姓名 | 性别 | 职位 | 年龄 | 薪酬 | 持股数(万股) | 截止日期 |
杨利娟 | 女 | Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director | 46 | 未披露 | 未持股 | 2024-07-01 |
张思乐 | 男 | Independent Director | 55 | 未披露 | 未持股 | 2024-07-01 |
连宗正 | 男 | Independent Director | 63 | 未披露 | 未持股 | 2024-07-01 |
舒萍 | 女 | Director and Chairman | 53 | 未披露 | 4109.62 | 2024-07-01 |
李瑜 | 男 | Director | 38 | 未披露 | 未持股 | 2024-07-01 |
刘丽 | 女 | Director | 37 | 未披露 | 未持股 | 2024-07-01 |
陈康威 | 男 | Independent Director | 51 | 未披露 | 未持股 | 2024-07-01 |
中英对照 |  中文 |  英文- 杨利娟
Yang Lijuan, joined Haidilao in 1995 as a waitress and served as a manager at Sichuan Haidilao Catering Co., Ltd ("Sichuan Haidilao") from June 1997 to March 2001. In April 2001, she was appointed as a director of Sichuan Haidilao, and was re-designated as a non-executive director of Sichuan Haidilao in 2018. Ms. Yang has served in a number of roles at Haidilao International Holding Ltd. (HKEX: 6862), including as a director from July 2015 to January 2018, as the Chief Operating Officer from January 2018 to March 2022, as the deputy Chief Executive Officer from August 2021 to March 2022, as an executive director from August 2021 to June 2024, and as the Chief Executive Officer from March 2022 to June 2024. During her tenure as CEO of Haidilao International, she successfully led it through the pandemic cycle, turning losses into profits in 2022 and achieving a net profit of 4.495 billion yuan in 2023. Ms. Yang completed the PRC Entities CEO and Finance CEO Program hosted by the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in 2016. - 杨利娟女士,于二零一八年一月十七日获委任为海底捞国际控股有限公司首席营运官。彼主要负责监督集团的营运。彼亦于二零一五年七月至二零一八年一月任公司董事。杨女士于一九九七年六月至二零零一年三月任四川海底捞经理。自二零零一年四月起,彼任四川海底捞董事,并于二零一八年一月调任非执行董事。于2021年8月24日获委任为副首席执行官。于2022年3月1日获委任为海底捞国际控股有限公司首席执行官。于2024年07月01日获委任为特海国际控股有限公司执行董事、首席执行官。
- Yang Lijuan, joined Haidilao in 1995 as a waitress and served as a manager at Sichuan Haidilao Catering Co., Ltd ("Sichuan Haidilao") from June 1997 to March 2001. In April 2001, she was appointed as a director of Sichuan Haidilao, and was re-designated as a non-executive director of Sichuan Haidilao in 2018. Ms. Yang has served in a number of roles at Haidilao International Holding Ltd. (HKEX: 6862), including as a director from July 2015 to January 2018, as the Chief Operating Officer from January 2018 to March 2022, as the deputy Chief Executive Officer from August 2021 to March 2022, as an executive director from August 2021 to June 2024, and as the Chief Executive Officer from March 2022 to June 2024. During her tenure as CEO of Haidilao International, she successfully led it through the pandemic cycle, turning losses into profits in 2022 and achieving a net profit of 4.495 billion yuan in 2023. Ms. Yang completed the PRC Entities CEO and Finance CEO Program hosted by the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in 2016.
- 张思乐
Teo Ser Luck,has served as Super Hi International Holding Ltd. independent director and, for purposes of the Hong Kong Listing Rules, an independent non-executive director of Super Hi International Holding Ltd. company, since December 2022. Mr. Teo was a member of the Parliament of Singapore from May 2006 to June 2020. From May 2006 to July 2017, Mr. Teo served in the Singapore government cabinet and held various senior positions, including (i) the minister of state for the Ministry of Trade and Industry, (ii) the senior parliamentary secretary for the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports, (iii) the minister of state for the Ministry of Manpower, and (iv) the mayor of the North East District of Singapore. Mr. Teo also held and has been holding a directorship at various companies, including United Engineers Limited (SGX: U04 and delisted in February 2020) from September 2017 to February 2020, MindChamps Preschool Limited (SGX: CNE) from December 2020 to September 2022, Serial System Ltd. (SGX: S69) since July 2017, BRC Asia Limited (SGX: BEC) since November 2017, China Aviation Oil (Singapore) Corporation Ltd. (SGX: G92) since April 2019, Straco Corporation Limited (SGX: S85) since July 2019, and Yanlord Land Group Limited (SGX: Z25) since February 2020. Mr. Teo obtained his bachelor's degree in accountancy from National University of Singapore in June 1992. He was certified as a fellow and advisor by the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (the "ISCA") in May 2009 and has been elected as the president of the ISCA since April 2022. - BRC亚洲有限公司(董事长);新晔集团(董事长);星雅集团(独立董事);仁恒置地集团有限公司(独立董事);特海国际控股有限公司(独立董事);F4U私人有限公司(董事);2YSL私人有限公司(董事);新加坡特许会计师协会主席;联合工程有限公司(首席独立董事);迈杰思幼儿园有限公司(首席独立董事);曾任新加坡金融科技协会顾问;曾任贸工部政务部长;曾任社会发展、青年及体育部和交通部高级政务次长;曾任人力部政务部长;曾任东北区市长;曾任新加坡国会议员;新加坡南洋理工大学,会计学位。
- Teo Ser Luck,has served as Super Hi International Holding Ltd. independent director and, for purposes of the Hong Kong Listing Rules, an independent non-executive director of Super Hi International Holding Ltd. company, since December 2022. Mr. Teo was a member of the Parliament of Singapore from May 2006 to June 2020. From May 2006 to July 2017, Mr. Teo served in the Singapore government cabinet and held various senior positions, including (i) the minister of state for the Ministry of Trade and Industry, (ii) the senior parliamentary secretary for the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports, (iii) the minister of state for the Ministry of Manpower, and (iv) the mayor of the North East District of Singapore. Mr. Teo also held and has been holding a directorship at various companies, including United Engineers Limited (SGX: U04 and delisted in February 2020) from September 2017 to February 2020, MindChamps Preschool Limited (SGX: CNE) from December 2020 to September 2022, Serial System Ltd. (SGX: S69) since July 2017, BRC Asia Limited (SGX: BEC) since November 2017, China Aviation Oil (Singapore) Corporation Ltd. (SGX: G92) since April 2019, Straco Corporation Limited (SGX: S85) since July 2019, and Yanlord Land Group Limited (SGX: Z25) since February 2020. Mr. Teo obtained his bachelor's degree in accountancy from National University of Singapore in June 1992. He was certified as a fellow and advisor by the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (the "ISCA") in May 2009 and has been elected as the president of the ISCA since April 2022.
- 连宗正
连宗正先生,为优派能源发展集团有限公司独立非执行董事。彼目前于新加坡注册成立的私人投资控股公司Wah Hin& Company担任董事,并为基石金融控股有限公司(一间于香港联合交易所有限公司创业板上市之公司)(股份代号:8112)之独立非执行董事及新加坡海事及港务管理局之董事。连先生于银行业拥有逾27年经验,专责企业融资及资本管理。连先生毕业于Universityo f New Brunswick,拥有工商管理学士学位。连先生起初在Merrill Lynch & Company企业融资部任职分析员,正式投身金融业。多年来,连先生在Swiss Bank Corporation及Bankers Trust & Company等多间著名金融机构任职高级职位。于二零零零年,彼成为Wah Hin & Company之董事,负责管理集团金融资产。于二零零七年至二零零八年,彼亦于ABN AMRO Bank出任金融机构及公共事务部之董事总经理。于加入集团前,彼于二零零七年至二零一零年五月期间担任香港联合交易所有限公司上市公司丰德丽控股有限公司之非执行主席。彼于二零一三年六月六日起,获委任为非凡领越有限公司(原名称:非凡中国控股有限公司)之独立非执行董事及薪酬委员会及审核委员会各自之成员。连宗正先生获委任为中滔环保集团有限公司独立非执行董事、审核委员会及提名委员会成员,自二零一四年四月十五日起生效。于2022年12月12日获委任为特海国际控股有限公司独立非执行董事。
LIEN Jown Jing Vincent,has served as Super Hi International Holding Ltd. independent director and, for purposes of the Hong Kong Listing Rules, an independent non-executive director of Super Hi International Holding Ltd. company, since December 2022. Mr. Lien has over 20 years of experience in the banking industry, specializing in corporate finance and capital management in mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore and other regions in Southeast Asia. He has been holding and Super Hi International Holding Ltd. ed to hold a directorship at various companies, such as the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore from February 2012 to February 2024. Mr. Lien obtained his bachelor's degree in business administration from the University of New Brunswick in Canada in 1986 and was awarded an honorary doctoral degree in business administration from HyupSung University in South Korea in February 2018. Mr. Lien has also been a council member at the Lien Ying Chow Legacy Fellowship since August 2017. - 连宗正先生,为优派能源发展集团有限公司独立非执行董事。彼目前于新加坡注册成立的私人投资控股公司Wah Hin& Company担任董事,并为基石金融控股有限公司(一间于香港联合交易所有限公司创业板上市之公司)(股份代号:8112)之独立非执行董事及新加坡海事及港务管理局之董事。连先生于银行业拥有逾27年经验,专责企业融资及资本管理。连先生毕业于Universityo f New Brunswick,拥有工商管理学士学位。连先生起初在Merrill Lynch & Company企业融资部任职分析员,正式投身金融业。多年来,连先生在Swiss Bank Corporation及Bankers Trust & Company等多间著名金融机构任职高级职位。于二零零零年,彼成为Wah Hin & Company之董事,负责管理集团金融资产。于二零零七年至二零零八年,彼亦于ABN AMRO Bank出任金融机构及公共事务部之董事总经理。于加入集团前,彼于二零零七年至二零一零年五月期间担任香港联合交易所有限公司上市公司丰德丽控股有限公司之非执行主席。彼于二零一三年六月六日起,获委任为非凡领越有限公司(原名称:非凡中国控股有限公司)之独立非执行董事及薪酬委员会及审核委员会各自之成员。连宗正先生获委任为中滔环保集团有限公司独立非执行董事、审核委员会及提名委员会成员,自二零一四年四月十五日起生效。于2022年12月12日获委任为特海国际控股有限公司独立非执行董事。
- LIEN Jown Jing Vincent,has served as Super Hi International Holding Ltd. independent director and, for purposes of the Hong Kong Listing Rules, an independent non-executive director of Super Hi International Holding Ltd. company, since December 2022. Mr. Lien has over 20 years of experience in the banking industry, specializing in corporate finance and capital management in mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore and other regions in Southeast Asia. He has been holding and Super Hi International Holding Ltd. ed to hold a directorship at various companies, such as the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore from February 2012 to February 2024. Mr. Lien obtained his bachelor's degree in business administration from the University of New Brunswick in Canada in 1986 and was awarded an honorary doctoral degree in business administration from HyupSung University in South Korea in February 2018. Mr. Lien has also been a council member at the Lien Ying Chow Legacy Fellowship since August 2017.
- 舒萍
Ping Shu,has served as Super Hi International Holding Ltd. director and chairman of the board of directors since December 13, 2023. Ms. Shu has extensive experience in restaurant management and strategic planning. Ms. Shu served as a director of Haidilao International Holding Ltd. ("HDL Group") (HKEx: 6862) from July 2015 to August 2021. Ms. Shu completed the Senior Management PRC Enterprise Master of Business Administration program and Financial Master of Business Administration Program jointly hosted by Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business and other institutes in November 2015 and completed the executive master of business administration program jointly hosted by Shanghai Jiaotong University and Singapore Nanyang Technological University in July 2016. Ms. Shu obtained the doctorate of advanced professional studies in applied finance (specialization in wealth management) from the Université de Genève in September 2022. - 舒萍女士,由2014年11月至今担任四川海底捞餐饮股份有限公司的董事。2015年7月起担任新派国际投资有限公司(拟更名为海底捞国际控股有限公司)的非执行董事。舒女士于2015年11月完成长江商学院、伦敦商学院、哥伦比亚商学院、日本一桥大学国际企业战略研究学院、欧洲管理和技术学院及瑞士国际管理发展学院联合开设的高级管理人员中国企业工商管理硕士课程以及金融工商管理硕士课程,并于2016年7月完成上海交通大学与新加坡南洋理工大学合作举办的高级工商硕士管理课程。舒萍女士(‘舒女士’)已获委任为颐海国际控股有限公司执行董事,由二零一八年三月二十一日起生效。于二零一八年五月二日调任海底捞国际控股有限公司非执行董事。于2023年12月13日获委任为特海国际控股有限公司董事会主席及非执行董事。
- Ping Shu,has served as Super Hi International Holding Ltd. director and chairman of the board of directors since December 13, 2023. Ms. Shu has extensive experience in restaurant management and strategic planning. Ms. Shu served as a director of Haidilao International Holding Ltd. ("HDL Group") (HKEx: 6862) from July 2015 to August 2021. Ms. Shu completed the Senior Management PRC Enterprise Master of Business Administration program and Financial Master of Business Administration Program jointly hosted by Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business and other institutes in November 2015 and completed the executive master of business administration program jointly hosted by Shanghai Jiaotong University and Singapore Nanyang Technological University in July 2016. Ms. Shu obtained the doctorate of advanced professional studies in applied finance (specialization in wealth management) from the Université de Genève in September 2022.
- 李瑜
Yu Li,has served as Super Hi International Holding Ltd. director and chief executive officer since March 2023. Mr. Li joined HDL Group in November 2007 where he served over 15 years. He was responsible for the operation and management of the Haidilao restaurants in Japan, Korea, Thailand and Taiwan from May 2021 to March 2022 and served as the chief operating officer (mainland China) of HDL Group from March 2022 to October 2022. Mr. Li also served as an executive director of HDL Group from August 2021 to September 2022. Mr. Li completed the MBA program held by National Chengchi University in Taiwan in October 2017. - 李瑜先生,自2021年6月起任职海底捞国际控股有限公司大区经理,主要负责台湾及部分海外餐厅的整体运营。李瑜先生亦担任公司若干附属公司的董事及高级行政人员。李瑜先生自2007年11月加入集团以来历任多个职位,先后担任多个地区的门店经理。李瑜先生于2017年10月完成台湾政治大学举办的工商管理硕士课程。于2021年8月24日获委任为海底捞国际控股有限公司执行董事。2022年3月1日担任海底捞国际控股有限公司中国大陆地区首席运营官。于2023年3月30日获委任为特海国际控股有限公司执行董事及首席执行官。
- Yu Li,has served as Super Hi International Holding Ltd. director and chief executive officer since March 2023. Mr. Li joined HDL Group in November 2007 where he served over 15 years. He was responsible for the operation and management of the Haidilao restaurants in Japan, Korea, Thailand and Taiwan from May 2021 to March 2022 and served as the chief operating officer (mainland China) of HDL Group from March 2022 to October 2022. Mr. Li also served as an executive director of HDL Group from August 2021 to September 2022. Mr. Li completed the MBA program held by National Chengchi University in Taiwan in October 2017.
- 刘丽
刘丽女士,于2022年5月6日获委任为特海国际控股有限公司执行董事,并于2022年3月25日获委任为特海国际控股有限公司产品总监。主要负责统筹产品开发,参与集团的管理及战略发展。刘丽女士在餐饮服务领域有近10年的经验。刘丽女士于2012年10月加入集团附属公司Singapore Dining,并先后于(i)2016年4月年晋升为大堂经理,(ii)于2017年9月晋升为门店经理,及(iii)于2022年3月晋升为海外产品总监。彼亦曾担任海底捞国际在中国大陆的小吃及甜点开发项目主管,并于2021年11月至2022年3月负责进行产品开发。刘丽女士于2008年9月获得美国西海岸大学工商管理学士学位。
Li Liu,has served as Super Hi International Holding Ltd. director since May 2022. She also served as the product manager of Super Hi International Holding Ltd. from March 2022 to August 2023. Ms. Liu has over 10 years of experience in the catering service sector. Ms. Liu joined HDL Group in October 2012 and held various positions since then, including a restaurant front office manager, a restaurant manager, and the overseas product director. She also served as the project head of HDL Group's snack and dessert development programs in mainland China and was in charge of product development of HDL Group from November 2021 to March 2022. Ms. Liu obtained her bachelor's degree in business administration from West Coast University in the United States in September 2008. - 刘丽女士,于2022年5月6日获委任为特海国际控股有限公司执行董事,并于2022年3月25日获委任为特海国际控股有限公司产品总监。主要负责统筹产品开发,参与集团的管理及战略发展。刘丽女士在餐饮服务领域有近10年的经验。刘丽女士于2012年10月加入集团附属公司Singapore Dining,并先后于(i)2016年4月年晋升为大堂经理,(ii)于2017年9月晋升为门店经理,及(iii)于2022年3月晋升为海外产品总监。彼亦曾担任海底捞国际在中国大陆的小吃及甜点开发项目主管,并于2021年11月至2022年3月负责进行产品开发。刘丽女士于2008年9月获得美国西海岸大学工商管理学士学位。
- Li Liu,has served as Super Hi International Holding Ltd. director since May 2022. She also served as the product manager of Super Hi International Holding Ltd. from March 2022 to August 2023. Ms. Liu has over 10 years of experience in the catering service sector. Ms. Liu joined HDL Group in October 2012 and held various positions since then, including a restaurant front office manager, a restaurant manager, and the overseas product director. She also served as the project head of HDL Group's snack and dessert development programs in mainland China and was in charge of product development of HDL Group from November 2021 to March 2022. Ms. Liu obtained her bachelor's degree in business administration from West Coast University in the United States in September 2008.
- 陈康威
Anthony Kang Uei Tan,has served as Super Hi International Holding Ltd. independent director and, for purposes of the Hong Kong Listing Rules, an independent non-executive director of Super Hi International Holding Ltd. company, since December 2022. Mr. Tan has extensive experience across the public sector and various industries in the private sector with strong professional skills in strategy, budgeting, media, property, government relations and nonprofit management. He devoted himself to the Singapore public sector for more than 15 years and worked in various organizations in Singapore, including Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Manpower, Ministry of Health and Mr. Lee Kuan Yew's Office. Mr. Tan also held and has been holding senior positions in both public and private companies, including serving as the deputy chief executive officer at Singapore Press Holdings Limited (SGX: T39) from July 2016 to December 2021 and as the chief executive officer at MOH Holdings Pte. Ltd. since December 2021. Mr. Tan obtained his bachelor's degree in social science from National University of Singapore in July 1997 and his master's degree in management from Stanford University in May 2005. He also received the Advanced Management Program certificate from Harvard Business School in July 2021. - 陈康威先生,于2022年12月12日获委任为特海国际控股有限公司独立非执行董事。主要负责监督董事会并向其提供独立判断。陈康威先生在公共部门及私营部门各行业经验丰富,在战略、预算、媒体、物业、政府关系和非营利性管理领域具有很强的专业技能。陈康威先生于1997年7月获得新加坡国立大学社会科学学士学位,并于2005年5月获得美国斯坦福大学管理学硕士学位。2021年7月,陈康威先生还获得了美国哈佛商学院高级管理课程证书。
- Anthony Kang Uei Tan,has served as Super Hi International Holding Ltd. independent director and, for purposes of the Hong Kong Listing Rules, an independent non-executive director of Super Hi International Holding Ltd. company, since December 2022. Mr. Tan has extensive experience across the public sector and various industries in the private sector with strong professional skills in strategy, budgeting, media, property, government relations and nonprofit management. He devoted himself to the Singapore public sector for more than 15 years and worked in various organizations in Singapore, including Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Manpower, Ministry of Health and Mr. Lee Kuan Yew's Office. Mr. Tan also held and has been holding senior positions in both public and private companies, including serving as the deputy chief executive officer at Singapore Press Holdings Limited (SGX: T39) from July 2016 to December 2021 and as the chief executive officer at MOH Holdings Pte. Ltd. since December 2021. Mr. Tan obtained his bachelor's degree in social science from National University of Singapore in July 1997 and his master's degree in management from Stanford University in May 2005. He also received the Advanced Management Program certificate from Harvard Business School in July 2021.
中英对照 |  中文 |  英文- 杨利娟
Yang Lijuan, joined Haidilao in 1995 as a waitress and served as a manager at Sichuan Haidilao Catering Co., Ltd ("Sichuan Haidilao") from June 1997 to March 2001. In April 2001, she was appointed as a director of Sichuan Haidilao, and was re-designated as a non-executive director of Sichuan Haidilao in 2018. Ms. Yang has served in a number of roles at Haidilao International Holding Ltd. (HKEX: 6862), including as a director from July 2015 to January 2018, as the Chief Operating Officer from January 2018 to March 2022, as the deputy Chief Executive Officer from August 2021 to March 2022, as an executive director from August 2021 to June 2024, and as the Chief Executive Officer from March 2022 to June 2024. During her tenure as CEO of Haidilao International, she successfully led it through the pandemic cycle, turning losses into profits in 2022 and achieving a net profit of 4.495 billion yuan in 2023. Ms. Yang completed the PRC Entities CEO and Finance CEO Program hosted by the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in 2016.- 杨利娟女士,于二零一八年一月十七日获委任为海底捞国际控股有限公司首席营运官。彼主要负责监督集团的营运。彼亦于二零一五年七月至二零一八年一月任公司董事。杨女士于一九九七年六月至二零零一年三月任四川海底捞经理。自二零零一年四月起,彼任四川海底捞董事,并于二零一八年一月调任非执行董事。于2021年8月24日获委任为副首席执行官。于2022年3月1日获委任为海底捞国际控股有限公司首席执行官。于2024年07月01日获委任为特海国际控股有限公司执行董事、首席执行官。
- Yang Lijuan, joined Haidilao in 1995 as a waitress and served as a manager at Sichuan Haidilao Catering Co., Ltd ("Sichuan Haidilao") from June 1997 to March 2001. In April 2001, she was appointed as a director of Sichuan Haidilao, and was re-designated as a non-executive director of Sichuan Haidilao in 2018. Ms. Yang has served in a number of roles at Haidilao International Holding Ltd. (HKEX: 6862), including as a director from July 2015 to January 2018, as the Chief Operating Officer from January 2018 to March 2022, as the deputy Chief Executive Officer from August 2021 to March 2022, as an executive director from August 2021 to June 2024, and as the Chief Executive Officer from March 2022 to June 2024. During her tenure as CEO of Haidilao International, she successfully led it through the pandemic cycle, turning losses into profits in 2022 and achieving a net profit of 4.495 billion yuan in 2023. Ms. Yang completed the PRC Entities CEO and Finance CEO Program hosted by the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in 2016.
- 瞿骢
Cong Qu,has served as Super Hi International Holding Ltd. financial director since August 2023 and Super Hi International Holding Ltd. board secretary since December 2022. Ms. Qu served as the secretary of the board of directors of HDL Group from March 2018 to May 2019 and as a joint company secretary of HDL Group from May 2018 to May 2019. From October 2019 to August 2023, she held various positions at HDL Group, including a restaurant manager, a coach and a regional manager. Previously, Ms. Qu was an executive director at the investment banking department of China International Capital Corporation Limited ("CICC"), where she worked for nearly ten years from July 2008 to February 2018. During her tenure at CICC, she advised dozens of companies of various sizes on their capital markets and business transactions, including initial public offerings on the HKEx, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Shanghai Stock Exchange, placings, private equity financings, and mergers and acquisitions. She has extensive experience with international capital markets, corporate governance, communication with regulatory authorities and investor relations. Ms. Qu obtained her bachelor's degree in mathematics and applied mathematics and master's degree in probability and statistics from Peking University in July 2005 and July 2008, respectively.- 瞿骢女士,于二零一八年三月一日获委任为海底捞国际控股有限公司董事会秘书,并于二零一八年五月二日获委任为公司的公司秘书。瞿女士于二零一八年六月七日调任为公司的联席公司秘书。彼主要负责董事会相关事宜、信息披露以及集团的投资者关系管理。在二零一八年三月加入集团之前,瞿女士于二零零八年七月至二零一八年二月在中国国际金融股份有限公司投资银行部任职近十年,担任执行董事等不同职务。彼就资本市场及商业交易(包括在联交所、深圳证券交易所及上海证券交易所进行首次公开发售、配售、私募股权融资及并购)为数十个不同规模的公司提供意见。彼在国际资本市场、企业管治、与监管机构沟通及投资者关系方面拥有丰富经验。瞿女士于二零一六年一月获中国证券业协会颁发保荐代表人资格,并于二零一三年十一月至二零一八年一月获证监会发牌从事证券及期货条例项下的第1类(证券交易)及第6类(就机构融资提供意见)受规管活动。瞿女士分别于二零零五年七月及二零零八年八月获得北京大学概率统计专业学士学位及硕士学位。于2022年12月30日获委任为特海国际控股有限公司联席公司秘书。于2023年8月29日获委任为特海国际控股有限公司财务总监。
- Cong Qu,has served as Super Hi International Holding Ltd. financial director since August 2023 and Super Hi International Holding Ltd. board secretary since December 2022. Ms. Qu served as the secretary of the board of directors of HDL Group from March 2018 to May 2019 and as a joint company secretary of HDL Group from May 2018 to May 2019. From October 2019 to August 2023, she held various positions at HDL Group, including a restaurant manager, a coach and a regional manager. Previously, Ms. Qu was an executive director at the investment banking department of China International Capital Corporation Limited ("CICC"), where she worked for nearly ten years from July 2008 to February 2018. During her tenure at CICC, she advised dozens of companies of various sizes on their capital markets and business transactions, including initial public offerings on the HKEx, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Shanghai Stock Exchange, placings, private equity financings, and mergers and acquisitions. She has extensive experience with international capital markets, corporate governance, communication with regulatory authorities and investor relations. Ms. Qu obtained her bachelor's degree in mathematics and applied mathematics and master's degree in probability and statistics from Peking University in July 2005 and July 2008, respectively.
- 周绍华
Shaohua Zhou,has served as Super Hi International Holding Ltd. vice president since March 2022. Mr. Zhou has over 12 years of experience in the catering service sector. Mr. Zhou joined HDL Group in October 2010 and was relocated to Singapore as a project manager in January 2013 to assist with the local business development in Singapore after HDL Group decided to expand the overseas business and start its first overseas restaurant in Singapore. Since then he had held various positions, including a restaurant duty manager, a branch manager and a regional manager. Mr. Zhou obtained his college degree in tourism management from Dalian Polytechnic University in China in July 2010.- 周绍华先生,于2022年3月25日获委任为特海国际控股有限公司副总裁兼大区经理。负责统筹品牌管理,参与集团的管理及战略发展。周绍华先生具有近12年餐饮服务领域经验。周绍华先生于2010年10月加入海底捞国际集团,于2013年1月海底捞国际集团决定扩大海外业务并在新加坡创立其首个海外餐厅时,调往新加坡担任项目经理协助当地的业务开拓。彼先后于(i)2014年7月晋升为餐厅值班经理,(ii)2016年4月晋升为门店经理,及(iii)2022年3月晋升为大区经理。周绍华先生于2010年7月从中国大连工业大学旅游管理专业毕业。
- Shaohua Zhou,has served as Super Hi International Holding Ltd. vice president since March 2022. Mr. Zhou has over 12 years of experience in the catering service sector. Mr. Zhou joined HDL Group in October 2010 and was relocated to Singapore as a project manager in January 2013 to assist with the local business development in Singapore after HDL Group decided to expand the overseas business and start its first overseas restaurant in Singapore. Since then he had held various positions, including a restaurant duty manager, a branch manager and a regional manager. Mr. Zhou obtained his college degree in tourism management from Dalian Polytechnic University in China in July 2010.
- 江文海
Wenhai Jiang,has served as Super Hi International Holding Ltd. product manager since August 2023. Mr. Jiang joined HDL Group in 2013 and held various positions since then, including a restaurant duty manager, a restaurant front office manager and a restaurant manager, gaining abundant frontline work experience in overseas catering management. He was appointed as the deputy overseas product manager in April 2022 and later as the deputy product director in October 2022. Mr. Jiang graduated from Hainan Vocational University in July 2008 with a landscape design major.- 江文海先生,于2013年加入特海国际控股有限公司,后于2016年至2018年期间先后升任值班经理、大堂经理及门店经理,具有丰富的海外一线餐饮管理工作经验。彼于2022年4月晋升为海外产品副总监,并于2022年10月晋升为产品副总监。江先生于2008年7月毕业于中国海南职业技术学院,主修园林设计。于2023年8月29日获委任为特海国际控股有限公司产品总监。
- Wenhai Jiang,has served as Super Hi International Holding Ltd. product manager since August 2023. Mr. Jiang joined HDL Group in 2013 and held various positions since then, including a restaurant duty manager, a restaurant front office manager and a restaurant manager, gaining abundant frontline work experience in overseas catering management. He was appointed as the deputy overseas product manager in April 2022 and later as the deputy product director in October 2022. Mr. Jiang graduated from Hainan Vocational University in July 2008 with a landscape design major.