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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Sam Laidlaw Independent Non-Executive Director 67 未披露 未持股 2023-12-15
Hinda Gharbi Independent Non-Executive Director 52 未披露 未持股 2023-12-15
Dominic Barton Chairman of the Board 59 未披露 未持股 2023-12-15
Peter Cunningham Director,Chief Financial Officer 55 未披露 未持股 2023-12-15
Simon Henry Independent No-Executive Director 60 未披露 未持股 2023-12-15
Jennifer Nason Independent Non-Executive Director 61 未披露 未持股 2023-12-15
Simon McKeon Independent Non-Executive Director 66 未披露 未持股 2023-12-15
Ngaire Woods Independent Non-Executive Director 59 未披露 未持股 2023-12-15
Ben Wyatt Independent Non-Executive Director 47 未披露 未持股 2023-12-15
James Joc O'Rourke Non-Executive Director -- 未披露 未持股 2023-12-15



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Bold Baatar Chief Executive, Copper 51 未披露 未持股 2023-12-15
Tim Paine Joint Company Secretary 59 未披露 未持股 2023-12-15
Arnaud Soirat Chief Operating Officer 59 未披露 未持股 2023-12-15
Jakob Stausholm Chief Executive 53 未披露 未持股 2023-12-15
Peter Cunningham Director,Chief Financial Officer 55 未披露 未持股 2023-12-15
Alf Barrios Chief Commercial Officer -- 未披露 未持股 2023-12-15
Sinead Kaufman Chief Executive, Minerals -- 未披露 未持股 2023-12-15
Mark Davies -- Chief Technical Officer -- 未披露 未持股 2023-12-15
Isabelle Deschamps Chief Legal Officer, Governance & Corporate Affairs -- 未披露 未持股 2023-12-15
Kellie Parker Chief Executive, Australia -- 未披露 未持股 2023-12-15
Simon Trott Chief Executive, Iron Ore -- 未披露 未持股 2023-12-15
SteveAllen Group Company Secretary 50 未披露 未持股 2023-12-15
James Martin Chief People Officer -- 未披露 未持股 2023-12-15


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Sam Laidlaw

Sam Laidlaw是一名英国公民,在英国和国际能源行业都有着长期而卓越的职业生涯。Sam于2006年至2014年担任Centrica plc的首席执行官,此前的其他职务包括雪佛龙公司的执行副总裁;汉森股份有限公司非执行董事;企业石油公司首席执行官;阿梅拉达赫斯公司总裁兼首席运营官。他还是英国首相商业咨询小组的成员,也是英国交通部的高级主任。山姆是一名合格的律师,拥有欧洲工商管理学院工商管理硕士学位。

Sam Laidlaw, a British citizen, has had a long and distinguished career in the energy industry, both in the UK and internationally. Sam was chief executive officer of Centrica plc from 2006 to 2014. His other previous roles include Executive Vice President of Chevron Corporation; non-executive director of Hanson PLC; chief executive officer of Enterprise Oil plc; and President and chief operating officer of Amerada Hess Corporation. He was also a member of the UK Prime Minister's Business Advisory Group and was senior director of the UK Department of Transport. Sam is a qualified solicitor and has a Master's degree in Business Administration from INSEAD.
Sam Laidlaw是一名英国公民,在英国和国际能源行业都有着长期而卓越的职业生涯。Sam于2006年至2014年担任Centrica plc的首席执行官,此前的其他职务包括雪佛龙公司的执行副总裁;汉森股份有限公司非执行董事;企业石油公司首席执行官;阿梅拉达赫斯公司总裁兼首席运营官。他还是英国首相商业咨询小组的成员,也是英国交通部的高级主任。山姆是一名合格的律师,拥有欧洲工商管理学院工商管理硕士学位。
Sam Laidlaw, a British citizen, has had a long and distinguished career in the energy industry, both in the UK and internationally. Sam was chief executive officer of Centrica plc from 2006 to 2014. His other previous roles include Executive Vice President of Chevron Corporation; non-executive director of Hanson PLC; chief executive officer of Enterprise Oil plc; and President and chief operating officer of Amerada Hess Corporation. He was also a member of the UK Prime Minister's Business Advisory Group and was senior director of the UK Department of Transport. Sam is a qualified solicitor and has a Master's degree in Business Administration from INSEAD.
Hinda Gharbi

Hinda Gharbi,2017年6月,油藏特征化集团总裁; 2013年6月至2017年5月,有线电视总裁;2010年6月至2013年6月,亚洲区总裁。

Hinda Gharbi,Executive Vice President, Services and Equipment, since July 2020; Executive Vice President, Reservoir and Infrastructure, February 2019 to June 2020; Vice President, Human Resources, May 2018 to January 2019; President, Reservoir Characterization Group, June 2017 to May 2018; and President, Wireline, July 2013 to May 2017.
Hinda Gharbi,2017年6月,油藏特征化集团总裁; 2013年6月至2017年5月,有线电视总裁;2010年6月至2013年6月,亚洲区总裁。
Hinda Gharbi,Executive Vice President, Services and Equipment, since July 2020; Executive Vice President, Reservoir and Infrastructure, February 2019 to June 2020; Vice President, Human Resources, May 2018 to January 2019; President, Reservoir Characterization Group, June 2017 to May 2018; and President, Wireline, July 2013 to May 2017.
Dominic Barton


Dominic Barton,spent over 30 years at McKinsey & Company, including nine years as the Global Managing Partner, and has also held a broad range of public sector leadership positions. He has served as Canada's Ambassador to China, Chair of Canada's Advisory Council for Economic Growth, and Chair of the International Advisory Committee to the President of South Korea on National Future and Vision.
Dominic Barton,spent over 30 years at McKinsey & Company, including nine years as the Global Managing Partner, and has also held a broad range of public sector leadership positions. He has served as Canada's Ambassador to China, Chair of Canada's Advisory Council for Economic Growth, and Chair of the International Advisory Committee to the President of South Korea on National Future and Vision.
Peter Cunningham

彼得坎宁安,1993年3月加入力拓,2021年6月被任命为首席财务官兼执行董事,此前曾短暂担任临时首席财务官。作为首席财务官,彼得带来了广泛的商业专业知识,他在整个集团的不同地区工作。他专注于Rio Tinto Plc资产的脱碳,投资于能源转型所必需的大宗商品,在保持财务纪律的同时为股东带来有吸引力的回报。在力拓工作近30年期间,彼得担任过多个高级领导职务,包括集团财务总监、组织资源首席财务官、健康、安全、环境和社区全球主管、能源和气候战略主管以及投资者关系主管。

Peter Cunningham,joined Rio Tinto in March 1993 and was appointed Chief Financial Officer and Executive Director in June 2021, after serving as Interim Chief Financial Officer for a short period of time. He is strongly focused on the decarbonisation of Rio Tinto Plc assets, investing in the commodities essential for the energy transition, and delivering attractive returns to shareholders while maintaining financial discipline. During almost three decades with Rio Tinto, Peter has held a number of senior leadership roles, including Group Controller, Chief Financial Officer – Organisational Resources, Global Head of Health, Safety, Environment & Communities, Head of Energy and Climate Strategy, and Head of Investor Relations.
彼得坎宁安,1993年3月加入力拓,2021年6月被任命为首席财务官兼执行董事,此前曾短暂担任临时首席财务官。作为首席财务官,彼得带来了广泛的商业专业知识,他在整个集团的不同地区工作。他专注于Rio Tinto Plc资产的脱碳,投资于能源转型所必需的大宗商品,在保持财务纪律的同时为股东带来有吸引力的回报。在力拓工作近30年期间,彼得担任过多个高级领导职务,包括集团财务总监、组织资源首席财务官、健康、安全、环境和社区全球主管、能源和气候战略主管以及投资者关系主管。
Peter Cunningham,joined Rio Tinto in March 1993 and was appointed Chief Financial Officer and Executive Director in June 2021, after serving as Interim Chief Financial Officer for a short period of time. He is strongly focused on the decarbonisation of Rio Tinto Plc assets, investing in the commodities essential for the energy transition, and delivering attractive returns to shareholders while maintaining financial discipline. During almost three decades with Rio Tinto, Peter has held a number of senior leadership roles, including Group Controller, Chief Financial Officer – Organisational Resources, Global Head of Health, Safety, Environment & Communities, Head of Energy and Climate Strategy, and Head of Investor Relations.
Simon Henry

Simon Henry在全球金融、公司治理、并购、国际关系和战略方面拥有丰富的经验。他在荷兰皇家Shell plc有30多年的工作经验,2009年至2017年担任首席财务官。自2021年4月起担任Harbour Energy plc高级独立董事、Oxford Flow Ltd董事会顾问、审计委员会主席独立论坛董事会成员、特许管理会计师协会(CIMA)欧洲改革中心顾问委员会成员、剑桥中国发展信托受托人。

Simon Henry,has significant experience in global finance, corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions, international relations, and strategy. He draws on over 30 years' experience at Royal Dutch Shell plc, where he was Chief Financial Officer between 2009 and 2017.Senior Independent Director of Harbour Energy plc since April 2021, Adviser to the Board of Oxford Flow Ltd, member of the Board of the Audit Committee Chairs' Independent Forum, member of the Advisory Board of the Centre for European Reform and Advisory Panel of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), and trustee of the Cambridge China Development Trust.
Simon Henry在全球金融、公司治理、并购、国际关系和战略方面拥有丰富的经验。他在荷兰皇家Shell plc有30多年的工作经验,2009年至2017年担任首席财务官。自2021年4月起担任Harbour Energy plc高级独立董事、Oxford Flow Ltd董事会顾问、审计委员会主席独立论坛董事会成员、特许管理会计师协会(CIMA)欧洲改革中心顾问委员会成员、剑桥中国发展信托受托人。
Simon Henry,has significant experience in global finance, corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions, international relations, and strategy. He draws on over 30 years' experience at Royal Dutch Shell plc, where he was Chief Financial Officer between 2009 and 2017.Senior Independent Director of Harbour Energy plc since April 2021, Adviser to the Board of Oxford Flow Ltd, member of the Board of the Audit Committee Chairs' Independent Forum, member of the Advisory Board of the Centre for European Reform and Advisory Panel of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), and trustee of the Cambridge China Development Trust.
Jennifer Nason

Jennifer Nason在企业融资和资本市场领域拥有超过35年的经验。她是总部位于美国的JP摩根投资银行业务全球主席,在过去23年里,她一直领导着科技、媒体和电信的全球客户业务。在摩根大通任职期间,她还曾在澳大利亚的金属和矿业团队工作,并与人共同创立和主持了投资银行女性网络,并担任投资银行执行委员会成员。

Jennifer Nason,has over 35 years' experience in corporate finance and capital markets. She is the Global Chair of Investment Banking at JP Morgan, based in the US, and for the past 23 years, she has led the Technology, Media and Telecommunications global client practice. During her time at JP Morgan, she has also worked in the metals and mining sector team in Australia and co-founded and chaired the Investment Banking Women's Network and sits on the Executive Committee for the Investment Bank.
Jennifer Nason在企业融资和资本市场领域拥有超过35年的经验。她是总部位于美国的JP摩根投资银行业务全球主席,在过去23年里,她一直领导着科技、媒体和电信的全球客户业务。在摩根大通任职期间,她还曾在澳大利亚的金属和矿业团队工作,并与人共同创立和主持了投资银行女性网络,并担任投资银行执行委员会成员。
Jennifer Nason,has over 35 years' experience in corporate finance and capital markets. She is the Global Chair of Investment Banking at JP Morgan, based in the US, and for the past 23 years, she has led the Technology, Media and Telecommunications global client practice. During her time at JP Morgan, she has also worked in the metals and mining sector team in Australia and co-founded and chaired the Investment Banking Women's Network and sits on the Executive Committee for the Investment Bank.
Simon McKeon

Simon McKeon为目的、法律和政府带来了对金融服务等行业的见解。在麦格理集团工作30年之前,他曾是一名律师,包括在澳大利亚维多利亚州担任该集团业务执行主席。西蒙曾担任AMP有限公司、MYOB有限公司和英联邦科学与工业研究组织(CSIRO)主席,并担任澳大利亚收购委员会首任主席。

Simon McKeon,brings insights into sectors, including financial services, for purpose, law and government. He practised as a solicitor before working at Macquarie Group for 30 years, including as Executive Chair of its business in Victoria, Australia. Simon served as Chair of AMP Limited, MYOB Limited, and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and was the first President of the Australian Takeovers Panel.
Simon McKeon为目的、法律和政府带来了对金融服务等行业的见解。在麦格理集团工作30年之前,他曾是一名律师,包括在澳大利亚维多利亚州担任该集团业务执行主席。西蒙曾担任AMP有限公司、MYOB有限公司和英联邦科学与工业研究组织(CSIRO)主席,并担任澳大利亚收购委员会首任主席。
Simon McKeon,brings insights into sectors, including financial services, for purpose, law and government. He practised as a solicitor before working at Macquarie Group for 30 years, including as Executive Chair of its business in Victoria, Australia. Simon served as Chair of AMP Limited, MYOB Limited, and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and was the first President of the Australian Takeovers Panel.
Ngaire Woods

Ngaire Woods是布拉瓦尼克政府学院的创始院长、全球经济治理教授和牛津大学全球经济治理方案的Founder。作为公共政策、国际发展和治理方面的公认专家,她曾担任非洲开发银行、亚洲基础设施投资银行、全球发展中心、国际货币基金组织和欧盟的顾问。阿尔弗雷德兰德克基金会理事会副主席,莫易卜拉欣基金会、范莱尔基金会和苏世民教育基金会董事会成员,国家公共服务研究所董事会成员。

Ngaire Woods,is the founding Dean of the Blavatnik School of Government, Professor of Global Economic Governance and the Founder of the Global Economic Governance Programme at Oxford University. As a recognised expert in public policy, international development and governance, she has served as an adviser to the African Development Bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the Center for Global Development, the International Monetary Fund, and the European Union.Vice-Chair of the Governing Council of the Alfred Landecker Foundation and Board member of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, the Van Leer Foundation, and the Schwarzman Education Foundation, and Member of the Conseil d'administration of L'Institut national du service public.
Ngaire Woods是布拉瓦尼克政府学院的创始院长、全球经济治理教授和牛津大学全球经济治理方案的Founder。作为公共政策、国际发展和治理方面的公认专家,她曾担任非洲开发银行、亚洲基础设施投资银行、全球发展中心、国际货币基金组织和欧盟的顾问。阿尔弗雷德兰德克基金会理事会副主席,莫易卜拉欣基金会、范莱尔基金会和苏世民教育基金会董事会成员,国家公共服务研究所董事会成员。
Ngaire Woods,is the founding Dean of the Blavatnik School of Government, Professor of Global Economic Governance and the Founder of the Global Economic Governance Programme at Oxford University. As a recognised expert in public policy, international development and governance, she has served as an adviser to the African Development Bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the Center for Global Development, the International Monetary Fund, and the European Union.Vice-Chair of the Governing Council of the Alfred Landecker Foundation and Board member of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, the Van Leer Foundation, and the Schwarzman Education Foundation, and Member of the Conseil d'administration of L'Institut national du service public.
Ben Wyatt

本·怀亚特在2021年3月退休之前,曾在西澳大利亚州议会任职。他曾担任多个部长职位,并成为澳大利亚议会的首位土着人司库。他对公共政策、金融、国际贸易和土着事务的广泛了解带来了宝贵的见解,并增加了对理事会的知识深度。Ben曾是澳大利亚陆军的一名军官,后来在法律行业担任律师和律师。2021年6月起担任Woodside Petroleum Ltd非执行董事,2022年10月起担任APM国际服务有限公司非执行董事,2021年4月起担任Telethon Kids Institute非执行董事,2021年5月起担任West Coast Eagles非执行董事,并担任澳大利亚资本权益咨询委员会成员。

Ben Wyatt,had a prolific career in the Western Australian Parliament before retiring in March 2021. He held a number of ministerial positions and became the first Indigenous treasurer of an Australian parliament. Ben was previously an officer in the Australian Army, and went on to have a career in the legal profession as a barrister and solicitor. Non-Executive Director of Woodside Petroleum Ltd from June 2021, APM Human Services International Limited from October 2022, Non-Executive Director of Telethon Kids Institute from April 2021, Non-Executive Director of West Coast Eagles from May 2021, and member of the Advisory Committee of Australian Capital Equity.
本·怀亚特在2021年3月退休之前,曾在西澳大利亚州议会任职。他曾担任多个部长职位,并成为澳大利亚议会的首位土着人司库。他对公共政策、金融、国际贸易和土着事务的广泛了解带来了宝贵的见解,并增加了对理事会的知识深度。Ben曾是澳大利亚陆军的一名军官,后来在法律行业担任律师和律师。2021年6月起担任Woodside Petroleum Ltd非执行董事,2022年10月起担任APM国际服务有限公司非执行董事,2021年4月起担任Telethon Kids Institute非执行董事,2021年5月起担任West Coast Eagles非执行董事,并担任澳大利亚资本权益咨询委员会成员。
Ben Wyatt,had a prolific career in the Western Australian Parliament before retiring in March 2021. He held a number of ministerial positions and became the first Indigenous treasurer of an Australian parliament. Ben was previously an officer in the Australian Army, and went on to have a career in the legal profession as a barrister and solicitor. Non-Executive Director of Woodside Petroleum Ltd from June 2021, APM Human Services International Limited from October 2022, Non-Executive Director of Telethon Kids Institute from April 2021, Non-Executive Director of West Coast Eagles from May 2021, and member of the Advisory Committee of Australian Capital Equity.
James Joc O'Rourke

James Joc O'Rourke在采矿和矿产行业拥有超过25年的经验。自2015年以来,他一直担任美国美盛公司的首席执行官,该公司是全球领先的浓缩磷酸盐和钾肥综合生产商和营销商。在加入美盛之前,他还担任过美盛的总裁,之前担任过运营执行副总裁和首席运营官等职务。在加入美盛之前,奥罗克曾担任巴里克黄金公司的澳大利亚太平洋总裁,在那里他领导了澳大利亚和巴布亚新几内亚的十个金矿和铜矿。他目前担任The Toro Company(纽约证券交易所)和Weyerhauser公司(纽约证券交易所)的独立非执行董事。

James Joc O'Rourke,has more than 25 years' experience across the mining and minerals industry. He has been the chief executive officer of The Mosaic Company, the world's leading integrated producer and marketer of concentrated phosphate and potash, since 2015. He also served as President of Mosaic until recently and previously held roles including Executive Vice President of Operations and Chief Operating Officer.Before joining Mosaic, Mr O'Rourke was President of Australia Pacific for Barrick Gold Corporation, where he led ten gold and copper mines in Australia and Papua New Guinea. He currently serves as an Independent Non-Executive Director of The Toro Company (NYSE) and the Weyerhauser Company (NYSE).
James Joc O'Rourke在采矿和矿产行业拥有超过25年的经验。自2015年以来,他一直担任美国美盛公司的首席执行官,该公司是全球领先的浓缩磷酸盐和钾肥综合生产商和营销商。在加入美盛之前,他还担任过美盛的总裁,之前担任过运营执行副总裁和首席运营官等职务。在加入美盛之前,奥罗克曾担任巴里克黄金公司的澳大利亚太平洋总裁,在那里他领导了澳大利亚和巴布亚新几内亚的十个金矿和铜矿。他目前担任The Toro Company(纽约证券交易所)和Weyerhauser公司(纽约证券交易所)的独立非执行董事。
James Joc O'Rourke,has more than 25 years' experience across the mining and minerals industry. He has been the chief executive officer of The Mosaic Company, the world's leading integrated producer and marketer of concentrated phosphate and potash, since 2015. He also served as President of Mosaic until recently and previously held roles including Executive Vice President of Operations and Chief Operating Officer.Before joining Mosaic, Mr O'Rourke was President of Australia Pacific for Barrick Gold Corporation, where he led ten gold and copper mines in Australia and Papua New Guinea. He currently serves as an Independent Non-Executive Director of The Toro Company (NYSE) and the Weyerhauser Company (NYSE).


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Bold Baatar

Bold Baatar先生,现任Rio Tinto Copper集团国际业务的总裁。于加入Rio Tinto前,Baatar先生为Golden East LLC(一家蒙古黄金勘探开采公司)的首席执行官。此前,Baatar先生曾担任Newcom的首席执行官,彼于该公司管理及建立涉及电信、航空、物业管理、采矿服务及可再生能源领域之多元化投资组合。彼曾于伦敦、莫斯科及纽约的摩根大通担任高级职务,彼于该公司获得丰富的并购及撤资经验。Baatar先生持有蒙古国理工大学工业工程学士学位及美国康涅狄格州University of Bridgeport工商管理硕士学位。Baatar先生为蒙古国家矿产联合会董事会主席及蒙古商业委员会(Business Council of Mongolia)执行董事会成员。于2013年09月03日获委任为南戈壁资源有限公司非执行董事。

Bold Baatar was appointed chief executive, Energy & Minerals in November 2016. Bold was previously a member f the Rio Tinto Iron Ore executive committee, as managing director, Iron Ore Sales and Marketing and head of Rio Tinto's Marine business. He joined Rio Tinto in May 2013 as president of Copper International Operations. Prior to joining the Group, Bold held executive positions with a diversified investment management business and a local gold mining company in Mongolia. Until 2009 Bold spent 11 years as an investment banker with JPMorgan in New York and London. He was the chairman of the Mongolian Stock Exchange from 2010 to 2012 chairman of the Mongolian Mining Association from 2012 to 2014 and served as a non-executive director on the board of Southgobi Resources Ltd from 2013 to 2014.
Bold Baatar先生,现任Rio Tinto Copper集团国际业务的总裁。于加入Rio Tinto前,Baatar先生为Golden East LLC(一家蒙古黄金勘探开采公司)的首席执行官。此前,Baatar先生曾担任Newcom的首席执行官,彼于该公司管理及建立涉及电信、航空、物业管理、采矿服务及可再生能源领域之多元化投资组合。彼曾于伦敦、莫斯科及纽约的摩根大通担任高级职务,彼于该公司获得丰富的并购及撤资经验。Baatar先生持有蒙古国理工大学工业工程学士学位及美国康涅狄格州University of Bridgeport工商管理硕士学位。Baatar先生为蒙古国家矿产联合会董事会主席及蒙古商业委员会(Business Council of Mongolia)执行董事会成员。于2013年09月03日获委任为南戈壁资源有限公司非执行董事。
Bold Baatar was appointed chief executive, Energy & Minerals in November 2016. Bold was previously a member f the Rio Tinto Iron Ore executive committee, as managing director, Iron Ore Sales and Marketing and head of Rio Tinto's Marine business. He joined Rio Tinto in May 2013 as president of Copper International Operations. Prior to joining the Group, Bold held executive positions with a diversified investment management business and a local gold mining company in Mongolia. Until 2009 Bold spent 11 years as an investment banker with JPMorgan in New York and London. He was the chairman of the Mongolian Stock Exchange from 2010 to 2012 chairman of the Mongolian Mining Association from 2012 to 2014 and served as a non-executive director on the board of Southgobi Resources Ltd from 2013 to 2014.
Tim Paine

Tim Paine,他于2012年加入集团并担任Rio Tinto Limited的联合公司秘书。他有担任企业法律顾问和公司秘书的超过20年的经验,包括在ANZ Bank、Mayne Group和Symbion Health and Skilled Group。作为一个在私人执业律师,他开始了他的职业生涯。他也管理自己的咨询公司。

Tim Paine joined the Group as joint company secretary of Rio Tinto Limited in 2012. He has over 20 years' experience in corporate counsel and company secretary roles, including at ANZ Bank, Mayne Group, Symbion Health and Skilled Group. Tim commenced his career as a solicitor in private practice and has also managed his own consulting company.
Tim Paine,他于2012年加入集团并担任Rio Tinto Limited的联合公司秘书。他有担任企业法律顾问和公司秘书的超过20年的经验,包括在ANZ Bank、Mayne Group和Symbion Health and Skilled Group。作为一个在私人执业律师,他开始了他的职业生涯。他也管理自己的咨询公司。
Tim Paine joined the Group as joint company secretary of Rio Tinto Limited in 2012. He has over 20 years' experience in corporate counsel and company secretary roles, including at ANZ Bank, Mayne Group, Symbion Health and Skilled Group. Tim commenced his career as a solicitor in private practice and has also managed his own consulting company.
Arnaud Soirat

Arnaud Soirat于2016年7月被任命为铜和钻石首席执行官。Arnaud在金属和采矿业拥有近25年的经验,在五大洲的不同岗位上拥有丰富的运营和商业经验。Arnaud曾任铝原金属总裁兼首席执行官,负责管理和改善全球运营和业务,特别关注精益制造和卓越运营。他于2010年加入力拓,担任欧洲、中东和非洲初级金属首席运营官。在加入力拓之前,Arnaud在澳大利亚和欧洲的美铝和Pechiney担任了18年的技术和运营职务。

Arnaud Soirat was appointed chief executive, Copper & Diamonds in July 2016. Arnaud has almost 25 years' experience in the metals and mining industry and a wealth of operational and commercial experience gained in various roles, working across five continents. Arnaud was previously Aluminium Primary Metal president and chief executive officer, responsible for managing and improving operations and businesses globally, with a particular focus on lean manufacturing and operational excellence. He joined Rio Tinto in 2010 as chief operating officer, Primary Metal, Europe, Middle-East & Africa. Before joining Rio Tinto, Arnaud spent 18 years in various technical and operational positions with Alcoa and Pechiney in both Australia and Europe.
Arnaud Soirat于2016年7月被任命为铜和钻石首席执行官。Arnaud在金属和采矿业拥有近25年的经验,在五大洲的不同岗位上拥有丰富的运营和商业经验。Arnaud曾任铝原金属总裁兼首席执行官,负责管理和改善全球运营和业务,特别关注精益制造和卓越运营。他于2010年加入力拓,担任欧洲、中东和非洲初级金属首席运营官。在加入力拓之前,Arnaud在澳大利亚和欧洲的美铝和Pechiney担任了18年的技术和运营职务。
Arnaud Soirat was appointed chief executive, Copper & Diamonds in July 2016. Arnaud has almost 25 years' experience in the metals and mining industry and a wealth of operational and commercial experience gained in various roles, working across five continents. Arnaud was previously Aluminium Primary Metal president and chief executive officer, responsible for managing and improving operations and businesses globally, with a particular focus on lean manufacturing and operational excellence. He joined Rio Tinto in 2010 as chief operating officer, Primary Metal, Europe, Middle-East & Africa. Before joining Rio Tinto, Arnaud spent 18 years in various technical and operational positions with Alcoa and Pechiney in both Australia and Europe.
Jakob Stausholm

Jakob Stausholm于2018年9月加入力拓,担任执行董事兼首席财务官。他于2021年1月成为首席执行官。作为首席执行官,雅各布带来了战略和商业方面的专业知识以及治理经验。他致力于重建与社区、传统所有者的信任,并与包括政府、合作伙伴和其他商业领袖在内的利益相关者进行广泛接触。他继续专注于改善经营业绩,包括通过安全生产系统,创造和推进增值增长选择,同时在资本分配和为股东带来回报方面保持自律。Jakob拥有超过20年的经验,主要在马士基集团和荷兰皇家Shell plc担任高级财务职务。他还是伍德赛德石油公司和挪威国家石油公司(现为Equinor)的非执行董事。

Jakob Stausholm,joined Rio Tinto in September 2018 as Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer. He became Chief Executive in January 2021.He is committed to rebuilding trust with communities, Traditional Owners and engaging broadly with stakeholders, including governments, partners and other business leaders. He continues to focus on improving operational performance, including through the Safe Production System, creating and progressing value-accretive growth options while remaining disciplined on capital allocation and delivering returns for shareholders. Jakob has over 20 years' experience, primarily in senior finance roles at Maersk Group and Royal Dutch Shell plc. He was also a Non-Executive Director of Woodside Petroleum and Statoil (now Equinor).
Jakob Stausholm于2018年9月加入力拓,担任执行董事兼首席财务官。他于2021年1月成为首席执行官。作为首席执行官,雅各布带来了战略和商业方面的专业知识以及治理经验。他致力于重建与社区、传统所有者的信任,并与包括政府、合作伙伴和其他商业领袖在内的利益相关者进行广泛接触。他继续专注于改善经营业绩,包括通过安全生产系统,创造和推进增值增长选择,同时在资本分配和为股东带来回报方面保持自律。Jakob拥有超过20年的经验,主要在马士基集团和荷兰皇家Shell plc担任高级财务职务。他还是伍德赛德石油公司和挪威国家石油公司(现为Equinor)的非执行董事。
Jakob Stausholm,joined Rio Tinto in September 2018 as Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer. He became Chief Executive in January 2021.He is committed to rebuilding trust with communities, Traditional Owners and engaging broadly with stakeholders, including governments, partners and other business leaders. He continues to focus on improving operational performance, including through the Safe Production System, creating and progressing value-accretive growth options while remaining disciplined on capital allocation and delivering returns for shareholders. Jakob has over 20 years' experience, primarily in senior finance roles at Maersk Group and Royal Dutch Shell plc. He was also a Non-Executive Director of Woodside Petroleum and Statoil (now Equinor).
Peter Cunningham

彼得坎宁安,1993年3月加入力拓,2021年6月被任命为首席财务官兼执行董事,此前曾短暂担任临时首席财务官。作为首席财务官,彼得带来了广泛的商业专业知识,他在整个集团的不同地区工作。他专注于Rio Tinto Plc资产的脱碳,投资于能源转型所必需的大宗商品,在保持财务纪律的同时为股东带来有吸引力的回报。在力拓工作近30年期间,彼得担任过多个高级领导职务,包括集团财务总监、组织资源首席财务官、健康、安全、环境和社区全球主管、能源和气候战略主管以及投资者关系主管。

Peter Cunningham,joined Rio Tinto in March 1993 and was appointed Chief Financial Officer and Executive Director in June 2021, after serving as Interim Chief Financial Officer for a short period of time. He is strongly focused on the decarbonisation of Rio Tinto Plc assets, investing in the commodities essential for the energy transition, and delivering attractive returns to shareholders while maintaining financial discipline. During almost three decades with Rio Tinto, Peter has held a number of senior leadership roles, including Group Controller, Chief Financial Officer – Organisational Resources, Global Head of Health, Safety, Environment & Communities, Head of Energy and Climate Strategy, and Head of Investor Relations.
彼得坎宁安,1993年3月加入力拓,2021年6月被任命为首席财务官兼执行董事,此前曾短暂担任临时首席财务官。作为首席财务官,彼得带来了广泛的商业专业知识,他在整个集团的不同地区工作。他专注于Rio Tinto Plc资产的脱碳,投资于能源转型所必需的大宗商品,在保持财务纪律的同时为股东带来有吸引力的回报。在力拓工作近30年期间,彼得担任过多个高级领导职务,包括集团财务总监、组织资源首席财务官、健康、安全、环境和社区全球主管、能源和气候战略主管以及投资者关系主管。
Peter Cunningham,joined Rio Tinto in March 1993 and was appointed Chief Financial Officer and Executive Director in June 2021, after serving as Interim Chief Financial Officer for a short period of time. He is strongly focused on the decarbonisation of Rio Tinto Plc assets, investing in the commodities essential for the energy transition, and delivering attractive returns to shareholders while maintaining financial discipline. During almost three decades with Rio Tinto, Peter has held a number of senior leadership roles, including Group Controller, Chief Financial Officer – Organisational Resources, Global Head of Health, Safety, Environment & Communities, Head of Energy and Climate Strategy, and Head of Investor Relations.
Alf Barrios


Alf Barrios,was appointed Chief Commercial Officer and Chairman for China and Japan in 2021.He joined RioTinto in 2014 as Chief Executive, Aluminium. Alf has 30 years' global experience in the resources sector across operations, marketing, trading and business development.
Alf Barrios,was appointed Chief Commercial Officer and Chairman for China and Japan in 2021.He joined RioTinto in 2014 as Chief Executive, Aluminium. Alf has 30 years' global experience in the resources sector across operations, marketing, trading and business development.
Sinead Kaufman

Sinead Kaufman于2021年3月成为Minerals首席执行官。自1997年Sinead以地质学家的身份加入力拓以来,她在铝、铜和钻石、能源和Minerals以及铁矿石领域担任高级领导和运营职务。她于2021年初加入执行委员会。

Sinead Kaufman,became Chief Executive, Minerals in March 2021.Since Sinead joined Rio Tinto in 1997 as a geologist, she has held senior leadership and operational roles across Aluminium, Copper & Diamonds, Energy & Minerals, and Iron Ore. She joined the Executive Committee in early 2021.
Sinead Kaufman于2021年3月成为Minerals首席执行官。自1997年Sinead以地质学家的身份加入力拓以来,她在铝、铜和钻石、能源和Minerals以及铁矿石领域担任高级领导和运营职务。她于2021年初加入执行委员会。
Sinead Kaufman,became Chief Executive, Minerals in March 2021.Since Sinead joined Rio Tinto in 1997 as a geologist, she has held senior leadership and operational roles across Aluminium, Copper & Diamonds, Energy & Minerals, and Iron Ore. She joined the Executive Committee in early 2021.
Mark Davies

马克·戴维斯于2020年被任命为执行委员会成员,并于2021年10月成为首席技术官。马克于1995年加入力拓,担任高级机械工程师,曾担任运营和职能领导职务,包括在Rio Tinto Plc铁钛业务部门、集团风险和全球采购部门工作。

Mark Davies,was appointed to the Executive Committee in 2020 and became Chief Technical Officer in October 2021.Mark joined Rio Tinto in 1995 as a Senior Mechanical Engineer and has worked in operational and functional leadership roles, including in Rio Tinto Plc Iron and Titanium business unit, Group Risk, and Global Procurement.
马克·戴维斯于2020年被任命为执行委员会成员,并于2021年10月成为首席技术官。马克于1995年加入力拓,担任高级机械工程师,曾担任运营和职能领导职务,包括在Rio Tinto Plc铁钛业务部门、集团风险和全球采购部门工作。
Mark Davies,was appointed to the Executive Committee in 2020 and became Chief Technical Officer in October 2021.Mark joined Rio Tinto in 1995 as a Senior Mechanical Engineer and has worked in operational and functional leadership roles, including in Rio Tinto Plc Iron and Titanium business unit, Group Risk, and Global Procurement.
Isabelle Deschamps

Isabelle Deschamps,2021年11月加入力拓。她拥有丰富的国际经验,并被英格兰和威尔士律师协会和魁北克(加拿大)律师协会录取。最近,伊莎贝尔担任阿克苏诺贝尔集团总法律顾问和执行委员会成员。在此之前,伊莎贝尔曾在联合利华工作。

Isabelle Deschamps,joined Rio Tinto in November 2021.She has extensive international experience, and is admitted to the England and Wales Law Society and to the Quebec (Canada) Bar. Most recently, Isabelle was General Counsel of the AkzoNobel Group and a member of its Executive Committee. Prior to this, Isabelle worked at Unilever.
Isabelle Deschamps,2021年11月加入力拓。她拥有丰富的国际经验,并被英格兰和威尔士律师协会和魁北克(加拿大)律师协会录取。最近,伊莎贝尔担任阿克苏诺贝尔集团总法律顾问和执行委员会成员。在此之前,伊莎贝尔曾在联合利华工作。
Isabelle Deschamps,joined Rio Tinto in November 2021.She has extensive international experience, and is admitted to the England and Wales Law Society and to the Quebec (Canada) Bar. Most recently, Isabelle was General Counsel of the AkzoNobel Group and a member of its Executive Committee. Prior to this, Isabelle worked at Unilever.
Kellie Parker


Kellie Parker,was appointed Chief Executive, Australia in 2021, after a 20-year career at Rio Tinto.Before this, Kellie was Managing Director, Pacific Operations, Aluminium, a role she took after more than a decade of leadership, safety and operational roles across the Iron Ore and Aluminium businesses.
Kellie Parker,was appointed Chief Executive, Australia in 2021, after a 20-year career at Rio Tinto.Before this, Kellie was Managing Director, Pacific Operations, Aluminium, a role she took after more than a decade of leadership, safety and operational roles across the Iron Ore and Aluminium businesses.
Simon Trott


Simon Trott,was appointed Chief Executive, Iron Ore in 2021.Simon has been with Rio Tinto for more than 20 years in a variety of operating, commercial and business development roles across a number of commodities. Prior to his current role, Simon was Chief Commercial Officer from 2018 to 2021.
Simon Trott,was appointed Chief Executive, Iron Ore in 2021.Simon has been with Rio Tinto for more than 20 years in a variety of operating, commercial and business development roles across a number of commodities. Prior to his current role, Simon was Chief Commercial Officer from 2018 to 2021.

Steve Allen是力拓公司的公司秘书和力拓有限公司的联合公司秘书。在加入力拓之前,史蒂夫曾在BG集团工作,担任过多个高级法律职务,包括副总法律顾问、公司秘书和公司首席法律顾问。在加入BG集团之前,史蒂夫是伦敦赫伯特史密斯律师事务所的公司律师。

Steve Allen, is Company Secretary of Rio Tinto plc and Joint Company Secretary of Rio Tinto Limited. Before joining Rio Tinto, Steveworked at BG Group plc, where he held a number of senior legal roles, including Deputy General Counsel, Company Secretary and Chief Counsel, Corporate. Before joining BG Group, Steve was a corporate lawyer for Herbert Smith LLP in London.
Steve Allen是力拓公司的公司秘书和力拓有限公司的联合公司秘书。在加入力拓之前,史蒂夫曾在BG集团工作,担任过多个高级法律职务,包括副总法律顾问、公司秘书和公司首席法律顾问。在加入BG集团之前,史蒂夫是伦敦赫伯特史密斯律师事务所的公司律师。
Steve Allen, is Company Secretary of Rio Tinto plc and Joint Company Secretary of Rio Tinto Limited. Before joining Rio Tinto, Steveworked at BG Group plc, where he held a number of senior legal roles, including Deputy General Counsel, Company Secretary and Chief Counsel, Corporate. Before joining BG Group, Steve was a corporate lawyer for Herbert Smith LLP in London.
James Martin

James Martin,在2021年成为Rio Tinto Plc首席人事官之前,詹姆斯在亿康先达工作了21年。他领导了一系列全球业务,专长于教练、人才管理和领导力发展。在此之前,他曾在空军飞行员的职业生涯后从事股票研究工作。

James Martin,Prior to becoming Rio Tinto Plc Chief People Officer in2021,James was at Egon Zehnder for 21 years.He led a range of global practices and specialised in coaching,talent management and leadership development. Prior to this,he worked in equity research after a career as an air force pilot.
James Martin,在2021年成为Rio Tinto Plc首席人事官之前,詹姆斯在亿康先达工作了21年。他领导了一系列全球业务,专长于教练、人才管理和领导力发展。在此之前,他曾在空军飞行员的职业生涯后从事股票研究工作。
James Martin,Prior to becoming Rio Tinto Plc Chief People Officer in2021,James was at Egon Zehnder for 21 years.He led a range of global practices and specialised in coaching,talent management and leadership development. Prior to this,he worked in equity research after a career as an air force pilot.