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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
James A. Doris Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board 52 24.00万美元 未持股 2023-10-18
Robert K. Green Director 60 5.33万美元 未持股 2023-10-18
David Herskovits Director 73 未披露 未持股 2023-10-18
Lawrence B. Fisher Director 84 未披露 未持股 2023-10-18
Fred S. Zeidman Director 76 5.33万美元 未持股 2023-10-18



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
James A. Doris Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board 52 24.00万美元 未持股 2023-10-18
John McVicar Chief Financial Officer 60 未披露 未持股 2023-10-18


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James A. Doris

James A.Doris于2020年12月23日被公司收购维京时被任命为公司首席执行官兼董事会主席。他一直担任the Viking Energy Group,Inc.的高级管理人员兼董事(2014年以来),并一直是公司过渡到适当平台以促进增长的一个组成部分。他拥有超过25年的谈判国内和国际商业交易的经验。Doris先生曾是加拿大的一名律师,在超过16年的时间里代表国内外客户在加拿大的投资活动。在创立自己的律师事务所之前,Doris先生曾担任一家房地产投资和开发公司的执行副总裁和内部顾问,并在加拿大领先的律师事务所之一工作。Doris先生以优异成绩毕业于渥太华大学。

James A. Doris was appointed as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Company on December 23 2020 in conjunction with the acquisition of Viking by the Company. He has been an officer and director of the Viking Energy Group, Inc. since 2014 and has been an integral part of transitioning the Company's to an appropriate platform to facilitate growth. He has over 25 years of experience negotiating national and international business transactions. Formerly a lawyer in Canada, Mr. Doris represented domestic and foreign clients regarding their investment activities in Canada for over 16 years. Prior to starting his own law firm, Mr. Doris served as Executive Vice President and In-House Counsel for a real estate investment and development company as well as working at one of Canada's leading law firms. Mr. Doris graduated cum laude from the University of Ottawa.
James A.Doris于2020年12月23日被公司收购维京时被任命为公司首席执行官兼董事会主席。他一直担任the Viking Energy Group,Inc.的高级管理人员兼董事(2014年以来),并一直是公司过渡到适当平台以促进增长的一个组成部分。他拥有超过25年的谈判国内和国际商业交易的经验。Doris先生曾是加拿大的一名律师,在超过16年的时间里代表国内外客户在加拿大的投资活动。在创立自己的律师事务所之前,Doris先生曾担任一家房地产投资和开发公司的执行副总裁和内部顾问,并在加拿大领先的律师事务所之一工作。Doris先生以优异成绩毕业于渥太华大学。
James A. Doris was appointed as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Company on December 23 2020 in conjunction with the acquisition of Viking by the Company. He has been an officer and director of the Viking Energy Group, Inc. since 2014 and has been an integral part of transitioning the Company's to an appropriate platform to facilitate growth. He has over 25 years of experience negotiating national and international business transactions. Formerly a lawyer in Canada, Mr. Doris represented domestic and foreign clients regarding their investment activities in Canada for over 16 years. Prior to starting his own law firm, Mr. Doris served as Executive Vice President and In-House Counsel for a real estate investment and development company as well as working at one of Canada's leading law firms. Mr. Doris graduated cum laude from the University of Ottawa.
Robert K. Green

罗伯特·K·格林是在收购Viking时被任命为董事会成员的,曾任《财富》100强企业能源、电信和公用事业行业首席执行官,在资本市场、并购以及监管和立法战略方面拥有丰富经验。格林曾在七家上市公司的董事会任职,并当选为两家纽约证券交易所(NYSE)公司和另外三家上市公司的董事会主席。他指导这些公司和其他公司制定资本市场战略,包括首次公开发行(IPO)和私人投资,总价值超过50亿美元,以及50多项并购和资产剥离交易,其中一些交易超过10亿美元。自2003年以来,格林一直是Husch Blackwell律师事务所的合伙人或高级法律顾问。

Robert K. Green,was appointed to the Board of Directors in conjunction with the acquisition of Viking and is a former Fortune 100 chief executive officer in the energy, telecommunication and utility industries, and has extensive experience in capital markets, mergers and acquisitions, and regulatory and legislative strategies. Mr. Green has served on the boards of directors of seven publicly traded companies and was elected chairman of the board of two New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) companies and three other publicly listed companies. He guided these companies and others in capital markets strategies involving initial public offerings (IPOs) and private investments with a combined value of more than $5 billion and more than 50 merger, acquisition and divestiture transactions, some of which surpassed $1 billion. Mr. Green has been a Partner or Senior Counsel at the law firm Husch Blackwell since 2003.
罗伯特·K·格林是在收购Viking时被任命为董事会成员的,曾任《财富》100强企业能源、电信和公用事业行业首席执行官,在资本市场、并购以及监管和立法战略方面拥有丰富经验。格林曾在七家上市公司的董事会任职,并当选为两家纽约证券交易所(NYSE)公司和另外三家上市公司的董事会主席。他指导这些公司和其他公司制定资本市场战略,包括首次公开发行(IPO)和私人投资,总价值超过50亿美元,以及50多项并购和资产剥离交易,其中一些交易超过10亿美元。自2003年以来,格林一直是Husch Blackwell律师事务所的合伙人或高级法律顾问。
Robert K. Green,was appointed to the Board of Directors in conjunction with the acquisition of Viking and is a former Fortune 100 chief executive officer in the energy, telecommunication and utility industries, and has extensive experience in capital markets, mergers and acquisitions, and regulatory and legislative strategies. Mr. Green has served on the boards of directors of seven publicly traded companies and was elected chairman of the board of two New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) companies and three other publicly listed companies. He guided these companies and others in capital markets strategies involving initial public offerings (IPOs) and private investments with a combined value of more than $5 billion and more than 50 merger, acquisition and divestiture transactions, some of which surpassed $1 billion. Mr. Green has been a Partner or Senior Counsel at the law firm Husch Blackwell since 2003.
David Herskovits

David Herskovits是德勤会计师事务所的退休审计合伙人。Herskovits先生于1974年加入德勤,1985年加入合伙企业,并于2013年退休。在其职业生涯中,Herskovits先生负责公共和私营公司的主要审计工作。他还在该公司担任过几个技术和质量保证职务。赫斯科维茨获得了哈佛大学的MBA学位和康奈尔大学的学士学位。他自2018年起担任Viking的董事。

David Herskovits,is a retired audit partner of Deloitte & Touche LLP. Mr. Herskovits joined Deloitte in 1974, was admitted to the partnership in 1985, and retired in 2013. During his career, Mr. Herskovits was responsible for major audit engagements for public and private companies. He also served in several technical and quality assurance roles at the firm. Mr. Herskovits received an MBA from Harvard University and a B.S. from Cornell University. He has been director of Viking since 2018.
David Herskovits是德勤会计师事务所的退休审计合伙人。Herskovits先生于1974年加入德勤,1985年加入合伙企业,并于2013年退休。在其职业生涯中,Herskovits先生负责公共和私营公司的主要审计工作。他还在该公司担任过几个技术和质量保证职务。赫斯科维茨获得了哈佛大学的MBA学位和康奈尔大学的学士学位。他自2018年起担任Viking的董事。
David Herskovits,is a retired audit partner of Deloitte & Touche LLP. Mr. Herskovits joined Deloitte in 1974, was admitted to the partnership in 1985, and retired in 2013. During his career, Mr. Herskovits was responsible for major audit engagements for public and private companies. He also served in several technical and quality assurance roles at the firm. Mr. Herskovits received an MBA from Harvard University and a B.S. from Cornell University. He has been director of Viking since 2018.
Lawrence B. Fisher

劳伦斯·B·费希尔,在纽约市从事证券法律工作超过40年。他在Orrick,Herrington & Sutcliffe律师事务所担任了11年的合伙人,直到2002年退休。在公司任职期间,费希尔是纽约办公室的合伙人主管,也是公司执行委员会的成员。在加入Orrick之前,费舍尔曾在纽约Kelley,Drye & Warren律师事务所担任合伙人10年,其中3年担任该事务所执行委员会成员。在加入Kelley,Drye & Warren律师事务所之前,费舍尔曾在Parker,Chapin and Flattau律师事务所担任合伙人和合伙人,共22年,5年担任合伙人,其余时间担任合伙人。在那里,费希尔也是公司执行委员会的成员。费舍尔先生于1960年毕业于哥伦比亚学院,1963年毕业于哥伦比亚法学院,并于1963-1965年期间担任伦敦政治经济学院研究员。费舍尔先生担任纽约市国家银行董事会成员超过30年,直到2000年退休,他担任金融联邦公司董事会成员,直到7年前该公司被出售。2020年12月,费希尔先生加入了上市的生命科学公司GBS公司的董事会。他自2018年起担任Viking董事。

Lawrence B. Fisher,practiced securities law in New York City for over 40 years. He was Partner in the law firm Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe for 11 years until retirement in 2002. While at the firm, Mr. Fisher was Partner-In-Charge of the New York office and a member of the firm's Executive Committee. Prior to Orrick, Mr. Fisher was a partner in the New York law firm Kelley, Drye & Warren for 10 years, including 3 years as a member of the firm's Executive Committee, and prior to his time at Kelley, Drye & Warren, Mr. Fisher was associate and then partner in the law firm Parker, Chapin and Flattau for an aggregate of 22 years, 5 as an associate and the remainder as a partner. There, too, Mr. Fisher was a member of the firm's Executive Committee. Mr. Fisher graduated from Columbia College in 1960 and Columbia Law School in 1963 and was a Research Fellow at the London School of Economics from 1963-1965. Mr. Fisher was a member of the Board of Directors of National Bank of New York City in excess of 30 years until retirement in 2000, and he was a member of the Board of Directors of Financial Federal Corporation until its sale 7 years ago. In December 2020, Mr. Fisher joined the Board of GBS, Inc., a publicly traded life science company. He has been director of Viking since 2018.
劳伦斯·B·费希尔,在纽约市从事证券法律工作超过40年。他在Orrick,Herrington & Sutcliffe律师事务所担任了11年的合伙人,直到2002年退休。在公司任职期间,费希尔是纽约办公室的合伙人主管,也是公司执行委员会的成员。在加入Orrick之前,费舍尔曾在纽约Kelley,Drye & Warren律师事务所担任合伙人10年,其中3年担任该事务所执行委员会成员。在加入Kelley,Drye & Warren律师事务所之前,费舍尔曾在Parker,Chapin and Flattau律师事务所担任合伙人和合伙人,共22年,5年担任合伙人,其余时间担任合伙人。在那里,费希尔也是公司执行委员会的成员。费舍尔先生于1960年毕业于哥伦比亚学院,1963年毕业于哥伦比亚法学院,并于1963-1965年期间担任伦敦政治经济学院研究员。费舍尔先生担任纽约市国家银行董事会成员超过30年,直到2000年退休,他担任金融联邦公司董事会成员,直到7年前该公司被出售。2020年12月,费希尔先生加入了上市的生命科学公司GBS公司的董事会。他自2018年起担任Viking董事。
Lawrence B. Fisher,practiced securities law in New York City for over 40 years. He was Partner in the law firm Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe for 11 years until retirement in 2002. While at the firm, Mr. Fisher was Partner-In-Charge of the New York office and a member of the firm's Executive Committee. Prior to Orrick, Mr. Fisher was a partner in the New York law firm Kelley, Drye & Warren for 10 years, including 3 years as a member of the firm's Executive Committee, and prior to his time at Kelley, Drye & Warren, Mr. Fisher was associate and then partner in the law firm Parker, Chapin and Flattau for an aggregate of 22 years, 5 as an associate and the remainder as a partner. There, too, Mr. Fisher was a member of the firm's Executive Committee. Mr. Fisher graduated from Columbia College in 1960 and Columbia Law School in 1963 and was a Research Fellow at the London School of Economics from 1963-1965. Mr. Fisher was a member of the Board of Directors of National Bank of New York City in excess of 30 years until retirement in 2000, and he was a member of the Board of Directors of Financial Federal Corporation until its sale 7 years ago. In December 2020, Mr. Fisher joined the Board of GBS, Inc., a publicly traded life science company. He has been director of Viking since 2018.
Fred S. Zeidman

Fred S. Zeidman,自2011年9月以来一直是Petroflow能源公司的董事长,以及自2013年4月以来一直在Petro River Oil Corporation公司任董事。自2009年以来任Hyperdynamics公司的董事,自1986年以来任Prosperity Bancshares股份有限公司的董事。自2004年以来一直是Are一家misSoft Liquidating Trust的一位受托人。2013年3月,被任命为Nova Biosource Fuels, Inc. ("Nova")(一家公开上市的生物石油科技公司)的临时总裁,并一直任到2009年11月该公司的收购。Zeidman先生还曾于2007年6月-2009年11月期间,在Nova任董事。2009年8月-2009年11月期间,他曾在Transmeridian Exploration股份有限公司任首席重组官,并且一直任到2009年11月该公司的售出。他曾在Prosperity Bank工作了26年。他还曾于2002年6月一直到2007年2月Seitel股份有限公司售出之前,在Seitel 股份有限公司(一家油田服务公司)任首席执行官、总裁兼董事长。2003年7月-2008年12月期间,在Greenberg Traurig律师事务所任总经理。他曾在各种公司担任首席执行官、临时首席执行官以及董事长,包括若干石油和天然气行业的公司。他目前是美国(U.S。) Holocaust Memorial Council的一位荣誉董事长,是于2002年3月被前总裁t George W. Bush任命为到这个职位上的,任期为2002-2010年。他目前还是Houston 德州(Texas)大学卫生科学系统的一位荣誉主席,并且在德州(Texas)心脏研究所(在那里他目前任财务总监)以及the Institute for Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR)的理事会任职他目前在Saint Thomas大学的理事会和执行委员会任职,并且管理着其发展委员会和Houston社区学院。他是在Washington大学获得文学学士学位,以及在New York大学获得工商管理学硕士学位 的。

Fred S. Zeidman,has served on Bluejay Diagnostics, Inc. Board since May 2021. Mr. Zeidman is Chairman of WoodRock & Co., an investment banking service business and serves as Chairman and CEO of Good Works Acquisition Corp. and Chairman of Good Works II Acquisition Corp, both publicly held SPACs and Mr. Zeidman served as Chairman of Gordian Group LLC, a U.S. investment bank specializing in board level advice in complex, distressed or "story" financial matters. Mr. Zeidman, Chairman Emeritus of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council was appointed by President George W. Bush in March 2002 and served in that position from 2002-2010. A prominent Houston-based business and civic leader, Mr. Zeidman also is Chairman Emeritus of the University of Texas Health Science System Houston. He was National Chairman of the Development Corp of Israel Campaign (Israel Bonds) and served on the Board of the National World War II Museum. Mr. Zeidman was the former CEO, President and Chairman of Seitel, Inc., a Houston-based onshore seismic data provider where he was instrumental in the successful turnaround of the Company. He served as lead Director of Straight Path Communications, Inc. until its sale to Verizon in 2018. He was also Director of REMA a division of NRG Corp. and he further serves on the board of Prosperity Bank and was formerly Restructuring Officer of TransMeridian Exploration Inc. and Chief Bankruptcy Trustee of AremisSoft Corp. He held the post of Chairman of the Board and CEO of Unibar Corporation, the largest domestic independent drilling fluids company, until its sale to Anchor Drilling Fluids in 1992. Mr. Zeidman holds a Bachelor's degree from Washington University in St. Louis and a Master's in Business Administration from New York University.
Fred S. Zeidman,自2011年9月以来一直是Petroflow能源公司的董事长,以及自2013年4月以来一直在Petro River Oil Corporation公司任董事。自2009年以来任Hyperdynamics公司的董事,自1986年以来任Prosperity Bancshares股份有限公司的董事。自2004年以来一直是Are一家misSoft Liquidating Trust的一位受托人。2013年3月,被任命为Nova Biosource Fuels, Inc. ("Nova")(一家公开上市的生物石油科技公司)的临时总裁,并一直任到2009年11月该公司的收购。Zeidman先生还曾于2007年6月-2009年11月期间,在Nova任董事。2009年8月-2009年11月期间,他曾在Transmeridian Exploration股份有限公司任首席重组官,并且一直任到2009年11月该公司的售出。他曾在Prosperity Bank工作了26年。他还曾于2002年6月一直到2007年2月Seitel股份有限公司售出之前,在Seitel 股份有限公司(一家油田服务公司)任首席执行官、总裁兼董事长。2003年7月-2008年12月期间,在Greenberg Traurig律师事务所任总经理。他曾在各种公司担任首席执行官、临时首席执行官以及董事长,包括若干石油和天然气行业的公司。他目前是美国(U.S。) Holocaust Memorial Council的一位荣誉董事长,是于2002年3月被前总裁t George W. Bush任命为到这个职位上的,任期为2002-2010年。他目前还是Houston 德州(Texas)大学卫生科学系统的一位荣誉主席,并且在德州(Texas)心脏研究所(在那里他目前任财务总监)以及the Institute for Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR)的理事会任职他目前在Saint Thomas大学的理事会和执行委员会任职,并且管理着其发展委员会和Houston社区学院。他是在Washington大学获得文学学士学位,以及在New York大学获得工商管理学硕士学位 的。
Fred S. Zeidman,has served on Bluejay Diagnostics, Inc. Board since May 2021. Mr. Zeidman is Chairman of WoodRock & Co., an investment banking service business and serves as Chairman and CEO of Good Works Acquisition Corp. and Chairman of Good Works II Acquisition Corp, both publicly held SPACs and Mr. Zeidman served as Chairman of Gordian Group LLC, a U.S. investment bank specializing in board level advice in complex, distressed or "story" financial matters. Mr. Zeidman, Chairman Emeritus of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council was appointed by President George W. Bush in March 2002 and served in that position from 2002-2010. A prominent Houston-based business and civic leader, Mr. Zeidman also is Chairman Emeritus of the University of Texas Health Science System Houston. He was National Chairman of the Development Corp of Israel Campaign (Israel Bonds) and served on the Board of the National World War II Museum. Mr. Zeidman was the former CEO, President and Chairman of Seitel, Inc., a Houston-based onshore seismic data provider where he was instrumental in the successful turnaround of the Company. He served as lead Director of Straight Path Communications, Inc. until its sale to Verizon in 2018. He was also Director of REMA a division of NRG Corp. and he further serves on the board of Prosperity Bank and was formerly Restructuring Officer of TransMeridian Exploration Inc. and Chief Bankruptcy Trustee of AremisSoft Corp. He held the post of Chairman of the Board and CEO of Unibar Corporation, the largest domestic independent drilling fluids company, until its sale to Anchor Drilling Fluids in 1992. Mr. Zeidman holds a Bachelor's degree from Washington University in St. Louis and a Master's in Business Administration from New York University.


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James A. Doris

James A.Doris于2020年12月23日被公司收购维京时被任命为公司首席执行官兼董事会主席。他一直担任the Viking Energy Group,Inc.的高级管理人员兼董事(2014年以来),并一直是公司过渡到适当平台以促进增长的一个组成部分。他拥有超过25年的谈判国内和国际商业交易的经验。Doris先生曾是加拿大的一名律师,在超过16年的时间里代表国内外客户在加拿大的投资活动。在创立自己的律师事务所之前,Doris先生曾担任一家房地产投资和开发公司的执行副总裁和内部顾问,并在加拿大领先的律师事务所之一工作。Doris先生以优异成绩毕业于渥太华大学。

James A. Doris was appointed as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Company on December 23 2020 in conjunction with the acquisition of Viking by the Company. He has been an officer and director of the Viking Energy Group, Inc. since 2014 and has been an integral part of transitioning the Company's to an appropriate platform to facilitate growth. He has over 25 years of experience negotiating national and international business transactions. Formerly a lawyer in Canada, Mr. Doris represented domestic and foreign clients regarding their investment activities in Canada for over 16 years. Prior to starting his own law firm, Mr. Doris served as Executive Vice President and In-House Counsel for a real estate investment and development company as well as working at one of Canada's leading law firms. Mr. Doris graduated cum laude from the University of Ottawa.
James A.Doris于2020年12月23日被公司收购维京时被任命为公司首席执行官兼董事会主席。他一直担任the Viking Energy Group,Inc.的高级管理人员兼董事(2014年以来),并一直是公司过渡到适当平台以促进增长的一个组成部分。他拥有超过25年的谈判国内和国际商业交易的经验。Doris先生曾是加拿大的一名律师,在超过16年的时间里代表国内外客户在加拿大的投资活动。在创立自己的律师事务所之前,Doris先生曾担任一家房地产投资和开发公司的执行副总裁和内部顾问,并在加拿大领先的律师事务所之一工作。Doris先生以优异成绩毕业于渥太华大学。
James A. Doris was appointed as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Company on December 23 2020 in conjunction with the acquisition of Viking by the Company. He has been an officer and director of the Viking Energy Group, Inc. since 2014 and has been an integral part of transitioning the Company's to an appropriate platform to facilitate growth. He has over 25 years of experience negotiating national and international business transactions. Formerly a lawyer in Canada, Mr. Doris represented domestic and foreign clients regarding their investment activities in Canada for over 16 years. Prior to starting his own law firm, Mr. Doris served as Executive Vice President and In-House Counsel for a real estate investment and development company as well as working at one of Canada's leading law firms. Mr. Doris graduated cum laude from the University of Ottawa.
John McVicar

John McVicar,自2022年6月起担任Viking公司首席财务官,并于2023年9月1日被任命为公司首席财务官。他在管理咨询和金融领域拥有35年的国际商业经验。他是安永会计师事务所的退休合伙人,在该事务所从事管理咨询和审计工作共23年。他还担任过多家上市公司的首席财务官,并在加拿大、美国、南美和亚洲的大型美国和加拿大跨国公司担任过多个地区财务领导职务。McVicar先生是一名注册会计师,在杜克大学获得MBA学位,在皇后大学获得商学学士学位。他还拥有公司董事学会的ICD.D学位。

John McVicar,has been serving since June 2022 as the Chief Financial Officer of Viking and was appointed as Chief Financial Officer for the Company on September 1, 2023.He is a retired partner of EY LLP where he spent a total of 23 years in management consulting and audit. He has also served as chief financial officer of several public companies and held several regional finance leadership roles with large U.S. and Canadian multinationals in Canada, the U.S., South America and Asia. Mr. McVicar is a CPA and received an MBA from Duke University and a Bachelor of Commerce from Queen's University. He also holds an ICD.D from the Institute of Corporate Directors.
John McVicar,自2022年6月起担任Viking公司首席财务官,并于2023年9月1日被任命为公司首席财务官。他在管理咨询和金融领域拥有35年的国际商业经验。他是安永会计师事务所的退休合伙人,在该事务所从事管理咨询和审计工作共23年。他还担任过多家上市公司的首席财务官,并在加拿大、美国、南美和亚洲的大型美国和加拿大跨国公司担任过多个地区财务领导职务。McVicar先生是一名注册会计师,在杜克大学获得MBA学位,在皇后大学获得商学学士学位。他还拥有公司董事学会的ICD.D学位。
John McVicar,has been serving since June 2022 as the Chief Financial Officer of Viking and was appointed as Chief Financial Officer for the Company on September 1, 2023.He is a retired partner of EY LLP where he spent a total of 23 years in management consulting and audit. He has also served as chief financial officer of several public companies and held several regional finance leadership roles with large U.S. and Canadian multinationals in Canada, the U.S., South America and Asia. Mr. McVicar is a CPA and received an MBA from Duke University and a Bachelor of Commerce from Queen's University. He also holds an ICD.D from the Institute of Corporate Directors.