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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
John J. Christmann, IV Director and Chief Executive Officer 57 1376.34万美元 154.02 2024-04-12
JULIET S. Ellis Director 65 32.99万美元 5.98 2024-04-12
H. Lamar McKay Director 65 49.99万美元 2.32 2024-04-12
Charles W. Hooper Director 66 30.45万美元 1.05 2024-04-12
Matthew R. Bob -- Director 67 未披露 2.42 2024-04-12
Anya Weaving -- Director 47 未披露 未持股 2024-04-12
Chansoo Joung Director 63 32.99万美元 14.22 2024-04-12
Peter A. Ragauss Director 66 31.49万美元 7.46 2024-04-12
David L. Stover Director 65 29.99万美元 1.02 2024-04-12
Annell R. Bay Director 68 32.49万美元 7.63 2024-04-12



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
John J. Christmann, IV Director and Chief Executive Officer 57 1376.34万美元 154.02 2024-04-12
Stephen J. Riney President and Chief Financial Officer 63 667.78万美元 57.49 2024-04-12
D. Clay Bretches Executive Vice President, Operations 59 490.60万美元 16.27 2024-04-12
Tracey K. Henderson Executive Vice President, Exploration 57 416.86万美元 12.44 2024-04-12
Mark D. Maddox Executive Vice President, Administration 57 未披露 未持股 2024-04-12
Rebecca A. Hoyt Senior Vice President, Chief Accounting Officer and Controller 59 未披露 未持股 2024-04-12
P. Anthony Lannie Executive Vice President and General Counsel 69 455.32万美元 未持股 2024-04-12


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John J. Christmann, IV

John J. Christmann, IV,2014年1月1日起担任北美执行副总裁和首席运营官;2010年到2013年担任帕米亚语地区副总裁。2004年1月起,他担任商业开发副总裁;2003年4月起担任海湾地区生产经理。Christmann在1997年进入本公司,之后担任越来越高的职位。此前,他是Vastar Resources/ARCO Oil and Gas Company职员,负责业务发展、原油市场和各种生产、运营和油藏工程作业。

John J. Christmann, IV,Board of Visitors,University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.APA Corporation,1997-present;Chief Executive Officer and President,2015-present;Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer,North America;Region Vice President,Permian Region;Vice President,Business Development;Production Manager,Gulf Coast Region.
John J. Christmann, IV,2014年1月1日起担任北美执行副总裁和首席运营官;2010年到2013年担任帕米亚语地区副总裁。2004年1月起,他担任商业开发副总裁;2003年4月起担任海湾地区生产经理。Christmann在1997年进入本公司,之后担任越来越高的职位。此前,他是Vastar Resources/ARCO Oil and Gas Company职员,负责业务发展、原油市场和各种生产、运营和油藏工程作业。
John J. Christmann, IV,Board of Visitors,University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.APA Corporation,1997-present;Chief Executive Officer and President,2015-present;Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer,North America;Region Vice President,Permian Region;Vice President,Business Development;Production Manager,Gulf Coast Region.

Juliet S. Ellis于2019年5月加入Apache Corporation的董事会。她是公司管治和提名委员会以及管理发展和薪酬委员会的成员。她曾担任Invesco Ltd的董事总经理和高级投资组合经理。她曾担任景顺美国成长型股票投资管理部门的首席投资官,直至2019年3月退休。2004年至2017年,她曾担任Invesco的小型股增长基金和小型股股票基金的高级投资组合经理。她在机构投资管理行业拥有超过32年的经验,自1990年起担任特许金融分析师(CFA)。在2004年加入景顺之前,她曾受雇于摩根大通公司(JPMorgan Chase & Co.),包括其前身弗莱明资产管理公司(Fleming Asset Management),在那里她担任越来越多的高级职位。从1987年的股票分析师职位开始,1993年担任高级投资组合经理,2000年担任董事总经理,在那里她担任摩根大通小盘股和小盘股增长策略的高级投资组合经理。1981年,她在美林开始了自己的投资生涯。自2018年以来,她一直是Donnelley Financial Solutions, Inc.的董事会成员,并担任其薪酬委员会和治理委员会成员。Ellis女士是非营利休斯顿卫理公会医院系统的董事会成员,并担任财务委员会主席和薪酬委员会成员。她是Women Corporate Directors (WCD)的成员。

Juliet S. Ellis,Board of Directors,Houston Methodist Hospital system. Member,Women Corporate Directors .Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charterholder. Invesco,2004-2019 ;Managing Director,Senior Portfolio Manager ;Chief Investment Officer,US Growth Equities Investment Management Unit ;Senior Portfolio Manager,Small Cap Growth Fund and Small Cap Equity Fund. JPMorgan Chase & Co. (and Fleming Asset Management prior to acquisition),1987-2004 ;Senior Portfolio Manager ;Managing Director ;Equity Analyst.
Juliet S. Ellis于2019年5月加入Apache Corporation的董事会。她是公司管治和提名委员会以及管理发展和薪酬委员会的成员。她曾担任Invesco Ltd的董事总经理和高级投资组合经理。她曾担任景顺美国成长型股票投资管理部门的首席投资官,直至2019年3月退休。2004年至2017年,她曾担任Invesco的小型股增长基金和小型股股票基金的高级投资组合经理。她在机构投资管理行业拥有超过32年的经验,自1990年起担任特许金融分析师(CFA)。在2004年加入景顺之前,她曾受雇于摩根大通公司(JPMorgan Chase & Co.),包括其前身弗莱明资产管理公司(Fleming Asset Management),在那里她担任越来越多的高级职位。从1987年的股票分析师职位开始,1993年担任高级投资组合经理,2000年担任董事总经理,在那里她担任摩根大通小盘股和小盘股增长策略的高级投资组合经理。1981年,她在美林开始了自己的投资生涯。自2018年以来,她一直是Donnelley Financial Solutions, Inc.的董事会成员,并担任其薪酬委员会和治理委员会成员。Ellis女士是非营利休斯顿卫理公会医院系统的董事会成员,并担任财务委员会主席和薪酬委员会成员。她是Women Corporate Directors (WCD)的成员。
Juliet S. Ellis,Board of Directors,Houston Methodist Hospital system. Member,Women Corporate Directors .Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charterholder. Invesco,2004-2019 ;Managing Director,Senior Portfolio Manager ;Chief Investment Officer,US Growth Equities Investment Management Unit ;Senior Portfolio Manager,Small Cap Growth Fund and Small Cap Equity Fund. JPMorgan Chase & Co. (and Fleming Asset Management prior to acquisition),1987-2004 ;Senior Portfolio Manager ;Managing Director ;Equity Analyst.
H. Lamar McKay

H. Lamar McKay于2021年2月加入Apache Corporation的董事会。他是管理发展和薪酬委员会的成员。从2019年10月到2020年12月退休,McKay先生担任BP p.l.c. BP的首席过渡官。他此前曾担任BP的副首席执行官(2016年2月以来)。在此之前,他曾担任BP全球上游业务首席执行官(2013年1月以来)。自2009年1月起,他还担任BP America, Inc.的董事长和总裁,以及BP的执行副总裁。他于1980年在Amoco(现在的BP)开始他的职业生涯,并在他的职业生涯中担任越来越多的领导职位,包括总经理、业务部门负责人、战略主管、集团副总裁、高级副总裁和执行副总裁。McKay先生是爱尔兰都柏林CRH plc的董事会成员。

H. Lamar McKay,BP p.l.c. (and Amoco prior to acquisition),1980-2020;Chief Transition Officer;Deputy Chief Executive Officer;Chief Executive,Worldwide Upstream Business;Chair and President,BP America;Executive Vice President;Head of Strategy.
H. Lamar McKay于2021年2月加入Apache Corporation的董事会。他是管理发展和薪酬委员会的成员。从2019年10月到2020年12月退休,McKay先生担任BP p.l.c. BP的首席过渡官。他此前曾担任BP的副首席执行官(2016年2月以来)。在此之前,他曾担任BP全球上游业务首席执行官(2013年1月以来)。自2009年1月起,他还担任BP America, Inc.的董事长和总裁,以及BP的执行副总裁。他于1980年在Amoco(现在的BP)开始他的职业生涯,并在他的职业生涯中担任越来越多的领导职位,包括总经理、业务部门负责人、战略主管、集团副总裁、高级副总裁和执行副总裁。McKay先生是爱尔兰都柏林CRH plc的董事会成员。
H. Lamar McKay,BP p.l.c. (and Amoco prior to acquisition),1980-2020;Chief Transition Officer;Deputy Chief Executive Officer;Chief Executive,Worldwide Upstream Business;Chair and President,BP America;Executive Vice President;Head of Strategy.
Charles W. Hooper

Charles W. Hooper,退休的美国陆军中将,曾担任国防安全合作局局长,负责监督美国向外国政府出售国防物品和服务的政策的执行。他之前的军事职务包括美国驻埃及武官,美国驻中国武官,美国非洲司令部战略、计划和项目主任,美国印度太平洋司令部战略规划和政策副主任,以及国防部长办公室中国、台湾和蒙古政策高级主任。在服役41年后,他于2020年从陆军退役。胡珀是科恩集团的高级顾问,隶属于美国国家亚洲研究局、大西洋理事会和外交关系委员会。他还是哈佛大学约翰肯尼迪政府学院贝尔弗科学与国际事务中心的高级研究员,并担任UL解决方案公司的董事会成员以及新奥尔良国家二战博物馆的董事会成员。胡珀毕业于美国西点军校,并拥有陆军战争学院和哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院的硕士学位。

Charles W. Hooper,has served as a member of Ul Solutions Inc. board of directors since June 2021. Lieutenant General Hooper has served as a Senior Counselor at the Cohen Group, a global business consulting services firm, since October 2020, and from 1979 to 2020, Lieutenant General Hooper served in the United States Army. He currently serves as a member of the boards of directors of General Dynamics Corporation (NYSE: GD), APA Corporation (Nasdaq: APA), where he also serves as Chair of the Cybersecurity Committee, Two Six Technologies, Loc Performance Products, Inc., Bellwether and the National Bureau of Asian Research. Lieutenant General Hooper earned a B.S. in Asian Studies from the United States Military Academy, an M.P.A. from Harvard University and an M.S. in Strategy from the Army War College. Lieutenant General Hooper has also completed the National Association of Corporate Directors Cyber-Risk Oversight Program, earning the CERT Certificate in Cybersecurity Oversight.
Charles W. Hooper,退休的美国陆军中将,曾担任国防安全合作局局长,负责监督美国向外国政府出售国防物品和服务的政策的执行。他之前的军事职务包括美国驻埃及武官,美国驻中国武官,美国非洲司令部战略、计划和项目主任,美国印度太平洋司令部战略规划和政策副主任,以及国防部长办公室中国、台湾和蒙古政策高级主任。在服役41年后,他于2020年从陆军退役。胡珀是科恩集团的高级顾问,隶属于美国国家亚洲研究局、大西洋理事会和外交关系委员会。他还是哈佛大学约翰肯尼迪政府学院贝尔弗科学与国际事务中心的高级研究员,并担任UL解决方案公司的董事会成员以及新奥尔良国家二战博物馆的董事会成员。胡珀毕业于美国西点军校,并拥有陆军战争学院和哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院的硕士学位。
Charles W. Hooper,has served as a member of Ul Solutions Inc. board of directors since June 2021. Lieutenant General Hooper has served as a Senior Counselor at the Cohen Group, a global business consulting services firm, since October 2020, and from 1979 to 2020, Lieutenant General Hooper served in the United States Army. He currently serves as a member of the boards of directors of General Dynamics Corporation (NYSE: GD), APA Corporation (Nasdaq: APA), where he also serves as Chair of the Cybersecurity Committee, Two Six Technologies, Loc Performance Products, Inc., Bellwether and the National Bureau of Asian Research. Lieutenant General Hooper earned a B.S. in Asian Studies from the United States Military Academy, an M.P.A. from Harvard University and an M.S. in Strategy from the Army War College. Lieutenant General Hooper has also completed the National Association of Corporate Directors Cyber-Risk Oversight Program, earning the CERT Certificate in Cybersecurity Oversight.
Matthew R. Bob

Matthew R. Bob,Callon Petroleum Company,2014-2024年,公司被APA、MB Exploration,LLC收购前独立董事兼董事会主席,1994年至今,提供勘探与生产咨询服务的私营公司的创始人和管理成员。outhCross Energy Partners LLC,2020-2022年,曾任德克萨斯州南部天气加工和运输公司独立董事。Eagle Oil & Gas Co.,2014-2022年,这家私营独立石油和天然气公司总裁。

Matthew R. Bob,Callon Petroleum Company, 2014-2024,Independent director and board chair prior to the company's acquisition by APA,MB Exploration, LLC, 1994-present,Founder and managing member of the privately held company providing E&P advisory services.SouthCross Energy Partners LLC, 2020-2022,Former independent director of natural gas processing and transportation company in South Texas.Eagle Oil & Gas Co., 2014-2022,President of the privately held, independent oil and gas company.
Matthew R. Bob,Callon Petroleum Company,2014-2024年,公司被APA、MB Exploration,LLC收购前独立董事兼董事会主席,1994年至今,提供勘探与生产咨询服务的私营公司的创始人和管理成员。outhCross Energy Partners LLC,2020-2022年,曾任德克萨斯州南部天气加工和运输公司独立董事。Eagle Oil & Gas Co.,2014-2022年,这家私营独立石油和天然气公司总裁。
Matthew R. Bob,Callon Petroleum Company, 2014-2024,Independent director and board chair prior to the company's acquisition by APA,MB Exploration, LLC, 1994-present,Founder and managing member of the privately held company providing E&P advisory services.SouthCross Energy Partners LLC, 2020-2022,Former independent director of natural gas processing and transportation company in South Texas.Eagle Oil & Gas Co., 2014-2022,President of the privately held, independent oil and gas company.
Anya Weaving

Anya Weaving,美银美林,2017-2022年,副主席,全球自然资源,投资银行,董事总经理,全球自然资源,投资银行,SOCO International plc(更名为Pharos Energy plc),2014-2015年,首席财务官。美银美林,2005-2014年,欧洲石油和天然气并购主管,瑞银并购董事总经理,2002-2005年,欧洲休闲团队副董事,股票分析师。

Anya Weaving,Bank of America Merrill Lynch, 2017-2022,Vice Chair, Global Natural Resources, Investment Banking,Managing Director, Global Natural Resources, Investment Banking,SOCO International plc (renamed Pharos Energy plc), 2014-2015,Chief Financial Officer.Bank of America Merrill Lynch, 2005-2014,Head of European Oil and Gas M&A,Managing Director, Mergers & Acquisitions,UBS, 2002-2005,Associate Director, European Leisure team,Equity Analyst.
Anya Weaving,美银美林,2017-2022年,副主席,全球自然资源,投资银行,董事总经理,全球自然资源,投资银行,SOCO International plc(更名为Pharos Energy plc),2014-2015年,首席财务官。美银美林,2005-2014年,欧洲石油和天然气并购主管,瑞银并购董事总经理,2002-2005年,欧洲休闲团队副董事,股票分析师。
Anya Weaving,Bank of America Merrill Lynch, 2017-2022,Vice Chair, Global Natural Resources, Investment Banking,Managing Director, Global Natural Resources, Investment Banking,SOCO International plc (renamed Pharos Energy plc), 2014-2015,Chief Financial Officer.Bank of America Merrill Lynch, 2005-2014,Head of European Oil and Gas M&A,Managing Director, Mergers & Acquisitions,UBS, 2002-2005,Associate Director, European Leisure team,Equity Analyst.
Chansoo Joung

Chansoo Joung, 他于2011年2月加入本公司董事会。他担任华平投资集团有限责任公司高级顾问,他2005~2010年担任该公司的合作伙伴。在加盟华平投资之前,在1999年至2004年他担任美洲自然资源集团高盛的投资银行部合作主管,之后担任主管,他1994年至1999年在天然资源集团担任企业融资银行家。他1996年晋升为天然资源集团董事总经理, 1998年晋升为合作伙伴。他1992年至1994年创立并领导高盛驻伦敦的欧洲能源集团投资银行。他1987年在高盛企业财务部门开始了他的职业生涯,他在并购部门工作直到1990年。他还在2007年至2011年2月担任过的Targa资源公司和Targa资源合伙人公司的董事。在Apache公司,他为审核委员会成员及公司治理和提名委员会成员。

Chansoo Joung,Former Director,Targa Resources Partners/Targa Corporation.Warburg Pincus,2005-2015;Senior Advisor;Partner.Goldman Sachs,1987-2004;Head,Americas Natural Resources Group,Investment Banking Division;Co-Head,Recruiting,Investment Banking Division;Co-Head,Women's and Diversity Recruitment and Development,Investment Banking Division.
Chansoo Joung, 他于2011年2月加入本公司董事会。他担任华平投资集团有限责任公司高级顾问,他2005~2010年担任该公司的合作伙伴。在加盟华平投资之前,在1999年至2004年他担任美洲自然资源集团高盛的投资银行部合作主管,之后担任主管,他1994年至1999年在天然资源集团担任企业融资银行家。他1996年晋升为天然资源集团董事总经理, 1998年晋升为合作伙伴。他1992年至1994年创立并领导高盛驻伦敦的欧洲能源集团投资银行。他1987年在高盛企业财务部门开始了他的职业生涯,他在并购部门工作直到1990年。他还在2007年至2011年2月担任过的Targa资源公司和Targa资源合伙人公司的董事。在Apache公司,他为审核委员会成员及公司治理和提名委员会成员。
Chansoo Joung,Former Director,Targa Resources Partners/Targa Corporation.Warburg Pincus,2005-2015;Senior Advisor;Partner.Goldman Sachs,1987-2004;Head,Americas Natural Resources Group,Investment Banking Division;Co-Head,Recruiting,Investment Banking Division;Co-Head,Women's and Diversity Recruitment and Development,Investment Banking Division.
Peter A. Ragauss

Peter A. Ragauss从2006年担任公司高级副总裁以及首席财务官。从2003年到2006年担任BP石油公司提纯和营销部总监。Ragauss先生于1998年加入BP石油公司,当时的职务是首席执行官助手,到2000年他晋升为BP石油公司首席执行官。1998年在Amoco国际能源公司与BP石油公司合并之前,他担任金融和资产组合管理副总裁。从1996年到1998年担任El Paso国际能源财务副总裁。Ragauss先生宣布他将与2014年12月31日退休。

Peter A. Ragauss,brings to The Williams Companies, Inc. Board extensive finance and accounting expertise specific to the energy industry. He retired from Baker Hughes Company, an oilfield services company, in November 2014, after serving eight years as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. From 2003 to 2006, prior to joining Baker Hughes, Mr. Ragauss was Controller, Refining and Marketing for BP Plc. From 2000 to 2003, he was Chief Executive Officer for Air BP. From 1998 to 2000, he was Assistant to Group Chief Executive for BP Amoco. He was Vice President of Finance and Portfolio Management for Amoco Energy International when Amoco Corporation merged with BP Plc. in 1998. Earlier in his career, from 1996 to 1998, Mr. Ragauss served as Vice President of Finance for El Paso Energy International. He held positions of increasing responsibility at Tenneco Inc. from 1993 to 1996 and Kidder, Peabody & Co. Incorporated from 1987 to 1993. He currently serves as a director of Skulte LNG, a private energy company in Latvia.
Peter A. Ragauss从2006年担任公司高级副总裁以及首席财务官。从2003年到2006年担任BP石油公司提纯和营销部总监。Ragauss先生于1998年加入BP石油公司,当时的职务是首席执行官助手,到2000年他晋升为BP石油公司首席执行官。1998年在Amoco国际能源公司与BP石油公司合并之前,他担任金融和资产组合管理副总裁。从1996年到1998年担任El Paso国际能源财务副总裁。Ragauss先生宣布他将与2014年12月31日退休。
Peter A. Ragauss,brings to The Williams Companies, Inc. Board extensive finance and accounting expertise specific to the energy industry. He retired from Baker Hughes Company, an oilfield services company, in November 2014, after serving eight years as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. From 2003 to 2006, prior to joining Baker Hughes, Mr. Ragauss was Controller, Refining and Marketing for BP Plc. From 2000 to 2003, he was Chief Executive Officer for Air BP. From 1998 to 2000, he was Assistant to Group Chief Executive for BP Amoco. He was Vice President of Finance and Portfolio Management for Amoco Energy International when Amoco Corporation merged with BP Plc. in 1998. Earlier in his career, from 1996 to 1998, Mr. Ragauss served as Vice President of Finance for El Paso Energy International. He held positions of increasing responsibility at Tenneco Inc. from 1993 to 1996 and Kidder, Peabody & Co. Incorporated from 1987 to 1993. He currently serves as a director of Skulte LNG, a private energy company in Latvia.
David L. Stover

David L. Stover, 2009年4月,他被选为总裁兼首席营运官;自2006年8月起,以前担任执行副总裁兼首席营运官。2002年他加入公司,曾担任多个高级管理职位,包括北美业务发展部的高级副总裁和业务发展的副总裁。加入公司前,他曾在BP美国有限公司、Vastar资源有限公司(Vastar)、ARCO担任各种职务。

David L. Stover,Noble Energy,Inc.,2002-2020;Board Chair and Chief Executive Officer;President and Chief Operating Officer;Executive positions in business development and operations.BP p.l.c.,2000-2002;Vice President and Business Unit Leader,Gulf of Mexico Shelf,BP America.Vastar Resources,Inc.,1994-2000;Various onshore and offshore management positions.ARCO Oil and Gas Company,1979-1994;Positions in engineering,operations,and management.
David L. Stover, 2009年4月,他被选为总裁兼首席营运官;自2006年8月起,以前担任执行副总裁兼首席营运官。2002年他加入公司,曾担任多个高级管理职位,包括北美业务发展部的高级副总裁和业务发展的副总裁。加入公司前,他曾在BP美国有限公司、Vastar资源有限公司(Vastar)、ARCO担任各种职务。
David L. Stover,Noble Energy,Inc.,2002-2020;Board Chair and Chief Executive Officer;President and Chief Operating Officer;Executive positions in business development and operations.BP p.l.c.,2000-2002;Vice President and Business Unit Leader,Gulf of Mexico Shelf,BP America.Vastar Resources,Inc.,1994-2000;Various onshore and offshore management positions.ARCO Oil and Gas Company,1979-1994;Positions in engineering,operations,and management.
Annell R. Bay

Annell R. Bay被任命为负责全球勘探的副总裁,2011年7月起生效。2008年6月加入Marathon Oil,担任负责勘探的高级副总裁。

Annell R. Bay,Advisory board member,Jackson School of Geosciences,University of Texas at Austin. Advisory board member,Independent Petroleum Association of America Energy Education Center .Trustee,Trinity University. Marathon Oil Corporation,2008-2014 ;Vice President,Global Exploration ;Senior Vice President,Exploration. Shell Exploration and Production Company,2004-2008; Vice President,Americas Exploration. Kerr-McGee Oil and Gas Corporation (and Oryx Energy prior to merger),1988-2004; Vice President,Worldwide Exploration; Vice President,North America Exploration.
Annell R. Bay被任命为负责全球勘探的副总裁,2011年7月起生效。2008年6月加入Marathon Oil,担任负责勘探的高级副总裁。
Annell R. Bay,Advisory board member,Jackson School of Geosciences,University of Texas at Austin. Advisory board member,Independent Petroleum Association of America Energy Education Center .Trustee,Trinity University. Marathon Oil Corporation,2008-2014 ;Vice President,Global Exploration ;Senior Vice President,Exploration. Shell Exploration and Production Company,2004-2008; Vice President,Americas Exploration. Kerr-McGee Oil and Gas Corporation (and Oryx Energy prior to merger),1988-2004; Vice President,Worldwide Exploration; Vice President,North America Exploration.


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John J. Christmann, IV

John J. Christmann, IV,2014年1月1日起担任北美执行副总裁和首席运营官;2010年到2013年担任帕米亚语地区副总裁。2004年1月起,他担任商业开发副总裁;2003年4月起担任海湾地区生产经理。Christmann在1997年进入本公司,之后担任越来越高的职位。此前,他是Vastar Resources/ARCO Oil and Gas Company职员,负责业务发展、原油市场和各种生产、运营和油藏工程作业。

John J. Christmann, IV,Board of Visitors,University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.APA Corporation,1997-present;Chief Executive Officer and President,2015-present;Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer,North America;Region Vice President,Permian Region;Vice President,Business Development;Production Manager,Gulf Coast Region.
John J. Christmann, IV,2014年1月1日起担任北美执行副总裁和首席运营官;2010年到2013年担任帕米亚语地区副总裁。2004年1月起,他担任商业开发副总裁;2003年4月起担任海湾地区生产经理。Christmann在1997年进入本公司,之后担任越来越高的职位。此前,他是Vastar Resources/ARCO Oil and Gas Company职员,负责业务发展、原油市场和各种生产、运营和油藏工程作业。
John J. Christmann, IV,Board of Visitors,University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.APA Corporation,1997-present;Chief Executive Officer and President,2015-present;Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer,North America;Region Vice President,Permian Region;Vice President,Business Development;Production Manager,Gulf Coast Region.
Stephen J. Riney

Stephen J. Riney,于2015年2月18日被任命为执行副总裁,于2015年3月3日生效。加入该公司之前,曾于2012年7月-2015年1月期间担任 BP Exploration and Production财务总监;2007年1月-2012年6月期间担任 BP plc全球并购主管。

Stephen J. Riney,was appointed president and chief financial officer in January 2024, having previously served as executive vice president since Febuary 2015 and chief financial officer since March 2015. Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Riney served as chief financial officer for BP Exploration and Production from July 2012 to January 2015, overseeing all accounting, business development, planning, and commercial operations for the upstream segment, and served as global head of mergers and acquisitions for BP p.l.c. from January 2007 to June 2012. He also held several management positions in treasury and within the upstream segment, including in finance, operations, and planning.Prior to its merger with BP, Mr. Riney spent eight years with Amoco Corporation in various roles in upstream finance, petrochemicals mergers and acquisitions, corporate planning, and downstream marketing.
Stephen J. Riney,于2015年2月18日被任命为执行副总裁,于2015年3月3日生效。加入该公司之前,曾于2012年7月-2015年1月期间担任 BP Exploration and Production财务总监;2007年1月-2012年6月期间担任 BP plc全球并购主管。
Stephen J. Riney,was appointed president and chief financial officer in January 2024, having previously served as executive vice president since Febuary 2015 and chief financial officer since March 2015. Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Riney served as chief financial officer for BP Exploration and Production from July 2012 to January 2015, overseeing all accounting, business development, planning, and commercial operations for the upstream segment, and served as global head of mergers and acquisitions for BP p.l.c. from January 2007 to June 2012. He also held several management positions in treasury and within the upstream segment, including in finance, operations, and planning.Prior to its merger with BP, Mr. Riney spent eight years with Amoco Corporation in various roles in upstream finance, petrochemicals mergers and acquisitions, corporate planning, and downstream marketing.
D. Clay Bretches

D. Clay Bretches,他于2020年1月1日被任命为运营执行副总裁,自2019年1月起担任美国中游运营高级副总裁。自2019年1月起,他还担任Altus Midstream Company的首席执行官、总裁和董事会成员。他此前曾担任Sendero Midstream的总裁和首席执行官(2014年以来)。此前,他曾担任Anadarko Petroleum Corporation的副总裁,负责勘探生产服务和矿产(从2010年到2014年),以及营销和矿产(从2005年到2010年)的副总裁。他在西部天然气伙伴(midstream MLP)的形成中发挥了重要作用。在他的职业生涯早期,breches先生领导Vastar Resources的原油营销和中游业务,并担任ARCO的工程师。

D. Clay Bretches,was appointed executive vice president of Operations on January 1, 2020, having been senior vice president, U.S. Midstream Operations since January 2019. He also served from January 2019 until February 2022 as Chief Executive Officer and President and a member of the board of directors of Altus Midstream Company, which was then a controlled subsidiary of the Company. He previously served as the president and CEO of Sendero Midstream since 2014.Prior to that, Mr. Bretches served at Anadarko Petroleum Corporation as vice president, E&P Services and Minerals from 2010 to 2014, and as vice president, Marketing and Minerals from 2005 to 2010. He was instrumental in the formation of Western Gas Partners, a midstream MLP. Earlier in his career, Mr. Bretches led the crude oil marketing and midstream operations for Vastar Resources and worked as an engineer for ARCO.
D. Clay Bretches,他于2020年1月1日被任命为运营执行副总裁,自2019年1月起担任美国中游运营高级副总裁。自2019年1月起,他还担任Altus Midstream Company的首席执行官、总裁和董事会成员。他此前曾担任Sendero Midstream的总裁和首席执行官(2014年以来)。此前,他曾担任Anadarko Petroleum Corporation的副总裁,负责勘探生产服务和矿产(从2010年到2014年),以及营销和矿产(从2005年到2010年)的副总裁。他在西部天然气伙伴(midstream MLP)的形成中发挥了重要作用。在他的职业生涯早期,breches先生领导Vastar Resources的原油营销和中游业务,并担任ARCO的工程师。
D. Clay Bretches,was appointed executive vice president of Operations on January 1, 2020, having been senior vice president, U.S. Midstream Operations since January 2019. He also served from January 2019 until February 2022 as Chief Executive Officer and President and a member of the board of directors of Altus Midstream Company, which was then a controlled subsidiary of the Company. He previously served as the president and CEO of Sendero Midstream since 2014.Prior to that, Mr. Bretches served at Anadarko Petroleum Corporation as vice president, E&P Services and Minerals from 2010 to 2014, and as vice president, Marketing and Minerals from 2005 to 2010. He was instrumental in the formation of Western Gas Partners, a midstream MLP. Earlier in his career, Mr. Bretches led the crude oil marketing and midstream operations for Vastar Resources and worked as an engineer for ARCO.
Tracey K. Henderson

Tracey K. Henderson于2023年1月被任命为Exploration执行副总裁,此前她自2021年4月起担Exploration高级副总裁。在加入Apa Corporation之前,Henderson女士自2019年2月起担任Kosmos Energy的首席勘探官,此前自2017年1月起担任Kosmos Energy的勘探高级副总裁。在担任Kosmos勘探领导职务之前,她还担任过各种业务和地球物理职务,责任越来越大。在加入Kosmos之前,Henderson女士曾在Nexen Petroleum、Hess和Triton Energy担任地球物理学家职务。

Tracey K. Henderson,was appointed executive vice president of Exploration in January 2023, having previously been senior vice president of Exploration since April 2021. Prior to joining the Company, Ms. Henderson served as chief exploration officer at Kosmos Energy since February 2019, having previously served as their senior vice president of Exploration since January 2017.Prior to her roles in exploration leadership at Kosmos, she also served in a variety of business and geophysical roles of increasing responsibility. Prior to joining Kosmos, Ms. Henderson served in geophysicist roles at Nexen Petroleum, Hess, and Triton Energy.
Tracey K. Henderson于2023年1月被任命为Exploration执行副总裁,此前她自2021年4月起担Exploration高级副总裁。在加入Apa Corporation之前,Henderson女士自2019年2月起担任Kosmos Energy的首席勘探官,此前自2017年1月起担任Kosmos Energy的勘探高级副总裁。在担任Kosmos勘探领导职务之前,她还担任过各种业务和地球物理职务,责任越来越大。在加入Kosmos之前,Henderson女士曾在Nexen Petroleum、Hess和Triton Energy担任地球物理学家职务。
Tracey K. Henderson,was appointed executive vice president of Exploration in January 2023, having previously been senior vice president of Exploration since April 2021. Prior to joining the Company, Ms. Henderson served as chief exploration officer at Kosmos Energy since February 2019, having previously served as their senior vice president of Exploration since January 2017.Prior to her roles in exploration leadership at Kosmos, she also served in a variety of business and geophysical roles of increasing responsibility. Prior to joining Kosmos, Ms. Henderson served in geophysicist roles at Nexen Petroleum, Hess, and Triton Energy.
Mark D. Maddox

Mark D. Maddox于2023年1月被任命为行政执行副总裁,此前他自2020年4月起担任行政高级副总裁。此前,Maddox自2019年6月起担任供应链高级副总裁兼首席信息官,自2017年1月起担任副总裁兼首席信息官。他于2015年6月加入Apa Corporation,担任信息技术副总裁。在加入Apa Corporation之前,Maddox先生曾在Ernst & Young LLP工作,自2014年2月起担任石油和天然气咨询服务负责人,并于2010年至2014年在Deloitte LLP担任能源和资源总监。从1998年到2009年,他还在SAP America担任过各种职务,并承担了越来越多的责任。1989年,他在Tenneco Energy开始了他的职业生涯,在那里他担任过会计、运营和信息技术方面的职务。

Mark D. Maddox,has served as executive vice president of Administration since January 2023, having previously been senior vice president of Administration since April 2020. Previously, Mr. Maddox served as senior vice president of Supply Chain and chief information officer since June 2019, and vice president and chief information officer since January 2017. He joined the Company in June 2015 as vice president of Information Technology.Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Maddox worked at Ernst & Young LLP, where he was a principal of Oil & Gas Advisory Services since February 2014, and at Deloitte LLP from 2010 to 2014 as director of Energy and Resources. He also held various roles of increasing responsibility at SAP America from 1998 to 2009, having begun his career at Tenneco Energy in 1989, where he held positions in accounting, operations, and information technology.
Mark D. Maddox于2023年1月被任命为行政执行副总裁,此前他自2020年4月起担任行政高级副总裁。此前,Maddox自2019年6月起担任供应链高级副总裁兼首席信息官,自2017年1月起担任副总裁兼首席信息官。他于2015年6月加入Apa Corporation,担任信息技术副总裁。在加入Apa Corporation之前,Maddox先生曾在Ernst & Young LLP工作,自2014年2月起担任石油和天然气咨询服务负责人,并于2010年至2014年在Deloitte LLP担任能源和资源总监。从1998年到2009年,他还在SAP America担任过各种职务,并承担了越来越多的责任。1989年,他在Tenneco Energy开始了他的职业生涯,在那里他担任过会计、运营和信息技术方面的职务。
Mark D. Maddox,has served as executive vice president of Administration since January 2023, having previously been senior vice president of Administration since April 2020. Previously, Mr. Maddox served as senior vice president of Supply Chain and chief information officer since June 2019, and vice president and chief information officer since January 2017. He joined the Company in June 2015 as vice president of Information Technology.Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Maddox worked at Ernst & Young LLP, where he was a principal of Oil & Gas Advisory Services since February 2014, and at Deloitte LLP from 2010 to 2014 as director of Energy and Resources. He also held various roles of increasing responsibility at SAP America from 1998 to 2009, having begun his career at Tenneco Energy in 1989, where he held positions in accounting, operations, and information technology.
Rebecca A. Hoyt

Rebecca A. Hoyt, 2010年11月被任命为副总裁,首席会计官以及财务总监,她之前在2006年11月担任过本公司副总裁兼财务总监,2003年担任助理总监,自1993年加入公司以来在会计领域内担任责任越来越重的职位。她1992年至1993年在安达信独立的会计师事务所担任审计经理。

Rebecca A. Hoyt,was appointed senior vice president, chief accounting officer, and controller in August 2014, having been vice president, chief accounting officer, and controller since November 2010. She previously served as the Company's vice president and controller since November 2006, assistant controller since 2003, and held positions of increasing responsibility within the accounting area since joining the Company in 1993.Previously, Ms. Hoyt was an audit manager with Arthur Andersen LLP, an independent public accounting firm, from 1992 to 1993. Ms. Hoyt has been a member of the board of directors of the University of Houston Foundation since January 2021 and serves on its investment committee.
Rebecca A. Hoyt, 2010年11月被任命为副总裁,首席会计官以及财务总监,她之前在2006年11月担任过本公司副总裁兼财务总监,2003年担任助理总监,自1993年加入公司以来在会计领域内担任责任越来越重的职位。她1992年至1993年在安达信独立的会计师事务所担任审计经理。
Rebecca A. Hoyt,was appointed senior vice president, chief accounting officer, and controller in August 2014, having been vice president, chief accounting officer, and controller since November 2010. She previously served as the Company's vice president and controller since November 2006, assistant controller since 2003, and held positions of increasing responsibility within the accounting area since joining the Company in 1993.Previously, Ms. Hoyt was an audit manager with Arthur Andersen LLP, an independent public accounting firm, from 1992 to 1993. Ms. Hoyt has been a member of the board of directors of the University of Houston Foundation since January 2021 and serves on its investment committee.
P. Anthony Lannie

P. Anthony Lannie, 2009年8月被任命为执行副总裁兼总法律顾问;自2004年5月以来,他担任高级副总裁和总法律顾问; 2003年3月以来,担任副总裁兼总法律顾问。加入本公司前,他于2000年到2003年2月在得克萨斯州休斯敦的Kinder Morgan电力公司担任总裁,在1999年担任加拿大Coral Energy公司总裁。他1995年至1999年在Coral Energy担任高级副总裁和总法律顾问,Coral Energy是Shell Oil公司和Tejas Gas总公司的附属公司;他从1994年担任Tejas Gas总公司高级副总裁和总顾问,直到1998年与Coral Energy合并。

P. Anthony Lannie,was appointed executive vice president and general counsel in August 2009 and was interim chief financial officer from October 9, 2014, through March 2, 2015. Mr. Lannie previously served as senior vice president and general counsel since May 2004, and vice president and general counsel since March 2003.Prior to joining the Company, he was president of Kinder Morgan Power Company, Houston, Texas, from 2000 through February 2003, and president of Coral Energy Canada in 1999. Mr. Lannie was senior vice president and general counsel of Coral Energy, an affiliate of Shell Oil Company and Tejas Gas Corporation, from 1995 through 1999, and of Tejas Gas Corporation from 1994 until its combination with Coral Energy in 1998.
P. Anthony Lannie, 2009年8月被任命为执行副总裁兼总法律顾问;自2004年5月以来,他担任高级副总裁和总法律顾问; 2003年3月以来,担任副总裁兼总法律顾问。加入本公司前,他于2000年到2003年2月在得克萨斯州休斯敦的Kinder Morgan电力公司担任总裁,在1999年担任加拿大Coral Energy公司总裁。他1995年至1999年在Coral Energy担任高级副总裁和总法律顾问,Coral Energy是Shell Oil公司和Tejas Gas总公司的附属公司;他从1994年担任Tejas Gas总公司高级副总裁和总顾问,直到1998年与Coral Energy合并。
P. Anthony Lannie,was appointed executive vice president and general counsel in August 2009 and was interim chief financial officer from October 9, 2014, through March 2, 2015. Mr. Lannie previously served as senior vice president and general counsel since May 2004, and vice president and general counsel since March 2003.Prior to joining the Company, he was president of Kinder Morgan Power Company, Houston, Texas, from 2000 through February 2003, and president of Coral Energy Canada in 1999. Mr. Lannie was senior vice president and general counsel of Coral Energy, an affiliate of Shell Oil Company and Tejas Gas Corporation, from 1995 through 1999, and of Tejas Gas Corporation from 1994 until its combination with Coral Energy in 1998.