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姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Jill Leversage Director 64 19.27万美元 未持股 2021-05-10
David R. W. Jayne Director 64 19.08万美元 未持股 2021-05-10
Daniel G. Billen Director 67 23.01万美元 未持股 2021-05-10
R. Hector MacKay Dunn Director 70 19.33万美元 未持股 2021-05-10
Joseph P. Hagan Director 52 20.14万美元 未持股 2021-05-10
George M. Milne, Jr. Chairman of the Board 77 22.08万美元 未持股 2021-05-10
Timothy P. Walbert Director 54 40.09万美元 未持股 2021-05-10
Peter Greenleaf Director, President and Chief Executive Officer 51 1067.89万美元 未持股 2021-05-10



姓名 性别 职位 年龄 薪酬 持股数(万股) 截止日期
Michael R. Martin Chief Business Officer 49 61.76万美元 未持股 2021-05-10
Neil Solomons Chief Medical Officer 53 66.10万美元 未持股 2021-05-10
Robert B. Huizinga Executive Vice President, Research 56 29.38万美元 未持股 2021-05-10
M. Maxwell Donley Executive Vice President, Operations and Strategy 52 333.78万美元 未持股 2021-05-10
Max Colao Chief Commercial Officer 56 484.53万美元 未持股 2021-05-10
Joe Miller Chief Financial Officer 47 371.50万美元 未持股 2021-05-10
Stephen P. Robertson Executive Vice President, General Counsel, Corporate Secretary and Chief Compliance Officer 39 356.24万美元 未持股 2021-05-10
Peter Greenleaf Director, President and Chief Executive Officer 51 1067.89万美元 未持股 2021-05-10


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Jill Leversage

Jill Leversage,在Leversage女士于2016年1月退休之前,她是一名高级投资银行家,在投资银行和私募股权领域拥有30多年的经验。Jill于2002年5月至2011年5月担任TD Securities Inc.的公司和投资银行业务常务董事,并于2013年6月至2016年1月担任Highland West Capital Ltd.的前常务董事。她目前在多个公共和私营公司董事会任职,包括MAG Silver Corp.TSX/NYSE A:MAG(一家矿业公司)和RE Royalties Ltd.(TSXV:RE)(一家专门从事可再生能源的金融公司)。Jill是不列颠哥伦比亚特许专业会计师协会的会员,也是加拿大特许商业评估师协会的特许商业评估师。

Jill Leversage,Prior to Ms. Leversage's retirement in January 2016 she was a senior investment banker with over 30 years of experience in investment banking and private equity. Jill was a Managing Director, Corporate and Investment Banking for TD Securities Inc. from May 2002 to May 2011 and Former Managing Director at Highland West Capital Ltd. from June 2013 to January 2016. She currently serves on several public and private company boards, including MAG Silver Corp. TSX/NYSE A: MAG (a mining company) and RE Royalties Ltd. (TSXV: RE) (a finance company specializing in renewable energy). Jill is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia and also a Chartered Business Valuator (ret.) of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators.
Jill Leversage,在Leversage女士于2016年1月退休之前,她是一名高级投资银行家,在投资银行和私募股权领域拥有30多年的经验。Jill于2002年5月至2011年5月担任TD Securities Inc.的公司和投资银行业务常务董事,并于2013年6月至2016年1月担任Highland West Capital Ltd.的前常务董事。她目前在多个公共和私营公司董事会任职,包括MAG Silver Corp.TSX/NYSE A:MAG(一家矿业公司)和RE Royalties Ltd.(TSXV:RE)(一家专门从事可再生能源的金融公司)。Jill是不列颠哥伦比亚特许专业会计师协会的会员,也是加拿大特许商业评估师协会的特许商业评估师。
Jill Leversage,Prior to Ms. Leversage's retirement in January 2016 she was a senior investment banker with over 30 years of experience in investment banking and private equity. Jill was a Managing Director, Corporate and Investment Banking for TD Securities Inc. from May 2002 to May 2011 and Former Managing Director at Highland West Capital Ltd. from June 2013 to January 2016. She currently serves on several public and private company boards, including MAG Silver Corp. TSX/NYSE A: MAG (a mining company) and RE Royalties Ltd. (TSXV: RE) (a finance company specializing in renewable energy). Jill is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia and also a Chartered Business Valuator (ret.) of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators.
David R. W. Jayne

David R. W. Jayne是英国The University of Cambridge血管炎主管以及血管炎红斑狼疮临床和放射科主管。Jayne持有英国坎布里奇Cambridge University外科学士学位以及医疗学位。他在伦敦多个医院以及Harvard University完成博士后训练。他是 Royal Colleges of Physicians of London and Edinburgh, 以及the Academy of Medical Science研究员。他是一名注册肾病学家以及英国坎布里奇Addenbrooke's Hospital荣誉顾问医生。Jayne是英国、美国和欧洲法律机构、患者集团以及专业组织医疗顾问。他出版了250多篇同行评议期刊文章、书的章节和评论。他于2011年被选为European Vasculitis Society第一总裁;是ERA-EDTA免疫病理工作小组成员。Jayne的研究包括研究者发起的国际审判、与五大洲其他合作者一起引入血管炎和SLE新疗法。

David R. W. Jayne has been a Professor of Clinical Autoimmunity in the Department of Medicine at the University of Cambridge, UK since 2013. Dr. Jayne received his MBBChir in Surgery and Medicine from Cambridge University, Cambridge, England. He received postgraduate training at several London hospitals and Harvard University. He is a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of London and Edinburgh, and the Academy of Medical Science. He is a certified nephrologist and an Honorary Consultant Physician at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge UK. Dr. Jayne is a medical advisor to UK, U.S. and EU regulatory bodies, patient groups and professional organizations. He has published more than 400 peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters and reviews. He was elected the first President of the European Vasculitis Society in 2011 and is a member of the ERA-EDTA immunopathology working group and he co-chairs the EULAR/ERA-EDTA task force on lupus nephritis. Dr. Jayne’s research includes investigator-initiated international trials and the introduction of newer therapies in vasculitis and SLE with collaborators on five continents.
David R. W. Jayne是英国The University of Cambridge血管炎主管以及血管炎红斑狼疮临床和放射科主管。Jayne持有英国坎布里奇Cambridge University外科学士学位以及医疗学位。他在伦敦多个医院以及Harvard University完成博士后训练。他是 Royal Colleges of Physicians of London and Edinburgh, 以及the Academy of Medical Science研究员。他是一名注册肾病学家以及英国坎布里奇Addenbrooke's Hospital荣誉顾问医生。Jayne是英国、美国和欧洲法律机构、患者集团以及专业组织医疗顾问。他出版了250多篇同行评议期刊文章、书的章节和评论。他于2011年被选为European Vasculitis Society第一总裁;是ERA-EDTA免疫病理工作小组成员。Jayne的研究包括研究者发起的国际审判、与五大洲其他合作者一起引入血管炎和SLE新疗法。
David R. W. Jayne has been a Professor of Clinical Autoimmunity in the Department of Medicine at the University of Cambridge, UK since 2013. Dr. Jayne received his MBBChir in Surgery and Medicine from Cambridge University, Cambridge, England. He received postgraduate training at several London hospitals and Harvard University. He is a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of London and Edinburgh, and the Academy of Medical Science. He is a certified nephrologist and an Honorary Consultant Physician at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge UK. Dr. Jayne is a medical advisor to UK, U.S. and EU regulatory bodies, patient groups and professional organizations. He has published more than 400 peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters and reviews. He was elected the first President of the European Vasculitis Society in 2011 and is a member of the ERA-EDTA immunopathology working group and he co-chairs the EULAR/ERA-EDTA task force on lupus nephritis. Dr. Jayne’s research includes investigator-initiated international trials and the introduction of newer therapies in vasculitis and SLE with collaborators on five continents.
Daniel G. Billen

DanielG.Billen在欧洲和北美的制药和生物技术产品商业化方面拥有40多年的经验。他于1979年开始任职Janssen Pharmaceutica公司,位于他们的比利时心血管全球营销总部。Billen博士于1983年成为Janssen Pharmaceutica在加拿大新成立的分公司的市场营销与销售主管,向加拿大市场推出多个产品。1991年,比伦博士转到安进公司,领导其加拿大业务,担任他们的第一任总经理。他于2011年搬到Amgen公司位于加州的总部,在那里他曾领导美国商业运营业务单元,以及后来合并的肾脏学和炎症业务单元,担任他们的副总裁兼总经理。2017年,Billen博士担任全球商业计划副总裁,专注于不断发展的美国付款人格局。Billen博士在比利时卢万大学(University of Louvain)获得化学博士学位。

Daniel G. Billen became head of marketing and sales for Janssen Pharmaceutica's newly formed affiliate in Canada in 1983 launching multiple products into the Canadian market. In 1991 Dr. Billen moved over to Amgen Inc. to lead its Canadian operations as their first General Manager. He moved to Amgen's headquarters in California in 2011 where he led the U.S. Commercial Operations Business Unit and later the combined Nephrology and Inflammation business unit as their VP/GM. In 2017 Dr. Billen took on the role of VP of Global Commercial initiatives with focus on the evolving US payer landscape. Dr. Billen received his PhD in chemistry from the University of Louvain in Belgium.
DanielG.Billen在欧洲和北美的制药和生物技术产品商业化方面拥有40多年的经验。他于1979年开始任职Janssen Pharmaceutica公司,位于他们的比利时心血管全球营销总部。Billen博士于1983年成为Janssen Pharmaceutica在加拿大新成立的分公司的市场营销与销售主管,向加拿大市场推出多个产品。1991年,比伦博士转到安进公司,领导其加拿大业务,担任他们的第一任总经理。他于2011年搬到Amgen公司位于加州的总部,在那里他曾领导美国商业运营业务单元,以及后来合并的肾脏学和炎症业务单元,担任他们的副总裁兼总经理。2017年,Billen博士担任全球商业计划副总裁,专注于不断发展的美国付款人格局。Billen博士在比利时卢万大学(University of Louvain)获得化学博士学位。
Daniel G. Billen became head of marketing and sales for Janssen Pharmaceutica's newly formed affiliate in Canada in 1983 launching multiple products into the Canadian market. In 1991 Dr. Billen moved over to Amgen Inc. to lead its Canadian operations as their first General Manager. He moved to Amgen's headquarters in California in 2011 where he led the U.S. Commercial Operations Business Unit and later the combined Nephrology and Inflammation business unit as their VP/GM. In 2017 Dr. Billen took on the role of VP of Global Commercial initiatives with focus on the evolving US payer landscape. Dr. Billen received his PhD in chemistry from the University of Louvain in Belgium.
R. Hector MacKay Dunn

R. Hector MacKay Dunn,他是Arbutus Biopharma Corporation秘书。2010年5月以来,他曾一直担任Arbutus Biopharma Corporation的秘书。他是Farris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy公司的资深合伙人。他曾担任涵盖国内和跨境私人和公共证券发行、并购、股权收购、国际合作事务的私人和公共成长型企业的董事兼公司秘书。他于2003年被任命为女王法律顾问。他是the British Columbia Innovation Council(省领导机构,命令科学和技术领域的投资公司进步思想)的临时前任主席、British Columbia Leading Edge Endowment Fund(不列颠哥伦比亚的6000万美元计划,吸引顶尖的研究人员的大学)、LifeSciences BC的董事,以及Genome British Columbia的前任董事。他获得the University of British Columbia的学士学位,以及法学博士学位。

R. Hector MacKay Dunn has over 30 years of practice experience providing legal advice to high growth public and private companies, many of which achieved valuations exceeding CAD$1 billion over a broad range of industry sectors including life sciences, health, technology including clean tech and mining, advising on corporate domestic and cross-border public and private securities offerings, mergers and acquisitions and international partnering and licensing transactions, and boards of directors and independent board committees on corporate governance matters. Hector is recognized by Lexpert, as being among the Top 100 Canada/U.S. Cross-Border Corporate Lawyers in Canada, named among The Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada, and by Best Lawyers as Lawyer of the Year 2020 in biotech in Canada, and among Canada's leading lawyers in mergers & acquisitions, technology, corporate and securities. Hector received the Queen's Counsel designation upon recommendation by the Attorney General of British Columbia for exceptional merit and contribution to the legal profession, the "AV Preeminent Legal Ability" rating from Martindale-Hubbell and is regularly recognized as a leading lawyer nationally by Chambers Canada within the Life Sciences category. Hector has served as board member or officer with Aspreva Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Arbutus Biopharma Corp., XBiotech Inc., and QLT Inc., the BC (British Columbia) Tech Association, LifeSciences British Columbia, Genome British Columbia and Tennis Canada. He is currently a member of the board of directors of Copper Fox Metals Inc. (TSXV: CUU), a company focused on copper metals.
R. Hector MacKay Dunn,他是Arbutus Biopharma Corporation秘书。2010年5月以来,他曾一直担任Arbutus Biopharma Corporation的秘书。他是Farris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy公司的资深合伙人。他曾担任涵盖国内和跨境私人和公共证券发行、并购、股权收购、国际合作事务的私人和公共成长型企业的董事兼公司秘书。他于2003年被任命为女王法律顾问。他是the British Columbia Innovation Council(省领导机构,命令科学和技术领域的投资公司进步思想)的临时前任主席、British Columbia Leading Edge Endowment Fund(不列颠哥伦比亚的6000万美元计划,吸引顶尖的研究人员的大学)、LifeSciences BC的董事,以及Genome British Columbia的前任董事。他获得the University of British Columbia的学士学位,以及法学博士学位。
R. Hector MacKay Dunn has over 30 years of practice experience providing legal advice to high growth public and private companies, many of which achieved valuations exceeding CAD$1 billion over a broad range of industry sectors including life sciences, health, technology including clean tech and mining, advising on corporate domestic and cross-border public and private securities offerings, mergers and acquisitions and international partnering and licensing transactions, and boards of directors and independent board committees on corporate governance matters. Hector is recognized by Lexpert, as being among the Top 100 Canada/U.S. Cross-Border Corporate Lawyers in Canada, named among The Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada, and by Best Lawyers as Lawyer of the Year 2020 in biotech in Canada, and among Canada's leading lawyers in mergers & acquisitions, technology, corporate and securities. Hector received the Queen's Counsel designation upon recommendation by the Attorney General of British Columbia for exceptional merit and contribution to the legal profession, the "AV Preeminent Legal Ability" rating from Martindale-Hubbell and is regularly recognized as a leading lawyer nationally by Chambers Canada within the Life Sciences category. Hector has served as board member or officer with Aspreva Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Arbutus Biopharma Corp., XBiotech Inc., and QLT Inc., the BC (British Columbia) Tech Association, LifeSciences British Columbia, Genome British Columbia and Tennis Canada. He is currently a member of the board of directors of Copper Fox Metals Inc. (TSXV: CUU), a company focused on copper metals.
Joseph P. Hagan

Joseph P. Hagan,自2011年6月以来,是本公司的首席商务官;以及自2011年3月以来,是本公司的代理财务总监。2009年5月-2011年6月期间,是本公司的公司发展、战略和传播高级副总裁。此前,2008年5月-2009年5月期间,他创立了一家提供运营指导实施公司战略、商业化、融资和合作机会的生物技术咨询公司- Groundswell Advisors,并且是该公司的一位合伙人。在Groundswell Advisors,他担任Unity Pharma的代理首席执行官,为许多小型生物技术公司提供顾问服务;以及曾在Seredigm Corp的董事会任职。在成立Groundswell Advisors之前,1998年9月-2008年4月期间,曾在Amgen股份有限公司工作,担任各种高及商业开发职位,包括Amgen Ventures 的创始人和总经理(负责100000000美元公司基金的盈亏);以及曾在6个投资组合公司担任董事。作为Amgen的公司发展主管,他领导了著名的Immunex 和Tularik收购交易的完成,以及Novantrone的剥离;还有许多其他总价值超过150亿美元的商业开发工作。他在Genzyme和Advanced Tissue Sciences的生物工程实验室工作过5年。他是从San Diego 市California 大学获得他的生理学和神经科学学士学位,以及从Northeastern大学获得他的工商管理硕士学位的。

Joseph P. Hagan has served as our President and Chief Executive Officer and principal executive officer since May 2017. Mr. Hagan previously served as our Chief Operating Officer, principal financial officer and principal accounting officer from January 2016 to May 2017. From June 2011 through December 2015Mr. Hagan served as the Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Business Officer of Orexigen Therapeutics, Inc. From May 2009 to June 2011 Mr. Hagan served as Orexigen's Senior Vice President, Corporate Development, Strategy and Communications. From September 1998 to April 2008 Mr. Hagan served as Managing Director of Amgen Ventures. Prior to starting the Amgen Ventures Fund, Mr. Hagan served as Head of corporate development for Amgen Inc. Before joining Amgen, Mr. Hagan spent five years in the bioengineering labs at Genzyme and Advanced Tissue Sciences. Mr. Hagan has served on the board of directors of Zosano Pharma, a publicly-traded biotechnology company, since May 2015 and on the board of Aurinia Pharmaceuticals, Inc., since February 2018. He received an M.B.A. from Northeastern University and a B.S. in Physiology and Neuroscience from the University of California, San Diego.
Joseph P. Hagan,自2011年6月以来,是本公司的首席商务官;以及自2011年3月以来,是本公司的代理财务总监。2009年5月-2011年6月期间,是本公司的公司发展、战略和传播高级副总裁。此前,2008年5月-2009年5月期间,他创立了一家提供运营指导实施公司战略、商业化、融资和合作机会的生物技术咨询公司- Groundswell Advisors,并且是该公司的一位合伙人。在Groundswell Advisors,他担任Unity Pharma的代理首席执行官,为许多小型生物技术公司提供顾问服务;以及曾在Seredigm Corp的董事会任职。在成立Groundswell Advisors之前,1998年9月-2008年4月期间,曾在Amgen股份有限公司工作,担任各种高及商业开发职位,包括Amgen Ventures 的创始人和总经理(负责100000000美元公司基金的盈亏);以及曾在6个投资组合公司担任董事。作为Amgen的公司发展主管,他领导了著名的Immunex 和Tularik收购交易的完成,以及Novantrone的剥离;还有许多其他总价值超过150亿美元的商业开发工作。他在Genzyme和Advanced Tissue Sciences的生物工程实验室工作过5年。他是从San Diego 市California 大学获得他的生理学和神经科学学士学位,以及从Northeastern大学获得他的工商管理硕士学位的。
Joseph P. Hagan has served as our President and Chief Executive Officer and principal executive officer since May 2017. Mr. Hagan previously served as our Chief Operating Officer, principal financial officer and principal accounting officer from January 2016 to May 2017. From June 2011 through December 2015Mr. Hagan served as the Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Business Officer of Orexigen Therapeutics, Inc. From May 2009 to June 2011 Mr. Hagan served as Orexigen's Senior Vice President, Corporate Development, Strategy and Communications. From September 1998 to April 2008 Mr. Hagan served as Managing Director of Amgen Ventures. Prior to starting the Amgen Ventures Fund, Mr. Hagan served as Head of corporate development for Amgen Inc. Before joining Amgen, Mr. Hagan spent five years in the bioengineering labs at Genzyme and Advanced Tissue Sciences. Mr. Hagan has served on the board of directors of Zosano Pharma, a publicly-traded biotechnology company, since May 2015 and on the board of Aurinia Pharmaceuticals, Inc., since February 2018. He received an M.B.A. from Northeastern University and a B.S. in Physiology and Neuroscience from the University of California, San Diego.
George M. Milne, Jr.

George M. Milne, Jr.自1999年9月以来担任董事,是提名和公司治理委员会(the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee)的主席。他是Radius Ventures, LLC的投资合伙人。他从1970年到2002年7月在Pfizer Corporation担任各种管理职位,包括最近担任Pfizer全球研发的执行副总裁,全球战略和运营管理的总裁。他也是Pfizer Inc.的高级副总裁和Pfizer管理委员会的成员。他从1993年到2002年7月是Central Research的总裁,在Pfizer人类和兽医研究和发展中(Human and Veterinary Medicine Research and Development)具有全球性责任。他持有麻省理工学院(the Massachusetts Institute of Technology)(MIT)有机化学博士学位。他是Charles River Laboratories Inc.的董事,服务于数个私人公司和慈善组织的董事会。在过去的五年里,他是Athersys Inc.和QLT, Inc.的董事。

George M. Milne, Jr. currently serves on the boards of Amylyx Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a pharmaceutical company, and Charles River Laboratories, Inc., a laboratory services company, where he is the lead director. He retired from Pfizer Inc. in 2002 where he served as Executive Vice President of Global Research and Development and President, Worldwide Strategic and Operations Management. He joined Pfizer Inc. in 1970 and held a variety of positions conducting both chemistry and pharmacology research. Dr. Milne became director of the department of immunology and infectious diseases at Pfizer Inc. in 1981 was its executive director from 1984 to 1985 and was Vice President of research and development from 1985 to 1988. He was appointed Senior Vice President in 1988. In 1993 he was appointed President of Pfizer Central Research and a Senior Vice President of Pfizer Inc. with global responsibility for human and veterinary medicine research and development. Dr. Milne has also previously served on multiple corporate boards including Mettler-Toledo, Inc. a manufacturer of laboratory instruments, MedImmune, Athersys, Biostorage Technologies, Aspreva and Conor Medsystems. Dr. Milne received his B.Sc. in Chemistry from Yale University and his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
George M. Milne, Jr.自1999年9月以来担任董事,是提名和公司治理委员会(the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee)的主席。他是Radius Ventures, LLC的投资合伙人。他从1970年到2002年7月在Pfizer Corporation担任各种管理职位,包括最近担任Pfizer全球研发的执行副总裁,全球战略和运营管理的总裁。他也是Pfizer Inc.的高级副总裁和Pfizer管理委员会的成员。他从1993年到2002年7月是Central Research的总裁,在Pfizer人类和兽医研究和发展中(Human and Veterinary Medicine Research and Development)具有全球性责任。他持有麻省理工学院(the Massachusetts Institute of Technology)(MIT)有机化学博士学位。他是Charles River Laboratories Inc.的董事,服务于数个私人公司和慈善组织的董事会。在过去的五年里,他是Athersys Inc.和QLT, Inc.的董事。
George M. Milne, Jr. currently serves on the boards of Amylyx Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a pharmaceutical company, and Charles River Laboratories, Inc., a laboratory services company, where he is the lead director. He retired from Pfizer Inc. in 2002 where he served as Executive Vice President of Global Research and Development and President, Worldwide Strategic and Operations Management. He joined Pfizer Inc. in 1970 and held a variety of positions conducting both chemistry and pharmacology research. Dr. Milne became director of the department of immunology and infectious diseases at Pfizer Inc. in 1981 was its executive director from 1984 to 1985 and was Vice President of research and development from 1985 to 1988. He was appointed Senior Vice President in 1988. In 1993 he was appointed President of Pfizer Central Research and a Senior Vice President of Pfizer Inc. with global responsibility for human and veterinary medicine research and development. Dr. Milne has also previously served on multiple corporate boards including Mettler-Toledo, Inc. a manufacturer of laboratory instruments, MedImmune, Athersys, Biostorage Technologies, Aspreva and Conor Medsystems. Dr. Milne received his B.Sc. in Chemistry from Yale University and his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Timothy P. Walbert

Timothy P. Walbert,自2010年公司成立起任公司的董事会主席,总裁兼首席执行官。他自2008年6月起也是Horizon Pharma USA的总裁兼首席执行官。2007年5月至2009年6月,他是IDM Pharma, Inc.的总裁、董事兼首席执行官;公司是一家生物制药公司,于2009 年6月被Takeda America Holdings, Inc. 收购。2006年1月至2007年5月,他是NeoPharm, Inc.的商业运营执行副总裁。2001年6月至2005年8月,他是Immunology的区域副总裁兼总经理,在此他领导HUMIRA的全球发展——于2013年超过110亿美元;且是Abbott全球心血管战略执行副总裁,该组织是一家医疗保健公司,现为AbbVie。1998年4月至2001年6月,他是Celebrex North America的董事,以及G.D. Searle & Company 亚太区、拉丁美洲及加拿大的关节炎团队负责人。1991年至1998年,他在G.D. Searle, Merck & Co., Inc.和 Wyeth。担任销售和营销职务。 他持有Muhlenberg College理学士学位。他也在 XOMA Corporation (纳斯达克: XOMA) 、Raptor Pharmaceutical Corp. (纳斯达克: RPTP)、Egalet Corporation (纳斯达克: EGLT)、生物技术工业组织 (BIO)、伊利诺斯州生物技术工业组织 (iBIO)、 ChicagoNEXT、 a World Business Chicago (WBC) led council of technology leaders ,以及芝加哥关节炎基金会(the Greater Chicago Arthritis Foundation)的董事会任职。2013年,他被任命为 伊利诺斯州创新委员会(the Illinois Innovation Council)的主管人员。

Timothy P. Walbert,has served as Horizon Therapeutics Public Limited Company president, chief executive officer and director of Horizon since June 2008 and has served as Horizon Therapeutics Public Limited Company chairman since March 2010. From May 2007 to June 2009, Mr. Walbert served as president, chief executive officer and director of IDM Pharma, Inc., a public biotechnology company that was acquired by Takeda America Holdings, Inc. in June 2009. Prior to that, he served as executive vice president, commercial operations of NeoPharm, Inc., a public biotechnology company. From June 2001 to August 2005, Mr. Walbert served as divisional vice president and general manager of immunology, where he built and led the global development and launch of the multi-indication biologic HUMIRA, and divisional vice president, global cardiovascular strategy at Abbott, now AbbVie. From 1998 to 2001, he served as director, CELEBREX North America and arthritis team leader, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Canada at G.D. Searle & Company. Mr. Walbert has served on the boards of directors of Century Therapeutics, Inc., a public biotechnology company, since October 2022, Mirum Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a public biotechnology company, since April 2023, and he sits on the board of directors of the Illinois Biotechnology Innovation Organization (iBIO). Mr. Walbert is also a member of the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) Advisory Board and serves on the Board of Trustees of Muhlenberg College. He previously served as chairman of the board of directors of Exicure, Inc., a public clinical-stage biotechnology company, from July 2019 to February 2022, and on the boards of directors of Aurinia Pharmaceuticals, Inc. a public biotechnology company, from April 2020 to September 2022; Assertio Holdings, Inc., a public specialty pharmaceutical company, from May 2020 to December 2020 (and before that at Zyla Life Sciences, a public pharmaceutical company, from April 2014 until May 2020, when it was acquired by Assertio); and Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a public biopharma company, from 2016 to 2018, when it was acquired by Mallinckrodt. Mr. Walbert received his bachelor of arts degree in business from Muhlenberg College, in Allentown, Pennsylvania.
Timothy P. Walbert,自2010年公司成立起任公司的董事会主席,总裁兼首席执行官。他自2008年6月起也是Horizon Pharma USA的总裁兼首席执行官。2007年5月至2009年6月,他是IDM Pharma, Inc.的总裁、董事兼首席执行官;公司是一家生物制药公司,于2009 年6月被Takeda America Holdings, Inc. 收购。2006年1月至2007年5月,他是NeoPharm, Inc.的商业运营执行副总裁。2001年6月至2005年8月,他是Immunology的区域副总裁兼总经理,在此他领导HUMIRA的全球发展——于2013年超过110亿美元;且是Abbott全球心血管战略执行副总裁,该组织是一家医疗保健公司,现为AbbVie。1998年4月至2001年6月,他是Celebrex North America的董事,以及G.D. Searle & Company 亚太区、拉丁美洲及加拿大的关节炎团队负责人。1991年至1998年,他在G.D. Searle, Merck & Co., Inc.和 Wyeth。担任销售和营销职务。 他持有Muhlenberg College理学士学位。他也在 XOMA Corporation (纳斯达克: XOMA) 、Raptor Pharmaceutical Corp. (纳斯达克: RPTP)、Egalet Corporation (纳斯达克: EGLT)、生物技术工业组织 (BIO)、伊利诺斯州生物技术工业组织 (iBIO)、 ChicagoNEXT、 a World Business Chicago (WBC) led council of technology leaders ,以及芝加哥关节炎基金会(the Greater Chicago Arthritis Foundation)的董事会任职。2013年,他被任命为 伊利诺斯州创新委员会(the Illinois Innovation Council)的主管人员。
Timothy P. Walbert,has served as Horizon Therapeutics Public Limited Company president, chief executive officer and director of Horizon since June 2008 and has served as Horizon Therapeutics Public Limited Company chairman since March 2010. From May 2007 to June 2009, Mr. Walbert served as president, chief executive officer and director of IDM Pharma, Inc., a public biotechnology company that was acquired by Takeda America Holdings, Inc. in June 2009. Prior to that, he served as executive vice president, commercial operations of NeoPharm, Inc., a public biotechnology company. From June 2001 to August 2005, Mr. Walbert served as divisional vice president and general manager of immunology, where he built and led the global development and launch of the multi-indication biologic HUMIRA, and divisional vice president, global cardiovascular strategy at Abbott, now AbbVie. From 1998 to 2001, he served as director, CELEBREX North America and arthritis team leader, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Canada at G.D. Searle & Company. Mr. Walbert has served on the boards of directors of Century Therapeutics, Inc., a public biotechnology company, since October 2022, Mirum Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a public biotechnology company, since April 2023, and he sits on the board of directors of the Illinois Biotechnology Innovation Organization (iBIO). Mr. Walbert is also a member of the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) Advisory Board and serves on the Board of Trustees of Muhlenberg College. He previously served as chairman of the board of directors of Exicure, Inc., a public clinical-stage biotechnology company, from July 2019 to February 2022, and on the boards of directors of Aurinia Pharmaceuticals, Inc. a public biotechnology company, from April 2020 to September 2022; Assertio Holdings, Inc., a public specialty pharmaceutical company, from May 2020 to December 2020 (and before that at Zyla Life Sciences, a public pharmaceutical company, from April 2014 until May 2020, when it was acquired by Assertio); and Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a public biopharma company, from 2016 to 2018, when it was acquired by Mallinckrodt. Mr. Walbert received his bachelor of arts degree in business from Muhlenberg College, in Allentown, Pennsylvania.
Peter Greenleaf

Peter Greenleaf于2016年1月成为Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.的主席,自2014年3月起担任Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.的首席执行官和董事会成员。2013年6月至2014年2月,Greenleaf先生担任再生医学公司Historogenics Corporation的首席执行官和董事会成员。2006年至2013年,Greenleaf先生受雇于Medimune LLC,这是阿斯利康的全球生物制剂部门,他最近在阿斯利康担任总裁。2010年1月至2013年6月,Greenleaf先生还担任Medimune Ventures的总裁。Medimune Ventures是阿斯利康集团旗下的一家全资风险投资基金。在担任Medimune总裁之前,Greenleaf先生是Medimune的首席商务官,负责其商业、公司发展和战略职能。Greenleaf先生是Mast Therapeutics,Inc.董事会成员。Mast Therapeutics,Inc.是一家临床阶段的生物制药公司,开发镰状细胞病、心力衰竭和中风的新疗法;Mirna Therapeutics是一家临床阶段的生物制药公司,开发广泛的基于microRNA的肿瘤疗法。Greenleaf先生目前担任Maryland Venture Fund Authority,其愿景是监督InvestMaryland的实施。InvestMaryland是一家公私合作企业,旨在刺激该州的风险资本投资。Greenleaf先生还是美国PhRMA和生物技术产业组织(BIO)药物研究和制造商董事会成员,他在新兴公司部门和健康部门的董事会任职。Greenleaf先生在西康涅狄格州立大学获得学士学位,在圣约瑟夫大学获得工商管理硕士学位。

Peter Greenleaf currently serves as the President, Chief Executive Officer and member of the Board since April 29 2019. From March 2018 to April 2019 Peter served as the Chief Executive Officer and a member of the board of directors of Cerecor, Inc. NASDAQ: CERC. From March 2014 to February 2018 Peter served as CEO and Chairman of Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCMP), a company that focused on the development and commercialization of medicines to meet major unmet medical needs of patients worldwide until it was sold in February 2018 to U.K. pharmaceutical giant Mallinckrodt plc. Peter also served as Chief Executive Officer and a member of the board of directors of Histogenics Corporation, a regenerative medicine company. From 2006 to 2013 Peter was employed by Medlmmune LLC, the global biologics arm of AstraZeneca, where he most recently served as President. From January 2010 to June 2013 Peter also served as President of Medlmmune Ventures, a wholly owned venture capital fund within the AstraZeneca Group. Prior to serving as President of Medlmmune, Peter was Senior Vice President, Commercial Operations of MedImmune, responsible for its commercial, corporate development and strategy functions. Peter has also held senior commercial roles at Centocor, Inc. (now Janssen Biotechnology, Johnson & Johnson) from 1998 to 2006 and at Boehringer Mannheim (now Roche Holdings) from 1996 to 1998. He is also currently a member of the board of directors of Antares Pharmaceuticals, Inc (NASDAQ: ATRS), and is the Chairman of the board of directors of BioDelivery Sciences International, Inc (NASDAQ: BDSI). Peter earned an MBA degree from St. Joseph’s University and a BS degree from Western Connecticut State University.
Peter Greenleaf于2016年1月成为Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.的主席,自2014年3月起担任Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.的首席执行官和董事会成员。2013年6月至2014年2月,Greenleaf先生担任再生医学公司Historogenics Corporation的首席执行官和董事会成员。2006年至2013年,Greenleaf先生受雇于Medimune LLC,这是阿斯利康的全球生物制剂部门,他最近在阿斯利康担任总裁。2010年1月至2013年6月,Greenleaf先生还担任Medimune Ventures的总裁。Medimune Ventures是阿斯利康集团旗下的一家全资风险投资基金。在担任Medimune总裁之前,Greenleaf先生是Medimune的首席商务官,负责其商业、公司发展和战略职能。Greenleaf先生是Mast Therapeutics,Inc.董事会成员。Mast Therapeutics,Inc.是一家临床阶段的生物制药公司,开发镰状细胞病、心力衰竭和中风的新疗法;Mirna Therapeutics是一家临床阶段的生物制药公司,开发广泛的基于microRNA的肿瘤疗法。Greenleaf先生目前担任Maryland Venture Fund Authority,其愿景是监督InvestMaryland的实施。InvestMaryland是一家公私合作企业,旨在刺激该州的风险资本投资。Greenleaf先生还是美国PhRMA和生物技术产业组织(BIO)药物研究和制造商董事会成员,他在新兴公司部门和健康部门的董事会任职。Greenleaf先生在西康涅狄格州立大学获得学士学位,在圣约瑟夫大学获得工商管理硕士学位。
Peter Greenleaf currently serves as the President, Chief Executive Officer and member of the Board since April 29 2019. From March 2018 to April 2019 Peter served as the Chief Executive Officer and a member of the board of directors of Cerecor, Inc. NASDAQ: CERC. From March 2014 to February 2018 Peter served as CEO and Chairman of Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCMP), a company that focused on the development and commercialization of medicines to meet major unmet medical needs of patients worldwide until it was sold in February 2018 to U.K. pharmaceutical giant Mallinckrodt plc. Peter also served as Chief Executive Officer and a member of the board of directors of Histogenics Corporation, a regenerative medicine company. From 2006 to 2013 Peter was employed by Medlmmune LLC, the global biologics arm of AstraZeneca, where he most recently served as President. From January 2010 to June 2013 Peter also served as President of Medlmmune Ventures, a wholly owned venture capital fund within the AstraZeneca Group. Prior to serving as President of Medlmmune, Peter was Senior Vice President, Commercial Operations of MedImmune, responsible for its commercial, corporate development and strategy functions. Peter has also held senior commercial roles at Centocor, Inc. (now Janssen Biotechnology, Johnson & Johnson) from 1998 to 2006 and at Boehringer Mannheim (now Roche Holdings) from 1996 to 1998. He is also currently a member of the board of directors of Antares Pharmaceuticals, Inc (NASDAQ: ATRS), and is the Chairman of the board of directors of BioDelivery Sciences International, Inc (NASDAQ: BDSI). Peter earned an MBA degree from St. Joseph’s University and a BS degree from Western Connecticut State University.


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Michael R. Martin

Michael R. Martin,他此前曾担任Aurinia Pharmaceuticals公司(私人公司,于2013年被Isotechnika Pharma公司收购)的首席执行官、董事和共同创始人。他担任Aurinia公司现任职务,负责管理功能,如企业和公司业务发展、联盟管理、营销、财务和公司内部运营。他拥有生物制药执行18年以上的行业经验,并提供了一个坚实的战略规划、市场营销、商业运作、业务开发、许可和人员管理技能。加入Aurinia公司之前,他曾任职Vifor Pharma公司,在那里他曾担任董事,负责全球商业发展和许可。任职Vifor公司之前,他曾担任业务开发团队的关键成员,并见证了Aspreva公司以915美元出售给Galenica公司。他于2004年加入Aspreva公司,负责CellCept(用于治疗“不常见”的自身免疫性疾病)的启动战略规划过程。这些适应症包括寻常天疱疮、重症肌无力等症状。此前,他曾担任Schering-Plough公司的多种高级商业职务。最近,他曾涉足欧洲,在那里他负责法国Remicade的风湿病学业务单元。他拥有完整的损益责任,以及销售团队、营销团队和团队注入访问的直接责任。任职Schering-Plough公司期间,他曾担任品牌经理,负责Remicade (infliximab,英利昔单抗,最终成为加拿大历史上最成功的产品)的加拿大推出。他的职业生涯始于任职Schering-Plough公司的销售组织,在那里他获得了多个奖项和赞誉,并迅速晋升为之前提到的职务。

Michael R. Martin has served as Chief Business Officer of the Company since June 2020 previously Chief Operating Officer since September 2013. In this role he oversees all Business Development, Licensing and Partner Management activities along with overall management of the Company's intellectual property portfolio. He was formerly CEO, director and co-founder of the privately held Aurinia Pharmaceuticals Inc. starting in May 2012 which merged in 2013 with the former Isotechnika Pharma Inc. Michael is a biotech/pharmaceutical executive with over 20 years of industry experience. Michael joined Aurinia from Vifor Pharma where he held the position of Director, Global Business Development & Licensing from September 2006 to June 2012. Prior to Vifor, Michael was a key member of the business development team that saw Aspreva sold to Galenica for $915M in 2007. Upon joining Aspreva in 2004 Michael initiated the strategic launch planning process for CellCept in “less-common” autoimmune diseases. These included such indications as pemphigus vulgaris, myasthenia gravis, and LN. Prior to this, Michael held a variety of progressively senior commercial positions at Schering-Plough now Merck. Most recently, he was responsible for the Rheumatology business unit for Remicade in France. In this role, he had full profit and loss responsibilities and had direct responsibility for the sales team, the marketing team and the infusion access team. In addition, while at Schering-Plough, Michael was the brand manager responsible for the Canadian launch of Remicade (infliximab), which ultimately became the most successful product launch in Canadian history and the largest selling biologic ever. Michael started his career in the industry in the sales organization of Schering-Plough where he received multiple awards and recognition while rapidly progressing towards the prior mentioned roles. Michael received his B.Sc. (Biochemistry) from the University of Victoria.
Michael R. Martin,他此前曾担任Aurinia Pharmaceuticals公司(私人公司,于2013年被Isotechnika Pharma公司收购)的首席执行官、董事和共同创始人。他担任Aurinia公司现任职务,负责管理功能,如企业和公司业务发展、联盟管理、营销、财务和公司内部运营。他拥有生物制药执行18年以上的行业经验,并提供了一个坚实的战略规划、市场营销、商业运作、业务开发、许可和人员管理技能。加入Aurinia公司之前,他曾任职Vifor Pharma公司,在那里他曾担任董事,负责全球商业发展和许可。任职Vifor公司之前,他曾担任业务开发团队的关键成员,并见证了Aspreva公司以915美元出售给Galenica公司。他于2004年加入Aspreva公司,负责CellCept(用于治疗“不常见”的自身免疫性疾病)的启动战略规划过程。这些适应症包括寻常天疱疮、重症肌无力等症状。此前,他曾担任Schering-Plough公司的多种高级商业职务。最近,他曾涉足欧洲,在那里他负责法国Remicade的风湿病学业务单元。他拥有完整的损益责任,以及销售团队、营销团队和团队注入访问的直接责任。任职Schering-Plough公司期间,他曾担任品牌经理,负责Remicade (infliximab,英利昔单抗,最终成为加拿大历史上最成功的产品)的加拿大推出。他的职业生涯始于任职Schering-Plough公司的销售组织,在那里他获得了多个奖项和赞誉,并迅速晋升为之前提到的职务。
Michael R. Martin has served as Chief Business Officer of the Company since June 2020 previously Chief Operating Officer since September 2013. In this role he oversees all Business Development, Licensing and Partner Management activities along with overall management of the Company's intellectual property portfolio. He was formerly CEO, director and co-founder of the privately held Aurinia Pharmaceuticals Inc. starting in May 2012 which merged in 2013 with the former Isotechnika Pharma Inc. Michael is a biotech/pharmaceutical executive with over 20 years of industry experience. Michael joined Aurinia from Vifor Pharma where he held the position of Director, Global Business Development & Licensing from September 2006 to June 2012. Prior to Vifor, Michael was a key member of the business development team that saw Aspreva sold to Galenica for $915M in 2007. Upon joining Aspreva in 2004 Michael initiated the strategic launch planning process for CellCept in “less-common” autoimmune diseases. These included such indications as pemphigus vulgaris, myasthenia gravis, and LN. Prior to this, Michael held a variety of progressively senior commercial positions at Schering-Plough now Merck. Most recently, he was responsible for the Rheumatology business unit for Remicade in France. In this role, he had full profit and loss responsibilities and had direct responsibility for the sales team, the marketing team and the infusion access team. In addition, while at Schering-Plough, Michael was the brand manager responsible for the Canadian launch of Remicade (infliximab), which ultimately became the most successful product launch in Canadian history and the largest selling biologic ever. Michael started his career in the industry in the sales organization of Schering-Plough where he received multiple awards and recognition while rapidly progressing towards the prior mentioned roles. Michael received his B.Sc. (Biochemistry) from the University of Victoria.
Neil Solomons

Neil Solomons,他负责管理、开发、指导和协调Aurinia临床发展组织及其活动。他也是Aurinia的调查人员、科学顾问和投资者的高级医疗发言人。他是一位经验丰富的制药医生,拥有15年的大型制药公司和生物技术公司的临床开发和医疗事务经验。他是公认的罕见病药物开发专家,并在这一领域广泛发表。加入Aurinia公司之前,他曾任职Vifor Pharma公司(原名为Aspreva Pharmaceuticals NASDAQ:ASPV),在那里他曾担任研发副总裁,以及罕见疾病CellCept的领先发展的临床医师。他曾领导50人以上的霉酚酸酯临床开发团队,并见证了寻常天疱疮、重症肌无力的研究的完成、报告和出版物(均为行业第一,具有里程碑意义,LN称为the Aspreva Lupus Management Study (ALMS))。他负责阶段1到3所有临床开发活动,参与制定研发战略、投资组合管理、尽职调查工作。任职Vifor & Aspreva公司之前,他曾担任Roche公司的多种职务,包括移植、病毒学和自身免疫性疾病的全球临床发展和医疗事务。任职Roche公司期间,他曾领导上市后研究的开发和实现多样化团队,涉及其移植(CellCept 、Zenapax)和病毒学(Cytovene)特许经营的超过1500万美元的预算。他于1991年获得Guys Hospital Medical School(伦敦)的医学学士学位、硕士学位、博士学位。他随后在英国伦敦,作为一名医生,并完成麻醉和重症监护专家培训工作。他的研究兴趣包括脓毒症和慢性疼痛。

Neil Solomons has served as Chief Medical Officer of the Company since September 2013. Dr. Solomons co-founded privately-held Aurinia Pharmaceuticals in 2012. He is an experienced pharmaceutical physician with over 20 years of clinical development and medical affairs experience in both large pharma and biotech. He is a recognized expert in rare-disease drug development and is widely published in this field. Neil joined Aurinia from Vifor Pharma, formerly Aspreva Pharmaceuticals Nasdaq:ASPV where he held the position of Vice President, Research and Development from January 2008 to May 2013 being the lead clinician in the development of CellCept in rare diseases. Neil led the CellCept Clinical Development teams of over 50 people that saw the completion, reporting, and publication of studies in pemphigus vulgaris and myasthenia gravis (both industry firsts), and the successful landmark LN study called ALMS. He was responsible for all clinical development activities from Phases 1 to 3 as well as participating in the formulation of R&D strategy, portfolio management, and due diligence efforts. Prior to Vifor & Aspreva, Neil held a variety of positions at Roche in both Global Clinical Development and Medical Affairs in transplantation, virology, and auto-immune diseases. While at Roche, Dr. Solomons led a diverse team in the development and implementation of post-marketing studies for its transplantation (CellCept and Zenapax) and virology (Cytovene) franchises. Neil qualified in medicine in 1991 receiving his MB BS (MD) at Guys Hospital Medical School, London. He subsequently worked as a physician in London UK, completing specialist training in anesthesia and intensive care. His research interests included sepsis and chronic pain.
Neil Solomons,他负责管理、开发、指导和协调Aurinia临床发展组织及其活动。他也是Aurinia的调查人员、科学顾问和投资者的高级医疗发言人。他是一位经验丰富的制药医生,拥有15年的大型制药公司和生物技术公司的临床开发和医疗事务经验。他是公认的罕见病药物开发专家,并在这一领域广泛发表。加入Aurinia公司之前,他曾任职Vifor Pharma公司(原名为Aspreva Pharmaceuticals NASDAQ:ASPV),在那里他曾担任研发副总裁,以及罕见疾病CellCept的领先发展的临床医师。他曾领导50人以上的霉酚酸酯临床开发团队,并见证了寻常天疱疮、重症肌无力的研究的完成、报告和出版物(均为行业第一,具有里程碑意义,LN称为the Aspreva Lupus Management Study (ALMS))。他负责阶段1到3所有临床开发活动,参与制定研发战略、投资组合管理、尽职调查工作。任职Vifor & Aspreva公司之前,他曾担任Roche公司的多种职务,包括移植、病毒学和自身免疫性疾病的全球临床发展和医疗事务。任职Roche公司期间,他曾领导上市后研究的开发和实现多样化团队,涉及其移植(CellCept 、Zenapax)和病毒学(Cytovene)特许经营的超过1500万美元的预算。他于1991年获得Guys Hospital Medical School(伦敦)的医学学士学位、硕士学位、博士学位。他随后在英国伦敦,作为一名医生,并完成麻醉和重症监护专家培训工作。他的研究兴趣包括脓毒症和慢性疼痛。
Neil Solomons has served as Chief Medical Officer of the Company since September 2013. Dr. Solomons co-founded privately-held Aurinia Pharmaceuticals in 2012. He is an experienced pharmaceutical physician with over 20 years of clinical development and medical affairs experience in both large pharma and biotech. He is a recognized expert in rare-disease drug development and is widely published in this field. Neil joined Aurinia from Vifor Pharma, formerly Aspreva Pharmaceuticals Nasdaq:ASPV where he held the position of Vice President, Research and Development from January 2008 to May 2013 being the lead clinician in the development of CellCept in rare diseases. Neil led the CellCept Clinical Development teams of over 50 people that saw the completion, reporting, and publication of studies in pemphigus vulgaris and myasthenia gravis (both industry firsts), and the successful landmark LN study called ALMS. He was responsible for all clinical development activities from Phases 1 to 3 as well as participating in the formulation of R&D strategy, portfolio management, and due diligence efforts. Prior to Vifor & Aspreva, Neil held a variety of positions at Roche in both Global Clinical Development and Medical Affairs in transplantation, virology, and auto-immune diseases. While at Roche, Dr. Solomons led a diverse team in the development and implementation of post-marketing studies for its transplantation (CellCept and Zenapax) and virology (Cytovene) franchises. Neil qualified in medicine in 1991 receiving his MB BS (MD) at Guys Hospital Medical School, London. He subsequently worked as a physician in London UK, completing specialist training in anesthesia and intensive care. His research interests included sepsis and chronic pain.
Robert B. Huizinga

Robert B. Huizinga自2002年起加入公司,主要负责管理voclosporin的全球临床开发。加入公司之前,他是有着14年临床和研究经验的肾脏学和移植护理专家,他曾参与过60多次临床试验,从第一阶段到第四阶段。他曾担任肾脏学和移植制药公司顾问,并做过多次学术演讲。他持有the University of Alberta医学流行病学硕士学位;注册护士,获得肾脏学认证;以及Sigma Theta Tau(护理荣誉学会Honor Society of Nursing)成员。

Robert B. Huizinga has served as Executive Vice President, Research of the Company since June 2020. Mr. Huizinga has more than 25 years of clinical research experience. He has managed the global clinical development of voclosporin since 2002 when he was with the Company prior to its merger with Aurinia Pharma Corp. a private company predecessor to the Company in September 2013. Before joining the Company, Rob was an Investigator in nephrology and transplantation clinical trials where he was involved in more than 60 clinical trials from Phase 1 through Phase 4 and the successful development of numerous compounds including CellCept, Neoral, Prograf, Aranesp and Simulect. He has acted as a consultant to nephrology and transplantation pharmaceutical companies, has lectured extensively and is recognized as an expert in immunosuppression drug development. Rob has numerous articles published in leading medical journals, including the Lancet, Kidney International and the American Journal of Transplantation. He is a member of many professional societies related to nephrology, transplantation, and nursing, has served on many nephrology and transplantation committees and is the founder of RenalPro, a moderated forum for renal professionals. Rob has a PhD (Organizational Leadership) from Regent University, is a Registered Nurse in British Columbia, holds his certification in Nephrology, a M.Sc. in Medicine (Epidemiology) from the University of Alberta, and a member of Sigma Theta Tau (Honor Society of Nursing).
Robert B. Huizinga自2002年起加入公司,主要负责管理voclosporin的全球临床开发。加入公司之前,他是有着14年临床和研究经验的肾脏学和移植护理专家,他曾参与过60多次临床试验,从第一阶段到第四阶段。他曾担任肾脏学和移植制药公司顾问,并做过多次学术演讲。他持有the University of Alberta医学流行病学硕士学位;注册护士,获得肾脏学认证;以及Sigma Theta Tau(护理荣誉学会Honor Society of Nursing)成员。
Robert B. Huizinga has served as Executive Vice President, Research of the Company since June 2020. Mr. Huizinga has more than 25 years of clinical research experience. He has managed the global clinical development of voclosporin since 2002 when he was with the Company prior to its merger with Aurinia Pharma Corp. a private company predecessor to the Company in September 2013. Before joining the Company, Rob was an Investigator in nephrology and transplantation clinical trials where he was involved in more than 60 clinical trials from Phase 1 through Phase 4 and the successful development of numerous compounds including CellCept, Neoral, Prograf, Aranesp and Simulect. He has acted as a consultant to nephrology and transplantation pharmaceutical companies, has lectured extensively and is recognized as an expert in immunosuppression drug development. Rob has numerous articles published in leading medical journals, including the Lancet, Kidney International and the American Journal of Transplantation. He is a member of many professional societies related to nephrology, transplantation, and nursing, has served on many nephrology and transplantation committees and is the founder of RenalPro, a moderated forum for renal professionals. Rob has a PhD (Organizational Leadership) from Regent University, is a Registered Nurse in British Columbia, holds his certification in Nephrology, a M.Sc. in Medicine (Epidemiology) from the University of Alberta, and a member of Sigma Theta Tau (Honor Society of Nursing).
M. Maxwell Donley

M.Maxwell Donley最近领导了Senseonics的人力资源、信息技术和设施。在此之前,Donley先生曾担任Sucampo Pharmaceuticals全球人力资源,信息技术和公司战略执行Vice President,直到2018年2月被收购。在此之前,唐利先生曾担任MedImmune的人力资源和公司事务执行Vice President,在那里他提供业务整合领导,并提供专业工具、计划和服务,以优化MedImmune在全球的人力资本投资。Donley先生在密歇根大学(University of Michigan)获得文学学士学位,并在乔治梅森大学(George Mason University)获得工商管理硕士学位。

M. Maxwell Donley has served as Executive Vice President, Operations and Strategy of the Company since July 2019. He most recently led Human Resources, Information Technology and Facilities at Senseonics from December 2018 to May 2019. Prior to that, Max was Executive Vice President of Global Human Resources, Information Technology, and Corporate Strategy at Sucampo Pharmaceuticals until its acquisition in February 2018 to U.K. pharmaceutical company Mallinckrodt PLC. Max also served as Executive Vice President, Human Resources and Corporate Affairs at MedImmune from July 2000 to May 2013 where he provided business-integrated leadership and delivered professional tools, programs and services to optimize MedImmune's human capital investments worldwide. Max received his B.A. from University of Michigan and his M.B.A from George Mason University.
M.Maxwell Donley最近领导了Senseonics的人力资源、信息技术和设施。在此之前,Donley先生曾担任Sucampo Pharmaceuticals全球人力资源,信息技术和公司战略执行Vice President,直到2018年2月被收购。在此之前,唐利先生曾担任MedImmune的人力资源和公司事务执行Vice President,在那里他提供业务整合领导,并提供专业工具、计划和服务,以优化MedImmune在全球的人力资本投资。Donley先生在密歇根大学(University of Michigan)获得文学学士学位,并在乔治梅森大学(George Mason University)获得工商管理硕士学位。
M. Maxwell Donley has served as Executive Vice President, Operations and Strategy of the Company since July 2019. He most recently led Human Resources, Information Technology and Facilities at Senseonics from December 2018 to May 2019. Prior to that, Max was Executive Vice President of Global Human Resources, Information Technology, and Corporate Strategy at Sucampo Pharmaceuticals until its acquisition in February 2018 to U.K. pharmaceutical company Mallinckrodt PLC. Max also served as Executive Vice President, Human Resources and Corporate Affairs at MedImmune from July 2000 to May 2013 where he provided business-integrated leadership and delivered professional tools, programs and services to optimize MedImmune's human capital investments worldwide. Max received his B.A. from University of Michigan and his M.B.A from George Mason University.
Max Colao

Max Colao拥有近30年的商业运营经验。在领导Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc.的美国商业运营和推出多种罕见疾病疗法之前,Colao先生在安进公司工作了近20年,在各种市场营销与销售团队中担任越来越重要的职务,最引人注目的是领导美国的产品发布和商业化,以及Enbrel®;,Prolia®;和Nplate®;风湿病,皮肤病和自身免疫性疾病领域的定价策略。最近,他曾担任Abeona Therapeutics公司的首席商务官兼业务开发主管,在那里他曾领导公司的自体细胞疗法和基于AAV9的罕见疾病基因疗法的商业化和业务开发工作。Colao先生在加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California,Los Angeles)获得应用数学与经济学学士学位,并在南加州大学(University of Southern California)获得工商管理硕士学位。

Max Colao has served as Chief Commercial Officer of the Company since February 2020. Mr. Colao has nearly 30 years of commercial operations experience. Mr. Colao led U.S. commercial operations at Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc. from May 2014 to May 2018 and launched multiple rare disease therapies. Prior to joining Alexion, Max spent nearly 20 years at Amgen Inc., holding roles of increasing responsibility on various marketing and sales teams, most notably leading U.S. launches, commercialization, and pricing strategy in the areas of rheumatology, dermatology, and autoimmune disorders for Enbrel, Prolia, and Nplate. Most recently, he was Chief Commercial Officer and Head of Business Development at Abeona Therapeutics Inc. from June 2018 to February 2020 where he led the company's commercialization and business development efforts of autologous cell therapy and AAV9-based gene therapy for rare diseases. Max received his B.S. in applied mathematics and economics from the University of California, Los Angeles and his MBA from the University of Southern California.
Max Colao拥有近30年的商业运营经验。在领导Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc.的美国商业运营和推出多种罕见疾病疗法之前,Colao先生在安进公司工作了近20年,在各种市场营销与销售团队中担任越来越重要的职务,最引人注目的是领导美国的产品发布和商业化,以及Enbrel®;,Prolia®;和Nplate®;风湿病,皮肤病和自身免疫性疾病领域的定价策略。最近,他曾担任Abeona Therapeutics公司的首席商务官兼业务开发主管,在那里他曾领导公司的自体细胞疗法和基于AAV9的罕见疾病基因疗法的商业化和业务开发工作。Colao先生在加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California,Los Angeles)获得应用数学与经济学学士学位,并在南加州大学(University of Southern California)获得工商管理硕士学位。
Max Colao has served as Chief Commercial Officer of the Company since February 2020. Mr. Colao has nearly 30 years of commercial operations experience. Mr. Colao led U.S. commercial operations at Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc. from May 2014 to May 2018 and launched multiple rare disease therapies. Prior to joining Alexion, Max spent nearly 20 years at Amgen Inc., holding roles of increasing responsibility on various marketing and sales teams, most notably leading U.S. launches, commercialization, and pricing strategy in the areas of rheumatology, dermatology, and autoimmune disorders for Enbrel, Prolia, and Nplate. Most recently, he was Chief Commercial Officer and Head of Business Development at Abeona Therapeutics Inc. from June 2018 to February 2020 where he led the company's commercialization and business development efforts of autologous cell therapy and AAV9-based gene therapy for rare diseases. Max received his B.S. in applied mathematics and economics from the University of California, Los Angeles and his MBA from the University of Southern California.
Joe Miller

Joe Miller自2020年4月27日起担任公司首席财务官。Joe负责开发和领导公司的财务运营。Joe拥有超过20年的高级管理人员经验,负责管理财务运营,并支持健康科学,生物技术和制药行业的公司的企业增长。最近,他于2018年7月至2020年4月担任Cerecor,Inc.的首席财务官,首席执行官兼公司秘书。在Cerecor,他完成了对Ichorion Therapeutics,Inc.的收购,收购了Aevi Genomic Medicine,并通过在2019年与Aytu BioScience, Inc.的交易中领导剥离公司的商业投资组合,促进了组织的战略转型。Joe目前担任Cerecor’;董事会董事。在加入Cerecor之前,乔于2015年10月至2018年4月担任Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.的财务副总裁,负责建立财务组织,以有效支持公司的快速增长,最终导致Mallinckrodt在2018年初以12亿美元的价格与英国制药巨头马林克罗制药有限公司合并。在Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.之前,他在QIAGEN,Eppendorf和KPMG LLP担任多个进步的财务和管理职位。乔在维拉诺瓦大学获得会计学学士学位,是一名注册会计师。

Joe Miller has served as Chief Financial Officer of the Company since April 27 2020. Joe is responsible for developing and leading the Company’s financial operations. Joe has over two decades of experience as a senior executive managing financial operations and supporting enterprise growth in companies across the health sciences, biotech and pharmaceutical sectors. Most recently, he served as Chief Financial Officer, Principal Executive Officer, and Corporate Secretary at Cerecor, Inc from July 2018 to April 2020. At Cerecor, he completed the acquisition of Ichorion Therapeutics, Inc., the purchase of Aevi Genomic Medicine, and facilitated a strategic transformation of the organization by leading the divestiture of the company’s commercial portfolio in a transaction with Aytu BioScience, Inc. in 2019. Joe currently serves as a director on Cerecor’s board. Prior to Cerecor, Joe was the Vice President of Finance at Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. from October 2015 to April 2018 where he was responsible for building out the finance organization to effectively support the company’s rapid growth, ultimately leading to the $1.2B merger with Mallinckrodt in early 2018 to U.K. pharmaceutical giant Mallinckrodt PLC. Prior to Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. he served in various progressive finance and management roles at QIAGEN, Eppendorf and KPMG LLP. Joe received his B.S. in accounting from Villanova University and is a Certified Public Accountant.
Joe Miller自2020年4月27日起担任公司首席财务官。Joe负责开发和领导公司的财务运营。Joe拥有超过20年的高级管理人员经验,负责管理财务运营,并支持健康科学,生物技术和制药行业的公司的企业增长。最近,他于2018年7月至2020年4月担任Cerecor,Inc.的首席财务官,首席执行官兼公司秘书。在Cerecor,他完成了对Ichorion Therapeutics,Inc.的收购,收购了Aevi Genomic Medicine,并通过在2019年与Aytu BioScience, Inc.的交易中领导剥离公司的商业投资组合,促进了组织的战略转型。Joe目前担任Cerecor’;董事会董事。在加入Cerecor之前,乔于2015年10月至2018年4月担任Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.的财务副总裁,负责建立财务组织,以有效支持公司的快速增长,最终导致Mallinckrodt在2018年初以12亿美元的价格与英国制药巨头马林克罗制药有限公司合并。在Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.之前,他在QIAGEN,Eppendorf和KPMG LLP担任多个进步的财务和管理职位。乔在维拉诺瓦大学获得会计学学士学位,是一名注册会计师。
Joe Miller has served as Chief Financial Officer of the Company since April 27 2020. Joe is responsible for developing and leading the Company’s financial operations. Joe has over two decades of experience as a senior executive managing financial operations and supporting enterprise growth in companies across the health sciences, biotech and pharmaceutical sectors. Most recently, he served as Chief Financial Officer, Principal Executive Officer, and Corporate Secretary at Cerecor, Inc from July 2018 to April 2020. At Cerecor, he completed the acquisition of Ichorion Therapeutics, Inc., the purchase of Aevi Genomic Medicine, and facilitated a strategic transformation of the organization by leading the divestiture of the company’s commercial portfolio in a transaction with Aytu BioScience, Inc. in 2019. Joe currently serves as a director on Cerecor’s board. Prior to Cerecor, Joe was the Vice President of Finance at Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. from October 2015 to April 2018 where he was responsible for building out the finance organization to effectively support the company’s rapid growth, ultimately leading to the $1.2B merger with Mallinckrodt in early 2018 to U.K. pharmaceutical giant Mallinckrodt PLC. Prior to Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. he served in various progressive finance and management roles at QIAGEN, Eppendorf and KPMG LLP. Joe received his B.S. in accounting from Villanova University and is a Certified Public Accountant.
Stephen P. Robertson

Stephen P.Robertson自2020年11月起担任公司执行副总裁,总法律顾问,公司秘书兼首席合规官。Stephen负责所有与Aurinia,其研究药物Voclosporin和潜在的未来许可内和许可外协议有关的法律事务。Stephen在Borden Ladner Gervais LLP律师事务所担任多个职位,拥有超过13年的公司法经验,自2014年以来一直是该公司的合伙人。他专注于为客户提供证券、公司和商业法律事务方面的建议,包括在并购和商业协议方面的丰富经验。Stephen自2014年起担任Aurinia的公司秘书。Stephen在Manitoba大学获得法学学士学位。他获得了许多奖项和荣誉,包括被列入2020年加拿大证券法最佳律师。

Stephen P. Robertson has served as Executive Vice President, General Counsel, Corporate Secretary and Chief Compliance Officer of the Company since November 2020. Stephen is responsible for all legal matters related to Aurinia, its investigational drug voclosporin and potential future in-licensing and out-licensing agreements.He has focused on advising clients on securities, corporate and commercial legal matters, including extensive experience with mergers and acquisitions and commercial agreements. Stephen has served as Corporate Secretary for Aurinia since 2014. Stephen received his Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Manitoba. He has been recognized with a number of awards and honors, including being included in the 2020 edition of the Best Lawyers in Canada for Securities Law.
Stephen P.Robertson自2020年11月起担任公司执行副总裁,总法律顾问,公司秘书兼首席合规官。Stephen负责所有与Aurinia,其研究药物Voclosporin和潜在的未来许可内和许可外协议有关的法律事务。Stephen在Borden Ladner Gervais LLP律师事务所担任多个职位,拥有超过13年的公司法经验,自2014年以来一直是该公司的合伙人。他专注于为客户提供证券、公司和商业法律事务方面的建议,包括在并购和商业协议方面的丰富经验。Stephen自2014年起担任Aurinia的公司秘书。Stephen在Manitoba大学获得法学学士学位。他获得了许多奖项和荣誉,包括被列入2020年加拿大证券法最佳律师。
Stephen P. Robertson has served as Executive Vice President, General Counsel, Corporate Secretary and Chief Compliance Officer of the Company since November 2020. Stephen is responsible for all legal matters related to Aurinia, its investigational drug voclosporin and potential future in-licensing and out-licensing agreements.He has focused on advising clients on securities, corporate and commercial legal matters, including extensive experience with mergers and acquisitions and commercial agreements. Stephen has served as Corporate Secretary for Aurinia since 2014. Stephen received his Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Manitoba. He has been recognized with a number of awards and honors, including being included in the 2020 edition of the Best Lawyers in Canada for Securities Law.
Peter Greenleaf

Peter Greenleaf于2016年1月成为Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.的主席,自2014年3月起担任Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.的首席执行官和董事会成员。2013年6月至2014年2月,Greenleaf先生担任再生医学公司Historogenics Corporation的首席执行官和董事会成员。2006年至2013年,Greenleaf先生受雇于Medimune LLC,这是阿斯利康的全球生物制剂部门,他最近在阿斯利康担任总裁。2010年1月至2013年6月,Greenleaf先生还担任Medimune Ventures的总裁。Medimune Ventures是阿斯利康集团旗下的一家全资风险投资基金。在担任Medimune总裁之前,Greenleaf先生是Medimune的首席商务官,负责其商业、公司发展和战略职能。Greenleaf先生是Mast Therapeutics,Inc.董事会成员。Mast Therapeutics,Inc.是一家临床阶段的生物制药公司,开发镰状细胞病、心力衰竭和中风的新疗法;Mirna Therapeutics是一家临床阶段的生物制药公司,开发广泛的基于microRNA的肿瘤疗法。Greenleaf先生目前担任Maryland Venture Fund Authority,其愿景是监督InvestMaryland的实施。InvestMaryland是一家公私合作企业,旨在刺激该州的风险资本投资。Greenleaf先生还是美国PhRMA和生物技术产业组织(BIO)药物研究和制造商董事会成员,他在新兴公司部门和健康部门的董事会任职。Greenleaf先生在西康涅狄格州立大学获得学士学位,在圣约瑟夫大学获得工商管理硕士学位。

Peter Greenleaf currently serves as the President, Chief Executive Officer and member of the Board since April 29 2019. From March 2018 to April 2019 Peter served as the Chief Executive Officer and a member of the board of directors of Cerecor, Inc. NASDAQ: CERC. From March 2014 to February 2018 Peter served as CEO and Chairman of Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCMP), a company that focused on the development and commercialization of medicines to meet major unmet medical needs of patients worldwide until it was sold in February 2018 to U.K. pharmaceutical giant Mallinckrodt plc. Peter also served as Chief Executive Officer and a member of the board of directors of Histogenics Corporation, a regenerative medicine company. From 2006 to 2013 Peter was employed by Medlmmune LLC, the global biologics arm of AstraZeneca, where he most recently served as President. From January 2010 to June 2013 Peter also served as President of Medlmmune Ventures, a wholly owned venture capital fund within the AstraZeneca Group. Prior to serving as President of Medlmmune, Peter was Senior Vice President, Commercial Operations of MedImmune, responsible for its commercial, corporate development and strategy functions. Peter has also held senior commercial roles at Centocor, Inc. (now Janssen Biotechnology, Johnson & Johnson) from 1998 to 2006 and at Boehringer Mannheim (now Roche Holdings) from 1996 to 1998. He is also currently a member of the board of directors of Antares Pharmaceuticals, Inc (NASDAQ: ATRS), and is the Chairman of the board of directors of BioDelivery Sciences International, Inc (NASDAQ: BDSI). Peter earned an MBA degree from St. Joseph’s University and a BS degree from Western Connecticut State University.
Peter Greenleaf于2016年1月成为Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.的主席,自2014年3月起担任Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.的首席执行官和董事会成员。2013年6月至2014年2月,Greenleaf先生担任再生医学公司Historogenics Corporation的首席执行官和董事会成员。2006年至2013年,Greenleaf先生受雇于Medimune LLC,这是阿斯利康的全球生物制剂部门,他最近在阿斯利康担任总裁。2010年1月至2013年6月,Greenleaf先生还担任Medimune Ventures的总裁。Medimune Ventures是阿斯利康集团旗下的一家全资风险投资基金。在担任Medimune总裁之前,Greenleaf先生是Medimune的首席商务官,负责其商业、公司发展和战略职能。Greenleaf先生是Mast Therapeutics,Inc.董事会成员。Mast Therapeutics,Inc.是一家临床阶段的生物制药公司,开发镰状细胞病、心力衰竭和中风的新疗法;Mirna Therapeutics是一家临床阶段的生物制药公司,开发广泛的基于microRNA的肿瘤疗法。Greenleaf先生目前担任Maryland Venture Fund Authority,其愿景是监督InvestMaryland的实施。InvestMaryland是一家公私合作企业,旨在刺激该州的风险资本投资。Greenleaf先生还是美国PhRMA和生物技术产业组织(BIO)药物研究和制造商董事会成员,他在新兴公司部门和健康部门的董事会任职。Greenleaf先生在西康涅狄格州立大学获得学士学位,在圣约瑟夫大学获得工商管理硕士学位。
Peter Greenleaf currently serves as the President, Chief Executive Officer and member of the Board since April 29 2019. From March 2018 to April 2019 Peter served as the Chief Executive Officer and a member of the board of directors of Cerecor, Inc. NASDAQ: CERC. From March 2014 to February 2018 Peter served as CEO and Chairman of Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCMP), a company that focused on the development and commercialization of medicines to meet major unmet medical needs of patients worldwide until it was sold in February 2018 to U.K. pharmaceutical giant Mallinckrodt plc. Peter also served as Chief Executive Officer and a member of the board of directors of Histogenics Corporation, a regenerative medicine company. From 2006 to 2013 Peter was employed by Medlmmune LLC, the global biologics arm of AstraZeneca, where he most recently served as President. From January 2010 to June 2013 Peter also served as President of Medlmmune Ventures, a wholly owned venture capital fund within the AstraZeneca Group. Prior to serving as President of Medlmmune, Peter was Senior Vice President, Commercial Operations of MedImmune, responsible for its commercial, corporate development and strategy functions. Peter has also held senior commercial roles at Centocor, Inc. (now Janssen Biotechnology, Johnson & Johnson) from 1998 to 2006 and at Boehringer Mannheim (now Roche Holdings) from 1996 to 1998. He is also currently a member of the board of directors of Antares Pharmaceuticals, Inc (NASDAQ: ATRS), and is the Chairman of the board of directors of BioDelivery Sciences International, Inc (NASDAQ: BDSI). Peter earned an MBA degree from St. Joseph’s University and a BS degree from Western Connecticut State University.