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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
王雪竹 Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Board 38 2.65万美元 61.23 2023-07-27
John Levy Director 67 5.00万美元 0.05 2023-07-27
Sophie Ye Tao Chief Financial Officer, Director 44 3.75万美元 未持股 2023-07-27
David Sean Lu Director 29 2.50万美元 未持股 2023-07-27
Alex Lightman Director 62 1.25万美元 未持股 2023-07-27



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
王雪竹 Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Board 38 2.65万美元 61.23 2023-07-27
Sophie Ye Tao Chief Financial Officer, Director 44 3.75万美元 未持股 2023-07-27


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王雪竹 自2018年8月28日起担任Happiness Development Group Limited 首席执行官,自2018年2月9日起担任执行董事。他自2015年起担任Happiness Development Group Limited 中国子公司福建幸福的首席执行官。作为福建幸福的首席执行官, 他负责采购和制定具有成本效益的采购商品和服务战略。 Wang 先生于2013年在北京大学攻读EMBA课程,并于2015年获得威尔士大学MBA学位。Wang 先生于2006年获得闽江大学学位。

Xuezhu Wang,has been Paranovus Entertainment Technology Ltd. Chief Executive Officer since August 28, 2018, and Executive Director since February 9, 2018. He has been the Chief Executive Officer of Fujian Happiness, Paranovus Entertainment Technology Ltd. Chinese subsidiary since 2015. As the CEO of Fujian Happiness, he was responsible for procurement and formulating a cost-effective strategy for purchasing goods and services. Mr. Xuezhu Wang studied the courses of Executive MBA in Peking University in 2013 and obtained an MBA degree from University of Wales in 2015. Mr. Xuezhu Wang received his college degree from Minjiang University in 2006.
王雪竹 自2018年8月28日起担任Happiness Development Group Limited 首席执行官,自2018年2月9日起担任执行董事。他自2015年起担任Happiness Development Group Limited 中国子公司福建幸福的首席执行官。作为福建幸福的首席执行官, 他负责采购和制定具有成本效益的采购商品和服务战略。 Wang 先生于2013年在北京大学攻读EMBA课程,并于2015年获得威尔士大学MBA学位。Wang 先生于2006年获得闽江大学学位。
Xuezhu Wang,has been Paranovus Entertainment Technology Ltd. Chief Executive Officer since August 28, 2018, and Executive Director since February 9, 2018. He has been the Chief Executive Officer of Fujian Happiness, Paranovus Entertainment Technology Ltd. Chinese subsidiary since 2015. As the CEO of Fujian Happiness, he was responsible for procurement and formulating a cost-effective strategy for purchasing goods and services. Mr. Xuezhu Wang studied the courses of Executive MBA in Peking University in 2013 and obtained an MBA degree from University of Wales in 2015. Mr. Xuezhu Wang received his college degree from Minjiang University in 2006.
John Levy

John Levy将在幸福生物科技集团有限公司的注册声明生效后立即担任幸福生物科技集团有限公司的独立董事,本招股说明书是注册声明的一部分。Levy先生目前担任“Levy公司”咨询委员会的首席执行官和首席顾问。Levy先生自2005年5月起担任该职务。Levy先生是公认的公司治理和财务报告专家,拥有超过30年的渐进式财务、会计和商业经验;包括在三家国家会计师事务所从事公共会计工作九年,并在公共和私人公司担任首席财务官超过13年。Levy先生目前在另外三家上市公司的董事会任职:Applied Minerals,Inc.(自2008年1月起),其普通股在OTC上市;Washington Prime Group,Inc.(自2016年6月起),该公司在纽约证券交易所(“NYSE”)上市,并于2021年6月13日根据《美国破产法》第11章申请保护;以及Happiness Biotech Group Ltd.(自2019年10月起),Happiness Biotech Group Ltd.是一家在纳斯达克资本市场上市的公司。Levy先生是一名注册会计师。John Levy先生是宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院的毕业生,他从宾夕法尼亚费城的圣约瑟大学获得工商管理硕士学位。

John Levy,has served as an independent director since October 2019. Mr. Levy currently serves as the chief executive officer and principal consultant for Board Advisory. He has held this role since May 2005. He has also served as the chief executive officer of Sticky Fingers Restaurants, LLC from 2019 to 2020. Mr. Levy is a recognized corporate governance and financial reporting expert with over 30 years of progressive financial, accounting and business experience; including nine years in public accounting with three national accounting firms and having served as chief financial officer of both public and private companies for over 13 years. Mr. Levy currently serves on the board of directors and audit committee chair, of Shengfeng Development and Cartica Acquisition Corp. Mr. Levy served on the board of directors of Applied Minerals, Inc. from January 2008 to August 2022), Washington Prime Group, Inc. from June 2016 to October 2021), Singularity Future Technology Limited (from November 2021 to February 2023), Takung Art Co., Ltd. (from March 2016 to June 2019), China Commercial Credit, Inc. (from August 2013 to December 2016), Applied Energetics, Inc. (from June 2009 to February 2016 as well as several other publicly held companies prior to 2016. Mr. Levy is a frequent lecturer and has written several articles and courses on accounting, finance business and governance. Mr. Levy is a Certified Public Accountant. Mr. Levy is a graduate of the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, and received his MBA from St. Joseph's University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
John Levy将在幸福生物科技集团有限公司的注册声明生效后立即担任幸福生物科技集团有限公司的独立董事,本招股说明书是注册声明的一部分。Levy先生目前担任“Levy公司”咨询委员会的首席执行官和首席顾问。Levy先生自2005年5月起担任该职务。Levy先生是公认的公司治理和财务报告专家,拥有超过30年的渐进式财务、会计和商业经验;包括在三家国家会计师事务所从事公共会计工作九年,并在公共和私人公司担任首席财务官超过13年。Levy先生目前在另外三家上市公司的董事会任职:Applied Minerals,Inc.(自2008年1月起),其普通股在OTC上市;Washington Prime Group,Inc.(自2016年6月起),该公司在纽约证券交易所(“NYSE”)上市,并于2021年6月13日根据《美国破产法》第11章申请保护;以及Happiness Biotech Group Ltd.(自2019年10月起),Happiness Biotech Group Ltd.是一家在纳斯达克资本市场上市的公司。Levy先生是一名注册会计师。John Levy先生是宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院的毕业生,他从宾夕法尼亚费城的圣约瑟大学获得工商管理硕士学位。
John Levy,has served as an independent director since October 2019. Mr. Levy currently serves as the chief executive officer and principal consultant for Board Advisory. He has held this role since May 2005. He has also served as the chief executive officer of Sticky Fingers Restaurants, LLC from 2019 to 2020. Mr. Levy is a recognized corporate governance and financial reporting expert with over 30 years of progressive financial, accounting and business experience; including nine years in public accounting with three national accounting firms and having served as chief financial officer of both public and private companies for over 13 years. Mr. Levy currently serves on the board of directors and audit committee chair, of Shengfeng Development and Cartica Acquisition Corp. Mr. Levy served on the board of directors of Applied Minerals, Inc. from January 2008 to August 2022), Washington Prime Group, Inc. from June 2016 to October 2021), Singularity Future Technology Limited (from November 2021 to February 2023), Takung Art Co., Ltd. (from March 2016 to June 2019), China Commercial Credit, Inc. (from August 2013 to December 2016), Applied Energetics, Inc. (from June 2009 to February 2016 as well as several other publicly held companies prior to 2016. Mr. Levy is a frequent lecturer and has written several articles and courses on accounting, finance business and governance. Mr. Levy is a Certified Public Accountant. Mr. Levy is a graduate of the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, and received his MBA from St. Joseph's University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Sophie Ye Tao

Sophie Ye Tao自2007年以来,SPK Acquisition Corp.的总裁兼首席执行官一直是中国和美国的积极投资者。在她的整个投资生涯中,她投资了包括Evernote,360Digitech,Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:QFIN,)中国领先的金融科技平台;Tricorn Technology,一家专注于自然语言处理的中国领先AI公司,后来于2020年被腾讯收购;上海灿星文化广播公司,中国最大的非脚本内容生产商;以及Ningmeng Pictures,一家专注于电视和电影制作的中国领先电影制片厂。从2016年到2021年,Tao女士担任Hanfor Capital Management(一家位于中国的私募股权公司,专注于TMT和消费行业的投资)的合伙人。她曾担任Ray Shi Capital Group(美国注册投资顾问,专注于在香港和美国上市的中国公司的股权投资)的联席创始人兼合伙人(从2010年到2015年)。Tao女士于2007年至2010年担任纽约市Vision Capital Advisors大中华区高级投资经理。在Vision,陶女士帮助发起并共同管理Vision Opportunity China Fund,专注于通过反向并购,私募和私募股权对中国的中小企业进行采购,结构化和投资。此前,她曾任职Banc of America Securities公司(位于纽约市)的股票资本市场集团(从2005年到2007年),在那里她曾发起并执行可转换债券和其他股票挂钩发行。她也曾任职Nera Economic Consulting公司的芝加哥和纽约市办事处(2003年至2005年),在那里她曾帮助为参与反托拉斯和证券诉讼的跨国公司提供经济学和计量经济学分析和建议。在此之前,Tao女士于2001年至2002年在巴黎的经济合作与发展组织(OECD)担任政策顾问,为各国的经济和监管改革政策提供建议。Tao女士于2003年毕业于普林斯顿大学伍德罗·威尔逊公共与国际事务学院,获得专注于经济学和高级定量分析的公共事务硕士学位(MPA)。她也于2000年毕业于北京对外经济贸易大学(the University of International Business&Economics),获得法学学士学位。

Sophie Ye Tao,has served as Paranovus Entertainment Technology Ltd. director and Chief Financial Officer since January 16, 2023. Ms. Tao has been an active investor and advisor in private equity and public equity markets in China and the US since 2007. From January 2021 to December 2022, Sophie Ye Tao was the President and Chief Executive Officer of SPK Acquisition Corp (NASDAQ: SPK), a special purpose acquisition company. From 2016 to 2021, Ms. Tao was a partner at Hanfor Capital Management, a China-based private equity firm and focused on investments in the TMT and consumer industries. She was a co-founder and partner at Ray Shi Capital Group from 2010 to 2015, a US registered investment adviser focusing on equity investments in Chinese companies listed in Hong Kong and the U.S. Ms. Tao was the senior investment manager for Greater China at Vision Capital Advisors in New York City from 2007 to 2010. Previously, Ms. Tao worked at Banc of America Securities LLC in New York City in its equity capital markets group between 2005 and 2007, where she originated and executed convertible bond and other equity–linked issuances. She also worked at NERA Economic Consulting in its Chicago and New York City offices between 2003 and 2005 where she helped provide economics and econometrics analysis and recommendations to multi-national corporations involved in antitrust and securities litigations. Before that, Ms. Tao worked as a policy consultant at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris from 2001 to 2002, where she helped advise countries on their economic and regulatory reform policies. Ms. Tao graduated from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University in 2003 with a Master of Public Affairs degree concentrating in economics and advanced quantitative analysis. She also graduated from the University of International Business & Economics in Beijing with a Bachelor of Laws degree in 2000.
Sophie Ye Tao自2007年以来,SPK Acquisition Corp.的总裁兼首席执行官一直是中国和美国的积极投资者。在她的整个投资生涯中,她投资了包括Evernote,360Digitech,Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:QFIN,)中国领先的金融科技平台;Tricorn Technology,一家专注于自然语言处理的中国领先AI公司,后来于2020年被腾讯收购;上海灿星文化广播公司,中国最大的非脚本内容生产商;以及Ningmeng Pictures,一家专注于电视和电影制作的中国领先电影制片厂。从2016年到2021年,Tao女士担任Hanfor Capital Management(一家位于中国的私募股权公司,专注于TMT和消费行业的投资)的合伙人。她曾担任Ray Shi Capital Group(美国注册投资顾问,专注于在香港和美国上市的中国公司的股权投资)的联席创始人兼合伙人(从2010年到2015年)。Tao女士于2007年至2010年担任纽约市Vision Capital Advisors大中华区高级投资经理。在Vision,陶女士帮助发起并共同管理Vision Opportunity China Fund,专注于通过反向并购,私募和私募股权对中国的中小企业进行采购,结构化和投资。此前,她曾任职Banc of America Securities公司(位于纽约市)的股票资本市场集团(从2005年到2007年),在那里她曾发起并执行可转换债券和其他股票挂钩发行。她也曾任职Nera Economic Consulting公司的芝加哥和纽约市办事处(2003年至2005年),在那里她曾帮助为参与反托拉斯和证券诉讼的跨国公司提供经济学和计量经济学分析和建议。在此之前,Tao女士于2001年至2002年在巴黎的经济合作与发展组织(OECD)担任政策顾问,为各国的经济和监管改革政策提供建议。Tao女士于2003年毕业于普林斯顿大学伍德罗·威尔逊公共与国际事务学院,获得专注于经济学和高级定量分析的公共事务硕士学位(MPA)。她也于2000年毕业于北京对外经济贸易大学(the University of International Business&Economics),获得法学学士学位。
Sophie Ye Tao,has served as Paranovus Entertainment Technology Ltd. director and Chief Financial Officer since January 16, 2023. Ms. Tao has been an active investor and advisor in private equity and public equity markets in China and the US since 2007. From January 2021 to December 2022, Sophie Ye Tao was the President and Chief Executive Officer of SPK Acquisition Corp (NASDAQ: SPK), a special purpose acquisition company. From 2016 to 2021, Ms. Tao was a partner at Hanfor Capital Management, a China-based private equity firm and focused on investments in the TMT and consumer industries. She was a co-founder and partner at Ray Shi Capital Group from 2010 to 2015, a US registered investment adviser focusing on equity investments in Chinese companies listed in Hong Kong and the U.S. Ms. Tao was the senior investment manager for Greater China at Vision Capital Advisors in New York City from 2007 to 2010. Previously, Ms. Tao worked at Banc of America Securities LLC in New York City in its equity capital markets group between 2005 and 2007, where she originated and executed convertible bond and other equity–linked issuances. She also worked at NERA Economic Consulting in its Chicago and New York City offices between 2003 and 2005 where she helped provide economics and econometrics analysis and recommendations to multi-national corporations involved in antitrust and securities litigations. Before that, Ms. Tao worked as a policy consultant at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris from 2001 to 2002, where she helped advise countries on their economic and regulatory reform policies. Ms. Tao graduated from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University in 2003 with a Master of Public Affairs degree concentrating in economics and advanced quantitative analysis. She also graduated from the University of International Business & Economics in Beijing with a Bachelor of Laws degree in 2000.
David Sean Lu

David Sean Lu自2021年1月起担任Opulous USA LLC的顾问。卢先生自2020年4月起担任OMNYS私人有限公司的首席战略官。2016年7月至2021年7月,卢先生担任Hamilton Pro Management Inc.的合伙人。2018年4月至2020年10月,卢先生担任总部位于纽约的LYJ Vernon Blvd LLC的管理合伙人。2018年3月至2018年6月,卢先生是澳大利亚区块链公司Block Capital Pte.Ltd.的合伙人。2017年8月至2017年12月,卢先生担任纽约公寓租赁公司Roomeze LLC的上市代理。卢先生于2016年12月在佩斯大学鲁宾商学院获得金融和经济学工商管理学士学位。

David Sean Lu,joined Paranovus Entertainment Technology Ltd. board on October 30, 2022. Mr. David Sean Lu has served as an advisor of Opulous USA LLC since January 2021. Mr. Lu has been the chief strategy officer of OMNYS Pte. Ltd. since April 2020. From July 2016 to July 2021, Mr. Lu was the Partner of Hamilton Pro Management Inc. From April 2018 to October 2020, Mr. Lu was a managing partner at New York- based LYJ Vernon Blvd LLC. From March 2018 to June 2018, Mr. Lu was a partner at Australian blockchain company Block Capital Pte. Ltd. From August 2017 to December 2017, Mr. Lu served as a listing agent for New York City-based apartment rental company Roomeze LLC. Mr. Lu obtained a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance and Economics from the Pace University Lubin School of Business in December, 2016.
David Sean Lu自2021年1月起担任Opulous USA LLC的顾问。卢先生自2020年4月起担任OMNYS私人有限公司的首席战略官。2016年7月至2021年7月,卢先生担任Hamilton Pro Management Inc.的合伙人。2018年4月至2020年10月,卢先生担任总部位于纽约的LYJ Vernon Blvd LLC的管理合伙人。2018年3月至2018年6月,卢先生是澳大利亚区块链公司Block Capital Pte.Ltd.的合伙人。2017年8月至2017年12月,卢先生担任纽约公寓租赁公司Roomeze LLC的上市代理。卢先生于2016年12月在佩斯大学鲁宾商学院获得金融和经济学工商管理学士学位。
David Sean Lu,joined Paranovus Entertainment Technology Ltd. board on October 30, 2022. Mr. David Sean Lu has served as an advisor of Opulous USA LLC since January 2021. Mr. Lu has been the chief strategy officer of OMNYS Pte. Ltd. since April 2020. From July 2016 to July 2021, Mr. Lu was the Partner of Hamilton Pro Management Inc. From April 2018 to October 2020, Mr. Lu was a managing partner at New York- based LYJ Vernon Blvd LLC. From March 2018 to June 2018, Mr. Lu was a partner at Australian blockchain company Block Capital Pte. Ltd. From August 2017 to December 2017, Mr. Lu served as a listing agent for New York City-based apartment rental company Roomeze LLC. Mr. Lu obtained a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance and Economics from the Pace University Lubin School of Business in December, 2016.
Alex Lightman

Alex Lightman是一位获奖作家、企业家、董事会成员、发明家和政府、公司和非政府组织的顾问。Lightman是首届《经济学人》杂志读者奖的获得者,因为他代表4G无线宽带获得了“将在2010年代最彻底改变世界的创新”。2021年8月至2022年3月,Lightman先生担任Tingo,Inc. OTC Markets:TMNA董事会董事。Lightman是Keemoji公司的创始人,2017年至2022年担任Keemoji公司的首席执行官。Lightman先生于1982年在麻省理工学院获得企业工程学士学位,并于1982年至1983年在哈佛大学攻读企业管理专业。

Alex Lightman,has served as Paranovus Entertainment Technology Ltd. independent director since December 15, 2022. Mr. Lightman is an award winning writer, entrepreneur, board member, inventor, and advisor to governments, corporations, and NGOs. Mr. Lightman was the recipient of the first Economist magazine Reader's Award for "the innovation that will most radically change the world in the 2010s" on behalf of 4G wireless broadband. From August 2021 to March 2022, Mr. Lightman served as a director of the board of Tingo, Inc. (OTC Markets: TMNA). Mr. Lightman is the founder of Keemoji Inc. and served as chief executive officer of Keemoji Inc. from 2017 to 2022. Mr. Lightman earned his bachelor's degree in enterprise engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1982 and attended Harvard University with a major in business management from 1982 to 1983.
Alex Lightman是一位获奖作家、企业家、董事会成员、发明家和政府、公司和非政府组织的顾问。Lightman是首届《经济学人》杂志读者奖的获得者,因为他代表4G无线宽带获得了“将在2010年代最彻底改变世界的创新”。2021年8月至2022年3月,Lightman先生担任Tingo,Inc. OTC Markets:TMNA董事会董事。Lightman是Keemoji公司的创始人,2017年至2022年担任Keemoji公司的首席执行官。Lightman先生于1982年在麻省理工学院获得企业工程学士学位,并于1982年至1983年在哈佛大学攻读企业管理专业。
Alex Lightman,has served as Paranovus Entertainment Technology Ltd. independent director since December 15, 2022. Mr. Lightman is an award winning writer, entrepreneur, board member, inventor, and advisor to governments, corporations, and NGOs. Mr. Lightman was the recipient of the first Economist magazine Reader's Award for "the innovation that will most radically change the world in the 2010s" on behalf of 4G wireless broadband. From August 2021 to March 2022, Mr. Lightman served as a director of the board of Tingo, Inc. (OTC Markets: TMNA). Mr. Lightman is the founder of Keemoji Inc. and served as chief executive officer of Keemoji Inc. from 2017 to 2022. Mr. Lightman earned his bachelor's degree in enterprise engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1982 and attended Harvard University with a major in business management from 1982 to 1983.


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王雪竹 自2018年8月28日起担任Happiness Development Group Limited 首席执行官,自2018年2月9日起担任执行董事。他自2015年起担任Happiness Development Group Limited 中国子公司福建幸福的首席执行官。作为福建幸福的首席执行官, 他负责采购和制定具有成本效益的采购商品和服务战略。 Wang 先生于2013年在北京大学攻读EMBA课程,并于2015年获得威尔士大学MBA学位。Wang 先生于2006年获得闽江大学学位。

Xuezhu Wang,has been Paranovus Entertainment Technology Ltd. Chief Executive Officer since August 28, 2018, and Executive Director since February 9, 2018. He has been the Chief Executive Officer of Fujian Happiness, Paranovus Entertainment Technology Ltd. Chinese subsidiary since 2015. As the CEO of Fujian Happiness, he was responsible for procurement and formulating a cost-effective strategy for purchasing goods and services. Mr. Xuezhu Wang studied the courses of Executive MBA in Peking University in 2013 and obtained an MBA degree from University of Wales in 2015. Mr. Xuezhu Wang received his college degree from Minjiang University in 2006.
王雪竹 自2018年8月28日起担任Happiness Development Group Limited 首席执行官,自2018年2月9日起担任执行董事。他自2015年起担任Happiness Development Group Limited 中国子公司福建幸福的首席执行官。作为福建幸福的首席执行官, 他负责采购和制定具有成本效益的采购商品和服务战略。 Wang 先生于2013年在北京大学攻读EMBA课程,并于2015年获得威尔士大学MBA学位。Wang 先生于2006年获得闽江大学学位。
Xuezhu Wang,has been Paranovus Entertainment Technology Ltd. Chief Executive Officer since August 28, 2018, and Executive Director since February 9, 2018. He has been the Chief Executive Officer of Fujian Happiness, Paranovus Entertainment Technology Ltd. Chinese subsidiary since 2015. As the CEO of Fujian Happiness, he was responsible for procurement and formulating a cost-effective strategy for purchasing goods and services. Mr. Xuezhu Wang studied the courses of Executive MBA in Peking University in 2013 and obtained an MBA degree from University of Wales in 2015. Mr. Xuezhu Wang received his college degree from Minjiang University in 2006.
Sophie Ye Tao

Sophie Ye Tao自2007年以来,SPK Acquisition Corp.的总裁兼首席执行官一直是中国和美国的积极投资者。在她的整个投资生涯中,她投资了包括Evernote,360Digitech,Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:QFIN,)中国领先的金融科技平台;Tricorn Technology,一家专注于自然语言处理的中国领先AI公司,后来于2020年被腾讯收购;上海灿星文化广播公司,中国最大的非脚本内容生产商;以及Ningmeng Pictures,一家专注于电视和电影制作的中国领先电影制片厂。从2016年到2021年,Tao女士担任Hanfor Capital Management(一家位于中国的私募股权公司,专注于TMT和消费行业的投资)的合伙人。她曾担任Ray Shi Capital Group(美国注册投资顾问,专注于在香港和美国上市的中国公司的股权投资)的联席创始人兼合伙人(从2010年到2015年)。Tao女士于2007年至2010年担任纽约市Vision Capital Advisors大中华区高级投资经理。在Vision,陶女士帮助发起并共同管理Vision Opportunity China Fund,专注于通过反向并购,私募和私募股权对中国的中小企业进行采购,结构化和投资。此前,她曾任职Banc of America Securities公司(位于纽约市)的股票资本市场集团(从2005年到2007年),在那里她曾发起并执行可转换债券和其他股票挂钩发行。她也曾任职Nera Economic Consulting公司的芝加哥和纽约市办事处(2003年至2005年),在那里她曾帮助为参与反托拉斯和证券诉讼的跨国公司提供经济学和计量经济学分析和建议。在此之前,Tao女士于2001年至2002年在巴黎的经济合作与发展组织(OECD)担任政策顾问,为各国的经济和监管改革政策提供建议。Tao女士于2003年毕业于普林斯顿大学伍德罗·威尔逊公共与国际事务学院,获得专注于经济学和高级定量分析的公共事务硕士学位(MPA)。她也于2000年毕业于北京对外经济贸易大学(the University of International Business&Economics),获得法学学士学位。

Sophie Ye Tao,has served as Paranovus Entertainment Technology Ltd. director and Chief Financial Officer since January 16, 2023. Ms. Tao has been an active investor and advisor in private equity and public equity markets in China and the US since 2007. From January 2021 to December 2022, Sophie Ye Tao was the President and Chief Executive Officer of SPK Acquisition Corp (NASDAQ: SPK), a special purpose acquisition company. From 2016 to 2021, Ms. Tao was a partner at Hanfor Capital Management, a China-based private equity firm and focused on investments in the TMT and consumer industries. She was a co-founder and partner at Ray Shi Capital Group from 2010 to 2015, a US registered investment adviser focusing on equity investments in Chinese companies listed in Hong Kong and the U.S. Ms. Tao was the senior investment manager for Greater China at Vision Capital Advisors in New York City from 2007 to 2010. Previously, Ms. Tao worked at Banc of America Securities LLC in New York City in its equity capital markets group between 2005 and 2007, where she originated and executed convertible bond and other equity–linked issuances. She also worked at NERA Economic Consulting in its Chicago and New York City offices between 2003 and 2005 where she helped provide economics and econometrics analysis and recommendations to multi-national corporations involved in antitrust and securities litigations. Before that, Ms. Tao worked as a policy consultant at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris from 2001 to 2002, where she helped advise countries on their economic and regulatory reform policies. Ms. Tao graduated from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University in 2003 with a Master of Public Affairs degree concentrating in economics and advanced quantitative analysis. She also graduated from the University of International Business & Economics in Beijing with a Bachelor of Laws degree in 2000.
Sophie Ye Tao自2007年以来,SPK Acquisition Corp.的总裁兼首席执行官一直是中国和美国的积极投资者。在她的整个投资生涯中,她投资了包括Evernote,360Digitech,Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:QFIN,)中国领先的金融科技平台;Tricorn Technology,一家专注于自然语言处理的中国领先AI公司,后来于2020年被腾讯收购;上海灿星文化广播公司,中国最大的非脚本内容生产商;以及Ningmeng Pictures,一家专注于电视和电影制作的中国领先电影制片厂。从2016年到2021年,Tao女士担任Hanfor Capital Management(一家位于中国的私募股权公司,专注于TMT和消费行业的投资)的合伙人。她曾担任Ray Shi Capital Group(美国注册投资顾问,专注于在香港和美国上市的中国公司的股权投资)的联席创始人兼合伙人(从2010年到2015年)。Tao女士于2007年至2010年担任纽约市Vision Capital Advisors大中华区高级投资经理。在Vision,陶女士帮助发起并共同管理Vision Opportunity China Fund,专注于通过反向并购,私募和私募股权对中国的中小企业进行采购,结构化和投资。此前,她曾任职Banc of America Securities公司(位于纽约市)的股票资本市场集团(从2005年到2007年),在那里她曾发起并执行可转换债券和其他股票挂钩发行。她也曾任职Nera Economic Consulting公司的芝加哥和纽约市办事处(2003年至2005年),在那里她曾帮助为参与反托拉斯和证券诉讼的跨国公司提供经济学和计量经济学分析和建议。在此之前,Tao女士于2001年至2002年在巴黎的经济合作与发展组织(OECD)担任政策顾问,为各国的经济和监管改革政策提供建议。Tao女士于2003年毕业于普林斯顿大学伍德罗·威尔逊公共与国际事务学院,获得专注于经济学和高级定量分析的公共事务硕士学位(MPA)。她也于2000年毕业于北京对外经济贸易大学(the University of International Business&Economics),获得法学学士学位。
Sophie Ye Tao,has served as Paranovus Entertainment Technology Ltd. director and Chief Financial Officer since January 16, 2023. Ms. Tao has been an active investor and advisor in private equity and public equity markets in China and the US since 2007. From January 2021 to December 2022, Sophie Ye Tao was the President and Chief Executive Officer of SPK Acquisition Corp (NASDAQ: SPK), a special purpose acquisition company. From 2016 to 2021, Ms. Tao was a partner at Hanfor Capital Management, a China-based private equity firm and focused on investments in the TMT and consumer industries. She was a co-founder and partner at Ray Shi Capital Group from 2010 to 2015, a US registered investment adviser focusing on equity investments in Chinese companies listed in Hong Kong and the U.S. Ms. Tao was the senior investment manager for Greater China at Vision Capital Advisors in New York City from 2007 to 2010. Previously, Ms. Tao worked at Banc of America Securities LLC in New York City in its equity capital markets group between 2005 and 2007, where she originated and executed convertible bond and other equity–linked issuances. She also worked at NERA Economic Consulting in its Chicago and New York City offices between 2003 and 2005 where she helped provide economics and econometrics analysis and recommendations to multi-national corporations involved in antitrust and securities litigations. Before that, Ms. Tao worked as a policy consultant at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris from 2001 to 2002, where she helped advise countries on their economic and regulatory reform policies. Ms. Tao graduated from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University in 2003 with a Master of Public Affairs degree concentrating in economics and advanced quantitative analysis. She also graduated from the University of International Business & Economics in Beijing with a Bachelor of Laws degree in 2000.