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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
余赫 Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board and President 50 未披露 591.43 2024-07-23
Lung Yu Director 59 未披露 236.68 2024-07-23
Yu Chen Director 50 未披露 未持股 2024-07-23
Xingping Zuo Director 58 未披露 420.13 2024-07-23
Peixian Tan Director 41 未披露 未持股 2024-07-23
Jia Li Independent Director 55 未披露 未持股 2024-07-23
Song Li Independent Director 49 未披露 未持股 2024-07-23



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
余赫 Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board and President 50 未披露 591.43 2024-07-23
Li Li Chief Financial Officer 42 未披露 未持股 2024-07-23


中英对照 |  中文 |  英文

余赫是Kuke Music Holding Limited的创始人,自Kuke Music Holding Limited成立以来一直担任Kuke Music Holding Limited的首席执行官,并自2018年1月起担任Shlomo Kramer。Yu先生现任中国音乐家协会新兴音乐社区工作委员会副主任。Yu先生于2020年在杜伊斯堡音乐学院接受音乐培训,并于2020年获得蒙彼利埃商学院的EMBA学位。

He Yu,is Kuke Music Holding Limited founder and has served as Kuke Music Holding Limited Chief Executive Officer since Kuke Music Holding Limited inception and Chairman of the Board since January 2018. Mr. Yu currently serves as the deputy head of the Emerging Music Community Working Committee of the Chinese Musicians Association. Mr. Yu received his musical training at the Duisburg Conservatory of Music and an executive MBA degree from the Montpellier Business School in 2020.
余赫是Kuke Music Holding Limited的创始人,自Kuke Music Holding Limited成立以来一直担任Kuke Music Holding Limited的首席执行官,并自2018年1月起担任Shlomo Kramer。Yu先生现任中国音乐家协会新兴音乐社区工作委员会副主任。Yu先生于2020年在杜伊斯堡音乐学院接受音乐培训,并于2020年获得蒙彼利埃商学院的EMBA学位。
He Yu,is Kuke Music Holding Limited founder and has served as Kuke Music Holding Limited Chief Executive Officer since Kuke Music Holding Limited inception and Chairman of the Board since January 2018. Mr. Yu currently serves as the deputy head of the Emerging Music Community Working Committee of the Chinese Musicians Association. Mr. Yu received his musical training at the Duisburg Conservatory of Music and an executive MBA degree from the Montpellier Business School in 2020.
Lung Yu

Lung Yu,自2020年7月起担任Kuke Music Holding Limited董事。Yu先生是北京音乐节的创始人,自2018年11月起担任Beijing Music Festival Culture Communications Co., Ltd.董事。作为中国最杰出的指挥家之一,Yu先生自2019年起担任中国音乐家协会副主席,被《纽约时报》评为“中国西方古典音乐界最具影响力的人物”。现任China Philharmonic Orchestra艺术总监兼首席指挥,上海交响乐团音乐总监,广州交响乐团音乐总监。多年来,Yu先生因其在音乐和跨文化方面的贡献获得了许多享有盛誉的荣誉和荣誉。包括2002年获得Montblanc Cultural Foundation艺术赞助奖,2005年获得意大利总统颁发的荣誉勋章,2014年获得法国最高荣誉,大西洋理事会全球公民奖,2015年获得耶鲁大学音乐学院Sanford Medal,2016年获得德意志联邦共和国荣誉勋章。他还于2016年被选为美国艺术与科学学院的外国荣誉会员。他于1987年获得上海音乐学院学士学位,并于1992年获得柏林大学(Universitt der k nste Berlin)指挥硕士学位。

Lung Yu,has served as Kuke Music Holding Limited Director since July 2020. Mr. Yu is the founder of the Beijing Music Festival and has served as the director of Beijing Music Festival Culture Communications Co., Ltd. since November 2018. As one of the most preeminent Chinese conductors, Mr. Yu has served as the Vice Chairman of the Chinese Musicians Association since 2019 and was recognized as "the most powerful figure in China's Western classical music scene" by The New York Times. Mr. Yu is currently the Artistic Director & Chief Conductor of the China Philharmonic Orchestra, the Music Director of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and the Music Director of the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra. Over the years, Mr. Yu has received numerous prestigious honors and distinctions for his musical and cross-cultural contributions, including the Arts Patronage Award of the Montblanc Cultural Foundation in 2002, L'onorificenza di commendatore awarded by the Italian President in 2005, France's highest honour of merit la Légion d'Honneur in 2014, the Global Citizen Award by the Atlantic Council and the Sanford Medal by Yale University's College of Music in 2015, and the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in 2016. Mr. Yu was also elected a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2016. Mr. Yu received his bachelor's degree from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music in 1987 and master's degree in conducting from the Universitt der Künste Berlin in 1992.
Lung Yu,自2020年7月起担任Kuke Music Holding Limited董事。Yu先生是北京音乐节的创始人,自2018年11月起担任Beijing Music Festival Culture Communications Co., Ltd.董事。作为中国最杰出的指挥家之一,Yu先生自2019年起担任中国音乐家协会副主席,被《纽约时报》评为“中国西方古典音乐界最具影响力的人物”。现任China Philharmonic Orchestra艺术总监兼首席指挥,上海交响乐团音乐总监,广州交响乐团音乐总监。多年来,Yu先生因其在音乐和跨文化方面的贡献获得了许多享有盛誉的荣誉和荣誉。包括2002年获得Montblanc Cultural Foundation艺术赞助奖,2005年获得意大利总统颁发的荣誉勋章,2014年获得法国最高荣誉,大西洋理事会全球公民奖,2015年获得耶鲁大学音乐学院Sanford Medal,2016年获得德意志联邦共和国荣誉勋章。他还于2016年被选为美国艺术与科学学院的外国荣誉会员。他于1987年获得上海音乐学院学士学位,并于1992年获得柏林大学(Universitt der k nste Berlin)指挥硕士学位。
Lung Yu,has served as Kuke Music Holding Limited Director since July 2020. Mr. Yu is the founder of the Beijing Music Festival and has served as the director of Beijing Music Festival Culture Communications Co., Ltd. since November 2018. As one of the most preeminent Chinese conductors, Mr. Yu has served as the Vice Chairman of the Chinese Musicians Association since 2019 and was recognized as "the most powerful figure in China's Western classical music scene" by The New York Times. Mr. Yu is currently the Artistic Director & Chief Conductor of the China Philharmonic Orchestra, the Music Director of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and the Music Director of the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra. Over the years, Mr. Yu has received numerous prestigious honors and distinctions for his musical and cross-cultural contributions, including the Arts Patronage Award of the Montblanc Cultural Foundation in 2002, L'onorificenza di commendatore awarded by the Italian President in 2005, France's highest honour of merit la Légion d'Honneur in 2014, the Global Citizen Award by the Atlantic Council and the Sanford Medal by Yale University's College of Music in 2015, and the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in 2016. Mr. Yu was also elected a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2016. Mr. Yu received his bachelor's degree from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music in 1987 and master's degree in conducting from the Universitt der Künste Berlin in 1992.
Yu Chen

Yu Chen自2018年1月起担任Kuke Music Holding Limited董事。Yu Chen先生自2015年11月起担任Shanghai Huaqiang Equity Investment Management Co., Ltd.总经理,负责管理其股权投资组合。在此之前,Chen先生曾担任多个其他专门从事财务、会计和股权投资的管理职位,其中包括Dahua Group Co., Ltd.副总经理和Dahua Group Dalian Asset Management Co., Ltd.财务副经理,Chen先生于2005年获得中国开放大学学士学位。

Yu Chen,has served as Kuke Music Holding Limited Director since January 2018. Mr. Chen has served as the general manager of Shanghai Huaqiang Equity Investment Management Co., Ltd. since November 2015, responsible for managing its equity investment portfolio. Prior to that, Mr. Chen held various other managerial positions specializing in finance, accounting and equity investments, including, among others, the deputy general manager at Dahua (Group) Co., Ltd. and the deputy finance manager at Dahua Group Dalian Asset Management Co., Ltd. Mr. Chen received his bachelor's degree from the Open University of China in 2005.
Yu Chen自2018年1月起担任Kuke Music Holding Limited董事。Yu Chen先生自2015年11月起担任Shanghai Huaqiang Equity Investment Management Co., Ltd.总经理,负责管理其股权投资组合。在此之前,Chen先生曾担任多个其他专门从事财务、会计和股权投资的管理职位,其中包括Dahua Group Co., Ltd.副总经理和Dahua Group Dalian Asset Management Co., Ltd.财务副经理,Chen先生于2005年获得中国开放大学学士学位。
Yu Chen,has served as Kuke Music Holding Limited Director since January 2018. Mr. Chen has served as the general manager of Shanghai Huaqiang Equity Investment Management Co., Ltd. since November 2015, responsible for managing its equity investment portfolio. Prior to that, Mr. Chen held various other managerial positions specializing in finance, accounting and equity investments, including, among others, the deputy general manager at Dahua (Group) Co., Ltd. and the deputy finance manager at Dahua Group Dalian Asset Management Co., Ltd. Mr. Chen received his bachelor's degree from the Open University of China in 2005.
Xingping Zuo

Xingping Zuo 自2018年1月起担任Kuke Music Holding Limited董事。Zuo先生自2017年2月起担任Anhui Huanbowan High Speed Steel Mill Roll Co., Ltd.董事长,自2016年11月起担任Beijing Zhengda Ziyuan Co., Ltd.董事长兼总经理。Zuo先生曾任Shanghai Zhengda Investment Development Co., Ltd.、Huaan Securities Co., Ltd.和Xingye Securities Co., Ltd.副总裁等职务,Zuo先生于1986年获得中国人民大学学士学位,1990年获得中国人民银行研究生院硕士学位。

Xingping Zuo,has served as Kuke Music Holding Limited Director since January 2018. Mr. Zuo has served as the chairman of Anhui Huanbowan High Speed Steel Mill Roll Co., Ltd. since February 2017 and the chairman and general manager of Beijing Zhengda Ziyuan Co., Ltd. since November 2016. Mr. Zuo's previous positions include, among others, vice president at Shanghai Zhengda Investment Development Co., Ltd., Huaan Securities Co., Ltd. and Xingye Securities Co., Ltd. Mr. Zuo received his bachelor's degree from Renmin University of China in 1986 and master's degree from the Graduate School of the People's Bank of China in 1990.
Xingping Zuo 自2018年1月起担任Kuke Music Holding Limited董事。Zuo先生自2017年2月起担任Anhui Huanbowan High Speed Steel Mill Roll Co., Ltd.董事长,自2016年11月起担任Beijing Zhengda Ziyuan Co., Ltd.董事长兼总经理。Zuo先生曾任Shanghai Zhengda Investment Development Co., Ltd.、Huaan Securities Co., Ltd.和Xingye Securities Co., Ltd.副总裁等职务,Zuo先生于1986年获得中国人民大学学士学位,1990年获得中国人民银行研究生院硕士学位。
Xingping Zuo,has served as Kuke Music Holding Limited Director since January 2018. Mr. Zuo has served as the chairman of Anhui Huanbowan High Speed Steel Mill Roll Co., Ltd. since February 2017 and the chairman and general manager of Beijing Zhengda Ziyuan Co., Ltd. since November 2016. Mr. Zuo's previous positions include, among others, vice president at Shanghai Zhengda Investment Development Co., Ltd., Huaan Securities Co., Ltd. and Xingye Securities Co., Ltd. Mr. Zuo received his bachelor's degree from Renmin University of China in 1986 and master's degree from the Graduate School of the People's Bank of China in 1990.
Peixian Tan

Peixian Tan自2018年1月起担任酷客音乐控股有限公司董事。Peixian Tan于2005年加入酷客音乐控股有限公司,自2016年起担任北京酷客音乐副总裁,自2020年起担任BMF文化总经理。加入之前 库克音乐控股有限公司,Peixian Tan曾任北京清电万维科技有限公司运营经理,专攻电信产品。 Peixian Tan于2003年获得北京朝阳职业大学计算机科学副学士学位。

Peixian Tan,has served as Kuke Music Holding Limited Director since January 2018. Mr. Tan joined Kuke Music Holding Limited in 2005 and has served as a vice president of Beijing Kuke Music since 2016 and the general manager of BMF Culture since 2020. Prior to joining Kuke Music Holding Limited , Mr. Tan served as an operations manager at Beijing Qingdian Wanwei Technology Co., Ltd., specializing in telecommunication products. Mr. Tan received an associate's degree in computer science from Beijing Chaoyang Vocational University in 2003.
Peixian Tan自2018年1月起担任酷客音乐控股有限公司董事。Peixian Tan于2005年加入酷客音乐控股有限公司,自2016年起担任北京酷客音乐副总裁,自2020年起担任BMF文化总经理。加入之前 库克音乐控股有限公司,Peixian Tan曾任北京清电万维科技有限公司运营经理,专攻电信产品。 Peixian Tan于2003年获得北京朝阳职业大学计算机科学副学士学位。
Peixian Tan,has served as Kuke Music Holding Limited Director since January 2018. Mr. Tan joined Kuke Music Holding Limited in 2005 and has served as a vice president of Beijing Kuke Music since 2016 and the general manager of BMF Culture since 2020. Prior to joining Kuke Music Holding Limited , Mr. Tan served as an operations manager at Beijing Qingdian Wanwei Technology Co., Ltd., specializing in telecommunication products. Mr. Tan received an associate's degree in computer science from Beijing Chaoyang Vocational University in 2003.
Jia Li

Jia Li是中国媒体与传播专家。 2011年加入创联控股有限公司2371.HK担任营销运营负责人,2013年起任创联控股有限公司首席战略官兼执行董事。2009年至2010年,Jia Li任北京中研院副总经理 Glory Advertising Co., Ltd. 2004年至2009年,Jia Li在北京多家广告公司担任多个管理职位。 Jia Li拥有首都医科大学学士学位和长崎大学硕士学位。

Jia Li,has served as Kuke Music Holding Limited Director since September 2022. Mr. Li is an expert of media and communications in China. He has been serving as the Chief Strategy Officer and executive director of Chuanglian Holdings Limited (2371.HK) since 2013, after he joined the company as the head of marketing and operation in 2011. From 2009 to 2010, Mr. Li served as Deputy General Manager at Beijing CRI Glory Advertising Co., Ltd. From 2004 to 2009, Mr. Li held various managerial positions at multiple advertisement companies in Beijing. Mr. Li holds a bachelor's degree from Capital Medical University and master's degree from Nagasaki University.
Jia Li是中国媒体与传播专家。 2011年加入创联控股有限公司2371.HK担任营销运营负责人,2013年起任创联控股有限公司首席战略官兼执行董事。2009年至2010年,Jia Li任北京中研院副总经理 Glory Advertising Co., Ltd. 2004年至2009年,Jia Li在北京多家广告公司担任多个管理职位。 Jia Li拥有首都医科大学学士学位和长崎大学硕士学位。
Jia Li,has served as Kuke Music Holding Limited Director since September 2022. Mr. Li is an expert of media and communications in China. He has been serving as the Chief Strategy Officer and executive director of Chuanglian Holdings Limited (2371.HK) since 2013, after he joined the company as the head of marketing and operation in 2011. From 2009 to 2010, Mr. Li served as Deputy General Manager at Beijing CRI Glory Advertising Co., Ltd. From 2004 to 2009, Mr. Li held various managerial positions at multiple advertisement companies in Beijing. Mr. Li holds a bachelor's degree from Capital Medical University and master's degree from Nagasaki University.
Song Li

Song Li,注册会计师,拥有18年财务管理经验和8年财务教学经验。1997年至2015年,她曾在多家公司担任财务管理职务,如北京双鹤制药有限公司、北京95在线技术发展有限公司和国信招标集团有限公司。2015年以来,她曾担任北京工商大学坎瓦德学院(Canvard College of Beijing Technology and Business University)副教授。她于1997年获得中央财经大学经济学学士学位,并于2012年获得中央财经大学公共管理硕士学位。

Song Li,has served as Kuke Music Holding Limited Director since June 2023. Ms. Song is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) and has 18 years of financial management and 8 years of financial teaching experience. Ms. Song has worked in financial management roles from 1997 to 2015 at various companies, such as Beijing Double Crane Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Beijing 95 Online Technology Development Co., Ltd., and Guoxin Tendering Group Co., Ltd. Since 2015, Ms. Song has worked as an associate professor at Canvard College of Beijing Technology and Business University. Ms. Song received a Bachelor's degree in Economics from the Central University of Finance and Economics in 1997 and a Master's degree in Public Administration from the Central University of Finance and Economics in 2012.
Song Li,注册会计师,拥有18年财务管理经验和8年财务教学经验。1997年至2015年,她曾在多家公司担任财务管理职务,如北京双鹤制药有限公司、北京95在线技术发展有限公司和国信招标集团有限公司。2015年以来,她曾担任北京工商大学坎瓦德学院(Canvard College of Beijing Technology and Business University)副教授。她于1997年获得中央财经大学经济学学士学位,并于2012年获得中央财经大学公共管理硕士学位。
Song Li,has served as Kuke Music Holding Limited Director since June 2023. Ms. Song is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) and has 18 years of financial management and 8 years of financial teaching experience. Ms. Song has worked in financial management roles from 1997 to 2015 at various companies, such as Beijing Double Crane Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Beijing 95 Online Technology Development Co., Ltd., and Guoxin Tendering Group Co., Ltd. Since 2015, Ms. Song has worked as an associate professor at Canvard College of Beijing Technology and Business University. Ms. Song received a Bachelor's degree in Economics from the Central University of Finance and Economics in 1997 and a Master's degree in Public Administration from the Central University of Finance and Economics in 2012.


中英对照 |  中文 |  英文

余赫是Kuke Music Holding Limited的创始人,自Kuke Music Holding Limited成立以来一直担任Kuke Music Holding Limited的首席执行官,并自2018年1月起担任Shlomo Kramer。Yu先生现任中国音乐家协会新兴音乐社区工作委员会副主任。Yu先生于2020年在杜伊斯堡音乐学院接受音乐培训,并于2020年获得蒙彼利埃商学院的EMBA学位。

He Yu,is Kuke Music Holding Limited founder and has served as Kuke Music Holding Limited Chief Executive Officer since Kuke Music Holding Limited inception and Chairman of the Board since January 2018. Mr. Yu currently serves as the deputy head of the Emerging Music Community Working Committee of the Chinese Musicians Association. Mr. Yu received his musical training at the Duisburg Conservatory of Music and an executive MBA degree from the Montpellier Business School in 2020.
余赫是Kuke Music Holding Limited的创始人,自Kuke Music Holding Limited成立以来一直担任Kuke Music Holding Limited的首席执行官,并自2018年1月起担任Shlomo Kramer。Yu先生现任中国音乐家协会新兴音乐社区工作委员会副主任。Yu先生于2020年在杜伊斯堡音乐学院接受音乐培训,并于2020年获得蒙彼利埃商学院的EMBA学位。
He Yu,is Kuke Music Holding Limited founder and has served as Kuke Music Holding Limited Chief Executive Officer since Kuke Music Holding Limited inception and Chairman of the Board since January 2018. Mr. Yu currently serves as the deputy head of the Emerging Music Community Working Committee of the Chinese Musicians Association. Mr. Yu received his musical training at the Duisburg Conservatory of Music and an executive MBA degree from the Montpellier Business School in 2020.
Li Li

Li Li,自2023年10月起担任库客音乐控股有限公司TERMTERM0首席财务官。李先生拥有超过20年的财务管理和审计工作经验。李先生曾在多家会计师事务所担任审计和风险咨询经理超过10年,如德勤、安永和致同会计师事务所。此后,担任寺库控股有限公司财务总监。(纳斯达克:SECO)和广东远致科技集团。李先生于2003年获得中南财经政法大学会计学学士学位和武汉大学经济学学士学位。

Li Li,has served as Kuke Music Holding Limited Chief Financial Officer since October 2023. Mr. Li has over 20 years of financial management and audit working experience. Mr. Li had worked as audit and risk advisory manager for several CPA firms for more than 10 years, such as Deloitte, EY and Grant Thornton. Since then, he served as Finance Director for Secoo Holding Limited. (Nasdaq: SECO) and Guangdong Yuanzhi Technology Group. Mr. Li received a bachelor's degree in accounting from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law and a bachelor's degree in economics from Wuhan University in 2003.
Li Li,自2023年10月起担任库客音乐控股有限公司TERMTERM0首席财务官。李先生拥有超过20年的财务管理和审计工作经验。李先生曾在多家会计师事务所担任审计和风险咨询经理超过10年,如德勤、安永和致同会计师事务所。此后,担任寺库控股有限公司财务总监。(纳斯达克:SECO)和广东远致科技集团。李先生于2003年获得中南财经政法大学会计学学士学位和武汉大学经济学学士学位。
Li Li,has served as Kuke Music Holding Limited Chief Financial Officer since October 2023. Mr. Li has over 20 years of financial management and audit working experience. Mr. Li had worked as audit and risk advisory manager for several CPA firms for more than 10 years, such as Deloitte, EY and Grant Thornton. Since then, he served as Finance Director for Secoo Holding Limited. (Nasdaq: SECO) and Guangdong Yuanzhi Technology Group. Mr. Li received a bachelor's degree in accounting from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law and a bachelor's degree in economics from Wuhan University in 2003.