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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
KR Sridhar Director,Founder, Chief Executive Officer 60 未披露 未持股 2021-03-31
Colin L. Powell Director 83 未披露 未持股 2021-03-31
Michael Boskin Director 75 25.00万美元 未持股 2021-03-31
Jeffrey Immelt Director 65 25.77万美元 未持股 2021-03-31
KR Sridhar Director,Founder, Chief Executive Officer 60 684.89万美元 未持股 2021-03-31
John T. Chambers Director 71 24.00万美元 未持股 2021-03-31
L. John Doerr Director 69 24.72万美元 未持股 2021-03-31
Mary K. Bush Director 72 27.00万美元 未持股 2021-03-31
Scott Sandell Director 56 25.50万美元 未持股 2021-03-31
Eddy Zervigon Director 52 26.00万美元 未持股 2021-03-31
Colin Powell Director 83 36.40万美元 未持股 2021-03-31



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
KR Sridhar Director,Founder, Chief Executive Officer 60 未披露 未持股 2021-03-31
Susan Brennan Executive Vice President, Chief Operations Officer 58 未披露 未持股 2021-03-31
Swaminathan Venkataraman Executive Vice President of Engineering and Chief Technology Officer 60 207.96万美元 未持股 2021-03-31
Shawn Soderberg Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary 60 237.20万美元 未持股 2021-03-31
Gregory Cameron Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer 52 381.11万美元 未持股 2021-03-31
Chris White Executive Vice President and Chief Sales Officer 58 未披露 未持股 2021-03-31
KR Sridhar Director,Founder, Chief Executive Officer 60 684.89万美元 未持股 2021-03-31
Susan Brennan Executive Vice President, Chief Operations Officer 59 158.61万美元 未持股 2021-03-31


中英对照 |  中文 |  英文
KR Sridhar

KR Sridhar是我们的创始人,自2001年1月以来一直担任我们的董事会成员,并自2002年4月以来担任我们的首席执行官兼董事会主席。创立Bloom Energy公司之前,他曾担任亚利桑那大学(the University of Arizona)的空间技术实验室的董事,在那里他也曾担任航空航天和机械工程教授。Sridhar先生曾担任NASA的顾问,并领导工业、学术界和国家实验室的主要财团。Sridhar先生还担任Kleiner Perkins Caufield&Byers(一家风险投资公司)的战略有限合伙人,并担任New Enterprise Associates(一家风险投资公司)的特别顾问。他也曾任职于许多技术委员会、面板和顾问委员会,并拥有几个出版物和专利。Sridhar先生在印度蒂鲁奇拉帕利国立理工学院(National Institute of Technology)获得机械工程学士学位,并在伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(University of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign)获得核工程硕士学位和机械工程博士学位。

KR Sridhar,Founder of Bloom and has served as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board since March 2002.Prior to founding Bloom, served as director of the Space Technologies Laboratory at the University of Arizona where he was also a professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering.Has served as an advisor to NASA and has led major consortia of industry, academia and national labs.Currently serves as a strategic limited partner at Kleiner Perkins.Served on many technical committees, panels and advisory boards and has several publications and patents.
KR Sridhar是我们的创始人,自2001年1月以来一直担任我们的董事会成员,并自2002年4月以来担任我们的首席执行官兼董事会主席。创立Bloom Energy公司之前,他曾担任亚利桑那大学(the University of Arizona)的空间技术实验室的董事,在那里他也曾担任航空航天和机械工程教授。Sridhar先生曾担任NASA的顾问,并领导工业、学术界和国家实验室的主要财团。Sridhar先生还担任Kleiner Perkins Caufield&Byers(一家风险投资公司)的战略有限合伙人,并担任New Enterprise Associates(一家风险投资公司)的特别顾问。他也曾任职于许多技术委员会、面板和顾问委员会,并拥有几个出版物和专利。Sridhar先生在印度蒂鲁奇拉帕利国立理工学院(National Institute of Technology)获得机械工程学士学位,并在伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(University of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign)获得核工程硕士学位和机械工程博士学位。
KR Sridhar,Founder of Bloom and has served as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board since March 2002.Prior to founding Bloom, served as director of the Space Technologies Laboratory at the University of Arizona where he was also a professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering.Has served as an advisor to NASA and has led major consortia of industry, academia and national labs.Currently serves as a strategic limited partner at Kleiner Perkins.Served on many technical committees, panels and advisory boards and has several publications and patents.
Colin L. Powell

ColinL.Powell USA Retired自2009年1月以来一直担任我们的董事会成员。Powell将军从2001年1月到2005年1月担任第65任美国国务卿。他在美国陆军服役35年,升至四星上将军衔,并从1989年到1993年担任参谋长联席会议第12任主席。鲍威尔将军自2015年1月起还一直担任全球云计算公司赛富时公司的董事会成员。他是纽约城市学院(City College of New York)Colin Powell学院访客委员会主席。他也是the America&8217;s Promise Alliance(一个非营利组织,倡导美国儿童和青年的力量和福祉)的创始人和名誉主席。

Colin L. Powell,Served as the 65th U.S. Secretary of State from January 2001 to January 2005.Served 35 years in the U.S. Army, rising to the rank of Four-Star General and from 1989 to 1993 as the 12th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.Chairman of the Board of Visitors of the Colin Powell School at the City College of New York since 1994. Founder and Chairman Emeritus of the America’s Promise Alliance, a nonprofit organization advocating for the strength and well-being of America’s children and youth.
ColinL.Powell USA Retired自2009年1月以来一直担任我们的董事会成员。Powell将军从2001年1月到2005年1月担任第65任美国国务卿。他在美国陆军服役35年,升至四星上将军衔,并从1989年到1993年担任参谋长联席会议第12任主席。鲍威尔将军自2015年1月起还一直担任全球云计算公司赛富时公司的董事会成员。他是纽约城市学院(City College of New York)Colin Powell学院访客委员会主席。他也是the America&8217;s Promise Alliance(一个非营利组织,倡导美国儿童和青年的力量和福祉)的创始人和名誉主席。
Colin L. Powell,Served as the 65th U.S. Secretary of State from January 2001 to January 2005.Served 35 years in the U.S. Army, rising to the rank of Four-Star General and from 1989 to 1993 as the 12th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.Chairman of the Board of Visitors of the Colin Powell School at the City College of New York since 1994. Founder and Chairman Emeritus of the America’s Promise Alliance, a nonprofit organization advocating for the strength and well-being of America’s children and youth.
Michael Boskin

Michael Boskin是斯坦福大学的Tully M. Friedman经济学教授和沃尔福德家庭胡佛研究所高级研究员,他自1971年以来一直在该大学任教。自1980年以来担任Boskin&Co.,Inc.的首席执行官兼总裁。1989年至1993年担任总统经济顾问委员会主席。1996年至2018年担任埃克森美孚前董事。

Michael Boskin,Tully M. Friedman Professor of Economics and Wohlford Family Hoover Institution Senior Fellow at Stanford University, where he has been on the faculty since 1971.CEO and President of Boskin & Co., Inc. since 1980.Chairman of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers from 1989 to 1993.Former director of ExxonMobil from 1996 to 2018.
Michael Boskin是斯坦福大学的Tully M. Friedman经济学教授和沃尔福德家庭胡佛研究所高级研究员,他自1971年以来一直在该大学任教。自1980年以来担任Boskin&Co.,Inc.的首席执行官兼总裁。1989年至1993年担任总统经济顾问委员会主席。1996年至2018年担任埃克森美孚前董事。
Michael Boskin,Tully M. Friedman Professor of Economics and Wohlford Family Hoover Institution Senior Fellow at Stanford University, where he has been on the faculty since 1971.CEO and President of Boskin & Co., Inc. since 1980.Chairman of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers from 1989 to 1993.Former director of ExxonMobil from 1996 to 2018.
Jeffrey Immelt

Jeffrey Immelt,自2018年1月起担任NEA的风险合伙人。从2001年到2017年,他曾担任通用电气(General Electric“;GE”;)的前董事长兼首席执行官,这是一家多元化的工业公司,在那里,他对公司的战略、全球足迹、劳动力和文化进行了改革,在他任职期间,他领导了几次创新转型,使工业利润翻了一番,重塑了投资组合,重新确立了市场领导地位,在重要行业中占据了较高的份额,并使新兴市场的收入翻了两番。《巴伦周刊》和英国《金融时报》在他的任期内进行了三次民意调查,将通用电气评为美国最受尊敬的公司,并被《财富》杂志评为全球最受尊敬的公司之一,在巴伦周刊和英国《金融时报》的调查中,通用电气被评为全球最受尊敬的公司之一担任奥巴马政府的总统就业和竞争力委员会主席,是美国艺术与科学学院的成员。

Jeffrey Immelt,Venture partner at NEA since January 2018.Former Chairman and CEO of General Electric “GE”, a diversified industrial company, for 16 years from 2001 to 2017 where he revamped the company’s strategy, global footprint, workforce and culture.During his tenure, he led several innovative transformations that doubled industrial earnings, reshaped the portfolio, re-established market leadership, grew a strong share position in essential industries, and quadrupled emerging market revenue.Named one of the “World’s Best CEOs” three times by Barron’s.GE was named “America’s Most Admired Company” by Fortune magazine and one of “The World’s Most Respected Companies” in polls by Barron’s and the Financial Times during his tenure.Recipient of 15 honorary degrees and numerous awards for business leadership.Chaired the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness under the Obama Administration.Member of The American Academy of Arts & Sciences.
Jeffrey Immelt,自2018年1月起担任NEA的风险合伙人。从2001年到2017年,他曾担任通用电气(General Electric“;GE”;)的前董事长兼首席执行官,这是一家多元化的工业公司,在那里,他对公司的战略、全球足迹、劳动力和文化进行了改革,在他任职期间,他领导了几次创新转型,使工业利润翻了一番,重塑了投资组合,重新确立了市场领导地位,在重要行业中占据了较高的份额,并使新兴市场的收入翻了两番。《巴伦周刊》和英国《金融时报》在他的任期内进行了三次民意调查,将通用电气评为美国最受尊敬的公司,并被《财富》杂志评为全球最受尊敬的公司之一,在巴伦周刊和英国《金融时报》的调查中,通用电气被评为全球最受尊敬的公司之一担任奥巴马政府的总统就业和竞争力委员会主席,是美国艺术与科学学院的成员。
Jeffrey Immelt,Venture partner at NEA since January 2018.Former Chairman and CEO of General Electric “GE”, a diversified industrial company, for 16 years from 2001 to 2017 where he revamped the company’s strategy, global footprint, workforce and culture.During his tenure, he led several innovative transformations that doubled industrial earnings, reshaped the portfolio, re-established market leadership, grew a strong share position in essential industries, and quadrupled emerging market revenue.Named one of the “World’s Best CEOs” three times by Barron’s.GE was named “America’s Most Admired Company” by Fortune magazine and one of “The World’s Most Respected Companies” in polls by Barron’s and the Financial Times during his tenure.Recipient of 15 honorary degrees and numerous awards for business leadership.Chaired the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness under the Obama Administration.Member of The American Academy of Arts & Sciences.
KR Sridhar

KR Sridhar,自2023年2月起担任C3.Ai,Inc.董事会成员。Sridhar先生自2002年起担任Bloom Energy的创始人、董事长和首席执行官。在创立Bloom Energy之前,Sridhar先生是亚利桑那大学空间技术实验室(STL)主任,也是航空航天和机械工程教授。Sridhar先生曾担任美国国家航空航天局的顾问,并领导了由工业、学术界和国家实验室组成的主要联盟。Sridhar先生还担任风险投资公司Kleiner Perkins的战略有限合伙人,以及New Enterprise Associates的特别顾问。Sridhar先生拥有印度马德拉斯大学(现称为NIT,Trichy)的机械工程学士学位、伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校的核工程硕士学位和机械工程博士学位。

KR Sridhar,has served as a member of C3.Ai, Inc. board of directors since February 2023. Mr. Sridhar is the Founder, Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer of Bloom Energy since 2002. Prior to founding Bloom Energy, Mr. Sridhar was Director of the Space Technologies Laboratory (STL) at the University of Arizona where he was also a Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. Mr. Sridhar has served as an advisor to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and has led major consortia of industry, academia, and national labs. Mr. Sridhar also serves as a Strategic Limited Partner at Kleiner Perkins, a venture capital firm, and as a special advisor to New Enterprise Associates. Mr. Sridhar holds a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering with honors from the University of Madras, India (now called NIT, Trichy), a master's degree in nuclear engineering and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
KR Sridhar,自2023年2月起担任C3.Ai,Inc.董事会成员。Sridhar先生自2002年起担任Bloom Energy的创始人、董事长和首席执行官。在创立Bloom Energy之前,Sridhar先生是亚利桑那大学空间技术实验室(STL)主任,也是航空航天和机械工程教授。Sridhar先生曾担任美国国家航空航天局的顾问,并领导了由工业、学术界和国家实验室组成的主要联盟。Sridhar先生还担任风险投资公司Kleiner Perkins的战略有限合伙人,以及New Enterprise Associates的特别顾问。Sridhar先生拥有印度马德拉斯大学(现称为NIT,Trichy)的机械工程学士学位、伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校的核工程硕士学位和机械工程博士学位。
KR Sridhar,has served as a member of C3.Ai, Inc. board of directors since February 2023. Mr. Sridhar is the Founder, Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer of Bloom Energy since 2002. Prior to founding Bloom Energy, Mr. Sridhar was Director of the Space Technologies Laboratory (STL) at the University of Arizona where he was also a Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. Mr. Sridhar has served as an advisor to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and has led major consortia of industry, academia, and national labs. Mr. Sridhar also serves as a Strategic Limited Partner at Kleiner Perkins, a venture capital firm, and as a special advisor to New Enterprise Associates. Mr. Sridhar holds a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering with honors from the University of Madras, India (now called NIT, Trichy), a master's degree in nuclear engineering and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
John T. Chambers

John T. Chambers,1993年11月成为董事会成员,2006年11月成为董事会主席。他在1991年1月进入思科公司并担任高级副总裁,1994年6月提升为执行副总裁,1995年1 月31日成为首席执行官。1995年1月31日至2006年11月还担任总裁。在进入思科之前,他在王安电脑公司工作8年,最后的职位是公司在美国业务部门的高级副总裁。他领导思科已有18年,自他担任首席执行官后,思科的年收入从1995年财政年度的20亿美元上升至2013年财政年度的486亿美元。作为董事会知悉和首席执行官,他在业务、战略、人力、营运、竞争和资金职位上为思科贡献了一切知识与能力,展现了执行领导力和独到的远见。他还编织了思科公司的客户、行业和政府关系的全球网络。

John T. Chambers,Founder and Chief Executive Officer at JC2 Ventures, a venture capital firm, since March 2017.Executive Chairman of the board of Cisco Systems, Inc. “Cisco”, a networking and information technology company, from July 2015 to December 2017 and as Chairman of the board of Cisco from November 2006 to July 2015.Cisco’s Chief Executive Officer from January 1995 until July 2015 and President from January 1995 to November 2006.Employed by Wang Laboratories, Inc., a former computer-based office information processing systems company, from 1982 to 1990 where, in his last role, he was the Senior Vice President of U.S. Operations.Chairman of the US-India Strategic Partnership Forum.Appointed Global Ambassador of the French Tech by President Emmanuel Macron of France.
John T. Chambers,1993年11月成为董事会成员,2006年11月成为董事会主席。他在1991年1月进入思科公司并担任高级副总裁,1994年6月提升为执行副总裁,1995年1 月31日成为首席执行官。1995年1月31日至2006年11月还担任总裁。在进入思科之前,他在王安电脑公司工作8年,最后的职位是公司在美国业务部门的高级副总裁。他领导思科已有18年,自他担任首席执行官后,思科的年收入从1995年财政年度的20亿美元上升至2013年财政年度的486亿美元。作为董事会知悉和首席执行官,他在业务、战略、人力、营运、竞争和资金职位上为思科贡献了一切知识与能力,展现了执行领导力和独到的远见。他还编织了思科公司的客户、行业和政府关系的全球网络。
John T. Chambers,Founder and Chief Executive Officer at JC2 Ventures, a venture capital firm, since March 2017.Executive Chairman of the board of Cisco Systems, Inc. “Cisco”, a networking and information technology company, from July 2015 to December 2017 and as Chairman of the board of Cisco from November 2006 to July 2015.Cisco’s Chief Executive Officer from January 1995 until July 2015 and President from January 1995 to November 2006.Employed by Wang Laboratories, Inc., a former computer-based office information processing systems company, from 1982 to 1990 where, in his last role, he was the Senior Vice President of U.S. Operations.Chairman of the US-India Strategic Partnership Forum.Appointed Global Ambassador of the French Tech by President Emmanuel Macron of France.
L. John Doerr

L. John Doerr自2013年4月以来服务于董事会。他自1980年以来是风险资本公司Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers的普通合伙人。他目前在全球科技公司Google, Inc.(NASDAQ:GOOG)和合成生物学公司Amyris, Inc.(NASDAQ:AMRS)的董事会任职。他之前从1996年到2010年是网上零售公司Amazon.com, Inc.的董事;从1990年到2007年是Intuit Inc.(业务和财务管理解决方案的提供商)的董事;从1998年到2008年是Move, Inc.(房地产媒体和技术解决方案的提供商)的董事。他获得哈佛大学商学院(Harvard Business School )的工商管理硕士学位,莱斯大学(Rice University)的电气工程和计算机科学硕士学位和电机工程学士学位。

L. John Doerr,has been a General Partner of Kleiner Perkins, a venture capital firm, since August 1980. John holds a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering and a Master of Science degree in electrical engineering from Rice University, and a Master of Business Administration degree from Harvard Business School.Board of Trustees, The Aspen Institute.Board of Directors, Climate Imperative.
L. John Doerr自2013年4月以来服务于董事会。他自1980年以来是风险资本公司Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers的普通合伙人。他目前在全球科技公司Google, Inc.(NASDAQ:GOOG)和合成生物学公司Amyris, Inc.(NASDAQ:AMRS)的董事会任职。他之前从1996年到2010年是网上零售公司Amazon.com, Inc.的董事;从1990年到2007年是Intuit Inc.(业务和财务管理解决方案的提供商)的董事;从1998年到2008年是Move, Inc.(房地产媒体和技术解决方案的提供商)的董事。他获得哈佛大学商学院(Harvard Business School )的工商管理硕士学位,莱斯大学(Rice University)的电气工程和计算机科学硕士学位和电机工程学士学位。
L. John Doerr,has been a General Partner of Kleiner Perkins, a venture capital firm, since August 1980. John holds a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering and a Master of Science degree in electrical engineering from Rice University, and a Master of Business Administration degree from Harvard Business School.Board of Trustees, The Aspen Institute.Board of Directors, Climate Imperative.
Mary K. Bush

Mary K. Bush,她1991年起任Bush International, LLC董事长,该公司为一家提供金融及商务战略咨询的公司,2010年起任一家咨询和投资银行公司布洛克资本集团有限责任公司高级常务董事,现任ManTech国际公司,万豪国际及T. Rowe Price Group董事。近五年,她同时任美国联合航空集团,美国百利通公司及the Pioneer Family共同基金董事会成员。

Mary K. Bush,Founder and chairman of Bush International, LLC, a financial and business strategy advisory firm, since 1991.Inaugural head and managing director of the Federal Housing Finance Board, where she established financial policies and oversaw management and safety and soundness for the nation's Federal Home Loan Banks.Founder and former head of the international finance department of Fannie Mae, where she led funding transactions globally.Appointed by President Reagan as the U.S. Alternate Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund Board.Served on the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Advisory Commission on the Auditing Profession.Current: Bloom Energy (2007 - present); T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. (2013 - present).During Past Five Years: ManTech International Corporation (2006 - 2022); Marriott International, Inc. (2008 - 2020).
Mary K. Bush,她1991年起任Bush International, LLC董事长,该公司为一家提供金融及商务战略咨询的公司,2010年起任一家咨询和投资银行公司布洛克资本集团有限责任公司高级常务董事,现任ManTech国际公司,万豪国际及T. Rowe Price Group董事。近五年,她同时任美国联合航空集团,美国百利通公司及the Pioneer Family共同基金董事会成员。
Mary K. Bush,Founder and chairman of Bush International, LLC, a financial and business strategy advisory firm, since 1991.Inaugural head and managing director of the Federal Housing Finance Board, where she established financial policies and oversaw management and safety and soundness for the nation's Federal Home Loan Banks.Founder and former head of the international finance department of Fannie Mae, where she led funding transactions globally.Appointed by President Reagan as the U.S. Alternate Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund Board.Served on the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Advisory Commission on the Auditing Profession.Current: Bloom Energy (2007 - present); T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. (2013 - present).During Past Five Years: ManTech International Corporation (2006 - 2022); Marriott International, Inc. (2008 - 2020).
Scott Sandell

Scott Sandell于2014年12月至2017年8月期间担任涂鸦公司的董事,并自2018年4月起获重新委任为董事。Scott Sandell,2004年4月以来,担任展讯通信有限公司董事。2010年8月以来,担任展讯通信有限公司董事会领导。 Sandell先生是 New Enterprise Associates, Inc.的普通合伙人,或NEA和NEA Technology investing practice的领导人。自从1996年加入该公司, Sandell先生在在产业转型的公司,已经亲自领导的投资包括Bloom Energy, Data Domain, Fusion-io, Salesforce.com, Tableau Software, WebEx, 和 Workday。 Sandell先生多次入选《福布斯》大富翁名单,有16个科技公司在他的投资组合下公开发行或合并完成。除了专注于信息技术和替代能源的投资, Sandell先生领导了NEA在中国的投资活动。除了担任我们的首席主管, Sandell现实也是目前Fusion-io NASDAQ的领导人,包括:FIO, 在第三个上市公司Workday (NYSE: WDAY)董事会任职。 Sandell先生主任也是一些私营企业的董事,包括 Bloom Energy, BloomReach, CloudFlare, Coursera, Fusion-io 和Tableau Software。其他以前的投资,包括 3ware (被 Applied Micro Circuits Corp收购), Neoteris (被Juniper Networks收购), NetIQ (NASDAQ: NTIQ)和 Playdom (被 Disney收购)。加入NEA之前, Sandell先生是微软的产品经理,他在Windows 95工作。在加入微软之前, Sandell先生是 C-ATS Software的第一个销售人员,后来,他建立和运营该公司的欧洲子公司。 Sandell现实也在National Venture Capital Association (NVCA)董事会任职。 Sandell先生在 Boston Consulting Group开始他的职业生涯。 Sandell先生获得斯坦福大学的MBA学位,从 Dartmouth College获得艺术工程科学学士学位。

Scott Sandell served as our director between December 2014 and August 2017 and has been re-appointed as a director since April 2018. Mr. Sandell has served as Managing General Partner of New Enterprise Associates, Inc. NEA, a venture capital firm, since April 2017 Co-Managing General Partner from March 2015 to April 2017 and as a General Partner since September 2000. Mr. Sandell joined NEA in January 1996 and served as head of the firm's technology investing practice for 10 years. He currently serves as lead independent director of Cloudflare, Inc. (NYSE: NET), an internet security company, and as a director of Bloom Energy Corporation (NYSE: BE), a clean energy company, as well as several privately-held companies. Mr. Sandell previously served on the board of directors of Fusion-io, Inc., a computer hardware and software systems company acquired by SanDisk Corporation, Tableau Software, Inc., a software company, Workday, Inc., a provider of on demand financial management and human capital management software, and Spreadtrum Communications, Inc., a semiconductor company acquired by Tsinghua Unigroup. Mr. Sandell holds an A.B. in Engineering from Dartmouth College and an M.B.A. from Stanford University.
Scott Sandell于2014年12月至2017年8月期间担任涂鸦公司的董事,并自2018年4月起获重新委任为董事。Scott Sandell,2004年4月以来,担任展讯通信有限公司董事。2010年8月以来,担任展讯通信有限公司董事会领导。 Sandell先生是 New Enterprise Associates, Inc.的普通合伙人,或NEA和NEA Technology investing practice的领导人。自从1996年加入该公司, Sandell先生在在产业转型的公司,已经亲自领导的投资包括Bloom Energy, Data Domain, Fusion-io, Salesforce.com, Tableau Software, WebEx, 和 Workday。 Sandell先生多次入选《福布斯》大富翁名单,有16个科技公司在他的投资组合下公开发行或合并完成。除了专注于信息技术和替代能源的投资, Sandell先生领导了NEA在中国的投资活动。除了担任我们的首席主管, Sandell现实也是目前Fusion-io NASDAQ的领导人,包括:FIO, 在第三个上市公司Workday (NYSE: WDAY)董事会任职。 Sandell先生主任也是一些私营企业的董事,包括 Bloom Energy, BloomReach, CloudFlare, Coursera, Fusion-io 和Tableau Software。其他以前的投资,包括 3ware (被 Applied Micro Circuits Corp收购), Neoteris (被Juniper Networks收购), NetIQ (NASDAQ: NTIQ)和 Playdom (被 Disney收购)。加入NEA之前, Sandell先生是微软的产品经理,他在Windows 95工作。在加入微软之前, Sandell先生是 C-ATS Software的第一个销售人员,后来,他建立和运营该公司的欧洲子公司。 Sandell现实也在National Venture Capital Association (NVCA)董事会任职。 Sandell先生在 Boston Consulting Group开始他的职业生涯。 Sandell先生获得斯坦福大学的MBA学位,从 Dartmouth College获得艺术工程科学学士学位。
Scott Sandell served as our director between December 2014 and August 2017 and has been re-appointed as a director since April 2018. Mr. Sandell has served as Managing General Partner of New Enterprise Associates, Inc. NEA, a venture capital firm, since April 2017 Co-Managing General Partner from March 2015 to April 2017 and as a General Partner since September 2000. Mr. Sandell joined NEA in January 1996 and served as head of the firm's technology investing practice for 10 years. He currently serves as lead independent director of Cloudflare, Inc. (NYSE: NET), an internet security company, and as a director of Bloom Energy Corporation (NYSE: BE), a clean energy company, as well as several privately-held companies. Mr. Sandell previously served on the board of directors of Fusion-io, Inc., a computer hardware and software systems company acquired by SanDisk Corporation, Tableau Software, Inc., a software company, Workday, Inc., a provider of on demand financial management and human capital management software, and Spreadtrum Communications, Inc., a semiconductor company acquired by Tsinghua Unigroup. Mr. Sandell holds an A.B. in Engineering from Dartmouth College and an M.B.A. from Stanford University.
Eddy Zervigon

Eddy Zervigon是 Company从2004年到2004年1月31日担任公司的经理,并在公司治理和提名委员会的建议下于2014年3月1日加入董事会。目前,他正在投资公司Alta Loma Energy担任负责人;从1997年到2012年2月,他在Morgan Stanley & Co.担任董事,现任其主要投资集团的常务董事。他还担任Bloom Energy的董事,之前还在MMCinemas、 Impsat Fiber Networks, Inc.、 TVN Entertainment Corporation 和Stadium Capital担任董事会成员。他获得了佛罗里达国际大学的一个会计学士学位和一个税收硕士学位的从,也有阿摩司达特茅斯学院塔克商学院一个企业管理大师。他也是一个注册会计师。

Eddy Zervigon,CEO of Quantum Xchange, a cybersecurity company, since September 2020.Special Advisor at Riverside Management Group, a boutique merchant bank, since 2012.Previously, he was a Managing Director in the Principal Investments Group at Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC, a global financial services firm, from 1997 to 2012.Prior to joining Morgan Stanley, Mr. Zervigon was a Certified Public Accountant at Coopers & Lybrand now PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, a public accounting firm.Served as a director of DigitalGlobe, Inc., a builder and operator of satellites for digital imaging, where he served as a member of the audit and compensation committees from 2004 to 2017.Previously served as a board member of MMCinemas, Impsat Fiber Networks, Inc., TVN Entertainment Corporation and Stadium Capital Management, LLC.
Eddy Zervigon是 Company从2004年到2004年1月31日担任公司的经理,并在公司治理和提名委员会的建议下于2014年3月1日加入董事会。目前,他正在投资公司Alta Loma Energy担任负责人;从1997年到2012年2月,他在Morgan Stanley & Co.担任董事,现任其主要投资集团的常务董事。他还担任Bloom Energy的董事,之前还在MMCinemas、 Impsat Fiber Networks, Inc.、 TVN Entertainment Corporation 和Stadium Capital担任董事会成员。他获得了佛罗里达国际大学的一个会计学士学位和一个税收硕士学位的从,也有阿摩司达特茅斯学院塔克商学院一个企业管理大师。他也是一个注册会计师。
Eddy Zervigon,CEO of Quantum Xchange, a cybersecurity company, since September 2020.Special Advisor at Riverside Management Group, a boutique merchant bank, since 2012.Previously, he was a Managing Director in the Principal Investments Group at Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC, a global financial services firm, from 1997 to 2012.Prior to joining Morgan Stanley, Mr. Zervigon was a Certified Public Accountant at Coopers & Lybrand now PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, a public accounting firm.Served as a director of DigitalGlobe, Inc., a builder and operator of satellites for digital imaging, where he served as a member of the audit and compensation committees from 2004 to 2017.Previously served as a board member of MMCinemas, Impsat Fiber Networks, Inc., TVN Entertainment Corporation and Stadium Capital Management, LLC.
Colin Powell

Colin Powell,2014年担任董事长,是一位退休的四星上将,在美国陆军队服役35年,担任美国国建安全顾问,美国陆军部队司令、参谋长联合会主席,并且是第65任美国国务卿。他是外交关系董事会成员之一,是纽约城市大学克林 鲍威尔学院公民与全球领导力专业的客座教授委员会主席,以及美国承诺联盟的创立者和名誉主席。2005年7月,他是克莱纳 帕金斯 考菲尔德和拜尔斯公司的有限责任合伙人。他是纽约城市学院的理学士,并获得乔治华盛顿大学的工商管理硕士学位。

Colin Powell has served as a Director since March 2014. General Powell is a retired four-star general and served for 35 years in the United States Army. He has served as U.S. National Security Advisor, Commander of the U.S. Army Forces Command, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and was the 65th Secretary of State of the United States. General Powell currently serves as a director of Bloom Energy Corporation. General Powell also is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Chair of the Board of Visitors of the Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership at the City College of New York and the Founder and Chairman Emeritus of the America's Promise Alliance. In addition, General Powell has served as an Advisor at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, a venture capital firm, since 2005. General Powell received a B.S. from the City College of New York and an M.B.A. from The George Washington University.
Colin Powell,2014年担任董事长,是一位退休的四星上将,在美国陆军队服役35年,担任美国国建安全顾问,美国陆军部队司令、参谋长联合会主席,并且是第65任美国国务卿。他是外交关系董事会成员之一,是纽约城市大学克林 鲍威尔学院公民与全球领导力专业的客座教授委员会主席,以及美国承诺联盟的创立者和名誉主席。2005年7月,他是克莱纳 帕金斯 考菲尔德和拜尔斯公司的有限责任合伙人。他是纽约城市学院的理学士,并获得乔治华盛顿大学的工商管理硕士学位。
Colin Powell has served as a Director since March 2014. General Powell is a retired four-star general and served for 35 years in the United States Army. He has served as U.S. National Security Advisor, Commander of the U.S. Army Forces Command, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and was the 65th Secretary of State of the United States. General Powell currently serves as a director of Bloom Energy Corporation. General Powell also is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Chair of the Board of Visitors of the Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership at the City College of New York and the Founder and Chairman Emeritus of the America's Promise Alliance. In addition, General Powell has served as an Advisor at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, a venture capital firm, since 2005. General Powell received a B.S. from the City College of New York and an M.B.A. from The George Washington University.


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KR Sridhar

KR Sridhar是我们的创始人,自2001年1月以来一直担任我们的董事会成员,并自2002年4月以来担任我们的首席执行官兼董事会主席。创立Bloom Energy公司之前,他曾担任亚利桑那大学(the University of Arizona)的空间技术实验室的董事,在那里他也曾担任航空航天和机械工程教授。Sridhar先生曾担任NASA的顾问,并领导工业、学术界和国家实验室的主要财团。Sridhar先生还担任Kleiner Perkins Caufield&Byers(一家风险投资公司)的战略有限合伙人,并担任New Enterprise Associates(一家风险投资公司)的特别顾问。他也曾任职于许多技术委员会、面板和顾问委员会,并拥有几个出版物和专利。Sridhar先生在印度蒂鲁奇拉帕利国立理工学院(National Institute of Technology)获得机械工程学士学位,并在伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(University of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign)获得核工程硕士学位和机械工程博士学位。

KR Sridhar,Founder of Bloom and has served as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board since March 2002.Prior to founding Bloom, served as director of the Space Technologies Laboratory at the University of Arizona where he was also a professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering.Has served as an advisor to NASA and has led major consortia of industry, academia and national labs.Currently serves as a strategic limited partner at Kleiner Perkins.Served on many technical committees, panels and advisory boards and has several publications and patents.
KR Sridhar是我们的创始人,自2001年1月以来一直担任我们的董事会成员,并自2002年4月以来担任我们的首席执行官兼董事会主席。创立Bloom Energy公司之前,他曾担任亚利桑那大学(the University of Arizona)的空间技术实验室的董事,在那里他也曾担任航空航天和机械工程教授。Sridhar先生曾担任NASA的顾问,并领导工业、学术界和国家实验室的主要财团。Sridhar先生还担任Kleiner Perkins Caufield&Byers(一家风险投资公司)的战略有限合伙人,并担任New Enterprise Associates(一家风险投资公司)的特别顾问。他也曾任职于许多技术委员会、面板和顾问委员会,并拥有几个出版物和专利。Sridhar先生在印度蒂鲁奇拉帕利国立理工学院(National Institute of Technology)获得机械工程学士学位,并在伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(University of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign)获得核工程硕士学位和机械工程博士学位。
KR Sridhar,Founder of Bloom and has served as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board since March 2002.Prior to founding Bloom, served as director of the Space Technologies Laboratory at the University of Arizona where he was also a professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering.Has served as an advisor to NASA and has led major consortia of industry, academia and national labs.Currently serves as a strategic limited partner at Kleiner Perkins.Served on many technical committees, panels and advisory boards and has several publications and patents.
Susan Brennan

Susan Brennan自2013年11月以来一直担任我们的首席运营官。加入Bloom Energy之前,Brennan从2008年10月到2013年11月担任汽车公司Nissan North America,Inc.制造-Smyrna and Decherd Vice President。她也曾担任Ford Motor Company(一家汽车公司)的全球制造总监,以及Ford Motor Company、Visteon Corporation(一家全球汽车电子产品供应商)和Douglas&Lomason Company(一家汽车零部件供应商)的其他企业和制造管理职位。Brennan女士自2016年1月起担任Senior plc董事会成员。Brennan女士拥有伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(University of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign)的微生物学学士学位和奥马哈内布拉斯加大学(University of Nebraska,Omaha)的工商管理硕士学位。

Susan Brennan has served as our Executive Vice President, Chief Operations Officer since November 2013. Prior to joining Bloom, Ms. Brennan served as Vice President of Manufacturing - Smyrna and Decherd at Nissan North America, Inc., an automobile company, from October 2008 to November 2013. She also previously served as Director of Global Manufacturing at Ford Motor Company, an automobile company, and in other corporate and manufacturing management roles at Ford Motor Company, Visteon Corporation, a global automotive electronics supplier, and Douglas & Lomason Company, an automotive parts supplier. Ms. Brennan has served as a board member with Senior PLC since January 2016 and Romeo Power, Inc. since December 2020. Ms. Brennan holds a bachelor’s degree in Microbiology from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and an M.B.A. from the University of Nebraska, Omaha.
Susan Brennan自2013年11月以来一直担任我们的首席运营官。加入Bloom Energy之前,Brennan从2008年10月到2013年11月担任汽车公司Nissan North America,Inc.制造-Smyrna and Decherd Vice President。她也曾担任Ford Motor Company(一家汽车公司)的全球制造总监,以及Ford Motor Company、Visteon Corporation(一家全球汽车电子产品供应商)和Douglas&Lomason Company(一家汽车零部件供应商)的其他企业和制造管理职位。Brennan女士自2016年1月起担任Senior plc董事会成员。Brennan女士拥有伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(University of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign)的微生物学学士学位和奥马哈内布拉斯加大学(University of Nebraska,Omaha)的工商管理硕士学位。
Susan Brennan has served as our Executive Vice President, Chief Operations Officer since November 2013. Prior to joining Bloom, Ms. Brennan served as Vice President of Manufacturing - Smyrna and Decherd at Nissan North America, Inc., an automobile company, from October 2008 to November 2013. She also previously served as Director of Global Manufacturing at Ford Motor Company, an automobile company, and in other corporate and manufacturing management roles at Ford Motor Company, Visteon Corporation, a global automotive electronics supplier, and Douglas & Lomason Company, an automotive parts supplier. Ms. Brennan has served as a board member with Senior PLC since January 2016 and Romeo Power, Inc. since December 2020. Ms. Brennan holds a bachelor’s degree in Microbiology from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and an M.B.A. from the University of Nebraska, Omaha.
Swaminathan Venkataraman

Swaminathan Venkataraman自2003年12月以来一直担任我们的工程执行Vice President和首席技术官。他曾撰写或共同撰写固体氧化物燃料电池技术、燃料加工和热集成和控制系统领域的多项专利。在加入Bloom Energy之前,Venkataraman先生从1987年到2003年是AspenTechnology,Inc.公司(一家供应链管理软件和专业服务提供商)的主要技术人员,他在该公司领导了化工和石化行业高端设计、模拟和优化软件的商业开发。Venkataraman先生拥有蒂鲁奇拉帕利国立理工学院(National Institute of Technology,Tiruchirappali)的化学工程学士学位和克拉克森大学(Clarkson University)的化学工程博士学位。

Swaminathan Venkataraman has served as our Executive Vice President of Engineering and Chief Technology Officer since December 2003. He has authored or co-authored several patents in the areas of solid oxide fuel cell technology, fuel processing and heat integration and control systems. His recent focus is on decarbonization using carbon capture and low cost electrolyzers for hydrogen production. Prior to joining Bloom, Mr. Venkataraman was a Principal Technologist at Aspen Technology, Inc., a provider of supply chain management software and professional services, from 1987 to 2003 where he led the commercial development of high end design, simulation and optimization software for the chemical and petrochemical industries. Mr. Venkataraman holds a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli and a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Clarkson University.
Swaminathan Venkataraman自2003年12月以来一直担任我们的工程执行Vice President和首席技术官。他曾撰写或共同撰写固体氧化物燃料电池技术、燃料加工和热集成和控制系统领域的多项专利。在加入Bloom Energy之前,Venkataraman先生从1987年到2003年是AspenTechnology,Inc.公司(一家供应链管理软件和专业服务提供商)的主要技术人员,他在该公司领导了化工和石化行业高端设计、模拟和优化软件的商业开发。Venkataraman先生拥有蒂鲁奇拉帕利国立理工学院(National Institute of Technology,Tiruchirappali)的化学工程学士学位和克拉克森大学(Clarkson University)的化学工程博士学位。
Swaminathan Venkataraman has served as our Executive Vice President of Engineering and Chief Technology Officer since December 2003. He has authored or co-authored several patents in the areas of solid oxide fuel cell technology, fuel processing and heat integration and control systems. His recent focus is on decarbonization using carbon capture and low cost electrolyzers for hydrogen production. Prior to joining Bloom, Mr. Venkataraman was a Principal Technologist at Aspen Technology, Inc., a provider of supply chain management software and professional services, from 1987 to 2003 where he led the commercial development of high end design, simulation and optimization software for the chemical and petrochemical industries. Mr. Venkataraman holds a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli and a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Clarkson University.
Shawn Soderberg

Shawn Soderberg自2016年1月起担任我们的执行Vice President,总法律顾问兼秘书。在加入我们之前,Soderberg女士于2013年至2016年担任Bio-Rad Laboratories(一家为生命科学和临床诊断行业提供全球医疗技术的供应商)的执行Vice President,总法律顾问兼秘书。在此之前,Soderberg女士于2006年至2013年担任Aricent Group(一家全球设计和软件工程服务及产品公司)的高级副总裁,总法律顾问兼秘书;H&Q Asia Pacific(一家私募股权公司)的董事总经理and General Counsel,2000年至2006年;1996年至2000年,担任光存储和数字家庭娱乐市场半导体和嵌入式解决方案提供商Oak Technology的总法律顾问兼秘书Vice President;嵌入式系统软件提供商Microtec Research,Inc.的and General Counsel,1994年至1996年。在Soderberg&8217;女士的总法律顾问经验之前,她在律师事务所环境中执业。Soderberg女士拥有圣克拉拉大学(University of Santa Clara)会计学士学位,西雅图大学法学院(Seattle University School of Law)法学博士学位和法学硕士学位。纽约大学税务学专业。

Shawn Soderberg has served as our Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary since January 2016. Prior to joining Bloom, Ms. Soderberg was the Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of Bio-Rad Laboratories, a global medical technology provider for the life science and clinical diagnostics industries from 2013 to 2016. Prior to that, Ms. Soderberg was the Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of Aricent Group, a global design and software engineering services and product company, from 2006 to 2013; Managing Director and General Counsel of H&Q Asia Pacific, a private equity firm, from 2000 to 2006; Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of Oak Technology, a semiconductor and embedded solutions provider for the optical storage and the digital home entertainment market, from 1996 to 2000; and General Counsel of Microtec Research, Inc., a software provider for embedded systems, from 1994 to 1996. Ms. Soderberg holds a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the University of Santa Clara, a J.D. from Seattle University School of Law and an LL.M. in Taxation from New York University.
Shawn Soderberg自2016年1月起担任我们的执行Vice President,总法律顾问兼秘书。在加入我们之前,Soderberg女士于2013年至2016年担任Bio-Rad Laboratories(一家为生命科学和临床诊断行业提供全球医疗技术的供应商)的执行Vice President,总法律顾问兼秘书。在此之前,Soderberg女士于2006年至2013年担任Aricent Group(一家全球设计和软件工程服务及产品公司)的高级副总裁,总法律顾问兼秘书;H&Q Asia Pacific(一家私募股权公司)的董事总经理and General Counsel,2000年至2006年;1996年至2000年,担任光存储和数字家庭娱乐市场半导体和嵌入式解决方案提供商Oak Technology的总法律顾问兼秘书Vice President;嵌入式系统软件提供商Microtec Research,Inc.的and General Counsel,1994年至1996年。在Soderberg&8217;女士的总法律顾问经验之前,她在律师事务所环境中执业。Soderberg女士拥有圣克拉拉大学(University of Santa Clara)会计学士学位,西雅图大学法学院(Seattle University School of Law)法学博士学位和法学硕士学位。纽约大学税务学专业。
Shawn Soderberg has served as our Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary since January 2016. Prior to joining Bloom, Ms. Soderberg was the Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of Bio-Rad Laboratories, a global medical technology provider for the life science and clinical diagnostics industries from 2013 to 2016. Prior to that, Ms. Soderberg was the Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of Aricent Group, a global design and software engineering services and product company, from 2006 to 2013; Managing Director and General Counsel of H&Q Asia Pacific, a private equity firm, from 2000 to 2006; Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of Oak Technology, a semiconductor and embedded solutions provider for the optical storage and the digital home entertainment market, from 1996 to 2000; and General Counsel of Microtec Research, Inc., a software provider for embedded systems, from 1994 to 1996. Ms. Soderberg holds a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the University of Santa Clara, a J.D. from Seattle University School of Law and an LL.M. in Taxation from New York University.
Gregory Cameron

Gregory Cameron自2020年4月起担任我们的执行副总裁兼首席财务官。在加入Bloom之前,Cameron先生是通用电气(一家多元化的工业公司)的一名官员。在过去26年的职业生涯中,卡梅伦在推动变革、促进积极转型以及通过稳健的财政和商业方向克服挑战方面有着丰富的历史。卡梅伦先生于2018年至2019年担任GE公司全球运营总裁兼首席执行官,并于2016年至2018年担任GE Capital全球遗产解决方案总裁兼首席执行官。2016年之前,他曾担任General Electric公司的多种高级职务,包括担任GE Capital公司的美洲首席财务官(从2009年到2016年)。Cameron先生拥有圣劳伦斯大学经济学学士学位。

Gregory Cameron has served as our Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer since April 2020. Prior to joining Bloom, Mr. Cameron was an officer at General Electric, a diversified industrial company. Over his 26-year career there, Mr. Cameron had a strong history of driving change, fostering positive transitions, and conquering challenges through sound fiscal and business direction. Mr. Cameron served as President and Chief Executive Officer, Global Operations-GE Company from 2018 through 2019 and as President and Chief Executive Officer, Global Legacy Solutions-GE Capital from 2016 through 2018. Prior to 2016 he served in various senior roles with General Electric, including as Chief Financial Officer, Americas-GE Capital from 2009 through 2016. Mr. Cameron holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from St. Lawrence University.
Gregory Cameron自2020年4月起担任我们的执行副总裁兼首席财务官。在加入Bloom之前,Cameron先生是通用电气(一家多元化的工业公司)的一名官员。在过去26年的职业生涯中,卡梅伦在推动变革、促进积极转型以及通过稳健的财政和商业方向克服挑战方面有着丰富的历史。卡梅伦先生于2018年至2019年担任GE公司全球运营总裁兼首席执行官,并于2016年至2018年担任GE Capital全球遗产解决方案总裁兼首席执行官。2016年之前,他曾担任General Electric公司的多种高级职务,包括担任GE Capital公司的美洲首席财务官(从2009年到2016年)。Cameron先生拥有圣劳伦斯大学经济学学士学位。
Gregory Cameron has served as our Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer since April 2020. Prior to joining Bloom, Mr. Cameron was an officer at General Electric, a diversified industrial company. Over his 26-year career there, Mr. Cameron had a strong history of driving change, fostering positive transitions, and conquering challenges through sound fiscal and business direction. Mr. Cameron served as President and Chief Executive Officer, Global Operations-GE Company from 2018 through 2019 and as President and Chief Executive Officer, Global Legacy Solutions-GE Capital from 2016 through 2018. Prior to 2016 he served in various senior roles with General Electric, including as Chief Financial Officer, Americas-GE Capital from 2009 through 2016. Mr. Cameron holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from St. Lawrence University.
Chris White

Chris White于2019年6月至2021年3月担任执行副总裁兼首席销售官。White先生拥有超过25年的管理行业和市场转型的经验。在加入Bloom之前,White先生曾担任Signify(前身为Philips Lighting)的美洲首席执行官,这是一家联网LED照明系统的领导者。在加入Signify之前,Chris曾担任多个转型高管职位,包括在跨国技术公司Cisco Systems任职20年。作为物联网销售,战略和进入市场的全球高级副总裁,他领导了思科的市场领导地位,并在三年内发展了10亿美元的业务。此前,他曾在不到五年的时间里,将思科的体育和娱乐集团从一家2000万美元的初创公司发展成为一家价值5亿美元的企业。怀特先生拥有伦敦大学金斯敦学院的商业学士学位(以优异成绩)。White先生还担任Ingram Micro,Big Data Partners和加州大学欧文分校Paul Merage商学院的顾问委员会成员。

Chris White served as Executive Vice President and Chief Sales Officer from June 2019 to March 2021. Mr. White has more than 25 years of experience managing industries and market transformations. Prior to joining Bloom, Mr. White served as CEO of the Americas at Signify formerly Philips Lighting, a leader in connected LED lighting systems. Before joining Signify, Chris held several transformational executive roles including a 20-year tenure at Cisco Systems, multinational technology company. As Global Senior Vice President of Internet of Things (IoT) Sales, Strategy and Go-to-Market, he spearheaded Cisco’s market leadership and grew a $1 billion business in three years. He previously grew Cisco’s Sports and Entertainment group from a $20 million start-up to a $500 million business in less than five years. Mr. White holds a bachelor’s degree in Business (with Honors) from Kingston College at the University of London. Mr. White also serves on the Advisory Boards for Ingram Micro, Big Data Partners and the Paul Merage School of Business at the University of California, Irvine.
Chris White于2019年6月至2021年3月担任执行副总裁兼首席销售官。White先生拥有超过25年的管理行业和市场转型的经验。在加入Bloom之前,White先生曾担任Signify(前身为Philips Lighting)的美洲首席执行官,这是一家联网LED照明系统的领导者。在加入Signify之前,Chris曾担任多个转型高管职位,包括在跨国技术公司Cisco Systems任职20年。作为物联网销售,战略和进入市场的全球高级副总裁,他领导了思科的市场领导地位,并在三年内发展了10亿美元的业务。此前,他曾在不到五年的时间里,将思科的体育和娱乐集团从一家2000万美元的初创公司发展成为一家价值5亿美元的企业。怀特先生拥有伦敦大学金斯敦学院的商业学士学位(以优异成绩)。White先生还担任Ingram Micro,Big Data Partners和加州大学欧文分校Paul Merage商学院的顾问委员会成员。
Chris White served as Executive Vice President and Chief Sales Officer from June 2019 to March 2021. Mr. White has more than 25 years of experience managing industries and market transformations. Prior to joining Bloom, Mr. White served as CEO of the Americas at Signify formerly Philips Lighting, a leader in connected LED lighting systems. Before joining Signify, Chris held several transformational executive roles including a 20-year tenure at Cisco Systems, multinational technology company. As Global Senior Vice President of Internet of Things (IoT) Sales, Strategy and Go-to-Market, he spearheaded Cisco’s market leadership and grew a $1 billion business in three years. He previously grew Cisco’s Sports and Entertainment group from a $20 million start-up to a $500 million business in less than five years. Mr. White holds a bachelor’s degree in Business (with Honors) from Kingston College at the University of London. Mr. White also serves on the Advisory Boards for Ingram Micro, Big Data Partners and the Paul Merage School of Business at the University of California, Irvine.
KR Sridhar

KR Sridhar,自2023年2月起担任C3.Ai,Inc.董事会成员。Sridhar先生自2002年起担任Bloom Energy的创始人、董事长和首席执行官。在创立Bloom Energy之前,Sridhar先生是亚利桑那大学空间技术实验室(STL)主任,也是航空航天和机械工程教授。Sridhar先生曾担任美国国家航空航天局的顾问,并领导了由工业、学术界和国家实验室组成的主要联盟。Sridhar先生还担任风险投资公司Kleiner Perkins的战略有限合伙人,以及New Enterprise Associates的特别顾问。Sridhar先生拥有印度马德拉斯大学(现称为NIT,Trichy)的机械工程学士学位、伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校的核工程硕士学位和机械工程博士学位。

KR Sridhar,has served as a member of C3.Ai, Inc. board of directors since February 2023. Mr. Sridhar is the Founder, Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer of Bloom Energy since 2002. Prior to founding Bloom Energy, Mr. Sridhar was Director of the Space Technologies Laboratory (STL) at the University of Arizona where he was also a Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. Mr. Sridhar has served as an advisor to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and has led major consortia of industry, academia, and national labs. Mr. Sridhar also serves as a Strategic Limited Partner at Kleiner Perkins, a venture capital firm, and as a special advisor to New Enterprise Associates. Mr. Sridhar holds a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering with honors from the University of Madras, India (now called NIT, Trichy), a master's degree in nuclear engineering and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
KR Sridhar,自2023年2月起担任C3.Ai,Inc.董事会成员。Sridhar先生自2002年起担任Bloom Energy的创始人、董事长和首席执行官。在创立Bloom Energy之前,Sridhar先生是亚利桑那大学空间技术实验室(STL)主任,也是航空航天和机械工程教授。Sridhar先生曾担任美国国家航空航天局的顾问,并领导了由工业、学术界和国家实验室组成的主要联盟。Sridhar先生还担任风险投资公司Kleiner Perkins的战略有限合伙人,以及New Enterprise Associates的特别顾问。Sridhar先生拥有印度马德拉斯大学(现称为NIT,Trichy)的机械工程学士学位、伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校的核工程硕士学位和机械工程博士学位。
KR Sridhar,has served as a member of C3.Ai, Inc. board of directors since February 2023. Mr. Sridhar is the Founder, Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer of Bloom Energy since 2002. Prior to founding Bloom Energy, Mr. Sridhar was Director of the Space Technologies Laboratory (STL) at the University of Arizona where he was also a Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. Mr. Sridhar has served as an advisor to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and has led major consortia of industry, academia, and national labs. Mr. Sridhar also serves as a Strategic Limited Partner at Kleiner Perkins, a venture capital firm, and as a special advisor to New Enterprise Associates. Mr. Sridhar holds a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering with honors from the University of Madras, India (now called NIT, Trichy), a master's degree in nuclear engineering and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Susan Brennan

Susan Brennan于2023年3月被任命为首席执行官兼总裁,并于2023年6月被任命为董事。在此之前,布伦南女士自2022年10月起担任Susan Brennan领导力有限责任公司的总裁,该公司是一家为能源、汽车和技术行业的公司提供咨询的咨询公司。在创办Susan Brennan领导力有限责任公司之前,布伦南女士于2021年8月至2022年10月担任Romeo Power的总裁兼首席执行官,该公司是一家为复杂商用车应用提供电气化解决方案的能源技术领导者。2013年11月至2021年8月,布伦南女士担任Bloom Energy Corporation首席运营官。在此之前,她曾在汽车制造业担任过数十年的领导职务,包括日产北美公司、福特汽车公司、道格拉斯和洛马森公司。Brennan女士拥有奥马哈内布拉斯加大学经济学MBA学位和伊利诺伊-坎皮恩-厄巴纳大学微生物学理学学士学位。

Susan Brennan,was appointed Chief Executive Officer and President in March 2023 and a Director in June 2023. Previously, Ms. Brennan has served as the President of Susan Brennan Leadership, LLC, a consulting firm that advises companies in the energy, automotive, and technology industries, since October 2022. Before launching Susan Brennan Leadership, LLC, Ms. Brennan served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Romeo Power, an energy technology leader delivering electrification solutions for complex commercial vehicle applications, from August 2021 to October 2022. From November 2013 to August 2021, Ms. Brennan served as the Chief Operations Officer of Bloom Energy Corporation. Previously, she spent decades in a variety of leadership positions in the automotive manufacturing industry, including at Nissan North America, the Ford Motor Company, and the Douglas and Lomason Company. Ms. Brennan holds a MBA in Economics from the University of Nebraska at Omaha and a Bachelor of Science in Microbiology from the University of Illinois-Campaign-Urbana.
Susan Brennan于2023年3月被任命为首席执行官兼总裁,并于2023年6月被任命为董事。在此之前,布伦南女士自2022年10月起担任Susan Brennan领导力有限责任公司的总裁,该公司是一家为能源、汽车和技术行业的公司提供咨询的咨询公司。在创办Susan Brennan领导力有限责任公司之前,布伦南女士于2021年8月至2022年10月担任Romeo Power的总裁兼首席执行官,该公司是一家为复杂商用车应用提供电气化解决方案的能源技术领导者。2013年11月至2021年8月,布伦南女士担任Bloom Energy Corporation首席运营官。在此之前,她曾在汽车制造业担任过数十年的领导职务,包括日产北美公司、福特汽车公司、道格拉斯和洛马森公司。Brennan女士拥有奥马哈内布拉斯加大学经济学MBA学位和伊利诺伊-坎皮恩-厄巴纳大学微生物学理学学士学位。
Susan Brennan,was appointed Chief Executive Officer and President in March 2023 and a Director in June 2023. Previously, Ms. Brennan has served as the President of Susan Brennan Leadership, LLC, a consulting firm that advises companies in the energy, automotive, and technology industries, since October 2022. Before launching Susan Brennan Leadership, LLC, Ms. Brennan served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Romeo Power, an energy technology leader delivering electrification solutions for complex commercial vehicle applications, from August 2021 to October 2022. From November 2013 to August 2021, Ms. Brennan served as the Chief Operations Officer of Bloom Energy Corporation. Previously, she spent decades in a variety of leadership positions in the automotive manufacturing industry, including at Nissan North America, the Ford Motor Company, and the Douglas and Lomason Company. Ms. Brennan holds a MBA in Economics from the University of Nebraska at Omaha and a Bachelor of Science in Microbiology from the University of Illinois-Campaign-Urbana.