姓名 | 性别 | 职位 | 年龄 | 薪酬 | 持股数(万股) | 截止日期 |
胡楠 | 男 | Director and Chief Executive Officer of Zhejiang Haowei | 43 | 未披露 | 454.27 | 2024-05-28 |
Jianping Kong | 男 | Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer | 39 | 未披露 | 2370.39 | 2024-05-28 |
Qifeng Sun | 男 | Vice Chairman of the Board | 44 | 未披露 | 1446.37 | 2024-05-28 |
Li Zhang | 女 | Independent Director | 39 | 未披露 | 208.55 | 2024-05-28 |
Jiaming Zhu | 男 | Independent Director | 74 | 未披露 | 未持股 | 2024-05-28 |
Lizhen Xie | 女 | Independent Director | 45 | 未披露 | 未持股 | 2024-05-28 |
姓名 | 性别 | 职位 | 年龄 | 薪酬 | 持股数(万股) | 截止日期 |
胡楠 | 男 | Director and Chief Executive Officer of Zhejiang Haowei | 43 | 未披露 | 454.27 | 2024-05-28 |
Jianping Kong | 男 | Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer | 39 | 未披露 | 2370.39 | 2024-05-28 |
Bing Chen | 男 | Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President | 57 | 未披露 | 100.00 | 2024-05-28 |
Bingbo Li | 男 | Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Zhejiang Haowei | 41 | 未披露 | 未持股 | 2024-05-28 |
中英对照 |  中文 |  英文- 胡楠
胡楠是自2016年1月起,担任华夏博雅首席技术官。从2014年7月至2015年12月,胡先生担任基于手机的商业社交媒体平台北京三世科技有限公司的首席产品官。从2011年5月到2014年6月,胡先生是iPhone / Android系统平台应用开发公司智模网络技术北京有限公司的联合创始人和首席技术官,为领先的广告提供移动互联网产品解决方案和营销公司hdtMEDIA和威望通联有限公司。从2008年4月至2010年10月,胡先生担任法国SA Penbase的研发工程师和项目经理,该公司是第一个在线开发移动应用程序平台并提供移动终端,数据管理产品的公司。胡先生拥有蒙彼利埃第二大学的计算机科学学士学位和硕士学位。
Nan Hu,has served as Nano Labs Ltd director since November 2021 and chief executive officer of Zhejiang Haowei since February 2021. Mr. Hu has over ten years of experience in the semiconductor industry. Prior to that, Mr. Hu had served as a validation manager at Trident Multi-Media Technology Co. from August 2010 to April 2012 and then at Entropic Shangmin Communication Technology Co. until November 2014. Mr. Hu received a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and automation from East China University of Science and Technology in July 2003 and a master's degree in electronic and communication engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in March 2013. - 胡楠是自2016年1月起,担任华夏博雅首席技术官。从2014年7月至2015年12月,胡先生担任基于手机的商业社交媒体平台北京三世科技有限公司的首席产品官。从2011年5月到2014年6月,胡先生是iPhone / Android系统平台应用开发公司智模网络技术北京有限公司的联合创始人和首席技术官,为领先的广告提供移动互联网产品解决方案和营销公司hdtMEDIA和威望通联有限公司。从2008年4月至2010年10月,胡先生担任法国SA Penbase的研发工程师和项目经理,该公司是第一个在线开发移动应用程序平台并提供移动终端,数据管理产品的公司。胡先生拥有蒙彼利埃第二大学的计算机科学学士学位和硕士学位。
- Nan Hu,has served as Nano Labs Ltd director since November 2021 and chief executive officer of Zhejiang Haowei since February 2021. Mr. Hu has over ten years of experience in the semiconductor industry. Prior to that, Mr. Hu had served as a validation manager at Trident Multi-Media Technology Co. from August 2010 to April 2012 and then at Entropic Shangmin Communication Technology Co. until November 2014. Mr. Hu received a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and automation from East China University of Science and Technology in July 2003 and a master's degree in electronic and communication engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in March 2013.
- Jianping Kong
Jianping Kong自2018年5月起担任本公司董事。孔先生自2019年7月起担任杭州维迪图技术有限公司和浙江威吉科技有限公司的执行董事兼总经理。自2015年11月起担任合伙企业,并自2015年10月起担任浙江蜀北投资管理有限公司董事。孔先生目前还担任杭州恒通云信息技术有限公司(在中国上市的公司)的董事长。全国股票交易和报价NEEQ:838316。孔先生于2008年6月获得中国温州大学法学学士学位,并获得清华大学EMBA学位。
Jianping Kong,has served as Nano Labs Ltd chairman of the board of directors and chief executive officer since January 2021. Mr. Kong has approximately 13 years of experience in business and corporate management. Mr. Kong currently also serves as chairman of the board of Hangzhou Haowei Yunlian Technology Co., Ltd., a company listed on PRC National Equities Exchange and Quotations under the stock code 838316. He has also been appointed and currently served as a director of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited. Mr. Kong served as a co-chairman of the board of Canaan Inc. (Nasdaq: CAN), a leading provider of supercomputing solutions, from May 2018 to July 2020. Mr. Kong received a bachelor's degree in law from Wenzhou University in June 2008 and a master's degree from Tsinghua University in July 2019. - Jianping Kong自2018年5月起担任本公司董事。孔先生自2019年7月起担任杭州维迪图技术有限公司和浙江威吉科技有限公司的执行董事兼总经理。自2015年11月起担任合伙企业,并自2015年10月起担任浙江蜀北投资管理有限公司董事。孔先生目前还担任杭州恒通云信息技术有限公司(在中国上市的公司)的董事长。全国股票交易和报价NEEQ:838316。孔先生于2008年6月获得中国温州大学法学学士学位,并获得清华大学EMBA学位。
- Jianping Kong,has served as Nano Labs Ltd chairman of the board of directors and chief executive officer since January 2021. Mr. Kong has approximately 13 years of experience in business and corporate management. Mr. Kong currently also serves as chairman of the board of Hangzhou Haowei Yunlian Technology Co., Ltd., a company listed on PRC National Equities Exchange and Quotations under the stock code 838316. He has also been appointed and currently served as a director of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited. Mr. Kong served as a co-chairman of the board of Canaan Inc. (Nasdaq: CAN), a leading provider of supercomputing solutions, from May 2018 to July 2020. Mr. Kong received a bachelor's degree in law from Wenzhou University in June 2008 and a master's degree from Tsinghua University in July 2019.
- Qifeng Sun
Qifeng Sun自2021年1月起担任Nano Labs Ltd的董事会副主席。他目前还担任豪微云链科技股份有限公司的董事。他曾于2018年5月至2020年7月担任Canaan Inc.的董事,监督和管理销售和市场活动。
Qifeng Sun,has served as Nano Labs Ltd vice chairman of the board of directors since January 2021. Mr. Sun currently also serves as a director of Hangzhou Haowei Yunlian Technology Co., Ltd. He Nano Labs Ltd ed to serve as a director of Canaan Inc. from May 2018 to July 2020, overseeing and managing the sales and marketing activities. - Qifeng Sun自2021年1月起担任Nano Labs Ltd的董事会副主席。他目前还担任豪微云链科技股份有限公司的董事。他曾于2018年5月至2020年7月担任Canaan Inc.的董事,监督和管理销售和市场活动。
- Qifeng Sun,has served as Nano Labs Ltd vice chairman of the board of directors since January 2021. Mr. Sun currently also serves as a director of Hangzhou Haowei Yunlian Technology Co., Ltd. He Nano Labs Ltd ed to serve as a director of Canaan Inc. from May 2018 to July 2020, overseeing and managing the sales and marketing activities.
- Li Zhang
Li Zhang自2022年7月起担任Nano Labs Ltd独立董事。Zhang女士在会计、投资及企业管理方面拥有约13年经验。她于2020年8月加入Huobi Technology Co., Ltd.,Huobi Technology Co., Ltd.是一家在香港联交所:1611上市的公司,并自2021年12月起担任Huobi Technology Co., Ltd.的执行董事。在此之前,Zhang女士于2018年3月至2020年8月担任 Canaan Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:CAN)副总裁,Hangzhou Shunwang Technology Co., Ltd.副总裁兼董事会秘书,Hangzhou Shunwang Technology Co., Ltd.是一家在深圳证券交易所上市的公司(SZ:300113),2014年5月至2017年8月,2012年11月至2014年5月任Guotai Junan Securities高级经理,2009年10月至2012年9月任PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP高级审计师。Zhang女士分别于2006年和2008年获得清华大学汽车工程学士学位和硕士学位。她还于2019年7月获得北京大学EMBA学位。
Li Zhang,has served as Nano Labs Ltd independent director since July 2022. Ms. Zhang has approximately 13 years of experience in accounting, investment and business management. She joined Huobi Technology Co., Ltd., a company listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (HKEX: 1611), in August 2020, and has been serving as executive director at the said company since December 2021. Prior to that, Ms. Zhang had served as vice president at Canaan Inc. (Nasdaq: CAN) from March 2018 to August 2020, vice president and secretary of the board at Hangzhou Shunwang Technology Co., Ltd., a company listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZ: 300113), from May 2014 to August 2017, a senior manager at the acquisition and financing department of Guotai Junan Securities from November 2012 to May 2014, and a senior auditor at PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP from October 2009 to September 2012. Ms. Zhang received a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in automobile engineering from Tsinghua University in 2006 and 2008, respectively. She also received an EMBA from Peking University in July 2019. - Li Zhang自2022年7月起担任Nano Labs Ltd独立董事。Zhang女士在会计、投资及企业管理方面拥有约13年经验。她于2020年8月加入Huobi Technology Co., Ltd.,Huobi Technology Co., Ltd.是一家在香港联交所:1611上市的公司,并自2021年12月起担任Huobi Technology Co., Ltd.的执行董事。在此之前,Zhang女士于2018年3月至2020年8月担任 Canaan Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:CAN)副总裁,Hangzhou Shunwang Technology Co., Ltd.副总裁兼董事会秘书,Hangzhou Shunwang Technology Co., Ltd.是一家在深圳证券交易所上市的公司(SZ:300113),2014年5月至2017年8月,2012年11月至2014年5月任Guotai Junan Securities高级经理,2009年10月至2012年9月任PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP高级审计师。Zhang女士分别于2006年和2008年获得清华大学汽车工程学士学位和硕士学位。她还于2019年7月获得北京大学EMBA学位。
- Li Zhang,has served as Nano Labs Ltd independent director since July 2022. Ms. Zhang has approximately 13 years of experience in accounting, investment and business management. She joined Huobi Technology Co., Ltd., a company listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (HKEX: 1611), in August 2020, and has been serving as executive director at the said company since December 2021. Prior to that, Ms. Zhang had served as vice president at Canaan Inc. (Nasdaq: CAN) from March 2018 to August 2020, vice president and secretary of the board at Hangzhou Shunwang Technology Co., Ltd., a company listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZ: 300113), from May 2014 to August 2017, a senior manager at the acquisition and financing department of Guotai Junan Securities from November 2012 to May 2014, and a senior auditor at PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP from October 2009 to September 2012. Ms. Zhang received a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in automobile engineering from Tsinghua University in 2006 and 2008, respectively. She also received an EMBA from Peking University in July 2019.
- Jiaming Zhu
Jiaming Zhu 自2022年7月起担任Nano Labs Ltd.独立董事。Zhu 先生自2021和2018年起分别担任数字金融研究数字联盟学院学术和技术事务委员会主席和Beijing Chuangyan Digital Technology Co., Ltd 学术和技术事务委员会主席。Zhu 先生,1995年获得麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院MBA学位,1988年获得中国社会科学院经济学博士学位。
Jiaming Zhu,has served as Nano Labs Ltd independent director since July 2022. Mr. Zhu has been serving as chairman of the Committee of Academic and Technological Affairs at the Digital Alliance Institute of Digital Finance Research and chairman of the Committee of Academic and Technological Affairs at Beijing Chuangyan Digital Technology Limited since 2021 and 2018, respectively. Mr. Zhu obtained an MBA degree from Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1995 and a Ph.D. degree in Economics from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in 1988. - Jiaming Zhu 自2022年7月起担任Nano Labs Ltd.独立董事。Zhu 先生自2021和2018年起分别担任数字金融研究数字联盟学院学术和技术事务委员会主席和Beijing Chuangyan Digital Technology Co., Ltd 学术和技术事务委员会主席。Zhu 先生,1995年获得麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院MBA学位,1988年获得中国社会科学院经济学博士学位。
- Jiaming Zhu,has served as Nano Labs Ltd independent director since July 2022. Mr. Zhu has been serving as chairman of the Committee of Academic and Technological Affairs at the Digital Alliance Institute of Digital Finance Research and chairman of the Committee of Academic and Technological Affairs at Beijing Chuangyan Digital Technology Limited since 2021 and 2018, respectively. Mr. Zhu obtained an MBA degree from Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1995 and a Ph.D. degree in Economics from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in 1988.
- Lizhen Xie
Lizhen Xie,自2022年7月起担任Nano Labs Ltd独立董事。自2004年7月进入温州大学法学院工作以来,她已有18年的讲学和教学经历,现任该校副教授。2016年12月至2017年12月任温州市中级人民法院研究室副主任。谢女士分别于2001年和2004年获得中国中南财经政法大学法学学士学位和硕士学位。她还于2015年6月获得中国政法大学法学博士学位。
Lizhen Xie,has served as Nano Labs Ltd independent director since July 2022. She has spent 18 years in lecturing and teaching since she joined the Law School of Wenzhou University in July 2004 and is currently an associate professor at the school. She served as a deputy director of the research office of the Intermediate People's Court of Wenzhou City from December 2016 to December 2017. Ms. Xie received a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in law from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in China in 2001 and 2004, respectively. She also received a doctor's degree in law from China University of Political Science and Law in June 2015. - Lizhen Xie,自2022年7月起担任Nano Labs Ltd独立董事。自2004年7月进入温州大学法学院工作以来,她已有18年的讲学和教学经历,现任该校副教授。2016年12月至2017年12月任温州市中级人民法院研究室副主任。谢女士分别于2001年和2004年获得中国中南财经政法大学法学学士学位和硕士学位。她还于2015年6月获得中国政法大学法学博士学位。
- Lizhen Xie,has served as Nano Labs Ltd independent director since July 2022. She has spent 18 years in lecturing and teaching since she joined the Law School of Wenzhou University in July 2004 and is currently an associate professor at the school. She served as a deputy director of the research office of the Intermediate People's Court of Wenzhou City from December 2016 to December 2017. Ms. Xie received a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in law from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in China in 2001 and 2004, respectively. She also received a doctor's degree in law from China University of Political Science and Law in June 2015.
中英对照 |  中文 |  英文- 胡楠
胡楠是自2016年1月起,担任华夏博雅首席技术官。从2014年7月至2015年12月,胡先生担任基于手机的商业社交媒体平台北京三世科技有限公司的首席产品官。从2011年5月到2014年6月,胡先生是iPhone / Android系统平台应用开发公司智模网络技术北京有限公司的联合创始人和首席技术官,为领先的广告提供移动互联网产品解决方案和营销公司hdtMEDIA和威望通联有限公司。从2008年4月至2010年10月,胡先生担任法国SA Penbase的研发工程师和项目经理,该公司是第一个在线开发移动应用程序平台并提供移动终端,数据管理产品的公司。胡先生拥有蒙彼利埃第二大学的计算机科学学士学位和硕士学位。
Nan Hu,has served as Nano Labs Ltd director since November 2021 and chief executive officer of Zhejiang Haowei since February 2021. Mr. Hu has over ten years of experience in the semiconductor industry. Prior to that, Mr. Hu had served as a validation manager at Trident Multi-Media Technology Co. from August 2010 to April 2012 and then at Entropic Shangmin Communication Technology Co. until November 2014. Mr. Hu received a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and automation from East China University of Science and Technology in July 2003 and a master's degree in electronic and communication engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in March 2013.- 胡楠是自2016年1月起,担任华夏博雅首席技术官。从2014年7月至2015年12月,胡先生担任基于手机的商业社交媒体平台北京三世科技有限公司的首席产品官。从2011年5月到2014年6月,胡先生是iPhone / Android系统平台应用开发公司智模网络技术北京有限公司的联合创始人和首席技术官,为领先的广告提供移动互联网产品解决方案和营销公司hdtMEDIA和威望通联有限公司。从2008年4月至2010年10月,胡先生担任法国SA Penbase的研发工程师和项目经理,该公司是第一个在线开发移动应用程序平台并提供移动终端,数据管理产品的公司。胡先生拥有蒙彼利埃第二大学的计算机科学学士学位和硕士学位。
- Nan Hu,has served as Nano Labs Ltd director since November 2021 and chief executive officer of Zhejiang Haowei since February 2021. Mr. Hu has over ten years of experience in the semiconductor industry. Prior to that, Mr. Hu had served as a validation manager at Trident Multi-Media Technology Co. from August 2010 to April 2012 and then at Entropic Shangmin Communication Technology Co. until November 2014. Mr. Hu received a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and automation from East China University of Science and Technology in July 2003 and a master's degree in electronic and communication engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in March 2013.
- Jianping Kong
Jianping Kong自2018年5月起担任本公司董事。孔先生自2019年7月起担任杭州维迪图技术有限公司和浙江威吉科技有限公司的执行董事兼总经理。自2015年11月起担任合伙企业,并自2015年10月起担任浙江蜀北投资管理有限公司董事。孔先生目前还担任杭州恒通云信息技术有限公司(在中国上市的公司)的董事长。全国股票交易和报价NEEQ:838316。孔先生于2008年6月获得中国温州大学法学学士学位,并获得清华大学EMBA学位。
Jianping Kong,has served as Nano Labs Ltd chairman of the board of directors and chief executive officer since January 2021. Mr. Kong has approximately 13 years of experience in business and corporate management. Mr. Kong currently also serves as chairman of the board of Hangzhou Haowei Yunlian Technology Co., Ltd., a company listed on PRC National Equities Exchange and Quotations under the stock code 838316. He has also been appointed and currently served as a director of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited. Mr. Kong served as a co-chairman of the board of Canaan Inc. (Nasdaq: CAN), a leading provider of supercomputing solutions, from May 2018 to July 2020. Mr. Kong received a bachelor's degree in law from Wenzhou University in June 2008 and a master's degree from Tsinghua University in July 2019.- Jianping Kong自2018年5月起担任本公司董事。孔先生自2019年7月起担任杭州维迪图技术有限公司和浙江威吉科技有限公司的执行董事兼总经理。自2015年11月起担任合伙企业,并自2015年10月起担任浙江蜀北投资管理有限公司董事。孔先生目前还担任杭州恒通云信息技术有限公司(在中国上市的公司)的董事长。全国股票交易和报价NEEQ:838316。孔先生于2008年6月获得中国温州大学法学学士学位,并获得清华大学EMBA学位。
- Jianping Kong,has served as Nano Labs Ltd chairman of the board of directors and chief executive officer since January 2021. Mr. Kong has approximately 13 years of experience in business and corporate management. Mr. Kong currently also serves as chairman of the board of Hangzhou Haowei Yunlian Technology Co., Ltd., a company listed on PRC National Equities Exchange and Quotations under the stock code 838316. He has also been appointed and currently served as a director of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited. Mr. Kong served as a co-chairman of the board of Canaan Inc. (Nasdaq: CAN), a leading provider of supercomputing solutions, from May 2018 to July 2020. Mr. Kong received a bachelor's degree in law from Wenzhou University in June 2008 and a master's degree from Tsinghua University in July 2019.
- Bing Chen
Bing Chen 自 2021 年 1 月起担任 Nano Labs Ltd 首席财务官兼高级副总裁。Chen 先生在商业和企业管理方面拥有约 20 年的经验。在加入 Nano Labs Ltd 之前,Chen 先生曾在中国财富 500 强企业之一的杭州锦江集团工作约 27 年,担任多个职务,包括自 2020 年起担任特别顾问,自 2002 年 3 月起担任董事长助理,至2019年底,1994年6月至2002年3月任董事长秘书、办公室主任。此前,Chen 先生于1992年11月至1995年11月任临安统计局助理统计员、经济师。Chen 先生于 1990 年 7 月获得浙江广播电视大学机械工程学士学位,并于 2005 年 12 月获得香港理工大学质量管理专业硕士学位。Chen 先生现为北京大学技术经济与管理专业博士研究生。中国社会科学院研究生院。
Bing Chen,has served as Nano Labs Ltd chief financial officer and senior vice president since January 2021. Mr. Chen has approximately 20 years of experience in business and corporate management. Prior to joining Nano Labs Ltd , Mr. Chen had worked at Hangzhou Jinjiang Group, one of China's Fortune 500 companies, for approximately 27 years, holding various positions, including special consultant since 2020, assistant to the chairman of its board since March 2002 to the end of 2019, secretary of the chairman of the board and then office director from June 1994 to March 2002. Prior to that, Mr. Chen had worked as an assistant statistician and economist at Lin'an Bureau of Statistics from November 1992 to November 1995. Mr. Chen received a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from Zhejiang Radio & Television University in July 1990 and a master's degree in quality management from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in December 2005. Mr. Chen is currently a doctor candidate in technology economics and management at Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.- Bing Chen 自 2021 年 1 月起担任 Nano Labs Ltd 首席财务官兼高级副总裁。Chen 先生在商业和企业管理方面拥有约 20 年的经验。在加入 Nano Labs Ltd 之前,Chen 先生曾在中国财富 500 强企业之一的杭州锦江集团工作约 27 年,担任多个职务,包括自 2020 年起担任特别顾问,自 2002 年 3 月起担任董事长助理,至2019年底,1994年6月至2002年3月任董事长秘书、办公室主任。此前,Chen 先生于1992年11月至1995年11月任临安统计局助理统计员、经济师。Chen 先生于 1990 年 7 月获得浙江广播电视大学机械工程学士学位,并于 2005 年 12 月获得香港理工大学质量管理专业硕士学位。Chen 先生现为北京大学技术经济与管理专业博士研究生。中国社会科学院研究生院。
- Bing Chen,has served as Nano Labs Ltd chief financial officer and senior vice president since January 2021. Mr. Chen has approximately 20 years of experience in business and corporate management. Prior to joining Nano Labs Ltd , Mr. Chen had worked at Hangzhou Jinjiang Group, one of China's Fortune 500 companies, for approximately 27 years, holding various positions, including special consultant since 2020, assistant to the chairman of its board since March 2002 to the end of 2019, secretary of the chairman of the board and then office director from June 1994 to March 2002. Prior to that, Mr. Chen had worked as an assistant statistician and economist at Lin'an Bureau of Statistics from November 1992 to November 1995. Mr. Chen received a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from Zhejiang Radio & Television University in July 1990 and a master's degree in quality management from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in December 2005. Mr. Chen is currently a doctor candidate in technology economics and management at Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
- Bingbo Li
Bingbo Li 自2021年 1月和2020年8月起分别担任Nano Labs Ltd 副总裁和首席技术官。在加入Nano Labs Ltd之前,Bingbo Li 曾于2010年4月至2010年12月在诺基亚西门子网络(上海)有限公司(Nokia Siemens Networks Shanghai Co.,Ltd.)担任算法工程师,2010年12月至2012年4月在三叉戟多媒体技术有限公司(Trident Multimedia Technology Co.)担任算法工程师,2012年5月至2014年11月在熵尚民通信技术有限公司(Entropic Shangmin Communication Technology Co.)担任算法工程师,2014年11月在。上海分行2015.5-2018.4。 Li 于2003年6月获得浙江大学信息与电子工程学士学位,2008年12月获得浙江大学信息与通信工程博士学位。
Bingbo Li,has served as Nano Labs Ltd vice president and chief technology officer of Zhejiang Haowei since January 2021 and August 2020, respectively. Prior to joining Nano Labs Ltd , Mr. Li had served as algorithm engineer at several companies including Nokia Siemens Networks (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. from April 2010 to December 2010, Trident Multi-Media Technology Co. from December 2010 to April 2012, Entropic Shangmin Communication Technology Co. from May 2012 to November 2014, and Hunan Guoke Microelectronics Co., Ltd., Shanghai Branch from May 2015 to April 2018. Mr. Li received a bachelor's degree in information and electronic engineering from Zhejiang University in June 2003 and a doctor's degree in information and communication engineering from Zhejiang University in December 2008.- Bingbo Li 自2021年 1月和2020年8月起分别担任Nano Labs Ltd 副总裁和首席技术官。在加入Nano Labs Ltd之前,Bingbo Li 曾于2010年4月至2010年12月在诺基亚西门子网络(上海)有限公司(Nokia Siemens Networks Shanghai Co.,Ltd.)担任算法工程师,2010年12月至2012年4月在三叉戟多媒体技术有限公司(Trident Multimedia Technology Co.)担任算法工程师,2012年5月至2014年11月在熵尚民通信技术有限公司(Entropic Shangmin Communication Technology Co.)担任算法工程师,2014年11月在。上海分行2015.5-2018.4。 Li 于2003年6月获得浙江大学信息与电子工程学士学位,2008年12月获得浙江大学信息与通信工程博士学位。
- Bingbo Li,has served as Nano Labs Ltd vice president and chief technology officer of Zhejiang Haowei since January 2021 and August 2020, respectively. Prior to joining Nano Labs Ltd , Mr. Li had served as algorithm engineer at several companies including Nokia Siemens Networks (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. from April 2010 to December 2010, Trident Multi-Media Technology Co. from December 2010 to April 2012, Entropic Shangmin Communication Technology Co. from May 2012 to November 2014, and Hunan Guoke Microelectronics Co., Ltd., Shanghai Branch from May 2015 to April 2018. Mr. Li received a bachelor's degree in information and electronic engineering from Zhejiang University in June 2003 and a doctor's degree in information and communication engineering from Zhejiang University in December 2008.