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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Sheng Xu Director, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer 42 未披露 40.21 2024-04-08
Benjamin Andrew Cantwell Independent Director 40 未披露 1.00 2024-04-08
Michael J. Hamilton Independent Director 77 未披露 1.00 2024-04-08



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Sheng Xu Director, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer 42 未披露 40.21 2024-04-08
Mingxiu Luan Chief Financial Officer 38 45.73万美元 未持股 2024-04-08


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Sheng Xu

Sheng Xu为董事,加入天睿祥保险经纪有限公司之前,她于2017年9月起担任北京Ruisibotong品牌管理有限公司市场发展部总监。2006年6月至2017年8月任华夏银行财富经理、行长助理,积累了丰富的管理经验,Xu女士拥有北京城市大学英语学士学位、中国对外经济贸易大学EMBA学位。

Sheng Xu,is a director of the Company. Prior to joining Tian Ruixiang Holdings Ltd , she served as a director of the market development department of Beijing Ruisibotong Brand Management Co., Ltd. from September 2017. From June 2006 to August 2017, she worked as a wealth manager and assistant president of Hua Xia Bank. Ms. Xu holds a bachelor's degree in English from Beijing City University and an EMBA from China University of International Business and Economics.
Sheng Xu为董事,加入天睿祥保险经纪有限公司之前,她于2017年9月起担任北京Ruisibotong品牌管理有限公司市场发展部总监。2006年6月至2017年8月任华夏银行财富经理、行长助理,积累了丰富的管理经验,Xu女士拥有北京城市大学英语学士学位、中国对外经济贸易大学EMBA学位。
Sheng Xu,is a director of the Company. Prior to joining Tian Ruixiang Holdings Ltd , she served as a director of the market development department of Beijing Ruisibotong Brand Management Co., Ltd. from September 2017. From June 2006 to August 2017, she worked as a wealth manager and assistant president of Hua Xia Bank. Ms. Xu holds a bachelor's degree in English from Beijing City University and an EMBA from China University of International Business and Economics.
Benjamin Andrew Cantwell

Benjamin Andrew Cantwell为独立董事,Cantwell先生曾在谷歌香港有限公司担任安全经理,自2018年9月起负责中国的风险管理、危机管理和供应链安全。2010年10月至2018年9月,Cantwell先生在宝洁(广州)有限公司担任安全总监,Cantwell先生拥有米德尔伯里大学的中文学士学位和南京大学中美研究中心的国际关系硕士学位(专注于国际法和中国法律),Cantwell先生还获得斯坦福大学继续教育学院的高级计算机安全程序证书。

Benjamin Andrew Cantwell,is a director of the Company. Mr. Cantwell has served as a security manager at Google (Hong Kong) Limited, responsible for risk management, crisis management, and supply chain security in China since September 2018. From October 2010 to September 2018, Mr. Cantwell was a security director at Procter and Gamble (Guangzhou) Company Limited. Mr. Cantwell holds a bachelor's degree in Chinese from Middlebury University and a master's degree in International Relations (concentration in international and Chinese law) from Nanjing University's Center for Chinese and American Studies. Mr. Cantwell also obtained a certificate in Advanced Computer Security Program from Stanford University School of Continuing Education.
Benjamin Andrew Cantwell为独立董事,Cantwell先生曾在谷歌香港有限公司担任安全经理,自2018年9月起负责中国的风险管理、危机管理和供应链安全。2010年10月至2018年9月,Cantwell先生在宝洁(广州)有限公司担任安全总监,Cantwell先生拥有米德尔伯里大学的中文学士学位和南京大学中美研究中心的国际关系硕士学位(专注于国际法和中国法律),Cantwell先生还获得斯坦福大学继续教育学院的高级计算机安全程序证书。
Benjamin Andrew Cantwell,is a director of the Company. Mr. Cantwell has served as a security manager at Google (Hong Kong) Limited, responsible for risk management, crisis management, and supply chain security in China since September 2018. From October 2010 to September 2018, Mr. Cantwell was a security director at Procter and Gamble (Guangzhou) Company Limited. Mr. Cantwell holds a bachelor's degree in Chinese from Middlebury University and a master's degree in International Relations (concentration in international and Chinese law) from Nanjing University's Center for Chinese and American Studies. Mr. Cantwell also obtained a certificate in Advanced Computer Security Program from Stanford University School of Continuing Education.
Michael J. Hamilton

Michael J. Hamilton为独立董事,Hamilton先生为美国资深财务主管、注册会计师及普华永道会计师事务所退休审计合伙人,自2000年起担任纳斯达克资本市场上市公司Coda Octopus Group董事会成员,此前还曾于2004年6月至2009年12月担任MMC Energy,Inc.董事会董事,2004年10月至2011年7月担任MXEnergy,Inc.董事,2010年1月至2012年9月担任Gradient Resources,Inc.董事。此外,他还于2012年5月至2014年11月担任PowerLink传输公司高级副总裁;2007年12月至2010年12月担任MMC能源公司董事长兼首席执行官;2003年3月至2007年11月担任FTI咨询公司高级董事总经理;1988年10月至2003年2月担任普华永道会计师事务所合伙人。Hamilton先生1969年毕业于圣弗朗西斯学院,获得会计学学士学位。

Michael J. Hamilton,is a director of the Company. Mr. Hamilton is an experienced financial executive, certified public accountant in the US and a retired audit partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. Since 2000, he has served as a member of the Board of Directors of Coda Octopus Group, a public company listed on the Nasdaq capital market. Previously, he also served as a director on the board of directors for MMC Energy, Inc. from June 2004 to December 2009, MXenergy, Inc. from October 2004 to July 2011, and Gradient Resources, Inc. from January 2010 to September 2012. Additionally, he also served as: Senior Vice President at Powerlink Transmission Company from May 2012 to November 2014; Chairman and CEO at MMC Energy, Inc. from December 2007 to December 2010; Senior Managing Director at FTI Consulting, Inc. from March 2003 to November 2007; Partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP from October 1988 to February 2003. Mr. Hamilton graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Accounting from St. Francis College in 1969.
Michael J. Hamilton为独立董事,Hamilton先生为美国资深财务主管、注册会计师及普华永道会计师事务所退休审计合伙人,自2000年起担任纳斯达克资本市场上市公司Coda Octopus Group董事会成员,此前还曾于2004年6月至2009年12月担任MMC Energy,Inc.董事会董事,2004年10月至2011年7月担任MXEnergy,Inc.董事,2010年1月至2012年9月担任Gradient Resources,Inc.董事。此外,他还于2012年5月至2014年11月担任PowerLink传输公司高级副总裁;2007年12月至2010年12月担任MMC能源公司董事长兼首席执行官;2003年3月至2007年11月担任FTI咨询公司高级董事总经理;1988年10月至2003年2月担任普华永道会计师事务所合伙人。Hamilton先生1969年毕业于圣弗朗西斯学院,获得会计学学士学位。
Michael J. Hamilton,is a director of the Company. Mr. Hamilton is an experienced financial executive, certified public accountant in the US and a retired audit partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. Since 2000, he has served as a member of the Board of Directors of Coda Octopus Group, a public company listed on the Nasdaq capital market. Previously, he also served as a director on the board of directors for MMC Energy, Inc. from June 2004 to December 2009, MXenergy, Inc. from October 2004 to July 2011, and Gradient Resources, Inc. from January 2010 to September 2012. Additionally, he also served as: Senior Vice President at Powerlink Transmission Company from May 2012 to November 2014; Chairman and CEO at MMC Energy, Inc. from December 2007 to December 2010; Senior Managing Director at FTI Consulting, Inc. from March 2003 to November 2007; Partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP from October 1988 to February 2003. Mr. Hamilton graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Accounting from St. Francis College in 1969.


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Sheng Xu

Sheng Xu为董事,加入天睿祥保险经纪有限公司之前,她于2017年9月起担任北京Ruisibotong品牌管理有限公司市场发展部总监。2006年6月至2017年8月任华夏银行财富经理、行长助理,积累了丰富的管理经验,Xu女士拥有北京城市大学英语学士学位、中国对外经济贸易大学EMBA学位。

Sheng Xu,is a director of the Company. Prior to joining Tian Ruixiang Holdings Ltd , she served as a director of the market development department of Beijing Ruisibotong Brand Management Co., Ltd. from September 2017. From June 2006 to August 2017, she worked as a wealth manager and assistant president of Hua Xia Bank. Ms. Xu holds a bachelor's degree in English from Beijing City University and an EMBA from China University of International Business and Economics.
Sheng Xu为董事,加入天睿祥保险经纪有限公司之前,她于2017年9月起担任北京Ruisibotong品牌管理有限公司市场发展部总监。2006年6月至2017年8月任华夏银行财富经理、行长助理,积累了丰富的管理经验,Xu女士拥有北京城市大学英语学士学位、中国对外经济贸易大学EMBA学位。
Sheng Xu,is a director of the Company. Prior to joining Tian Ruixiang Holdings Ltd , she served as a director of the market development department of Beijing Ruisibotong Brand Management Co., Ltd. from September 2017. From June 2006 to August 2017, she worked as a wealth manager and assistant president of Hua Xia Bank. Ms. Xu holds a bachelor's degree in English from Beijing City University and an EMBA from China University of International Business and Economics.
Mingxiu Luan

Mingxiu Luan自2019年3月起担任TRX公司CFO,自2016年5月起担任TRX ZJ公司CFO。2015年3月至2020年3月Luan女士加入担任Mingruibotong北京投资管理有限公司财务总监,负责日常财务管理,2009年11月至2014年4月在武夷阁会计师事务所山东分所担任高级审计经理,2014年3月至2014年11月Luan女士担任北京CNLive文化传媒有限公司财务部副总监,Luan女士拥有山东财经大学会计学学士学位,是中国注册会计师。

Mingxiu Luan,has served as the CFO of TRX since March 2019, and as the CFO of TRX ZJ since May 2016. From March 2015 to March 2020, Ms. Luan served as the financial director of Mingruibotong (Beijing) investment management co., Ltd., responsible for the day to day financial management. From November 2009 to April 2014, she worked as a senior audit manager in Shandong branch of WUYIGE Certified Public Accounting LLP. From March 2014 to November 2014, Ms. Luan served as the deputy director of finance department of Beijing CNlive Culture Media co., Ltd. Ms. Luan holds a bachelor's degree in accounting from Shandong University of Finance and Economics and is a certified public accountant in China.
Mingxiu Luan自2019年3月起担任TRX公司CFO,自2016年5月起担任TRX ZJ公司CFO。2015年3月至2020年3月Luan女士加入担任Mingruibotong北京投资管理有限公司财务总监,负责日常财务管理,2009年11月至2014年4月在武夷阁会计师事务所山东分所担任高级审计经理,2014年3月至2014年11月Luan女士担任北京CNLive文化传媒有限公司财务部副总监,Luan女士拥有山东财经大学会计学学士学位,是中国注册会计师。
Mingxiu Luan,has served as the CFO of TRX since March 2019, and as the CFO of TRX ZJ since May 2016. From March 2015 to March 2020, Ms. Luan served as the financial director of Mingruibotong (Beijing) investment management co., Ltd., responsible for the day to day financial management. From November 2009 to April 2014, she worked as a senior audit manager in Shandong branch of WUYIGE Certified Public Accounting LLP. From March 2014 to November 2014, Ms. Luan served as the deputy director of finance department of Beijing CNlive Culture Media co., Ltd. Ms. Luan holds a bachelor's degree in accounting from Shandong University of Finance and Economics and is a certified public accountant in China.