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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Jodi Butts Independent Director 50 44.00万美元 未持股 2023-09-27
Renah Persofsky Independent Director 65 67.50万美元 未持股 2023-09-27
David F. Clanachan Independent Director 61 39.00万美元 未持股 2023-09-27
John M. Herhalt Independent Director 65 46.00万美元 未持股 2023-09-27
David Hopkinson Independent Director 51 39.00万美元 未持股 2023-09-27
Thomas Looney Independent Director 59 39.92万美元 未持股 2023-09-27
Irwin D. Simon Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer 64 1565.66万美元 未持股 2023-09-27



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Carl A. Merton Chief Financial Officer 53 216.71万美元 未持股 2023-09-27
Denise M. Faltischek -- Chief Strategy Officer and Head of International 50 未披露 未持股 2023-09-27
Mitchell Gendel Global General Counsel and Corporate Secretary 57 259.86万美元 未持股 2023-09-27
Roger Savell Chief Administrative Officer 61 163.33万美元 未持股 2023-09-27
Denise M. Faltischek Chief Strategy Officer and Head of International 50 296.27万美元 未持股 2023-09-27
Irwin D. Simon Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer 64 1565.66万美元 未持股 2023-09-27


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Jodi Butts

Jodi Butts46董事”Jodi Butts自2017年11月起担任我们的董事会成员。加入董事会之前,Butts女士曾担任多伦多西奈山医院(Mount Sinai Hospital Toronto)Rise Asset Development的首席执行官和运营与再开发高级副总裁。Butts女士还担任抗菌技术公司Aereus Technologies Inc.的董事会主席,担任温莎大学(University of Windsor)的董事会和审计委员会成员,担任海象基金会(Walrus Foundation)的董事会成员和风险管理委员会成员,Bayshore Home梦百合顾问委员会成员,并担任世界卫生创新网络主席。Butts女士还是安大略省卫生部梦百合部门供应链整合专家小组的前成员。作为一名律师和企业家,Butts女士是一家精品诉讼公司的创始合伙人。她在University of Windsor获得文学学士学位,在University of Toronto获得加拿大历史文学硕士学位,在University of Toronto获得法律学士学位。

Jodi Butts,is a lawyer, entrepreneur, and seasoned executive with a strong track record in driving positive change and growth within leading organizations. Ms. Butts is a senior governance consultant at Watson Advisors Inc. Ms. Butts currently serves as an independent director of Canada Goose Inc. and chairs its Nominations & Governance Committee and is the chair of The Walrus Foundation Board of Directors. She also holds advisory roles including with Bayshore Home Healthcare and the Canadian Centre for the Purpose of the Corporation. Ms. Butts holds a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Toronto where she also received her master's degree in Canadian history.
Jodi Butts46董事”Jodi Butts自2017年11月起担任我们的董事会成员。加入董事会之前,Butts女士曾担任多伦多西奈山医院(Mount Sinai Hospital Toronto)Rise Asset Development的首席执行官和运营与再开发高级副总裁。Butts女士还担任抗菌技术公司Aereus Technologies Inc.的董事会主席,担任温莎大学(University of Windsor)的董事会和审计委员会成员,担任海象基金会(Walrus Foundation)的董事会成员和风险管理委员会成员,Bayshore Home梦百合顾问委员会成员,并担任世界卫生创新网络主席。Butts女士还是安大略省卫生部梦百合部门供应链整合专家小组的前成员。作为一名律师和企业家,Butts女士是一家精品诉讼公司的创始合伙人。她在University of Windsor获得文学学士学位,在University of Toronto获得加拿大历史文学硕士学位,在University of Toronto获得法律学士学位。
Jodi Butts,is a lawyer, entrepreneur, and seasoned executive with a strong track record in driving positive change and growth within leading organizations. Ms. Butts is a senior governance consultant at Watson Advisors Inc. Ms. Butts currently serves as an independent director of Canada Goose Inc. and chairs its Nominations & Governance Committee and is the chair of The Walrus Foundation Board of Directors. She also holds advisory roles including with Bayshore Home Healthcare and the Canadian Centre for the Purpose of the Corporation. Ms. Butts holds a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Toronto where she also received her master's degree in Canadian history.
Renah Persofsky

Renah Persofsky自2020年11月10日起担任我们的董事。Persofsky女士自2010年以来担任Strajectory Corp.的首席执行官,自2011年以来担任Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce的执行顾问。佩索夫斯基女士自2016年10月起还担任Bookjane Inc.的董事长,自2017年10月起担任AphriaInc.的董事,自2019年10月起担任副董事长兼首席董事,自2019年7月起担任Green Gruff Inc.的董事长。Persofsky女士此前还曾担任许多标志性品牌的执行顾问,包括Tim Hortons,Canadian Tire,Canada Post和Interac,并曾担任Bank of Montreal的执行官。Persofsky女士此前曾联合主持加拿大部长电子商务咨询委员会(Canadian Minister’;s Advisory Committee),并担任外交和贸易部长的特别顾问。Persofsky女士在多伦多大学(University of Toronto)罗特曼管理学院(Rotman School of Management)获得学位。

Renah Persofsky,has over 40 years of business experience. She presently serves as the executive Chair of Green Gruff, an animal wellness company that produces organic and sustainable animal treats and supplements. Ms. Persofsky also serves on the board of Hydrofarm Holdings Group, Inc., America's oldest and largest independent wholesaler and manufacturer of hydroponics equipment and grow lights. Ms. Persofsky was appointed to the board of Ocean Six Future Paths Ltd., the world's first plastic mining company. Recently, Ms. Persofsky was appointed to the board of GreenLane Holdings Inc., a premier global platform for the development an distribution of premium cannabis accessories and packaging. In addition, she served as an executive consultant to many iconic brands including Tim Hortons, Canadian Tire, CIBC, Canada Post and Interac, and was an executive officer of the Bank of Montreal.
Renah Persofsky自2020年11月10日起担任我们的董事。Persofsky女士自2010年以来担任Strajectory Corp.的首席执行官,自2011年以来担任Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce的执行顾问。佩索夫斯基女士自2016年10月起还担任Bookjane Inc.的董事长,自2017年10月起担任AphriaInc.的董事,自2019年10月起担任副董事长兼首席董事,自2019年7月起担任Green Gruff Inc.的董事长。Persofsky女士此前还曾担任许多标志性品牌的执行顾问,包括Tim Hortons,Canadian Tire,Canada Post和Interac,并曾担任Bank of Montreal的执行官。Persofsky女士此前曾联合主持加拿大部长电子商务咨询委员会(Canadian Minister’;s Advisory Committee),并担任外交和贸易部长的特别顾问。Persofsky女士在多伦多大学(University of Toronto)罗特曼管理学院(Rotman School of Management)获得学位。
Renah Persofsky,has over 40 years of business experience. She presently serves as the executive Chair of Green Gruff, an animal wellness company that produces organic and sustainable animal treats and supplements. Ms. Persofsky also serves on the board of Hydrofarm Holdings Group, Inc., America's oldest and largest independent wholesaler and manufacturer of hydroponics equipment and grow lights. Ms. Persofsky was appointed to the board of Ocean Six Future Paths Ltd., the world's first plastic mining company. Recently, Ms. Persofsky was appointed to the board of GreenLane Holdings Inc., a premier global platform for the development an distribution of premium cannabis accessories and packaging. In addition, she served as an executive consultant to many iconic brands including Tim Hortons, Canadian Tire, CIBC, Canada Post and Interac, and was an executive officer of the Bank of Montreal.
David F. Clanachan

David F. Clanachan,1992年加入Tim Hortons Inc.公司,在运营部担任多个职位,直至1997年被提拔为西安大略地区的运营副总裁。此前,他是一家国际食品公司的运营主管,在该行业拥有约12年经验。2001年8月,他被提拔为培训、操作标准和研发部的执行副总裁,2008年5月,被提升为美国和国际部的首席运营官。2012年8月8日,他被任命为首席运营官,负责公司在加拿大、美国和国际的运营业务。他获有University of Windsor商学学士学位。他是University of Guelph酒店和旅游学院的管理政策委员会成员,也是Canadian Hospitality Foundation的董事。

David F. Clanachan,is Commissioner of the Canadian Premier League, a post he has held since 2018. Mr. Clanachan was also the Chairman of Restaurant Brands International, Canada until 2018. He was named President and Chief Operating Officer of Tim Hortons in 2014, and had more than 35 years with the brand. Mr. Clanachan holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Windsor.
David F. Clanachan,1992年加入Tim Hortons Inc.公司,在运营部担任多个职位,直至1997年被提拔为西安大略地区的运营副总裁。此前,他是一家国际食品公司的运营主管,在该行业拥有约12年经验。2001年8月,他被提拔为培训、操作标准和研发部的执行副总裁,2008年5月,被提升为美国和国际部的首席运营官。2012年8月8日,他被任命为首席运营官,负责公司在加拿大、美国和国际的运营业务。他获有University of Windsor商学学士学位。他是University of Guelph酒店和旅游学院的管理政策委员会成员,也是Canadian Hospitality Foundation的董事。
David F. Clanachan,is Commissioner of the Canadian Premier League, a post he has held since 2018. Mr. Clanachan was also the Chairman of Restaurant Brands International, Canada until 2018. He was named President and Chief Operating Officer of Tim Hortons in 2014, and had more than 35 years with the brand. Mr. Clanachan holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Windsor.
John M. Herhalt

John M.Herhalt是FCPA FCA的董事,也是KPMG的退休合伙人,拥有超过42年的经验。他曾在多个行业工作,包括汽车制造、消费品、基础设施、电力和公用事业以及公共部门。在毕马威工作期间,赫哈尔特曾担任加拿大国家咨询负责人、国家公共部门负责人,以及毕马威国际基础设施、政府全球负责人,以及医疗保健部门,为毕马威的各个成员公司及其在美洲、欧洲、中东和亚洲的各种项目的客户提供主题咨询和支持。从KPMG退休后,Herhalt先生继续兼职提供管理咨询服务,并担任多个董事会的董事。

John M. Herhalt,is a FCPA (FCA) and a retired partner from KPMG and has over 43 years of experience. He has worked across several industry sectors including automotive manufacturing, consumer products, infrastructure, power and utilities, and the public sector. During his time with KPMG, Mr. Herhalt served as Canada's national advisory services leader, national public sector leader, and KPMG International's global head of infrastructure, government, and health care sectors providing subject matter advice and support to various KPMG member firms and their clients on a variety of projects in the Americas, Europe, Middle East, and Asia. After retiring from KPMG, Mr. Herhalt has continued to provide management consulting services on a part-time basis and serves as a director on several boards.
John M.Herhalt是FCPA FCA的董事,也是KPMG的退休合伙人,拥有超过42年的经验。他曾在多个行业工作,包括汽车制造、消费品、基础设施、电力和公用事业以及公共部门。在毕马威工作期间,赫哈尔特曾担任加拿大国家咨询负责人、国家公共部门负责人,以及毕马威国际基础设施、政府全球负责人,以及医疗保健部门,为毕马威的各个成员公司及其在美洲、欧洲、中东和亚洲的各种项目的客户提供主题咨询和支持。从KPMG退休后,Herhalt先生继续兼职提供管理咨询服务,并担任多个董事会的董事。
John M. Herhalt,is a FCPA (FCA) and a retired partner from KPMG and has over 43 years of experience. He has worked across several industry sectors including automotive manufacturing, consumer products, infrastructure, power and utilities, and the public sector. During his time with KPMG, Mr. Herhalt served as Canada's national advisory services leader, national public sector leader, and KPMG International's global head of infrastructure, government, and health care sectors providing subject matter advice and support to various KPMG member firms and their clients on a variety of projects in the Americas, Europe, Middle East, and Asia. After retiring from KPMG, Mr. Herhalt has continued to provide management consulting services on a part-time basis and serves as a director on several boards.
David Hopkinson

David Hopkinson先生是一位成就卓著的高管,拥有超过25年的体育行业经验,他是麦迪逊广场花园体育公司的执行副总裁,也是MSG’;的团队业务运营总裁,该公司的团队包括纽约尼克斯NBA,纽约游骑兵和电子竞技业务对抗逻辑游戏和尼克斯游戏。在加入MSG Sports之前,David于2018年至2020年担任位于西班牙马德里的皇家马德里俱乐部de Futbol合作伙伴关系的全球负责人。他曾任职Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment公司(位于加拿大多伦多)20年以上,也曾任职MLSE公司最后一个职务,担任首席商务官,负责MLSE’;s球队、多伦多枫叶队、多伦多猛龙队和多伦多FC的所有创收。David曾任职于加拿大蒙特利尔麦吉尔大学的财政大臣顾问委员会,以及加拿大篮球董事会和加拿大星光大道董事会。2013年,他被授予伊丽莎白二世钻禧奖章,以表彰他对加拿大的贡献。

David Hopkinson,An accomplished executive with more than 25 years of diverse sports industry experience, Mr. Hopkinson is currently President and Chief Operating Officer of Madison Square Garden Sports and President of Team Business Operations. As President and Chief Operating Officer, David Hopkinson is responsible for setting the business strategy and overseeing all aspects of business operations across Madison Square Garden Sports Corp. (MSG Sports)'s portfolio of assets, which includes: the New York Knicks (NBA) and New York Rangers (NHL) and two development league teams – the Westchester Knicks (NBAGL) and Hartford Wolf Pack (AHL). In addition, Mr. Hopkinson oversees global marketing partnerships for MSG Sports, as well as the MSG Family of Companies which also includes Madison Square Garden Entertainment Corp. and Sphere Entertainment Co. Prior to being named President and Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Hopkinson served as Executive Vice President, Team Business Operations, where he helped to drive new innovations while optimizing business operations, including marketing, ticketing, and the in-game experience, as well as community and fan development. Prior to joining MSG Sports, David served as Global Head of Partnerships for Real Madrid Club de Futbol in Madrid, Spain from 2018 to 2020. Mr. Hopkinson spent over 20 years with Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment (MLSE) in Toronto, Canada and in his last role with MLSE, he served as Chief Commercial Officer, responsible for all revenue generation across MLSE's teams; the Toronto Maple Leafs (NHL), Toronto Raptors (NBA) and Toronto FC (MLS). David has served on the Chancellor's Advisory Committee at McGill University in Montreal, Canada as well as the Board of Directors of Canada Basketball and Board of Directors of Canada's Walk of Fame. In 2013, he was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in recognition of his Service to Canada.
David Hopkinson先生是一位成就卓著的高管,拥有超过25年的体育行业经验,他是麦迪逊广场花园体育公司的执行副总裁,也是MSG’;的团队业务运营总裁,该公司的团队包括纽约尼克斯NBA,纽约游骑兵和电子竞技业务对抗逻辑游戏和尼克斯游戏。在加入MSG Sports之前,David于2018年至2020年担任位于西班牙马德里的皇家马德里俱乐部de Futbol合作伙伴关系的全球负责人。他曾任职Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment公司(位于加拿大多伦多)20年以上,也曾任职MLSE公司最后一个职务,担任首席商务官,负责MLSE’;s球队、多伦多枫叶队、多伦多猛龙队和多伦多FC的所有创收。David曾任职于加拿大蒙特利尔麦吉尔大学的财政大臣顾问委员会,以及加拿大篮球董事会和加拿大星光大道董事会。2013年,他被授予伊丽莎白二世钻禧奖章,以表彰他对加拿大的贡献。
David Hopkinson,An accomplished executive with more than 25 years of diverse sports industry experience, Mr. Hopkinson is currently President and Chief Operating Officer of Madison Square Garden Sports and President of Team Business Operations. As President and Chief Operating Officer, David Hopkinson is responsible for setting the business strategy and overseeing all aspects of business operations across Madison Square Garden Sports Corp. (MSG Sports)'s portfolio of assets, which includes: the New York Knicks (NBA) and New York Rangers (NHL) and two development league teams – the Westchester Knicks (NBAGL) and Hartford Wolf Pack (AHL). In addition, Mr. Hopkinson oversees global marketing partnerships for MSG Sports, as well as the MSG Family of Companies which also includes Madison Square Garden Entertainment Corp. and Sphere Entertainment Co. Prior to being named President and Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Hopkinson served as Executive Vice President, Team Business Operations, where he helped to drive new innovations while optimizing business operations, including marketing, ticketing, and the in-game experience, as well as community and fan development. Prior to joining MSG Sports, David served as Global Head of Partnerships for Real Madrid Club de Futbol in Madrid, Spain from 2018 to 2020. Mr. Hopkinson spent over 20 years with Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment (MLSE) in Toronto, Canada and in his last role with MLSE, he served as Chief Commercial Officer, responsible for all revenue generation across MLSE's teams; the Toronto Maple Leafs (NHL), Toronto Raptors (NBA) and Toronto FC (MLS). David has served on the Chancellor's Advisory Committee at McGill University in Montreal, Canada as well as the Board of Directors of Canada Basketball and Board of Directors of Canada's Walk of Fame. In 2013, he was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in recognition of his Service to Canada.
Thomas Looney

Thomas Looney是Diageo US Spirits&Canada的前总裁。在该职位上,Looney先生全权负责公司在美国和加拿大的烈酒业务的增长和发展,包括Smirnoff,Crown Royal,Baileys,Johnnie Walker,Captain Morgan和Ketel One等品牌。Looney先生也是帝亚吉欧北美执行团队的成员。此前,Looney先生担任Diageo Beer Company的总裁,负责美国销售、财务、营销和创新团队。

Thomas Looney,is the former President of Diageo US Spirits & Canada. In this position Mr. Looney maintained full responsibility for the growth and development of the company's spirits business in the United States & Canada including brands such as Smirnoff, Crown Royal, Baileys, Johnnie Walker, Captain Morgan, and Ketel One. Mr. Looney was also a member of Diageo's North American Executive Team. Previously, Mr. Looney held the position of President, Diageo Beer Company overseeing US sales, finance, marketing, and innovation teams.
Thomas Looney是Diageo US Spirits&Canada的前总裁。在该职位上,Looney先生全权负责公司在美国和加拿大的烈酒业务的增长和发展,包括Smirnoff,Crown Royal,Baileys,Johnnie Walker,Captain Morgan和Ketel One等品牌。Looney先生也是帝亚吉欧北美执行团队的成员。此前,Looney先生担任Diageo Beer Company的总裁,负责美国销售、财务、营销和创新团队。
Thomas Looney,is the former President of Diageo US Spirits & Canada. In this position Mr. Looney maintained full responsibility for the growth and development of the company's spirits business in the United States & Canada including brands such as Smirnoff, Crown Royal, Baileys, Johnnie Walker, Captain Morgan, and Ketel One. Mr. Looney was also a member of Diageo's North American Executive Team. Previously, Mr. Looney held the position of President, Diageo Beer Company overseeing US sales, finance, marketing, and innovation teams.
Irwin D. Simon

Irwin D. Simon,是一位商业高管,于1993年成立了The Hain Celestial Group,Inc.,并在纳斯达克交易。他将该集团打造成一家领先的全球有机和天然产品公司,并在2018年前担任董事长兼首席执行官。Simon先生目前担任在纽约证交所上市的全球领先大麻公司Aphria Inc.的董事长兼首席执行官。Simon先生还担任在纳斯达克上市的全球食品公司Whole Earth Brands,Inc.的执行主席。Simon此前曾在美国最大的零售书商巴诺股份有限公司(Barnes&Noble,Inc.)和全球消费品公司雅顿公司(Jarden Corp.)的董事会任职。此外,他还是路易斯安那州新奥尔良杜兰大学(Tulane University)董事会成员,也是纽约布鲁克林保利预科乡村日学校(Poly Prep Country Day School)的董事会成员。Simon先生还是魁北克省青少年冰球大联盟球队布雷顿角尖叫鹰队的多数股东,也是加拿大国家篮球联盟圣约翰边缘队的共同所有者。Simon先生目前担任首席独立董事。

Irwin D. Simon,is a member of Stagwell Inc. Board of Directors and serves as Lead Independent Director. Mr. Simon previously served as a member of MDC's Board of Directors since April 25, 2013. Mr. Simon is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Tilray Brands, Inc., a leading global cannabis-lifestyle and consumer packaged goods company traded on Nasdaq. In 2019, Mr. Simon joined and transformed Aphria Inc., a Canadian cannabis Licensed Producer, into a profitable global cannabis company with leading market share brands. At Aphria, Mr. Simon structured a reverse merger and acquisition of Tilray. In 1993, Mr. Simon founded The Hain Celestial Group, Inc., traded on Nasdaq, a leading, global organic and natural products company and served as its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer through 2018. Mr. Simon is also the Executive Chairman of Whole Earth Brands, Inc., a global food company traded on Nasdaq. Mr. Simon previously served on the boards of directors of Barnes & Noble, Inc. and Jarden Corp. In addition, he serves on the board of directors of Tulane University and is a member of the board of trustees at Poly Prep Country Day School. Mr. Simon is also the majority owner of the Cape Breton Eagles, a Quebec Major Junior Hockey League team and co-owner of St. John's Edge of the National Basketball League of Canada.
Irwin D. Simon,是一位商业高管,于1993年成立了The Hain Celestial Group,Inc.,并在纳斯达克交易。他将该集团打造成一家领先的全球有机和天然产品公司,并在2018年前担任董事长兼首席执行官。Simon先生目前担任在纽约证交所上市的全球领先大麻公司Aphria Inc.的董事长兼首席执行官。Simon先生还担任在纳斯达克上市的全球食品公司Whole Earth Brands,Inc.的执行主席。Simon此前曾在美国最大的零售书商巴诺股份有限公司(Barnes&Noble,Inc.)和全球消费品公司雅顿公司(Jarden Corp.)的董事会任职。此外,他还是路易斯安那州新奥尔良杜兰大学(Tulane University)董事会成员,也是纽约布鲁克林保利预科乡村日学校(Poly Prep Country Day School)的董事会成员。Simon先生还是魁北克省青少年冰球大联盟球队布雷顿角尖叫鹰队的多数股东,也是加拿大国家篮球联盟圣约翰边缘队的共同所有者。Simon先生目前担任首席独立董事。
Irwin D. Simon,is a member of Stagwell Inc. Board of Directors and serves as Lead Independent Director. Mr. Simon previously served as a member of MDC's Board of Directors since April 25, 2013. Mr. Simon is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Tilray Brands, Inc., a leading global cannabis-lifestyle and consumer packaged goods company traded on Nasdaq. In 2019, Mr. Simon joined and transformed Aphria Inc., a Canadian cannabis Licensed Producer, into a profitable global cannabis company with leading market share brands. At Aphria, Mr. Simon structured a reverse merger and acquisition of Tilray. In 1993, Mr. Simon founded The Hain Celestial Group, Inc., traded on Nasdaq, a leading, global organic and natural products company and served as its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer through 2018. Mr. Simon is also the Executive Chairman of Whole Earth Brands, Inc., a global food company traded on Nasdaq. Mr. Simon previously served on the boards of directors of Barnes & Noble, Inc. and Jarden Corp. In addition, he serves on the board of directors of Tulane University and is a member of the board of trustees at Poly Prep Country Day School. Mr. Simon is also the majority owner of the Cape Breton Eagles, a Quebec Major Junior Hockey League team and co-owner of St. John's Edge of the National Basketball League of Canada.


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Carl A. Merton

Carl A. Merton于2021年5月加入Tilray,现任首席财务官。在加入Tilray之前,Merton先生曾在2015年12月至2021年4月期间担任Aphria Inc.的首席财务官,带领公司转型为全球大麻领导者。在担任Aphria公司首席财务官之前,卡尔曾担任Atlas Tube Canada ULC的特殊项目副总裁和上市公司Reko International Group Inc.的首席财务官。

Carl A. Merton,joined Tilray in May 2021, and currently serves as Chief Financial Officer. Prior to joining Tilray, Mr. Merton served as Chief Financial Officer of Aphria Inc., from December 2015 until April 2021, where he led in transforming the company into a global cannabis leader. Prior to serving as Aphria Inc's Chief Financial Officer, Carl served as Vice-President, Special Projects at Atlas Tube Canada ULC and Chief Financial Officer of Reko International Group Inc., a publicly-held company.
Carl A. Merton于2021年5月加入Tilray,现任首席财务官。在加入Tilray之前,Merton先生曾在2015年12月至2021年4月期间担任Aphria Inc.的首席财务官,带领公司转型为全球大麻领导者。在担任Aphria公司首席财务官之前,卡尔曾担任Atlas Tube Canada ULC的特殊项目副总裁和上市公司Reko International Group Inc.的首席财务官。
Carl A. Merton,joined Tilray in May 2021, and currently serves as Chief Financial Officer. Prior to joining Tilray, Mr. Merton served as Chief Financial Officer of Aphria Inc., from December 2015 until April 2021, where he led in transforming the company into a global cannabis leader. Prior to serving as Aphria Inc's Chief Financial Officer, Carl served as Vice-President, Special Projects at Atlas Tube Canada ULC and Chief Financial Officer of Reko International Group Inc., a publicly-held company.
Denise M. Faltischek

Denise M. Faltischek于2021年5月加入Tilray,现任首席战略官兼国际业务主管。在加入Tilray之前,Faltischek女士在2019年9月至2021年5月期间担任Aphria Inc.首席战略官,领导公司的全球战略,在将Aphria打造为全球大麻领导者方面发挥了关键作用,并监督医疗和国际业务。从2005年7月到2019年8月,法蒂舍克女士在The Hain Celestial Group, Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:HAIN)担任过多个职务,职责日益增加,该公司是一家领先的有机和天然产品公司,业务遍及北美、欧洲、亚洲和中东。从2018年4月至2019年8月,她担任执行副总裁兼首席战略官、公司秘书,在此之前从2009年10月至2018年4月担任总法律顾问。

Denise M. Faltischek于2021年5月加入Tilray,现任首席战略官兼国际业务主管。在加入Tilray之前,Faltischek女士在2019年9月至2021年5月期间担任Aphria Inc.首席战略官,领导公司的全球战略,在将Aphria打造为全球大麻领导者方面发挥了关键作用,并监督医疗和国际业务。从2005年7月到2019年8月,法蒂舍克女士在The Hain Celestial Group, Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:HAIN)担任过多个职务,职责日益增加,该公司是一家领先的有机和天然产品公司,业务遍及北美、欧洲、亚洲和中东。从2018年4月至2019年8月,她担任执行副总裁兼首席战略官、公司秘书,在此之前从2009年10月至2018年4月担任总法律顾问。
Mitchell Gendel

Mitchell Gendel于2020年5月加入Emerald,担任总法律顾问兼公司秘书。Gendel先生拥有超过30年的法律经验,包括上市公司证券和合规,就业和房地产事务,以及并购和融资/资本市场交易。他还拥有支持营销公司的经验和创意人才。在加入Emerald之前,Gendel先生于2019年11月至2020年5月担任Steel Partners的首席重组官,并于2004年11月至2019年8月担任MDC Partners的执行副总裁,总法律顾问兼公司秘书。加入MDC Partners之前,他曾担任Interpublic Group of Companies的副总裁兼副总法律顾问。Gendel先生拥有康奈尔大学心理学学士学位和埃默里大学法学院法学博士学位。

Mitchell Gendel joined Emerald as General Counsel and Corporate Secretary in May 2020. Mr. Gendel has over 30 years of legal experience, including public company securities and compliance, employment and real estate matters, as well as merger and acquisition and financing/capital market transactions. He also has experience supporting marketing companies and creative talent. Before joining Emerald, Mr. Gendel served as Chief Restructuring Officer of Steel Partners from November 2019 to May 2020 and as EVP, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary at MDC Partners from November 2004 to August 2019. Prior to joining MDC Partners, he served as Vice President and Associate General Counsel at Interpublic Group of Companies. Mr. Gendel has a B.A. in Psychology from Cornell University and a J.D. from Emory University School of Law.
Mitchell Gendel于2020年5月加入Emerald,担任总法律顾问兼公司秘书。Gendel先生拥有超过30年的法律经验,包括上市公司证券和合规,就业和房地产事务,以及并购和融资/资本市场交易。他还拥有支持营销公司的经验和创意人才。在加入Emerald之前,Gendel先生于2019年11月至2020年5月担任Steel Partners的首席重组官,并于2004年11月至2019年8月担任MDC Partners的执行副总裁,总法律顾问兼公司秘书。加入MDC Partners之前,他曾担任Interpublic Group of Companies的副总裁兼副总法律顾问。Gendel先生拥有康奈尔大学心理学学士学位和埃默里大学法学院法学博士学位。
Mitchell Gendel joined Emerald as General Counsel and Corporate Secretary in May 2020. Mr. Gendel has over 30 years of legal experience, including public company securities and compliance, employment and real estate matters, as well as merger and acquisition and financing/capital market transactions. He also has experience supporting marketing companies and creative talent. Before joining Emerald, Mr. Gendel served as Chief Restructuring Officer of Steel Partners from November 2019 to May 2020 and as EVP, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary at MDC Partners from November 2004 to August 2019. Prior to joining MDC Partners, he served as Vice President and Associate General Counsel at Interpublic Group of Companies. Mr. Gendel has a B.A. in Psychology from Cornell University and a J.D. from Emory University School of Law.
Roger Savell

Roger Savell于2022年3月加入Tilray,担任首席行政官。在加入Tilray之前,萨维尔曾在安永工作了三十九年,担任过多个行政职务。他最近担任审计合伙人,代表安永管理公司治理、萨班斯-奥克斯利法、会计和审计问题,为多家上市公司和私营公司服务。

Roger Savell,joined Tilray in March 2022 as Chief Administrative Officer. Prior to joining Tilray, Mr. Savell was employed by Ernst & Young for thirty-nine years in multiple executive roles. He most recently served as an Audit Partner managing corporate governance, Sarbanes-Oxley, accounting, and auditing issues, for a variety of public and private companies on behalf of Ernst & Young.
Roger Savell于2022年3月加入Tilray,担任首席行政官。在加入Tilray之前,萨维尔曾在安永工作了三十九年,担任过多个行政职务。他最近担任审计合伙人,代表安永管理公司治理、萨班斯-奥克斯利法、会计和审计问题,为多家上市公司和私营公司服务。
Roger Savell,joined Tilray in March 2022 as Chief Administrative Officer. Prior to joining Tilray, Mr. Savell was employed by Ernst & Young for thirty-nine years in multiple executive roles. He most recently served as an Audit Partner managing corporate governance, Sarbanes-Oxley, accounting, and auditing issues, for a variety of public and private companies on behalf of Ernst & Young.
Denise M. Faltischek

Denise M. Faltischek,她一直担任Whole Earth Brands, Inc.的董事(2020年6月以来)。她曾担任Tilray, Inc. (Nasdaq: TLRY, TSX: TLRY)的首席战略官(2021年5月以来),这是一家领先的全球大麻公司。此前,她曾担任Aphria Inc. (Nasdaq: APHA, TSX: TLRY)的首席战略官。从2019年9月到与Tilray, Inc.合并,她拥有超过15年的消费包装商品业务的领导和运营经验。在Tilray的现任职位上,她与Whole Earth Brands, Inc.的首席执行官合作,负责全球战略,并监督医疗和国际业务。从2005年7月到2019年8月,Faltischek女士在The Hain Celestial Group, Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:Hain)担任多个职务,不断增加责任,这是一家领先的有机和天然产品公司,在北美、欧洲、亚洲和中东运营。2013年11月至2018年4月,她担任Hain的执行副总裁、首席战略官、公司秘书。2010年10月至2013年11月,担任高级副总裁兼总法律顾问;2009年10月至2010年10月担任总法律顾问;2009年4月至2009年10月,担任高级副总法律顾问;2005年7月至2009年4月担任助理总法律顾问。在加入Hain之前,她曾任职Ruskin Moscou Faltischek, p.c。律师事务所,在那里她从事公司和证券法业务。

Denise M. Faltischek has served as a Director of Whole Earth Brands, Inc. since June 2020. She has served as Chief Strategy Officer of Tilray, Inc. (Nasdaq: TLRY, TSX: TLRY), a leading global cannabis company, since May 2021, and has previously served as Chief Strategy Officer of Aphria Inc. (Nasdaq: APHA, TSX: APHA), a leading global cannabis company, from September 2019 until its merger with Tilray, Inc. and has more than 15 years of leadership and operational experience in consumer-packaged goods businesses. In her current position, at Tilray, she collaborates with the CEO on Whole Earth Brands, Inc.'s global strategy and oversees the medical and international businesses. From July 2005 until August 2019, Ms. Faltischek served in numerous roles of increasing responsibility within The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: HAIN), a leading organic and natural products company with operations in North America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Prior to her role as Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer, Corporate Secretary of Hain, she served as Executive Vice President and General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer from November 2013 to April 2018; Senior Vice President and General Counsel from October 2010 to November 2013; General Counsel from October 2009 to October 2010; Senior Associate General Counsel from April 2009 to October 2009; and Associate General Counsel from July 2005 until April 2009. Prior to her employment with Hain, she was with the law firm of Ruskin Moscou Faltischek, P.C., where she practiced corporate and securities law.
Denise M. Faltischek,她一直担任Whole Earth Brands, Inc.的董事(2020年6月以来)。她曾担任Tilray, Inc. (Nasdaq: TLRY, TSX: TLRY)的首席战略官(2021年5月以来),这是一家领先的全球大麻公司。此前,她曾担任Aphria Inc. (Nasdaq: APHA, TSX: TLRY)的首席战略官。从2019年9月到与Tilray, Inc.合并,她拥有超过15年的消费包装商品业务的领导和运营经验。在Tilray的现任职位上,她与Whole Earth Brands, Inc.的首席执行官合作,负责全球战略,并监督医疗和国际业务。从2005年7月到2019年8月,Faltischek女士在The Hain Celestial Group, Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:Hain)担任多个职务,不断增加责任,这是一家领先的有机和天然产品公司,在北美、欧洲、亚洲和中东运营。2013年11月至2018年4月,她担任Hain的执行副总裁、首席战略官、公司秘书。2010年10月至2013年11月,担任高级副总裁兼总法律顾问;2009年10月至2010年10月担任总法律顾问;2009年4月至2009年10月,担任高级副总法律顾问;2005年7月至2009年4月担任助理总法律顾问。在加入Hain之前,她曾任职Ruskin Moscou Faltischek, p.c。律师事务所,在那里她从事公司和证券法业务。
Denise M. Faltischek has served as a Director of Whole Earth Brands, Inc. since June 2020. She has served as Chief Strategy Officer of Tilray, Inc. (Nasdaq: TLRY, TSX: TLRY), a leading global cannabis company, since May 2021, and has previously served as Chief Strategy Officer of Aphria Inc. (Nasdaq: APHA, TSX: APHA), a leading global cannabis company, from September 2019 until its merger with Tilray, Inc. and has more than 15 years of leadership and operational experience in consumer-packaged goods businesses. In her current position, at Tilray, she collaborates with the CEO on Whole Earth Brands, Inc.'s global strategy and oversees the medical and international businesses. From July 2005 until August 2019, Ms. Faltischek served in numerous roles of increasing responsibility within The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: HAIN), a leading organic and natural products company with operations in North America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Prior to her role as Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer, Corporate Secretary of Hain, she served as Executive Vice President and General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer from November 2013 to April 2018; Senior Vice President and General Counsel from October 2010 to November 2013; General Counsel from October 2009 to October 2010; Senior Associate General Counsel from April 2009 to October 2009; and Associate General Counsel from July 2005 until April 2009. Prior to her employment with Hain, she was with the law firm of Ruskin Moscou Faltischek, P.C., where she practiced corporate and securities law.
Irwin D. Simon

Irwin D. Simon,是一位商业高管,于1993年成立了The Hain Celestial Group,Inc.,并在纳斯达克交易。他将该集团打造成一家领先的全球有机和天然产品公司,并在2018年前担任董事长兼首席执行官。Simon先生目前担任在纽约证交所上市的全球领先大麻公司Aphria Inc.的董事长兼首席执行官。Simon先生还担任在纳斯达克上市的全球食品公司Whole Earth Brands,Inc.的执行主席。Simon此前曾在美国最大的零售书商巴诺股份有限公司(Barnes&Noble,Inc.)和全球消费品公司雅顿公司(Jarden Corp.)的董事会任职。此外,他还是路易斯安那州新奥尔良杜兰大学(Tulane University)董事会成员,也是纽约布鲁克林保利预科乡村日学校(Poly Prep Country Day School)的董事会成员。Simon先生还是魁北克省青少年冰球大联盟球队布雷顿角尖叫鹰队的多数股东,也是加拿大国家篮球联盟圣约翰边缘队的共同所有者。Simon先生目前担任首席独立董事。

Irwin D. Simon,is a member of Stagwell Inc. Board of Directors and serves as Lead Independent Director. Mr. Simon previously served as a member of MDC's Board of Directors since April 25, 2013. Mr. Simon is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Tilray Brands, Inc., a leading global cannabis-lifestyle and consumer packaged goods company traded on Nasdaq. In 2019, Mr. Simon joined and transformed Aphria Inc., a Canadian cannabis Licensed Producer, into a profitable global cannabis company with leading market share brands. At Aphria, Mr. Simon structured a reverse merger and acquisition of Tilray. In 1993, Mr. Simon founded The Hain Celestial Group, Inc., traded on Nasdaq, a leading, global organic and natural products company and served as its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer through 2018. Mr. Simon is also the Executive Chairman of Whole Earth Brands, Inc., a global food company traded on Nasdaq. Mr. Simon previously served on the boards of directors of Barnes & Noble, Inc. and Jarden Corp. In addition, he serves on the board of directors of Tulane University and is a member of the board of trustees at Poly Prep Country Day School. Mr. Simon is also the majority owner of the Cape Breton Eagles, a Quebec Major Junior Hockey League team and co-owner of St. John's Edge of the National Basketball League of Canada.
Irwin D. Simon,是一位商业高管,于1993年成立了The Hain Celestial Group,Inc.,并在纳斯达克交易。他将该集团打造成一家领先的全球有机和天然产品公司,并在2018年前担任董事长兼首席执行官。Simon先生目前担任在纽约证交所上市的全球领先大麻公司Aphria Inc.的董事长兼首席执行官。Simon先生还担任在纳斯达克上市的全球食品公司Whole Earth Brands,Inc.的执行主席。Simon此前曾在美国最大的零售书商巴诺股份有限公司(Barnes&Noble,Inc.)和全球消费品公司雅顿公司(Jarden Corp.)的董事会任职。此外,他还是路易斯安那州新奥尔良杜兰大学(Tulane University)董事会成员,也是纽约布鲁克林保利预科乡村日学校(Poly Prep Country Day School)的董事会成员。Simon先生还是魁北克省青少年冰球大联盟球队布雷顿角尖叫鹰队的多数股东,也是加拿大国家篮球联盟圣约翰边缘队的共同所有者。Simon先生目前担任首席独立董事。
Irwin D. Simon,is a member of Stagwell Inc. Board of Directors and serves as Lead Independent Director. Mr. Simon previously served as a member of MDC's Board of Directors since April 25, 2013. Mr. Simon is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Tilray Brands, Inc., a leading global cannabis-lifestyle and consumer packaged goods company traded on Nasdaq. In 2019, Mr. Simon joined and transformed Aphria Inc., a Canadian cannabis Licensed Producer, into a profitable global cannabis company with leading market share brands. At Aphria, Mr. Simon structured a reverse merger and acquisition of Tilray. In 1993, Mr. Simon founded The Hain Celestial Group, Inc., traded on Nasdaq, a leading, global organic and natural products company and served as its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer through 2018. Mr. Simon is also the Executive Chairman of Whole Earth Brands, Inc., a global food company traded on Nasdaq. Mr. Simon previously served on the boards of directors of Barnes & Noble, Inc. and Jarden Corp. In addition, he serves on the board of directors of Tulane University and is a member of the board of trustees at Poly Prep Country Day School. Mr. Simon is also the majority owner of the Cape Breton Eagles, a Quebec Major Junior Hockey League team and co-owner of St. John's Edge of the National Basketball League of Canada.