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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Feike Sijbesma Director 65 20.63万 未持股 2025-02-21
David Pyott Director 72 15.23万 未持股 2025-02-21
Peter Loscher Director 67 15.68万 未持股 2025-02-21
Herna Verhagen Director 59 12.13万 未持股 2025-02-21
Paul Stoffels -- Director 63 17.73万 未持股 2025-02-21
Marc Harrison -- Director 61 12.63万 未持股 2025-02-21
蔡淑君 Director 67 14.03万 未持股 2025-02-21
Indra Nooyi -- Director 70 13.13万 未持股 2025-02-21
Liz Doherty Director 68 未披露 未持股 2025-02-21
Benot Ribadeau Dumas -- Director 53 未披露 未持股 2025-02-21
Sanjay Poonen Director 55 13.53万 未持股 2025-02-21



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Marnix van Ginneken Executive Vice President and Chief ESG and Legal Officer 52 141.68万 未持股 2025-02-21
Roy Jakobs Chief Executive Officer 51 44.47万 未持股 2025-02-21
Bert van Meurs -- Executive Vice President and Chief Business Leader responsible for Diagnosis & Treatment 64 未披露 未持股 2025-02-21
Edwin Paalvast -- Executive Vice President and Chief of International Region 63 未披露 未持股 2025-02-21
Shez Partovi -- Executive Vice President and Chief Innovation and Strategy Officer 59 未披露 未持股 2025-02-21
Willem Appelo -- Executive Vice President and Chief Operations Officer 62 未披露 未持股 2025-02-21
Deeptha Khanna Executive Vice President and Chief Business Leader Personal Health 49 未披露 未持股 2025-02-21
Jeff DiLullo -- Executive Vice President and Chief Region Leader of Philips North America 56 未披露 未持股 2025-02-21
Heidi Sichien -- Executive Vice President and Chief People Officer 51 未披露 未持股 2025-02-21
Steve C de Baca -- Executive Vice President and Chief Patient Safety and Quality Officer 57 未披露 未持股 2025-02-21
Julia Strandberg -- Executive Vice President and Chief Business Leader Connected Care 51 未披露 未持股 2025-02-21
Charlotte Hanneman -- Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer 47 未披露 未持股 2025-02-21
Ling Liu -- Executive Vice President and Chief Region Leader of Philips Greater China 51 未披露 未持股 2025-02-21


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Feike Sijbesma

Feike Sijbesma,荷兰国籍(男),于2014年11月被任命为委员会成员,涉及企业、责任、提名和公司治理(主席)。他目前任职Royal DSM N.V。(担任首席执行官兼管理委员会的主席)、De Nederlandsche Bank(监事会成员)、CEFIC (欧洲化学委员会)、CEFIC(欧洲化学委员会)。此前,他曾任职DSM Netherlands的监事会(担任主席)、Dutch Genomics Initiative (NGI)(成员)、Utrecht University (董事会成员)、Dutch Cancer Institute (NKI/AVL) (董事会成员)。

Feike Sijbesma,Former CEO of Koninklijke DSM NV (Honorary Chairman) and former non-executive Director of Unilever NV. Co-Chair of the Global Climate Adaptation Center and Member of the Board of Trustees of the World Economic Forum.
Feike Sijbesma,荷兰国籍(男),于2014年11月被任命为委员会成员,涉及企业、责任、提名和公司治理(主席)。他目前任职Royal DSM N.V。(担任首席执行官兼管理委员会的主席)、De Nederlandsche Bank(监事会成员)、CEFIC (欧洲化学委员会)、CEFIC(欧洲化学委员会)。此前,他曾任职DSM Netherlands的监事会(担任主席)、Dutch Genomics Initiative (NGI)(成员)、Utrecht University (董事会成员)、Dutch Cancer Institute (NKI/AVL) (董事会成员)。
Feike Sijbesma,Former CEO of Koninklijke DSM NV (Honorary Chairman) and former non-executive Director of Unilever NV. Co-Chair of the Global Climate Adaptation Center and Member of the Board of Trustees of the World Economic Forum.
David Pyott

David Pyott,Allergan公司的前任主席(2001年至2015年)、首席执行官(1998年至2015年)、Avery Dennison Corporation的现任董事(1999年以来)、其首席独立董事(2010年以来)、Alnylam Pharmaceuticals公司、BioMarin Pharmaceutical公司的董事会成员、Chapman University监事会的成员、Ophthalmology Foundation的理事会成员、the Foundation of the American Academy of Ophthalmology的咨询委员会的成员。

David Pyott,Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Allergan, Inc. and former Lead Director of Avery Dennison Corporation. Currently member of the Board of Directors of Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Inc., BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. and Pliant Therapeutics. Chairman of the Governing Board of London Business School, member of the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee of the California Institute of Technology, Vice President of the Ophthalmology Foundation and President of the Advisory Board of the Foundation of the American Academy of Ophthalmology.
David Pyott,Allergan公司的前任主席(2001年至2015年)、首席执行官(1998年至2015年)、Avery Dennison Corporation的现任董事(1999年以来)、其首席独立董事(2010年以来)、Alnylam Pharmaceuticals公司、BioMarin Pharmaceutical公司的董事会成员、Chapman University监事会的成员、Ophthalmology Foundation的理事会成员、the Foundation of the American Academy of Ophthalmology的咨询委员会的成员。
David Pyott,Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Allergan, Inc. and former Lead Director of Avery Dennison Corporation. Currently member of the Board of Directors of Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Inc., BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. and Pliant Therapeutics. Chairman of the Governing Board of London Business School, member of the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee of the California Institute of Technology, Vice President of the Ophthalmology Foundation and President of the Advisory Board of the Foundation of the American Academy of Ophthalmology.
Peter Loscher

Peter Loscher,西门子公司(Siemens AG)前总裁兼首席执行官,默克公司(Merck & Co.)全球人类健康总裁兼执行董事会成员,通用电气医疗保健生物科学公司(GE Healthcare biosciences)总裁兼首席执行官,通用电气公司执行委员会成员,Renova Management AG公司首席执行官兼董事会代表。目前是Telefónica S.A.和CaixaBank S.A.的董事会成员,Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG的监事会主席,Thyssen-Bornemisza Group AG和Doha Venture Capital LLC的非执行董事。

Peter Loscher,Former President and CEO of Siemens AG, President of Global Human Health and Member of the Executive Board of Merck & Co., President and CEO of GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences and member of GE's Corporate Executive Council, CEO and Delegate of the Board of Directors of Renova Management AG. Currently member of the Board of Directors of Telefónica S.A. and CaixaBank S.A. and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG, Non-Executive Director of Thyssen-Bornemisza Group AG and Doha Venture Capital LLC.
Peter Loscher,西门子公司(Siemens AG)前总裁兼首席执行官,默克公司(Merck & Co.)全球人类健康总裁兼执行董事会成员,通用电气医疗保健生物科学公司(GE Healthcare biosciences)总裁兼首席执行官,通用电气公司执行委员会成员,Renova Management AG公司首席执行官兼董事会代表。目前是Telefónica S.A.和CaixaBank S.A.的董事会成员,Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG的监事会主席,Thyssen-Bornemisza Group AG和Doha Venture Capital LLC的非执行董事。
Peter Loscher,Former President and CEO of Siemens AG, President of Global Human Health and Member of the Executive Board of Merck & Co., President and CEO of GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences and member of GE's Corporate Executive Council, CEO and Delegate of the Board of Directors of Renova Management AG. Currently member of the Board of Directors of Telefónica S.A. and CaixaBank S.A. and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG, Non-Executive Director of Thyssen-Bornemisza Group AG and Doha Venture Capital LLC.
Herna Verhagen

Herna Verhagen,荷兰国际监督者委员会的成员,提名委员会和HeTractGeBouw NV的赞助委员会,GooSkMeM丁基金会顾问委员会成员和VNO-NCW董事会成员。

Herna Verhagen,was appointed a member of the Supervisory Board at the annual general meeting on 23 April 2019, effective date 1 October 2019.
Herna Verhagen,荷兰国际监督者委员会的成员,提名委员会和HeTractGeBouw NV的赞助委员会,GooSkMeM丁基金会顾问委员会成员和VNO-NCW董事会成员。
Herna Verhagen,was appointed a member of the Supervisory Board at the annual general meeting on 23 April 2019, effective date 1 October 2019.
Paul Stoffels

Paul Stoffels,1962年出生于比利时。自2018年起担任监事会成员;第一任期于2022年届满。现任强生执行委员会副主席兼首席科学官。此前,曾任强生全球制药部主席、Virco首席执行官和Tibotec董事长。

Paul Stoffels,Former CEO of Virco, Chairman of Tibotec, worldwide Chair of Pharmaceuticals at Johnson & Johnson and Chief Scientific Officer & member of the Executive Committee at Johnson & Johnson. Currently CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Galapagos NV.
Paul Stoffels,1962年出生于比利时。自2018年起担任监事会成员;第一任期于2022年届满。现任强生执行委员会副主席兼首席科学官。此前,曾任强生全球制药部主席、Virco首席执行官和Tibotec董事长。
Paul Stoffels,Former CEO of Virco, Chairman of Tibotec, worldwide Chair of Pharmaceuticals at Johnson & Johnson and Chief Scientific Officer & member of the Executive Committee at Johnson & Johnson. Currently CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Galapagos NV.
Marc Harrison

Marc Harrison,自2018年起担任监事会成员;第一届任期于2022年届满。现任Intermountain 医疗保健公司总裁兼首席执行官。克利夫兰诊所前国际业务发展主管和克利夫兰诊所阿布扎比首席执行官。

Marc Harrison,Former President and Chief Executive Officer of Intermountain Healthcare and former Chief of International Business Development for Cleveland Clinic and Chief Executive Officer of Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi. Currently CEO HATCo (Health Assurance Transformation Company) at General Catalyst.
Marc Harrison,自2018年起担任监事会成员;第一届任期于2022年届满。现任Intermountain 医疗保健公司总裁兼首席执行官。克利夫兰诊所前国际业务发展主管和克利夫兰诊所阿布扎比首席执行官。
Marc Harrison,Former President and Chief Executive Officer of Intermountain Healthcare and former Chief of International Business Development for Cleveland Clinic and Chief Executive Officer of Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi. Currently CEO HATCo (Health Assurance Transformation Company) at General Catalyst.

蔡淑君,新加坡电信有限公司前集团首席执行官,任Prudential plc、Bharti Airtel Limited、Bharti Telecom Limited和Ayala Corporation董事会成员。新加坡总统顾问委员会成员,新加坡公共服务委员会副主席。于2022年5月1日获委任为保诚有限公司提名及企业管治委员会委员。

Chua Sock Koong,Former Group CEO of Singapore Telecommunications Limited and currently member of the Board of Directors of Prudential plc, Bharti Airtel Limited, Bharti Telecom Limited and Ayala Corporation. Member of the Council of Presidential Advisors of Singapore, the Securities Industry Council and the Dubai Financial Services Authority, Deputy Chairman of the Public Service Commission of Singapore.
蔡淑君,新加坡电信有限公司前集团首席执行官,任Prudential plc、Bharti Airtel Limited、Bharti Telecom Limited和Ayala Corporation董事会成员。新加坡总统顾问委员会成员,新加坡公共服务委员会副主席。于2022年5月1日获委任为保诚有限公司提名及企业管治委员会委员。
Chua Sock Koong,Former Group CEO of Singapore Telecommunications Limited and currently member of the Board of Directors of Prudential plc, Bharti Airtel Limited, Bharti Telecom Limited and Ayala Corporation. Member of the Council of Presidential Advisors of Singapore, the Securities Industry Council and the Dubai Financial Services Authority, Deputy Chairman of the Public Service Commission of Singapore.
Indra Nooyi

Indra Nooyi,1955年出生,美国人。自2021年起担任监事会成员;第一届任期于2025年届满。百事可乐前首席财务官兼董事长兼首席执行官。现任亚马逊公司董事会成员和审计委员会主席。淡马锡国际顾问委员会成员,麻省理工学院董事会和执行委员会成员。

Indra Nooyi,Former CFO, President, Chairman and CEO of PepsiCo. Currently member of the Board of Directors and Chair of the Audit Committee of Amazon, Inc. Member of the International Board of Advisors of Temasek, member of the Board of Trustees of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital, trustee of the national gallery of art.
Indra Nooyi,1955年出生,美国人。自2021年起担任监事会成员;第一届任期于2025年届满。百事可乐前首席财务官兼董事长兼首席执行官。现任亚马逊公司董事会成员和审计委员会主席。淡马锡国际顾问委员会成员,麻省理工学院董事会和执行委员会成员。
Indra Nooyi,Former CFO, President, Chairman and CEO of PepsiCo. Currently member of the Board of Directors and Chair of the Audit Committee of Amazon, Inc. Member of the International Board of Advisors of Temasek, member of the Board of Trustees of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital, trustee of the national gallery of art.
Liz Doherty

Liz Doherty,审计委员会主席。自2019年起担任监事会成员;第一任期将于2023年届满。Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC前CFO兼董事会成员,Brambles Ltd前CFO,Delhaize Group、Nokia Corp.、SABMiller PLC和Dunelm Group PLC前非执行董事兼审计委员会成员。现任Novartis AG监事会成员兼审计委员会女主席,英国特许管理会计师协会Corbion N.V.研究员。曾任英国司法部和女王陛下法院和法庭事务处(英国)非执行委员会成员。现为Agrolimen SA的子公司GBfoods SA和Affinity Petcare SA的顾问。

Liz Doherty,Currently, member of the Supervisory Board and Chairwoman of the audit committee of Novartis AG and of Corbion N.V. Member of the advisory committee of Freya Holdco S.à r.l. Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Former CFO and board member of Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC, former CFO of Brambles Ltd, former non-executive director and audit committee member at Delhaize Group, Nokia Corp., SABMiller PLC and Dunelm Group PLC. Former non-executive board member of the UK Ministry of Justice and of Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service (UK) and advisor to GBfoods SA and Affinity Petcare SA (subsidiaries of Agrolimen SA).
Liz Doherty,审计委员会主席。自2019年起担任监事会成员;第一任期将于2023年届满。Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC前CFO兼董事会成员,Brambles Ltd前CFO,Delhaize Group、Nokia Corp.、SABMiller PLC和Dunelm Group PLC前非执行董事兼审计委员会成员。现任Novartis AG监事会成员兼审计委员会女主席,英国特许管理会计师协会Corbion N.V.研究员。曾任英国司法部和女王陛下法院和法庭事务处(英国)非执行委员会成员。现为Agrolimen SA的子公司GBfoods SA和Affinity Petcare SA的顾问。
Liz Doherty,Currently, member of the Supervisory Board and Chairwoman of the audit committee of Novartis AG and of Corbion N.V. Member of the advisory committee of Freya Holdco S.à r.l. Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Former CFO and board member of Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC, former CFO of Brambles Ltd, former non-executive director and audit committee member at Delhaize Group, Nokia Corp., SABMiller PLC and Dunelm Group PLC. Former non-executive board member of the UK Ministry of Justice and of Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service (UK) and advisor to GBfoods SA and Affinity Petcare SA (subsidiaries of Agrolimen SA).
Benot Ribadeau Dumas

Beno t Ribadeau Dumas,SCOR前副首席执行官,法国总理前办公厅主任,Aerosystems前首席执行官,Zodiac Aerospace管理委员会成员,CGG Veritas前SEVP和Thales Underwater Systems前首席执行官。现任Exor董事总经理,Stellantis、Institut Merieux、Merieux Nutrisciences、BioMerieux、TagEnergy和Welltec的董事会成员。Galileo Global Education和Cerba Healthcare董事会成员。

Benot Ribadeau Dumas,Former deputy CEO at SCOR, former Chief of Staff to the French Prime Minister, former CEO of Aerosystems, member of the Management Board of Zodiac Aerospace, former SEVP CGG Veritas and former CEO of Thales Underwater Systems. Currently Managing Director at Exor, member of the Board of Directors of Stellantis, Institut Merieux, Merieux Nutrisciences, bioMerieux, TagEnergy and Welltec. Member of the Board of Directors of Galileo Global Education and Cerba Healthcare.
Beno t Ribadeau Dumas,SCOR前副首席执行官,法国总理前办公厅主任,Aerosystems前首席执行官,Zodiac Aerospace管理委员会成员,CGG Veritas前SEVP和Thales Underwater Systems前首席执行官。现任Exor董事总经理,Stellantis、Institut Merieux、Merieux Nutrisciences、BioMerieux、TagEnergy和Welltec的董事会成员。Galileo Global Education和Cerba Healthcare董事会成员。
Benot Ribadeau Dumas,Former deputy CEO at SCOR, former Chief of Staff to the French Prime Minister, former CEO of Aerosystems, member of the Management Board of Zodiac Aerospace, former SEVP CGG Veritas and former CEO of Thales Underwater Systems. Currently Managing Director at Exor, member of the Board of Directors of Stellantis, Institut Merieux, Merieux Nutrisciences, bioMerieux, TagEnergy and Welltec. Member of the Board of Directors of Galileo Global Education and Cerba Healthcare.
Sanjay Poonen

Sanjay Poonen,2013年8月起,担任VMware的执行副总裁、终端用户计算机产品总经理。加入VMware之前,他在SAP AG工作了7年多;2012年4月至2013年7月,担任其总裁、平台解决方案与移动部企业官;此前,2010年11月至2012年3月,担任全球解决方案总裁;2008年6月至2009年9月,担任性能优化应用执行副总裁;2006年4月至2008年6月,担任分析部高级副总裁。他在科技行业有着20多年的经验,曾在Symantec 和Veritas担任过行政级别的职务,还在Alphablox、Apple、Microsoft Corporation担任过产品管理和工程方面的职务。

Sanjay Poonen,Former Chief Operating Officer at VMware and President at SAP. Currently CEO and President of Cohesity and member of the Board of Directors of Snyk.
Sanjay Poonen,2013年8月起,担任VMware的执行副总裁、终端用户计算机产品总经理。加入VMware之前,他在SAP AG工作了7年多;2012年4月至2013年7月,担任其总裁、平台解决方案与移动部企业官;此前,2010年11月至2012年3月,担任全球解决方案总裁;2008年6月至2009年9月,担任性能优化应用执行副总裁;2006年4月至2008年6月,担任分析部高级副总裁。他在科技行业有着20多年的经验,曾在Symantec 和Veritas担任过行政级别的职务,还在Alphablox、Apple、Microsoft Corporation担任过产品管理和工程方面的职务。
Sanjay Poonen,Former Chief Operating Officer at VMware and President at SAP. Currently CEO and President of Cohesity and member of the Board of Directors of Snyk.


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Marnix van Ginneken

Marnix van Ginneken, 集团职责:法律和普通秘书。

Marnix van Ginneken,joined Philips in 2007 and became Chief Legal Officer of Royal Philips and member of the Executive Committee in 2014. In 2017 he was appointed to the Board of Management. He is responsible for driving ESG efforts across the company, including Group Sustainability. He is also responsible for Legal, Intellectual Property & Standards and Government and Public Affairs. Since January 1, 2024, he is Chairman of the Board of the Philips Foundation. In 2011, he was appointed Professor of International Corporate Governance at the Erasmus School of Law in Rotterdam. Before joining Philips, Marnix worked for Akzo Nobel and as an attorney in a private practice.
Marnix van Ginneken, 集团职责:法律和普通秘书。
Marnix van Ginneken,joined Philips in 2007 and became Chief Legal Officer of Royal Philips and member of the Executive Committee in 2014. In 2017 he was appointed to the Board of Management. He is responsible for driving ESG efforts across the company, including Group Sustainability. He is also responsible for Legal, Intellectual Property & Standards and Government and Public Affairs. Since January 1, 2024, he is Chairman of the Board of the Philips Foundation. In 2011, he was appointed Professor of International Corporate Governance at the Erasmus School of Law in Rotterdam. Before joining Philips, Marnix worked for Akzo Nobel and as an attorney in a private practice.
Roy Jakobs


Roy Jakobs,joined Philips in 2010 and has held various global leadership positions across the company, starting as Chief Marketing & Strategy Officer for Philips Lighting. In 2012, he became Market Leader for Philips Middle East & Turkey, leading the Healthcare, Consumer, and Lighting businesses out of Dubai. Subsequently, he became global Business Leader of Domestic Appliances, based in Shanghai, in 2015. In 2018, Roy joined the Executive Committee as Chief Business Leader of the Personal Health businesses and in early 2020 he started as Chief Business Leader of Connected Care. As Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Management and the Executive Committee, he also holds direct responsibility for Patient Safety and Quality, Medical Office, Internal Audit and Brand & Communications. Prior to his career at Philips, he held various management positions at Royal Dutch Shell and Reed Elsevier.
Roy Jakobs,joined Philips in 2010 and has held various global leadership positions across the company, starting as Chief Marketing & Strategy Officer for Philips Lighting. In 2012, he became Market Leader for Philips Middle East & Turkey, leading the Healthcare, Consumer, and Lighting businesses out of Dubai. Subsequently, he became global Business Leader of Domestic Appliances, based in Shanghai, in 2015. In 2018, Roy joined the Executive Committee as Chief Business Leader of the Personal Health businesses and in early 2020 he started as Chief Business Leader of Connected Care. As Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Management and the Executive Committee, he also holds direct responsibility for Patient Safety and Quality, Medical Office, Internal Audit and Brand & Communications. Prior to his career at Philips, he held various management positions at Royal Dutch Shell and Reed Elsevier.
Bert van Meurs

Bert van Meurs,1961年出生于荷兰。执行副总裁,图像引导治疗首席业务负责人,共同负责诊断和治疗。

Bert van Meurs,joined Philips in 1985 and has more than 39 years of experience in the medical imaging and healthcare business.
Bert van Meurs,1961年出生于荷兰。执行副总裁,图像引导治疗首席业务负责人,共同负责诊断和治疗。
Bert van Meurs,joined Philips in 1985 and has more than 39 years of experience in the medical imaging and healthcare business.
Edwin Paalvast

Edwin Paalvast,于2020年加入飞利浦,带来了30多年的科技行业领导经验。

Edwin Paalvast,joined Philips in 2020 and has more than 30 years of leadership experience in the technology industry.
Edwin Paalvast,于2020年加入飞利浦,带来了30多年的科技行业领导经验。
Edwin Paalvast,joined Philips in 2020 and has more than 30 years of leadership experience in the technology industry.
Shez Partovi

Shez Partovi,于2021年加入飞利浦,在医疗保健、生命科学和基因组学行业拥有30多年领导大健康系统、云转型以及人工智能和机器学习计划的经验。

Shez Partovi,joined Philips in 2021 and has more than 30 years of experience leading large health systems, cloud transformation, and artificial intelligence and machine learning initiatives in the healthcare, life sciences and genomics industries.
Shez Partovi,于2021年加入飞利浦,在医疗保健、生命科学和基因组学行业拥有30多年领导大健康系统、云转型以及人工智能和机器学习计划的经验。
Shez Partovi,joined Philips in 2021 and has more than 30 years of experience leading large health systems, cloud transformation, and artificial intelligence and machine learning initiatives in the healthcare, life sciences and genomics industries.
Willem Appelo

Willem Appelo,于2022年加入飞利浦,在金融和供应链管理方面拥有超过30年的技术和医疗器械技术行业经验。

Willem Appelo,joined Philips in 2022,has over 30 years of experience in technology and the medical device technology industry in finance and supply chain management.
Willem Appelo,于2022年加入飞利浦,在金融和供应链管理方面拥有超过30年的技术和医疗器械技术行业经验。
Willem Appelo,joined Philips in 2022,has over 30 years of experience in technology and the medical device technology industry in finance and supply chain management.
Deeptha Khanna

Deeptha Khanna,目前是皇家飞利浦(一家健康技术公司)的执行副总裁兼首席商业领袖,负责个人健康,她自2020年以来一直担任该职位,同时在公司执行委员会任职。在加入飞利浦之前,她在强生公司(Johnson & Johnson)担任越来越重要的职位,包括2019年至2020年担任皮肤健康和营销价值办公室全球总裁;全球婴儿护理总裁,从2017年到2019年;2015年至2017年,担任亚太和全球新兴市场婴儿护理副总裁。在加入Johnson & Johnson之前,她还在Procter & Gamble工作了17年。

Deeptha Khanna,Executive Vice President and Chief Business Leader, Personal Health, of Royal Philips, a health technology company, since 2020, while also serving on the company's Executive Committee;Held positions of increasing responsibility at Johnson & Johnson, including Global President, Skin Health and Office of Marketing Value, from 2019 to 2020; Global President, Baby Care, from 2017 to 2019; and Vice President, Baby Care, Asia Pacific and Global Emerging Markets, from 2015 to 2017;Held positions of increasing responsibility at Procter & Gamble from 1998 to 2015.
Deeptha Khanna,目前是皇家飞利浦(一家健康技术公司)的执行副总裁兼首席商业领袖,负责个人健康,她自2020年以来一直担任该职位,同时在公司执行委员会任职。在加入飞利浦之前,她在强生公司(Johnson & Johnson)担任越来越重要的职位,包括2019年至2020年担任皮肤健康和营销价值办公室全球总裁;全球婴儿护理总裁,从2017年到2019年;2015年至2017年,担任亚太和全球新兴市场婴儿护理副总裁。在加入Johnson & Johnson之前,她还在Procter & Gamble工作了17年。
Deeptha Khanna,Executive Vice President and Chief Business Leader, Personal Health, of Royal Philips, a health technology company, since 2020, while also serving on the company's Executive Committee;Held positions of increasing responsibility at Johnson & Johnson, including Global President, Skin Health and Office of Marketing Value, from 2019 to 2020; Global President, Baby Care, from 2017 to 2019; and Vice President, Baby Care, Asia Pacific and Global Emerging Markets, from 2015 to 2017;Held positions of increasing responsibility at Procter & Gamble from 1998 to 2015.
Jeff DiLullo

Jeff DiLullo,2019年加入飞利浦,在美国陆军和信息技术行业拥有30多年的领导经验。

Jeff DiLullo,joined Philips in 2019, drawing on more than 30 years of leadership experience in the US Army and the information technology industry.
Jeff DiLullo,2019年加入飞利浦,在美国陆军和信息技术行业拥有30多年的领导经验。
Jeff DiLullo,joined Philips in 2019, drawing on more than 30 years of leadership experience in the US Army and the information technology industry.
Heidi Sichien

Heidi Sichien,2006年加入飞利浦,在公司多个部门的人力资源领导角色方面拥有超过18年的经验。

Heidi Sichien,joined Philips in 2006 and has over 18 years of experience in leadership roles in HR across many parts of the company.
Heidi Sichien,2006年加入飞利浦,在公司多个部门的人力资源领导角色方面拥有超过18年的经验。
Heidi Sichien,joined Philips in 2006 and has over 18 years of experience in leadership roles in HR across many parts of the company.
Steve C de Baca

Steve C de Baca,于2023年加入飞利浦,在医疗技术行业拥有超过30年的质量和监管事务经验。

Steve C de Baca,joined Philips in 2023 and has over 30 years of quality and regulatory affairs experience in the medical technology industry.
Steve C de Baca,于2023年加入飞利浦,在医疗技术行业拥有超过30年的质量和监管事务经验。
Steve C de Baca,joined Philips in 2023 and has over 30 years of quality and regulatory affairs experience in the medical technology industry.
Julia Strandberg

Julia Strandberg,2023年加入飞利浦,在医疗技术行业拥有20年领导经验。

Julia Strandberg,joined Philips in 2023 and has 20 years of leadership experience in the medical technology industry.
Julia Strandberg,2023年加入飞利浦,在医疗技术行业拥有20年领导经验。
Julia Strandberg,joined Philips in 2023 and has 20 years of leadership experience in the medical technology industry.
Charlotte Hanneman

Charlotte Hanneman,于2024年加入飞利浦,负责财务,包括投资者关系和并购,以及房地产和安全。在加入飞利浦之前,Charlotte曾在全球医疗技术公司史赛克担任财务总监兼财务规划与分析主管。在此之前,夏洛特曾在多家跨国医疗保健公司担任国际金融领导职务。

Charlotte Hanneman,joined Philips in 2024 and is responsible for Finance, including Investor Relations and M&A, as well as Real Estate and Security. Before joining Philips, Charlotte worked as Controller and Head of Financial Planning & Analysis at global medical technology company Stryker. Prior to this, Charlotte held international finance leadership roles at several multinational healthcare companies.
Charlotte Hanneman,于2024年加入飞利浦,负责财务,包括投资者关系和并购,以及房地产和安全。在加入飞利浦之前,Charlotte曾在全球医疗技术公司史赛克担任财务总监兼财务规划与分析主管。在此之前,夏洛特曾在多家跨国医疗保健公司担任国际金融领导职务。
Charlotte Hanneman,joined Philips in 2024 and is responsible for Finance, including Investor Relations and M&A, as well as Real Estate and Security. Before joining Philips, Charlotte worked as Controller and Head of Financial Planning & Analysis at global medical technology company Stryker. Prior to this, Charlotte held international finance leadership roles at several multinational healthcare companies.
Ling Liu


Ling Liu,joined Philips in 1998 and has more than 26 years' experience in leadership roles in Greater China, the Netherlands and North America.
Ling Liu,joined Philips in 1998 and has more than 26 years' experience in leadership roles in Greater China, the Netherlands and North America.