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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Kenneth I. Denos -- Secretary, Chief Compliance Officer and Director 53 59.55万美元 未持股 2021-05-07
Fraser Atkinson -- Director 63 未披露 未持股 2021-05-07
Henry W. Hankinson Director 79 11.05万美元 未持股 2021-05-07
Robert L. Knauss Director 90 11.09万美元 未持股 2021-05-07
John A. Hardy Chief Executive Officer and Director 69 111.26万美元 未持股 2021-05-07
Fraser Atkinson Director 63 11.05万美元 未持股 2021-05-07



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
L'Sheryl D. Hudson Sr. Vice President, CFO, and Treasurer 56 24.23万美元 未持股 2021-05-07
Kenneth I. Denos -- Secretary, Chief Compliance Officer and Director 53 59.55万美元 未持股 2021-05-07
John A. Hardy Chief Executive Officer and Director 69 111.26万美元 未持股 2021-05-07


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Kenneth I. Denos

Kenneth I. Denos,2010年起,担任本公司的秘书。自2011年7月起担任公司首席合规官。Kenneth I. Denos,P.C.总裁(2000年1月以来);Tersus Energy plc的总法律顾问,董事兼并购主管LSE:TER(2005年至2006年);医疗保健Enterprise Group(LSE:HEG)的总法律顾问,董事兼并购主管(2003年至2005年);Outsize Capital Ltd.(投资和咨询)的负责人(2019年7月以来)。

Kenneth I. Denos,Secretary of the Company since 2010. Chief Compliance Officer of the Company since July 2011. President of Kenneth I. Denos, P.C. since January 2000; General Counsel, director, and head of M&A for Tersus Energy plc LSE: TER in 2005-06; General Counsel, director, and head of M&A for Healthcare Enterprise Group (LSE: HEG) from 2003-2005; Principal of Outsize Capital Ltd. (investment and advisory) since July 2019.
Kenneth I. Denos,2010年起,担任本公司的秘书。自2011年7月起担任公司首席合规官。Kenneth I. Denos,P.C.总裁(2000年1月以来);Tersus Energy plc的总法律顾问,董事兼并购主管LSE:TER(2005年至2006年);医疗保健Enterprise Group(LSE:HEG)的总法律顾问,董事兼并购主管(2003年至2005年);Outsize Capital Ltd.(投资和咨询)的负责人(2019年7月以来)。
Kenneth I. Denos,Secretary of the Company since 2010. Chief Compliance Officer of the Company since July 2011. President of Kenneth I. Denos, P.C. since January 2000; General Counsel, director, and head of M&A for Tersus Energy plc LSE: TER in 2005-06; General Counsel, director, and head of M&A for Healthcare Enterprise Group (LSE: HEG) from 2003-2005; Principal of Outsize Capital Ltd. (investment and advisory) since July 2019.
Fraser Atkinson

Fraser Atkinson,Greenpower Motor Company Inc.董事长纳斯达克:自2011年2月起担任GP,自2019年6月起担任首席执行官。Atkinson先生作为KPMG,LLP的合伙人参与技术和企业融资部门超过14年,于2002年9月离开公司。Atkinson先生曾担任公共和私人公司的董事长,总裁兼董事。

Fraser Atkinson,Chairman of GreenPower Motor Company Inc. Nasdaq: GP since February 2011 and CEO since June 2019. Mr. Atkinson was involved in both the technology and corporate finance sectors as a partner at KPMG, LLP for over 14 years, having left the firm in September 2002. Mr. Atkinson has served as Chairman, President and Director for public and private companies.
Fraser Atkinson,Greenpower Motor Company Inc.董事长纳斯达克:自2011年2月起担任GP,自2019年6月起担任首席执行官。Atkinson先生作为KPMG,LLP的合伙人参与技术和企业融资部门超过14年,于2002年9月离开公司。Atkinson先生曾担任公共和私人公司的董事长,总裁兼董事。
Fraser Atkinson,Chairman of GreenPower Motor Company Inc. Nasdaq: GP since February 2011 and CEO since June 2019. Mr. Atkinson was involved in both the technology and corporate finance sectors as a partner at KPMG, LLP for over 14 years, having left the firm in September 2002. Mr. Atkinson has served as Chairman, President and Director for public and private companies.
Henry W. Hankinson

Henry W. Hankinson,担任Global Business Associates,LLC(位于佐治亚州亚特兰大的精品并购咨询公司)的管理合伙人兼联合创始人。Hankinson先生是一名前军官,拥有工程学和MBA学位。他曾担任国内和国际高级执行管理职务30多年。1993年,他搬到莫斯科,担任Halliburton/Brown&Root“;HBR”;的高级区域执行官,在前苏联建立石油和天然气建设市场。1997年,他搬到利雅得,担任沙特阿拉伯高级HBR区域董事总经理。1999年,他被聘为沙特王室的一家大型跨国企业集团的首席运营官兼高级美国人。他在利雅得负责投资收购和投资组合管理。在他的职业生涯中,Hankinson先生曾担任小型和跨国私人和上市公司的董事长,首席执行官,首席运营官和董事。

Henry W. Hankinson,Managing Partner and co-founder of Global Business Associates, LLC, a boutique M&A consulting firm in Atlanta, GA. Mr. Hankinson is a former military officer with engineering and MBA degrees. He has held domestic and international senior executive management positions for over 30 years. In 1993 he moved to Moscow as the senior regional executive for Halliburton / Brown & Root “HBR” to establish the oil & gas construction market in the Former Soviet Union. In 1997 he moved to Riyadh, as the senior HBR regional Managing Director of Saudi Arabia. In 1999 he was recruited to become the COO and senior American for a large multi-national conglomerate for the Saudi Royal Family. Based in Riyadh, he was responsible for investment acquisitions and portfolio management. During his career, Mr. Hankinson has served as Chairman, CEO, COO, and Director for both small and multi-national private and public companies.
Henry W. Hankinson,担任Global Business Associates,LLC(位于佐治亚州亚特兰大的精品并购咨询公司)的管理合伙人兼联合创始人。Hankinson先生是一名前军官,拥有工程学和MBA学位。他曾担任国内和国际高级执行管理职务30多年。1993年,他搬到莫斯科,担任Halliburton/Brown&Root“;HBR”;的高级区域执行官,在前苏联建立石油和天然气建设市场。1997年,他搬到利雅得,担任沙特阿拉伯高级HBR区域董事总经理。1999年,他被聘为沙特王室的一家大型跨国企业集团的首席运营官兼高级美国人。他在利雅得负责投资收购和投资组合管理。在他的职业生涯中,Hankinson先生曾担任小型和跨国私人和上市公司的董事长,首席执行官,首席运营官和董事。
Henry W. Hankinson,Managing Partner and co-founder of Global Business Associates, LLC, a boutique M&A consulting firm in Atlanta, GA. Mr. Hankinson is a former military officer with engineering and MBA degrees. He has held domestic and international senior executive management positions for over 30 years. In 1993 he moved to Moscow as the senior regional executive for Halliburton / Brown & Root “HBR” to establish the oil & gas construction market in the Former Soviet Union. In 1997 he moved to Riyadh, as the senior HBR regional Managing Director of Saudi Arabia. In 1999 he was recruited to become the COO and senior American for a large multi-national conglomerate for the Saudi Royal Family. Based in Riyadh, he was responsible for investment acquisitions and portfolio management. During his career, Mr. Hankinson has served as Chairman, CEO, COO, and Director for both small and multi-national private and public companies.
Robert L. Knauss

Robert L. Knauss从1998年到2003年担任Philip Services Corp.Industrial Services的董事会主席,从1995年到2003年担任Baltic International USA,Inc.的董事会主席兼首席执行官。在过去的20年中,Knauss先生在8家上市公司的董事会任职。Knauss先生是休斯顿大学法学院的前任院长和杰出的大学教授,也是范德比尔特法学院的院长。

Robert L. Knauss,Chairman of the Board of Philip Services Corp. industrial services from 1998 to 2003 and Chairman of the Board and CEO of Baltic International USA, Inc. from 1995 to 2003. During the past twenty years, Mr. Knauss has served on the Boards of Directors of eight public companies. Mr. Knauss was the former Dean and Distinguished University Professor of University of Houston Law School and was also Dean of Vanderbilt Law School.
Robert L. Knauss从1998年到2003年担任Philip Services Corp.Industrial Services的董事会主席,从1995年到2003年担任Baltic International USA,Inc.的董事会主席兼首席执行官。在过去的20年中,Knauss先生在8家上市公司的董事会任职。Knauss先生是休斯顿大学法学院的前任院长和杰出的大学教授,也是范德比尔特法学院的院长。
Robert L. Knauss,Chairman of the Board of Philip Services Corp. industrial services from 1998 to 2003 and Chairman of the Board and CEO of Baltic International USA, Inc. from 1995 to 2003. During the past twenty years, Mr. Knauss has served on the Boards of Directors of eight public companies. Mr. Knauss was the former Dean and Distinguished University Professor of University of Houston Law School and was also Dean of Vanderbilt Law School.
John A. Hardy

John A. Hardy,2011年6月起,担任本公司的首席执行官;2010年6月至2011年6月,担任本公司的执行主席;从1978年到2002年,担任大律师,负责合并和收购以及诉讼和解决多个司法管辖区的纠纷。从1984年到2000年,Hardy先生还担任British Columbia大学保险法律讲座的兼职教授。

John A. Hardy,Chief Executive Officer of the Company since June 2011; Executive Chairman of the Company from June 2010 to June 2011; Director of the Company since May 2010; Mr. Hardy has had extensive experience in the insurance, finance and banking sectors, as well as mergers and acquisitions and litigation and resolution of multi-jurisdictional disputes practicing as a Barrister from 1978-2002. Mr. Hardy was also an adjunct Professor lecturing in insurance law at the University of British Columbia from 1984-2000.
John A. Hardy,2011年6月起,担任本公司的首席执行官;2010年6月至2011年6月,担任本公司的执行主席;从1978年到2002年,担任大律师,负责合并和收购以及诉讼和解决多个司法管辖区的纠纷。从1984年到2000年,Hardy先生还担任British Columbia大学保险法律讲座的兼职教授。
John A. Hardy,Chief Executive Officer of the Company since June 2011; Executive Chairman of the Company from June 2010 to June 2011; Director of the Company since May 2010; Mr. Hardy has had extensive experience in the insurance, finance and banking sectors, as well as mergers and acquisitions and litigation and resolution of multi-jurisdictional disputes practicing as a Barrister from 1978-2002. Mr. Hardy was also an adjunct Professor lecturing in insurance law at the University of British Columbia from 1984-2000.
Fraser Atkinson

Fraser Atkinson是我们公司的创始人之一。Atkinson先生于2011年2月11日被任命为我们公司的首席执行官,执行主席和董事,目前是提名委员会的成员。从2011年2月11日到2011年2月22日,他是我们公司的总裁、秘书和首席财务官。他于2014年12月23日辞去我们的首席执行官。他于2019年6月12日再次被任命为我们的首席执行官。Atkinson先生拥有British Columbia大学商学学士学位(1980年),并被不列颠哥伦比亚省特许专业会计师协会指定为注册会计师,1982年,他是Equus TotalReturn,Inc.的董事,一家在纽约证券交易所上市的上市公司,自2010年5月以来一直是一家商业发展公司。他于2011年3月至2018年2月担任Grizzly Discoveries Inc.(一家在TSX Venture Exchange上市的黄金和钾肥上市公司)的董事。Atkinson从2003年2月到2013年12月31日担任Universalle Systems Inc.(一家在多伦多证交所上市的公共技术服务公司)首席财务官,从2003年11月到2014年1月14日担任董事。Atkinson先生还作为毕马威会计师事务所(KPMG,LLP)的合伙人参与了14年的技术和企业融资,直到2002年9月。

Fraser Atkinson,was one of the founders of Greenpower Motor Company Inc. Mr. Atkinson was appointed as Greenpower Motor Company Inc. Chief Executive Officer, Executive Chairman and a director of Greenpower Motor Company Inc. on February 11, 2011, and is currently a member of the Nominating Committee. He was Greenpower Motor Company Inc. President, Secretary and Chief Financial Officer of Greenpower Motor Company Inc. from February 11, 2011 to February 22, 2011. He resigned as Greenpower Motor Company Inc. Chief Executive Officer on December 23, 2014. He was again appointed as Greenpower Motor Company Inc. Chief Executive Officer on June 12, 2019. Mr. Atkinson holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of British Columbia (1980) and his designation as a CPA, CA from the Chartered Professional Accountants, British Columba (1982). He is a director of Equus Total Return, Inc., a public company listed on the New York Stock Exchange that has been a Business Development Corporation since May 2010. He served as a director of Grizzly Discoveries Inc., a public company with gold and potash properties listed on the TSX Venture Exchange from March 2011 to February 2018. Mr. Atkinson served as the Chief Financial Officer of Versatile Systems Inc., a public technology services company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange from February 2003 to December 31, 2013 and as a director from November 2003 to January 14, 2014. Mr. Atkinson was also involved in both technology and corporate finance as a partner at KPMG, LLP for 14 years, until September 2002.
Fraser Atkinson是我们公司的创始人之一。Atkinson先生于2011年2月11日被任命为我们公司的首席执行官,执行主席和董事,目前是提名委员会的成员。从2011年2月11日到2011年2月22日,他是我们公司的总裁、秘书和首席财务官。他于2014年12月23日辞去我们的首席执行官。他于2019年6月12日再次被任命为我们的首席执行官。Atkinson先生拥有British Columbia大学商学学士学位(1980年),并被不列颠哥伦比亚省特许专业会计师协会指定为注册会计师,1982年,他是Equus TotalReturn,Inc.的董事,一家在纽约证券交易所上市的上市公司,自2010年5月以来一直是一家商业发展公司。他于2011年3月至2018年2月担任Grizzly Discoveries Inc.(一家在TSX Venture Exchange上市的黄金和钾肥上市公司)的董事。Atkinson从2003年2月到2013年12月31日担任Universalle Systems Inc.(一家在多伦多证交所上市的公共技术服务公司)首席财务官,从2003年11月到2014年1月14日担任董事。Atkinson先生还作为毕马威会计师事务所(KPMG,LLP)的合伙人参与了14年的技术和企业融资,直到2002年9月。
Fraser Atkinson,was one of the founders of Greenpower Motor Company Inc. Mr. Atkinson was appointed as Greenpower Motor Company Inc. Chief Executive Officer, Executive Chairman and a director of Greenpower Motor Company Inc. on February 11, 2011, and is currently a member of the Nominating Committee. He was Greenpower Motor Company Inc. President, Secretary and Chief Financial Officer of Greenpower Motor Company Inc. from February 11, 2011 to February 22, 2011. He resigned as Greenpower Motor Company Inc. Chief Executive Officer on December 23, 2014. He was again appointed as Greenpower Motor Company Inc. Chief Executive Officer on June 12, 2019. Mr. Atkinson holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of British Columbia (1980) and his designation as a CPA, CA from the Chartered Professional Accountants, British Columba (1982). He is a director of Equus Total Return, Inc., a public company listed on the New York Stock Exchange that has been a Business Development Corporation since May 2010. He served as a director of Grizzly Discoveries Inc., a public company with gold and potash properties listed on the TSX Venture Exchange from March 2011 to February 2018. Mr. Atkinson served as the Chief Financial Officer of Versatile Systems Inc., a public technology services company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange from February 2003 to December 31, 2013 and as a director from November 2003 to January 14, 2014. Mr. Atkinson was also involved in both technology and corporate finance as a partner at KPMG, LLP for 14 years, until September 2002.


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L'Sheryl D. Hudson

L’SherylD.Hudson,自2006年11月起担任高级副总裁、首席财务官和财务主管,从2006年11月到2011年7月担任公司首席合规官。2002年至2006年,Hudson女士担任WestLB Asset Management US,LLC的副董事。

L'Sheryl D. Hudson,Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and Treasurer since November 2006; Chief Compliance Officer of the Company from November 2006 to July 2011. Ms. Hudson served as Associate Director of WestLB Asset Management US, LLC from 2002 to 2006.
L’SherylD.Hudson,自2006年11月起担任高级副总裁、首席财务官和财务主管,从2006年11月到2011年7月担任公司首席合规官。2002年至2006年,Hudson女士担任WestLB Asset Management US,LLC的副董事。
L'Sheryl D. Hudson,Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and Treasurer since November 2006; Chief Compliance Officer of the Company from November 2006 to July 2011. Ms. Hudson served as Associate Director of WestLB Asset Management US, LLC from 2002 to 2006.
Kenneth I. Denos

Kenneth I. Denos,2010年起,担任本公司的秘书。自2011年7月起担任公司首席合规官。Kenneth I. Denos,P.C.总裁(2000年1月以来);Tersus Energy plc的总法律顾问,董事兼并购主管LSE:TER(2005年至2006年);医疗保健Enterprise Group(LSE:HEG)的总法律顾问,董事兼并购主管(2003年至2005年);Outsize Capital Ltd.(投资和咨询)的负责人(2019年7月以来)。

Kenneth I. Denos,Secretary of the Company since 2010. Chief Compliance Officer of the Company since July 2011. President of Kenneth I. Denos, P.C. since January 2000; General Counsel, director, and head of M&A for Tersus Energy plc LSE: TER in 2005-06; General Counsel, director, and head of M&A for Healthcare Enterprise Group (LSE: HEG) from 2003-2005; Principal of Outsize Capital Ltd. (investment and advisory) since July 2019.
Kenneth I. Denos,2010年起,担任本公司的秘书。自2011年7月起担任公司首席合规官。Kenneth I. Denos,P.C.总裁(2000年1月以来);Tersus Energy plc的总法律顾问,董事兼并购主管LSE:TER(2005年至2006年);医疗保健Enterprise Group(LSE:HEG)的总法律顾问,董事兼并购主管(2003年至2005年);Outsize Capital Ltd.(投资和咨询)的负责人(2019年7月以来)。
Kenneth I. Denos,Secretary of the Company since 2010. Chief Compliance Officer of the Company since July 2011. President of Kenneth I. Denos, P.C. since January 2000; General Counsel, director, and head of M&A for Tersus Energy plc LSE: TER in 2005-06; General Counsel, director, and head of M&A for Healthcare Enterprise Group (LSE: HEG) from 2003-2005; Principal of Outsize Capital Ltd. (investment and advisory) since July 2019.
John A. Hardy

John A. Hardy,2011年6月起,担任本公司的首席执行官;2010年6月至2011年6月,担任本公司的执行主席;从1978年到2002年,担任大律师,负责合并和收购以及诉讼和解决多个司法管辖区的纠纷。从1984年到2000年,Hardy先生还担任British Columbia大学保险法律讲座的兼职教授。

John A. Hardy,Chief Executive Officer of the Company since June 2011; Executive Chairman of the Company from June 2010 to June 2011; Director of the Company since May 2010; Mr. Hardy has had extensive experience in the insurance, finance and banking sectors, as well as mergers and acquisitions and litigation and resolution of multi-jurisdictional disputes practicing as a Barrister from 1978-2002. Mr. Hardy was also an adjunct Professor lecturing in insurance law at the University of British Columbia from 1984-2000.
John A. Hardy,2011年6月起,担任本公司的首席执行官;2010年6月至2011年6月,担任本公司的执行主席;从1978年到2002年,担任大律师,负责合并和收购以及诉讼和解决多个司法管辖区的纠纷。从1984年到2000年,Hardy先生还担任British Columbia大学保险法律讲座的兼职教授。
John A. Hardy,Chief Executive Officer of the Company since June 2011; Executive Chairman of the Company from June 2010 to June 2011; Director of the Company since May 2010; Mr. Hardy has had extensive experience in the insurance, finance and banking sectors, as well as mergers and acquisitions and litigation and resolution of multi-jurisdictional disputes practicing as a Barrister from 1978-2002. Mr. Hardy was also an adjunct Professor lecturing in insurance law at the University of British Columbia from 1984-2000.