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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Timothy C. Tyson Director 69 11.99万美元 0.59 2021-07-01
Steve Hoffman Director 58 90.08万美元 2648.27 2021-07-01
Gerald H. Sokol Director 78 12.03万美元 0.59 2021-07-01
David Carberry Director 68 13.01万美元 3.00 2021-07-01
Paul L. Sturman Director 60 10.94万美元 未持股 2021-07-01
Richard Cunningham Director,Chief Executive Officer 50 185.13万美元 未持股 2021-07-01
Douglas A. Michels Director 64 12.54万美元 未持股 2021-07-01
Donald W. DeGolyer Director 60 12.88万美元 6.00 2021-07-01



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
James Biehl Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary 57 100.82万美元 3.52 2021-07-01
Jonathan Eckard Chief Business Officer 47 220.04万美元 未持股 2021-07-01
Barbara C. Galaini Principal Accounting Officer and Corporate Controller 63 未披露 未持股 2021-07-01
Richard Cunningham Director,Chief Executive Officer 50 185.13万美元 未持股 2021-07-01
Frank Porfido Chief Financial Officer 57 未披露 未持股 2021-07-01
John Rothman Executive Vice President of Product Development 72 未披露 未持股 2021-07-01
Jan Van Tornout Acting Chief Medical Officer 65 未披露 未持股 2021-07-01


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Timothy C. Tyson

TimothyC.Tyson自2015年3月以来一直是我们的董事会成员。Tyson先生目前是Trirx Pharmaceutical Services,LLC的董事长兼首席执行官,以及Icagen Inc.的董事长。他于2015年5月至2018年10月担任Avara Pharmaceutical Services的董事长兼首席执行官。他于2008年至2012年担任Aptuit的首席执行官兼执行主席,并于2012年至2016年担任非执行主席。Tyson从2005年1月1日到2008年2月1日担任Valeant Pharmaceuticals International(前身为ICN Pharmaceuticals Inc.)首席执行官。他从2002年11月到2008年2月1日担任Valeant Pharmaceuticals International的总裁,从2002年11月到2004年12月担任其首席运营官。从1998年6月到2002年11月,他担任GlaxoSmithKline plc的全球制造和供应总裁。从1997年到1998年,泰森先生担任葛兰素史克(GlaxoSmithKline)的Vice President兼业务运营总经理。任职GlaxoSmithKline公司14年期间,他曾担任多种职务,涉及广泛的国际和国内责任,包括运营两个部门的重大管理经验:Glaxo皮肤病学和Cerenex Pharmaceuticals。他负责管理美国业务的所有销售与市场营销,在那里他推出了30多种新产品。在任职葛兰素史克公司之前,泰森先生曾在百时美施贵宝公司担任过运营和研究与开发方面的多个高管职位。任职Bristol-Myers公司之前,他曾担任Procter&Gamble公司的制造经理。他从1974年到1979年担任United States Army军官,在United States Army Reserves服役14年。他一直担任Icagen公司(原为Caldera Pharmaceuticals公司)的独立非执行主席(2014年4月1日以来),并一直担任董事(2013年10月以来)。他曾担任或担任以下机构的董事:制药研究和制造业协会;Bicom;加州大学欧文分校首席执行官圆桌会议;加州州立大学富勒顿分校院长执行论坛;杜克大学卫生部门咨询委员会;国际制药工程师学会领导论坛以及担任剑桥大学(Cambridge University)客座讲师。他从2004年到2008年2月1日担任Valeant Pharmaceuticals International董事。2002年,Tyson先生获得了西点军校(United States Military Academy at West Point)颁发的二百周年领导奖,并被任命为杰克逊维尔州立大学(Jacksonville State University)2007年度校友。Tyson先生分别于1979年和1976年获得杰克逊维尔州立大学(Jacksonville State University)工商管理硕士学位和公共管理硕士学位。他也是西点军校(the United States Military Academy at West Point)的1974年毕业生。

Timothy C. Tyson has been a member of our Board since March 2015. Mr. Tyson is currently Chairman and CEO of TriRx Pharmaceutical Services, LLC and Chairman at Icagen Inc. He served as Chairman and CEO of Avara Pharmaceutical Services from May 2015 to October 2018. He served as Chief Executive Officer and Executive Chairman of Aptuit from 2008 to 2012 and non-executive Chairman from 2012 to 2016. Mr. Tyson served as the Chief Executive Officer of Valeant Pharmaceuticals International formerly, ICN Pharmaceuticals Inc. from January 1 2005 to February 1 2008. He served as President of Valeant Pharmaceuticals International from November 2002 to February 1 2008 and served as its Chief Operating Officer from November 2002 to December 2004. He served as President of Global Manufacturing and Supply for GlaxoSmithKline plc. from June 1998 to November 2002. From 1997 to 1998 Mr. Tyson served as GlaxoSmithKline’s Vice President and General Manager of Business Operations. During his 14-year tenure at GlaxoSmithKline, he served in a variety of roles with broad international and domestic responsibilities, including significant management experience running two divisions: Glaxo Dermatology and Cerenex Pharmaceuticals. He was responsible for managing all sales and marketing for the U.S. operations, where he launched over 30 new products. Prior to his tenure at GlaxoSmithKline, Mr. Tyson served in a number of executive positions at Bristol-Myers Company in Operations and Research and Development. Before his tenure at Bristol-Myers, he served as a Manufacturing Manager for Procter & Gamble. He served as an Officer in the United States Army from 1974 to 1979 and spent 14 years in the United States Army Reserves. He has been Independent Non-Executive Chairman of Icagen, formerly Caldera Pharmaceuticals, since April 1 2014 and has been a director since October 2013. He served or serves as Director for: the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturing Association; BICOM; the Chief Executive Officer Roundtable for the University of California at Irvine; the Dean’s Executive Forum at Cal State Fullerton; the Health Sector Advisory Board at Duke University; the Leadership Forum of the International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineers and as a visiting lecturer at Cambridge University. He served as a Director of Valeant Pharmaceuticals International from 2004 to February 1 2008. In 2002 Mr. Tyson received a Bicentennial Leadership Award from the United States Military Academy at West Point and was named 2007 Alumnus of the Year at Jacksonville State University. Mr. Tyson received a Master in Business Administration and Master in Public Administration from Jacksonville State University in 1979 and 1976 respectively. He is also a 1974 graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point.
TimothyC.Tyson自2015年3月以来一直是我们的董事会成员。Tyson先生目前是Trirx Pharmaceutical Services,LLC的董事长兼首席执行官,以及Icagen Inc.的董事长。他于2015年5月至2018年10月担任Avara Pharmaceutical Services的董事长兼首席执行官。他于2008年至2012年担任Aptuit的首席执行官兼执行主席,并于2012年至2016年担任非执行主席。Tyson从2005年1月1日到2008年2月1日担任Valeant Pharmaceuticals International(前身为ICN Pharmaceuticals Inc.)首席执行官。他从2002年11月到2008年2月1日担任Valeant Pharmaceuticals International的总裁,从2002年11月到2004年12月担任其首席运营官。从1998年6月到2002年11月,他担任GlaxoSmithKline plc的全球制造和供应总裁。从1997年到1998年,泰森先生担任葛兰素史克(GlaxoSmithKline)的Vice President兼业务运营总经理。任职GlaxoSmithKline公司14年期间,他曾担任多种职务,涉及广泛的国际和国内责任,包括运营两个部门的重大管理经验:Glaxo皮肤病学和Cerenex Pharmaceuticals。他负责管理美国业务的所有销售与市场营销,在那里他推出了30多种新产品。在任职葛兰素史克公司之前,泰森先生曾在百时美施贵宝公司担任过运营和研究与开发方面的多个高管职位。任职Bristol-Myers公司之前,他曾担任Procter&Gamble公司的制造经理。他从1974年到1979年担任United States Army军官,在United States Army Reserves服役14年。他一直担任Icagen公司(原为Caldera Pharmaceuticals公司)的独立非执行主席(2014年4月1日以来),并一直担任董事(2013年10月以来)。他曾担任或担任以下机构的董事:制药研究和制造业协会;Bicom;加州大学欧文分校首席执行官圆桌会议;加州州立大学富勒顿分校院长执行论坛;杜克大学卫生部门咨询委员会;国际制药工程师学会领导论坛以及担任剑桥大学(Cambridge University)客座讲师。他从2004年到2008年2月1日担任Valeant Pharmaceuticals International董事。2002年,Tyson先生获得了西点军校(United States Military Academy at West Point)颁发的二百周年领导奖,并被任命为杰克逊维尔州立大学(Jacksonville State University)2007年度校友。Tyson先生分别于1979年和1976年获得杰克逊维尔州立大学(Jacksonville State University)工商管理硕士学位和公共管理硕士学位。他也是西点军校(the United States Military Academy at West Point)的1974年毕业生。
Timothy C. Tyson has been a member of our Board since March 2015. Mr. Tyson is currently Chairman and CEO of TriRx Pharmaceutical Services, LLC and Chairman at Icagen Inc. He served as Chairman and CEO of Avara Pharmaceutical Services from May 2015 to October 2018. He served as Chief Executive Officer and Executive Chairman of Aptuit from 2008 to 2012 and non-executive Chairman from 2012 to 2016. Mr. Tyson served as the Chief Executive Officer of Valeant Pharmaceuticals International formerly, ICN Pharmaceuticals Inc. from January 1 2005 to February 1 2008. He served as President of Valeant Pharmaceuticals International from November 2002 to February 1 2008 and served as its Chief Operating Officer from November 2002 to December 2004. He served as President of Global Manufacturing and Supply for GlaxoSmithKline plc. from June 1998 to November 2002. From 1997 to 1998 Mr. Tyson served as GlaxoSmithKline’s Vice President and General Manager of Business Operations. During his 14-year tenure at GlaxoSmithKline, he served in a variety of roles with broad international and domestic responsibilities, including significant management experience running two divisions: Glaxo Dermatology and Cerenex Pharmaceuticals. He was responsible for managing all sales and marketing for the U.S. operations, where he launched over 30 new products. Prior to his tenure at GlaxoSmithKline, Mr. Tyson served in a number of executive positions at Bristol-Myers Company in Operations and Research and Development. Before his tenure at Bristol-Myers, he served as a Manufacturing Manager for Procter & Gamble. He served as an Officer in the United States Army from 1974 to 1979 and spent 14 years in the United States Army Reserves. He has been Independent Non-Executive Chairman of Icagen, formerly Caldera Pharmaceuticals, since April 1 2014 and has been a director since October 2013. He served or serves as Director for: the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturing Association; BICOM; the Chief Executive Officer Roundtable for the University of California at Irvine; the Dean’s Executive Forum at Cal State Fullerton; the Health Sector Advisory Board at Duke University; the Leadership Forum of the International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineers and as a visiting lecturer at Cambridge University. He served as a Director of Valeant Pharmaceuticals International from 2004 to February 1 2008. In 2002 Mr. Tyson received a Bicentennial Leadership Award from the United States Military Academy at West Point and was named 2007 Alumnus of the Year at Jacksonville State University. Mr. Tyson received a Master in Business Administration and Master in Public Administration from Jacksonville State University in 1979 and 1976 respectively. He is also a 1974 graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point.
Steve Hoffman

Steve Hoffman自2015年3月起担任公司首席执行官兼首席科学官。在这些职位上,Hoffman先生继续监督我们的候选产品的开发,他从Tyme,Inc.和Luminant Biosciences,LLC(公司的全资子公司)开始。在2011年Luminant成立之前,他在化学、航空航天和激光光学领域的公司担任多个高级管理职位超过25年。Hoffman从1993年到2007年担任Mikronite Technologies Group Inc.(各种制造过程和应用的材料堆焊技术开发商、许可人和营销商)联合创始人和首席技术官。在Mikronite,Hoffman先生监督其专有技术的实施。他代表Mikronite所做的努力获得了The Home Depot and Lowe’;s的认可,获得了新泽西州制造商协会的最佳新产品奖和创新技术奖。Hoffman先生从1980年到1984年就读于纽约大学(New York University)和罗格斯大学(Rutgers University),专注于机械工程,并在密歇根大学(University of Michigan)物理系主任的直接监督下继续学习,专门从事物理和电光学。

Steve Hoffman served as Chief Executive Officer of the Company from March 2015 until November 2020 and he remains as Chief Science Officer, having served in that role since March 2015. In his role, Mr. Hoffman continues to supervise the development of our product candidates that he began with Tyme, Inc. and the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company and the Company’s dissolved former subsidiary, Luminant Bioscience LLC “Luminant”. Prior to the establishment of Luminant in 2011 he held a variety of senior management positions with companies in the chemistry, aerospace and laser optics fields for over 25 years. Mr. Hoffman was a co-founder and, from 1993 to 2007 Chief Technology Officer of Mikronite Technologies Group Inc., a developer, licensor and marketer of material surfacing technologies for various manufacturing processes and applications. At Mikronite, Mr. Hoffman supervised its implementation of proprietary technology. His efforts on behalf of Mikronite were recognized by The Home Depot and Lowe’s with a Best New Product award and an Innovative Technology award from the New Jersey Manufacturers Association. Mr. Hoffman attended New York University and Rutgers University with a concentration in mechanical engineering from 1980 to 1984 and continued his studies under the direct supervision of the chairman of the physics department at the University of Michigan specializing in physics and electro-optics.
Steve Hoffman自2015年3月起担任公司首席执行官兼首席科学官。在这些职位上,Hoffman先生继续监督我们的候选产品的开发,他从Tyme,Inc.和Luminant Biosciences,LLC(公司的全资子公司)开始。在2011年Luminant成立之前,他在化学、航空航天和激光光学领域的公司担任多个高级管理职位超过25年。Hoffman从1993年到2007年担任Mikronite Technologies Group Inc.(各种制造过程和应用的材料堆焊技术开发商、许可人和营销商)联合创始人和首席技术官。在Mikronite,Hoffman先生监督其专有技术的实施。他代表Mikronite所做的努力获得了The Home Depot and Lowe’;s的认可,获得了新泽西州制造商协会的最佳新产品奖和创新技术奖。Hoffman先生从1980年到1984年就读于纽约大学(New York University)和罗格斯大学(Rutgers University),专注于机械工程,并在密歇根大学(University of Michigan)物理系主任的直接监督下继续学习,专门从事物理和电光学。
Steve Hoffman served as Chief Executive Officer of the Company from March 2015 until November 2020 and he remains as Chief Science Officer, having served in that role since March 2015. In his role, Mr. Hoffman continues to supervise the development of our product candidates that he began with Tyme, Inc. and the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company and the Company’s dissolved former subsidiary, Luminant Bioscience LLC “Luminant”. Prior to the establishment of Luminant in 2011 he held a variety of senior management positions with companies in the chemistry, aerospace and laser optics fields for over 25 years. Mr. Hoffman was a co-founder and, from 1993 to 2007 Chief Technology Officer of Mikronite Technologies Group Inc., a developer, licensor and marketer of material surfacing technologies for various manufacturing processes and applications. At Mikronite, Mr. Hoffman supervised its implementation of proprietary technology. His efforts on behalf of Mikronite were recognized by The Home Depot and Lowe’s with a Best New Product award and an Innovative Technology award from the New Jersey Manufacturers Association. Mr. Hoffman attended New York University and Rutgers University with a concentration in mechanical engineering from 1980 to 1984 and continued his studies under the direct supervision of the chairman of the physics department at the University of Michigan specializing in physics and electro-optics.
Gerald H. Sokol

自2015年3月以来,GeraldH.Sokol,MD,MSC,FCP一直是我们的董事会成员。他也任职于我们的医疗顾问委员会,并担任我们的科学发展委员会的主席。Sokol博士在印第安纳大学(Indiana University)实验医学联合学位课程中获得医学学位,并获得药理学硕士学位。他在坦普尔大学(Temple University)实习医学,并在美国公共卫生服务医院附属于国家癌症研究所(National Cancer Institute)、约翰霍普金斯大学和马里兰大学(University of Maryland)完成内科培训。然后他完成了马萨诸塞州总医院,哈佛医学院放射肿瘤学,医学肿瘤学和临床药理学的培训,获得了内科,医学肿瘤学,放射肿瘤学,临床药理学的董事会认证,以及后来的质量保证和利用审查。他还获得昆士兰大学(the University of Queensland)皮肤癌医学认证。Sokol博士一直担任南佛罗里达大学坦帕综合医院(University of South Florida’;s Tampa General Hospital)的放射肿瘤学主任,并建立或帮助建立了十多个癌症中心。他是Florida Cancer Specialists and Research Institute的董事会成员和合伙人。Sokol博士是美国海军(US Navy)的一名授勋退休上尉,并在制服服务大学(Uniform Services University)担任指挥官。Sokol博士目前在该机构担任医学和药理学教授。在维持医疗实践的同时,Sokol博士在FDA的审查人员中担任了超过27年的高级管理科学家和官员,撰写了超过300份白皮书,IND和NDA评论和意见文件。Sokol博士撰写或合著了100多本关于大量临床问题的书籍,书籍章节,摘要和论文。他是美国癌症学会(American Cancer Society)的终身院士和董事会成员,以及美国临床药理学学院(the American College of Clinical Pharmacology)的院士。

Gerald H. Sokol has been a member of our Board since March 2015. He also serves on our Medical Advisory Board and as chairman of our Science Development Committee. Dr. Sokol attained his medical degree from Indiana University’s Combined Degree Program in Experimental Medicine together with a Master’s Degree in Pharmacology. He interned in medicine at Temple University and attended the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital in affiliation with the National Cancer Institute, Johns Hopkins and the University of Maryland completing training in internal medicine. He then completed training at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School in Radiation Oncology, Medical Oncology and Clinical Pharmacology, attaining Board Certifications in Internal Medicine, Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Clinical Pharmacology, and later Quality Assurance and Utilization Review. He also is certified in Skin Cancer Medicine from the University of Queensland. Dr. Sokol has been Chief of Radiation Oncology at the University of South Florida’s Tampa General Hospital and has built or contributed to building over ten cancer centers. He is a board member and partner of Florida Cancer Specialists and Research Institute. Dr. Sokol is a decorated retired Captain in the US Navy and served as a Commanding Officer at the Uniformed Services University. Dr. Sokol currently holds professorships in Medicine and Pharmacology at that institution. While maintaining a medical practice, Dr. Sokol served on the review staff of the FDA for over 27 years as a senior regulatory scientist and officer, composing over 300 white papers, IND and NDA reviews and opinion papers. Dr. Sokol has authored or coauthored over 100 books, book chapters, abstracts and papers on a multitude of clinical issues. He is a lifetime fellow and board member of the American Cancer Society and a fellow of the American College of Clinical Pharmacology.
自2015年3月以来,GeraldH.Sokol,MD,MSC,FCP一直是我们的董事会成员。他也任职于我们的医疗顾问委员会,并担任我们的科学发展委员会的主席。Sokol博士在印第安纳大学(Indiana University)实验医学联合学位课程中获得医学学位,并获得药理学硕士学位。他在坦普尔大学(Temple University)实习医学,并在美国公共卫生服务医院附属于国家癌症研究所(National Cancer Institute)、约翰霍普金斯大学和马里兰大学(University of Maryland)完成内科培训。然后他完成了马萨诸塞州总医院,哈佛医学院放射肿瘤学,医学肿瘤学和临床药理学的培训,获得了内科,医学肿瘤学,放射肿瘤学,临床药理学的董事会认证,以及后来的质量保证和利用审查。他还获得昆士兰大学(the University of Queensland)皮肤癌医学认证。Sokol博士一直担任南佛罗里达大学坦帕综合医院(University of South Florida’;s Tampa General Hospital)的放射肿瘤学主任,并建立或帮助建立了十多个癌症中心。他是Florida Cancer Specialists and Research Institute的董事会成员和合伙人。Sokol博士是美国海军(US Navy)的一名授勋退休上尉,并在制服服务大学(Uniform Services University)担任指挥官。Sokol博士目前在该机构担任医学和药理学教授。在维持医疗实践的同时,Sokol博士在FDA的审查人员中担任了超过27年的高级管理科学家和官员,撰写了超过300份白皮书,IND和NDA评论和意见文件。Sokol博士撰写或合著了100多本关于大量临床问题的书籍,书籍章节,摘要和论文。他是美国癌症学会(American Cancer Society)的终身院士和董事会成员,以及美国临床药理学学院(the American College of Clinical Pharmacology)的院士。
Gerald H. Sokol has been a member of our Board since March 2015. He also serves on our Medical Advisory Board and as chairman of our Science Development Committee. Dr. Sokol attained his medical degree from Indiana University’s Combined Degree Program in Experimental Medicine together with a Master’s Degree in Pharmacology. He interned in medicine at Temple University and attended the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital in affiliation with the National Cancer Institute, Johns Hopkins and the University of Maryland completing training in internal medicine. He then completed training at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School in Radiation Oncology, Medical Oncology and Clinical Pharmacology, attaining Board Certifications in Internal Medicine, Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Clinical Pharmacology, and later Quality Assurance and Utilization Review. He also is certified in Skin Cancer Medicine from the University of Queensland. Dr. Sokol has been Chief of Radiation Oncology at the University of South Florida’s Tampa General Hospital and has built or contributed to building over ten cancer centers. He is a board member and partner of Florida Cancer Specialists and Research Institute. Dr. Sokol is a decorated retired Captain in the US Navy and served as a Commanding Officer at the Uniformed Services University. Dr. Sokol currently holds professorships in Medicine and Pharmacology at that institution. While maintaining a medical practice, Dr. Sokol served on the review staff of the FDA for over 27 years as a senior regulatory scientist and officer, composing over 300 white papers, IND and NDA reviews and opinion papers. Dr. Sokol has authored or coauthored over 100 books, book chapters, abstracts and papers on a multitude of clinical issues. He is a lifetime fellow and board member of the American Cancer Society and a fellow of the American College of Clinical Pharmacology.
David Carberry

David Carberry自2017年3月以来一直是我们的董事会成员。Carberry先生是一位退休的梦百合金融执行官,在该行业拥有40多年的经验。最近,从2012年4月到2016年6月,Carberry先生担任Excellis Health Solutions,LLC的首席财务官,该公司是一家专注于梦百合行业的咨询和软件解决方案公司。在此之前,Carberry先生于2008年至2011年担任生物制药公司Aldagen的首席财务官。1981年至2008年间,Carberry先生还在强生公司及相关部门担任过多个财务监督职务,其中包括Vice President、Independence Technology L.L.C.的财务、合资企业强生公司/默克消费者制药公司以及强生医疗保健系统公司的Vice President财务,梦百合帐户管理和商业服务提供商。

David Carberry has been a member of our Board since March 2017. Mr. Carberry is a retired healthcare financial executive with over 40 years of experience in the industry. Most recently, from April 2012 to June 2016 Mr. Carberry was the Chief Financial Officer of Excellis Health Solutions, LLC, a consulting and software solutions company focused on the healthcare industry. Before that, Mr. Carberry was Chief Financial Officer of Aldagen, a biopharmaceutical company, from 2008 to 2011. Mr. Carberry also served in a number of financial oversight roles within Johnson & Johnson and related divisions between 1981 and 2008 including Vice President, Finance of Independence Technology L.L.C., Johnson & Johnson/Merck Consumer Pharmaceuticals, a joint venture, and Vice President, Finance of Johnson Health Care Systems, Inc., a healthcare account management and business services provider. Mr. Carberry is a Certified Management Accountant with a BA in Accounting from LaSalle University and a MBA in Finance from Drexel University.
David Carberry自2017年3月以来一直是我们的董事会成员。Carberry先生是一位退休的梦百合金融执行官,在该行业拥有40多年的经验。最近,从2012年4月到2016年6月,Carberry先生担任Excellis Health Solutions,LLC的首席财务官,该公司是一家专注于梦百合行业的咨询和软件解决方案公司。在此之前,Carberry先生于2008年至2011年担任生物制药公司Aldagen的首席财务官。1981年至2008年间,Carberry先生还在强生公司及相关部门担任过多个财务监督职务,其中包括Vice President、Independence Technology L.L.C.的财务、合资企业强生公司/默克消费者制药公司以及强生医疗保健系统公司的Vice President财务,梦百合帐户管理和商业服务提供商。
David Carberry has been a member of our Board since March 2017. Mr. Carberry is a retired healthcare financial executive with over 40 years of experience in the industry. Most recently, from April 2012 to June 2016 Mr. Carberry was the Chief Financial Officer of Excellis Health Solutions, LLC, a consulting and software solutions company focused on the healthcare industry. Before that, Mr. Carberry was Chief Financial Officer of Aldagen, a biopharmaceutical company, from 2008 to 2011. Mr. Carberry also served in a number of financial oversight roles within Johnson & Johnson and related divisions between 1981 and 2008 including Vice President, Finance of Independence Technology L.L.C., Johnson & Johnson/Merck Consumer Pharmaceuticals, a joint venture, and Vice President, Finance of Johnson Health Care Systems, Inc., a healthcare account management and business services provider. Mr. Carberry is a Certified Management Accountant with a BA in Accounting from LaSalle University and a MBA in Finance from Drexel University.
Paul L. Sturman

PaulL.Sturman自2017年3月以来一直是我们的董事会成员。Sturman先生曾在梦百合行业担任多个领导职位。Sturman先生于2009年1月至2014年9月在辉瑞公司(Pfizer)工作,在那里他运营全球消费者梦百合部门,这是世界上最大的非处方梦百合产品公司之一。2007年1月至2008年12月,他还曾在强生公司担任北美消费者健康部门总裁,并在Warner Lambert担任过营销、品牌和销售管理方面的多个领导职务。自2017年9月以来,斯特曼先生一直担任营养科学产品公司Nature’;s Bounty Co.的首席执行官。2015年1月至2016年7月,Sturman先生还曾短暂担任Njoy,Inc.的总裁兼首席执行官。2016年9月16日,Njoy根据《美国破产法》第11章在特拉华州的美国破产法院提交了自愿请愿书。2012年12月至2017年12月,他是莫里斯敦医疗中心基金会(Foundation for Morristown Medical Center)的董事会成员,该基金会致力于通过保留和扩大患者护理,临床研究,医疗和公共卫生教育以及预防医学方面的计划和服务来促进患者的梦百合。

Paul L. Sturman has been a member of our Board since March 2017. Mr. Sturman has worked in the healthcare industry in a variety of leadership positions. Mr. Sturman worked at Pfizer from January 2009 to September 2014 where he ran the Global Consumer Healthcare division, one of the largest over-the-counter healthcare products companies in the world. He also previously served at Johnson & Johnson from January 2007 to December 2008 as President of its North American Consumer Health division as well as numerous leadership roles in marketing, brand, and sales management with Warner Lambert. Since September of 2017 Mr. Sturman has served as Chief Executive Officer of Nature’s Bounty Co., a nutritional science products company. Mr. Sturman also briefly served as President and CEO of NJOY, Inc. “NJOY” from January 2015 to July 2016. On September 16 2016 NJOY filed a voluntary petition under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Delaware. He was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for Morristown Medical Center from December 2012 to December 2017 which works to advance healthcare for patients by preserving and expanding programs and services in patient care, clinical research, medical and public health education, and preventive medicine.
PaulL.Sturman自2017年3月以来一直是我们的董事会成员。Sturman先生曾在梦百合行业担任多个领导职位。Sturman先生于2009年1月至2014年9月在辉瑞公司(Pfizer)工作,在那里他运营全球消费者梦百合部门,这是世界上最大的非处方梦百合产品公司之一。2007年1月至2008年12月,他还曾在强生公司担任北美消费者健康部门总裁,并在Warner Lambert担任过营销、品牌和销售管理方面的多个领导职务。自2017年9月以来,斯特曼先生一直担任营养科学产品公司Nature’;s Bounty Co.的首席执行官。2015年1月至2016年7月,Sturman先生还曾短暂担任Njoy,Inc.的总裁兼首席执行官。2016年9月16日,Njoy根据《美国破产法》第11章在特拉华州的美国破产法院提交了自愿请愿书。2012年12月至2017年12月,他是莫里斯敦医疗中心基金会(Foundation for Morristown Medical Center)的董事会成员,该基金会致力于通过保留和扩大患者护理,临床研究,医疗和公共卫生教育以及预防医学方面的计划和服务来促进患者的梦百合。
Paul L. Sturman has been a member of our Board since March 2017. Mr. Sturman has worked in the healthcare industry in a variety of leadership positions. Mr. Sturman worked at Pfizer from January 2009 to September 2014 where he ran the Global Consumer Healthcare division, one of the largest over-the-counter healthcare products companies in the world. He also previously served at Johnson & Johnson from January 2007 to December 2008 as President of its North American Consumer Health division as well as numerous leadership roles in marketing, brand, and sales management with Warner Lambert. Since September of 2017 Mr. Sturman has served as Chief Executive Officer of Nature’s Bounty Co., a nutritional science products company. Mr. Sturman also briefly served as President and CEO of NJOY, Inc. “NJOY” from January 2015 to July 2016. On September 16 2016 NJOY filed a voluntary petition under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Delaware. He was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for Morristown Medical Center from December 2012 to December 2017 which works to advance healthcare for patients by preserving and expanding programs and services in patient care, clinical research, medical and public health education, and preventive medicine.
Richard Cunningham

Richard Cunningham于2020年11月加入担任公司首席执行官和董事。他在医疗保健和生物制药行业带来了超过20年的领导经验。在加入Tyme之前,Cunningham先生是IXC Discovery,Inc.的首席执行官兼总裁,该公司前身是Icagen Inc.,这是一家药物发现公司,他从2014年11月开始担任该职位。自2020年4月以来,他还担任该公司的董事。在IXC Discovery,Inc.之前,Cunningham先生在制药和医疗保健公司担任过各种职务,包括Boehringer Ingelheim和Valeant Pharmaceuticals(现为Bausch Health CompaniesInc.;NYSE:BHC)。他的经验包括一系列广泛的职责,包括合并和收购,业务发展,战略发展,治疗推出,合同,管理护理和销售与市场营销。他曾领导肿瘤、罕见病、传染病、呼吸道、神经学、心血管和代谢性疾病的多种疗法的商业化和推出。

Richard Cunningham joined as the Chief Executive Officer and a director of the Company in November 2020.Immediately before joining Tyme, Mr. Cunningham was the Chief Executive Officer and President of IXC Discovery, Inc. formerly, Icagen Inc., a drug discovery company, which positions he held beginning in November 2014. He had also served as a director there since April 2020. Before IXC Discovery, Inc., Mr. Cunningham held various roles at pharmaceutical and healthcare companies, including Boehringer Ingelheim and Valeant Pharmaceuticals (now, Bausch Health Companies Inc.; NYSE: BHC). His experience includes a broad array of responsibilities, including mergers and acquisitions, business development, strategy development, therapeutic launches, contracting, managed care, and sales and marketing. He has led the commercialization and launch of multiple therapies in oncology, rare disease, infectious disease, respiratory, neurology, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.
Richard Cunningham于2020年11月加入担任公司首席执行官和董事。他在医疗保健和生物制药行业带来了超过20年的领导经验。在加入Tyme之前,Cunningham先生是IXC Discovery,Inc.的首席执行官兼总裁,该公司前身是Icagen Inc.,这是一家药物发现公司,他从2014年11月开始担任该职位。自2020年4月以来,他还担任该公司的董事。在IXC Discovery,Inc.之前,Cunningham先生在制药和医疗保健公司担任过各种职务,包括Boehringer Ingelheim和Valeant Pharmaceuticals(现为Bausch Health CompaniesInc.;NYSE:BHC)。他的经验包括一系列广泛的职责,包括合并和收购,业务发展,战略发展,治疗推出,合同,管理护理和销售与市场营销。他曾领导肿瘤、罕见病、传染病、呼吸道、神经学、心血管和代谢性疾病的多种疗法的商业化和推出。
Richard Cunningham joined as the Chief Executive Officer and a director of the Company in November 2020.Immediately before joining Tyme, Mr. Cunningham was the Chief Executive Officer and President of IXC Discovery, Inc. formerly, Icagen Inc., a drug discovery company, which positions he held beginning in November 2014. He had also served as a director there since April 2020. Before IXC Discovery, Inc., Mr. Cunningham held various roles at pharmaceutical and healthcare companies, including Boehringer Ingelheim and Valeant Pharmaceuticals (now, Bausch Health Companies Inc.; NYSE: BHC). His experience includes a broad array of responsibilities, including mergers and acquisitions, business development, strategy development, therapeutic launches, contracting, managed care, and sales and marketing. He has led the commercialization and launch of multiple therapies in oncology, rare disease, infectious disease, respiratory, neurology, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.
Douglas A. Michels

Douglas A. Michels,2004年6月起担任公司总裁和首席执行官。此前,他担任Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics的全球市场部集团副总裁;Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics International的总裁;Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Systems, Inc.的总裁。在他的职业生涯早期,他在Johnson & Johnson家族企业的市场营销部以及Abbott Laboratories的诊断部担任日益重要的职位。他获得 University of Illinois的公共健康管理学士学位,以及Rutgers University的工商管理硕士学位。他还在HIV/AIDS PACHA的总裁咨询委员会任职,也是West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc.的董事会成员。

Douglas A. Michels,Holds a graduate degree in business administration.Gained international supply chain experience through his role as CEO at OraSure Technologies, Inc. and as President of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics International.Experienced in marketing to customers and promoting goods and services through his prior roles, including as Vice President of Global Marketing at Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics.Gained regulatory experience through overseeing the development of the nation's first FDA-approved over-the-counter home rapid HIV self-test and the first and only FDA-approved rapid hepatitis C test.Participated in several mergers and acquisitions, strategic business partnerships and divestitures throughout his career.
Douglas A. Michels,2004年6月起担任公司总裁和首席执行官。此前,他担任Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics的全球市场部集团副总裁;Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics International的总裁;Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Systems, Inc.的总裁。在他的职业生涯早期,他在Johnson & Johnson家族企业的市场营销部以及Abbott Laboratories的诊断部担任日益重要的职位。他获得 University of Illinois的公共健康管理学士学位,以及Rutgers University的工商管理硕士学位。他还在HIV/AIDS PACHA的总裁咨询委员会任职,也是West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc.的董事会成员。
Douglas A. Michels,Holds a graduate degree in business administration.Gained international supply chain experience through his role as CEO at OraSure Technologies, Inc. and as President of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics International.Experienced in marketing to customers and promoting goods and services through his prior roles, including as Vice President of Global Marketing at Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics.Gained regulatory experience through overseeing the development of the nation's first FDA-approved over-the-counter home rapid HIV self-test and the first and only FDA-approved rapid hepatitis C test.Participated in several mergers and acquisitions, strategic business partnerships and divestitures throughout his career.
Donald W. DeGolyer

Donald W. DeGolyer,2013年8月,他加入Endo公司担任医药部门首席运营官。在这个岗位上,他领导Qualitest和Endo制药业务,作为完全集成的业务部门。加入Endo之前,他担任山德士公司的总裁,它是诺华集团的成员,世界上第二大的仿制药公司。在诺华公司时,他担任各种高级领导职位包括,在诺华制药的美国管理市场和药物建立部门工作和担任执行委员会的一员。在诺华工作之前,他在Johnson公司工作,责任也越来越大。他11年在Johnson公司的制药商业岗位包括,营销和销售的高级领导职务。此外,他的国际制药经验和卫生信息专业技术,使他一直分别在Oxford GlycoSciences公共有限公司和ParkStone医疗公司担任高层领导岗位。他开始他的职业生涯在辉瑞公司的销售和销售管理岗位。他担任仿制药品协会(GPhA)的执行委员会副主席和董事会的成员。他拥有菲尔莱狄更斯大学(Fairleigh Dickinson University)的工商管理硕士学位,是美国罗彻斯特大学(university of rochester)的毕业生。

Donald W. DeGolyer has been a member of our Board since May 2018. Mr. DeGolyer is the Founder and a director of Vertice Pharma, LLC, a specialty pharmaceuticals company focused on improving patients' health,and has served in that role since 2015. He is also a director and member of the compensation committee of HLS Therapeutics Inc. TSXV: HLS, a specialty pharmaceutical company listed on the TSX Exchange in Canada. Mr. DeGolyer has over 30 years of experience in the pharmaceuticals industry. He was previously the Chief Operating Officer of Endo Pharmaceuticals from 2013 to 2015 where he built a high-growth specialty pharmaceuticals business. He also served as President and CEO of Sandoz North America from 2010 to 2013 as it became the one of the largest generics companies in the world.
Donald W. DeGolyer,2013年8月,他加入Endo公司担任医药部门首席运营官。在这个岗位上,他领导Qualitest和Endo制药业务,作为完全集成的业务部门。加入Endo之前,他担任山德士公司的总裁,它是诺华集团的成员,世界上第二大的仿制药公司。在诺华公司时,他担任各种高级领导职位包括,在诺华制药的美国管理市场和药物建立部门工作和担任执行委员会的一员。在诺华工作之前,他在Johnson公司工作,责任也越来越大。他11年在Johnson公司的制药商业岗位包括,营销和销售的高级领导职务。此外,他的国际制药经验和卫生信息专业技术,使他一直分别在Oxford GlycoSciences公共有限公司和ParkStone医疗公司担任高层领导岗位。他开始他的职业生涯在辉瑞公司的销售和销售管理岗位。他担任仿制药品协会(GPhA)的执行委员会副主席和董事会的成员。他拥有菲尔莱狄更斯大学(Fairleigh Dickinson University)的工商管理硕士学位,是美国罗彻斯特大学(university of rochester)的毕业生。
Donald W. DeGolyer has been a member of our Board since May 2018. Mr. DeGolyer is the Founder and a director of Vertice Pharma, LLC, a specialty pharmaceuticals company focused on improving patients' health,and has served in that role since 2015. He is also a director and member of the compensation committee of HLS Therapeutics Inc. TSXV: HLS, a specialty pharmaceutical company listed on the TSX Exchange in Canada. Mr. DeGolyer has over 30 years of experience in the pharmaceuticals industry. He was previously the Chief Operating Officer of Endo Pharmaceuticals from 2013 to 2015 where he built a high-growth specialty pharmaceuticals business. He also served as President and CEO of Sandoz North America from 2010 to 2013 as it became the one of the largest generics companies in the world.


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James Biehl

James Biehl自2018年9月起担任Tyme的首席法务官兼公司秘书。Biehl先生于2017年3月至2018年9月担任董事会成员。加入公司之前,Biehl自1998年起担任Drinker Biddle&Reath LLP律师事务所企业和证券部门合伙人。作为一名公司律师,他拥有超过30年的代表公共和私人公司构建,谈判和管理复杂的证券和公司交易事务的经验,在联邦和州证券法,公共债务和股权融资,并购,公司风险交易,合资企业和战略联盟,新兴公司的组建和管理以及公司治理事项。Biehl先生的行业经验包括代表大型制药公司、梦百合系统公司、梦百合咨询公司、消费品公司和医疗设备公司。

James Biehl has served as the Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary of Tyme since September 2018. Mr. Biehl served as a member of our Board from March 2017 to September 2018. Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Biehl had been a partner at the law firm of Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP since 1998 in the Corporate and Securities Group.
James Biehl自2018年9月起担任Tyme的首席法务官兼公司秘书。Biehl先生于2017年3月至2018年9月担任董事会成员。加入公司之前,Biehl自1998年起担任Drinker Biddle&Reath LLP律师事务所企业和证券部门合伙人。作为一名公司律师,他拥有超过30年的代表公共和私人公司构建,谈判和管理复杂的证券和公司交易事务的经验,在联邦和州证券法,公共债务和股权融资,并购,公司风险交易,合资企业和战略联盟,新兴公司的组建和管理以及公司治理事项。Biehl先生的行业经验包括代表大型制药公司、梦百合系统公司、梦百合咨询公司、消费品公司和医疗设备公司。
James Biehl has served as the Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary of Tyme since September 2018. Mr. Biehl served as a member of our Board from March 2017 to September 2018. Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Biehl had been a partner at the law firm of Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP since 1998 in the Corporate and Securities Group.
Jonathan Eckard

Jonathan Eckard自2019年3月起担任Tyme首席商务官。在此任命之前,Eckard博士自2017年8月起担任首席科学事务官。他此前曾担任Sellas Life Sciences,Ltd.(百慕大后期生物制药公司,专注于开发新型癌症免疫疗法和疗法“Sellas”)的首席业务和战略官。在SELLAS任职之前,Eckard博士于2015年3月至2016年10月在Barclays PLC工作,担任董事兼高级生物技术分析师。在此之前,Eckard博士从2012年7月至2015年3月担任CitigroupInc.Leerink Partners LLC的股票研究分析师,从2007年4月至2012年6月担任该公司的股票研究分析师,从2005年7月至2007年2月担任汇丰控股有限公司。Eckard博士在他的职业生涯中获得了多个荣誉,包括机构投资者的“最佳后起之秀”和“后起之秀”。“在Eckard博士的财务职业生涯之前,Eckard博士进行肿瘤学研究,并在纽约大学医学院(”NYU Med")任教。Eckard博士于2005年在纽约大学医学院(NYU Med)获得毒理学和致癌学博士学位,并于2000年获得毒理学硕士学位,于1996年在俄亥俄大学(Ohio University)获得生物化学理学学士学位。

Jonathan Eckard has been the Chief Business Officer of Tyme since March 2019. Prior to that appointment, Dr. Eckard, served as the Chief Scientific Affairs Officer since August 2017. He was previously Chief Business and Strategy Officer of SELLAS Life Sciences, Ltd., a Bermuda-based late stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of novel cancer immunotherapies and therapeutics "SELLAS" from October 2016 to August 2017. Prior to his employment at SELLAS, Dr. Eckard worked at Barclays plc from March 2015 to October 2016 where he was a director and senior biotechnology analyst. Prior to that, Dr. Eckard covered small- and mid-cap companies in the biotechnology and specialty pharmaceutical sectors as an equity research analyst at Citigroup Inc., Leerink Partners LLC and HSBC Holdings plc. Prior to Dr. Eckard's career in finance, Dr. Eckard conducted oncology research and taught at The New York University School of Medicine ("NYU Med"). Dr. Eckard earned his PhD in toxicology and carcinogenesis in 2005 and a master's degree in toxicology in 2000 from NYU Med and a bachelor of science in biochemistry from Ohio University in 1996.
Jonathan Eckard自2019年3月起担任Tyme首席商务官。在此任命之前,Eckard博士自2017年8月起担任首席科学事务官。他此前曾担任Sellas Life Sciences,Ltd.(百慕大后期生物制药公司,专注于开发新型癌症免疫疗法和疗法“Sellas”)的首席业务和战略官。在SELLAS任职之前,Eckard博士于2015年3月至2016年10月在Barclays PLC工作,担任董事兼高级生物技术分析师。在此之前,Eckard博士从2012年7月至2015年3月担任CitigroupInc.Leerink Partners LLC的股票研究分析师,从2007年4月至2012年6月担任该公司的股票研究分析师,从2005年7月至2007年2月担任汇丰控股有限公司。Eckard博士在他的职业生涯中获得了多个荣誉,包括机构投资者的“最佳后起之秀”和“后起之秀”。“在Eckard博士的财务职业生涯之前,Eckard博士进行肿瘤学研究,并在纽约大学医学院(”NYU Med")任教。Eckard博士于2005年在纽约大学医学院(NYU Med)获得毒理学和致癌学博士学位,并于2000年获得毒理学硕士学位,于1996年在俄亥俄大学(Ohio University)获得生物化学理学学士学位。
Jonathan Eckard has been the Chief Business Officer of Tyme since March 2019. Prior to that appointment, Dr. Eckard, served as the Chief Scientific Affairs Officer since August 2017. He was previously Chief Business and Strategy Officer of SELLAS Life Sciences, Ltd., a Bermuda-based late stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of novel cancer immunotherapies and therapeutics "SELLAS" from October 2016 to August 2017. Prior to his employment at SELLAS, Dr. Eckard worked at Barclays plc from March 2015 to October 2016 where he was a director and senior biotechnology analyst. Prior to that, Dr. Eckard covered small- and mid-cap companies in the biotechnology and specialty pharmaceutical sectors as an equity research analyst at Citigroup Inc., Leerink Partners LLC and HSBC Holdings plc. Prior to Dr. Eckard's career in finance, Dr. Eckard conducted oncology research and taught at The New York University School of Medicine ("NYU Med"). Dr. Eckard earned his PhD in toxicology and carcinogenesis in 2005 and a master's degree in toxicology in 2000 from NYU Med and a bachelor of science in biochemistry from Ohio University in 1996.
Barbara C. Galaini

BarbaraC.Galaini自2018年8月起担任Tyme首席会计官,自2018年4月起担任公司财务总监。在加入公司之前,Galaini女士于2017年4月4日至2018年4月4日担任Avolon Holdings(一家全球飞机租赁公司)的美洲首席会计官。此前,她曾任职CIT Bank25年以上,担任多种财务职务,包括分部首席财务官,最近担任交通金融单位的高级副总裁兼总会计师(2009年以来)。Galaini女士在结构性融资和租赁交易、收购和资产剥离以及金融整合方面有着丰富的经验。

Barbara C. Galaini has served as the Principal Accounting Officer of Tyme since August 2018 and the Company’s Corporate Controller since April 2018. Before joining the Company, Ms. Galaini was the Chief Accounting Officer of the Americas for Avolon Holdings, a global aircraft leasing company. Prior to that she was employed at CIT Bank for more than 25 years in various financial roles, including Head of SEC Reporting and Accounting Policy, segment Chief Financial Officer and most recently as Senior Vice President and Controller of the Transportation Finance, overseeing the accounting and reporting for over $15 billion in assets.
BarbaraC.Galaini自2018年8月起担任Tyme首席会计官,自2018年4月起担任公司财务总监。在加入公司之前,Galaini女士于2017年4月4日至2018年4月4日担任Avolon Holdings(一家全球飞机租赁公司)的美洲首席会计官。此前,她曾任职CIT Bank25年以上,担任多种财务职务,包括分部首席财务官,最近担任交通金融单位的高级副总裁兼总会计师(2009年以来)。Galaini女士在结构性融资和租赁交易、收购和资产剥离以及金融整合方面有着丰富的经验。
Barbara C. Galaini has served as the Principal Accounting Officer of Tyme since August 2018 and the Company’s Corporate Controller since April 2018. Before joining the Company, Ms. Galaini was the Chief Accounting Officer of the Americas for Avolon Holdings, a global aircraft leasing company. Prior to that she was employed at CIT Bank for more than 25 years in various financial roles, including Head of SEC Reporting and Accounting Policy, segment Chief Financial Officer and most recently as Senior Vice President and Controller of the Transportation Finance, overseeing the accounting and reporting for over $15 billion in assets.
Richard Cunningham

Richard Cunningham于2020年11月加入担任公司首席执行官和董事。他在医疗保健和生物制药行业带来了超过20年的领导经验。在加入Tyme之前,Cunningham先生是IXC Discovery,Inc.的首席执行官兼总裁,该公司前身是Icagen Inc.,这是一家药物发现公司,他从2014年11月开始担任该职位。自2020年4月以来,他还担任该公司的董事。在IXC Discovery,Inc.之前,Cunningham先生在制药和医疗保健公司担任过各种职务,包括Boehringer Ingelheim和Valeant Pharmaceuticals(现为Bausch Health CompaniesInc.;NYSE:BHC)。他的经验包括一系列广泛的职责,包括合并和收购,业务发展,战略发展,治疗推出,合同,管理护理和销售与市场营销。他曾领导肿瘤、罕见病、传染病、呼吸道、神经学、心血管和代谢性疾病的多种疗法的商业化和推出。

Richard Cunningham joined as the Chief Executive Officer and a director of the Company in November 2020.Immediately before joining Tyme, Mr. Cunningham was the Chief Executive Officer and President of IXC Discovery, Inc. formerly, Icagen Inc., a drug discovery company, which positions he held beginning in November 2014. He had also served as a director there since April 2020. Before IXC Discovery, Inc., Mr. Cunningham held various roles at pharmaceutical and healthcare companies, including Boehringer Ingelheim and Valeant Pharmaceuticals (now, Bausch Health Companies Inc.; NYSE: BHC). His experience includes a broad array of responsibilities, including mergers and acquisitions, business development, strategy development, therapeutic launches, contracting, managed care, and sales and marketing. He has led the commercialization and launch of multiple therapies in oncology, rare disease, infectious disease, respiratory, neurology, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.
Richard Cunningham于2020年11月加入担任公司首席执行官和董事。他在医疗保健和生物制药行业带来了超过20年的领导经验。在加入Tyme之前,Cunningham先生是IXC Discovery,Inc.的首席执行官兼总裁,该公司前身是Icagen Inc.,这是一家药物发现公司,他从2014年11月开始担任该职位。自2020年4月以来,他还担任该公司的董事。在IXC Discovery,Inc.之前,Cunningham先生在制药和医疗保健公司担任过各种职务,包括Boehringer Ingelheim和Valeant Pharmaceuticals(现为Bausch Health CompaniesInc.;NYSE:BHC)。他的经验包括一系列广泛的职责,包括合并和收购,业务发展,战略发展,治疗推出,合同,管理护理和销售与市场营销。他曾领导肿瘤、罕见病、传染病、呼吸道、神经学、心血管和代谢性疾病的多种疗法的商业化和推出。
Richard Cunningham joined as the Chief Executive Officer and a director of the Company in November 2020.Immediately before joining Tyme, Mr. Cunningham was the Chief Executive Officer and President of IXC Discovery, Inc. formerly, Icagen Inc., a drug discovery company, which positions he held beginning in November 2014. He had also served as a director there since April 2020. Before IXC Discovery, Inc., Mr. Cunningham held various roles at pharmaceutical and healthcare companies, including Boehringer Ingelheim and Valeant Pharmaceuticals (now, Bausch Health Companies Inc.; NYSE: BHC). His experience includes a broad array of responsibilities, including mergers and acquisitions, business development, strategy development, therapeutic launches, contracting, managed care, and sales and marketing. He has led the commercialization and launch of multiple therapies in oncology, rare disease, infectious disease, respiratory, neurology, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.
Frank Porfido

Frank Porfido自2021年6月14日起担任Tyme的首席财务官。他拥有超过25年的战略财务经验,包括在制药和生物技术行业。最近在加入Tyme之前,Porfido先生自2019年起担任Urogen Pharma Inc.(一家专注于癌症和泌尿系统疾病的制药公司)的财务副总裁。在此期间,他负责财务的日常运营,并在公司推出的第一个商业产品中发挥了关键作用。在此之前,他在Novartis(一家跨国制药公司)担任多个职责递增的职位,包括担任美国首席财务官和肿瘤业务单元全球金融和运营主管。Porfido先生是一名注册会计师,在佩斯大学(Pace University)获得会计-注册会计师预备学士学位,在法利·迪金森大学(Farleigh Dickinson University)获得金融MBA学位。

Frank Porfido has been the Chief Financial Officer of Tyme since June 14 2021. Most recently before joining Tyme, Mr. Porfido was the Vice President, Finance of UroGen Pharma Inc., a pharmaceutical company specializing in cancer and urologic diseases, since 2019. While there, he was responsible for day-to-day operations of finance and played a key role in the launch of the company's first commercial product. Prior to that, he served in various roles of increasing responsibility at Novartis, a multinational pharmaceutical company, including serving as US CFO and Head of Global Finance and Operations of the Oncology Business Unit. Mr. Porfido is a Certified Public Accountant and received his BBA in Accounting-CPA Prep from Pace University, his MBA in Finance from Farleigh Dickinson University.
Frank Porfido自2021年6月14日起担任Tyme的首席财务官。他拥有超过25年的战略财务经验,包括在制药和生物技术行业。最近在加入Tyme之前,Porfido先生自2019年起担任Urogen Pharma Inc.(一家专注于癌症和泌尿系统疾病的制药公司)的财务副总裁。在此期间,他负责财务的日常运营,并在公司推出的第一个商业产品中发挥了关键作用。在此之前,他在Novartis(一家跨国制药公司)担任多个职责递增的职位,包括担任美国首席财务官和肿瘤业务单元全球金融和运营主管。Porfido先生是一名注册会计师,在佩斯大学(Pace University)获得会计-注册会计师预备学士学位,在法利·迪金森大学(Farleigh Dickinson University)获得金融MBA学位。
Frank Porfido has been the Chief Financial Officer of Tyme since June 14 2021. Most recently before joining Tyme, Mr. Porfido was the Vice President, Finance of UroGen Pharma Inc., a pharmaceutical company specializing in cancer and urologic diseases, since 2019. While there, he was responsible for day-to-day operations of finance and played a key role in the launch of the company's first commercial product. Prior to that, he served in various roles of increasing responsibility at Novartis, a multinational pharmaceutical company, including serving as US CFO and Head of Global Finance and Operations of the Oncology Business Unit. Mr. Porfido is a Certified Public Accountant and received his BBA in Accounting-CPA Prep from Pace University, his MBA in Finance from Farleigh Dickinson University.
John Rothman

John Rothman自2018年8月起担任我们产品开发的执行副总裁。Rothman博士拥有超过30年的产品开发经验,涉及许多学科和市场。在加入Tyme之前,Rothman博士创立了Hoffman Technologies Inc.并受聘于该公司,该公司开发了专有的自闭症技术。在此之前,他曾担任Advaxis,Inc.的科学和运营执行副总裁(从2005年到2013年),负责研发、毒理学、监管、化学、数据管理、制造和知识产权。他也是制药公司先灵葆雅(Schering Plough)和罗氏(Roche)的临床科学家,在那里他还担任多个不同治疗领域的临床主任,以及罗氏所有数据获取的高级主任,统计分析和报告写作的所有实验和批准的药物在罗氏.

John Rothman has served as our Executive Vice President of Product Development since August 2018. Dr. Rothman has more than 30 years of experience in product development across many disciplines and markets. Prior to joining Tyme, Dr. Rothman founded and was employed by Hoffman Technologies Inc., which developed proprietary autism technology. Prior to that, he was Executive Vice President of Science and Operations of Advaxis, Inc. from 2005 to 2013 and was responsible for R&D, toxicology, regulatory, chemistry, data management, manufacturing and intellectual property. He was also a clinical scientist at the pharmaceutical companies, Schering Plough and Roche, where he was also a clinical director for a number of different therapeutic areas and senior director for all of Roche’s data acquisition, statistical analysis and report writing for all experimental and approved drugs in the Roche.
John Rothman自2018年8月起担任我们产品开发的执行副总裁。Rothman博士拥有超过30年的产品开发经验,涉及许多学科和市场。在加入Tyme之前,Rothman博士创立了Hoffman Technologies Inc.并受聘于该公司,该公司开发了专有的自闭症技术。在此之前,他曾担任Advaxis,Inc.的科学和运营执行副总裁(从2005年到2013年),负责研发、毒理学、监管、化学、数据管理、制造和知识产权。他也是制药公司先灵葆雅(Schering Plough)和罗氏(Roche)的临床科学家,在那里他还担任多个不同治疗领域的临床主任,以及罗氏所有数据获取的高级主任,统计分析和报告写作的所有实验和批准的药物在罗氏.
John Rothman has served as our Executive Vice President of Product Development since August 2018. Dr. Rothman has more than 30 years of experience in product development across many disciplines and markets. Prior to joining Tyme, Dr. Rothman founded and was employed by Hoffman Technologies Inc., which developed proprietary autism technology. Prior to that, he was Executive Vice President of Science and Operations of Advaxis, Inc. from 2005 to 2013 and was responsible for R&D, toxicology, regulatory, chemistry, data management, manufacturing and intellectual property. He was also a clinical scientist at the pharmaceutical companies, Schering Plough and Roche, where he was also a clinical director for a number of different therapeutic areas and senior director for all of Roche’s data acquisition, statistical analysis and report writing for all experimental and approved drugs in the Roche.
Jan Van Tornout

Jan Van Tornout自2021年4月1日起担任我们的代理首席医疗官。Van Tornout博士在学术界和工业界拥有超过25年的医疗经验,包括在制药和生物技术领域的超过15年的全球药物开发,包括临床前、IND、FIH、II-IV期、SNDA、BLA、安全、医疗事务、临床操作和监管经验。在加入Tyme之前,Van Tornout博士于2016年3月至2021年4月担任B.io.Pharma Econsulting(一家制药咨询公司)的创始人兼首席执行官。此前,他曾担任Natera,Inc.(一家临床基因检测公司)的高级副总裁兼肿瘤学主管(从2015年到2016年)。他曾领导Natera,Inovio Pharmaceuticals,Astellas Pharma,Bristol Myers Squibb和Amgen的临床管理和肿瘤团队,并担任各种生物技术公司的医疗战略顾问,包括Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals,GlaxoSmithKline,Puma Biotechnology,Maverick Therapeutics,ERT,Huya Bioscience和Gradalis。

Jan Van Tornout has served as our acting Chief Medical Officer since April 1 2021. Prior to joining Tyme, Dr. Van Tornout was founder and CEO of B.IO.Pharma eConsulting, a pharmaceutical consulting firm, from March 2016 to April 2021. Before this, he was Senior Vice President and Head of Oncology for Natera, Inc., a clinical genetic testing company, between 2015 and 2016. He has led clinical management and oncology teams at Natera, INOVIO Pharmaceuticals, Astellas Pharma, Bristol Myers Squibb and Amgen and has served as a medical strategy consultant for various biotech companies including Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals, GlaxoSmithKline, Puma Biotechnology, Maverick Therapeutics, ERT, Huya Bioscience, and Gradalis.
Jan Van Tornout自2021年4月1日起担任我们的代理首席医疗官。Van Tornout博士在学术界和工业界拥有超过25年的医疗经验,包括在制药和生物技术领域的超过15年的全球药物开发,包括临床前、IND、FIH、II-IV期、SNDA、BLA、安全、医疗事务、临床操作和监管经验。在加入Tyme之前,Van Tornout博士于2016年3月至2021年4月担任B.io.Pharma Econsulting(一家制药咨询公司)的创始人兼首席执行官。此前,他曾担任Natera,Inc.(一家临床基因检测公司)的高级副总裁兼肿瘤学主管(从2015年到2016年)。他曾领导Natera,Inovio Pharmaceuticals,Astellas Pharma,Bristol Myers Squibb和Amgen的临床管理和肿瘤团队,并担任各种生物技术公司的医疗战略顾问,包括Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals,GlaxoSmithKline,Puma Biotechnology,Maverick Therapeutics,ERT,Huya Bioscience和Gradalis。
Jan Van Tornout has served as our acting Chief Medical Officer since April 1 2021. Prior to joining Tyme, Dr. Van Tornout was founder and CEO of B.IO.Pharma eConsulting, a pharmaceutical consulting firm, from March 2016 to April 2021. Before this, he was Senior Vice President and Head of Oncology for Natera, Inc., a clinical genetic testing company, between 2015 and 2016. He has led clinical management and oncology teams at Natera, INOVIO Pharmaceuticals, Astellas Pharma, Bristol Myers Squibb and Amgen and has served as a medical strategy consultant for various biotech companies including Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals, GlaxoSmithKline, Puma Biotechnology, Maverick Therapeutics, ERT, Huya Bioscience, and Gradalis.