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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Benedicto Ciguenas Guevara Director -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30
Martin Perez Monteverde Director -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30
Luis Enrique Romero Belismelis Director -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30
Patricia Lizarraga Guthertz Director -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30
Dionisio Romero Paoletti Executive Chairman 59 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30
Raimundo Morales Vice Chairman -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30
Juan Carlos Verme Director -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30
Fernando Fort Marie Director -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Cesar Rios Chief Financial Officer -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30
Eduardo Montero Head of Investment Banking and Wealth Management -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30
Javier Ichazo Head of Microfinance -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30
Diego Cavero Head of Wholesale Banking at BCP -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30
Percy Urteaga Head of Retail Banking at BCP -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30
Francesca Raffo Head of Transformation -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30
Renzo Ricci CEO of Prima AFP -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30
Juan Inchaustegui CEO of ASHC -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30
Marcelo Trigo CEO of BCP Bolivia -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30
Jose Esposito Chief Corporate Audit Officer -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30
Bernardo Sambra Chief of Human Resources Officer -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30
Barbara Falero Chief Compliance Officer -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30
Guillermo Morales Head of Legal -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30
Ursula Alvarez Head of Talent Management -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30
Carlos Niezen Head of Corporate Strategy -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30
Enrique Pasquel Head of Corporate Affairs -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30
Marco Roca Head of Business Development -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30
Walter Bayly Chief Executive Officer -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30
Alvaro Correa Deputy CEO (LoB Insurance & Pensions and LoB Investment Banking and Wealth Management) -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30
Reynaldo Llosa Barber Chief Risk Officer -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30
Gianfranco Ferrari Deputy CEO (LoB Universal Banking) -- 未披露 未持股 2019-04-30


中英对照 |  中文 |  英文
Benedicto Ciguenas Guevara

Benedicto Ciguenas Guevara,他是Universidad Catolica del Peru的认证的经济学家,持有the Colegio de Mexico的硕士学位。他在the Centro Interamericano de Ensenanza del Estado(位于智利)完成了统计和经济学的研究,也完成了 Universidad de Piura(位于秘鲁)的高级管理课程。他一直担任Credicorp Ltd.的董事(2014年3月以来)、Banco de Crédito del Perú BCP的董事(2005年1月以来)。他也是Atlantic Security Bank、Mibanco的董事。此前,他曾担任BCP的财务经济顾问,以及首席财务官(1992年4月至2004年)。他曾担任Banco de la Nacion的首席执行官兼首席财务官,以及经济和金融副部长。他曾担任Peruvian Central Bank的执行官、Banco Exterior de los Andes (Extebandes)、Petroleos del Peru、Banco de la Nacion、Instituto Peruano de Administración de Empresas等机构的董事。

Benedicto Ciguenas Guevara has served as a Director of Credicorp Ltd, BCP and Mibanco since January 2014 January 2005 and 2014 respectively. From 1992 to 2004 Mr. Ciguenas served as the Chief Financial Officer of BCP and Credicorp. Previously, he was Peru's Vice Minister of Economy and Finance from 1979 to 1981 and was also an executive at the Peruvian Central Bank- BCRP from 1966 to 1971. Mr. Ciguenas was also CEO of Banco Continental today, BBVA Continental; Banco de la Nacion (State-owned bank); and Banco Exterior de los Andes y de Espana (Regional Office in Peru).
Benedicto Ciguenas Guevara,他是Universidad Catolica del Peru的认证的经济学家,持有the Colegio de Mexico的硕士学位。他在the Centro Interamericano de Ensenanza del Estado(位于智利)完成了统计和经济学的研究,也完成了 Universidad de Piura(位于秘鲁)的高级管理课程。他一直担任Credicorp Ltd.的董事(2014年3月以来)、Banco de Crédito del Perú BCP的董事(2005年1月以来)。他也是Atlantic Security Bank、Mibanco的董事。此前,他曾担任BCP的财务经济顾问,以及首席财务官(1992年4月至2004年)。他曾担任Banco de la Nacion的首席执行官兼首席财务官,以及经济和金融副部长。他曾担任Peruvian Central Bank的执行官、Banco Exterior de los Andes (Extebandes)、Petroleos del Peru、Banco de la Nacion、Instituto Peruano de Administración de Empresas等机构的董事。
Benedicto Ciguenas Guevara has served as a Director of Credicorp Ltd, BCP and Mibanco since January 2014 January 2005 and 2014 respectively. From 1992 to 2004 Mr. Ciguenas served as the Chief Financial Officer of BCP and Credicorp. Previously, he was Peru's Vice Minister of Economy and Finance from 1979 to 1981 and was also an executive at the Peruvian Central Bank- BCRP from 1966 to 1971. Mr. Ciguenas was also CEO of Banco Continental today, BBVA Continental; Banco de la Nacion (State-owned bank); and Banco Exterior de los Andes y de Espana (Regional Office in Peru).
Martin Perez Monteverde

Martin Perez Monteverde自2014年起担任Credicorp Ltd.的董事,自2014年起担任BCP的董事。他在私营部门拥有超过25年的经验,曾担任秘鲁领先金融和房地产公司的总经理和董事,包括Grupo Pacifico、丰田和三井物产秘鲁。此外,Perez先生还领导了与经济部门相关的机构,包括Instituto Peruano de Economia(前任主任)、Sociedad de Comercio Exterior del Peru(主任)和秘鲁协会(主任)。他还于2015年至2017年担任Confiep总裁。在公共部门担任国会议员和外贸和旅游部长五年(2006年至2011年)。他对董事会的贡献反映了他在谈判、高级财务分析、战略规划和并购方面的丰富经验。Perez拥有太平洋大学(秘鲁)的工商管理、市场营销和金融学位;皮乌拉大学(秘鲁)的Programa de Alta Direccion文凭;并参加了宾夕法尼亚大学(美国)的美国沃顿商学院管理大会。

Martin Perez Monteverde has been a Director of Credicorp Ltd. since 2014 and of BCP since 2014. He has more than 25 years of experience in the private sector as both a general manager and a director of leading financial and real estate companies in Peru, including Grupo Pacifico, Toyota, and Mitsui & Co. Peru. Additionally, Mr. Perez has led institutions linked to the economic sector, including the Instituto Peruano de Economia (former director), the Sociedad de Comercio Exterior del Peru (director) and Asociacion in Peru (director). He was also President of CONFIEP from 2015 to 2017.has five years of experience in the public sector as a Congressman and Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism (from 2006 to 2011). His contributions to the board reflect his rich experience in negotiation, advanced financial analysis, strategic planning and merger and acquisitions.Mr. Perez has a degree in business administration, marketing and finance from the Universidad del Pacifico (Peru); a diploma from the Programa de Alta Direccion of the Universidad de Piura (Peru); and has participated in the Wharton Management Congress USA at the University of Pennsylvania (USA).
Martin Perez Monteverde自2014年起担任Credicorp Ltd.的董事,自2014年起担任BCP的董事。他在私营部门拥有超过25年的经验,曾担任秘鲁领先金融和房地产公司的总经理和董事,包括Grupo Pacifico、丰田和三井物产秘鲁。此外,Perez先生还领导了与经济部门相关的机构,包括Instituto Peruano de Economia(前任主任)、Sociedad de Comercio Exterior del Peru(主任)和秘鲁协会(主任)。他还于2015年至2017年担任Confiep总裁。在公共部门担任国会议员和外贸和旅游部长五年(2006年至2011年)。他对董事会的贡献反映了他在谈判、高级财务分析、战略规划和并购方面的丰富经验。Perez拥有太平洋大学(秘鲁)的工商管理、市场营销和金融学位;皮乌拉大学(秘鲁)的Programa de Alta Direccion文凭;并参加了宾夕法尼亚大学(美国)的美国沃顿商学院管理大会。
Martin Perez Monteverde has been a Director of Credicorp Ltd. since 2014 and of BCP since 2014. He has more than 25 years of experience in the private sector as both a general manager and a director of leading financial and real estate companies in Peru, including Grupo Pacifico, Toyota, and Mitsui & Co. Peru. Additionally, Mr. Perez has led institutions linked to the economic sector, including the Instituto Peruano de Economia (former director), the Sociedad de Comercio Exterior del Peru (director) and Asociacion in Peru (director). He was also President of CONFIEP from 2015 to 2017.has five years of experience in the public sector as a Congressman and Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism (from 2006 to 2011). His contributions to the board reflect his rich experience in negotiation, advanced financial analysis, strategic planning and merger and acquisitions.Mr. Perez has a degree in business administration, marketing and finance from the Universidad del Pacifico (Peru); a diploma from the Programa de Alta Direccion of the Universidad de Piura (Peru); and has participated in the Wharton Management Congress USA at the University of Pennsylvania (USA).
Luis Enrique Romero Belismelis

Luis Enrique Romero Belismelis自2017年起担任CredicorpLtd.董事,自2009年起担任BCP董事。他也是Pacifico Seguros的董事会成员,并一直担任ASB的信贷官。Romero曾担任Grupo Romero消费和服务部门财务主管和不同集团总经理。目前,他是仓储和物流部门和港口码头的董事会主席,以及消费、房地产、纺织、工业、商业和服务部门公司的董事会副主席。Romero B.持有Boston University USA经济学学士学位。Romero B.是Romero P.先生的堂兄,Romero P.先生是Credicorp的董事会主席。

Luis Enrique Romero Belismelis has been a Director of Credicorp Ltd. since 2017 and of BCP since 2009. He is also on the board of Pacifico Seguros and has been a loan officer at ASB.Mr. Romero has worked as Head of Finance and General Manager of different groups in Grupo Romero’s consumption and service segments. Currently, he is Chairman of the Board of the storage and logistics sector and port terminals and Vice Chairman of boards of companies in the consumer, real estate, textile, industrial, commerce and service sectors.Mr. Romero B. holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from Boston University USA.Mr. Romero B. is cousin of Mr. Romero P., who is the Chairman of the Board at Credicorp.
Luis Enrique Romero Belismelis自2017年起担任CredicorpLtd.董事,自2009年起担任BCP董事。他也是Pacifico Seguros的董事会成员,并一直担任ASB的信贷官。Romero曾担任Grupo Romero消费和服务部门财务主管和不同集团总经理。目前,他是仓储和物流部门和港口码头的董事会主席,以及消费、房地产、纺织、工业、商业和服务部门公司的董事会副主席。Romero B.持有Boston University USA经济学学士学位。Romero B.是Romero P.先生的堂兄,Romero P.先生是Credicorp的董事会主席。
Luis Enrique Romero Belismelis has been a Director of Credicorp Ltd. since 2017 and of BCP since 2009. He is also on the board of Pacifico Seguros and has been a loan officer at ASB.Mr. Romero has worked as Head of Finance and General Manager of different groups in Grupo Romero’s consumption and service segments. Currently, he is Chairman of the Board of the storage and logistics sector and port terminals and Vice Chairman of boards of companies in the consumer, real estate, textile, industrial, commerce and service sectors.Mr. Romero B. holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from Boston University USA.Mr. Romero B. is cousin of Mr. Romero P., who is the Chairman of the Board at Credicorp.
Patricia Lizarraga Guthertz

Patricia Lizarraga Guthertz是BCP和CredicorpLtd.的主管Lizarraga女士是一位经验丰富的华尔街高管,拥有超过25年的国际并购,资本市场,私募股权和估值经验。她是Hypatia Capital Group的创始人兼首席执行官,也是Family Group Grupo del Ande的主要股东。Lizarraga’;女士的董事会经验包括担任非营利组织的董事会总裁兼审计委员会主席,以及私人公司董事会经验。她曾担任秘鲁Toll Roads的私有化委员会总裁。Lizarraga女士在耶鲁大学(Yale University)获得文学学士学位,并在哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)获得工商管理硕士学位。

Patricia Lizarraga Guthertz is Director of BCP and Credicorp Ltd. Ms. Lizarraga is an experienced Wall Street executive with over 25 years’ experience working in international mergers and acquisitions, capital markets, private equity and valuation experience. She is the founder and CEO of Hypatia Capital Group and a major shareholder of family group Grupo del Ande. Ms. Lizarraga’s board experience includes serving as both President of the board and Chairman of the audit committee of non-profit organizations, as well as private company board experience. She served as President of the Privatization Committee of Toll Roads of Peru. Ms. Lizarraga received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Yale University and her MBA from Harvard Business School.
Patricia Lizarraga Guthertz是BCP和CredicorpLtd.的主管Lizarraga女士是一位经验丰富的华尔街高管,拥有超过25年的国际并购,资本市场,私募股权和估值经验。她是Hypatia Capital Group的创始人兼首席执行官,也是Family Group Grupo del Ande的主要股东。Lizarraga’;女士的董事会经验包括担任非营利组织的董事会总裁兼审计委员会主席,以及私人公司董事会经验。她曾担任秘鲁Toll Roads的私有化委员会总裁。Lizarraga女士在耶鲁大学(Yale University)获得文学学士学位,并在哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)获得工商管理硕士学位。
Patricia Lizarraga Guthertz is Director of BCP and Credicorp Ltd. Ms. Lizarraga is an experienced Wall Street executive with over 25 years’ experience working in international mergers and acquisitions, capital markets, private equity and valuation experience. She is the founder and CEO of Hypatia Capital Group and a major shareholder of family group Grupo del Ande. Ms. Lizarraga’s board experience includes serving as both President of the board and Chairman of the audit committee of non-profit organizations, as well as private company board experience. She served as President of the Privatization Committee of Toll Roads of Peru. Ms. Lizarraga received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Yale University and her MBA from Harvard Business School.
Dionisio Romero Paoletti

Dionisio Romero Paoletti自2009年起担任Credicorp和秘鲁信贷银行BCP董事会主席。2009年至2018年3月31日,他还担任Credicorp的首席执行官。Romero P.先生目前担任Credicorp的执行主席。Romero P.先生自2003年起担任BCP董事会成员,2008年被任命为副主席,2009年被任命为主席。他还担任Credicorp其他子公司的董事会主席,如Pacifico Companyia de Seguros y Reaseguros S.A.,Credicorp Capital Ltd.和Grupo Credito S.A.(消费品)、Agricola del Chira S.A.(糖和乙醇)和Palmas del Espino S.A.(棕榈油)。此外,他还是不同行业其他公司的董事会成员,如Ransa Commercial S.A.(物流)、Trabajos Maritimos S.A.(港口基础设施)、Primax S.A.(能源)、Inversiones Centernario S.A.A.(房地产)、Hochschild Mining Inc.和Sierra Metals Inc.(采矿和勘探)等。Romero P.先生拥有美国布朗大学经济学学士学位和美国斯坦福大学工商管理硕士学位。

Dionisio Romero Paoletti has been the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Credicorp and Banco de Credito del Peru BCP since 2009. He also served as the Chief Executive Officer of Credicorp from 2009 until March 31 2018. Mr. Romero currently serves as the Executive Chairman of Credicorp. Mr. Romero has served as a board member of BCP since 2003 and was appointed Vice-Chairman in 2008 and Chairman in 2009. He is also Chairman of the board of other Credicorp subsidiaries such as Pacifico Compania de Seguros y Reaseguros S.A., Credicorp Capital Ltd., and Grupo Credito S.A. Mr. Romero is Chairman of the Board of Alicorp S.A.A., (consumer products), Agricola del Chira S.A. (sugar and ethanol) and Palmas del Espino S.A. (palm oil). Furthermore, he is member of the boards of other companies in different industries such as Ransa Comercial S.A. (Logistics), Trabajos Maritimos S.A. (port infrastructure), Primax S.A. (energy), Inversiones Centenario S.A.A. (Real Estate), Hochschild Mining Inc. and, Sierra Metals Inc.(mining and exploration), among others. Mr. Romero P. has a bachelor's degree in economics from Brown University, USA and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Stanford University, USA.
Dionisio Romero Paoletti自2009年起担任Credicorp和秘鲁信贷银行BCP董事会主席。2009年至2018年3月31日,他还担任Credicorp的首席执行官。Romero P.先生目前担任Credicorp的执行主席。Romero P.先生自2003年起担任BCP董事会成员,2008年被任命为副主席,2009年被任命为主席。他还担任Credicorp其他子公司的董事会主席,如Pacifico Companyia de Seguros y Reaseguros S.A.,Credicorp Capital Ltd.和Grupo Credito S.A.(消费品)、Agricola del Chira S.A.(糖和乙醇)和Palmas del Espino S.A.(棕榈油)。此外,他还是不同行业其他公司的董事会成员,如Ransa Commercial S.A.(物流)、Trabajos Maritimos S.A.(港口基础设施)、Primax S.A.(能源)、Inversiones Centernario S.A.A.(房地产)、Hochschild Mining Inc.和Sierra Metals Inc.(采矿和勘探)等。Romero P.先生拥有美国布朗大学经济学学士学位和美国斯坦福大学工商管理硕士学位。
Dionisio Romero Paoletti has been the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Credicorp and Banco de Credito del Peru BCP since 2009. He also served as the Chief Executive Officer of Credicorp from 2009 until March 31 2018. Mr. Romero currently serves as the Executive Chairman of Credicorp. Mr. Romero has served as a board member of BCP since 2003 and was appointed Vice-Chairman in 2008 and Chairman in 2009. He is also Chairman of the board of other Credicorp subsidiaries such as Pacifico Compania de Seguros y Reaseguros S.A., Credicorp Capital Ltd., and Grupo Credito S.A. Mr. Romero is Chairman of the Board of Alicorp S.A.A., (consumer products), Agricola del Chira S.A. (sugar and ethanol) and Palmas del Espino S.A. (palm oil). Furthermore, he is member of the boards of other companies in different industries such as Ransa Comercial S.A. (Logistics), Trabajos Maritimos S.A. (port infrastructure), Primax S.A. (energy), Inversiones Centenario S.A.A. (Real Estate), Hochschild Mining Inc. and, Sierra Metals Inc.(mining and exploration), among others. Mr. Romero P. has a bachelor's degree in economics from Brown University, USA and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Stanford University, USA.
Raimundo Morales

Raimundo Morales, 自2008年4月起,他一直担任董事会副主席。在被当选为董事会成员之前,他担任BCP的首席运营官和首席执行官,1980年加入BCP。此前,10多年来他在旧金山、圣保罗、加拉加斯、迈阿密和布宜诺斯艾利斯设有办事处富国银行担任多个职位。他的最后一个职位是在富国银行华南区担任副总裁。1980年至1987年,他是负责BCP批发银行业务集团的执行副总裁。1987年至1990年,他是在迈阿密ASB的首席运营官。他于1990年重返BCP,担任首席运营官。他获得美国沃顿商学院在财务部的硕士学位。

Raimundo Morales has been the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors since April 2008. Prior to being elected to the Board of Directors, he served as our Chief Operating Officer and CEO of BCP, having joined BCP in 1980. Previously, Mr. Morales held various positions during his ten years at Wells Fargo Bank in its San Francisco, São Paulo, Caracas, Miami and Buenos Aires offices. His last position was Vice President for the Southern Region of Wells Fargo. From 1980 to 1987 Mr. Morales was Executive Vice President in charge of BCP’s Wholesale Banking Group. From 1987 to 1990 he was the COO of ASB in Miami. He rejoined BCP as the COO in 1990. Mr. Morales received his Master’s degree in Finance from the Wharton School of Business in the United States.
Raimundo Morales, 自2008年4月起,他一直担任董事会副主席。在被当选为董事会成员之前,他担任BCP的首席运营官和首席执行官,1980年加入BCP。此前,10多年来他在旧金山、圣保罗、加拉加斯、迈阿密和布宜诺斯艾利斯设有办事处富国银行担任多个职位。他的最后一个职位是在富国银行华南区担任副总裁。1980年至1987年,他是负责BCP批发银行业务集团的执行副总裁。1987年至1990年,他是在迈阿密ASB的首席运营官。他于1990年重返BCP,担任首席运营官。他获得美国沃顿商学院在财务部的硕士学位。
Raimundo Morales has been the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors since April 2008. Prior to being elected to the Board of Directors, he served as our Chief Operating Officer and CEO of BCP, having joined BCP in 1980. Previously, Mr. Morales held various positions during his ten years at Wells Fargo Bank in its San Francisco, São Paulo, Caracas, Miami and Buenos Aires offices. His last position was Vice President for the Southern Region of Wells Fargo. From 1980 to 1987 Mr. Morales was Executive Vice President in charge of BCP’s Wholesale Banking Group. From 1987 to 1990 he was the COO of ASB in Miami. He rejoined BCP as the COO in 1990. Mr. Morales received his Master’s degree in Finance from the Wharton School of Business in the United States.
Juan Carlos Verme

Juan Carlos Verme, 他是一名私人投资者和商人;自1995年8月起,曾担任公司董事会成员。自1990年3月起,他曾是BCP的董事会成员,也是ASB和BCP玻利维亚的董事会成员。他是 Inversiones Centenario的全委会主席,他还担任秘鲁其他公司的董事会成员,如Celima、Corcesa、Piscifactoras de los Andes以及Medlab。他是MALI Lima Fine美术博物馆的董事会主席,以及美国泰特的受托人,在那里他还参与泰特现代美术馆的拉丁美洲收购委员会的受托人。自2012年11月,他曾担任西班牙马德里Reina Sofa博物馆基金会的副总裁。

Juan Carlos Verme is a private investor and businessman and has served on the Board of Directors since August 1995. He has served on the Board of Directors of BCP since March 1990 and is also on the Board of Directors of ASB and BCP Bolivia. Mr. Verme is Chariman of Inversiones Centenario and he also serves as a member of the Board of other Peruvian companies such as Celima, Corcesa, Piscifactorías de los Andes, and Medlab. He is the Chairman of the Board of MALI Lima’s Fine Arts Museum, and a trustee of American Patrons of Tate where he also participates as a member of the Latin American Acquisitions Committee of Tate Modern. Since November 2012 he has served as the Vice President of the Fundación Museo Reina Sofía of Madrid, Spain.
Juan Carlos Verme, 他是一名私人投资者和商人;自1995年8月起,曾担任公司董事会成员。自1990年3月起,他曾是BCP的董事会成员,也是ASB和BCP玻利维亚的董事会成员。他是 Inversiones Centenario的全委会主席,他还担任秘鲁其他公司的董事会成员,如Celima、Corcesa、Piscifactoras de los Andes以及Medlab。他是MALI Lima Fine美术博物馆的董事会主席,以及美国泰特的受托人,在那里他还参与泰特现代美术馆的拉丁美洲收购委员会的受托人。自2012年11月,他曾担任西班牙马德里Reina Sofa博物馆基金会的副总裁。
Juan Carlos Verme is a private investor and businessman and has served on the Board of Directors since August 1995. He has served on the Board of Directors of BCP since March 1990 and is also on the Board of Directors of ASB and BCP Bolivia. Mr. Verme is Chariman of Inversiones Centenario and he also serves as a member of the Board of other Peruvian companies such as Celima, Corcesa, Piscifactorías de los Andes, and Medlab. He is the Chairman of the Board of MALI Lima’s Fine Arts Museum, and a trustee of American Patrons of Tate where he also participates as a member of the Latin American Acquisitions Committee of Tate Modern. Since November 2012 he has served as the Vice President of the Fundación Museo Reina Sofía of Madrid, Spain.
Fernando Fort Marie

Fernando Fort Marie, 他是Fort Bertorini Godoy & Pollari Abogados S.A.的一名律师和合伙人。1979年至1987年他担任德尔秘鲁信贷银行的董事长,并从1990年3月至现在。他还担任Hermes Transportes Blindados S.A.的主席和 Inversiones Centenario S.A.A.,Motores Diesel Andinos S.A. MODASA and Edelnor S.A.A。的的董事会成员。

Fernando Fort Marie is an attorney at law.A graduate of the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, he is a senior partner at Estudio Fort, Bertorini, Godoy & Asociados, which specializes in business advisory services. In the past he has given advice to firms with international presence including, but not limited to, Pepsico, lnc., lnternational Finance Corporation IFC, Alcatel, lnternational Telephone & Telegraph (ITT), Sheraton Hotels, Volvo Corp., Sandvik, Procter & Gamble, Crown Cork, and Chrysler Corp.He has been a member of the board of numerous private companies in Peru. He currently acts as member of the board of Credicorp Ltd., Banco de Credito del Perú, Inversiones Centenario S.A.A., Hermes Transportes Blindados SAC and Modasa.
Fernando Fort Marie, 他是Fort Bertorini Godoy & Pollari Abogados S.A.的一名律师和合伙人。1979年至1987年他担任德尔秘鲁信贷银行的董事长,并从1990年3月至现在。他还担任Hermes Transportes Blindados S.A.的主席和 Inversiones Centenario S.A.A.,Motores Diesel Andinos S.A. MODASA and Edelnor S.A.A。的的董事会成员。
Fernando Fort Marie is an attorney at law.A graduate of the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, he is a senior partner at Estudio Fort, Bertorini, Godoy & Asociados, which specializes in business advisory services. In the past he has given advice to firms with international presence including, but not limited to, Pepsico, lnc., lnternational Finance Corporation IFC, Alcatel, lnternational Telephone & Telegraph (ITT), Sheraton Hotels, Volvo Corp., Sandvik, Procter & Gamble, Crown Cork, and Chrysler Corp.He has been a member of the board of numerous private companies in Peru. He currently acts as member of the board of Credicorp Ltd., Banco de Credito del Perú, Inversiones Centenario S.A.A., Hermes Transportes Blindados SAC and Modasa.


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Cesar Rios

Cesar Rios自2018年4月起担任BCP批发银行业务主管。他之前的职位是效率、行政和流程部的常务董事,该部门包括效率、行政、客户服务/运营、流程改进、零售银行信贷、零售银行收款和企业整体安全等领域。Cavero先生在BCP领导了该部门的创建和效率计划的实施。在此之前,Cavero先生曾担任多个执行职位,其中包括,BCP玻利维亚的企业银行部门主管,首席执行官,中间市场商业银行业务主管。他目前是BCP Bolivia的董事会成员。卡韦罗于1994年开始在CredicorpLtd.工作。他毕业于the University of Lima Peru的行政科学学位,以及the University of Texas at Austin(美国)的工商管理硕士学位。

Cesar Rios has been the Head of Wholesale Banking at BCP since April 2018. His previous position was Managing Director of the Efficiency, Administration and Processes Division, which includes the areas of Efficiency, Administration, Customer Service/Operations, Processes Improvement, Retail Banking Credits, Retail Banking Collections and Integral Security for Businesses. Mr. Cavero led the creation of this Division and the implementation of the Efficiency program at BCP. Before that, Mr. Cavero has worked in several executive positions, including, among others, Head of Corporate Banking Division, CEO, and Head of Middle Market Commercial Banking of BCP Bolivia. He is currently a member of the board of BCP Bolivia.Mr. Cavero began working at Credicorp Ltd. in 1994. He graduated with a degree in administrative sciences at the University of Lima Peru, and an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin (USA).
Cesar Rios自2018年4月起担任BCP批发银行业务主管。他之前的职位是效率、行政和流程部的常务董事,该部门包括效率、行政、客户服务/运营、流程改进、零售银行信贷、零售银行收款和企业整体安全等领域。Cavero先生在BCP领导了该部门的创建和效率计划的实施。在此之前,Cavero先生曾担任多个执行职位,其中包括,BCP玻利维亚的企业银行部门主管,首席执行官,中间市场商业银行业务主管。他目前是BCP Bolivia的董事会成员。卡韦罗于1994年开始在CredicorpLtd.工作。他毕业于the University of Lima Peru的行政科学学位,以及the University of Texas at Austin(美国)的工商管理硕士学位。
Cesar Rios has been the Head of Wholesale Banking at BCP since April 2018. His previous position was Managing Director of the Efficiency, Administration and Processes Division, which includes the areas of Efficiency, Administration, Customer Service/Operations, Processes Improvement, Retail Banking Credits, Retail Banking Collections and Integral Security for Businesses. Mr. Cavero led the creation of this Division and the implementation of the Efficiency program at BCP. Before that, Mr. Cavero has worked in several executive positions, including, among others, Head of Corporate Banking Division, CEO, and Head of Middle Market Commercial Banking of BCP Bolivia. He is currently a member of the board of BCP Bolivia.Mr. Cavero began working at Credicorp Ltd. in 1994. He graduated with a degree in administrative sciences at the University of Lima Peru, and an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin (USA).
Eduardo Montero

Eduardo Montero是CredicorpLtd.投资银行和财富管理主管,自2019年1月起担任Credicorp Capital首席执行官,自1994年起在Credicorp工作。他在该组织的丰富经验包括在BCP的企业融资、业务解决方案、零售和消费者银行等不同领域的专业知识。他还担任ASB,迈阿密BCP和Credicorp Securities的首席执行官。Montero持有Lehigh University USA经济学学士学位,以及Wharton Graduate School of Finance(USA)工商管理硕士学位。

Eduardo Montero is the Head of Investment Banking and Wealth Management of Credicorp Ltd. and the CEO of Credicorp Capital since January 2019 he has worked at Credicorp since 1994. His extensive experience in the organization includes expertise in different areas such as Corporate Finance, Business Solutions, Retail and Consumer Banking at BCP. He also held the position of CEO at ASB, BCP in Miami and Credicorp Securities.Mr. Montero holds a bachelor's degree in economics from Lehigh University USA, and an MBA from the Wharton Graduate School of Finance (USA).
Eduardo Montero是CredicorpLtd.投资银行和财富管理主管,自2019年1月起担任Credicorp Capital首席执行官,自1994年起在Credicorp工作。他在该组织的丰富经验包括在BCP的企业融资、业务解决方案、零售和消费者银行等不同领域的专业知识。他还担任ASB,迈阿密BCP和Credicorp Securities的首席执行官。Montero持有Lehigh University USA经济学学士学位,以及Wharton Graduate School of Finance(USA)工商管理硕士学位。
Eduardo Montero is the Head of Investment Banking and Wealth Management of Credicorp Ltd. and the CEO of Credicorp Capital since January 2019 he has worked at Credicorp since 1994. His extensive experience in the organization includes expertise in different areas such as Corporate Finance, Business Solutions, Retail and Consumer Banking at BCP. He also held the position of CEO at ASB, BCP in Miami and Credicorp Securities.Mr. Montero holds a bachelor's degree in economics from Lehigh University USA, and an MBA from the Wharton Graduate School of Finance (USA).
Javier Ichazo

Javier Ichazo自2018年4月起担任CredicorpLtd.小额信贷主管,自2017年10月起担任MIBANCO首席执行官。他的职业生涯始于1996年任职BCP公司,并担任秘鲁多个地区的不同职务。除了他在银行和金融方面的广泛知识。Ichazo先生是Edyficar SAS产权负担理事会主席和ASOMIF(秘鲁小额金融机构协会)Vice Chairman of the Board。Ichazo先生拥有皮乌拉大学(秘鲁)经济学和行政学学士学位,并持有皮乌拉大学管理学院工商管理硕士学位。

Javier Ichazo has been the Head of Microfinance of Credicorp Ltd. since April 2018 and the Chief Executive Officer of Mibanco since October 2017. He began his career at BCP in 1996 and held different positions in various regions of Peru. In addition to his extensive knowledge in banking and finance. Mr. Ichazo is Chairman of the board of Edyficar SAS Encumbra and Vice Chairman of the Board of ASOMIF (Association of Microfinance Institutions of Peru).Mr. Ichazo has a bachelor's degree in economics and administration from the University of Piura (Peru) and holds an MBA from the School of Management of the University of Piura.
Javier Ichazo自2018年4月起担任CredicorpLtd.小额信贷主管,自2017年10月起担任MIBANCO首席执行官。他的职业生涯始于1996年任职BCP公司,并担任秘鲁多个地区的不同职务。除了他在银行和金融方面的广泛知识。Ichazo先生是Edyficar SAS产权负担理事会主席和ASOMIF(秘鲁小额金融机构协会)Vice Chairman of the Board。Ichazo先生拥有皮乌拉大学(秘鲁)经济学和行政学学士学位,并持有皮乌拉大学管理学院工商管理硕士学位。
Javier Ichazo has been the Head of Microfinance of Credicorp Ltd. since April 2018 and the Chief Executive Officer of Mibanco since October 2017. He began his career at BCP in 1996 and held different positions in various regions of Peru. In addition to his extensive knowledge in banking and finance. Mr. Ichazo is Chairman of the board of Edyficar SAS Encumbra and Vice Chairman of the Board of ASOMIF (Association of Microfinance Institutions of Peru).Mr. Ichazo has a bachelor's degree in economics and administration from the University of Piura (Peru) and holds an MBA from the School of Management of the University of Piura.
Diego Cavero

Diego Cavero自2018年4月起担任BCP批发银行业务主管。他之前的职位是效率、行政和流程部的常务董事,该部门包括效率、行政、客户服务/运营、流程改进、零售银行信贷、零售银行收款和企业整体安全等领域。Cavero先生在BCP领导了该部门的创建和效率计划的实施。在此之前,Cavero先生曾担任多个执行职位,其中包括,BCP玻利维亚的企业银行部门主管,首席执行官,中间市场商业银行业务主管。他目前是BCP Bolivia的董事会成员。卡韦罗于1994年开始在CredicorpLtd.工作。他毕业于the University of Lima Peru的行政科学学位,以及the University of Texas at Austin(美国)的工商管理硕士学位。

Diego Cavero has been the Head of Wholesale Banking at BCP since April 2018. His previous position was Managing Director of the Efficiency, Administration and Processes Division, which includes the areas of Efficiency, Administration, Customer Service/Operations, Processes Improvement, Retail Banking Credits, Retail Banking Collections and Integral Security for Businesses. Mr. Cavero led the creation of this Division and the implementation of the Efficiency program at BCP. Before that, Mr. Cavero has worked in several executive positions, including, among others, Head of Corporate Banking Division, CEO, and Head of Middle Market Commercial Banking of BCP Bolivia. He is currently a member of the board of BCP Bolivia.Mr. Cavero began working at Credicorp Ltd. in 1994. He graduated with a degree in administrative sciences at the University of Lima Peru, and an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin (USA).
Diego Cavero自2018年4月起担任BCP批发银行业务主管。他之前的职位是效率、行政和流程部的常务董事,该部门包括效率、行政、客户服务/运营、流程改进、零售银行信贷、零售银行收款和企业整体安全等领域。Cavero先生在BCP领导了该部门的创建和效率计划的实施。在此之前,Cavero先生曾担任多个执行职位,其中包括,BCP玻利维亚的企业银行部门主管,首席执行官,中间市场商业银行业务主管。他目前是BCP Bolivia的董事会成员。卡韦罗于1994年开始在CredicorpLtd.工作。他毕业于the University of Lima Peru的行政科学学位,以及the University of Texas at Austin(美国)的工商管理硕士学位。
Diego Cavero has been the Head of Wholesale Banking at BCP since April 2018. His previous position was Managing Director of the Efficiency, Administration and Processes Division, which includes the areas of Efficiency, Administration, Customer Service/Operations, Processes Improvement, Retail Banking Credits, Retail Banking Collections and Integral Security for Businesses. Mr. Cavero led the creation of this Division and the implementation of the Efficiency program at BCP. Before that, Mr. Cavero has worked in several executive positions, including, among others, Head of Corporate Banking Division, CEO, and Head of Middle Market Commercial Banking of BCP Bolivia. He is currently a member of the board of BCP Bolivia.Mr. Cavero began working at Credicorp Ltd. in 1994. He graduated with a degree in administrative sciences at the University of Lima Peru, and an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin (USA).
Percy Urteaga

Percy Urteaga自2017年10月起担任BCP零售银行业务主管。Urteaga自1998年起在CredicorpLtd.工作,担任多个职位,如BCP批发银行业务战略规划和业务发展主管、BCP玻利维亚首席财务官和BCP零售银行业务战略规划主管。2012年,他被任命为Edyficar&8217;的董事会副主席,并于2014年至2017年担任Mibanco的首席执行官。此外,他还担任秘鲁ASOMIF小额贷款公司协会董事会副主席。Urteaga持有Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria土木工程学位,以及the IESE Business School,Universidad de Navarra工商管理硕士学位。

Percy Urteaga has been the Head of Retail Banking at BCP since October 2017. Mr. Urteaga has worked at Credicorp Ltd. since 1998 holding various positions such as Head of Strategic Planning & Business Development of Wholesale Banking at BCP, CFO of BCP Bolivia, and Head of Strategic Planning of Retail Banking at BCP. In 2012 he was appointed as Vice-Chairman of Edyficar’s board of directors, and from 2014 to 2017 he was the CEO of Mibanco. Additionally, he serves as the Vice-Chairman of the Board of the Association of Microlending Companies of Peru Asomif.Mr. Urteaga holds a degree in civil engineering from Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, and has an MBA from IESE Business School, Universidad de Navarra.
Percy Urteaga自2017年10月起担任BCP零售银行业务主管。Urteaga自1998年起在CredicorpLtd.工作,担任多个职位,如BCP批发银行业务战略规划和业务发展主管、BCP玻利维亚首席财务官和BCP零售银行业务战略规划主管。2012年,他被任命为Edyficar&8217;的董事会副主席,并于2014年至2017年担任Mibanco的首席执行官。此外,他还担任秘鲁ASOMIF小额贷款公司协会董事会副主席。Urteaga持有Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria土木工程学位,以及the IESE Business School,Universidad de Navarra工商管理硕士学位。
Percy Urteaga has been the Head of Retail Banking at BCP since October 2017. Mr. Urteaga has worked at Credicorp Ltd. since 1998 holding various positions such as Head of Strategic Planning & Business Development of Wholesale Banking at BCP, CFO of BCP Bolivia, and Head of Strategic Planning of Retail Banking at BCP. In 2012 he was appointed as Vice-Chairman of Edyficar’s board of directors, and from 2014 to 2017 he was the CEO of Mibanco. Additionally, he serves as the Vice-Chairman of the Board of the Association of Microlending Companies of Peru Asomif.Mr. Urteaga holds a degree in civil engineering from Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, and has an MBA from IESE Business School, Universidad de Navarra.
Francesca Raffo

Francesca Raffo于2017年4月被任命为BCP的转型负责人。她自1994年起在Credicorp工作,当时她作为业务流程再造先锋团队的一部分加入BCP。她于1996年被任命为BCP公司的富裕部门主管,此前她曾领导零售银行的个人产品领域。从2000年到2013年,她负责管理零售银行的几个战略项目。2014年,她担任营销服务主管,包括通信,研究,客户体验,CRM和分析。2015年,她承担了为BCP Centro de Innovacxion创建第一个创新中心的挑战,通过提供数字旅程来创建独特的客户体验。2016年年中,她被任命为Happy Customer Division的负责人。Raffo持有American University of Washington DC(USA)工商管理学士学位和管理信息系统工商管理硕士学位。Raffo女士拥有美国华盛顿特区美国大学(American University of Washington DC)工商管理学士学位和管理信息系统工商管理硕士学位。

Francesca Raffo was appointed as Head of Transformation at BCP in April 2017. She has worked at Credicorp since 1994 when she joined BCP as part of a pioneering team of Business Process Reengineering. In 1996 she was appointed Head of the Affluent segment at BCP, after she led the Personal Products Area in Retail Banking. From 2000 until 2013 she was in charge of managing several Strategic Projects for Retail Banking. In 2014 she was Head of Marketing Services, which included communications, research, client experience, CRM and Analytics.In 2015 she took on the challenge to create the first innovation center for BCP Centro de InnovaCXion, to create a distinctive customer experience by delivering digital journeys. In mid- 2016 she was appointed as Head of the Happy Customer Division.Ms. Raffo holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration and an MBA in management information systems, both from American University of Washington DC (USA).Ms. Raffo holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration and an MBA in management information systems, both from American University of Washington DC (USA).
Francesca Raffo于2017年4月被任命为BCP的转型负责人。她自1994年起在Credicorp工作,当时她作为业务流程再造先锋团队的一部分加入BCP。她于1996年被任命为BCP公司的富裕部门主管,此前她曾领导零售银行的个人产品领域。从2000年到2013年,她负责管理零售银行的几个战略项目。2014年,她担任营销服务主管,包括通信,研究,客户体验,CRM和分析。2015年,她承担了为BCP Centro de Innovacxion创建第一个创新中心的挑战,通过提供数字旅程来创建独特的客户体验。2016年年中,她被任命为Happy Customer Division的负责人。Raffo持有American University of Washington DC(USA)工商管理学士学位和管理信息系统工商管理硕士学位。Raffo女士拥有美国华盛顿特区美国大学(American University of Washington DC)工商管理学士学位和管理信息系统工商管理硕士学位。
Francesca Raffo was appointed as Head of Transformation at BCP in April 2017. She has worked at Credicorp since 1994 when she joined BCP as part of a pioneering team of Business Process Reengineering. In 1996 she was appointed Head of the Affluent segment at BCP, after she led the Personal Products Area in Retail Banking. From 2000 until 2013 she was in charge of managing several Strategic Projects for Retail Banking. In 2014 she was Head of Marketing Services, which included communications, research, client experience, CRM and Analytics.In 2015 she took on the challenge to create the first innovation center for BCP Centro de InnovaCXion, to create a distinctive customer experience by delivering digital journeys. In mid- 2016 she was appointed as Head of the Happy Customer Division.Ms. Raffo holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration and an MBA in management information systems, both from American University of Washington DC (USA).Ms. Raffo holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration and an MBA in management information systems, both from American University of Washington DC (USA).
Renzo Ricci

Renzo Ricci自2012年5月以来一直担任Prima AFP的首席执行官。他在金融领域有着丰富的经验,曾任职BCP公司,担任财务规划经理、消费者银行业务经理和商业领域经理。2008年,他被任命为Prima AFP的首席商务官。Ricci持有Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru工业工程学位,以及ESAN Graduate School of Business School Peru工商管理硕士学位。Ricci先生还持有伦敦商学院(London Business School)(英国)的金融硕士学位,并参加了凯洛格管理学院(Kellogg School of Management)(美国)的首席执行官管理课程。

Renzo Ricci has been the CEO of Prima AFP since May 2012. He has a wide experience in the finance sector, having worked for BCP as Financial Planning Manager, Manager of Consumer Banking and Manager of a Commercial Area. In 2008 he was appointed Chief Commercial Officer of Prima AFP.Mr. Ricci has a degree in industrial engineering from Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru and has an MBA from ESAN Graduate School of Business School Peru. Mr. Ricci also holds a master’s degree in Finance from the London Business School (United Kingdom) and attended the CEO Management Program of the Kellogg School of Management (USA).
Renzo Ricci自2012年5月以来一直担任Prima AFP的首席执行官。他在金融领域有着丰富的经验,曾任职BCP公司,担任财务规划经理、消费者银行业务经理和商业领域经理。2008年,他被任命为Prima AFP的首席商务官。Ricci持有Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru工业工程学位,以及ESAN Graduate School of Business School Peru工商管理硕士学位。Ricci先生还持有伦敦商学院(London Business School)(英国)的金融硕士学位,并参加了凯洛格管理学院(Kellogg School of Management)(美国)的首席执行官管理课程。
Renzo Ricci has been the CEO of Prima AFP since May 2012. He has a wide experience in the finance sector, having worked for BCP as Financial Planning Manager, Manager of Consumer Banking and Manager of a Commercial Area. In 2008 he was appointed Chief Commercial Officer of Prima AFP.Mr. Ricci has a degree in industrial engineering from Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru and has an MBA from ESAN Graduate School of Business School Peru. Mr. Ricci also holds a master’s degree in Finance from the London Business School (United Kingdom) and attended the CEO Management Program of the Kellogg School of Management (USA).
Juan Inchaustegui

Juan Inchaustegui自2012年以来一直担任ASB的首席执行官。Inchaustegui先生于2000年开始在BCP工作,担任多个职位,如公司财务Vice President和风险管理高级副总裁。在加入Credicorp之前,Inchaustegui先生曾在Banco Internacional del Peru-Interbank的多个团队任职,包括项目融资和租赁以及投资银行业务,也曾在IBM安第斯和系统工程师秘鲁国际特派团任职。Inchaustegui持有Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru土木工程理学学士学位以及the University of Texas USA工商管理硕士学位。

Juan Inchaustegui has been the CEO of ASB since 2012. Mr. Inchaustegui started working at BCP in 2000 holding various positions such as Vice President of Corporate Finance and Senior Vice President of Risk Management. Prior to joining Credicorp, Mr. Inchaustegui worked in Banco Internacional Del Peru - Interbank in various teams including Project Financing and Leasing and Investment Banking, and also in IBM Andean and Systems Engineer Peru International Mission.Mr. Inchaustegui has a Bachelor of Science in civil engineering from Pontificia Universidad Catolica Del Peru and an MBA from the University of Texas USA.
Juan Inchaustegui自2012年以来一直担任ASB的首席执行官。Inchaustegui先生于2000年开始在BCP工作,担任多个职位,如公司财务Vice President和风险管理高级副总裁。在加入Credicorp之前,Inchaustegui先生曾在Banco Internacional del Peru-Interbank的多个团队任职,包括项目融资和租赁以及投资银行业务,也曾在IBM安第斯和系统工程师秘鲁国际特派团任职。Inchaustegui持有Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru土木工程理学学士学位以及the University of Texas USA工商管理硕士学位。
Juan Inchaustegui has been the CEO of ASB since 2012. Mr. Inchaustegui started working at BCP in 2000 holding various positions such as Vice President of Corporate Finance and Senior Vice President of Risk Management. Prior to joining Credicorp, Mr. Inchaustegui worked in Banco Internacional Del Peru - Interbank in various teams including Project Financing and Leasing and Investment Banking, and also in IBM Andean and Systems Engineer Peru International Mission.Mr. Inchaustegui has a Bachelor of Science in civil engineering from Pontificia Universidad Catolica Del Peru and an MBA from the University of Texas USA.
Marcelo Trigo

Marcelo Trigo自2015年3月起担任玻利维亚BCP的首席执行官。他于2002年加入CredicorpLtd.,曾在玻利维亚商业银行担任多个职位,包括拉巴斯公司银行业务主管、苏克雷和波托西地区经理、玻利维亚批发银行业务风险经理和玻利维亚风险部主管。此外,他还在BCP公司担任消费者风险经理。在加入CredicorpLtd.之前,他曾在花旗集团和CN投资公司工作。Trigo先生目前是玻利维亚银行协会(Bolivian Banking Association)的主席和不同董事会的成员,包括Credifondo,Credibolsa,Inversiones Credicorp和Crediseguro。Trigo持有the University of Notre Dame USA经济学学士学位和加拿大蒙特利尔McGill University工商管理硕士学位。

Marcelo Trigo has been the CEO of BCP Bolivia since March 2015. He joined Credicorp Ltd. in 2002 and has served in different positions within BCP Bolivia, including Corporate Banking head in La Paz, Regional Manager of Sucre and Potosi, Wholesale Banking Risk Manager in Bolivia; and Head of the Risk Division in Bolivia. Additionally, he held a position as Consumer Risk Manager in BCP.Prior to joining Credicorp Ltd., he worked at Citigroup and CN Investments. Mr. Trigo is currently President of the Bolivian Banking Association and member of different boards including for Credifondo, Credibolsa, Inversiones Credicorp and Crediseguro.Mr. Trigo holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Notre Dame USA and an MBA from McGill University in Montreal (Canada).
Marcelo Trigo自2015年3月起担任玻利维亚BCP的首席执行官。他于2002年加入CredicorpLtd.,曾在玻利维亚商业银行担任多个职位,包括拉巴斯公司银行业务主管、苏克雷和波托西地区经理、玻利维亚批发银行业务风险经理和玻利维亚风险部主管。此外,他还在BCP公司担任消费者风险经理。在加入CredicorpLtd.之前,他曾在花旗集团和CN投资公司工作。Trigo先生目前是玻利维亚银行协会(Bolivian Banking Association)的主席和不同董事会的成员,包括Credifondo,Credibolsa,Inversiones Credicorp和Crediseguro。Trigo持有the University of Notre Dame USA经济学学士学位和加拿大蒙特利尔McGill University工商管理硕士学位。
Marcelo Trigo has been the CEO of BCP Bolivia since March 2015. He joined Credicorp Ltd. in 2002 and has served in different positions within BCP Bolivia, including Corporate Banking head in La Paz, Regional Manager of Sucre and Potosi, Wholesale Banking Risk Manager in Bolivia; and Head of the Risk Division in Bolivia. Additionally, he held a position as Consumer Risk Manager in BCP.Prior to joining Credicorp Ltd., he worked at Citigroup and CN Investments. Mr. Trigo is currently President of the Bolivian Banking Association and member of different boards including for Credifondo, Credibolsa, Inversiones Credicorp and Crediseguro.Mr. Trigo holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Notre Dame USA and an MBA from McGill University in Montreal (Canada).
Jose Esposito

Jose Esposito自2010年1月以来一直担任CredicorpLtd.的首席公司审计官。他是Global IIA的金融服务指导委员会董事会成员。Esposito先生曾担任Felaban的内部审计师委员会主席和ASBANC的内部审计师委员会主席。他也一直担任the Universidad del Pacifico Peru的财务硕士课程讲师。他于1996年通过CredicorpLtd.的不同子公司开始在该公司工作,在CredicorpLtd.领导审计部门之前,他的最后一个职位是在Pacifico Peruano Suiza Compania de Seguros y Reaseguros S.A.,他是该公司的首席财务官和财务总监。他也是Pacifico Salud EPS S.A.的Vice Chairman of the Board、BVL的董事会副主席和董事、Cavali ICLV S.A.的董事和Credibolsa SAB S.A.的董事会主席和总经理。Esposito持有Universidad del Pacifico(秘鲁)经济学本科学位,威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校(美国)经济学硕士学位,是注册内部审计师(CIA),并获得全球内部审计师协会(IIA)风险管理保证认证,是ISACA的风险和信息系统控制(CRISC)认证,是Florida International Bankers Association和Florida International University(USA)的反洗钱认证助理(AML/CA)。

Jose Esposito has been the Chief Corporate Audit Officer of Credicorp Ltd. since January 2010. He is a member of the Financial Services Guidance Committee Board of Global IIA. Mr. Esposito has served as Chairman of the Committee of Internal Auditors of FELABAN and Chairman of the Committee of Internal Auditors of ASBANC. He has also been a lecturer in the Master of Finance program at the Universidad del Pacifico Peru. He began working with Credicorp Ltd. in 1996 through its different subsidiaries, and his last position prior to leading the Audit Division at Credicorp Ltd. was at Pacifico Peruano Suiza Compania de Seguros y Reaseguros S.A., where he was the Chief Financial Officer and the Controller’s Officer. Also, he was Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Pacifico Salud EPS S.A., the Vice Chairman and a director of the board of the BVL, a director of Cavali ICLV S.A. and Chairman of the board and General Manager of Credibolsa SAB S.A.Mr. Esposito holds an undergraduate degree in economics from Universidad del Pacifico (Peru), a master’s degree in economics from the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee (USA), is a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) and is certified in Risk Management Assurance by the Global Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), is certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC) by ISACA, and is an Anti- Money Laundering Certified Associate (AML/CA) from the Florida International Bankers Association and Florida International University (USA).
Jose Esposito自2010年1月以来一直担任CredicorpLtd.的首席公司审计官。他是Global IIA的金融服务指导委员会董事会成员。Esposito先生曾担任Felaban的内部审计师委员会主席和ASBANC的内部审计师委员会主席。他也一直担任the Universidad del Pacifico Peru的财务硕士课程讲师。他于1996年通过CredicorpLtd.的不同子公司开始在该公司工作,在CredicorpLtd.领导审计部门之前,他的最后一个职位是在Pacifico Peruano Suiza Compania de Seguros y Reaseguros S.A.,他是该公司的首席财务官和财务总监。他也是Pacifico Salud EPS S.A.的Vice Chairman of the Board、BVL的董事会副主席和董事、Cavali ICLV S.A.的董事和Credibolsa SAB S.A.的董事会主席和总经理。Esposito持有Universidad del Pacifico(秘鲁)经济学本科学位,威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校(美国)经济学硕士学位,是注册内部审计师(CIA),并获得全球内部审计师协会(IIA)风险管理保证认证,是ISACA的风险和信息系统控制(CRISC)认证,是Florida International Bankers Association和Florida International University(USA)的反洗钱认证助理(AML/CA)。
Jose Esposito has been the Chief Corporate Audit Officer of Credicorp Ltd. since January 2010. He is a member of the Financial Services Guidance Committee Board of Global IIA. Mr. Esposito has served as Chairman of the Committee of Internal Auditors of FELABAN and Chairman of the Committee of Internal Auditors of ASBANC. He has also been a lecturer in the Master of Finance program at the Universidad del Pacifico Peru. He began working with Credicorp Ltd. in 1996 through its different subsidiaries, and his last position prior to leading the Audit Division at Credicorp Ltd. was at Pacifico Peruano Suiza Compania de Seguros y Reaseguros S.A., where he was the Chief Financial Officer and the Controller’s Officer. Also, he was Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Pacifico Salud EPS S.A., the Vice Chairman and a director of the board of the BVL, a director of Cavali ICLV S.A. and Chairman of the board and General Manager of Credibolsa SAB S.A.Mr. Esposito holds an undergraduate degree in economics from Universidad del Pacifico (Peru), a master’s degree in economics from the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee (USA), is a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) and is certified in Risk Management Assurance by the Global Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), is certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC) by ISACA, and is an Anti- Money Laundering Certified Associate (AML/CA) from the Florida International Bankers Association and Florida International University (USA).
Bernardo Sambra

Bernardo Sambra自2018年4月起担任CredicorpLtd.首席人力资源官,自2010年8月起担任BCP首席人力资源官。他于1999年4月加入BCP公司,担任批发银行部门的电子现金管理解决方案经理。在加入CredicorpLtd.之前,桑布拉先生在荷兰皇家壳牌集团工作了9年。他在该组织的最后职位是业务框架实施主管,除了他的职责外,Sambra先生一直担任ASBANC人力资源委员会的总裁,Aperhu的董事和BCP的赞助董事。Sambra持有Universidad de Lima Peru工商管理本科学位、Universidad del Pacifico(秘鲁)金融硕士学位以及密歇根大学罗斯商学院(美国)、斯坦福大学商学院(美国)人力资源专业学位,伦敦商学院和哈佛商学院(美国)。

Bernardo Sambra has been the Chief Human Resources Officer of Credicorp Ltd. since April 2018 and Chief Human Resources Officer at BCP since August 2010. He joined BCP in April 1999 as Manager of Electronic Cash Management Solutions in the Wholesale Banking Division. Prior to joining Credicorp Ltd., Mr. Sambra worked for nine years at Royal Dutch Shell Group. His last position at this organization was Head of Business Framework Implementation.In addition to his responsibilities Mr. Sambra has been acting as the President of the Human Resources Committee at ASBANC, Director of APERHU and Director of Patronage for BCP.Mr. Sambra has an undergraduate degree in business administration from Universidad de Lima Peru, a master´s degree in finance from Universidad del Pacifico (Peru) and a human resources specialization from Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan (USA), Stanford University Business School (USA), London Business School and Harvard Business School (USA).
Bernardo Sambra自2018年4月起担任CredicorpLtd.首席人力资源官,自2010年8月起担任BCP首席人力资源官。他于1999年4月加入BCP公司,担任批发银行部门的电子现金管理解决方案经理。在加入CredicorpLtd.之前,桑布拉先生在荷兰皇家壳牌集团工作了9年。他在该组织的最后职位是业务框架实施主管,除了他的职责外,Sambra先生一直担任ASBANC人力资源委员会的总裁,Aperhu的董事和BCP的赞助董事。Sambra持有Universidad de Lima Peru工商管理本科学位、Universidad del Pacifico(秘鲁)金融硕士学位以及密歇根大学罗斯商学院(美国)、斯坦福大学商学院(美国)人力资源专业学位,伦敦商学院和哈佛商学院(美国)。
Bernardo Sambra has been the Chief Human Resources Officer of Credicorp Ltd. since April 2018 and Chief Human Resources Officer at BCP since August 2010. He joined BCP in April 1999 as Manager of Electronic Cash Management Solutions in the Wholesale Banking Division. Prior to joining Credicorp Ltd., Mr. Sambra worked for nine years at Royal Dutch Shell Group. His last position at this organization was Head of Business Framework Implementation.In addition to his responsibilities Mr. Sambra has been acting as the President of the Human Resources Committee at ASBANC, Director of APERHU and Director of Patronage for BCP.Mr. Sambra has an undergraduate degree in business administration from Universidad de Lima Peru, a master´s degree in finance from Universidad del Pacifico (Peru) and a human resources specialization from Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan (USA), Stanford University Business School (USA), London Business School and Harvard Business School (USA).
Barbara Falero

自2008年2月以来,Barbara Falero一直担任CredicorpLtd.和商业竞争委员会的首席合规官,直接向CredicorpLtd.董事会报告在来到秘鲁之前,Falero女士是BCP Miami Agency的合规官和Vice President,在此之前,她曾在亚特兰大联邦储备银行担任国际银行监督和监管方面的监管者。Falero曾担任多个职位,包括担任美国佛罗里达州迈阿密BAC Florida Bank的社区再投资官。Falero女士在佛罗里达国际大学(Florida International University)获得金融学学士学位,并在圣托马斯大学(St.Thomas University)获得工商管理硕士学位,两所大学均位于佛罗里达州迈阿密(USA)。Falero女士一直担任ASBANC合规官员委员会的主席,并担任了三年的FIBA咨询委员会的成员。

Barbara Falero has been the Chief Compliance Officer at Credicorp Ltd. and BCP since February 2008 reporting directly to the Board of Credicorp Ltd. Before coming to Peru, Ms. Falero was the Compliance Officer and Vice President of BCP Miami Agency and, for six years prior to that, she worked as a regulator for the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta in supervision and regulation of international banks.Ms. Falero has held various positions including being the community reinvestment officer at BAC Florida Bank in Miami, Florida USA. Ms. Falero has a bachelor’s degree in finance from Florida International University and an MBA from St. Thomas University, both in Miami, Florida (USA). Ms. Falero has been president of the Committee of Compliance Officers of ASBANC and, for three years, was a member of the Advisory Committee of FIBA.
自2008年2月以来,Barbara Falero一直担任CredicorpLtd.和商业竞争委员会的首席合规官,直接向CredicorpLtd.董事会报告在来到秘鲁之前,Falero女士是BCP Miami Agency的合规官和Vice President,在此之前,她曾在亚特兰大联邦储备银行担任国际银行监督和监管方面的监管者。Falero曾担任多个职位,包括担任美国佛罗里达州迈阿密BAC Florida Bank的社区再投资官。Falero女士在佛罗里达国际大学(Florida International University)获得金融学学士学位,并在圣托马斯大学(St.Thomas University)获得工商管理硕士学位,两所大学均位于佛罗里达州迈阿密(USA)。Falero女士一直担任ASBANC合规官员委员会的主席,并担任了三年的FIBA咨询委员会的成员。
Barbara Falero has been the Chief Compliance Officer at Credicorp Ltd. and BCP since February 2008 reporting directly to the Board of Credicorp Ltd. Before coming to Peru, Ms. Falero was the Compliance Officer and Vice President of BCP Miami Agency and, for six years prior to that, she worked as a regulator for the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta in supervision and regulation of international banks.Ms. Falero has held various positions including being the community reinvestment officer at BAC Florida Bank in Miami, Florida USA. Ms. Falero has a bachelor’s degree in finance from Florida International University and an MBA from St. Thomas University, both in Miami, Florida (USA). Ms. Falero has been president of the Committee of Compliance Officers of ASBANC and, for three years, was a member of the Advisory Committee of FIBA.
Guillermo Morales

Guillermo Morales自2018年4月起担任CredicorpLtd.法律主管,自2010年1月起担任BCP法律部门主管。此前,Morales从2007年9月到2009年12月担任BCP法律咨询区经理,从2003年1月到2007年7月担任Grupo Santander Peru SA法律经理,从2000年4月到2002年12月担任Banco Santander Central Hispano Peru法律经理。他曾担任Edelnor SAA、Red Electrica del Sur Redesur和Universia Peru SA的董事。Morales持有the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru法律学位,以及the University of Texas at Austin(美国)法律硕士学位(LL.M)。

Guillermo Morales has been the Head of Legal at Credicorp Ltd. since April 2018 and Head of Legal Division of BCP since January 2010. Previously, Mr. Morales was the Manager of the Legal Advisory Area at BCP from September 2007 to December 2009 Legal Manager at Grupo Santander Peru SA from January 2003 to July 2007 and Legal Manager at Banco Santander Central Hispano Peru from April 2000 to December 2002. He has been Director of Edelnor SAA, Red Electrica del Sur Redesur and Universia Peru SA.Mr. Morales holds a law degree from the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru and a Master of Laws (LL.M) from the University of Texas at Austin (USA).
Guillermo Morales自2018年4月起担任CredicorpLtd.法律主管,自2010年1月起担任BCP法律部门主管。此前,Morales从2007年9月到2009年12月担任BCP法律咨询区经理,从2003年1月到2007年7月担任Grupo Santander Peru SA法律经理,从2000年4月到2002年12月担任Banco Santander Central Hispano Peru法律经理。他曾担任Edelnor SAA、Red Electrica del Sur Redesur和Universia Peru SA的董事。Morales持有the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru法律学位,以及the University of Texas at Austin(美国)法律硕士学位(LL.M)。
Guillermo Morales has been the Head of Legal at Credicorp Ltd. since April 2018 and Head of Legal Division of BCP since January 2010. Previously, Mr. Morales was the Manager of the Legal Advisory Area at BCP from September 2007 to December 2009 Legal Manager at Grupo Santander Peru SA from January 2003 to July 2007 and Legal Manager at Banco Santander Central Hispano Peru from April 2000 to December 2002. He has been Director of Edelnor SAA, Red Electrica del Sur Redesur and Universia Peru SA.Mr. Morales holds a law degree from the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru and a Master of Laws (LL.M) from the University of Texas at Austin (USA).
Ursula Alvarez

Ursula Alvarez自2009年以来一直担任人才管理主管。她于2006年开始在BCP工作,担任人力开发管理选择经理。Alvarez女士在秘鲁利马大学(University of Lima Peru)获得心理学学士学位,在波哥大安第斯大学(Universidad de los Andes)(哥伦比亚)获得发展硕士学位。

Ursula Alvarez has been the Head of Talent Management since 2009. She began working at BCP in 2006 as Manager of Selection in Human Development Management. Ms. Alvarez has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Lima Peru and a Master of Development from the Universidad de los Andes in Bogota (Colombia).
Ursula Alvarez自2009年以来一直担任人才管理主管。她于2006年开始在BCP工作,担任人力开发管理选择经理。Alvarez女士在秘鲁利马大学(University of Lima Peru)获得心理学学士学位,在波哥大安第斯大学(Universidad de los Andes)(哥伦比亚)获得发展硕士学位。
Ursula Alvarez has been the Head of Talent Management since 2009. She began working at BCP in 2006 as Manager of Selection in Human Development Management. Ms. Alvarez has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Lima Peru and a Master of Development from the Universidad de los Andes in Bogota (Colombia).
Carlos Niezen

Carlos Niezen一直担任CredicorpLtd.Sin2018年5月的公司战略主管。他拥有23年以上的顾问经验,曾担任Bain&Co.、A.T.Kearney、Accenture公司(位于美国和墨西哥)的合伙人,专注于商业战略、运营、并购。Carlos还曾是Activas Partners(秘鲁一家咨询和投资银行公司)创始人。Niezen持有the Universidad del Pacifico Peru经济学学士学位,以及the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania(美国)工商管理硕士学位。

Carlos Niezen has been the Head of Corporate Strategy at Credicorp Ltd. sin May 2018. He has more than 23 years of experience as a consultant, having been a partner at Bain & Co., A.T. Kearney, and Accenture in the United States and Mexico; specializing in business strategy, operations, and mergers and acquisitions. Carlos was also the founder of Activas Partners, a consulting and investment banking firm in Peru.Mr. Niezen holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from the Universidad del Pacifico Peru, and an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania (USA).
Carlos Niezen一直担任CredicorpLtd.Sin2018年5月的公司战略主管。他拥有23年以上的顾问经验,曾担任Bain&Co.、A.T.Kearney、Accenture公司(位于美国和墨西哥)的合伙人,专注于商业战略、运营、并购。Carlos还曾是Activas Partners(秘鲁一家咨询和投资银行公司)创始人。Niezen持有the Universidad del Pacifico Peru经济学学士学位,以及the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania(美国)工商管理硕士学位。
Carlos Niezen has been the Head of Corporate Strategy at Credicorp Ltd. sin May 2018. He has more than 23 years of experience as a consultant, having been a partner at Bain & Co., A.T. Kearney, and Accenture in the United States and Mexico; specializing in business strategy, operations, and mergers and acquisitions. Carlos was also the founder of Activas Partners, a consulting and investment banking firm in Peru.Mr. Niezen holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from the Universidad del Pacifico Peru, and an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania (USA).
Enrique Pasquel

Enrique Pasquel自2018年4月起担任CredicorpLtd.企业事务主管,自2017年起担任BCP企业事务主管。此前,2011年至2017年,他曾任职El Comercio报纸,在那里他曾担任副意见编辑,政治编辑和副主编。在担任记者之前,他曾担任INDECOPI(秘鲁反垄断机构)的律师,他曾担任官僚障碍委员会专员和竞争委员会技术秘书。Pasquel先生拥有Pontificia Universidad Catolica(秘鲁)的法律学位和Yale Law School(美国)的法学硕士学位。

Enrique Pasquel has been the Head of Corporate Affairs at Credicorp Ltd. since April 2018 and Head of Corporate Affairs of BCP since 2017. Previously, between 2011 and 2017 he worked at the newspaper El Comercio, where he held the positions of Deputy Opinion Editor, Politics Editor and Deputy Editor in Chief.Before his career as a journalist he worked as an attorney in Indecopi the Peruvian antitrust agency, where he held the positions of Commissioner of the Bureaucratic Barriers Commission and Technical Secretary of the Competition Chamber. Mr. Pasquel holds a law degree from Pontificia Universidad Catolica (Peru) and a Master of Laws degree from Yale Law School (USA).
Enrique Pasquel自2018年4月起担任CredicorpLtd.企业事务主管,自2017年起担任BCP企业事务主管。此前,2011年至2017年,他曾任职El Comercio报纸,在那里他曾担任副意见编辑,政治编辑和副主编。在担任记者之前,他曾担任INDECOPI(秘鲁反垄断机构)的律师,他曾担任官僚障碍委员会专员和竞争委员会技术秘书。Pasquel先生拥有Pontificia Universidad Catolica(秘鲁)的法律学位和Yale Law School(美国)的法学硕士学位。
Enrique Pasquel has been the Head of Corporate Affairs at Credicorp Ltd. since April 2018 and Head of Corporate Affairs of BCP since 2017. Previously, between 2011 and 2017 he worked at the newspaper El Comercio, where he held the positions of Deputy Opinion Editor, Politics Editor and Deputy Editor in Chief.Before his career as a journalist he worked as an attorney in Indecopi the Peruvian antitrust agency, where he held the positions of Commissioner of the Bureaucratic Barriers Commission and Technical Secretary of the Competition Chamber. Mr. Pasquel holds a law degree from Pontificia Universidad Catolica (Peru) and a Master of Laws degree from Yale Law School (USA).
Marco Roca

Marco Roca,于2021年加入Auna S.a.a.,担任Auna秘鲁公司的国家负责人,最近被任命为负责区域运营的执行副总裁。他还担任Auna S.a.a.驻秘鲁国家代表。Roca先生在企业战略、投资和咨询领域拥有超过25年的经验。Roca先生曾在国家和国际公司担任高管职务。他是Krealo的创始人和前任首席执行官,Krealo是Credicorp的开放式创新部门,负责构建、投资和管理金融科技。在Krealo任职期间,他曾担任Culqi、Tempo、Tyba、Lumingo、Wally POS和Yape的董事会成员。在Credicorp,Roca先生还是企业战略和并购主管。此前,Roca先生曾在美国和巴西的Microsoft-TAG、ITau和麦肯锡公司任职。Roca先生拥有杨百翰大学MBA学位、沃顿商学院金融证书以及秘鲁天主教大学工学学士学位。

Marco Roca,joined Auna S.A.A. in 2021 as Country Head of Auna Peru and was recently appointed Executive Vice President leading Regional Operations. He also serves as Auna S.A.A. country representative in Peru. Mr. Roca has more than 25 years in corporate strategy, investing and consulting. Mr. Roca held executive roles in national and international companies. He is the founder and former CEO at Krealo, Credicorp's Open Innovation arm responsible for building, investing, and managing Fintechs. During his time in Krealo, he served as a board member of Culqi, Tempo, Tyba, Lumingo, Wally POS and Yape. At Credicorp, Mr. Roca was also Head of Corporate Strategy and M&A. Previously, Mr. Roca worked for Microsoft-TAG, Itau and McKinsey & Co. in the USA and Brazil. Mr. Roca holds an MBA from Brigham Young University, finance certificates from the Wharton School, and a bachelor's degree in Engineering from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru.
Marco Roca,于2021年加入Auna S.a.a.,担任Auna秘鲁公司的国家负责人,最近被任命为负责区域运营的执行副总裁。他还担任Auna S.a.a.驻秘鲁国家代表。Roca先生在企业战略、投资和咨询领域拥有超过25年的经验。Roca先生曾在国家和国际公司担任高管职务。他是Krealo的创始人和前任首席执行官,Krealo是Credicorp的开放式创新部门,负责构建、投资和管理金融科技。在Krealo任职期间,他曾担任Culqi、Tempo、Tyba、Lumingo、Wally POS和Yape的董事会成员。在Credicorp,Roca先生还是企业战略和并购主管。此前,Roca先生曾在美国和巴西的Microsoft-TAG、ITau和麦肯锡公司任职。Roca先生拥有杨百翰大学MBA学位、沃顿商学院金融证书以及秘鲁天主教大学工学学士学位。
Marco Roca,joined Auna S.A.A. in 2021 as Country Head of Auna Peru and was recently appointed Executive Vice President leading Regional Operations. He also serves as Auna S.A.A. country representative in Peru. Mr. Roca has more than 25 years in corporate strategy, investing and consulting. Mr. Roca held executive roles in national and international companies. He is the founder and former CEO at Krealo, Credicorp's Open Innovation arm responsible for building, investing, and managing Fintechs. During his time in Krealo, he served as a board member of Culqi, Tempo, Tyba, Lumingo, Wally POS and Yape. At Credicorp, Mr. Roca was also Head of Corporate Strategy and M&A. Previously, Mr. Roca worked for Microsoft-TAG, Itau and McKinsey & Co. in the USA and Brazil. Mr. Roca holds an MBA from Brigham Young University, finance certificates from the Wharton School, and a bachelor's degree in Engineering from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru.
Walter Bayly

Walter Bayly, 自2008年4月,他被任命为BCP的行政总裁兼信贷银行的首席运营官,即日生效。在成为首席执行官之前,他是该组织的首席财务总监。此前,他曾在BCP担任其他各种管理职务,其中包括管理企业银行、投资银行以及系统与再造业。在Casa Bolsa Mexico3年之后,1993年他加盟BCP,他是企业融资的合伙人兼董事总经理。在此之前,他在利马、纽约、墨西哥和加拉加斯的花旗银行工作了10年,在那里他主要在企业融资及银团贷款工作。他获得秘鲁利马Universal del Pacfico的工商管理学士学位,和马萨诸塞州剑桥Arthur D. Little管理学院的硕士学位。他现任Prima AFP私人养老金管理公司的董事会主席,国际金融研究所,Cia de Seguros Pacfico Peruano Suizao,Inversiones Centenario和Fondo de Seguro de Depsitos(存款保险公司)的董事会成员,以及Universidad del Pacfico 的顾问委员会成员和秘鲁蒙特雷大学的董事会成员。

Walter Bayly has been appointed as the CEO of Credicorp Ltd. since April 2018. Previously, he was the CEO of BCP and COO of Credicorp Ltd. since April 2008. Currently he is the Chairman of the board of Mibanco, Prima AFP and BCP Bolivia. He is also a member of the board of Credicorp’s other subsidiaries, including ASB, Credicorp Capital and Pacifico Seguros.is currently member of the Board of Directors of The Institute of International Finance and Inversiones Centenario, and a member of the Board of Advisors for Universidad del Pacifico Peru and the Peruvian Chapter of Universidad Tecnologica de Monterrey.received a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Universidad del Pacifico (Peru), and an MBA from Arthur D. Little Management Education Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA).
Walter Bayly, 自2008年4月,他被任命为BCP的行政总裁兼信贷银行的首席运营官,即日生效。在成为首席执行官之前,他是该组织的首席财务总监。此前,他曾在BCP担任其他各种管理职务,其中包括管理企业银行、投资银行以及系统与再造业。在Casa Bolsa Mexico3年之后,1993年他加盟BCP,他是企业融资的合伙人兼董事总经理。在此之前,他在利马、纽约、墨西哥和加拉加斯的花旗银行工作了10年,在那里他主要在企业融资及银团贷款工作。他获得秘鲁利马Universal del Pacfico的工商管理学士学位,和马萨诸塞州剑桥Arthur D. Little管理学院的硕士学位。他现任Prima AFP私人养老金管理公司的董事会主席,国际金融研究所,Cia de Seguros Pacfico Peruano Suizao,Inversiones Centenario和Fondo de Seguro de Depsitos(存款保险公司)的董事会成员,以及Universidad del Pacfico 的顾问委员会成员和秘鲁蒙特雷大学的董事会成员。
Walter Bayly has been appointed as the CEO of Credicorp Ltd. since April 2018. Previously, he was the CEO of BCP and COO of Credicorp Ltd. since April 2008. Currently he is the Chairman of the board of Mibanco, Prima AFP and BCP Bolivia. He is also a member of the board of Credicorp’s other subsidiaries, including ASB, Credicorp Capital and Pacifico Seguros.is currently member of the Board of Directors of The Institute of International Finance and Inversiones Centenario, and a member of the Board of Advisors for Universidad del Pacifico Peru and the Peruvian Chapter of Universidad Tecnologica de Monterrey.received a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Universidad del Pacifico (Peru), and an MBA from Arthur D. Little Management Education Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA).
Alvaro Correa

Alvaro Correa, 他是德尔秘鲁厄瓜多天主教大学的一名工业工程师,并持有哈佛商学院工商管理学的硕士学位。1997年,他加入企业可持续发展计划,担任零售信贷风险经理;后来在IT部门下担任IT解决方案管理者。2006年1月和2008年3月之间,他当时担任开曼信贷公司(大西洋安全银行的私人银行业务)的首席运营官;迈阿密信贷公司资本证券经纪交易商及BCP迈阿密机构的首席运营官。自2008年2月,他担任信贷公司的子公司Prima AFP和Financiera Edyficar的董事会董事。2008年4月至2013年9月,他一直担任信贷有限公司及BCP的首席财务官。2013年10月1日,他担任信贷公司的首席保险官和PPS的首席执行官。

Alvaro Correa has been appointed as Deputy CEO of Credicorp Ltd. since April 2018. Furthermore, Mr. Correa oversees the Insurance & Pensions and the Investment Banking and Wealth Management lines of business. Mr. Correa also serves as the CEO of Grupo Pacifico since 2013.
Alvaro Correa, 他是德尔秘鲁厄瓜多天主教大学的一名工业工程师,并持有哈佛商学院工商管理学的硕士学位。1997年,他加入企业可持续发展计划,担任零售信贷风险经理;后来在IT部门下担任IT解决方案管理者。2006年1月和2008年3月之间,他当时担任开曼信贷公司(大西洋安全银行的私人银行业务)的首席运营官;迈阿密信贷公司资本证券经纪交易商及BCP迈阿密机构的首席运营官。自2008年2月,他担任信贷公司的子公司Prima AFP和Financiera Edyficar的董事会董事。2008年4月至2013年9月,他一直担任信贷有限公司及BCP的首席财务官。2013年10月1日,他担任信贷公司的首席保险官和PPS的首席执行官。
Alvaro Correa has been appointed as Deputy CEO of Credicorp Ltd. since April 2018. Furthermore, Mr. Correa oversees the Insurance & Pensions and the Investment Banking and Wealth Management lines of business. Mr. Correa also serves as the CEO of Grupo Pacifico since 2013.
Reynaldo Llosa Barber

Reynaldo Llosa Barber, 自2012年1月以来,他是信贷银行和BCP的首席风险官。此前他在BCP担任不同的职位,风险的主管、中间市场银行业和企业银行业务的主管。他获得美国德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥圣玛丽大学的工商管理学士学位,并持有工商管理硕士学位,专业方向为美国伊利诺伊芝加哥西北大学凯洛格管理研究生院的金融学。

Reynaldo Llosa Barber, Reynaldo Llosa Benavides is the Chief Risk Officer of Credicorp and BCP since January, 2012. Previously, Mr. Llosa held different positions at BCP as Head of Risk, Head of Middle-Market Banking and Head of Corporate Banking. He received a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from St. Mary's University, San Antonio, Texas, USA, and holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration with specialization in Finance from Northwestern University J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Reynaldo Llosa Barber, 自2012年1月以来,他是信贷银行和BCP的首席风险官。此前他在BCP担任不同的职位,风险的主管、中间市场银行业和企业银行业务的主管。他获得美国德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥圣玛丽大学的工商管理学士学位,并持有工商管理硕士学位,专业方向为美国伊利诺伊芝加哥西北大学凯洛格管理研究生院的金融学。
Reynaldo Llosa Barber, Reynaldo Llosa Benavides is the Chief Risk Officer of Credicorp and BCP since January, 2012. Previously, Mr. Llosa held different positions at BCP as Head of Risk, Head of Middle-Market Banking and Head of Corporate Banking. He received a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from St. Mary's University, San Antonio, Texas, USA, and holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration with specialization in Finance from Northwestern University J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Gianfranco Ferrari

Gianfranco Ferrari, 自1995年以来,他在BCP曾担任不同的职位,如企业融资的合伙人、特别账户的合伙人、企业融资部主管及企业银行部主管助理副学士。2005年至2008年,他担任BCP玻利维亚的行政总裁。目前,他是BCP零售银行及财富管理业务的总裁。自2008年9月起,他一直是PRIMA AFP的董事会成员。他是 Financiera EDYFICAR董事会主席,自2010年3月起一直担任此职务;和Tarjeta Naranja Peru的主席,自2011年9月起一直担任此职务。他持有Pacífico大学工商管理学士学位,并拥有西北大学凯洛格管理研究生院的硕士学位。

Gianfranco Ferrari was the Chief Financial Officer of BCP and held other management positions in BCP’s Wholesale Banking, Investment Banking and Systems & Reengineering groups. Mr. Bayly joined BCP in 1993 after three years at Casa Bolsa Mexico where he was Partner and Managing Director in Corporate Finance. Prior to that, for ten years he worked at Citibank in Lima Peru, New York (USA), Mexico City (Mexico), and Caracas (Venezuela), primarily in corporate finance and loan syndications.
Gianfranco Ferrari, 自1995年以来,他在BCP曾担任不同的职位,如企业融资的合伙人、特别账户的合伙人、企业融资部主管及企业银行部主管助理副学士。2005年至2008年,他担任BCP玻利维亚的行政总裁。目前,他是BCP零售银行及财富管理业务的总裁。自2008年9月起,他一直是PRIMA AFP的董事会成员。他是 Financiera EDYFICAR董事会主席,自2010年3月起一直担任此职务;和Tarjeta Naranja Peru的主席,自2011年9月起一直担任此职务。他持有Pacífico大学工商管理学士学位,并拥有西北大学凯洛格管理研究生院的硕士学位。
Gianfranco Ferrari was the Chief Financial Officer of BCP and held other management positions in BCP’s Wholesale Banking, Investment Banking and Systems & Reengineering groups. Mr. Bayly joined BCP in 1993 after three years at Casa Bolsa Mexico where he was Partner and Managing Director in Corporate Finance. Prior to that, for ten years he worked at Citibank in Lima Peru, New York (USA), Mexico City (Mexico), and Caracas (Venezuela), primarily in corporate finance and loan syndications.