姓名 | 性别 | 职位 | 年龄 | 薪酬 | 持股数(万股) | 截止日期 |
WANG Dian | 女 | Director, Chief Executive Officer | 55 | 未披露 | 750.00 | 2024-08-19 |
HAN Hongwei | 男 | Director, Chairman of the Board | 58 | 未披露 | 3985.00 | 2024-08-19 |
Joel A. GALLO | 男 | Independent Director | 51 | 未披露 | 未持股 | 2024-08-19 |
CHEN Jie | 女 | Independent Director | 52 | 未披露 | 未持股 | 2024-08-19 |
姓名 | 性别 | 职位 | 年龄 | 薪酬 | 持股数(万股) | 截止日期 |
WANG Dian | 女 | Director, Chief Executive Officer | 55 | 未披露 | 750.00 | 2024-08-19 |
Lok Wai | 男 | Chief Financial Officer | 42 | 未披露 | 未持股 | 2024-08-19 |
LIU Zheng | 男 | Chief Marketing Officer | 41 | 未披露 | 未持股 | 2024-08-19 |
XIAO Wen | 男 | Vice President of Overseas Business | 46 | 未披露 | 未持股 | 2024-08-19 |
Zhu Hua | 男 | Chief Technology Officer | 43 | 未披露 | 未持股 | 2024-08-19 |
中英对照 |  中文 |  英文- WANG Dian
WANG Dian自2019年7月起担任海银财富控股有限公司的董事,自2019年9月起担任海银财富控股有限公司的首席执行官。WANG女士自2018年7月起担任Hywin Wealth Management的首席执行官。在此之前,WANG女士于2015年7月至2018年7月担任海银金融控股集团有限公司副总裁,负责公司中后台管理工作。WANG女士于2018年获长江商学院工商管理硕士学位。2020年,WANG女士在2020年亚洲大中华区财富简报颁奖典礼上荣获“大中华区财富管理年度女性”。
WANG Dian has served as Hywin Holdings Ltd. director since July 2019 and Hywin Holdings Ltd. chief executive officer since September 2019. Ms. WANG has served as the chief executive officer of Hywin Wealth Management since July 2018. Prior to that, Ms. WANG served as the Vice President of Hywin Financial Holding from July 2015 to July 2018 responsible for the middle to backstage management of the company. Ms. WANG received her executive master of business administration from Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in 2018. In 2020 Ms. WANG won the “Woman of the Year in Greater China Wealth Management” at the WealthBriefingAsia Greater China Awards 2020. In 2021 Ms. WANG won the “Best CEO in Greater China Wealth Management” in the WealthBriefingAsia Greater China Awards 2021. - WANG Dian自2019年7月起担任海银财富控股有限公司的董事,自2019年9月起担任海银财富控股有限公司的首席执行官。WANG女士自2018年7月起担任Hywin Wealth Management的首席执行官。在此之前,WANG女士于2015年7月至2018年7月担任海银金融控股集团有限公司副总裁,负责公司中后台管理工作。WANG女士于2018年获长江商学院工商管理硕士学位。2020年,WANG女士在2020年亚洲大中华区财富简报颁奖典礼上荣获“大中华区财富管理年度女性”。
- WANG Dian has served as Hywin Holdings Ltd. director since July 2019 and Hywin Holdings Ltd. chief executive officer since September 2019. Ms. WANG has served as the chief executive officer of Hywin Wealth Management since July 2018. Prior to that, Ms. WANG served as the Vice President of Hywin Financial Holding from July 2015 to July 2018 responsible for the middle to backstage management of the company. Ms. WANG received her executive master of business administration from Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in 2018. In 2020 Ms. WANG won the “Woman of the Year in Greater China Wealth Management” at the WealthBriefingAsia Greater China Awards 2020. In 2021 Ms. WANG won the “Best CEO in Greater China Wealth Management” in the WealthBriefingAsia Greater China Awards 2021.
- HAN Hongwei
HAN Hongwei自2019年7月起担任海银财富控股有限公司董事,自2019年9月起担任海银财富控股有限公司董事长。HAN先生是海银财富控股有限公司和Hywin Financial Holdings的创始人。在此之前,HAN先生于1995年7月至2008年6月担任Henan Yizhong Group Co., Ltd.董事长,负责公司的全面管理。现任河南省商会(上海)会长、新上海市商人联合会会长、上海市企业联合会(商会)执行会长。2017年11月被Hurun Report授予“行业成就奖”。2014年11月被《经济参考报》评为“2014中国经济人物”。2016年11月,他还被《财富》杂志评为“中国独立财富管理行业年度风云人物”。2017年7月当选为中国私人投资者权益保护联盟理事会首任理事长。
HAN Hongwei has served as Hywin Holdings Ltd. director since July 2019 and Hywin Holdings Ltd. chairman of the board since September 2019. Mr. HAN is the founder of Hywin Holdings Ltd. Company and Hywin Financial Holding. Prior to that, Mr. HAN served as the chairman at Henan Yizhong Group Co., Ltd. from July 1995 to June 2008 responsible for the overall management of the company. Mr. HAN is currently the president of Henan Chamber of Commerce (Shanghai) and New Shanghai Merchants Federation, and executive president of the Federation of Enterprises in Shanghai (Chamber of Commerce). Mr. HAN was awarded the “Industry Achievement Award” by Hurun Report in November 2017. He was recognized as the “2014 China Economic Figure” by Economic Information Daily in November 2014. He was also recognized as the “Man of the Year for China Independent Wealth Management Industry” by Fortune Today in November 2016. He was elected as the first chairman of the Council of China Private Investor Rights Protection Alliance in July 2017. - HAN Hongwei自2019年7月起担任海银财富控股有限公司董事,自2019年9月起担任海银财富控股有限公司董事长。HAN先生是海银财富控股有限公司和Hywin Financial Holdings的创始人。在此之前,HAN先生于1995年7月至2008年6月担任Henan Yizhong Group Co., Ltd.董事长,负责公司的全面管理。现任河南省商会(上海)会长、新上海市商人联合会会长、上海市企业联合会(商会)执行会长。2017年11月被Hurun Report授予“行业成就奖”。2014年11月被《经济参考报》评为“2014中国经济人物”。2016年11月,他还被《财富》杂志评为“中国独立财富管理行业年度风云人物”。2017年7月当选为中国私人投资者权益保护联盟理事会首任理事长。
- HAN Hongwei has served as Hywin Holdings Ltd. director since July 2019 and Hywin Holdings Ltd. chairman of the board since September 2019. Mr. HAN is the founder of Hywin Holdings Ltd. Company and Hywin Financial Holding. Prior to that, Mr. HAN served as the chairman at Henan Yizhong Group Co., Ltd. from July 1995 to June 2008 responsible for the overall management of the company. Mr. HAN is currently the president of Henan Chamber of Commerce (Shanghai) and New Shanghai Merchants Federation, and executive president of the Federation of Enterprises in Shanghai (Chamber of Commerce). Mr. HAN was awarded the “Industry Achievement Award” by Hurun Report in November 2017. He was recognized as the “2014 China Economic Figure” by Economic Information Daily in November 2014. He was also recognized as the “Man of the Year for China Independent Wealth Management Industry” by Fortune Today in November 2016. He was elected as the first chairman of the Council of China Private Investor Rights Protection Alliance in July 2017.
- Joel A. GALLO
Joel A. GALLO于2020年6月被任命为海银财富控股有限公司的独立董事,其任命在SEC宣布海银财富控股有限公司注册声明的有效性后生效,本招股说明书是其中一部分。GALLO先生自2019年11月起于哥伦比亚中联商务咨询公司担任首席执行官,提供咨询专业服务,包括2013年4月至2018年12月就美国首次公开发行事宜向中国公司提供咨询,GALLO曾担任GLS集团有限责任公司的联合创始人和负责人,负责为金融机构提供管理咨询服务。此前,GALLO先生曾在1994年2月至2013年3月期间担任Scudder Kemper投资德意志银行资产管理、TLX交易网络、德勤、安永、普华永道、EMC的高级执行官。在这些职位上,GALLO为大约100家全球金融机构提供战略、转型、风险和关系经理项目方面的咨询。GALLO先生于1993年从纽约宾汉顿大学获得管理学学士学位,2008年获得塔夫茨大学国际关系硕士学位,2008年获得哥伦比亚大学公共行政硕士学位。
Joel A. GALLO was appointed as Hywin Holdings Ltd. independent director in June 2020 and his appointment was effective in March 2021. Mr. GALLO is the chief financial officer of CoinTiger a blockchain company since July 2022. Previously, Mr. GALLO was the chief financial officer of ETAO International Group, a healthcare firm, from March 2021 to May 2022 and the chief executive officer of Columbia China League Business Advisory Co. from November 2019 to February 2021 providing advisory professional services, including advising Chinese companies on U.S. initial public offering. From April 2013 to December 2018 Mr. GALLO served as co-founder and principal of GLS Group LLC, responsible for providing management consulting services to financial sector firms. Previously, between February 1994 and March 2013 Mr. GALLO was a senior executive at Scudder Kemper Investments Deutsche Bank Asset Management, TLX Trading Networks, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and EMC. In those roles, Mr. GALLO advised about 100 global financial institutions on strategy, transformation, risk, and relationship management projects. Mr. GALLO obtained his bachelor’s degree in management from Binghamton University - State University of New York in 1993 a master’s degree in international relations from Tufts University in 2008 and a master’s degree in public administration from Columbia University in 2018. - Joel A. GALLO于2020年6月被任命为海银财富控股有限公司的独立董事,其任命在SEC宣布海银财富控股有限公司注册声明的有效性后生效,本招股说明书是其中一部分。GALLO先生自2019年11月起于哥伦比亚中联商务咨询公司担任首席执行官,提供咨询专业服务,包括2013年4月至2018年12月就美国首次公开发行事宜向中国公司提供咨询,GALLO曾担任GLS集团有限责任公司的联合创始人和负责人,负责为金融机构提供管理咨询服务。此前,GALLO先生曾在1994年2月至2013年3月期间担任Scudder Kemper投资德意志银行资产管理、TLX交易网络、德勤、安永、普华永道、EMC的高级执行官。在这些职位上,GALLO为大约100家全球金融机构提供战略、转型、风险和关系经理项目方面的咨询。GALLO先生于1993年从纽约宾汉顿大学获得管理学学士学位,2008年获得塔夫茨大学国际关系硕士学位,2008年获得哥伦比亚大学公共行政硕士学位。
- Joel A. GALLO was appointed as Hywin Holdings Ltd. independent director in June 2020 and his appointment was effective in March 2021. Mr. GALLO is the chief financial officer of CoinTiger a blockchain company since July 2022. Previously, Mr. GALLO was the chief financial officer of ETAO International Group, a healthcare firm, from March 2021 to May 2022 and the chief executive officer of Columbia China League Business Advisory Co. from November 2019 to February 2021 providing advisory professional services, including advising Chinese companies on U.S. initial public offering. From April 2013 to December 2018 Mr. GALLO served as co-founder and principal of GLS Group LLC, responsible for providing management consulting services to financial sector firms. Previously, between February 1994 and March 2013 Mr. GALLO was a senior executive at Scudder Kemper Investments Deutsche Bank Asset Management, TLX Trading Networks, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and EMC. In those roles, Mr. GALLO advised about 100 global financial institutions on strategy, transformation, risk, and relationship management projects. Mr. GALLO obtained his bachelor’s degree in management from Binghamton University - State University of New York in 1993 a master’s degree in international relations from Tufts University in 2008 and a master’s degree in public administration from Columbia University in 2018.
- CHEN Jie
CHEN Jie于2019年9月被任命为海银财富控股有限公司独立董事,在SEC宣布海银财富控股有限公司注册声明的有效性后,其任命生效,其中本招股说明书是其中一部分。CHEN女士是2007年7月起,任Brainzoom Business Consulting Co., Ltd.创始人、执行董事,负责公司的运营,并领导咨询部为各公司提供商务金融咨询服务。2006年1月至2007年5月,CHEN女士任Cellon国际控股公司副总裁兼财务总监,负责领导公司财务部工作。2000年7月至2006年1月,CHEN女士担任普华永道2002-2006和原Arthur Andersen(2000-2002),深圳广州分公司的华南地区行政经理,负责区域办事处管理工作。1993年6月至2000年6月,CHEN女士担任深圳Arthur Andersen分行审计经理,为在国际股市上市的中国各公司提供审计保证服务。CHEN女士于1993年在深圳大学获得会计学学士学位,是CICPA和FCCA的成员。
CHEN Jie was appointed as Hywin Holdings Ltd. independent director in September 2019 and her appointment was effective in March 2021. Ms. CHEN is the founder and the executive director of Brainzoom Business Consulting Co., Ltd. since July 2007 responsible for the operation of the company and also leading the consulting department providing business & financial consulting services to various companies. From January 2006 to May 2007 Ms. CHEN served as a vice president and finance director of Cellon International Holdings Corporation, responsible for leading the work of corporate finance department. From July 2000 to January 2006 Ms. CHEN served as the southern China regional administration manager of PricewaterhouseCoopers 2002-2006 and former Arthur Andersen (2000-2002), Shenzhen & Guangzhou branches, responsible for the regional office administration work. From June 1993 to June 2000 Ms. CHEN served as an audit manager of Arthur Andersen, Shenzhen branch, providing audit assurance services to various PRC companies that was listed on the international stock markets. Ms. CHEN obtained her bachelor’s degree in accounting from Shenzhen University in 1993 and is a member of CICPA and FCCA. - CHEN Jie于2019年9月被任命为海银财富控股有限公司独立董事,在SEC宣布海银财富控股有限公司注册声明的有效性后,其任命生效,其中本招股说明书是其中一部分。CHEN女士是2007年7月起,任Brainzoom Business Consulting Co., Ltd.创始人、执行董事,负责公司的运营,并领导咨询部为各公司提供商务金融咨询服务。2006年1月至2007年5月,CHEN女士任Cellon国际控股公司副总裁兼财务总监,负责领导公司财务部工作。2000年7月至2006年1月,CHEN女士担任普华永道2002-2006和原Arthur Andersen(2000-2002),深圳广州分公司的华南地区行政经理,负责区域办事处管理工作。1993年6月至2000年6月,CHEN女士担任深圳Arthur Andersen分行审计经理,为在国际股市上市的中国各公司提供审计保证服务。CHEN女士于1993年在深圳大学获得会计学学士学位,是CICPA和FCCA的成员。
- CHEN Jie was appointed as Hywin Holdings Ltd. independent director in September 2019 and her appointment was effective in March 2021. Ms. CHEN is the founder and the executive director of Brainzoom Business Consulting Co., Ltd. since July 2007 responsible for the operation of the company and also leading the consulting department providing business & financial consulting services to various companies. From January 2006 to May 2007 Ms. CHEN served as a vice president and finance director of Cellon International Holdings Corporation, responsible for leading the work of corporate finance department. From July 2000 to January 2006 Ms. CHEN served as the southern China regional administration manager of PricewaterhouseCoopers 2002-2006 and former Arthur Andersen (2000-2002), Shenzhen & Guangzhou branches, responsible for the regional office administration work. From June 1993 to June 2000 Ms. CHEN served as an audit manager of Arthur Andersen, Shenzhen branch, providing audit assurance services to various PRC companies that was listed on the international stock markets. Ms. CHEN obtained her bachelor’s degree in accounting from Shenzhen University in 1993 and is a member of CICPA and FCCA.
中英对照 |  中文 |  英文- WANG Dian
WANG Dian自2019年7月起担任海银财富控股有限公司的董事,自2019年9月起担任海银财富控股有限公司的首席执行官。WANG女士自2018年7月起担任Hywin Wealth Management的首席执行官。在此之前,WANG女士于2015年7月至2018年7月担任海银金融控股集团有限公司副总裁,负责公司中后台管理工作。WANG女士于2018年获长江商学院工商管理硕士学位。2020年,WANG女士在2020年亚洲大中华区财富简报颁奖典礼上荣获“大中华区财富管理年度女性”。
WANG Dian has served as Hywin Holdings Ltd. director since July 2019 and Hywin Holdings Ltd. chief executive officer since September 2019. Ms. WANG has served as the chief executive officer of Hywin Wealth Management since July 2018. Prior to that, Ms. WANG served as the Vice President of Hywin Financial Holding from July 2015 to July 2018 responsible for the middle to backstage management of the company. Ms. WANG received her executive master of business administration from Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in 2018. In 2020 Ms. WANG won the “Woman of the Year in Greater China Wealth Management” at the WealthBriefingAsia Greater China Awards 2020. In 2021 Ms. WANG won the “Best CEO in Greater China Wealth Management” in the WealthBriefingAsia Greater China Awards 2021.- WANG Dian自2019年7月起担任海银财富控股有限公司的董事,自2019年9月起担任海银财富控股有限公司的首席执行官。WANG女士自2018年7月起担任Hywin Wealth Management的首席执行官。在此之前,WANG女士于2015年7月至2018年7月担任海银金融控股集团有限公司副总裁,负责公司中后台管理工作。WANG女士于2018年获长江商学院工商管理硕士学位。2020年,WANG女士在2020年亚洲大中华区财富简报颁奖典礼上荣获“大中华区财富管理年度女性”。
- WANG Dian has served as Hywin Holdings Ltd. director since July 2019 and Hywin Holdings Ltd. chief executive officer since September 2019. Ms. WANG has served as the chief executive officer of Hywin Wealth Management since July 2018. Prior to that, Ms. WANG served as the Vice President of Hywin Financial Holding from July 2015 to July 2018 responsible for the middle to backstage management of the company. Ms. WANG received her executive master of business administration from Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in 2018. In 2020 Ms. WANG won the “Woman of the Year in Greater China Wealth Management” at the WealthBriefingAsia Greater China Awards 2020. In 2021 Ms. WANG won the “Best CEO in Greater China Wealth Management” in the WealthBriefingAsia Greater China Awards 2021.
- Lok Wai
Lok Wai加入海银财富控股有限公司之前,他是花旗集团(Citigroup)的高级投资银行家。他在美国和中国香港特别行政区拥有超过15年的专业投资银行业务经验。在这一职位上,他领导了中国和亚洲其他地区领先TMT公司和金融服务集团的IPO、私人融资、并购和其他重大交易,并为客户的增长战略和转型举措提供建议。他毕业于加州大学伯克利分校,获得经济学学士学位和工商管理学士学位。
Lok Wai has served as Hywin Holdings Ltd. chief financial officer since August 2021. Prior to joining Hywin Holdings Ltd., Mr. LOK was a senior investment banker at Citigroup. Mr. LOK had over 15 years of professional investment banking experience working in the United States and Hong Kong SAR. In that role, Mr. LOK led IPOs, private fundraising, M&As and other major transactions for leading TMT companies and financial service groups in China and other parts of Asia, and advised clients on their growth strategies and transformative initiatives. Mr. LOK graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with B.A. in Economics and B.S. in Business Administration.- Lok Wai加入海银财富控股有限公司之前,他是花旗集团(Citigroup)的高级投资银行家。他在美国和中国香港特别行政区拥有超过15年的专业投资银行业务经验。在这一职位上,他领导了中国和亚洲其他地区领先TMT公司和金融服务集团的IPO、私人融资、并购和其他重大交易,并为客户的增长战略和转型举措提供建议。他毕业于加州大学伯克利分校,获得经济学学士学位和工商管理学士学位。
- Lok Wai has served as Hywin Holdings Ltd. chief financial officer since August 2021. Prior to joining Hywin Holdings Ltd., Mr. LOK was a senior investment banker at Citigroup. Mr. LOK had over 15 years of professional investment banking experience working in the United States and Hong Kong SAR. In that role, Mr. LOK led IPOs, private fundraising, M&As and other major transactions for leading TMT companies and financial service groups in China and other parts of Asia, and advised clients on their growth strategies and transformative initiatives. Mr. LOK graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with B.A. in Economics and B.S. in Business Administration.
- LIU Zheng
LIU Zheng自2019年9月起担任海银财富控股有限公司的首席营销官。LIU先生自2017年8月起担任Hywin Wealth Management首席营销官。LIU先生此前于2014年2月至2017年8月担任Hywin Wealth Management副总裁,并于2013年5月至2014年2月先后担任Hywin Wealth Management的分公司经理及区域总经理。在此之前,LIU先生于2010年9月至2013年5月担任独立财富顾问。LIU先生于2005年7月至2010年9月担任广发银行股份有限公司杭州分行贵宾理财中心经理,负责管理该行贵宾及HNWI客户,LIU先生于2005年获得浙江大学城市学院金融学学士学位。LIU先生于2010年2月获得中国财务规划标准委员会(上海)有限公司颁发的注册财务规划师“CFP”证书。
LIU Zheng has served as Hywin Holdings Ltd. chief marketing officer since September 2019. Mr. LIU has served as the chief marketing officer of Hywin Wealth Management since August 2017. Mr. LIU previously served as the vice president of Hywin Wealth Management from February 2014 to August 2017 and successively served as Hywin Holdings Ltd. branch manager and regional general manager of Hywin Wealth Management from May 2013 to February 2014. Prior to that, Mr. LIU worked as an independent wealth advisor from September 2010 to May 2013. Mr. LIU served as the manager of the VIP Wealth Management Center of the China Guangfa Bank Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Branch from July 2005 to September 2010 responsible for managing bank’s VIP and HNWI clients. Mr. LIU obtained a bachelor's degree in finance from Zhejiang University City College in 2005. Mr. LIU was granted the certified financial planner “CFP” certification and the by Financial Planning Standards Board China Ltd. (Shanghai) in February 2010.- LIU Zheng自2019年9月起担任海银财富控股有限公司的首席营销官。LIU先生自2017年8月起担任Hywin Wealth Management首席营销官。LIU先生此前于2014年2月至2017年8月担任Hywin Wealth Management副总裁,并于2013年5月至2014年2月先后担任Hywin Wealth Management的分公司经理及区域总经理。在此之前,LIU先生于2010年9月至2013年5月担任独立财富顾问。LIU先生于2005年7月至2010年9月担任广发银行股份有限公司杭州分行贵宾理财中心经理,负责管理该行贵宾及HNWI客户,LIU先生于2005年获得浙江大学城市学院金融学学士学位。LIU先生于2010年2月获得中国财务规划标准委员会(上海)有限公司颁发的注册财务规划师“CFP”证书。
- LIU Zheng has served as Hywin Holdings Ltd. chief marketing officer since September 2019. Mr. LIU has served as the chief marketing officer of Hywin Wealth Management since August 2017. Mr. LIU previously served as the vice president of Hywin Wealth Management from February 2014 to August 2017 and successively served as Hywin Holdings Ltd. branch manager and regional general manager of Hywin Wealth Management from May 2013 to February 2014. Prior to that, Mr. LIU worked as an independent wealth advisor from September 2010 to May 2013. Mr. LIU served as the manager of the VIP Wealth Management Center of the China Guangfa Bank Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Branch from July 2005 to September 2010 responsible for managing bank’s VIP and HNWI clients. Mr. LIU obtained a bachelor's degree in finance from Zhejiang University City College in 2005. Mr. LIU was granted the certified financial planner “CFP” certification and the by Financial Planning Standards Board China Ltd. (Shanghai) in February 2010.
- XIAO Wen
XIAO Wen自2019年9月起担任海银财富控股有限公司的海外业务副总裁。在此之前,XIAO先生于2017年9月至2019年9月期间担任华硕资产管理有限公司家族理财办公室部门的管理合伙人,负责该部门的管理和运营。2017年3月至2017年8月,XIAO先生在瑞士中国资本有限公司担任执行合伙人,负责公司战略、业务发展、人力资源和财务事务的全面管理。从2011年11月至2016年9月,XIAO先生担任Julius Bar Group AG SIX: BAER香港分公司的业务部执行主任,负责在北亚的业务发展和伙伴关系。从2007年7月至2011年10月,XIAO先生在瑞士信贷集团(NYSE:CS)上海分行和随后的香港分行担任私人银行部门的负责人,负责中国集团的私人银行业务,并在大中国开展战略举措。2005年8月至2007年6月,XIAO先生担任渣打银行(中国)有限公司,一个渣打银行(LSE:STAN)子公司的财富管理部副总裁,负责渣打银行的优先银行业务和私人银行业务部门。1999年获武汉大学经济学学士学位,2002年获武汉大学金融学硕士学位,2009年获武汉大学金融学博士学位。
XIAO Wen has served as Hywin Holdings Ltd. vice president of overseas business since September 2019. Prior to that, Mr. XIAO served as managing partner of the Family Office department at CSOP Asset Management Limited from September 2017 to September 2019 responsible for the management and operation of the department. From March 2017 to August 2017 Mr. XIAO served as managing partner at Swiss China Capital Limited, responsible for the overall management of company’s strategy, business development, human resource and financial affairs. From November 2011 to September 2016 Mr. XIAO served as an executive director of business department at Julius Bär Group AG SIX: BAER, Hong Kong branch, responsible for business development and partnerships in North Asia. From July 2007 to October 2011 Mr. XIAO served as a director of Private Banking department at Credit Suisse Group AG (NYSE: CS), Shanghai Branch and subsequently Hong Kong Branch, responsible for group’s private banking business in China, and strategic initiatives in Greater China. From August 2005 to June 2007 Mr. XIAO served as a vice president of Wealth Management Division at Standard Chartered Bank (China) Limited, a subsidiary of Standard Chartered PLC (LSE: STAN), responsible for Priority Banking and Private Banking departments of the bank. Mr. XIAO obtained a bachelor’s degree in economics from Wuhan University in 1999 a master’s degree in finance from Wuhan University in 2002 and a doctoral degree in finance from Wuhan University in 2009.- XIAO Wen自2019年9月起担任海银财富控股有限公司的海外业务副总裁。在此之前,XIAO先生于2017年9月至2019年9月期间担任华硕资产管理有限公司家族理财办公室部门的管理合伙人,负责该部门的管理和运营。2017年3月至2017年8月,XIAO先生在瑞士中国资本有限公司担任执行合伙人,负责公司战略、业务发展、人力资源和财务事务的全面管理。从2011年11月至2016年9月,XIAO先生担任Julius Bar Group AG SIX: BAER香港分公司的业务部执行主任,负责在北亚的业务发展和伙伴关系。从2007年7月至2011年10月,XIAO先生在瑞士信贷集团(NYSE:CS)上海分行和随后的香港分行担任私人银行部门的负责人,负责中国集团的私人银行业务,并在大中国开展战略举措。2005年8月至2007年6月,XIAO先生担任渣打银行(中国)有限公司,一个渣打银行(LSE:STAN)子公司的财富管理部副总裁,负责渣打银行的优先银行业务和私人银行业务部门。1999年获武汉大学经济学学士学位,2002年获武汉大学金融学硕士学位,2009年获武汉大学金融学博士学位。
- XIAO Wen has served as Hywin Holdings Ltd. vice president of overseas business since September 2019. Prior to that, Mr. XIAO served as managing partner of the Family Office department at CSOP Asset Management Limited from September 2017 to September 2019 responsible for the management and operation of the department. From March 2017 to August 2017 Mr. XIAO served as managing partner at Swiss China Capital Limited, responsible for the overall management of company’s strategy, business development, human resource and financial affairs. From November 2011 to September 2016 Mr. XIAO served as an executive director of business department at Julius Bär Group AG SIX: BAER, Hong Kong branch, responsible for business development and partnerships in North Asia. From July 2007 to October 2011 Mr. XIAO served as a director of Private Banking department at Credit Suisse Group AG (NYSE: CS), Shanghai Branch and subsequently Hong Kong Branch, responsible for group’s private banking business in China, and strategic initiatives in Greater China. From August 2005 to June 2007 Mr. XIAO served as a vice president of Wealth Management Division at Standard Chartered Bank (China) Limited, a subsidiary of Standard Chartered PLC (LSE: STAN), responsible for Priority Banking and Private Banking departments of the bank. Mr. XIAO obtained a bachelor’s degree in economics from Wuhan University in 1999 a master’s degree in finance from Wuhan University in 2002 and a doctoral degree in finance from Wuhan University in 2009.
- Zhu Hua
Zhu Hua是中国金融服务行业知名的技术领导者,曾在微软、百度、平安等公司担任产品研发、技术管理、数字化转型等高级职位。Zhu先生持有中国同济大学计算机科学与技术学士学位和计算机软件与理论硕士学位。Zhu先生于2020年11月加入Hywin Holdings Ltd.,担任上海海文网络科技有限公司(海文控股在中国的运营实体之一)的首席执行官。
Zhu Hua has served as Hywin Holdings Ltd. CTO Chief Technology Officer since December 2021 and the CEO of Shanghai Hywin Network Technology since November 2020. Prior to that, Mr. Zhu successively served as the general manager of R&D center and senior director of strategy at Ping An group and its subsidiaries from October 2016 to October 2020 responsible for product design, technology management, and digital upgrade. From November 2015 to September 2016 Mr. Zhu served as senior product manager in Baidu, responsible for the product architecture of real-time-biding systems for online advertising business. From March 2007 to October 2015 Mr. Zhu successively served as technical leader and manger in Microsoft China, responsible for the support and consulting of BI and data factory products. Mr. Zhu obtained a bachelor's degree in Computer Science & Technology from Tongji University in 2005 and a master's degree in Computer Software and Theory from Tongji University in 2007.- Zhu Hua是中国金融服务行业知名的技术领导者,曾在微软、百度、平安等公司担任产品研发、技术管理、数字化转型等高级职位。Zhu先生持有中国同济大学计算机科学与技术学士学位和计算机软件与理论硕士学位。Zhu先生于2020年11月加入Hywin Holdings Ltd.,担任上海海文网络科技有限公司(海文控股在中国的运营实体之一)的首席执行官。
- Zhu Hua has served as Hywin Holdings Ltd. CTO Chief Technology Officer since December 2021 and the CEO of Shanghai Hywin Network Technology since November 2020. Prior to that, Mr. Zhu successively served as the general manager of R&D center and senior director of strategy at Ping An group and its subsidiaries from October 2016 to October 2020 responsible for product design, technology management, and digital upgrade. From November 2015 to September 2016 Mr. Zhu served as senior product manager in Baidu, responsible for the product architecture of real-time-biding systems for online advertising business. From March 2007 to October 2015 Mr. Zhu successively served as technical leader and manger in Microsoft China, responsible for the support and consulting of BI and data factory products. Mr. Zhu obtained a bachelor's degree in Computer Science & Technology from Tongji University in 2005 and a master's degree in Computer Software and Theory from Tongji University in 2007.