姓名 | 性别 | 职位 | 年龄 | 薪酬 | 持股数(万股) | 截止日期 |
Stewart Lor | 男 | CEO, President and Chairman of the Board | 60 | 62.88万美元 | 24.55 | 2024-04-30 |
Wei Jiang | 女 | Independent Director | 52 | 未披露 | 未持股 | 2024-04-30 |
Ruizhong Jiang | 男 | Independent Director | 60 | 未披露 | 未持股 | 2024-04-30 |
Tao QIU | 男 | Independent Director | 41 | 32.00万美元 | 未持股 | 2024-04-30 |
姓名 | 性别 | 职位 | 年龄 | 薪酬 | 持股数(万股) | 截止日期 |
Stewart Lor | 男 | CEO, President and Chairman of the Board | 60 | 62.88万美元 | 24.55 | 2024-04-30 |
Yuxia Xu | 女 | Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer | 51 | 9.89万美元 | 未持股 | 2024-04-30 |
Charles Tingru Ou | 男 | Chief Product Officer | 48 | 6.83万美元 | 未持股 | 2024-04-30 |
中英对照 |  中文 |  英文- Stewart Lor
Stewart Lor,是X3控股有限公司的联合创始人,并于2019年10月至2022年7月担任X3控股有限公司联席首席执行官兼董事会联席主席。自2022年7月29日Ban Lor先生辞去联席首席执行官兼董事会联席主席职务后,Stewart Lor先生一直担任X3控股有限公司唯一首席执行官兼董事会主席。Lor先生自2018年8月起担任X3控股有限公司董事会成员和X3控股有限公司首席财务官,自2019年10月起担任X3控股有限公司总裁。Lor先生于2022年4月15日不再担任公司首席财务官。此前,他曾在X3控股有限公司董事会任职,并于1997年10月至2006年9月担任X3控股有限公司首席运营官。Lor先生于1988年8月至1995年10月担任Lorons International Corporation总裁。他曾于2006年11月至2017年9月在Cmark Holdings Ltd.和Fanz Co.,Ltd.担任多个行政职务。他拥有纽约州立大学石溪分校的生物化学学士学位。
Stewart Lor,is a co-founder of X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. Company and served as X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. co-CEO and co-Chairman of the Board from October 2019 to July 2022. After Mr. Ban Lor's resignation from his position as the co-CEO and co-Chairman of the Board on July 29, 2022, Mr. Stewart Lor has been serving as X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. sole CEO and Chairman of the Board. Mr. Lor has been serving on X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. Board and as X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. CFO since August 2018, and as X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. President since October 2019. Mr. Lor ceased to act as the CFO of the Company on April 15, 2022. Previously, he served on X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. Board and as X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. Chief Operating Officer from October 1997 to September 2006. Mr. Lor served as President of Lorons International Corporation from August 1988 to October 1995. He had served various executive positions at Cmark Holdings Ltd. and Fanz Co., Ltd. from November 2006 to September 2017. He holds a B.S. in Biochemistry from State University of New York at Stony Brook. - Stewart Lor,是X3控股有限公司的联合创始人,并于2019年10月至2022年7月担任X3控股有限公司联席首席执行官兼董事会联席主席。自2022年7月29日Ban Lor先生辞去联席首席执行官兼董事会联席主席职务后,Stewart Lor先生一直担任X3控股有限公司唯一首席执行官兼董事会主席。Lor先生自2018年8月起担任X3控股有限公司董事会成员和X3控股有限公司首席财务官,自2019年10月起担任X3控股有限公司总裁。Lor先生于2022年4月15日不再担任公司首席财务官。此前,他曾在X3控股有限公司董事会任职,并于1997年10月至2006年9月担任X3控股有限公司首席运营官。Lor先生于1988年8月至1995年10月担任Lorons International Corporation总裁。他曾于2006年11月至2017年9月在Cmark Holdings Ltd.和Fanz Co.,Ltd.担任多个行政职务。他拥有纽约州立大学石溪分校的生物化学学士学位。
- Stewart Lor,is a co-founder of X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. Company and served as X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. co-CEO and co-Chairman of the Board from October 2019 to July 2022. After Mr. Ban Lor's resignation from his position as the co-CEO and co-Chairman of the Board on July 29, 2022, Mr. Stewart Lor has been serving as X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. sole CEO and Chairman of the Board. Mr. Lor has been serving on X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. Board and as X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. CFO since August 2018, and as X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. President since October 2019. Mr. Lor ceased to act as the CFO of the Company on April 15, 2022. Previously, he served on X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. Board and as X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. Chief Operating Officer from October 1997 to September 2006. Mr. Lor served as President of Lorons International Corporation from August 1988 to October 1995. He had served various executive positions at Cmark Holdings Ltd. and Fanz Co., Ltd. from November 2006 to September 2017. He holds a B.S. in Biochemistry from State University of New York at Stony Brook.
- Wei Jiang
Wei Jiang,被董事会任命为独立董事、提名委员会主席、薪酬委员会成员和审计委员会成员。Jiang女士在财务和会计领域拥有超过25年的经验。从1995年至今,她分别担任投资管理公司Cmark Capital的首席财务官、铝业生产商和分销商中国铝业公司的高级会计师,以及上市公司Hipping Group的财务经理。Jiang女士获得中国石油大学财务管理学士学位,是一名注册会计师。
Wei Jiang,is an independent director of the Company. Ms. Jiang has over twenty years of experiences in the finance and accounting field. Previously, she served as a CFO at Cmark Capital, an investment management firm, Senior Accountant at Aluminum Corporation of China, an aluminum producer and distributor, and Financial Manager at Hiking Group, a publicly listed company. Ms. Jiang holds a bachelor's degree in Financial Management from China University of Petroleum and is a Certified Accountant. - Wei Jiang,被董事会任命为独立董事、提名委员会主席、薪酬委员会成员和审计委员会成员。Jiang女士在财务和会计领域拥有超过25年的经验。从1995年至今,她分别担任投资管理公司Cmark Capital的首席财务官、铝业生产商和分销商中国铝业公司的高级会计师,以及上市公司Hipping Group的财务经理。Jiang女士获得中国石油大学财务管理学士学位,是一名注册会计师。
- Wei Jiang,is an independent director of the Company. Ms. Jiang has over twenty years of experiences in the finance and accounting field. Previously, she served as a CFO at Cmark Capital, an investment management firm, Senior Accountant at Aluminum Corporation of China, an aluminum producer and distributor, and Financial Manager at Hiking Group, a publicly listed company. Ms. Jiang holds a bachelor's degree in Financial Management from China University of Petroleum and is a Certified Accountant.
- Ruizhong Jiang
Ruizhong Jiang 被任命为董事会独立董事,并担任提名委员会主席、薪酬委员会和审计委员会委员。 Jiang 教授是国际石油工程师学会和中国石油学会的会员,在石油和天然气行业拥有丰富的经验。 1993年起任中国石油东华大学讲师、教授、博士生导师,在石油天然气工程研究与开发方面多次获得著名奖项。 Jiang 教授拥有西南石油大学油气开发工程博士学位和中国石油大学油气开发工程硕士学位。
Ruizhong Jiang,is an independent director of the Company and as the Chairman of the Nominating Committee and a member of the Compensation Committee and the Audit Committee of the Board of the Company. As a highly respected expert in the field of oil and natural gas engineering, Dr. Jiang is a member of the International Society of Petroleum Engineers and China Petroleum Society. He has served as a lecturer, professor and doctoral tutor in China University of Petroleum and has received numerous acclaims and awards on his research and education in oil and natural gas engineering. Dr. Jiang holds a PhD degree in Oil and Gas Development Engineering from Southwest Petroleum University and a master's degree in Oil and Gas Development Engineering from China University of Petroleum. - Ruizhong Jiang 被任命为董事会独立董事,并担任提名委员会主席、薪酬委员会和审计委员会委员。 Jiang 教授是国际石油工程师学会和中国石油学会的会员,在石油和天然气行业拥有丰富的经验。 1993年起任中国石油东华大学讲师、教授、博士生导师,在石油天然气工程研究与开发方面多次获得著名奖项。 Jiang 教授拥有西南石油大学油气开发工程博士学位和中国石油大学油气开发工程硕士学位。
- Ruizhong Jiang,is an independent director of the Company and as the Chairman of the Nominating Committee and a member of the Compensation Committee and the Audit Committee of the Board of the Company. As a highly respected expert in the field of oil and natural gas engineering, Dr. Jiang is a member of the International Society of Petroleum Engineers and China Petroleum Society. He has served as a lecturer, professor and doctoral tutor in China University of Petroleum and has received numerous acclaims and awards on his research and education in oil and natural gas engineering. Dr. Jiang holds a PhD degree in Oil and Gas Development Engineering from Southwest Petroleum University and a master's degree in Oil and Gas Development Engineering from China University of Petroleum.
- Tao QIU
Tao QIU,为公司独立董事,担任公司董事会薪酬委员会主席及提名委员会、审计委员会委员。作为一名经验丰富的专业人士,邱先生在金融、并购、企业品牌方面有着广泛的背景。他在几家全球企业成功首次公开募股期间为其提供建议方面发挥了关键作用,并为知名投资基金提供了战略见解。邱先生在Design Factory International的传播艺术与新媒体学院获得学士学位,在德国品牌应用技术大学获得硕士学位。他目前在英国伦敦帝国理工学院攻读经济学博士学位。
Tao QIU,is an independent director of the Company and serves the Chairman of the Compensation Committee and a member of the Nominating Committee and the Audit Committee of the Board of the Company. As a seasoned professional, Mr. Qiu has an extensive background in finance, mergers and acquisitions, and corporate branding. He has been pivotal in advising several global enterprises during their successful initial public offerings and has provided strategic insights to prominent investment funds. Mr. Qiu obtained his bachelor's degree from Design Factory International's College of Communication Art and New Media and his master's degree from Brand University of Applied Sciences in Germany. He is currently pursuing a PhD degree in Economics at Imperial College London in the United Kingdom. - Tao QIU,为公司独立董事,担任公司董事会薪酬委员会主席及提名委员会、审计委员会委员。作为一名经验丰富的专业人士,邱先生在金融、并购、企业品牌方面有着广泛的背景。他在几家全球企业成功首次公开募股期间为其提供建议方面发挥了关键作用,并为知名投资基金提供了战略见解。邱先生在Design Factory International的传播艺术与新媒体学院获得学士学位,在德国品牌应用技术大学获得硕士学位。他目前在英国伦敦帝国理工学院攻读经济学博士学位。
- Tao QIU,is an independent director of the Company and serves the Chairman of the Compensation Committee and a member of the Nominating Committee and the Audit Committee of the Board of the Company. As a seasoned professional, Mr. Qiu has an extensive background in finance, mergers and acquisitions, and corporate branding. He has been pivotal in advising several global enterprises during their successful initial public offerings and has provided strategic insights to prominent investment funds. Mr. Qiu obtained his bachelor's degree from Design Factory International's College of Communication Art and New Media and his master's degree from Brand University of Applied Sciences in Germany. He is currently pursuing a PhD degree in Economics at Imperial College London in the United Kingdom.
中英对照 |  中文 |  英文- Stewart Lor
Stewart Lor,是X3控股有限公司的联合创始人,并于2019年10月至2022年7月担任X3控股有限公司联席首席执行官兼董事会联席主席。自2022年7月29日Ban Lor先生辞去联席首席执行官兼董事会联席主席职务后,Stewart Lor先生一直担任X3控股有限公司唯一首席执行官兼董事会主席。Lor先生自2018年8月起担任X3控股有限公司董事会成员和X3控股有限公司首席财务官,自2019年10月起担任X3控股有限公司总裁。Lor先生于2022年4月15日不再担任公司首席财务官。此前,他曾在X3控股有限公司董事会任职,并于1997年10月至2006年9月担任X3控股有限公司首席运营官。Lor先生于1988年8月至1995年10月担任Lorons International Corporation总裁。他曾于2006年11月至2017年9月在Cmark Holdings Ltd.和Fanz Co.,Ltd.担任多个行政职务。他拥有纽约州立大学石溪分校的生物化学学士学位。
Stewart Lor,is a co-founder of X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. Company and served as X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. co-CEO and co-Chairman of the Board from October 2019 to July 2022. After Mr. Ban Lor's resignation from his position as the co-CEO and co-Chairman of the Board on July 29, 2022, Mr. Stewart Lor has been serving as X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. sole CEO and Chairman of the Board. Mr. Lor has been serving on X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. Board and as X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. CFO since August 2018, and as X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. President since October 2019. Mr. Lor ceased to act as the CFO of the Company on April 15, 2022. Previously, he served on X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. Board and as X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. Chief Operating Officer from October 1997 to September 2006. Mr. Lor served as President of Lorons International Corporation from August 1988 to October 1995. He had served various executive positions at Cmark Holdings Ltd. and Fanz Co., Ltd. from November 2006 to September 2017. He holds a B.S. in Biochemistry from State University of New York at Stony Brook.- Stewart Lor,是X3控股有限公司的联合创始人,并于2019年10月至2022年7月担任X3控股有限公司联席首席执行官兼董事会联席主席。自2022年7月29日Ban Lor先生辞去联席首席执行官兼董事会联席主席职务后,Stewart Lor先生一直担任X3控股有限公司唯一首席执行官兼董事会主席。Lor先生自2018年8月起担任X3控股有限公司董事会成员和X3控股有限公司首席财务官,自2019年10月起担任X3控股有限公司总裁。Lor先生于2022年4月15日不再担任公司首席财务官。此前,他曾在X3控股有限公司董事会任职,并于1997年10月至2006年9月担任X3控股有限公司首席运营官。Lor先生于1988年8月至1995年10月担任Lorons International Corporation总裁。他曾于2006年11月至2017年9月在Cmark Holdings Ltd.和Fanz Co.,Ltd.担任多个行政职务。他拥有纽约州立大学石溪分校的生物化学学士学位。
- Stewart Lor,is a co-founder of X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. Company and served as X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. co-CEO and co-Chairman of the Board from October 2019 to July 2022. After Mr. Ban Lor's resignation from his position as the co-CEO and co-Chairman of the Board on July 29, 2022, Mr. Stewart Lor has been serving as X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. sole CEO and Chairman of the Board. Mr. Lor has been serving on X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. Board and as X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. CFO since August 2018, and as X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. President since October 2019. Mr. Lor ceased to act as the CFO of the Company on April 15, 2022. Previously, he served on X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. Board and as X3 Holdings Co., Ltd. Chief Operating Officer from October 1997 to September 2006. Mr. Lor served as President of Lorons International Corporation from August 1988 to October 1995. He had served various executive positions at Cmark Holdings Ltd. and Fanz Co., Ltd. from November 2006 to September 2017. He holds a B.S. in Biochemistry from State University of New York at Stony Brook.
- Yuxia Xu
Yuxia Xu 获委任为Powerbridge Technologies Co., Ltd.首席财务官兼首席运营官,自2022年5月1日起生效。Xu 女士在资本市场、会计管理、信息技术和管理咨询领域是一位经验丰富且久经考验的专业人士。 她自 2017 年起担任公司高级顾问,此前曾担任多个管理和运营职务,包括:娱乐科技公司 Fanz Corporation 的首席运营官; 金融服务和投资公司 Cmark Capital 的董事总经理; Ntechnology 的副总裁,软件供应商和会计软件公司 Goldenspider 的高级软件工程师。 Xu 女士拥有大连理工大学应用数学理学硕士学位。
Yuxia Xu,is appointed as Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer of the Company, with effect from May 1, 2022, and appointed as an executive director of the Company on October 28, 2022. Ms. Xu is a seasoned and proven professional in the fields of capital markets, accounting management, information technology and management consulting. She had served as a Senior Consultant to the Company since 2017 and had previously held various management and operations positions, including: Chief Operating Officer at Fanz Corporation, an entertainment technology company; Managing Director at Cmark Capital, a financial services and investment firm; Vice President at Ntechnology, a software provider and Senior Software Engineer at Goldenspider, an accounting software company. Ms. Xu holds a Master of Science in Applied Mathematics from Dalian University of Technology.- Yuxia Xu 获委任为Powerbridge Technologies Co., Ltd.首席财务官兼首席运营官,自2022年5月1日起生效。Xu 女士在资本市场、会计管理、信息技术和管理咨询领域是一位经验丰富且久经考验的专业人士。 她自 2017 年起担任公司高级顾问,此前曾担任多个管理和运营职务,包括:娱乐科技公司 Fanz Corporation 的首席运营官; 金融服务和投资公司 Cmark Capital 的董事总经理; Ntechnology 的副总裁,软件供应商和会计软件公司 Goldenspider 的高级软件工程师。 Xu 女士拥有大连理工大学应用数学理学硕士学位。
- Yuxia Xu,is appointed as Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer of the Company, with effect from May 1, 2022, and appointed as an executive director of the Company on October 28, 2022. Ms. Xu is a seasoned and proven professional in the fields of capital markets, accounting management, information technology and management consulting. She had served as a Senior Consultant to the Company since 2017 and had previously held various management and operations positions, including: Chief Operating Officer at Fanz Corporation, an entertainment technology company; Managing Director at Cmark Capital, a financial services and investment firm; Vice President at Ntechnology, a software provider and Senior Software Engineer at Goldenspider, an accounting software company. Ms. Xu holds a Master of Science in Applied Mathematics from Dalian University of Technology.
- Charles Tingru Ou
Charles Tingru Ou,一位经验丰富的技术专业人士,在国际贸易应用的数字和信息技术方面拥有丰富的经验。他曾在跨境贸易相关技术公司担任多个管理职位,在海关合规、贸易物流和供应链的系统和平台开发的架构设计和规划方面具有专长。欧先生是江西科技师范学院的毕业生。
Charles Tingru Ou,currently serves as the Chief Product Officer of the Company. Mr. Ou, a seasoned technology professional, has extensive experience in digital and information technologies for international trade applications. He had served various managerial positions at cross-border trade related technology companies with expertise in architectural design and planning of system and platform development for customs compliance, trade logistics and supply chain. Mr. Ou is a graduate of Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University.- Charles Tingru Ou,一位经验丰富的技术专业人士,在国际贸易应用的数字和信息技术方面拥有丰富的经验。他曾在跨境贸易相关技术公司担任多个管理职位,在海关合规、贸易物流和供应链的系统和平台开发的架构设计和规划方面具有专长。欧先生是江西科技师范学院的毕业生。
- Charles Tingru Ou,currently serves as the Chief Product Officer of the Company. Mr. Ou, a seasoned technology professional, has extensive experience in digital and information technologies for international trade applications. He had served various managerial positions at cross-border trade related technology companies with expertise in architectural design and planning of system and platform development for customs compliance, trade logistics and supply chain. Mr. Ou is a graduate of Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University.