姓名 | 性别 | 职位 | 年龄 | 薪酬 | 持股数(万股) | 截止日期 |
朱骏 | 男 | Director, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer | 58 | 未披露 | 26433.73 | 2024-04-15 |
Kwok Keung Chau | 男 | Independent Director | 47 | 未披露 | 未持股 | 2024-04-15 |
黎国浩 | 男 | Director and Chief Finance Officer | 47 | 未披露 | 3282.00 | 2024-04-15 |
Ka Keung Yeung | 男 | Independent Director | 64 | 未披露 | 未持股 | 2024-04-15 |
Davin Alexander Mackenzie | 男 | Independent Director | 63 | 未披露 | 未持股 | 2024-04-15 |
中英对照 |  中文 |  英文- 朱骏
朱骏是上海第九城市信息技术有限公司的联合创始人之一。自上海第九城市信息技术有限公司成立以来,他一直担任公司董事会主席和首席执行官。在成立上海第九城市信息技术有限公司之前,朱先生于1997年与他人共同成立了Flagholder New Technology co.Ltd.,这是一家总部位于中国的信息技术公司,并于1997年至1999年担任董事。1993年至1997年,朱先生在美国贸易公司QJ U.S.A.Investment,Ltd.工作。朱先生就读于上海交通大学的本科课程。
Jun Zhu,is one of The9 Limited co-founders. He has served as the chairman of The9 Limited board of directors and chief executive officer since The9 Limited inception. Prior to founding The9 Limited company, Mr. Zhu co-founded Flagholder New Technology Co. Ltd., an information technology company based in China, in 1997, and served as its director from 1997 to 1999. From 1993 to 1997, Mr. Zhu worked at QJ (U.S.A.) Investment, Ltd., a trading company in the United States. Mr. Zhu attended an undergraduate program at Shanghai Jiaotong University. - 朱骏是上海第九城市信息技术有限公司的联合创始人之一。自上海第九城市信息技术有限公司成立以来,他一直担任公司董事会主席和首席执行官。在成立上海第九城市信息技术有限公司之前,朱先生于1997年与他人共同成立了Flagholder New Technology co.Ltd.,这是一家总部位于中国的信息技术公司,并于1997年至1999年担任董事。1993年至1997年,朱先生在美国贸易公司QJ U.S.A.Investment,Ltd.工作。朱先生就读于上海交通大学的本科课程。
- Jun Zhu,is one of The9 Limited co-founders. He has served as the chairman of The9 Limited board of directors and chief executive officer since The9 Limited inception. Prior to founding The9 Limited company, Mr. Zhu co-founded Flagholder New Technology Co. Ltd., an information technology company based in China, in 1997, and served as its director from 1997 to 1999. From 1993 to 1997, Mr. Zhu worked at QJ (U.S.A.) Investment, Ltd., a trading company in the United States. Mr. Zhu attended an undergraduate program at Shanghai Jiaotong University.
- Kwok Keung Chau
Kwok Keung Chau, 2015年10月起担任The9 Limited独立董事。目前,他自2018年12月起担任China Tobacco International (HK) Company Limited (SEHK:06055)的独立非执行董事,自2020年4月起担任Bank of Zhangjiakou Co., Ltd.的独立非执行董事,自2021年10月起担任Suzhou Basecare Medical Corporation Limited (SEHK 02170)的独立非执行董事兼审计委员会主席。自2022年5月起担任China Infrastructure and Logistics Group Limited (SEHK 01719)的独立非执行董事兼审计委员会主席。从2023年6月至2024年1月,Chau先生担任Laekna, Inc. (SEHK: 02105)的非执行独立董事。Chau先生于2020年9月至2024年1月担任BetterLife Holding Limited (SEHK: 06909)的首席财务官,并于2020年12月至2024年1月担任执行董事,负责整体财务规划和管理,公司秘书事务,协调投资者关系和行政工作。2017年10月至2022年11月,Chau先生为中China Xinhua Education Group Limited (SEHK: 02779)的独立非执行董事兼审计委员会主席。2007年11月至2020年1月,Chau先生担任Comtec Solar Systems Group Limited的执行董事兼首席财务官,负责公司财务和一般管理。2014年5月至2019年5月,任Qingdao Port International Co., Ltd.(香港联交所代码:06198;上交所代码:601298)独立非执行董事兼审计委员会主席。从2019年12月至2021年8月,他担任Forward Fashion (International) Holdings Company Ltd. (SEHK: 02528)的独立非执行董事兼审计委员会主席。2010年5月至2013年6月,他担任德国软件公司RIB Software AG的监事会成员,RIB Software AG在法兰克福证券交易所上市。在2007年11月加入Comtec Solar之前,他于2005年10月至2007年10月在中华网(SEHK: 08006)担任多个职位,包括财务部副总裁、首席财务官、公司秘书和授权代表。在加入中华网之前,他于2003年8月至2005年4月担任China South City Holdings Limited (SEHK: 01668)的副集团财务总监。在此之前,2002年6月至2003年8月,他担任Shanghai Hawei New Material and Technology co., Ltd.的财务总监。Chau先生自2002年6月起成为特许公认会计师公会会员,自2003年9月起成为特许金融分析师,自2005年7月起成为香港注册会计师公会会员,自2020年6月起成为澳大利亚会计师公会和财务会计师公会的资深会员。他于1998年5月获得香港中文大学工商管理学士学位。
Kwok Keung Chau,has served as The9 Limited independent director since October 2015. Currently, he serves as an independent non-executive director of China Tobacco International (HK) Company Limited (SEHK: 06055) since December 2018, an independent non-executive director of Bank of Zhangjiakou Co., Ltd. since April 2020, an independent non-executive director and the chairman of the audit committee of Suzhou Basecare Medical Corporation Limited (SEHK 02170) since October 2021, and an independent non-executive director and the chairman of the audit committee of China Infrastructure and Logistics Group Limited (SEHK 01719) since May 2022. From June 2023 to January 2024, Mr. Chau was a non-executive independent director of Laekna, Inc. (SEHK: 02105). Mr. Chau served as the chief financial officer from September 2020 to January 2024 and executive director from December 2020 to January 2024 of BetterLife Holding Limited (SEHK: 06909), responsible for overall financial planning and management, company secretarial affairs, coordination of investors relations and administrative work. From October 2017 to November 2022, Mr. Chau was an independent non-executive director and the chairman of the audit committee of China Xinhua Education Group Limited (SEHK: 02779). From November 2007 to January 2020, Mr. Chau was an executive director and the chief financial officer of Comtec Solar Systems Group Limited, responsible for corporate financial and general management. From May 2014 to May 2019, he was an independent non-executive director and the chairman of the audit committee of Qingdao Port International Co., Ltd. (SEHK: 06198; SSE: 601298). From December 2019 to August 2021, he was an independent non-executive director and the chairman of the audit committee of Forward Fashion (International) Holdings Company Ltd. (SEHK: 02528). He acted as a member of supervisory board of RIB Software AG, a software company in Germany, which was listed in Frankfurt Stock Exchange, from May 2010 to June 2013. Prior to joining Comtec Solar in November 2007, Mr. Chau served in various positions at China.com Inc., (SEHK: 08006) from October 2005 to October 2007, including vice president of the finance department, chief financial officer, company secretary and authorized representative. Prior to joining China.com Inc., Mr. Chau served as the deputy group financial controller of China South City Holdings Limited (SEHK: 01668) from August 2003 to April 2005. Before that, he served as the financial controller of Shanghai Hawei New Material and Technology co., Ltd. from June 2002 to August 2003. Mr. Chau has been a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants since June 2002, a Chartered Financial Analyst of the CFA Institute since September 2003, a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants since July 2005, and a fellow member of the Institute of Public Accountants of Australia and Institute of Financial Accountants since June 2020. Mr. Chau received his bachelor's degree in business administration from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in May 1998. - Kwok Keung Chau, 2015年10月起担任The9 Limited独立董事。目前,他自2018年12月起担任China Tobacco International (HK) Company Limited (SEHK:06055)的独立非执行董事,自2020年4月起担任Bank of Zhangjiakou Co., Ltd.的独立非执行董事,自2021年10月起担任Suzhou Basecare Medical Corporation Limited (SEHK 02170)的独立非执行董事兼审计委员会主席。自2022年5月起担任China Infrastructure and Logistics Group Limited (SEHK 01719)的独立非执行董事兼审计委员会主席。从2023年6月至2024年1月,Chau先生担任Laekna, Inc. (SEHK: 02105)的非执行独立董事。Chau先生于2020年9月至2024年1月担任BetterLife Holding Limited (SEHK: 06909)的首席财务官,并于2020年12月至2024年1月担任执行董事,负责整体财务规划和管理,公司秘书事务,协调投资者关系和行政工作。2017年10月至2022年11月,Chau先生为中China Xinhua Education Group Limited (SEHK: 02779)的独立非执行董事兼审计委员会主席。2007年11月至2020年1月,Chau先生担任Comtec Solar Systems Group Limited的执行董事兼首席财务官,负责公司财务和一般管理。2014年5月至2019年5月,任Qingdao Port International Co., Ltd.(香港联交所代码:06198;上交所代码:601298)独立非执行董事兼审计委员会主席。从2019年12月至2021年8月,他担任Forward Fashion (International) Holdings Company Ltd. (SEHK: 02528)的独立非执行董事兼审计委员会主席。2010年5月至2013年6月,他担任德国软件公司RIB Software AG的监事会成员,RIB Software AG在法兰克福证券交易所上市。在2007年11月加入Comtec Solar之前,他于2005年10月至2007年10月在中华网(SEHK: 08006)担任多个职位,包括财务部副总裁、首席财务官、公司秘书和授权代表。在加入中华网之前,他于2003年8月至2005年4月担任China South City Holdings Limited (SEHK: 01668)的副集团财务总监。在此之前,2002年6月至2003年8月,他担任Shanghai Hawei New Material and Technology co., Ltd.的财务总监。Chau先生自2002年6月起成为特许公认会计师公会会员,自2003年9月起成为特许金融分析师,自2005年7月起成为香港注册会计师公会会员,自2020年6月起成为澳大利亚会计师公会和财务会计师公会的资深会员。他于1998年5月获得香港中文大学工商管理学士学位。
- Kwok Keung Chau,has served as The9 Limited independent director since October 2015. Currently, he serves as an independent non-executive director of China Tobacco International (HK) Company Limited (SEHK: 06055) since December 2018, an independent non-executive director of Bank of Zhangjiakou Co., Ltd. since April 2020, an independent non-executive director and the chairman of the audit committee of Suzhou Basecare Medical Corporation Limited (SEHK 02170) since October 2021, and an independent non-executive director and the chairman of the audit committee of China Infrastructure and Logistics Group Limited (SEHK 01719) since May 2022. From June 2023 to January 2024, Mr. Chau was a non-executive independent director of Laekna, Inc. (SEHK: 02105). Mr. Chau served as the chief financial officer from September 2020 to January 2024 and executive director from December 2020 to January 2024 of BetterLife Holding Limited (SEHK: 06909), responsible for overall financial planning and management, company secretarial affairs, coordination of investors relations and administrative work. From October 2017 to November 2022, Mr. Chau was an independent non-executive director and the chairman of the audit committee of China Xinhua Education Group Limited (SEHK: 02779). From November 2007 to January 2020, Mr. Chau was an executive director and the chief financial officer of Comtec Solar Systems Group Limited, responsible for corporate financial and general management. From May 2014 to May 2019, he was an independent non-executive director and the chairman of the audit committee of Qingdao Port International Co., Ltd. (SEHK: 06198; SSE: 601298). From December 2019 to August 2021, he was an independent non-executive director and the chairman of the audit committee of Forward Fashion (International) Holdings Company Ltd. (SEHK: 02528). He acted as a member of supervisory board of RIB Software AG, a software company in Germany, which was listed in Frankfurt Stock Exchange, from May 2010 to June 2013. Prior to joining Comtec Solar in November 2007, Mr. Chau served in various positions at China.com Inc., (SEHK: 08006) from October 2005 to October 2007, including vice president of the finance department, chief financial officer, company secretary and authorized representative. Prior to joining China.com Inc., Mr. Chau served as the deputy group financial controller of China South City Holdings Limited (SEHK: 01668) from August 2003 to April 2005. Before that, he served as the financial controller of Shanghai Hawei New Material and Technology co., Ltd. from June 2002 to August 2003. Mr. Chau has been a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants since June 2002, a Chartered Financial Analyst of the CFA Institute since September 2003, a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants since July 2005, and a fellow member of the Institute of Public Accountants of Australia and Institute of Financial Accountants since June 2020. Mr. Chau received his bachelor's degree in business administration from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in May 1998.
- 黎国浩
George Lai,has served as The9 Limited chief financial officer since July 2008 and The9 Limited director since January 2016. Currently, he also serves as an independent non-executive director and the chairman of the compensation committee of Qingdao Port International Co., Ltd. (SEHK: 06198). Prior to joining The9 Limited , Mr. Lai worked for Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu since 2000. Mr. Lai worked in several different Deloitte offices, including Hong Kong, New York and Beijing. During his eight years at Deloitte, Mr. Lai played key roles in the audit function in a number of IPO projects in the United States and China. He also assisted public companies in the United States, Hong Kong and China with a wide range of accounting matters. Mr. Lai received his bachelor of business administration, with a focus in professional accountancy, from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Mr. Lai holds various accounting professional qualifications, including from AICPA, FCCA and HKICPA. - 黎国浩先生,1977年出生,香港中文大学专业会计专业工商管理学士,于2019年5月起加入青岛港国际股份有限公司。现任青岛港国际股份有限公司独立非执行董事,上海第九城市信息技术有限公司(纳斯达克证券交易所上市公司,股份代号为NCTY)首席财务官、执行董事。黎先生于2000年至2008年担任德勤会计师事务所审计经理,于2008年7月至今担任上海第九城市信息技术有限公司首席财务官;于2016年1月至今担任上海第九城市信息技术有限公司执行董事。黎先生拥有英国特许公认资深会计师、香港注册会计师、美国注册会计师执业资格。黎先生于1999年毕业于香港中文大学专业会计专业,获得工商管理学士学位。
- George Lai,has served as The9 Limited chief financial officer since July 2008 and The9 Limited director since January 2016. Currently, he also serves as an independent non-executive director and the chairman of the compensation committee of Qingdao Port International Co., Ltd. (SEHK: 06198). Prior to joining The9 Limited , Mr. Lai worked for Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu since 2000. Mr. Lai worked in several different Deloitte offices, including Hong Kong, New York and Beijing. During his eight years at Deloitte, Mr. Lai played key roles in the audit function in a number of IPO projects in the United States and China. He also assisted public companies in the United States, Hong Kong and China with a wide range of accounting matters. Mr. Lai received his bachelor of business administration, with a focus in professional accountancy, from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Mr. Lai holds various accounting professional qualifications, including from AICPA, FCCA and HKICPA.
- Ka Keung Yeung
Ka Keung Yeung,在声明注册文件包括本年度报告有效性之前,即担任本公司独立董事。他在凤凰卫视担任执行副总裁兼首席财务官,负责公司财务,人力资源和行政管理。他也是合格的会计师和公司秘书。他在1996年3月加入凤凰卫视,一直负责诸如此类公司内部和外部的财务管理和安排,而且从那时起,开始负责管理监督和员工事务。他从伯明翰大获得学士学位,一直留在英国,直到获得特许会计师资格后,1992年才离开。回到中国香港后,他在和记电讯和星空传媒从事财务和商业开发领域的工作。他目前担任九城公司(纳斯达克代码:NCTY)的独立董事。
Ka Keung Yeung,has served as Phoenix New Media Limited director since May 2011. Mr. Yeung is the executive vice president, company secretary and chief financial officer of Phoenix TV and is in charge of corporate finance, legal affairs, human resources and administration of Phoenix TV Group. Mr. Yeung is also a member of the Risk Management Committee of Phoenix TV. Mr. Yeung received a Bcom (Acc) degree from the University of Birmingham and remained in the United Kingdom until 1992 after obtaining his qualification as a chartered accountant. Upon returning to Hong Kong, he worked at Hutchison Telecommunications and Star Television Limited in the fields of finance and business development. Mr. Yeung currently serves as an independent director for The9 Limited (NASDAQ: NCTY). - Ka Keung Yeung,在声明注册文件包括本年度报告有效性之前,即担任本公司独立董事。他在凤凰卫视担任执行副总裁兼首席财务官,负责公司财务,人力资源和行政管理。他也是合格的会计师和公司秘书。他在1996年3月加入凤凰卫视,一直负责诸如此类公司内部和外部的财务管理和安排,而且从那时起,开始负责管理监督和员工事务。他从伯明翰大获得学士学位,一直留在英国,直到获得特许会计师资格后,1992年才离开。回到中国香港后,他在和记电讯和星空传媒从事财务和商业开发领域的工作。他目前担任九城公司(纳斯达克代码:NCTY)的独立董事。
- Ka Keung Yeung,has served as Phoenix New Media Limited director since May 2011. Mr. Yeung is the executive vice president, company secretary and chief financial officer of Phoenix TV and is in charge of corporate finance, legal affairs, human resources and administration of Phoenix TV Group. Mr. Yeung is also a member of the Risk Management Committee of Phoenix TV. Mr. Yeung received a Bcom (Acc) degree from the University of Birmingham and remained in the United Kingdom until 1992 after obtaining his qualification as a chartered accountant. Upon returning to Hong Kong, he worked at Hutchison Telecommunications and Star Television Limited in the fields of finance and business development. Mr. Yeung currently serves as an independent director for The9 Limited (NASDAQ: NCTY).
- Davin Alexander Mackenzie
Davin Alexander Mackenzie,自2005年7月起担任本公司的独立董事。 他现任斯宾塞-斯图亚特公司北京办事处的顾问,这是一家全球知名的猎头公司。 他目前还担任麦考林有限公司的董事会成员和审计委员会成员,这是一家在纳斯达克上市的公司。 他也是北京体育俱乐部的董事,这是一个非营利性的青少年休闲体育组织;担任Mountain Hazelnut 合资企业的董事,这是一家私人农业公司。从2009年至2011年, 他担任博科资本有限公司的北京代表,这是一家他成立于2009年的私募股权顾问公司。从2008年至2009年, 他担任Arctic资本有限公司的总经理兼北京代表,这是一家泛亚洲区的私募股权咨询公司。从2000年至2008年,他在Peak资本有限公司担任相同的职位,这是另一家专注于中国市场的私募股权投资和咨询公司。在加入Peak资本有限公司之前, 他曾任职于国际金融公司(IFC)长达七年 ,这是一个世界银行集团的私人部门机构;其中包括担任了四年的中国和蒙古常驻代表。 他也任职于华盛顿特区的美世管理顾问公司和波士顿第一国民银行中国台湾分行。 他持有达特茅斯学院的管理学士学位。他获得宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院的工商管理硕士学位和国际研究学硕士学位。他还完成了哈佛商学院的世界银行行政人员发展计划课程。
Davin Alexander Mackenzie,has served as The9 Limited independent director since July 2005. From August 2017 to September 2022, Mr. Mackenzie was the General Manager of Greater China for Scape, a developer and operator of purpose-build student accommodation. From December 2018 to December 2021, he was the Managing Director – Asia Pacific for the Madison Sports Group and the promoter of the Six Day series of track cycling events. Mr. Mackenzie was a consultant of Spencer Stuart Beijing Office, a renowned global executive search company, from 2012 to 2016. From 2009 to 2011, Mr. Mackenzie was the Beijing representative of Brocade Capital Limited, a private equity advisory firm that he founded in 2009. From 2008 to 2009, Mr. Mackenzie was the managing director and Beijing representative of Arctic Capital Limited, a pan-Asia private equity advisory firm. Between 2000 and 2008, Mr. Mackenzie held the same positions in Peak Capital LLC, another private equity investment and advisory firm that focuses on the China market. Prior to Peak Capital, Mr. Mackenzie worked with the International Finance Corporation, a private sector arm of The World Bank Group, for seven years, including four years as the resident representative for China and Mongolia. Mr. Mackenzie has also worked at Mercer Management Consultants in Washington, D.C., and at First National Bank of Boston in Taiwan. Mr. Mackenzie received a bachelor's degree in Government from Dartmouth College. He received a master's degree in international studies and an MBA degree from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Mackenzie has also completed the World Bank Executive Development Program at Harvard Business School. - Davin Alexander Mackenzie,自2005年7月起担任本公司的独立董事。 他现任斯宾塞-斯图亚特公司北京办事处的顾问,这是一家全球知名的猎头公司。 他目前还担任麦考林有限公司的董事会成员和审计委员会成员,这是一家在纳斯达克上市的公司。 他也是北京体育俱乐部的董事,这是一个非营利性的青少年休闲体育组织;担任Mountain Hazelnut 合资企业的董事,这是一家私人农业公司。从2009年至2011年, 他担任博科资本有限公司的北京代表,这是一家他成立于2009年的私募股权顾问公司。从2008年至2009年, 他担任Arctic资本有限公司的总经理兼北京代表,这是一家泛亚洲区的私募股权咨询公司。从2000年至2008年,他在Peak资本有限公司担任相同的职位,这是另一家专注于中国市场的私募股权投资和咨询公司。在加入Peak资本有限公司之前, 他曾任职于国际金融公司(IFC)长达七年 ,这是一个世界银行集团的私人部门机构;其中包括担任了四年的中国和蒙古常驻代表。 他也任职于华盛顿特区的美世管理顾问公司和波士顿第一国民银行中国台湾分行。 他持有达特茅斯学院的管理学士学位。他获得宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院的工商管理硕士学位和国际研究学硕士学位。他还完成了哈佛商学院的世界银行行政人员发展计划课程。
- Davin Alexander Mackenzie,has served as The9 Limited independent director since July 2005. From August 2017 to September 2022, Mr. Mackenzie was the General Manager of Greater China for Scape, a developer and operator of purpose-build student accommodation. From December 2018 to December 2021, he was the Managing Director – Asia Pacific for the Madison Sports Group and the promoter of the Six Day series of track cycling events. Mr. Mackenzie was a consultant of Spencer Stuart Beijing Office, a renowned global executive search company, from 2012 to 2016. From 2009 to 2011, Mr. Mackenzie was the Beijing representative of Brocade Capital Limited, a private equity advisory firm that he founded in 2009. From 2008 to 2009, Mr. Mackenzie was the managing director and Beijing representative of Arctic Capital Limited, a pan-Asia private equity advisory firm. Between 2000 and 2008, Mr. Mackenzie held the same positions in Peak Capital LLC, another private equity investment and advisory firm that focuses on the China market. Prior to Peak Capital, Mr. Mackenzie worked with the International Finance Corporation, a private sector arm of The World Bank Group, for seven years, including four years as the resident representative for China and Mongolia. Mr. Mackenzie has also worked at Mercer Management Consultants in Washington, D.C., and at First National Bank of Boston in Taiwan. Mr. Mackenzie received a bachelor's degree in Government from Dartmouth College. He received a master's degree in international studies and an MBA degree from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Mackenzie has also completed the World Bank Executive Development Program at Harvard Business School.
中英对照 |  中文 |  英文- 朱骏
朱骏是上海第九城市信息技术有限公司的联合创始人之一。自上海第九城市信息技术有限公司成立以来,他一直担任公司董事会主席和首席执行官。在成立上海第九城市信息技术有限公司之前,朱先生于1997年与他人共同成立了Flagholder New Technology co.Ltd.,这是一家总部位于中国的信息技术公司,并于1997年至1999年担任董事。1993年至1997年,朱先生在美国贸易公司QJ U.S.A.Investment,Ltd.工作。朱先生就读于上海交通大学的本科课程。
Jun Zhu,is one of The9 Limited co-founders. He has served as the chairman of The9 Limited board of directors and chief executive officer since The9 Limited inception. Prior to founding The9 Limited company, Mr. Zhu co-founded Flagholder New Technology Co. Ltd., an information technology company based in China, in 1997, and served as its director from 1997 to 1999. From 1993 to 1997, Mr. Zhu worked at QJ (U.S.A.) Investment, Ltd., a trading company in the United States. Mr. Zhu attended an undergraduate program at Shanghai Jiaotong University.- 朱骏是上海第九城市信息技术有限公司的联合创始人之一。自上海第九城市信息技术有限公司成立以来,他一直担任公司董事会主席和首席执行官。在成立上海第九城市信息技术有限公司之前,朱先生于1997年与他人共同成立了Flagholder New Technology co.Ltd.,这是一家总部位于中国的信息技术公司,并于1997年至1999年担任董事。1993年至1997年,朱先生在美国贸易公司QJ U.S.A.Investment,Ltd.工作。朱先生就读于上海交通大学的本科课程。
- Jun Zhu,is one of The9 Limited co-founders. He has served as the chairman of The9 Limited board of directors and chief executive officer since The9 Limited inception. Prior to founding The9 Limited company, Mr. Zhu co-founded Flagholder New Technology Co. Ltd., an information technology company based in China, in 1997, and served as its director from 1997 to 1999. From 1993 to 1997, Mr. Zhu worked at QJ (U.S.A.) Investment, Ltd., a trading company in the United States. Mr. Zhu attended an undergraduate program at Shanghai Jiaotong University.
- 黎国浩
George Lai,has served as The9 Limited chief financial officer since July 2008 and The9 Limited director since January 2016. Currently, he also serves as an independent non-executive director and the chairman of the compensation committee of Qingdao Port International Co., Ltd. (SEHK: 06198). Prior to joining The9 Limited , Mr. Lai worked for Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu since 2000. Mr. Lai worked in several different Deloitte offices, including Hong Kong, New York and Beijing. During his eight years at Deloitte, Mr. Lai played key roles in the audit function in a number of IPO projects in the United States and China. He also assisted public companies in the United States, Hong Kong and China with a wide range of accounting matters. Mr. Lai received his bachelor of business administration, with a focus in professional accountancy, from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Mr. Lai holds various accounting professional qualifications, including from AICPA, FCCA and HKICPA.- 黎国浩先生,1977年出生,香港中文大学专业会计专业工商管理学士,于2019年5月起加入青岛港国际股份有限公司。现任青岛港国际股份有限公司独立非执行董事,上海第九城市信息技术有限公司(纳斯达克证券交易所上市公司,股份代号为NCTY)首席财务官、执行董事。黎先生于2000年至2008年担任德勤会计师事务所审计经理,于2008年7月至今担任上海第九城市信息技术有限公司首席财务官;于2016年1月至今担任上海第九城市信息技术有限公司执行董事。黎先生拥有英国特许公认资深会计师、香港注册会计师、美国注册会计师执业资格。黎先生于1999年毕业于香港中文大学专业会计专业,获得工商管理学士学位。
- George Lai,has served as The9 Limited chief financial officer since July 2008 and The9 Limited director since January 2016. Currently, he also serves as an independent non-executive director and the chairman of the compensation committee of Qingdao Port International Co., Ltd. (SEHK: 06198). Prior to joining The9 Limited , Mr. Lai worked for Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu since 2000. Mr. Lai worked in several different Deloitte offices, including Hong Kong, New York and Beijing. During his eight years at Deloitte, Mr. Lai played key roles in the audit function in a number of IPO projects in the United States and China. He also assisted public companies in the United States, Hong Kong and China with a wide range of accounting matters. Mr. Lai received his bachelor of business administration, with a focus in professional accountancy, from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Mr. Lai holds various accounting professional qualifications, including from AICPA, FCCA and HKICPA.