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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Eric. L Robinson Chairman and Director 56 5.40万美元 未持股 2023-11-21
Bruce Whaley Director 72 4.68万美元 未持股 2023-11-21
Lisa B. Higley Director 56 4.32万美元 未持股 2023-11-21
Larry R. Hendricks Director 80 4.68万美元 未持股 2023-11-21



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Derek L. Graham Chief Executive Officer 55 22.16万美元 未持股 2023-11-21
Narsi Narayanan Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary 53 23.00万美元 未持股 2023-11-21


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Eric. L Robinson

Eric. L Robinson自2015年7月起担任Clearone公司董事,并于2022年2月被任命为董事会主席。Robinson在私人执业中做了14年的公司律师,包括在犹他州盐湖城的Blackburn & Stoll,LC律师事务所做了11年的合伙人。Robinson先生的法律实践侧重于证券、公司和其他商业交易。自2009年以来,Robinson先生主要受雇于半导体业务公司MicroPower Global Limited。Robinson先生曾在MicroPower公司担任总法律顾问、首席财务官和董事。Robinson先生还从事小型法律业务,并在遗传学、再生医学、运输和商业建筑等领域担任多家公司的法律顾问。他还曾于2008年至2015年担任一家基因研究公司的总法律顾问、首席财务官和董事。Robinson先生曾于2007年至2008年在一家商业建筑公司担任总法律顾问兼首席财务官,在他任职期间公司的收入超过1亿美元。Robinson先生此前于2016年7月起担任ActiveCare公司的首席财务官、内部法律顾问、秘书和财务主管,直至2017年6月自愿辞职,在Robinson先生离职后,ActiveCare于2018年7月15日根据美国破产法第11章提交了自愿破产申请。他的法律业务包括与公司合作,参与公开和非公开发行证券、公司合作、兼并和收购、技术转让许可、合同和建筑。他以优异的成绩毕业于犹他大学,获得会计学学士学位,随后通过了注册会计师考试(无证)。他毕业于范德比尔特大学,获得法学博士学位,毕业于Coif勋章,并担任《法律评论》的执行编辑。Robinson先生曾担任公司和公司最大股东E. Dallin Bagley的公司和证券法律顾问。

Eric. L Robinson,has served as a director of Clearone, Inc. since July 2015 and was named Chairman of the Board in February 2022. Mr. Robinson spent fourteen years in private practice as a corporate attorney, including eleven years as a partner in the Salt Lake City, Utah law firm of Blackburn & Stoll, LC. Mr. Robinson's law practice focused on securities, corporate and other business transactions. For the past five years, Mr. Robinson has been principally employed by MicroPower Global Limited, a company in the semiconductor business and as a private attorney. At MicroPower, Mr. Robinson has acted as General Counsel, Chief Financial Officer and a director. Mr. Robinson also serves as counsel to a number of companies in the fields of regenerative medicine, commercial construction and nonprofit. Mr. Robinson previously served as chief financial officer, in-house counsel, secretary and treasurer of ActiveCare, Inc. from July 2016 until his voluntary resignation in June 2017, and subsequent to Mr. Robinson's departure, ActiveCare filed a voluntary bankruptcy petition under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code on July 15, 2018. His legal practice included working with companies in connection with public and private offerings of securities, corporate partnering, mergers and acquisitions, licensing technology transfer, contracts and construction. He graduated from the University of Utah with honors with a B.S. degree in accounting and he subsequently passed the CPA exam (unlicensed). He graduated from Vanderbilt University with a J.D. where he graduated Order of the Coif and acted as a Managing Editor of the Law Review.
Eric. L Robinson自2015年7月起担任Clearone公司董事,并于2022年2月被任命为董事会主席。Robinson在私人执业中做了14年的公司律师,包括在犹他州盐湖城的Blackburn & Stoll,LC律师事务所做了11年的合伙人。Robinson先生的法律实践侧重于证券、公司和其他商业交易。自2009年以来,Robinson先生主要受雇于半导体业务公司MicroPower Global Limited。Robinson先生曾在MicroPower公司担任总法律顾问、首席财务官和董事。Robinson先生还从事小型法律业务,并在遗传学、再生医学、运输和商业建筑等领域担任多家公司的法律顾问。他还曾于2008年至2015年担任一家基因研究公司的总法律顾问、首席财务官和董事。Robinson先生曾于2007年至2008年在一家商业建筑公司担任总法律顾问兼首席财务官,在他任职期间公司的收入超过1亿美元。Robinson先生此前于2016年7月起担任ActiveCare公司的首席财务官、内部法律顾问、秘书和财务主管,直至2017年6月自愿辞职,在Robinson先生离职后,ActiveCare于2018年7月15日根据美国破产法第11章提交了自愿破产申请。他的法律业务包括与公司合作,参与公开和非公开发行证券、公司合作、兼并和收购、技术转让许可、合同和建筑。他以优异的成绩毕业于犹他大学,获得会计学学士学位,随后通过了注册会计师考试(无证)。他毕业于范德比尔特大学,获得法学博士学位,毕业于Coif勋章,并担任《法律评论》的执行编辑。Robinson先生曾担任公司和公司最大股东E. Dallin Bagley的公司和证券法律顾问。
Eric. L Robinson,has served as a director of Clearone, Inc. since July 2015 and was named Chairman of the Board in February 2022. Mr. Robinson spent fourteen years in private practice as a corporate attorney, including eleven years as a partner in the Salt Lake City, Utah law firm of Blackburn & Stoll, LC. Mr. Robinson's law practice focused on securities, corporate and other business transactions. For the past five years, Mr. Robinson has been principally employed by MicroPower Global Limited, a company in the semiconductor business and as a private attorney. At MicroPower, Mr. Robinson has acted as General Counsel, Chief Financial Officer and a director. Mr. Robinson also serves as counsel to a number of companies in the fields of regenerative medicine, commercial construction and nonprofit. Mr. Robinson previously served as chief financial officer, in-house counsel, secretary and treasurer of ActiveCare, Inc. from July 2016 until his voluntary resignation in June 2017, and subsequent to Mr. Robinson's departure, ActiveCare filed a voluntary bankruptcy petition under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code on July 15, 2018. His legal practice included working with companies in connection with public and private offerings of securities, corporate partnering, mergers and acquisitions, licensing technology transfer, contracts and construction. He graduated from the University of Utah with honors with a B.S. degree in accounting and he subsequently passed the CPA exam (unlicensed). He graduated from Vanderbilt University with a J.D. where he graduated Order of the Coif and acted as a Managing Editor of the Law Review.
Bruce Whaley

Bruce Whaley获委任为公司董事,自2019年4月16日起生效。Whaley先生拥有近五十年担任股票经纪人的丰富经验。Whaley先生目前是Wilson&Davis的经纪人交易,这是一家位于犹他州盐湖城的区域经纪公司。1988年以来,他一直任职Wilson&Davis公司。Whaley先生还持有房地产许可证,并在Coldwell Banker担任房地产经纪人。Whaley先生在1968年至1971年期间就读于犹他大学(University of Utah),并学习了许多科目,包括工商管理、会计和金融。他没有获得学位就毕业了。

Bruce Whaley,was appointed a director of Clearone, Inc. Company effective April 16, 2019. Mr. Whaley has extensive experience as a stockbroker for nearly five decades. Mr. Whaley is currently a broker trading at Wilson & Davis, a regional brokerage firm based in Salt Lake City, Utah. He has been with Wilson & Davis since 1988. Until March 2023, Mr. Whaley also held a real estate license and worked as a real estate agent for Coldwell Banker. Mr. Whaley attended the University of Utah between 1968 and 1971 and studied many subjects including business administration, accounting and finance. He did not graduate with a degree.
Bruce Whaley获委任为公司董事,自2019年4月16日起生效。Whaley先生拥有近五十年担任股票经纪人的丰富经验。Whaley先生目前是Wilson&Davis的经纪人交易,这是一家位于犹他州盐湖城的区域经纪公司。1988年以来,他一直任职Wilson&Davis公司。Whaley先生还持有房地产许可证,并在Coldwell Banker担任房地产经纪人。Whaley先生在1968年至1971年期间就读于犹他大学(University of Utah),并学习了许多科目,包括工商管理、会计和金融。他没有获得学位就毕业了。
Bruce Whaley,was appointed a director of Clearone, Inc. Company effective April 16, 2019. Mr. Whaley has extensive experience as a stockbroker for nearly five decades. Mr. Whaley is currently a broker trading at Wilson & Davis, a regional brokerage firm based in Salt Lake City, Utah. He has been with Wilson & Davis since 1988. Until March 2023, Mr. Whaley also held a real estate license and worked as a real estate agent for Coldwell Banker. Mr. Whaley attended the University of Utah between 1968 and 1971 and studied many subjects including business administration, accounting and finance. He did not graduate with a degree.
Lisa B. Higley

Lisa B.Higley自2020年7月20日起被任命为公司董事。Higley女士自2009年6月以来一直担任注册会计师。此前,她曾担任Daisy D&8217;s Paper Company的首席财务官(从2007年3月到2009年1月),在那里她曾管理公司的财务和会计责任的所有方面。此外,她曾担任Tunex International公司的首席财务官(从2006年4月到2007年3月),在那里她负责公司的所有财务方面。在此之前,Higley女士于2004年2月至2006年4月担任Wisen,Smith,Racker&Prescott LLP的职员税务会计师。Higley女士在俄勒冈大学(University of Oregon)获得会计学理学学士学位,并在犹他州立大学(Utah State University)获得工商管理硕士学位,自2004年以来一直是犹他州注册会计师。Higley女士是我们前任董事会主席Edward D.Bagley的女儿。

Lisa B. Higley,was appointed a director of Clearone, Inc. Company effective July 20, 2020. Ms. Higley has been self-employed as a CPA since June 2009. Previously, she was the CFO for Daisy D's Paper Company from March 2007 until January 2009, where she managed all aspects of the company's financial and accounting responsibilities. Additionally, Ms. Higley was the CFO for Tunex International from April 2006 to March 2007 where she was accountable for all financial aspects of the corporation. Prior to that, Ms. Higley was a staff tax accountant at Wisen, Smith, Racker & Prescott LLP from February 2004 to April 2006. Ms. Higley earned her Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the University of Oregon and her MBA from Utah State University, and has been a Utah CPA since 2004. Ms. Higley is the daughter of Edward D. Bagley, Clearone, Inc. former Chairman of the Board.
Lisa B.Higley自2020年7月20日起被任命为公司董事。Higley女士自2009年6月以来一直担任注册会计师。此前,她曾担任Daisy D&8217;s Paper Company的首席财务官(从2007年3月到2009年1月),在那里她曾管理公司的财务和会计责任的所有方面。此外,她曾担任Tunex International公司的首席财务官(从2006年4月到2007年3月),在那里她负责公司的所有财务方面。在此之前,Higley女士于2004年2月至2006年4月担任Wisen,Smith,Racker&Prescott LLP的职员税务会计师。Higley女士在俄勒冈大学(University of Oregon)获得会计学理学学士学位,并在犹他州立大学(Utah State University)获得工商管理硕士学位,自2004年以来一直是犹他州注册会计师。Higley女士是我们前任董事会主席Edward D.Bagley的女儿。
Lisa B. Higley,was appointed a director of Clearone, Inc. Company effective July 20, 2020. Ms. Higley has been self-employed as a CPA since June 2009. Previously, she was the CFO for Daisy D's Paper Company from March 2007 until January 2009, where she managed all aspects of the company's financial and accounting responsibilities. Additionally, Ms. Higley was the CFO for Tunex International from April 2006 to March 2007 where she was accountable for all financial aspects of the corporation. Prior to that, Ms. Higley was a staff tax accountant at Wisen, Smith, Racker & Prescott LLP from February 2004 to April 2006. Ms. Higley earned her Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the University of Oregon and her MBA from Utah State University, and has been a Utah CPA since 2004. Ms. Higley is the daughter of Edward D. Bagley, Clearone, Inc. former Chairman of the Board.
Larry R. Hendricks

Larry R. Hendricks自2003年6月起担任Clearone公司的董事。Hendricks先生是一名注册会计师,在担任国家肉类加工公司Daily Foods,Inc.的财务副总裁兼总经理后,于2002年12月退休。在他30年的会计生涯中,他是一名自营注册会计师,并在国际会计公司Peat Marwick & Mitchell工作。Hendricks先生曾在其他八个组织的董事会任职,包括Tunex International、Habitat for Humanity、Daily Foods、Skin Care International和犹他州立大学Huntsman商学院的国家顾问委员会。他在犹他州立大学获得会计学学士学位,在犹他大学获得工商管理硕士学位。

Larry R. Hendricks,has served as a director of Clearone, Inc. Company since June 2003. Mr. Hendricks is a Certified Public Accountant who retired in December 2002 after serving as Vice President of Finance and General Manager of Daily Foods, Inc., a national meat processing company. During his 30-year career in accounting, he served as a self-employed CPA and worked for the international accounting firm Peat Marwick & Mitchell. Mr. Hendricks has served on the boards of eight other organizations, including Tunex International, Habitat for Humanity, Daily Foods, Skin Care International, and the National Advisory Board of the Huntsman College of Business at Utah State University. He earned a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting from Utah State University and a Master of Business Administration Degree from the University of Utah.
Larry R. Hendricks自2003年6月起担任Clearone公司的董事。Hendricks先生是一名注册会计师,在担任国家肉类加工公司Daily Foods,Inc.的财务副总裁兼总经理后,于2002年12月退休。在他30年的会计生涯中,他是一名自营注册会计师,并在国际会计公司Peat Marwick & Mitchell工作。Hendricks先生曾在其他八个组织的董事会任职,包括Tunex International、Habitat for Humanity、Daily Foods、Skin Care International和犹他州立大学Huntsman商学院的国家顾问委员会。他在犹他州立大学获得会计学学士学位,在犹他大学获得工商管理硕士学位。
Larry R. Hendricks,has served as a director of Clearone, Inc. Company since June 2003. Mr. Hendricks is a Certified Public Accountant who retired in December 2002 after serving as Vice President of Finance and General Manager of Daily Foods, Inc., a national meat processing company. During his 30-year career in accounting, he served as a self-employed CPA and worked for the international accounting firm Peat Marwick & Mitchell. Mr. Hendricks has served on the boards of eight other organizations, including Tunex International, Habitat for Humanity, Daily Foods, Skin Care International, and the National Advisory Board of the Huntsman College of Business at Utah State University. He earned a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting from Utah State University and a Master of Business Administration Degree from the University of Utah.


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Derek L. Graham

Derek L. Graham是Clearone公司的临时首席执行官。他于2022年5月被任命为现职。他于2003年7月加入Clearone公司,担任会议摄像机的首席工程师。2004年,他被提升为工程业务经理。2006年,他被提升为研究和发展主任。2007年,他被提升为研究和发展高级主任。2009年,他晋升为研发部副总裁。2011年,他晋升为研发部高级副总裁。在之前的工作中,Derek负责资金、人员配置和并行工程项目的执行,这些项目成功地开发了专业安装的音频和视频会议、视频流、无线麦克风、数字标牌和相机产品。德里克是13项专利的指定发明人。在加入ClearOne之前,Derek曾在英特尔公司担任音频会议和电话技术领域的工程和管理职位。Graham先生以最高荣誉获得了电气工程学学士学位,并获得了佐治亚理工学院的电气工程学硕士学位。

Derek L. Graham,is Clearone, Inc. Chief Executive Officer. He was appointed as Interim CEO in May 2022 and was confirmed as the permanent CEO in January 2023. He joined Clearone, Inc. in July 2003 as Lead Engineer for Conferencing Cameras. In 2004, he was promoted to Engineering Operations Manager. In 2006, he was promoted to Director of Research and Development. In 2007, he was promoted to Sr. Director of Research and Development. In 2009, he was promoted to Vice President of Research and Development. In 2011, he was promoted to Sr. Vice President of Research and Development. In those prior roles, Derek was responsible for funding, staffing, and execution of parallel engineering programs that resulted in successful development of professionally installed audio and video conferencing, video streaming, wireless microphone, digital signage, and camera products. Derek is a named inventor on 13 patents. Prior to joining ClearOne, Derek held engineering and management positions at Intel Corporation in the areas of audio conferencing and telephony technologies. Mr. Graham earned a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, with highest honors, and a Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Derek L. Graham是Clearone公司的临时首席执行官。他于2022年5月被任命为现职。他于2003年7月加入Clearone公司,担任会议摄像机的首席工程师。2004年,他被提升为工程业务经理。2006年,他被提升为研究和发展主任。2007年,他被提升为研究和发展高级主任。2009年,他晋升为研发部副总裁。2011年,他晋升为研发部高级副总裁。在之前的工作中,Derek负责资金、人员配置和并行工程项目的执行,这些项目成功地开发了专业安装的音频和视频会议、视频流、无线麦克风、数字标牌和相机产品。德里克是13项专利的指定发明人。在加入ClearOne之前,Derek曾在英特尔公司担任音频会议和电话技术领域的工程和管理职位。Graham先生以最高荣誉获得了电气工程学学士学位,并获得了佐治亚理工学院的电气工程学硕士学位。
Derek L. Graham,is Clearone, Inc. Chief Executive Officer. He was appointed as Interim CEO in May 2022 and was confirmed as the permanent CEO in January 2023. He joined Clearone, Inc. in July 2003 as Lead Engineer for Conferencing Cameras. In 2004, he was promoted to Engineering Operations Manager. In 2006, he was promoted to Director of Research and Development. In 2007, he was promoted to Sr. Director of Research and Development. In 2009, he was promoted to Vice President of Research and Development. In 2011, he was promoted to Sr. Vice President of Research and Development. In those prior roles, Derek was responsible for funding, staffing, and execution of parallel engineering programs that resulted in successful development of professionally installed audio and video conferencing, video streaming, wireless microphone, digital signage, and camera products. Derek is a named inventor on 13 patents. Prior to joining ClearOne, Derek held engineering and management positions at Intel Corporation in the areas of audio conferencing and telephony technologies. Mr. Graham earned a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, with highest honors, and a Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Narsi Narayanan

Narsi Narayanan(现担任首席财务官)自2009年7月起担任Clearone,Inc.财务副总裁,在会计、财务和税务领域拥有二十多年的专业经验。在加入Clearone公司之前,他曾于2007年8月至2009年2月在Solo Cup公司管理SEC报告、美国公认会计原则会计研究、萨班斯-奥克斯利法案(“SOX”)合规和其他财务报告职能,该公司是一家公开报告的国际消费品公司,于2012年被Dart Container收购。在此之前,Narayanan先生于2004年6月至2007年8月在eCollege.com管理会计和财务职能,包括SEC报告、SOX合规和美国公认会计原则会计研究,eCollege.com是一家为私立教育机构服务的领先技术公司,在被培生教育集团收购之前,该公司也是一家公开报告的公司。除了是一名特许会计师外,Narayanan先生在印度一家大型企业集团的公共会计和高级财务职位上有丰富的工作经验。他是一名注册会计师,拥有会计学(犹他大学,M. Acc。)和商学(伊利诺伊大学,MBA-金融学)的研究生学位。

Narsi Narayanan Clearone, Inc. current Chief Financial Officer, has been serving Clearone, Inc. since July 2009. He has over three decades of professional experience in accounting, finance, taxes, and operations. Prior to joining Clearone, Inc. , he managed the SEC reporting, US GAAP accounting research, Sarbanes-Oxley Act ("SOX") compliance, and other financial reporting functions at Solo Cup Company, a publicly-reporting international consumer products company that was acquired by Dart Container in 2012. He also managed the accounting and finance functions, including SEC Reporting, SOX compliance, and US GAAP accounting research, at eCollege.com, a leading technology company serving private educational institutions, which was also a publicly-reporting company before being acquired by Pearson Education group. Mr. Narayanan has extensive experience working in public accounting and in senior finance positions in India with a large conglomerate prior to his move to the USA in 2001. He is a Certified Public Accountant and a Chartered Accountant, and holds a Bachelor's degree in Accounting from the University of Madras, an MBA from the University of Illinois-Chicago, and a Master's degree in accounting from the University of Utah.
Narsi Narayanan(现担任首席财务官)自2009年7月起担任Clearone,Inc.财务副总裁,在会计、财务和税务领域拥有二十多年的专业经验。在加入Clearone公司之前,他曾于2007年8月至2009年2月在Solo Cup公司管理SEC报告、美国公认会计原则会计研究、萨班斯-奥克斯利法案(“SOX”)合规和其他财务报告职能,该公司是一家公开报告的国际消费品公司,于2012年被Dart Container收购。在此之前,Narayanan先生于2004年6月至2007年8月在eCollege.com管理会计和财务职能,包括SEC报告、SOX合规和美国公认会计原则会计研究,eCollege.com是一家为私立教育机构服务的领先技术公司,在被培生教育集团收购之前,该公司也是一家公开报告的公司。除了是一名特许会计师外,Narayanan先生在印度一家大型企业集团的公共会计和高级财务职位上有丰富的工作经验。他是一名注册会计师,拥有会计学(犹他大学,M. Acc。)和商学(伊利诺伊大学,MBA-金融学)的研究生学位。
Narsi Narayanan Clearone, Inc. current Chief Financial Officer, has been serving Clearone, Inc. since July 2009. He has over three decades of professional experience in accounting, finance, taxes, and operations. Prior to joining Clearone, Inc. , he managed the SEC reporting, US GAAP accounting research, Sarbanes-Oxley Act ("SOX") compliance, and other financial reporting functions at Solo Cup Company, a publicly-reporting international consumer products company that was acquired by Dart Container in 2012. He also managed the accounting and finance functions, including SEC Reporting, SOX compliance, and US GAAP accounting research, at eCollege.com, a leading technology company serving private educational institutions, which was also a publicly-reporting company before being acquired by Pearson Education group. Mr. Narayanan has extensive experience working in public accounting and in senior finance positions in India with a large conglomerate prior to his move to the USA in 2001. He is a Certified Public Accountant and a Chartered Accountant, and holds a Bachelor's degree in Accounting from the University of Madras, an MBA from the University of Illinois-Chicago, and a Master's degree in accounting from the University of Utah.