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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
黄佳佳 Founder, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer 38 未披露 7212.04 2023-04-06
舒婷 Co-Founder, Director 37 未披露 7212.04 2023-04-06
戎胜文 Independent Director 55 未披露 未持股 2023-04-06
吴宵光 Independent Director 47 未披露 未持股 2023-04-06
林欣禾 Director 58 未披露 未持股 2023-04-06



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
黄佳佳 Founder, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer 38 未披露 7212.04 2023-04-06
Cindy Chun Tang Chief Financial Officer 48 未披露 未持股 2023-04-06


中英对照 |  中文 |  英文

黄佳佳是51talk Online Education Group的创始人,自51talk Online Education Group成立以来,一直担任51talk Online Education Group的董事会主席和首席执行官。在创办51talk Online Education Group之前,他曾于2007年至2010年在Mitsubishi Corporation China Co., Ltd.担任运营经理。黄先生于2007年创立了面向日本学生的在线汉语教学平台Talk China。黄先生于2007年获得清华大学日语学士学位。2015年,黄先生被中国企业家服务平台Cyzone评为30岁以下领先企业家。

Jack Jiajia Huang is 51talk Online Education Group founder and has served as the chairman of 51talk Online Education Group board of directors and chief executive officer since 51talk Online Education Group inception. Prior to founding our company, he served as an operations manager at Mitsubishi Corporation China Co., Ltd. from 2007 to 2010. Mr. Huang founded Talk China, an online Chinese-teaching platform targeting Japanese students, in 2007. Mr. Huang received his bachelor's degree in Japanese language from Tsinghua University in 2007. In 2015 Mr. Huang was named a leading entrepreneur under 30 by Cyzone, an entrepreneur service platform in China.
黄佳佳是51talk Online Education Group的创始人,自51talk Online Education Group成立以来,一直担任51talk Online Education Group的董事会主席和首席执行官。在创办51talk Online Education Group之前,他曾于2007年至2010年在Mitsubishi Corporation China Co., Ltd.担任运营经理。黄先生于2007年创立了面向日本学生的在线汉语教学平台Talk China。黄先生于2007年获得清华大学日语学士学位。2015年,黄先生被中国企业家服务平台Cyzone评为30岁以下领先企业家。
Jack Jiajia Huang is 51talk Online Education Group founder and has served as the chairman of 51talk Online Education Group board of directors and chief executive officer since 51talk Online Education Group inception. Prior to founding our company, he served as an operations manager at Mitsubishi Corporation China Co., Ltd. from 2007 to 2010. Mr. Huang founded Talk China, an online Chinese-teaching platform targeting Japanese students, in 2007. Mr. Huang received his bachelor's degree in Japanese language from Tsinghua University in 2007. In 2015 Mr. Huang was named a leading entrepreneur under 30 by Cyzone, an entrepreneur service platform in China.

舒婷本公司的共同创始人,自本公司成立之时起担任董事、高级副总裁。2010-2012,她任职于德勤中国的企业风险服务部门。此前,她于2007年与Mr. Jack Jiajia Huang共同创办TalkChina 。2010年,她在东京大学获得语言硕士学位;2007年,在清华大学获得日语学士学位。她与Mr. Jack Jiajia Huang 是夫妻关系。

Ting Shu is our co-founder and has served as our director since our inception. From 2010 to 2012 Ms. Shu worked in the enterprise risk services department of Deloitte in China. Prior to that, Ms. Shu co-founded TalkChina with Mr. Jack Jiajia Huang in 2007. Ms. Shu received her master's degree in language science from the University of Tokyo in 2010 and her bachelor's degree in Japanese language from Tsinghua University in 2007. Mr. Jack Jiajia Huang and Ms. Ting Shu are husband and wife.
舒婷本公司的共同创始人,自本公司成立之时起担任董事、高级副总裁。2010-2012,她任职于德勤中国的企业风险服务部门。此前,她于2007年与Mr. Jack Jiajia Huang共同创办TalkChina 。2010年,她在东京大学获得语言硕士学位;2007年,在清华大学获得日语学士学位。她与Mr. Jack Jiajia Huang 是夫妻关系。
Ting Shu is our co-founder and has served as our director since our inception. From 2010 to 2012 Ms. Shu worked in the enterprise risk services department of Deloitte in China. Prior to that, Ms. Shu co-founded TalkChina with Mr. Jack Jiajia Huang in 2007. Ms. Shu received her master's degree in language science from the University of Tokyo in 2010 and her bachelor's degree in Japanese language from Tsinghua University in 2007. Mr. Jack Jiajia Huang and Ms. Ting Shu are husband and wife.

戎胜文,现任Tarena International, Inc.独立董事。他于2022年3月1日被任命为独立董事兼审计委员会主席。他目前担任以下上市公司的独立董事和审计委员会主席:Vision Deal HK Acquisition Corp. (SEHK: 7827)、China Online Education Group (NYSE: COE)、MOGU Inc. (NYSE: MOGU)和X Financial (NYSE: XYF),以及Qudian Inc. (NYSE: QD)的独立董事。2017年2月至2018年9月,他担任Yixia Technology Co., Ltd(中国领先的视频直播和短视频平台)的高级副总裁兼首席财务官。在此之前,他曾担任Quixey, Inc.的首席财务官(2015年至2016年),UCWeb的首席财务官(2012年至2014年),以及Country Style Cooking Restaurant Chain Co., Ltd(纽约证券交易所上市公司)的首席财务官(2010年至2012年)。他于1991年获得人民大学国际金融学士学位,1996年获得West Virginia University会计硕士学位,2000年获得University of Chicago Booth School of Business管理硕士学位。戎先生是美国注册会计师。

Shengwen Rong,becomes Cheche Group Inc. independent director following the consummation of the Business Combination. Mr. Rong has served as an independent director of various listed companies including Vision Deal HK Acquisition (HK: 07827), 51Talk Online Education Group (NASDAQ: COD), Mogu Inc. (NASDAQ: MOGU), X Financial (NASDAQ: XYF) and Qudian Inc. (NASDAQ: QD). Prior to those, he served as the independent director and special committee member of BlueCity Holdings Limited (NASDAQ: BLCT) from 2020 to 2022. From 2017 to 2018, Mr. Rong served as the chief financial officer of Yixia Technology Ltd. From 2015 to 2016, he served as the chief financial officer of Quixey Inc. Prior to that, he served as the chief financial officer of UCWeb, Inc. from 2012 to 2014. Mr. Rong has also served in various capacities as the chief financial officers, financial director and financial manager at Country Style Cooking Restaurant Chain Holding Limited, Xingwei Education Group Ltd., Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOGL) and other well-known companies. Mr. Rong received his bachelor's degree from Renmin University in 1991, his master's degree in accounting from West Virginia University from 1996 and his MBA degree from the University of Chicago.
戎胜文,现任Tarena International, Inc.独立董事。他于2022年3月1日被任命为独立董事兼审计委员会主席。他目前担任以下上市公司的独立董事和审计委员会主席:Vision Deal HK Acquisition Corp. (SEHK: 7827)、China Online Education Group (NYSE: COE)、MOGU Inc. (NYSE: MOGU)和X Financial (NYSE: XYF),以及Qudian Inc. (NYSE: QD)的独立董事。2017年2月至2018年9月,他担任Yixia Technology Co., Ltd(中国领先的视频直播和短视频平台)的高级副总裁兼首席财务官。在此之前,他曾担任Quixey, Inc.的首席财务官(2015年至2016年),UCWeb的首席财务官(2012年至2014年),以及Country Style Cooking Restaurant Chain Co., Ltd(纽约证券交易所上市公司)的首席财务官(2010年至2012年)。他于1991年获得人民大学国际金融学士学位,1996年获得West Virginia University会计硕士学位,2000年获得University of Chicago Booth School of Business管理硕士学位。戎先生是美国注册会计师。
Shengwen Rong,becomes Cheche Group Inc. independent director following the consummation of the Business Combination. Mr. Rong has served as an independent director of various listed companies including Vision Deal HK Acquisition (HK: 07827), 51Talk Online Education Group (NASDAQ: COD), Mogu Inc. (NASDAQ: MOGU), X Financial (NASDAQ: XYF) and Qudian Inc. (NASDAQ: QD). Prior to those, he served as the independent director and special committee member of BlueCity Holdings Limited (NASDAQ: BLCT) from 2020 to 2022. From 2017 to 2018, Mr. Rong served as the chief financial officer of Yixia Technology Ltd. From 2015 to 2016, he served as the chief financial officer of Quixey Inc. Prior to that, he served as the chief financial officer of UCWeb, Inc. from 2012 to 2014. Mr. Rong has also served in various capacities as the chief financial officers, financial director and financial manager at Country Style Cooking Restaurant Chain Holding Limited, Xingwei Education Group Ltd., Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOGL) and other well-known companies. Mr. Rong received his bachelor's degree from Renmin University in 1991, his master's degree in accounting from West Virginia University from 1996 and his MBA degree from the University of Chicago.

吴宵光,高级执行副总裁兼Tencent E-Commerce Holdings Limited的行政总裁。一九九九年加盟腾讯控股有限公司,带领集团的核心产品实时通信软件QQ客户端的研发和产品规划工作,并先后担任QQ研发团队项目经理、实时通信产品部总经理,互联网事业部总经理和互联网业务系统高级副总裁。吴先生自二零一二年五月起获委任为Tencent E-Commerce Holdings Limited的行政总裁,负责开发及管理电子商务业务。吴先生拥有丰富的互联网产品研发、产品规划、产品运营和营销方面的经验。吴宵光先生于一九九六年毕业于南京大学获得天气动力学学士学位,并于二零零八年获得中欧国际工商学院的EMBA学位。于2018年6月23日获委任第七大道控股有限公司独立非执行董事。于2021年8月24日获委任为海底捞国际控股有限公司独立非执行董事。

Xiaoguang Wu,has served as Lexinfintech Holdings Ltd. director since March 2018 and has become Lexinfintech Holdings Ltd. independent director since August 2018. In June 2015, Mr. Wu established Welight Capital as a Founder. He was named as senior management adviser of Tencent in June 2015. Mr. Wu joined Tencent (SEHK: 00700) in 1999, and was a member of the founding team. He led the development and product planning for Tencent's core product, QQ, and served as project manager for the QQ research and development team. He also served as general manager of Tencent's IM product division and the internet business division. From 2012 to 2014, Mr. Wu served as chief executive officer of Tencent's e-commerce unit. Mr. Wu has extensive experience in product research and development, product planning, product operations and marketing internet products. He received his B.S. degree from Nanjing University in 1996, and an EMBA degree from China Europe International Business School in 2008.
吴宵光,高级执行副总裁兼Tencent E-Commerce Holdings Limited的行政总裁。一九九九年加盟腾讯控股有限公司,带领集团的核心产品实时通信软件QQ客户端的研发和产品规划工作,并先后担任QQ研发团队项目经理、实时通信产品部总经理,互联网事业部总经理和互联网业务系统高级副总裁。吴先生自二零一二年五月起获委任为Tencent E-Commerce Holdings Limited的行政总裁,负责开发及管理电子商务业务。吴先生拥有丰富的互联网产品研发、产品规划、产品运营和营销方面的经验。吴宵光先生于一九九六年毕业于南京大学获得天气动力学学士学位,并于二零零八年获得中欧国际工商学院的EMBA学位。于2018年6月23日获委任第七大道控股有限公司独立非执行董事。于2021年8月24日获委任为海底捞国际控股有限公司独立非执行董事。
Xiaoguang Wu,has served as Lexinfintech Holdings Ltd. director since March 2018 and has become Lexinfintech Holdings Ltd. independent director since August 2018. In June 2015, Mr. Wu established Welight Capital as a Founder. He was named as senior management adviser of Tencent in June 2015. Mr. Wu joined Tencent (SEHK: 00700) in 1999, and was a member of the founding team. He led the development and product planning for Tencent's core product, QQ, and served as project manager for the QQ research and development team. He also served as general manager of Tencent's IM product division and the internet business division. From 2012 to 2014, Mr. Wu served as chief executive officer of Tencent's e-commerce unit. Mr. Wu has extensive experience in product research and development, product planning, product operations and marketing internet products. He received his B.S. degree from Nanjing University in 1996, and an EMBA degree from China Europe International Business School in 2008.

林欣禾(Frank Lin), 自2009年12月起担任公司董事,他是DCM(一家技术风险投资公司)的管理合伙人。2006年加入DCM之前,他曾担任新浪公司(纳斯达克上市公司)首席运营官。他1956年创立新浪网的前身华渊公司并带领公司在纳斯达克上市。创立华渊之前,他曾是安永会计师事务所顾问。他在Octel通讯公司以及纽约电信公司市场、工程以及管理方面曾担任多个职位。现任多个由DCM投资的公司董事,包括VIPSHOP控股有限公司(纽约证券交易所上市公司)和58同城有限公司(纽约证券交易所上市公司)。他持有达特茅斯学院工程学学士学位以及斯坦福大学工商管理硕士学位。于2018年12月7日获委任为药师帮股份有限公司非执行董事。于2020年11月5日获委任为快手科技非执行董事。

Frank Lin,has served as Gigacloud Technology Inc director since November 2006. Mr. Lin is a general partner of DCM, a technology venture capital firm and one of Gigacloud Technology Inc principal shareholders. Prior to joining DCM in 2006, Mr. Lin was the chief operating officer of SINA Corporation (Nasdaq: SINA). He co-founded SINA's predecessor, SinaNet, in 1995 and later helped guide SINA through its listing on Nasdaq. Mr. Lin had also held various marketing, engineering and managerial positions at Octel Communication Inc. and NYNEX. Mr. Lin currently serves on the board of directors of numerous DCM portfolio companies, including Quantasing Group Limited (Nasdaq: OSG) and Kuaishou Technology (HKSE: 1024). Mr. Lin received his MBA degree from Stanford University in 1993 and his bachelor's degree in engineering from Dartmouth College in 1988.
林欣禾(Frank Lin), 自2009年12月起担任公司董事,他是DCM(一家技术风险投资公司)的管理合伙人。2006年加入DCM之前,他曾担任新浪公司(纳斯达克上市公司)首席运营官。他1956年创立新浪网的前身华渊公司并带领公司在纳斯达克上市。创立华渊之前,他曾是安永会计师事务所顾问。他在Octel通讯公司以及纽约电信公司市场、工程以及管理方面曾担任多个职位。现任多个由DCM投资的公司董事,包括VIPSHOP控股有限公司(纽约证券交易所上市公司)和58同城有限公司(纽约证券交易所上市公司)。他持有达特茅斯学院工程学学士学位以及斯坦福大学工商管理硕士学位。于2018年12月7日获委任为药师帮股份有限公司非执行董事。于2020年11月5日获委任为快手科技非执行董事。
Frank Lin,has served as Gigacloud Technology Inc director since November 2006. Mr. Lin is a general partner of DCM, a technology venture capital firm and one of Gigacloud Technology Inc principal shareholders. Prior to joining DCM in 2006, Mr. Lin was the chief operating officer of SINA Corporation (Nasdaq: SINA). He co-founded SINA's predecessor, SinaNet, in 1995 and later helped guide SINA through its listing on Nasdaq. Mr. Lin had also held various marketing, engineering and managerial positions at Octel Communication Inc. and NYNEX. Mr. Lin currently serves on the board of directors of numerous DCM portfolio companies, including Quantasing Group Limited (Nasdaq: OSG) and Kuaishou Technology (HKSE: 1024). Mr. Lin received his MBA degree from Stanford University in 1993 and his bachelor's degree in engineering from Dartmouth College in 1988.


中英对照 |  中文 |  英文

黄佳佳是51talk Online Education Group的创始人,自51talk Online Education Group成立以来,一直担任51talk Online Education Group的董事会主席和首席执行官。在创办51talk Online Education Group之前,他曾于2007年至2010年在Mitsubishi Corporation China Co., Ltd.担任运营经理。黄先生于2007年创立了面向日本学生的在线汉语教学平台Talk China。黄先生于2007年获得清华大学日语学士学位。2015年,黄先生被中国企业家服务平台Cyzone评为30岁以下领先企业家。

Jack Jiajia Huang is 51talk Online Education Group founder and has served as the chairman of 51talk Online Education Group board of directors and chief executive officer since 51talk Online Education Group inception. Prior to founding our company, he served as an operations manager at Mitsubishi Corporation China Co., Ltd. from 2007 to 2010. Mr. Huang founded Talk China, an online Chinese-teaching platform targeting Japanese students, in 2007. Mr. Huang received his bachelor's degree in Japanese language from Tsinghua University in 2007. In 2015 Mr. Huang was named a leading entrepreneur under 30 by Cyzone, an entrepreneur service platform in China.
黄佳佳是51talk Online Education Group的创始人,自51talk Online Education Group成立以来,一直担任51talk Online Education Group的董事会主席和首席执行官。在创办51talk Online Education Group之前,他曾于2007年至2010年在Mitsubishi Corporation China Co., Ltd.担任运营经理。黄先生于2007年创立了面向日本学生的在线汉语教学平台Talk China。黄先生于2007年获得清华大学日语学士学位。2015年,黄先生被中国企业家服务平台Cyzone评为30岁以下领先企业家。
Jack Jiajia Huang is 51talk Online Education Group founder and has served as the chairman of 51talk Online Education Group board of directors and chief executive officer since 51talk Online Education Group inception. Prior to founding our company, he served as an operations manager at Mitsubishi Corporation China Co., Ltd. from 2007 to 2010. Mr. Huang founded Talk China, an online Chinese-teaching platform targeting Japanese students, in 2007. Mr. Huang received his bachelor's degree in Japanese language from Tsinghua University in 2007. In 2015 Mr. Huang was named a leading entrepreneur under 30 by Cyzone, an entrepreneur service platform in China.
Cindy Chun Tang

Cindy Chun Tang,自2022年10月起担任51talk在线教育集团首席财务官,自2014年加入51talk在线教育集团以来,先后担任财务总监、高级财务总监、财务副总裁等职务。在加入51Talk之前,Tang女士曾于2007年至2014年在Google's Beijing office担任高级金融分析师。此前,Tang女士曾担任Novo Nordisk(Novo Nordisk是一家在CSE上市的全球领先制药制造商)高级财务分析师,曾担任Beijing City International School财务经理,还曾担任PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP.高级审计师。Tang女士在中央财经大学获得西方会计学硕士学位,在中国沈阳的东北大学获得会计学学士学位。Tang女士是一名在中国注册的注册会计师,也是Institute of Certified Management Accountants of the Institute of Management Accountants, United States of America指定的注册管理会计师。

Cindy Chun Tang,has served as 51talk Online Education Group chief financial officer since October 2022, and served in roles of the finance director, senior finance director, and vice president of finance since she joined 51talk Online Education Group Company in 2014. Prior to joining 51Talk, Ms. Tang served as a senior financial analyst in Google's Beijing office from 2007 to 2014. Previously, Ms. Tang served as a senior financial analyst with Novo Nordisk, a CSE-listed world leading pharmaceutical manufacturer, a finance manager with Beijing City International School, and a senior auditor with PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP. Ms. Tang received a master's degree in western accounting from the Central University of Finance and Economics and a bachelor's degree in accounting from Northeastern University in Shenyang China. Ms. Tang is a Certified Public Accountant licensed in China and Certified Management Accountant designated by the Institute of Certified Management Accountants of the Institute of Management Accountants, United States of America.
Cindy Chun Tang,自2022年10月起担任51talk在线教育集团首席财务官,自2014年加入51talk在线教育集团以来,先后担任财务总监、高级财务总监、财务副总裁等职务。在加入51Talk之前,Tang女士曾于2007年至2014年在Google's Beijing office担任高级金融分析师。此前,Tang女士曾担任Novo Nordisk(Novo Nordisk是一家在CSE上市的全球领先制药制造商)高级财务分析师,曾担任Beijing City International School财务经理,还曾担任PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP.高级审计师。Tang女士在中央财经大学获得西方会计学硕士学位,在中国沈阳的东北大学获得会计学学士学位。Tang女士是一名在中国注册的注册会计师,也是Institute of Certified Management Accountants of the Institute of Management Accountants, United States of America指定的注册管理会计师。
Cindy Chun Tang,has served as 51talk Online Education Group chief financial officer since October 2022, and served in roles of the finance director, senior finance director, and vice president of finance since she joined 51talk Online Education Group Company in 2014. Prior to joining 51Talk, Ms. Tang served as a senior financial analyst in Google's Beijing office from 2007 to 2014. Previously, Ms. Tang served as a senior financial analyst with Novo Nordisk, a CSE-listed world leading pharmaceutical manufacturer, a finance manager with Beijing City International School, and a senior auditor with PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP. Ms. Tang received a master's degree in western accounting from the Central University of Finance and Economics and a bachelor's degree in accounting from Northeastern University in Shenyang China. Ms. Tang is a Certified Public Accountant licensed in China and Certified Management Accountant designated by the Institute of Certified Management Accountants of the Institute of Management Accountants, United States of America.