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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
孙雷 Chairman of the Board 43 未披露 6443.35 2023-05-16
刘磊 Chief Executive Officer and Chief Risk Officer and Director 41 未披露 584.76 2023-05-16
Yifan Ren Vice chairman of the Board 40 未披露 4358.34 2023-05-16
Changxing Xiao Director 50 未披露 1392.03 2023-05-16
Fangxiong Gong Independent Director 59 未披露 未持股 2023-05-16
欧阳宇平 Independent Director 48 未披露 未持股 2023-05-16



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
刘磊 Chief Executive Officer and Chief Risk Officer and Director 41 未披露 584.76 2023-05-16
Li Zhang Chief Financial Officer 47 未披露 未持股 2023-05-16


中英对照 |  中文 |  英文


Lei Sun,has been 9f Inc. director since January 2014, and 9f Inc. chairman of the board of directors since November 2017. Prior to founding 9f Inc. in August 2006, Mr. Sun was a senior manager at the head office of China Minsheng Bank (HKEX: 1988) from September 2005 to August 2006. From August 2005 to September 2005, Mr. Sun served as a department head with Digital China Group Co., Ltd. (SZ: 000034) in charge of the development of internet financing products. Prior to that, Mr. Sun served as a director of banking service department with Taihe Chengxin Investment Co., Ltd. from August 2004. From March 2003 to August 2004, Mr. Sun served as the department head of financial services department of Hi Sun Technology (China) Limited (HKEX: 0818). Mr. Sun received his bachelor's degree in finance and EMBA from Peking University in 2003 and 2013, respectively.
Lei Sun,has been 9f Inc. director since January 2014, and 9f Inc. chairman of the board of directors since November 2017. Prior to founding 9f Inc. in August 2006, Mr. Sun was a senior manager at the head office of China Minsheng Bank (HKEX: 1988) from September 2005 to August 2006. From August 2005 to September 2005, Mr. Sun served as a department head with Digital China Group Co., Ltd. (SZ: 000034) in charge of the development of internet financing products. Prior to that, Mr. Sun served as a director of banking service department with Taihe Chengxin Investment Co., Ltd. from August 2004. From March 2003 to August 2004, Mr. Sun served as the department head of financial services department of Hi Sun Technology (China) Limited (HKEX: 0818). Mr. Sun received his bachelor's degree in finance and EMBA from Peking University in 2003 and 2013, respectively.

刘磊,联合创始人、集团行政总裁、集团首席风控官,学士,北京大学光华管理学院EMBA,上海财经大学金融学与经济统计学双学士。2007年初加盟玖富。分管集团总体风险管理工作,对集团消费分期业务进行风险分析、监管、管理 以及处置工作负责。曾任职中国民生银行(1988.HK)总行零售银行事业部小微信贷首席产品经理,深圳分行零售银行业务高级经理;擅长个人信贷产品设计,小微信贷营销组织。曾为中国农业银行总行、民生银行等机构提供业务咨询服务,擅长的领域为个人信用贷款评估、小微金融体系建设及个人金融资产管理。

Lei Liu,is 9f Inc. co-founder and has served as 9f Inc. director since August 2019, 9f Inc. president since April 2020, 9f Inc. chief risk officer since June 2020, and 9f Inc. chief executive officer since August 2020. Previously, Mr. Liu served as 9f Inc. executive president and chief risk officer. Prior to founding 9f Inc. business, Mr. Liu worked as the senior product manager of the retail banking department of the head office of China Minsheng Bank (HKEX: 1988) from 2006 through 2007, responsible for developing personal loan products. Prior to that, Mr. Liu served as a supervisor of personal finance business with the Shenzhen branch of China Minsheng Bank, responsible for business development and product design since 2003. Mr. Liu received his bachelor's degree in economics from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics in 2003, and his EMBA degree from Peking University in 2018.
刘磊,联合创始人、集团行政总裁、集团首席风控官,学士,北京大学光华管理学院EMBA,上海财经大学金融学与经济统计学双学士。2007年初加盟玖富。分管集团总体风险管理工作,对集团消费分期业务进行风险分析、监管、管理 以及处置工作负责。曾任职中国民生银行(1988.HK)总行零售银行事业部小微信贷首席产品经理,深圳分行零售银行业务高级经理;擅长个人信贷产品设计,小微信贷营销组织。曾为中国农业银行总行、民生银行等机构提供业务咨询服务,擅长的领域为个人信用贷款评估、小微金融体系建设及个人金融资产管理。
Lei Liu,is 9f Inc. co-founder and has served as 9f Inc. director since August 2019, 9f Inc. president since April 2020, 9f Inc. chief risk officer since June 2020, and 9f Inc. chief executive officer since August 2020. Previously, Mr. Liu served as 9f Inc. executive president and chief risk officer. Prior to founding 9f Inc. business, Mr. Liu worked as the senior product manager of the retail banking department of the head office of China Minsheng Bank (HKEX: 1988) from 2006 through 2007, responsible for developing personal loan products. Prior to that, Mr. Liu served as a supervisor of personal finance business with the Shenzhen branch of China Minsheng Bank, responsible for business development and product design since 2003. Mr. Liu received his bachelor's degree in economics from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics in 2003, and his EMBA degree from Peking University in 2018.
Yifan Ren

Yifan Ren,曾担任9f公司董事。自2020年6月起担任9f Inc.董事会副主席。Ren先生自2012年6月起担任Beijing Aidi Telecommunication Co., Ltd.总经理。2009年1月至2012年6月,Ren先生在Beijing Tiantianfeidu Information Technology Co., Ltd.担任总经理。2005年6月至2006年6月,Ren先生在北京新闻广播电台担任制片人。他于2005年获得北京大学新闻学学士学位,2009年获得Fordham University媒体与传播硕士学位。

Yifan Ren,has been a director of 9f Inc. Company since January 2014, and 9f Inc. vice chairman of the board of directors since June 2020. Mr. Ren has been serving as the general manager of Beijing Aidi Telecommunication Co., Ltd. since June 2012. From January 2009 to June 2012, Mr. Ren worked with Beijing Tiantianfeidu Information Technology Co., Ltd. as the general manager. Between June 2005 and June 2006, Mr. Ren worked as a producer with Beijing News Radio. Mr. Ren received his bachelor's degree in journalism from Peking University in 2005 and his master's degree in media & communications from Fordham University in 2009.
Yifan Ren,曾担任9f公司董事。自2020年6月起担任9f Inc.董事会副主席。Ren先生自2012年6月起担任Beijing Aidi Telecommunication Co., Ltd.总经理。2009年1月至2012年6月,Ren先生在Beijing Tiantianfeidu Information Technology Co., Ltd.担任总经理。2005年6月至2006年6月,Ren先生在北京新闻广播电台担任制片人。他于2005年获得北京大学新闻学学士学位,2009年获得Fordham University媒体与传播硕士学位。
Yifan Ren,has been a director of 9f Inc. Company since January 2014, and 9f Inc. vice chairman of the board of directors since June 2020. Mr. Ren has been serving as the general manager of Beijing Aidi Telecommunication Co., Ltd. since June 2012. From January 2009 to June 2012, Mr. Ren worked with Beijing Tiantianfeidu Information Technology Co., Ltd. as the general manager. Between June 2005 and June 2006, Mr. Ren worked as a producer with Beijing News Radio. Mr. Ren received his bachelor's degree in journalism from Peking University in 2005 and his master's degree in media & communications from Fordham University in 2009.
Changxing Xiao

Changxing Xiao自2014年1月起担任本公司董事。肖先生于2014年创立了威尔猎头资本公司(Will Hunting Capital),自成立以来一直担任合伙人。2001年至2013年,肖先生担任北京喜善先进商务解决方案信息技术有限公司首席执行官兼董事会主席。1995年至2000年在北京方正订单计算机系统有限公司任系主任,1995年在北京大学获得国际金融学士学位。

Changxing Xiao,has been a director of 9f Inc. Company since January 2014. Mr. Xiao founded Will Hunting Capital in 2014 and has been serving as a partner since its inception. From 2001 to 2013, Mr. Xiao served as the chief executive officer and chairman of the board of Beijing Hi Sun Advanced Business Solutions Information Technology Limited. From 1995 to 2000, Mr. Xiao served as a department head with Beijing Founder Order Computer System Co., Ltd. Mr. Xiao received his bachelor's degree in international finance from Peking University in 1995.
Changxing Xiao自2014年1月起担任本公司董事。肖先生于2014年创立了威尔猎头资本公司(Will Hunting Capital),自成立以来一直担任合伙人。2001年至2013年,肖先生担任北京喜善先进商务解决方案信息技术有限公司首席执行官兼董事会主席。1995年至2000年在北京方正订单计算机系统有限公司任系主任,1995年在北京大学获得国际金融学士学位。
Changxing Xiao,has been a director of 9f Inc. Company since January 2014. Mr. Xiao founded Will Hunting Capital in 2014 and has been serving as a partner since its inception. From 2001 to 2013, Mr. Xiao served as the chief executive officer and chairman of the board of Beijing Hi Sun Advanced Business Solutions Information Technology Limited. From 1995 to 2000, Mr. Xiao served as a department head with Beijing Founder Order Computer System Co., Ltd. Mr. Xiao received his bachelor's degree in international finance from Peking University in 1995.
Fangxiong Gong

Fangxiong Gong自2019年8月起担任9f Inc.独立董事。自2016年11月起,Gong现为First seaffront Financial Limited的第1类(证券交易)、第4类(证券咨询)及第9类(资产管理)受规管活动的负责人;自2018年9月起,他亦为First seaffront International Capital Limited的第1类(证券交易)及第6类(企业融资)受规管活动的负责人。Gong博士目前担任Bank of Shanghai Co., Ltd.(上海证券交易所上市公司:601229)的独立非执行董事。2009年9月至2015年4月,Gong博士担任JPMorgan Securities(亚太)有限公司董事总经理和JPMorgan Securities中国投资银行业务主席,并领导JPMorgan Securities中国投资银行业务。2004年6月至2009年8月,Gong博士担任JPMorgan Securities中国研究/策略主管和首席经济学家,领导JPMorgan Securities中国研究团队,涵盖股票研究、市场策略、宏观经济和外汇汇率。Gong博士还共同领导摩根大通新兴市场亚洲市场研究和策略。在加入JPMorgan Securities之前,从1997年9月到2004年5月,Gong博士是美国银行全球货币和利率研究的首席策略师和联席主管。从1995年到1997年,Gong博士是纽约联邦储备银行的经济学家,他的职责包括研究和向联邦公开市场委员会提交政策。Gong博士持有University of Pennsylvania金融经济学博士学位,在Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania和University of Pennsylvania经济系共同完成博士论文,在Temple University in Philadelphia获得物理学硕士学位,在北京大学获得运筹学与经济学硕士学位和物理学学士学位。

Fangxiong Gong,has served as 9f Inc. independent director since August 2019.Dr. Gong is currently a responsible officer of First Seafront Financial Limited, in respect of Type 1 (Dealing in Securities), 4 (Advising on Securities) and 9 (Asset Management) regulated activities since November 2016 and a responsible officer of First Seafront International Capital Limited, in respect of Type 1 (Dealing in Securities) and 6 (Corporate Finance) regulated activities since September 2018. Dr. Gong currently serves as an independent non-executive director of Bank of Shanghai Co., Ltd. (SSE:601229), a company listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. From September 2009 to April 2015, Dr. Gong served as a Managing Director of JPMorgan Securities (Asia Pacific) Ltd and Chairman of JPM China Investment Banking, and led JPMorgan China investment banking business. From June 2004 to August 2009, Dr. Gong acted as Head of JPMorgan China Research / Strategy and Chief Economist, leading JPMorgan's China research team covering equity research, market strategy, macro and foreign exchange rates. Dr. Gong also co-headed JPMorgan EM Asia market research and strategy. Before his career at JPMorgan, Dr. Gong was the Chief Strategist and Co-Head of Global Currency and Rates Research at Bank of America from September 1997 to May 2004. Dr. Gong was an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York from 1995 to 1997, where his duties included research and policy submissions to the Federal Open Market Committee. Dr. Gong holds a Ph.D. in Financial Economics from the University of Pennsylvania, with the Ph.D. thesis jointly done in the Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania and the Economics Department of the University of Pennsylvania, an M.S. in Physics from Temple University in Philadelphia, an M.A. in Operation Research and Economics and a B.S. in Physics from Peking University.
Fangxiong Gong自2019年8月起担任9f Inc.独立董事。自2016年11月起,Gong现为First seaffront Financial Limited的第1类(证券交易)、第4类(证券咨询)及第9类(资产管理)受规管活动的负责人;自2018年9月起,他亦为First seaffront International Capital Limited的第1类(证券交易)及第6类(企业融资)受规管活动的负责人。Gong博士目前担任Bank of Shanghai Co., Ltd.(上海证券交易所上市公司:601229)的独立非执行董事。2009年9月至2015年4月,Gong博士担任JPMorgan Securities(亚太)有限公司董事总经理和JPMorgan Securities中国投资银行业务主席,并领导JPMorgan Securities中国投资银行业务。2004年6月至2009年8月,Gong博士担任JPMorgan Securities中国研究/策略主管和首席经济学家,领导JPMorgan Securities中国研究团队,涵盖股票研究、市场策略、宏观经济和外汇汇率。Gong博士还共同领导摩根大通新兴市场亚洲市场研究和策略。在加入JPMorgan Securities之前,从1997年9月到2004年5月,Gong博士是美国银行全球货币和利率研究的首席策略师和联席主管。从1995年到1997年,Gong博士是纽约联邦储备银行的经济学家,他的职责包括研究和向联邦公开市场委员会提交政策。Gong博士持有University of Pennsylvania金融经济学博士学位,在Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania和University of Pennsylvania经济系共同完成博士论文,在Temple University in Philadelphia获得物理学硕士学位,在北京大学获得运筹学与经济学硕士学位和物理学学士学位。
Fangxiong Gong,has served as 9f Inc. independent director since August 2019.Dr. Gong is currently a responsible officer of First Seafront Financial Limited, in respect of Type 1 (Dealing in Securities), 4 (Advising on Securities) and 9 (Asset Management) regulated activities since November 2016 and a responsible officer of First Seafront International Capital Limited, in respect of Type 1 (Dealing in Securities) and 6 (Corporate Finance) regulated activities since September 2018. Dr. Gong currently serves as an independent non-executive director of Bank of Shanghai Co., Ltd. (SSE:601229), a company listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. From September 2009 to April 2015, Dr. Gong served as a Managing Director of JPMorgan Securities (Asia Pacific) Ltd and Chairman of JPM China Investment Banking, and led JPMorgan China investment banking business. From June 2004 to August 2009, Dr. Gong acted as Head of JPMorgan China Research / Strategy and Chief Economist, leading JPMorgan's China research team covering equity research, market strategy, macro and foreign exchange rates. Dr. Gong also co-headed JPMorgan EM Asia market research and strategy. Before his career at JPMorgan, Dr. Gong was the Chief Strategist and Co-Head of Global Currency and Rates Research at Bank of America from September 1997 to May 2004. Dr. Gong was an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York from 1995 to 1997, where his duties included research and policy submissions to the Federal Open Market Committee. Dr. Gong holds a Ph.D. in Financial Economics from the University of Pennsylvania, with the Ph.D. thesis jointly done in the Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania and the Economics Department of the University of Pennsylvania, an M.S. in Physics from Temple University in Philadelphia, an M.A. in Operation Research and Economics and a B.S. in Physics from Peking University.


Yuping Ouyang,has served as 9f Inc. independent director since August, 2021. Ms. Ouyang has served as chief financial officer and Secretary to the board of director of Gowin Semiconductor Corporation since February 2021. Prior to that, Ms. Ouyang served as chief financial officer of China Techfaith Wireless Communication Technology Limited, a Cayman Islands company listed on the Nasdaq Global Market, since August 2008. From September 2004 to August 2008, Ms. Ouyang worked in various finance positions at China Techfaith, including as its US GAAP reporting manager and chief accounting officer. Prior to joining China Techfaith, she served as an accounting manager at Guangzhou Metro Corporation. Ms. Ouyang received her MBA from the Sun Yat-sen University in 2006 and her bachelor's degree in management from the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies in 1996. Ms. Ouyang is also a licensed member of the Certified Public Accountants of Washington State and a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.
Yuping Ouyang,has served as 9f Inc. independent director since August, 2021. Ms. Ouyang has served as chief financial officer and Secretary to the board of director of Gowin Semiconductor Corporation since February 2021. Prior to that, Ms. Ouyang served as chief financial officer of China Techfaith Wireless Communication Technology Limited, a Cayman Islands company listed on the Nasdaq Global Market, since August 2008. From September 2004 to August 2008, Ms. Ouyang worked in various finance positions at China Techfaith, including as its US GAAP reporting manager and chief accounting officer. Prior to joining China Techfaith, she served as an accounting manager at Guangzhou Metro Corporation. Ms. Ouyang received her MBA from the Sun Yat-sen University in 2006 and her bachelor's degree in management from the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies in 1996. Ms. Ouyang is also a licensed member of the Certified Public Accountants of Washington State and a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.


中英对照 |  中文 |  英文

刘磊,联合创始人、集团行政总裁、集团首席风控官,学士,北京大学光华管理学院EMBA,上海财经大学金融学与经济统计学双学士。2007年初加盟玖富。分管集团总体风险管理工作,对集团消费分期业务进行风险分析、监管、管理 以及处置工作负责。曾任职中国民生银行(1988.HK)总行零售银行事业部小微信贷首席产品经理,深圳分行零售银行业务高级经理;擅长个人信贷产品设计,小微信贷营销组织。曾为中国农业银行总行、民生银行等机构提供业务咨询服务,擅长的领域为个人信用贷款评估、小微金融体系建设及个人金融资产管理。

Lei Liu,is 9f Inc. co-founder and has served as 9f Inc. director since August 2019, 9f Inc. president since April 2020, 9f Inc. chief risk officer since June 2020, and 9f Inc. chief executive officer since August 2020. Previously, Mr. Liu served as 9f Inc. executive president and chief risk officer. Prior to founding 9f Inc. business, Mr. Liu worked as the senior product manager of the retail banking department of the head office of China Minsheng Bank (HKEX: 1988) from 2006 through 2007, responsible for developing personal loan products. Prior to that, Mr. Liu served as a supervisor of personal finance business with the Shenzhen branch of China Minsheng Bank, responsible for business development and product design since 2003. Mr. Liu received his bachelor's degree in economics from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics in 2003, and his EMBA degree from Peking University in 2018.
刘磊,联合创始人、集团行政总裁、集团首席风控官,学士,北京大学光华管理学院EMBA,上海财经大学金融学与经济统计学双学士。2007年初加盟玖富。分管集团总体风险管理工作,对集团消费分期业务进行风险分析、监管、管理 以及处置工作负责。曾任职中国民生银行(1988.HK)总行零售银行事业部小微信贷首席产品经理,深圳分行零售银行业务高级经理;擅长个人信贷产品设计,小微信贷营销组织。曾为中国农业银行总行、民生银行等机构提供业务咨询服务,擅长的领域为个人信用贷款评估、小微金融体系建设及个人金融资产管理。
Lei Liu,is 9f Inc. co-founder and has served as 9f Inc. director since August 2019, 9f Inc. president since April 2020, 9f Inc. chief risk officer since June 2020, and 9f Inc. chief executive officer since August 2020. Previously, Mr. Liu served as 9f Inc. executive president and chief risk officer. Prior to founding 9f Inc. business, Mr. Liu worked as the senior product manager of the retail banking department of the head office of China Minsheng Bank (HKEX: 1988) from 2006 through 2007, responsible for developing personal loan products. Prior to that, Mr. Liu served as a supervisor of personal finance business with the Shenzhen branch of China Minsheng Bank, responsible for business development and product design since 2003. Mr. Liu received his bachelor's degree in economics from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics in 2003, and his EMBA degree from Peking University in 2018.
Li Zhang

Li Zhang自2019年起担任玖富数科科技集团有限责任公司内部审计和内部控制总监。加入玖富数科科技集团有限责任公司之前,她曾于2018年至2019年担任Agile Fund首席财务官,这是一家专注于中国科技、媒体和电信、体育、健身和健康相关行业的风险投资公司。在此之前,她曾担任USANA Health Sciences的风险和合规总监,并于2015年至2018年负责与USANA Health Sciences在中国运营相关的审计和合规事宜。她还于2005年至2015年在普华永道担任高级管理人员。她于 1999 年获得中北大学计算机应用技术学士学位,并持有清华大学工商管理硕士学位。

Li Zhang,has served as 9f Inc. chief financial officer since May 2021 and 9f Inc. director of internal audit and internal control since 2019. Before joining 9f Inc. , Ms. Zhang served as chief financial officer of Agile Fund, a venture capital firm focusing on the technology, media and telecom, sports, fitness and wellness-related sectors in China, from 2018 to 2019. Prior to that time, Ms. Zhang served as director of risk and Compliance of USANA Health Sciences, Inc. and was in charge of audit and compliance matters relating the company's operation in China from 2015 to 2018. Ms. Zhang also worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers as a senior manager from 2005 to 2015. Ms. Zhang received her bachelor degree in Computer Application Technology from North University of China in 1999 and holds an MBA from Tsinghua University.
Li Zhang自2019年起担任玖富数科科技集团有限责任公司内部审计和内部控制总监。加入玖富数科科技集团有限责任公司之前,她曾于2018年至2019年担任Agile Fund首席财务官,这是一家专注于中国科技、媒体和电信、体育、健身和健康相关行业的风险投资公司。在此之前,她曾担任USANA Health Sciences的风险和合规总监,并于2015年至2018年负责与USANA Health Sciences在中国运营相关的审计和合规事宜。她还于2005年至2015年在普华永道担任高级管理人员。她于 1999 年获得中北大学计算机应用技术学士学位,并持有清华大学工商管理硕士学位。
Li Zhang,has served as 9f Inc. chief financial officer since May 2021 and 9f Inc. director of internal audit and internal control since 2019. Before joining 9f Inc. , Ms. Zhang served as chief financial officer of Agile Fund, a venture capital firm focusing on the technology, media and telecom, sports, fitness and wellness-related sectors in China, from 2018 to 2019. Prior to that time, Ms. Zhang served as director of risk and Compliance of USANA Health Sciences, Inc. and was in charge of audit and compliance matters relating the company's operation in China from 2015 to 2018. Ms. Zhang also worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers as a senior manager from 2005 to 2015. Ms. Zhang received her bachelor degree in Computer Application Technology from North University of China in 1999 and holds an MBA from Tsinghua University.