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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Alexander Karp Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Director 55 549.26万美元 9849.26 2023-04-12
Stephen Cohen Co-Founder, President, Secretary and Director 40 58.39万美元 3404.86 2023-04-12
Alexander Moore Director 40 36.50万美元 157.84 2023-04-12
Alexandra Schiff Director 42 35.25万美元 15.97 2023-04-12
Lauren Friedman Stat Director 39 35.25万美元 23.73 2023-04-12
Eric Woersching Director 39 43.68万美元 3.76 2023-04-12
Peter A. Thiel Co-Founder and Chairman 55 未披露 14188.10 2023-04-12



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Alexander Karp Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Director 55 549.26万美元 9849.26 2023-04-12
Stephen Cohen Co-Founder, President, Secretary and Director 40 58.39万美元 3404.86 2023-04-12
Shyam Sankar Chief Technology Officer and Executive Vice President 41 64.69万美元 844.84 2023-04-12
David Glazer Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer 39 47.38万美元 129.74 2023-04-12
Ryan Taylor Chief Revenue Officer and Chief Legal Officer 41 46.34万美元 175.13 2023-04-12


中英对照 |  中文 |  英文
Alexander Karp

Alexander Karp是Palantir Technologies Inc.的共同创始人之一,自创立Palangr以来,一直担任Palantir Technologies Inc.的各种职务,最近担任Palantir Technologies Inc.的首席执行官,自2003以来一直担任Palantir Technologies Inc.的董事会成员。卡普先生持有来自哈佛大学的哈弗福德学院的学士学位和博士学位。来自德国法兰克福的歌德大学。

Alexander Karp is one of Palantir Technologies Inc. co-founders and has served in various positions with us since co-founding Palantir, most recently as Palantir Technologies Inc. Chief Executive Officer “CEO”, and has served as a member of Palantir Technologies Inc. Board of Directors since 2003. Mr. Karp holds a B.A. from Haverford College, a J.D. from Stanford Law School, and a Ph.D. from Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany.
Alexander Karp是Palantir Technologies Inc.的共同创始人之一,自创立Palangr以来,一直担任Palantir Technologies Inc.的各种职务,最近担任Palantir Technologies Inc.的首席执行官,自2003以来一直担任Palantir Technologies Inc.的董事会成员。卡普先生持有来自哈佛大学的哈弗福德学院的学士学位和博士学位。来自德国法兰克福的歌德大学。
Alexander Karp is one of Palantir Technologies Inc. co-founders and has served in various positions with us since co-founding Palantir, most recently as Palantir Technologies Inc. Chief Executive Officer “CEO”, and has served as a member of Palantir Technologies Inc. Board of Directors since 2003. Mr. Karp holds a B.A. from Haverford College, a J.D. from Stanford Law School, and a Ph.D. from Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany.
Stephen Cohen

Stephen Cohen是Palantir的共同创始人之一,自创立Palangr以来,一直担任Palantir的各种职务,最近担任Palantir的总裁兼秘书,自2005以来担任董事会成员。科恩先生在斯坦福大学拥有计算机科学学士学位。

Stephen Cohen is one of Palantir Technologies Inc. co-founders and has served in various positions with us since co-founding Palantir, most recently as Palantir Technologies Inc. President and Secretary, and as a member of Palantir Technologies Inc. Board of Directors since 2005. Mr. Cohen holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Stanford University.
Stephen Cohen是Palantir的共同创始人之一,自创立Palangr以来,一直担任Palantir的各种职务,最近担任Palantir的总裁兼秘书,自2005以来担任董事会成员。科恩先生在斯坦福大学拥有计算机科学学士学位。
Stephen Cohen is one of Palantir Technologies Inc. co-founders and has served in various positions with us since co-founding Palantir, most recently as Palantir Technologies Inc. President and Secretary, and as a member of Palantir Technologies Inc. Board of Directors since 2005. Mr. Cohen holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Stanford University.
Alexander Moore

Alexander Moore自2020年7月起担任Palantir Technologies Inc.的董事会成员。Moore先生最初于2005年2月作为创始员工之一加入Palantir Technologies Inc.,并担任Palantir Technologies Inc.的运营总监,直至2010年3月。2013年2月,Moore先生与Palantir Technologies Inc.共同创建了云自动化公司NodePrime,在2016年4月被爱立信收购之前,他一直担任首席运营官。2018年5月,他加入了风险投资基金8VC,目前担任合伙人。穆尔先生持有斯坦福大学经济学学士学位。

Alexander Moore has served as a member of Palantir Technologies Inc. Board of Directors since July 2020. Mr. Moore initially joined us in February 2005 as one of the founding employees and served as Palantir Technologies Inc. director of operations until March 2010. In February 2013 Mr. Moore co-founded NodePrime, a cloud automation company, where he served as Chief Operating Officer until its acquisition by Ericsson in April 2016. In May 2017 he joined 8VC, a venture capital fund, where he currently serves as partner. Mr. Moore holds a B.A. in Economics from Stanford University.
Alexander Moore自2020年7月起担任Palantir Technologies Inc.的董事会成员。Moore先生最初于2005年2月作为创始员工之一加入Palantir Technologies Inc.,并担任Palantir Technologies Inc.的运营总监,直至2010年3月。2013年2月,Moore先生与Palantir Technologies Inc.共同创建了云自动化公司NodePrime,在2016年4月被爱立信收购之前,他一直担任首席运营官。2018年5月,他加入了风险投资基金8VC,目前担任合伙人。穆尔先生持有斯坦福大学经济学学士学位。
Alexander Moore has served as a member of Palantir Technologies Inc. Board of Directors since July 2020. Mr. Moore initially joined us in February 2005 as one of the founding employees and served as Palantir Technologies Inc. director of operations until March 2010. In February 2013 Mr. Moore co-founded NodePrime, a cloud automation company, where he served as Chief Operating Officer until its acquisition by Ericsson in April 2016. In May 2017 he joined 8VC, a venture capital fund, where he currently serves as partner. Mr. Moore holds a B.A. in Economics from Stanford University.
Alexandra Schiff

Alexandra Schiff自2020年7月起担任Palantir Technologies Inc.董事会成员。Schiff女士于2004年6月至2005年3月和2013年4月至2020年6月担任《华尔街日报》记者。自2006年8月起,她还担任Cond的员工撰稿人和特约编辑Nast Portfolio,以前是Cond的一部分的杂志Nast,一家全球媒体公司。她曾为《纽约时报》、《名利场》和《彭博商业周刊》等刊物撰稿。她目前正在为西蒙和舒斯特写她的第二本书。希夫女士持有杜克大学英语学士学位。

Alexandra Schiff has served as a member of Palantir Technologies Inc. Board of Directors since July 2020. Ms. Schiff worked as a reporter for The Wall Street Journal from June 2004 to March 2005 and April 2013 to June 2020. From 2006 to 2009 she served as a staff writer and then contributing editor at Condé Nast Portfolio, a magazine that was formerly part of Condé Nast, a global media company. She has written for publications including The New York Times, Vanity Fair, and Bloomberg Businessweek. She is currently working on her second book for Simon & Schuster. Ms. Schiff holds a B.A. in English from Duke University.
Alexandra Schiff自2020年7月起担任Palantir Technologies Inc.董事会成员。Schiff女士于2004年6月至2005年3月和2013年4月至2020年6月担任《华尔街日报》记者。自2006年8月起,她还担任Cond的员工撰稿人和特约编辑Nast Portfolio,以前是Cond的一部分的杂志Nast,一家全球媒体公司。她曾为《纽约时报》、《名利场》和《彭博商业周刊》等刊物撰稿。她目前正在为西蒙和舒斯特写她的第二本书。希夫女士持有杜克大学英语学士学位。
Alexandra Schiff has served as a member of Palantir Technologies Inc. Board of Directors since July 2020. Ms. Schiff worked as a reporter for The Wall Street Journal from June 2004 to March 2005 and April 2013 to June 2020. From 2006 to 2009 she served as a staff writer and then contributing editor at Condé Nast Portfolio, a magazine that was formerly part of Condé Nast, a global media company. She has written for publications including The New York Times, Vanity Fair, and Bloomberg Businessweek. She is currently working on her second book for Simon & Schuster. Ms. Schiff holds a B.A. in English from Duke University.
Lauren Friedman Stat

Lauren Friedman Stat自2021年1月起担任Palantir Technologies Inc.董事会成员。Stat女士带来了广泛的商业和领导经验,包括在埃森哲的15年经验,从2005年10月到2021年1月,她担任财富100强公司的高级顾问,帮助她的客户制定新战略、优化运营和管理大规模的变化。在埃森哲任职期间,她积累了深厚的医疗保健专业知识,并担任过多个职务,包括领导销售追求、管理全球运营以及负责某个业务部门的增长和盈利能力。

Lauren Friedman Stat has served as a member of Palantir Technologies Inc. Board of Directors since January 2021. From October 2005 to January 2021 where she served as a senior advisor to Fortune 100 companies, helping her clients develop new strategies, optimize operations, and manage large-scale change. During her tenure at Accenture, she developed deep healthcare expertise and held multiple roles, including leadership of sales pursuits, management of global operations, and responsibility for the growth and profitability of a segment of business.
Lauren Friedman Stat自2021年1月起担任Palantir Technologies Inc.董事会成员。Stat女士带来了广泛的商业和领导经验,包括在埃森哲的15年经验,从2005年10月到2021年1月,她担任财富100强公司的高级顾问,帮助她的客户制定新战略、优化运营和管理大规模的变化。在埃森哲任职期间,她积累了深厚的医疗保健专业知识,并担任过多个职务,包括领导销售追求、管理全球运营以及负责某个业务部门的增长和盈利能力。
Lauren Friedman Stat has served as a member of Palantir Technologies Inc. Board of Directors since January 2021. From October 2005 to January 2021 where she served as a senior advisor to Fortune 100 companies, helping her clients develop new strategies, optimize operations, and manage large-scale change. During her tenure at Accenture, she developed deep healthcare expertise and held multiple roles, including leadership of sales pursuits, management of global operations, and responsibility for the growth and profitability of a segment of business.
Eric Woersching

Eric Woersching,自2022年6月起担任Palantir Technologies Inc.董事会成员。Woersching先生目前担任早期软件公司的私人顾问,专注于公司战略、FP & A、分析、运营和高管招聘。从2020年到2022年,Woersching先生在EasyPost担任收入运营副总裁,负责分析、运营和企业战略,并担任首席执行官高级顾问,专注于企业发展、并购和筹资。从2017年到2019年,Woersching先生是风险投资公司Initialized Capital的普通合伙人,他曾在几家私营公司的董事会任职 科技公司。他同时拥有电气工程学士和硕士学位。 毕业于斯坦福大学,是一名特许金融分析师。

Eric Woersching,has served as a member of Palantir Technologies Inc. Board of Directors since June 2022. Mr. Woersching currently serves as a private consultant for early stage software companies, where he focuses on corporate strategy, FP&A, analytics, operations and executive recruiting. From 2020 to 2022, Mr. Woersching served as the Vice President of Revenue Operations at EasyPost, where he was responsible for analytics, operations and corporate strategy, and Senior Advisor to the CEO, where he focused on corporate development, M&A and fundraising. From 2017 to 2019, Mr. Woersching was a general partner at Initialized Capital, a venture capital firm, where he served on the board of directors of several private technology companies. He holds both a B.S. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University and is a Chartered Financial Analyst.
Eric Woersching,自2022年6月起担任Palantir Technologies Inc.董事会成员。Woersching先生目前担任早期软件公司的私人顾问,专注于公司战略、FP & A、分析、运营和高管招聘。从2020年到2022年,Woersching先生在EasyPost担任收入运营副总裁,负责分析、运营和企业战略,并担任首席执行官高级顾问,专注于企业发展、并购和筹资。从2017年到2019年,Woersching先生是风险投资公司Initialized Capital的普通合伙人,他曾在几家私营公司的董事会任职 科技公司。他同时拥有电气工程学士和硕士学位。 毕业于斯坦福大学,是一名特许金融分析师。
Eric Woersching,has served as a member of Palantir Technologies Inc. Board of Directors since June 2022. Mr. Woersching currently serves as a private consultant for early stage software companies, where he focuses on corporate strategy, FP&A, analytics, operations and executive recruiting. From 2020 to 2022, Mr. Woersching served as the Vice President of Revenue Operations at EasyPost, where he was responsible for analytics, operations and corporate strategy, and Senior Advisor to the CEO, where he focused on corporate development, M&A and fundraising. From 2017 to 2019, Mr. Woersching was a general partner at Initialized Capital, a venture capital firm, where he served on the board of directors of several private technology companies. He holds both a B.S. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University and is a Chartered Financial Analyst.
Peter A. Thiel

Peter A. Thiel是Palantir Technologies Inc.的联合创始人之一,并曾担任Palantir Technologies Inc.的董事长。自2003年起担任董事会成员。他曾担任Thiel Capital(一家投资公司)的总裁(2011年以来),以及Founders Fund(一家风险投资公司)的合伙人(2005年以来)。1998年,他共同创立PayPal, Inc.(在线支付公司),从2000年到2002年被eBay收购,他担任首席执行官、总裁和董事会主席。他目前担任Meta platform, Inc.(一家技术公司)的董事会成员(2005年以来),以及AbCellera Biologics Inc.(一家生物技术公司)的董事会成员(2020年以来)。他持有Stanford University的哲学学士学位和Stanford Law School的法学博士学位。

Peter A. Thiel is one of Palantir Technologies Inc. co-founders and has served as the Chairman of Palantir Technologies Inc. Board of Directors since 2003. He has served as president of Thiel Capital, an investment firm, since 2011 and as a partner of Founders Fund, a venture capital firm, since 2005. In 1998 Mr. Thiel co-founded PayPal, Inc., an online payment company, where he served as Chief Executive Officer, President, and Chairman of its Board of Directors from 2000 until its acquisition by eBay in 2002. Mr. Thiel currently serves and has served on the board of directors of Meta Platforms, Inc., a technology company, since 2005 and AbCellera Biologics Inc., a biotechnology company, since 2020. Mr. Thiel holds a B.A. in Philosophy from Stanford University and a J.D. from Stanford Law School.
Peter A. Thiel是Palantir Technologies Inc.的联合创始人之一,并曾担任Palantir Technologies Inc.的董事长。自2003年起担任董事会成员。他曾担任Thiel Capital(一家投资公司)的总裁(2011年以来),以及Founders Fund(一家风险投资公司)的合伙人(2005年以来)。1998年,他共同创立PayPal, Inc.(在线支付公司),从2000年到2002年被eBay收购,他担任首席执行官、总裁和董事会主席。他目前担任Meta platform, Inc.(一家技术公司)的董事会成员(2005年以来),以及AbCellera Biologics Inc.(一家生物技术公司)的董事会成员(2020年以来)。他持有Stanford University的哲学学士学位和Stanford Law School的法学博士学位。
Peter A. Thiel is one of Palantir Technologies Inc. co-founders and has served as the Chairman of Palantir Technologies Inc. Board of Directors since 2003. He has served as president of Thiel Capital, an investment firm, since 2011 and as a partner of Founders Fund, a venture capital firm, since 2005. In 1998 Mr. Thiel co-founded PayPal, Inc., an online payment company, where he served as Chief Executive Officer, President, and Chairman of its Board of Directors from 2000 until its acquisition by eBay in 2002. Mr. Thiel currently serves and has served on the board of directors of Meta Platforms, Inc., a technology company, since 2005 and AbCellera Biologics Inc., a biotechnology company, since 2020. Mr. Thiel holds a B.A. in Philosophy from Stanford University and a J.D. from Stanford Law School.


中英对照 |  中文 |  英文
Alexander Karp

Alexander Karp是Palantir Technologies Inc.的共同创始人之一,自创立Palangr以来,一直担任Palantir Technologies Inc.的各种职务,最近担任Palantir Technologies Inc.的首席执行官,自2003以来一直担任Palantir Technologies Inc.的董事会成员。卡普先生持有来自哈佛大学的哈弗福德学院的学士学位和博士学位。来自德国法兰克福的歌德大学。

Alexander Karp is one of Palantir Technologies Inc. co-founders and has served in various positions with us since co-founding Palantir, most recently as Palantir Technologies Inc. Chief Executive Officer “CEO”, and has served as a member of Palantir Technologies Inc. Board of Directors since 2003. Mr. Karp holds a B.A. from Haverford College, a J.D. from Stanford Law School, and a Ph.D. from Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany.
Alexander Karp是Palantir Technologies Inc.的共同创始人之一,自创立Palangr以来,一直担任Palantir Technologies Inc.的各种职务,最近担任Palantir Technologies Inc.的首席执行官,自2003以来一直担任Palantir Technologies Inc.的董事会成员。卡普先生持有来自哈佛大学的哈弗福德学院的学士学位和博士学位。来自德国法兰克福的歌德大学。
Alexander Karp is one of Palantir Technologies Inc. co-founders and has served in various positions with us since co-founding Palantir, most recently as Palantir Technologies Inc. Chief Executive Officer “CEO”, and has served as a member of Palantir Technologies Inc. Board of Directors since 2003. Mr. Karp holds a B.A. from Haverford College, a J.D. from Stanford Law School, and a Ph.D. from Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany.
Stephen Cohen

Stephen Cohen是Palantir的共同创始人之一,自创立Palangr以来,一直担任Palantir的各种职务,最近担任Palantir的总裁兼秘书,自2005以来担任董事会成员。科恩先生在斯坦福大学拥有计算机科学学士学位。

Stephen Cohen is one of Palantir Technologies Inc. co-founders and has served in various positions with us since co-founding Palantir, most recently as Palantir Technologies Inc. President and Secretary, and as a member of Palantir Technologies Inc. Board of Directors since 2005. Mr. Cohen holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Stanford University.
Stephen Cohen是Palantir的共同创始人之一,自创立Palangr以来,一直担任Palantir的各种职务,最近担任Palantir的总裁兼秘书,自2005以来担任董事会成员。科恩先生在斯坦福大学拥有计算机科学学士学位。
Stephen Cohen is one of Palantir Technologies Inc. co-founders and has served in various positions with us since co-founding Palantir, most recently as Palantir Technologies Inc. President and Secretary, and as a member of Palantir Technologies Inc. Board of Directors since 2005. Mr. Cohen holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Stanford University.
Shyam Sankar

Shyam Sankar自2006年以来担任Palantir Technologies Inc.首席运营官和执行副总裁,一直担任Palantir Technologies Inc.的各种职位。Sankar先生拥有康奈尔大学电气与计算机工程学士学位,斯坦福大学管理科学与工程硕士学位。

Shyam Sankar has served in various positions with us since 2006 most recently as our Chief Operating Officer “COO” and Executive Vice President. Mr. Sankar holds a B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Cornell University and a M.S. in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University.
Shyam Sankar自2006年以来担任Palantir Technologies Inc.首席运营官和执行副总裁,一直担任Palantir Technologies Inc.的各种职位。Sankar先生拥有康奈尔大学电气与计算机工程学士学位,斯坦福大学管理科学与工程硕士学位。
Shyam Sankar has served in various positions with us since 2006 most recently as our Chief Operating Officer “COO” and Executive Vice President. Mr. Sankar holds a B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Cornell University and a M.S. in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University.
David Glazer

David Glazer自2013年以来一直担任Palantir Technologies Inc.的各种职位,最近一次担任Palantir Technologies Inc.的首席财务官和财务主管。Glazer先生拥有圣克拉拉大学的历史学士学位和埃默里大学法学院的法学博士学位。

David Glazer has served in various positions with us since 2013 most recently as our CFO and Treasurer. Mr. Glazer holds a B.A. in History from Santa Clara University and a J.D. from Emory University School of Law.
David Glazer自2013年以来一直担任Palantir Technologies Inc.的各种职位,最近一次担任Palantir Technologies Inc.的首席财务官和财务主管。Glazer先生拥有圣克拉拉大学的历史学士学位和埃默里大学法学院的法学博士学位。
David Glazer has served in various positions with us since 2013 most recently as our CFO and Treasurer. Mr. Glazer holds a B.A. in History from Santa Clara University and a J.D. from Emory University School of Law.
Ryan Taylor

Ryan Taylor自2010年起在Palantir Technologies Inc.的多个职位上任职,最近担任Palantir Technologies Inc.的首席法律和商务官。泰勒先生拥有计算机科学学士学位,斯坦福大学管理科学与工程硕士学位,哈佛法学院法学博士。

Ryan Taylor has served in various positions with us since 2010 most recently as our CLBAO. Mr. Taylor holds a B.S. in Computer Science, an M.S. in Management Science & Engineering from Stanford University, and a J.D. from Harvard Law School.
Ryan Taylor自2010年起在Palantir Technologies Inc.的多个职位上任职,最近担任Palantir Technologies Inc.的首席法律和商务官。泰勒先生拥有计算机科学学士学位,斯坦福大学管理科学与工程硕士学位,哈佛法学院法学博士。
Ryan Taylor has served in various positions with us since 2010 most recently as our CLBAO. Mr. Taylor holds a B.S. in Computer Science, an M.S. in Management Science & Engineering from Stanford University, and a J.D. from Harvard Law School.