 he acted concurrently as Director of PetroChina Company Limited; in June 2018 he was appointed as a Member of the Leading Party Member Group and Vice President of China Petrochemical Corporation; in September 2020 he was appointed as Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Yu was elected as Director of Sinopec Corp. in October 2018 and was appointed as President of Sinopec Corp. in November 2021.
Yu Baocai, Director and President of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Yu is a senior engineer with a master's degree in economics. In September 1999 Mr. Yu was appointed as Deputy General Manager of Daqing Petrochemical Company; in December 2001 he was appointed as General Manager and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of Daqing Petrochemical Company; in September 2003 he was appointed as General Manager and Secretary of CPC Committee of Lanzhou Petrochemical Company; in June 2007 he was appointed as General Manager and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of Lanzhou Petrochemical Company and General Manager of Lanzhou Petroleum & Chemical Company; in September 2008 he was appointed as a member of the Leading Party Member Group and Deputy General Manager of China National Petroleum Corporation “CNPC” and since May 2011 he acted concurrently as Director of PetroChina Company Limited; in June 2018 he was appointed as a Member of the Leading Party Member Group and Vice President of China Petrochemical Corporation; in September 2020 he was appointed as Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Yu was elected as Director of Sinopec Corp. in October 2018 and was appointed as President of Sinopec Corp. in November 2021.


Shi Dan, Independent Director of Sinopec Corp. Ms. Shi is the legal representative and Chairman of China Industrial Economics Society, a member of Expert Advisory Committee of the National Energy Commission and a member of National Expert Committee on Climate Change and enjoys special government subsidies from the State Council. Ms. Shi obtained bachelor's degree in engineering, master's degree in economics, master's degree of development economics and Ph.D. degree in management from Changchun University of Technology, Renmin University of China, Australian National University and Huazhong University of Science and Technology respectively. In October 1993 Ms. Shi was appointed as Research Fellow and Assistant to the Dean of the Institute of Industrial Economics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; in August 2010 Ms. Shi was appointed as a Research Fellow and Deputy Dean of National Academy of Economic Strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; in November 2013 she was appointed as a Research Fellow and Secretary of CPC Committee Deputy Dean of the Institute of Industrial Economics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; in November 2017 she served as External Director of China Energy Investment Corporation Limited. In March 2019 she was appointed as Dean of Institute of Industrial Economics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. In May 2021 she was elected as Independent Director of Sinopec Corp.
Shi Dan, Independent Director of Sinopec Corp. Ms. Shi is the legal representative and Chairman of China Industrial Economics Society, a member of Expert Advisory Committee of the National Energy Commission and a member of National Expert Committee on Climate Change and enjoys special government subsidies from the State Council. Ms. Shi obtained bachelor's degree in engineering, master's degree in economics, master's degree of development economics and Ph.D. degree in management from Changchun University of Technology, Renmin University of China, Australian National University and Huazhong University of Science and Technology respectively. In October 1993 Ms. Shi was appointed as Research Fellow and Assistant to the Dean of the Institute of Industrial Economics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; in August 2010 Ms. Shi was appointed as a Research Fellow and Deputy Dean of National Academy of Economic Strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; in November 2013 she was appointed as a Research Fellow and Secretary of CPC Committee Deputy Dean of the Institute of Industrial Economics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; in November 2017 she served as External Director of China Energy Investment Corporation Limited. In March 2019 she was appointed as Dean of Institute of Industrial Economics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. In May 2021 she was elected as Independent Director of Sinopec Corp.


Cai Hongbin, Independent Director of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Cai is Dean of Faculty of Business and Economics and Professor of Economics of the University of Hong Kong. Mr. Cai has a Ph.D. degree in Economics. From 1997 to 2005 Mr. Cai taught at the University of California, Los Angeles. Since 2005 he served as a professor and Ph.D. supervisor in Applied Economics Department at Guanghua School of Management at Peking University, and he once served as Director, Assistant to the Dean and Vice Dean of the Applied Economics Department. From December 2010 to January 2017 he served as Dean of Guanghua School of Management at Peking University. In June 2017 he joined the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Hong Kong. Mr. Cai once served as a member of the 12th National People's Congress, a member of Beijing Municipal Committee of CPPCC, a member of the 11th Central Committee of China Democratic League, Deputy Chairman of Beijing Municipal Committee of China Democratic League and a Special Auditor of the National Audit Office. He currently serves as an Independent Director of CCB International Holdings Limited and Ping An Bank Co., Ltd. In May 2018 he was elected as Independent Director of Sinopec Corp.
Cai Hongbin, Independent Director of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Cai is Dean of Faculty of Business and Economics and Professor of Economics of the University of Hong Kong. Mr. Cai has a Ph.D. degree in Economics. From 1997 to 2005 Mr. Cai taught at the University of California, Los Angeles. Since 2005 he served as a professor and Ph.D. supervisor in Applied Economics Department at Guanghua School of Management at Peking University, and he once served as Director, Assistant to the Dean and Vice Dean of the Applied Economics Department. From December 2010 to January 2017 he served as Dean of Guanghua School of Management at Peking University. In June 2017 he joined the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Hong Kong. Mr. Cai once served as a member of the 12th National People's Congress, a member of Beijing Municipal Committee of CPPCC, a member of the 11th Central Committee of China Democratic League, Deputy Chairman of Beijing Municipal Committee of China Democratic League and a Special Auditor of the National Audit Office. He currently serves as an Independent Director of CCB International Holdings Limited and Ping An Bank Co., Ltd. In May 2018 he was elected as Independent Director of Sinopec Corp.


Zhao Dong, Director of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Zhao is a professor level senior accountant with a Ph.D. degree. In July 2002 he was appointed as Chief Accountant and General Manager of Financial Assets Department of CNPC International Nile Ltd.; in January 2005 he was appointed as Deputy Chief Accountant and Executive Deputy Director of Financial and Capital Operation Department of China National Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Corporation; in April 2005 he was appointed as Deputy Chief Accountant and General Manager of Financial and Capital Operation Department of China National Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Corporation; in June 2008 he was appointed as Chief Accountant of China National Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Corporation; in October 2009 he was appointed as Chief Accountant of China National Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Corporation and Chief Financial Officer of PetroChina International Investment Company Limited; in September 2012 he was appointed as Deputy General Manager of CNPC Nile Company; in August 2013 he was appointed as General Manager of CNPC Nile Company; in November 2015 he was appointed as Chief Financial Officer of PetroChina Company Limited. In November 2016 he was appointed as a Member of the Leading Party Member Group and Chief Accountant of China Petrochemical Corporation; in May 2020 he was appointed as Director and Deputy Secretary of the Leading Party Member Group of China Petrochemical Corporation. In June 2017 he was elected as Chairman of Board of Supervisors of Sinopec Corp.; in May 2021 he was elected as Director of Sinopec Corp.
Zhao Dong, Director of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Zhao is a professor level senior accountant with a Ph.D. degree. In July 2002 he was appointed as Chief Accountant and General Manager of Financial Assets Department of CNPC International Nile Ltd.; in January 2005 he was appointed as Deputy Chief Accountant and Executive Deputy Director of Financial and Capital Operation Department of China National Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Corporation; in April 2005 he was appointed as Deputy Chief Accountant and General Manager of Financial and Capital Operation Department of China National Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Corporation; in June 2008 he was appointed as Chief Accountant of China National Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Corporation; in October 2009 he was appointed as Chief Accountant of China National Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Corporation and Chief Financial Officer of PetroChina International Investment Company Limited; in September 2012 he was appointed as Deputy General Manager of CNPC Nile Company; in August 2013 he was appointed as General Manager of CNPC Nile Company; in November 2015 he was appointed as Chief Financial Officer of PetroChina Company Limited. In November 2016 he was appointed as a Member of the Leading Party Member Group and Chief Accountant of China Petrochemical Corporation; in May 2020 he was appointed as Director and Deputy Secretary of the Leading Party Member Group of China Petrochemical Corporation. In June 2017 he was elected as Chairman of Board of Supervisors of Sinopec Corp.; in May 2021 he was elected as Director of Sinopec Corp.


Li Yonglin, Director and Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Li is a professor level senior engineer with a Ph.D. degree. Mr. Li is a member of the 13th National Committee of CPPCC. He was appointed as Vice General Manager of Sinopec Maoming Company in March 2003; in July 2009 he was appointed as Chief of Preparatory Group for the Beihai Refining Off-Site Reconstruction Project; in November 2011 he was appointed as General Manager and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Beihai Refining & Chemical Co., Ltd.; in March 2015 he was appointed as Vice Director General of Refining Division of Sinopec Corp. Director General Level; in December 2016 he was appointed as General Manager and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Tianjin Petrochemical Company, General Manager of Sinopec Tianjin Company and Vice Chairman of SINOPEC SABIC Tianjin Petrochemical Co., Ltd.; in October 2019 he was appointed as Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Tianjin Petrochemical Company and Corporate Representative of Sinopec Tianjin Company; in July 2020 he was appointed as Assistant to the President of China Petrochemical Corporation, concurrently serving as General Manager of Human Resources Department and Head of Organizational Department of the Leading Party Member Group; in November 2020 he was appointed as a member of Leading Party Member Group and Vice President of China Petrochemical Corporation.; in May 2021 he was elected as Director of Sinopec Corp. and was appointed as Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp.
Li Yonglin, Director and Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Li is a professor level senior engineer with a Ph.D. degree. Mr. Li is a member of the 13th National Committee of CPPCC. He was appointed as Vice General Manager of Sinopec Maoming Company in March 2003; in July 2009 he was appointed as Chief of Preparatory Group for the Beihai Refining Off-Site Reconstruction Project; in November 2011 he was appointed as General Manager and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Beihai Refining & Chemical Co., Ltd.; in March 2015 he was appointed as Vice Director General of Refining Division of Sinopec Corp. Director General Level; in December 2016 he was appointed as General Manager and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Tianjin Petrochemical Company, General Manager of Sinopec Tianjin Company and Vice Chairman of SINOPEC SABIC Tianjin Petrochemical Co., Ltd.; in October 2019 he was appointed as Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Tianjin Petrochemical Company and Corporate Representative of Sinopec Tianjin Company; in July 2020 he was appointed as Assistant to the President of China Petrochemical Corporation, concurrently serving as General Manager of Human Resources Department and Head of Organizational Department of the Leading Party Member Group; in November 2020 he was appointed as a member of Leading Party Member Group and Vice President of China Petrochemical Corporation.; in May 2021 he was elected as Director of Sinopec Corp. and was appointed as Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp.

毕明建,毕先生于1982年、1993年分别获得华东师范大学英语专业学历证书、美国乔治梅森大学(George Mason University)工商管理硕士学位。毕先生1977年4月至1979年4月担任上海市苏北海丰农场干部;1979年4月至1980年11月在农垦部干校外训班学习并赴加拿大萨省农场学习;1980年11月至1983年12月担任农垦部外事局干部;1984年1月至1985年12月担任农业部农垦局副处长;1985年12月至1988年6月担任世界银行驻中国代表处业务专员;1988年6月至10月担任中国农村信托投资公司项目办副主任;1988年10月至1994年1月担任世界银行的项目经济学家及顾问;1994年1月至1995年7月担任中国人民建设银行干部;1995年8月至2006年2月担任中国国际金融有限公司副总裁、管理委员会成员及代理主席、联席运营总监及投资银行部联席负责人;2006年3月至2012年11月担任高级顾问;2012年11月至2015年3月担任厚朴投资管理有限公司的管理合伙人;2017年3月至2020年1月担任中国中投证券有限责任公司(后更名为中国中金财富证券有限公司)非执行董事;2015年3月至2019年12月担任中国国际金融股份有限公司首席执行官及管理委员会主席;2015年5月至2020年2月担任中国国际金融股份有限公司执行董事。

Bi Mingjian, Independent Director of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Bi obtained the certificate of diploma majoring in English from East China Normal University in 1982 and master's degree in business administration from George Mason University in the United States of America in 1993 respectively. Mr. Bi served as a cadre at Shanghai Subei Haifeng Farm from April 1977 to April 1979; he studied at the External Training Program of the Cadre School of the Ministry of State Farms and Land Reclamation, and subsequently he studied at a farm in Saskatchewan Province of Canada from April 1979 to November 1980; he served as a cadre at the Foreign Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of State Farms and Land Reclamation from November 1980 to December 1983; he served as Deputy Division Chief of the State Farms and Land Reclamation Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture from January 1984 to December 1985; he served as Operation Officer of the World Bank Representative Office in China from December 1985 to June 1988; he served as Deputy Director of the project office of China Rural Trust and Investment Corporation from June 1988 to October 1988; he served as Project Economist and Advisor of the World Bank from October 1988 to January 1994; he served as a cadre at People's Construction Bank of China from January 1994 to July 1995; he served as Deputy Chief Executive Officer, member and Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee, Co-Chief Operating Officer and Co-Head of the Investment Banking Department of China International Capital Corporation Limited “CICC” from August 1995 to February 2006; he served as a Senior Advisor to CICC from March 2006 to November 2012; he served as a Managing Partner of HOPU Investment Management Co., Ltd. from November 2012 to March 2015; he served as a non-executive director for China Investment Securities Co., Ltd. (currently known as China CICC Wealth Management Securities Company Limited) from March 2017 to January 2020; from March 2015 to December 2019 he served as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Management Committee of CICC; from May 2015 to February 2020 he served as Executive Director of CICC. In May 2021 he was elected as Independent Director of Sinopec Corp.
毕明建,毕先生于1982年、1993年分别获得华东师范大学英语专业学历证书、美国乔治梅森大学(George Mason University)工商管理硕士学位。毕先生1977年4月至1979年4月担任上海市苏北海丰农场干部;1979年4月至1980年11月在农垦部干校外训班学习并赴加拿大萨省农场学习;1980年11月至1983年12月担任农垦部外事局干部;1984年1月至1985年12月担任农业部农垦局副处长;1985年12月至1988年6月担任世界银行驻中国代表处业务专员;1988年6月至10月担任中国农村信托投资公司项目办副主任;1988年10月至1994年1月担任世界银行的项目经济学家及顾问;1994年1月至1995年7月担任中国人民建设银行干部;1995年8月至2006年2月担任中国国际金融有限公司副总裁、管理委员会成员及代理主席、联席运营总监及投资银行部联席负责人;2006年3月至2012年11月担任高级顾问;2012年11月至2015年3月担任厚朴投资管理有限公司的管理合伙人;2017年3月至2020年1月担任中国中投证券有限责任公司(后更名为中国中金财富证券有限公司)非执行董事;2015年3月至2019年12月担任中国国际金融股份有限公司首席执行官及管理委员会主席;2015年5月至2020年2月担任中国国际金融股份有限公司执行董事。
Bi Mingjian, Independent Director of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Bi obtained the certificate of diploma majoring in English from East China Normal University in 1982 and master's degree in business administration from George Mason University in the United States of America in 1993 respectively. Mr. Bi served as a cadre at Shanghai Subei Haifeng Farm from April 1977 to April 1979; he studied at the External Training Program of the Cadre School of the Ministry of State Farms and Land Reclamation, and subsequently he studied at a farm in Saskatchewan Province of Canada from April 1979 to November 1980; he served as a cadre at the Foreign Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of State Farms and Land Reclamation from November 1980 to December 1983; he served as Deputy Division Chief of the State Farms and Land Reclamation Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture from January 1984 to December 1985; he served as Operation Officer of the World Bank Representative Office in China from December 1985 to June 1988; he served as Deputy Director of the project office of China Rural Trust and Investment Corporation from June 1988 to October 1988; he served as Project Economist and Advisor of the World Bank from October 1988 to January 1994; he served as a cadre at People's Construction Bank of China from January 1994 to July 1995; he served as Deputy Chief Executive Officer, member and Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee, Co-Chief Operating Officer and Co-Head of the Investment Banking Department of China International Capital Corporation Limited “CICC” from August 1995 to February 2006; he served as a Senior Advisor to CICC from March 2006 to November 2012; he served as a Managing Partner of HOPU Investment Management Co., Ltd. from November 2012 to March 2015; he served as a non-executive director for China Investment Securities Co., Ltd. (currently known as China CICC Wealth Management Securities Company Limited) from March 2017 to January 2020; from March 2015 to December 2019 he served as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Management Committee of CICC; from May 2015 to February 2020 he served as Executive Director of CICC. In May 2021 he was elected as Independent Director of Sinopec Corp.


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Shou Donghua, Chief Financial Officer and General Manager of Finance Department of Sinopec Corp. Ms. Shou is a professor level senior accountant with a Master's degree of business administration. In July 2010 she was appointed as the Chief Financial Officer of Sinopec Zhenhai Refining & Chemical Company; in October 2014 she was appointed as Deputy Director General of Human Resource Department of Sinopec Corp.; in August 2017 she was appointed as the Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Zhenhai Refining & Chemical Company and Deputy General Manager of Sinopec Zhenhai Refining & Chemical Company; in August 2018 she was appointed as the Director General of Finance Department of China Petrochemical Corporation and concurrently served as the Chairman of Sinopec Century Bright Capital Investment Limited; in December 2019 she was appointed as General Manager of Finance Department of Sinopec Corp. and concurrently served as the Chairman of Sinopec Century Bright Capital Investment Limited. In January 2020 she was appointed as Chief Financial Officer of Sinopec Corp. and General Manager of Finance Department.
Shou Donghua, Chief Financial Officer and General Manager of Finance Department of Sinopec Corp. Ms. Shou is a professor level senior accountant with a Master's degree of business administration. In July 2010 she was appointed as the Chief Financial Officer of Sinopec Zhenhai Refining & Chemical Company; in October 2014 she was appointed as Deputy Director General of Human Resource Department of Sinopec Corp.; in August 2017 she was appointed as the Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Zhenhai Refining & Chemical Company and Deputy General Manager of Sinopec Zhenhai Refining & Chemical Company; in August 2018 she was appointed as the Director General of Finance Department of China Petrochemical Corporation and concurrently served as the Chairman of Sinopec Century Bright Capital Investment Limited; in December 2019 she was appointed as General Manager of Finance Department of Sinopec Corp. and concurrently served as the Chairman of Sinopec Century Bright Capital Investment Limited. In January 2020 she was appointed as Chief Financial Officer of Sinopec Corp. and General Manager of Finance Department.


Liu Hongbin, Director and Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Liu is a senior engineer with a bachelor's degree. In June 1995 he was appointed as Chief Engineer of Tuha Petroleum Exploration & Development Headquarters; in July 1999 he was appointed as Deputy General Manager of PetroChina Tuha Oilfield Company; in July 2000 he was appointed as Commander and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of Tuha Petroleum Exploration & Development Headquarters; in March 2002 he served as General Manager of the Planning Department of PetroChina Company Limited; in September 2005 he served as Director of the Planning Department of CNPC; in June 2007 he was appointed as Vice President of PetroChina Company Limited, and in November 2007 he served concurrently as General Manager and Secretary of CPC Committee of the Marketing Branch of PetroChina Company Limited; in June 2009 he served concurrently as General Manager and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of the Marketing Branch of PetroChina Company Limited; in July 2013 he was appointed as Member of the Leading Party Member Group and Deputy General Manager of CNPC and in August 2013 he served concurrently as an Executive Director and General Manager of Daqing Oilfield Company Limited, Head of enterprise Coordination in Heilongjiang Province, Director of Daqing Petroleum Administration Bureau and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of Daqing Oilfield; in May 2014 he served concurrently as Director of PetroChina Company Limited; in November 2019 he was appointed as a member of the Leading Party Member Group of China Petrochemical Corporation; in December 2019 he was appointed as Vice President of China Petrochemical Corporation. In March 2020 he was appointed as Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp. In May 2020 he was elected as Director of Sinopec Corp.
Liu Hongbin, Director and Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Liu is a senior engineer with a bachelor's degree. In June 1995 he was appointed as Chief Engineer of Tuha Petroleum Exploration & Development Headquarters; in July 1999 he was appointed as Deputy General Manager of PetroChina Tuha Oilfield Company; in July 2000 he was appointed as Commander and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of Tuha Petroleum Exploration & Development Headquarters; in March 2002 he served as General Manager of the Planning Department of PetroChina Company Limited; in September 2005 he served as Director of the Planning Department of CNPC; in June 2007 he was appointed as Vice President of PetroChina Company Limited, and in November 2007 he served concurrently as General Manager and Secretary of CPC Committee of the Marketing Branch of PetroChina Company Limited; in June 2009 he served concurrently as General Manager and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of the Marketing Branch of PetroChina Company Limited; in July 2013 he was appointed as Member of the Leading Party Member Group and Deputy General Manager of CNPC and in August 2013 he served concurrently as an Executive Director and General Manager of Daqing Oilfield Company Limited, Head of enterprise Coordination in Heilongjiang Province, Director of Daqing Petroleum Administration Bureau and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of Daqing Oilfield; in May 2014 he served concurrently as Director of PetroChina Company Limited; in November 2019 he was appointed as a member of the Leading Party Member Group of China Petrochemical Corporation; in December 2019 he was appointed as Vice President of China Petrochemical Corporation. In March 2020 he was appointed as Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp. In May 2020 he was elected as Director of Sinopec Corp.


CHEN Ge, Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Chen is a senior economist with a Master's degree. In February 2000 he was appointed as Deputy Director General of the Board Secretariat of Sinopec Corp.; in December 2001 he was appointed as Director General of the Board Secretariat of Sinopec Corp.; in April 2003 he was appointed as Secretary to the Board of Directors of Sinopec Corp.; from April 2005 to August 2013 he was appointed concurrently as Director General of Corporate Reform & Management Dept. of Sinopec Corp.; in July 2010 he was appointed as Assistant to President of China Petrochemical Corporation; from December 2013 to December 2015 he was appointed temporarily as Deputy Secretary-General of Guizhou Provincial People's Government and a member of the Leading Party Member Group of Guizhou Provincial General Office; in November 2015 he was appointed as Employee's Representative Director of China Petrochemical Corporation; in December 2017 he was appointed concurrently as Director General of Corporate Reform & Management Dept. of Sinopec Corp.; in October 2018 he was appointed as Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp.; in July 2020 he was appointed concurrently as General counsel.
CHEN Ge, Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Chen is a senior economist with a Master's degree. In February 2000 he was appointed as Deputy Director General of the Board Secretariat of Sinopec Corp.; in December 2001 he was appointed as Director General of the Board Secretariat of Sinopec Corp.; in April 2003 he was appointed as Secretary to the Board of Directors of Sinopec Corp.; from April 2005 to August 2013 he was appointed concurrently as Director General of Corporate Reform & Management Dept. of Sinopec Corp.; in July 2010 he was appointed as Assistant to President of China Petrochemical Corporation; from December 2013 to December 2015 he was appointed temporarily as Deputy Secretary-General of Guizhou Provincial People's Government and a member of the Leading Party Member Group of Guizhou Provincial General Office; in November 2015 he was appointed as Employee's Representative Director of China Petrochemical Corporation; in December 2017 he was appointed concurrently as Director General of Corporate Reform & Management Dept. of Sinopec Corp.; in October 2018 he was appointed as Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp.; in July 2020 he was appointed concurrently as General counsel.


Huang Wensheng, Vice President of Sinopec Corp., Secretary to the Board of Directors. Mr. Huang is a professor level senior economist with a university diploma. In March 2003 he was appointed as Deputy Director General of the Board Secretariat of Sinopec Corp.; in May 2006 he was appointed as Representative on Securities Matters of Sinopec Corp.; in August 2009 he was appointed as the Deputy Director General of President's office of Sinopec Corp.; in September 2009 he was appointed as Director General of the Board Secretariat of Sinopec Corp.; in; in June 2018 he was appointed concurrently as Director General of Department of Capital Management and Financial Services of China Petrochemical Corporation; in July 2018 he was appointed concurrently as Chairman and Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Capital Co., Ltd.; in December 2019 he was appointed as President of Department of Capital Management and Financial Services of China Petrochemical Corporation. In May 2012 he was appointed as Secretary to the Board of Directors of Sinopec Corp; In May 2014 he was appointed as Vice President of Sinopec Corp.
Huang Wensheng, Vice President of Sinopec Corp., Secretary to the Board of Directors. Mr. Huang is a professor level senior economist with a university diploma. In March 2003 he was appointed as Deputy Director General of the Board Secretariat of Sinopec Corp.; in May 2006 he was appointed as Representative on Securities Matters of Sinopec Corp.; in August 2009 he was appointed as the Deputy Director General of President's office of Sinopec Corp.; in September 2009 he was appointed as Director General of the Board Secretariat of Sinopec Corp.; in; in June 2018 he was appointed concurrently as Director General of Department of Capital Management and Financial Services of China Petrochemical Corporation; in July 2018 he was appointed concurrently as Chairman and Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Capital Co., Ltd.; in December 2019 he was appointed as President of Department of Capital Management and Financial Services of China Petrochemical Corporation. In May 2012 he was appointed as Secretary to the Board of Directors of Sinopec Corp; In May 2014 he was appointed as Vice President of Sinopec Corp.


LING Yiqun, Director and Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Ling is a professor level senior engineer with a Ph.D. degree. From August 1983 he worked in the refinery of Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Company and the Refining Department of Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Company Ltd.; in February 2000 he was appointed as Deputy Director General of Refining Department of Sinopec Corp.; in June 2003 he was appointed as Director General of Refining Department of Sinopec Corp.; in July 2010 he was appointed as Vice President of Sinopec Corp.; in May 2012 he was appointed concurrently as Executive Director, President and Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Refinery Product Sales Company Limited; in August 2013 he was appointed concurrently as President and Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Qilu Petrochemical Company, and President of Sinopec Qilu Company; in March 2017 he was appointed as Vice President of China Petrochemical Corporation; since April 2019 he has been a member of the Leading Party Member Group of China Petrochemical Corporation. In February 2018 he was appointed as Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp.; in May 2018 he was elected as Director of Sinopec Corp.
LING Yiqun, Director and Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Ling is a professor level senior engineer with a Ph.D. degree. From August 1983 he worked in the refinery of Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Company and the Refining Department of Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Company Ltd.; in February 2000 he was appointed as Deputy Director General of Refining Department of Sinopec Corp.; in June 2003 he was appointed as Director General of Refining Department of Sinopec Corp.; in July 2010 he was appointed as Vice President of Sinopec Corp.; in May 2012 he was appointed concurrently as Executive Director, President and Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Refinery Product Sales Company Limited; in August 2013 he was appointed concurrently as President and Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Qilu Petrochemical Company, and President of Sinopec Qilu Company; in March 2017 he was appointed as Vice President of China Petrochemical Corporation; since April 2019 he has been a member of the Leading Party Member Group of China Petrochemical Corporation. In February 2018 he was appointed as Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp.; in May 2018 he was elected as Director of Sinopec Corp.


Yu Baocai, Director and President of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Yu is a senior engineer with a master's degree in economics. In September 1999 Mr. Yu was appointed as Deputy General Manager of Daqing Petrochemical Company; in December 2001 he was appointed as General Manager and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of Daqing Petrochemical Company; in September 2003 he was appointed as General Manager and Secretary of CPC Committee of Lanzhou Petrochemical Company; in June 2007 he was appointed as General Manager and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of Lanzhou Petrochemical Company and General Manager of Lanzhou Petroleum & Chemical Company; in September 2008 he was appointed as a member of the Leading Party Member Group and Deputy General Manager of China National Petroleum Corporation “CNPC” and since May 2011 he acted concurrently as Director of PetroChina Company Limited; in June 2018 he was appointed as a Member of the Leading Party Member Group and Vice President of China Petrochemical Corporation; in September 2020 he was appointed as Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Yu was elected as Director of Sinopec Corp. in October 2018 and was appointed as President of Sinopec Corp. in November 2021.
Yu Baocai, Director and President of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Yu is a senior engineer with a master's degree in economics. In September 1999 Mr. Yu was appointed as Deputy General Manager of Daqing Petrochemical Company; in December 2001 he was appointed as General Manager and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of Daqing Petrochemical Company; in September 2003 he was appointed as General Manager and Secretary of CPC Committee of Lanzhou Petrochemical Company; in June 2007 he was appointed as General Manager and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of Lanzhou Petrochemical Company and General Manager of Lanzhou Petroleum & Chemical Company; in September 2008 he was appointed as a member of the Leading Party Member Group and Deputy General Manager of China National Petroleum Corporation “CNPC” and since May 2011 he acted concurrently as Director of PetroChina Company Limited; in June 2018 he was appointed as a Member of the Leading Party Member Group and Vice President of China Petrochemical Corporation; in September 2020 he was appointed as Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Yu was elected as Director of Sinopec Corp. in October 2018 and was appointed as President of Sinopec Corp. in November 2021.


Yu Xizhi, Vice President of Sinopec Corp. Mr Yu is a professor-level senior engineer with a Ph.D. degree in engineering. In August 1997 he was appointed as Deputy General Manager of Anqing Petrochemical General Plant and concurrently as General Manager of Fertiliser Plant; in September 1999 he became a member of the CPC Standing Committee of Anqing Petrochemical General Plant; in February 2000 he was appointed as Deputy General Manager of Sinopec Anqing Company and in September 2000 he was appointed as General Manager of Sinopec Anqing Company; in January 2005 he was appointed as General Manager of Anqing Petrochemical General Plant and from May 2009 to July 2010 he temporarily served as a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Anqing Municipal Committee; in July 2010 he became General Manager and Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee of Maoming Petrochemical Company and General Manager of Sinopec Maoming Company; in July 2016 Mr. Yu was appointed as head of Maoming-Zhanjiang Integration Leading Group; in December 2016 he became Executive Director, General Manager and Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee of Zhongke Guangdong Refining and Petrochemical Co., Ltd.; in April 2017 Mr. Yu was appointed as Director General of Human Resources Department of Sinopec Corp.; in June 2017 he was elected as Employee's Representative Supervisor of Sinopec Corp.; in December 2019 he was appointed as President of Human Resource Department of Sinopec Corp. and the Director General of Organization Department of China Petrochemical Corporation; in January 2020 he was elected as Director of China Petrochemical Corporation. In July 2020 he was appointed as Vice President of Sinopec Corp.
Yu Xizhi, Vice President of Sinopec Corp. Mr Yu is a professor-level senior engineer with a Ph.D. degree in engineering. In August 1997 he was appointed as Deputy General Manager of Anqing Petrochemical General Plant and concurrently as General Manager of Fertiliser Plant; in September 1999 he became a member of the CPC Standing Committee of Anqing Petrochemical General Plant; in February 2000 he was appointed as Deputy General Manager of Sinopec Anqing Company and in September 2000 he was appointed as General Manager of Sinopec Anqing Company; in January 2005 he was appointed as General Manager of Anqing Petrochemical General Plant and from May 2009 to July 2010 he temporarily served as a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Anqing Municipal Committee; in July 2010 he became General Manager and Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee of Maoming Petrochemical Company and General Manager of Sinopec Maoming Company; in July 2016 Mr. Yu was appointed as head of Maoming-Zhanjiang Integration Leading Group; in December 2016 he became Executive Director, General Manager and Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee of Zhongke Guangdong Refining and Petrochemical Co., Ltd.; in April 2017 Mr. Yu was appointed as Director General of Human Resources Department of Sinopec Corp.; in June 2017 he was elected as Employee's Representative Supervisor of Sinopec Corp.; in December 2019 he was appointed as President of Human Resource Department of Sinopec Corp. and the Director General of Organization Department of China Petrochemical Corporation; in January 2020 he was elected as Director of China Petrochemical Corporation. In July 2020 he was appointed as Vice President of Sinopec Corp.


Zhao Rifeng, Vice President of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Zhao is a professor level Senior Engineer with a Master's degree. In July 2000 he was appointed as Deputy General Manager of Sinopec Jinling Petrochemical Co., Ltd. and Deputy Manager of Sinopec Jinling Company; in October 2004 he was appointed as General Manager of Sinopec Jinling Company; in October 2006 he was appointed as Vice Chairman and General Manager of Sinopec Jinling Petrochemical Co., Ltd.; in November 2010 he was appointed as Chairman, General Manger, Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Jinling Petrochemical Co., Ltd.; in August 2013 he was appointed as Director General of Refining Department of Sinopec Corp.; in December 2017 he was appointed as the Director General of the Marketing Department of Sinopec Corp. and Chairman and Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Marketing Company Limited; in December 2019 he was appointed as the President of the Marketing Department of Sinopec Corp. and Chairman and Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Marketing Company Limited. In February 2018 he was appointed as Vice President of Sinopec Corp.
Zhao Rifeng, Vice President of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Zhao is a professor level Senior Engineer with a Master's degree. In July 2000 he was appointed as Deputy General Manager of Sinopec Jinling Petrochemical Co., Ltd. and Deputy Manager of Sinopec Jinling Company; in October 2004 he was appointed as General Manager of Sinopec Jinling Company; in October 2006 he was appointed as Vice Chairman and General Manager of Sinopec Jinling Petrochemical Co., Ltd.; in November 2010 he was appointed as Chairman, General Manger, Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Jinling Petrochemical Co., Ltd.; in August 2013 he was appointed as Director General of Refining Department of Sinopec Corp.; in December 2017 he was appointed as the Director General of the Marketing Department of Sinopec Corp. and Chairman and Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Marketing Company Limited; in December 2019 he was appointed as the President of the Marketing Department of Sinopec Corp. and Chairman and Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Marketing Company Limited. In February 2018 he was appointed as Vice President of Sinopec Corp.


Li Yonglin, Director and Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Li is a professor level senior engineer with a Ph.D. degree. Mr. Li is a member of the 13th National Committee of CPPCC. He was appointed as Vice General Manager of Sinopec Maoming Company in March 2003; in July 2009 he was appointed as Chief of Preparatory Group for the Beihai Refining Off-Site Reconstruction Project; in November 2011 he was appointed as General Manager and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Beihai Refining & Chemical Co., Ltd.; in March 2015 he was appointed as Vice Director General of Refining Division of Sinopec Corp. Director General Level; in December 2016 he was appointed as General Manager and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Tianjin Petrochemical Company, General Manager of Sinopec Tianjin Company and Vice Chairman of SINOPEC SABIC Tianjin Petrochemical Co., Ltd.; in October 2019 he was appointed as Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Tianjin Petrochemical Company and Corporate Representative of Sinopec Tianjin Company; in July 2020 he was appointed as Assistant to the President of China Petrochemical Corporation, concurrently serving as General Manager of Human Resources Department and Head of Organizational Department of the Leading Party Member Group; in November 2020 he was appointed as a member of Leading Party Member Group and Vice President of China Petrochemical Corporation.; in May 2021 he was elected as Director of Sinopec Corp. and was appointed as Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp.
Li Yonglin, Director and Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp. Mr. Li is a professor level senior engineer with a Ph.D. degree. Mr. Li is a member of the 13th National Committee of CPPCC. He was appointed as Vice General Manager of Sinopec Maoming Company in March 2003; in July 2009 he was appointed as Chief of Preparatory Group for the Beihai Refining Off-Site Reconstruction Project; in November 2011 he was appointed as General Manager and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Beihai Refining & Chemical Co., Ltd.; in March 2015 he was appointed as Vice Director General of Refining Division of Sinopec Corp. Director General Level; in December 2016 he was appointed as General Manager and Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Tianjin Petrochemical Company, General Manager of Sinopec Tianjin Company and Vice Chairman of SINOPEC SABIC Tianjin Petrochemical Co., Ltd.; in October 2019 he was appointed as Secretary of CPC Committee of Sinopec Tianjin Petrochemical Company and Corporate Representative of Sinopec Tianjin Company; in July 2020 he was appointed as Assistant to the President of China Petrochemical Corporation, concurrently serving as General Manager of Human Resources Department and Head of Organizational Department of the Leading Party Member Group; in November 2020 he was appointed as a member of Leading Party Member Group and Vice President of China Petrochemical Corporation.; in May 2021 he was elected as Director of Sinopec Corp. and was appointed as Senior Vice President of Sinopec Corp.