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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
彭小峰 Director, Executive Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer 48 49.67万美元 629.84 2023-11-01
Hoong Khoeng Cheong Director and Chief Operating Officer 58 41.01万美元 未持股 2023-11-01
Maurice Ngai Independent Non-Executive Director 61 1.00万美元 未持股 2023-11-01
Lu Qing Independent Non-Executive Director 52 1.00万美元 未持股 2023-11-01
Jing Zhang Independent Non-Executive Director 68 1.00万美元 未持股 2023-11-01



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
彭小峰 Director, Executive Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer 48 49.67万美元 629.84 2023-11-01
Janet Jie Chen Chief Financial Officer 52 27.45万美元 未持股 2023-11-01
Hoong Khoeng Cheong Director and Chief Operating Officer 58 41.01万美元 未持股 2023-11-01


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Xiaofeng Peng,has served as a director and the executive chairman of Spi Energy Co., Ltd. Board since January 10, 2011 and as Spi Energy Co., Ltd. chief executive officer since March 25, 2016. Mr. Peng has served as the executive chairman of of board of directors of Phoenix Motor Inc. (NASDAQ:PEV) since December 2020. Mr. Peng was appointed chairman of the Board pursuant to the Stock Purchase Agreement entered into between Spi Energy Co., Ltd. and LDK on January 5, 2011. Mr. Peng founded LDK in July 2005 and is its chairman of the board and chief executive officer. Prior to founding LDK, Mr. Peng founded Suzhou Liouxin Co., Ltd., or Suzhou Liouxin, in March 1997 and was its chief executive officer until February 2006. Suzhou Liouxin is a leading manufacturer of personal protective equipment in Asia. Mr. Peng graduated from Jiangxi Foreign Trade School with a diploma in international business in 1993 and from Beijing University Guanghua School of Management with an executive MBA degree in 2002.
Xiaofeng Peng,has served as a director and the executive chairman of Spi Energy Co., Ltd. Board since January 10, 2011 and as Spi Energy Co., Ltd. chief executive officer since March 25, 2016. Mr. Peng has served as the executive chairman of of board of directors of Phoenix Motor Inc. (NASDAQ:PEV) since December 2020. Mr. Peng was appointed chairman of the Board pursuant to the Stock Purchase Agreement entered into between Spi Energy Co., Ltd. and LDK on January 5, 2011. Mr. Peng founded LDK in July 2005 and is its chairman of the board and chief executive officer. Prior to founding LDK, Mr. Peng founded Suzhou Liouxin Co., Ltd., or Suzhou Liouxin, in March 1997 and was its chief executive officer until February 2006. Suzhou Liouxin is a leading manufacturer of personal protective equipment in Asia. Mr. Peng graduated from Jiangxi Foreign Trade School with a diploma in international business in 1993 and from Beijing University Guanghua School of Management with an executive MBA degree in 2002.
Hoong Khoeng Cheong

Hoong Khoeng Cheong,有着20多年的太阳能和电子行业工程和运营经验。2011-2014年在LDK Solar Co., Ltd.担任不同的管理职位,被任命为Sunways AG(一家德国的上市公司)的首席执行官和管理委员会主席。2014年10月,LDK Solar Co., Ltd.及其美国子公司根据特拉华州威尔明顿(Wilmington, Delaware)破产保护第15章提交申请。他此前在加入LDK Solar Co., Ltd.之前,曾于2007-2011年担任Solar Power, Inc.总经理,负责太阳能光伏系统的设计和开发,以及太阳能电池组件和货架系统关键部件的制造。在2007年加入太阳能行业前,他曾在电子行业工作过16年,负责液晶显示产品工程开发及制造;以及曾在Flextronics的一家附属公司担任工程副总裁。

Hoong Khoeng Cheong,has served as Phoenix Motor Inc. director since December 2020. Mr. Cheong has served as chief operating officer of SPI Energy Co., Ltd. since May 2014. Mr. Cheong has more than 20 years of engineering and operation experience in the solar and electronics industries. He served in various management positions in LDK from 2011 to 2014 and he was appointed as the chairman of the Management Board and chief executive officer of Sunways AG, a publicly-listed company in Germany. He previously served as Phoenix Motor Inc. general manager from 2007 to 2011 and was responsible for PV system design and development as well as the manufacturing of key components for PV modules and racking systems before joining LDK. Prior to joining the solar industry in 2007, Mr. Cheong spent 16 years in the electronics industry responsible for engineering development and manufacturing of liquid crystal display products and he served as the Vice President of Engineering of an affiliate of Flextronics International Ltd. Mr. Cheong holds a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Louisiana and obtained his Master of Science in computer integrated manufacturing from Nanyang Technology University, Singapore in 1997.
Hoong Khoeng Cheong,有着20多年的太阳能和电子行业工程和运营经验。2011-2014年在LDK Solar Co., Ltd.担任不同的管理职位,被任命为Sunways AG(一家德国的上市公司)的首席执行官和管理委员会主席。2014年10月,LDK Solar Co., Ltd.及其美国子公司根据特拉华州威尔明顿(Wilmington, Delaware)破产保护第15章提交申请。他此前在加入LDK Solar Co., Ltd.之前,曾于2007-2011年担任Solar Power, Inc.总经理,负责太阳能光伏系统的设计和开发,以及太阳能电池组件和货架系统关键部件的制造。在2007年加入太阳能行业前,他曾在电子行业工作过16年,负责液晶显示产品工程开发及制造;以及曾在Flextronics的一家附属公司担任工程副总裁。
Hoong Khoeng Cheong,has served as Phoenix Motor Inc. director since December 2020. Mr. Cheong has served as chief operating officer of SPI Energy Co., Ltd. since May 2014. Mr. Cheong has more than 20 years of engineering and operation experience in the solar and electronics industries. He served in various management positions in LDK from 2011 to 2014 and he was appointed as the chairman of the Management Board and chief executive officer of Sunways AG, a publicly-listed company in Germany. He previously served as Phoenix Motor Inc. general manager from 2007 to 2011 and was responsible for PV system design and development as well as the manufacturing of key components for PV modules and racking systems before joining LDK. Prior to joining the solar industry in 2007, Mr. Cheong spent 16 years in the electronics industry responsible for engineering development and manufacturing of liquid crystal display products and he served as the Vice President of Engineering of an affiliate of Flextronics International Ltd. Mr. Cheong holds a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Louisiana and obtained his Master of Science in computer integrated manufacturing from Nanyang Technology University, Singapore in 1997.
Maurice Ngai

Maurice Ngai自2016年5月9日起担任思必能有限公司董事。Ngai博士现为香港上市公司商会总务委员会委员及会员服务主席。曾任香港特许秘书学会会长,现称为香港特许管治学会(2014-2015年),香港特别行政区经济发展委员会专业服务工作小组非官方成员(2013-2018年),香港会计师公会资格及考试委员会成员(2013-2018年)及中华人民共和国财政部首批财务专家顾问(2016-2021年)。阿志博士是英国特许公认会计师公会会士、香港会计师公会会员、英国特许管治学会会士、香港特许管治学会会士,香港董事学会会士、香港证券及投资学会会员及英国特许仲裁员学会会员。Ngai博士在上海财经大学获得金融学博士学位,在香港理工大学获得企业融资硕士学位,在密歇根安德鲁斯大学获得工商管理硕士学位,在伍尔弗汉普顿大学获得法律学士学位。他目前担任多家知名上市公司的独立非执行董事。

Maurice Ngai,has served as Spi Energy Co., Ltd. director since May 9, 2016. Dr. Ngai is currently a member of the General Committee and the Chairman of Membership Services of Sub-Committees of the Chamber of Hong Kong Listed Companies. He was the president of the Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries (currently known as the Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute) (2014-2015), a non-official member of the Working Group on Professional Services under the Economic Development Commission of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (2013-2018), a member of the Qualification and Examination Board of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (2013-2018) and the first batch of Finance Expert Consultants of Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China (2016-2021). Dr. Ngai is a fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants in the United Kingdom, a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, a fellow of the Chartered Governance Institute, a fellow of the Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute, a fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Directors, a member of the Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute and a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Dr. Ngai obtained a Doctoral Degree in Finance at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, a Master's Degree in Corporate Finance from Hong Kong Polytechnic University, a Master's Degree in Business Administration from Andrews University of Michigan and a Bachelor's Degree in Laws at University of Wolverhampton. He is serving as an independent non-executive director of several reputable listed companies.
Maurice Ngai自2016年5月9日起担任思必能有限公司董事。Ngai博士现为香港上市公司商会总务委员会委员及会员服务主席。曾任香港特许秘书学会会长,现称为香港特许管治学会(2014-2015年),香港特别行政区经济发展委员会专业服务工作小组非官方成员(2013-2018年),香港会计师公会资格及考试委员会成员(2013-2018年)及中华人民共和国财政部首批财务专家顾问(2016-2021年)。阿志博士是英国特许公认会计师公会会士、香港会计师公会会员、英国特许管治学会会士、香港特许管治学会会士,香港董事学会会士、香港证券及投资学会会员及英国特许仲裁员学会会员。Ngai博士在上海财经大学获得金融学博士学位,在香港理工大学获得企业融资硕士学位,在密歇根安德鲁斯大学获得工商管理硕士学位,在伍尔弗汉普顿大学获得法律学士学位。他目前担任多家知名上市公司的独立非执行董事。
Maurice Ngai,has served as Spi Energy Co., Ltd. director since May 9, 2016. Dr. Ngai is currently a member of the General Committee and the Chairman of Membership Services of Sub-Committees of the Chamber of Hong Kong Listed Companies. He was the president of the Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries (currently known as the Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute) (2014-2015), a non-official member of the Working Group on Professional Services under the Economic Development Commission of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (2013-2018), a member of the Qualification and Examination Board of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (2013-2018) and the first batch of Finance Expert Consultants of Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China (2016-2021). Dr. Ngai is a fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants in the United Kingdom, a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, a fellow of the Chartered Governance Institute, a fellow of the Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute, a fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Directors, a member of the Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute and a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Dr. Ngai obtained a Doctoral Degree in Finance at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, a Master's Degree in Corporate Finance from Hong Kong Polytechnic University, a Master's Degree in Business Administration from Andrews University of Michigan and a Bachelor's Degree in Laws at University of Wolverhampton. He is serving as an independent non-executive director of several reputable listed companies.
Lu Qing

Lu Qing 自2017年5月起担任Spi Energy Co., Ltd.董事。她目前担任WisePublic Asset Management Limited的首席运营官,负责管理日常业务。Lu Qing女士在金融、会计、税务和法律领域拥有丰富的经验。她曾于2013年1月至2015年10月担任China Regenerative Medicine International Limited 8158 HK的内部审计主管。Lu Qing女士亦于2022年5月至2008年5月在Sing Tao News Corporation Limited担任中国内地财务总监。自1992年2月至2002年3月,Lu Qing女士担任北京会计师事务所的主要合伙人之一和副总经理。Lu Qing女士于1993年6月获得中央财经大学会计学专业经济学学士学位,于2001年1月获得北京大学法学硕士学位。Lu Qing女士还是中国注册税务师、注册公估师、注册公众号从业人员。

Lu Qing,has served as Spi Energy Co., Ltd. director since May 2017. She currently serves as the chief operating officer of WisePublic Asset Management Limited, where she manages daily operation. Ms. Lu Qing has qualified experience in the finance, accounting, tax and legal fields. She served the head of internal audit of China Regenerative Medicine International Limited (8158 HK) from January 2013 to October 2015. Ms. Lu Qing also served as financial controller of Mainland China at Sing Tao News Corporation Limited (1105 HK) from May 2002 to May 2008. From February 1992 to March 2002, Ms. Lu Qing served as one of the major business partners and vice general manager at Peking Certified Public Accountants. Ms. Lu Qing received bachelor's degree in economics, major in accounting from Central University of Finance and Economics in June 1993, and a master's degree in law from Peking University in January 2001. Ms. Lu Qing is also a Certified Tax Agents, Certified Public Valuer, and Certified Public Account in China.
Lu Qing 自2017年5月起担任Spi Energy Co., Ltd.董事。她目前担任WisePublic Asset Management Limited的首席运营官,负责管理日常业务。Lu Qing女士在金融、会计、税务和法律领域拥有丰富的经验。她曾于2013年1月至2015年10月担任China Regenerative Medicine International Limited 8158 HK的内部审计主管。Lu Qing女士亦于2022年5月至2008年5月在Sing Tao News Corporation Limited担任中国内地财务总监。自1992年2月至2002年3月,Lu Qing女士担任北京会计师事务所的主要合伙人之一和副总经理。Lu Qing女士于1993年6月获得中央财经大学会计学专业经济学学士学位,于2001年1月获得北京大学法学硕士学位。Lu Qing女士还是中国注册税务师、注册公估师、注册公众号从业人员。
Lu Qing,has served as Spi Energy Co., Ltd. director since May 2017. She currently serves as the chief operating officer of WisePublic Asset Management Limited, where she manages daily operation. Ms. Lu Qing has qualified experience in the finance, accounting, tax and legal fields. She served the head of internal audit of China Regenerative Medicine International Limited (8158 HK) from January 2013 to October 2015. Ms. Lu Qing also served as financial controller of Mainland China at Sing Tao News Corporation Limited (1105 HK) from May 2002 to May 2008. From February 1992 to March 2002, Ms. Lu Qing served as one of the major business partners and vice general manager at Peking Certified Public Accountants. Ms. Lu Qing received bachelor's degree in economics, major in accounting from Central University of Finance and Economics in June 1993, and a master's degree in law from Peking University in January 2001. Ms. Lu Qing is also a Certified Tax Agents, Certified Public Valuer, and Certified Public Account in China.
Jing Zhang

Jing Zhang自2020年3月30日起担任本公司董事。Jing Zhang先生自2012起担任中国香港东营金融集团的董事,负责管理集团的私人股本业务。自2012年起,他还担任新城建设发展集团有限公司和中国国际金融公司的独立董事。1997年至2007年,任中国一拖集团有限公司副总经理,第一拖拉机股份有限公司董事兼财务总监。Jing Zhang先生获江苏大学管理工程硕士学位。

Jing Zhang,has served as Spi Energy Co., Ltd. director since March 30, 2020. Mr. Zhang has served as a director of Hong Kong Dongying Financial Group since 2012, where he manages the group's private equity operations. He has also been an independent director of New City Construction Development Group Co., Ltd. and China International Capital Corporation since 2012. He served as a deputy general manager of China Yituo Group Co., Ltd. and a director and chief financial officer of First Tractor Co., Ltd. from 1997 to 2007. Mr. Zhang Jing received his Master degree in Management Engineering from Jiangsu University.
Jing Zhang自2020年3月30日起担任本公司董事。Jing Zhang先生自2012起担任中国香港东营金融集团的董事,负责管理集团的私人股本业务。自2012年起,他还担任新城建设发展集团有限公司和中国国际金融公司的独立董事。1997年至2007年,任中国一拖集团有限公司副总经理,第一拖拉机股份有限公司董事兼财务总监。Jing Zhang先生获江苏大学管理工程硕士学位。
Jing Zhang,has served as Spi Energy Co., Ltd. director since March 30, 2020. Mr. Zhang has served as a director of Hong Kong Dongying Financial Group since 2012, where he manages the group's private equity operations. He has also been an independent director of New City Construction Development Group Co., Ltd. and China International Capital Corporation since 2012. He served as a deputy general manager of China Yituo Group Co., Ltd. and a director and chief financial officer of First Tractor Co., Ltd. from 1997 to 2007. Mr. Zhang Jing received his Master degree in Management Engineering from Jiangsu University.


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Xiaofeng Peng,has served as a director and the executive chairman of Spi Energy Co., Ltd. Board since January 10, 2011 and as Spi Energy Co., Ltd. chief executive officer since March 25, 2016. Mr. Peng has served as the executive chairman of of board of directors of Phoenix Motor Inc. (NASDAQ:PEV) since December 2020. Mr. Peng was appointed chairman of the Board pursuant to the Stock Purchase Agreement entered into between Spi Energy Co., Ltd. and LDK on January 5, 2011. Mr. Peng founded LDK in July 2005 and is its chairman of the board and chief executive officer. Prior to founding LDK, Mr. Peng founded Suzhou Liouxin Co., Ltd., or Suzhou Liouxin, in March 1997 and was its chief executive officer until February 2006. Suzhou Liouxin is a leading manufacturer of personal protective equipment in Asia. Mr. Peng graduated from Jiangxi Foreign Trade School with a diploma in international business in 1993 and from Beijing University Guanghua School of Management with an executive MBA degree in 2002.
Xiaofeng Peng,has served as a director and the executive chairman of Spi Energy Co., Ltd. Board since January 10, 2011 and as Spi Energy Co., Ltd. chief executive officer since March 25, 2016. Mr. Peng has served as the executive chairman of of board of directors of Phoenix Motor Inc. (NASDAQ:PEV) since December 2020. Mr. Peng was appointed chairman of the Board pursuant to the Stock Purchase Agreement entered into between Spi Energy Co., Ltd. and LDK on January 5, 2011. Mr. Peng founded LDK in July 2005 and is its chairman of the board and chief executive officer. Prior to founding LDK, Mr. Peng founded Suzhou Liouxin Co., Ltd., or Suzhou Liouxin, in March 1997 and was its chief executive officer until February 2006. Suzhou Liouxin is a leading manufacturer of personal protective equipment in Asia. Mr. Peng graduated from Jiangxi Foreign Trade School with a diploma in international business in 1993 and from Beijing University Guanghua School of Management with an executive MBA degree in 2002.
Janet Jie Chen

Janet Jie Chen在审计、会计、企业重组、并购、ipo和SEC报告方面拥有20多年的经验,其中在一家大型国际审计公司工作了7年。她在提供美国公认会计准则相关的财务和内部控制咨询服务方面拥有丰富的经验和专业知识。她是CICPA和FCCA的成员。

Janet Jie Chen,has served as Spi Energy Co., Ltd. Chief Financial Officer since June 2021. Ms. Chen has over 20 years' experience in accounting, auditing, and financial advisory business. Before joining the Company, Ms. Chen was the executive director of Brainzoom Business Consulting Co., Ltd. since July 2007. Ms. Chen served as a vice president and finance director of Cellon International Holdings Corporation from January 2006 to May 2007. Previously, Ms. Chen served as an audit manager of Arthur Andersen from June 1993 to June 2000. Ms. Chen obtained a Bachelor degree in accounting from Shenzhen University in 1993. Ms. Chen is a Certified Public Accountant in China (CICPA) and a Fellowship of Chartered Certified Accountant (FCCA).
Janet Jie Chen在审计、会计、企业重组、并购、ipo和SEC报告方面拥有20多年的经验,其中在一家大型国际审计公司工作了7年。她在提供美国公认会计准则相关的财务和内部控制咨询服务方面拥有丰富的经验和专业知识。她是CICPA和FCCA的成员。
Janet Jie Chen,has served as Spi Energy Co., Ltd. Chief Financial Officer since June 2021. Ms. Chen has over 20 years' experience in accounting, auditing, and financial advisory business. Before joining the Company, Ms. Chen was the executive director of Brainzoom Business Consulting Co., Ltd. since July 2007. Ms. Chen served as a vice president and finance director of Cellon International Holdings Corporation from January 2006 to May 2007. Previously, Ms. Chen served as an audit manager of Arthur Andersen from June 1993 to June 2000. Ms. Chen obtained a Bachelor degree in accounting from Shenzhen University in 1993. Ms. Chen is a Certified Public Accountant in China (CICPA) and a Fellowship of Chartered Certified Accountant (FCCA).
Hoong Khoeng Cheong

Hoong Khoeng Cheong,有着20多年的太阳能和电子行业工程和运营经验。2011-2014年在LDK Solar Co., Ltd.担任不同的管理职位,被任命为Sunways AG(一家德国的上市公司)的首席执行官和管理委员会主席。2014年10月,LDK Solar Co., Ltd.及其美国子公司根据特拉华州威尔明顿(Wilmington, Delaware)破产保护第15章提交申请。他此前在加入LDK Solar Co., Ltd.之前,曾于2007-2011年担任Solar Power, Inc.总经理,负责太阳能光伏系统的设计和开发,以及太阳能电池组件和货架系统关键部件的制造。在2007年加入太阳能行业前,他曾在电子行业工作过16年,负责液晶显示产品工程开发及制造;以及曾在Flextronics的一家附属公司担任工程副总裁。

Hoong Khoeng Cheong,has served as Phoenix Motor Inc. director since December 2020. Mr. Cheong has served as chief operating officer of SPI Energy Co., Ltd. since May 2014. Mr. Cheong has more than 20 years of engineering and operation experience in the solar and electronics industries. He served in various management positions in LDK from 2011 to 2014 and he was appointed as the chairman of the Management Board and chief executive officer of Sunways AG, a publicly-listed company in Germany. He previously served as Phoenix Motor Inc. general manager from 2007 to 2011 and was responsible for PV system design and development as well as the manufacturing of key components for PV modules and racking systems before joining LDK. Prior to joining the solar industry in 2007, Mr. Cheong spent 16 years in the electronics industry responsible for engineering development and manufacturing of liquid crystal display products and he served as the Vice President of Engineering of an affiliate of Flextronics International Ltd. Mr. Cheong holds a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Louisiana and obtained his Master of Science in computer integrated manufacturing from Nanyang Technology University, Singapore in 1997.
Hoong Khoeng Cheong,有着20多年的太阳能和电子行业工程和运营经验。2011-2014年在LDK Solar Co., Ltd.担任不同的管理职位,被任命为Sunways AG(一家德国的上市公司)的首席执行官和管理委员会主席。2014年10月,LDK Solar Co., Ltd.及其美国子公司根据特拉华州威尔明顿(Wilmington, Delaware)破产保护第15章提交申请。他此前在加入LDK Solar Co., Ltd.之前,曾于2007-2011年担任Solar Power, Inc.总经理,负责太阳能光伏系统的设计和开发,以及太阳能电池组件和货架系统关键部件的制造。在2007年加入太阳能行业前,他曾在电子行业工作过16年,负责液晶显示产品工程开发及制造;以及曾在Flextronics的一家附属公司担任工程副总裁。
Hoong Khoeng Cheong,has served as Phoenix Motor Inc. director since December 2020. Mr. Cheong has served as chief operating officer of SPI Energy Co., Ltd. since May 2014. Mr. Cheong has more than 20 years of engineering and operation experience in the solar and electronics industries. He served in various management positions in LDK from 2011 to 2014 and he was appointed as the chairman of the Management Board and chief executive officer of Sunways AG, a publicly-listed company in Germany. He previously served as Phoenix Motor Inc. general manager from 2007 to 2011 and was responsible for PV system design and development as well as the manufacturing of key components for PV modules and racking systems before joining LDK. Prior to joining the solar industry in 2007, Mr. Cheong spent 16 years in the electronics industry responsible for engineering development and manufacturing of liquid crystal display products and he served as the Vice President of Engineering of an affiliate of Flextronics International Ltd. Mr. Cheong holds a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Louisiana and obtained his Master of Science in computer integrated manufacturing from Nanyang Technology University, Singapore in 1997.